Does God Love His Enemies?

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • A Moment of Truth With Dr. Bob. Dr Robert Morey of Faith Defenders answers the question, Did Jesus love His enemies?

Комментарии • 90

  • @this_is_NOT_a_test
    @this_is_NOT_a_test 3 года назад +10

    I've discovered this guy in 2021. He is refreshing.

    • @truthdefenders-
      @truthdefenders- Год назад +1

      One of the best teachers, lecturer, debater of our time, shame he's no longer with us.

    • @stevendrumm4957
      @stevendrumm4957 Год назад

      There are two Greek words for "Love" in the New Testament, agape and phileo. Agape means to walk in the Commandments of God. Phileo means to have an affection towards someone. Jesus doesn't tell us to phileo our enemies, but to agape them.

    • @JohnJohn-sw7nh
      @JohnJohn-sw7nh Год назад

      He is a loveless cruel mean arrogant jerk.

    • @aletheia8054
      @aletheia8054 Год назад

      @@stevendrumm4957. Amen. Agape Kai phileo

  • @TheHumbuckerboy
    @TheHumbuckerboy 11 лет назад +3

    Jesus told Peter "get thee behind me Satan " but Christ still loved Peter and restored Peter even after Peter had denied The LORD .

    • @Carvegirl
      @Carvegirl 5 лет назад

      @godson28 soon such a great concise answer! Good one.

    • @220SouthlandAve
      @220SouthlandAve 3 года назад

      @@bethy-lou3307 then Jesus is a failure. He Himself said, "Many will enter through the gate that leads to destruction." If He even prophesied ONE person being in Hell at the end (such as in the Matthew 25 parable) then He has failed in His mission to "save all those that the Father had given Him."

  • @davidtreadway6576
    @davidtreadway6576 5 лет назад +5

    Does God Love everyone? The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth. Psalm 11:5

    • @goodone5590
      @goodone5590 3 года назад +1

      Doesn't the Master teach to love your enemies and pray for them! So that means he Also must do the same

    • @goodone5590
      @goodone5590 3 года назад +1

      If he cant that would of been hypocrytical.

    • @mikefanofmovies
      @mikefanofmovies 2 года назад

      YAHUSHUA, He whom you call Jesus, has spoken to THIS generation. More of His Word at the bottom of this comment:
      "2/14/11 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
      The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
      For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
      Thus says The Lord: Blood pours down, a waterfall of tears flow down! Rivers of tears and blood run through the desolate places, yet no growth is seen; nothing at all sprouts forth from the hard and cracked ground! The sound of the charadrion is not heard, neither do the doves come out of their hiding places in the morning; no song is heard... Blood pours down to cover the mountains! Blood pours down and tears cover the land! Blood and tears fall upon the parched ground, yet only dust and ashes remain.
      The earth cries out in the morning, and the people mourn at eventide; from dusk until the dawn, the bodies are piled up in heaps! The whole world loves violence, and over all this murder barely a tear is shed; the voice of weeping and lamentation is rarely heard above a whisper. And the cries of every unborn child is muffled by the sound of their mother’s dying womb, as her heart becomes stone... The light of her eyes darkening; her life, forfeit.
      Mankind is covered in wickedness! The breadth of the whole earth is filled with every kind of evil! Every tree is dry and bears bitter fruit! For the heart of man is black, the void within him deep, a widening chasm filled with deep darkness, sheer cliffs on every side!... Every branch withers, no more will leaves appear, dry and dead branches ready to be broken off and cast into the fire.
      The heart of The Lord your God is very heavy. The heart of The Lord is enraged, and is very heavy. The sorrow of The Lord is deep and infinite.
      My people, let it be known to you, I take no pleasure at all in what I must do, in what must be done - NO PLEASURE AT ALL! Says The Lord. As My hand draws back, blood pours down! As I strike the earth in My anger, My tears run down! As famine spreads forth across the land, My heart is rent inside Me over the hardness of men’s hearts! As My face fills with the heat of My fury, My eyes are set ablaze with fire over that which I see! My tears run down, My blood pours down. As My own servants turn from Me and run, as My own beloved, whom I have called sons and daughters, turn and fight against Me, as My own body betrays Me, My blood pours down, My tears run down.
      As the nations come together and bind
      My hands and My feet, My tears run down...
      As they bruise Me and spit in My eyes,
      While mocking Me, My tears run down...
      As they pierce My side, My blood and
      Tears run down together!...
      As My own people drive in the nails still,
      I am risen up from My place with My arms
      Spread apart, waiting to receive them!
      My blood runs down, the tears run down...
      Hard generation! Sleeping children! Even My own fall asleep, unable to watch with Me for one hour; their hearts hardened, unwilling to weep with Me in this last hour. Do you not understand My sorrows, little flock? They refuse to be healed! Therefore, I must destroy them!...
      My blood runs down, and they refuse it! My tears fall like rain upon the nations, yet they will not lift their head, nor do they hold out their tongue to drink it! Where have all My children gone?! They choose death! THEY CHOOSE DEATH! And at the last day, they shall surely receive it; they shall taste of it to the fullest! Therefore do My tears run down; therefore do the rivers run like death through the waste places.
      Beloved, they heap up death, only to throw themselves upon the heap! Lo, they have made their covenant with death, and with the grave they are in agreement! They burn candles and make sacrifices to other gods; yea, they bow down to them! Behold, they shall be slaughtered and burned together!... The whole field is diseased, every leaf is blighted and withers, every stalk is rotten even to the roots! It must be purged and burned with fire! Therefore do My tears run down; therefore does My sorrow continue on, forever. The wound is incurable! Therefore My love will weep, and My heart will wail, forever.
      Have you not read My words, little flock? Are your ears yet dull in hearing? Yet My words shall not return void. For the beasts of the earth languish, and the creatures of flight fail to soar, for they know what is coming. Lo, I have nourished and brought forth young children to weep in your places, for you were unwilling.
      And still the mighty stand proud, and the feeble follow close behind in their example, refusing to bow down, covering themselves in pretense while wearing many disguises, until the face they behold in the mirror has become unrecognizable to them.
      My blood runs down, yet I do not know them!
      My tears run down, yet My own people remain
      Unclean, hiding always in their deceitful houses!...
      From the least to the greatest, I tell you,
      They have surely hated Me!...
      Therefore I am come down to take My spoil,
      To purge and to slaughter! Blood and fire!
      Rivers of blood and pillars of smoke!...
      This world is condemned,
      And The Father has declared its end!...
      I AM COME DOWN![1]...
      Says The Lord."
      "3/15/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
      The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
      For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
      Thus says The Lord: Little flock, how is it you say within yourselves the way of The Lord is not equal? How is it you feel as though upon this servant I have poured a bounty, yet you remain desolate?
      Beloved ones, by whose power were you called forth into existence? To whose joy were you created? By whose favor were you born into this world by way of water and blood? Therefore, again I say to you, who you choose is everything. For I do not withhold My love, yet on account of your flesh you do always step backward.
      Consider the woman who touched My robes and was made whole. Tell Me, how is it that she received and you do not? Was she so highly favored, that she should receive and you should not? Beloved, come close and walk beside Me, for you are indeed highly favored! And all who grab hold of Me shall surely share in all that is Mine.
      Little flock, My ways are equal, yet the ways of My people remain unequal. For I have indeed poured out My life for you, yet each one must decide how deeply they drink. Do you not see? My blessings are equal for all who receive of My blessings, and My grace sufficient for all who trust in Me.
      Thus among those who come to Me, one is not favored over another, nor is My love bestowed by measure. Rather it is you who receive by measure, resisting on account of all these deceitful weights, trust which remains altogether lacking.
      Therefore do not confuse My love with the calling I have purposed for another, nor compare the gifts of the Spirit with The Blessing. For those I have called to serve shall indeed be given gifts, each in accordance with their faith and My will. And those who receive the greater gifts shall also bear the greater burden, even in the heat of the Day.
      Therefore, again I say to you,
      The Lord’s ways are indeed equal,
      Yet the ways of men remain unequal...
      Yet those who grab hold of their First Love
      With all their heart, with all their mind,
      With all their strength and with all their soul,
      Shall never go hungry, nor shall they thirst anymore;
      Nor shall the heat of the noonday
      Sun do them any harm...
      Yea, even all their tears shall be wiped away
      In the house of The Lord."

  • @ejedwards-el6172
    @ejedwards-el6172 6 лет назад +2

    I so enjoy watching you! Saw you on the video Does God Love Everybody; you rock because you keep it real!

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 5 лет назад +3

    The Bible is written to his church. Most of his comments were referring within the church. We have enemies in the church, we should anyway as he said he came to bring a sword of division.

  • @PrenticeBoy1688
    @PrenticeBoy1688 3 года назад +2

    100% on board with Reformed Theology ... but there's something about the late Dr. Robert Morey that makes my spidey sense tingle.

    • @truthdefenders-
      @truthdefenders- Год назад

      Get your "spidey senses" in check and figure it out.

  • @sketchbook1
    @sketchbook1 11 лет назад +2

    Also, you know it says that even believers were at once "enemies of God" before being saved.
    He loved us anyway.
    The real, and continuing question, is whether or not the Calvinistic understanding of the U or the L well portrays the loving character of God, as when it's logically carried out to its conclusion, one is forced to abandon it, or hold that God doesn't love most people.
    Jesus told us to love even those who persecute us. Aren't those our enemies? They certainly aren't friends!

    • @alexanderessientimothy4015
      @alexanderessientimothy4015 6 лет назад

      This is not what Jesus preached. This man is not familiar with JOHN 3:16.It states that God loved the world so much so that he sent His Son Jesus to die for that world and save all who will believe. Thank God The translators did not say that God LIKED the world. Jesus commands us to love our enemies. We perceive them as enemies because we don't LIKE them and perhaps think they don't like us either.
      And regarding Jesus thrashing of the traders at the Temple, it wasn't an act of hatred. And just as I don't expect a child who's being chastised for wrong doing to feel sweet towards whoever is administering the chastisement, one should not expect those Jesus whipped to have sweet sentiments towards him. The Bible is unequivocal about God's love for ALL.

    • @teemu1381
      @teemu1381 5 лет назад

      John 3:16 in context, is the world of believers! If God loves everyone, he would save everyone. Read Romans 9. God makes vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor.

    • @goodone5590
      @goodone5590 3 года назад

      @@alexanderessientimothy4015 huhhh man you dont
      Get it

    • @goodone5590
      @goodone5590 3 года назад

      @@alexanderessientimothy4015 how can i love my enemies when God himself refuses to do the same, i don't remember the bible stating God forging the angels that fell, those are his enemies, how come he cant forgive his...

    @CBALLEN 11 лет назад +2

    How do you know Jesus wasn't just talking about God forgiving His elect that crucified Him?Jesus told many Pharisees that were arguing with Him that they were going to Hell because they weren't His sheep.

    • @donaldcoleman514
      @donaldcoleman514 2 года назад

      all of his elect never when against him the elders and priests did john 8/31 then christ said to those jews who believe in him so according to the bible all his elect wasn't against him

    • @CBALLEN
      @CBALLEN 2 года назад

      @@donaldcoleman514 many of His elect hated Him at first ,Paul is just one example.

  • @tlcoucke
    @tlcoucke 4 года назад +3

    Kind of shows how little truth people are taught in their churches. The Potter has made some for His own purposes. Loving evil men who hate Christ has made us tolerant of all kinds of evil. Ghandi, not God, promoted the love the sinner, hate the sin nonsense. Loving those who hate God brings God's wrath on us. 2 Chronicles 19:2b, 2 John 1:7, 9-11 and others.

  • @Seraphim-Hamilton
    @Seraphim-Hamilton 7 лет назад +2

    This is laughable, because when Jesus gives the commandment to "love your enemies" He justifies the commandment by saying that the Father sends rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous. That is, we are to bless both friends and enemies precisely because God does so. Note that the Psalter instructs us to hate the unrighteous just as God does. So what gives? The solution is that love and hate are not incompatible if they are meant in different ways. God loves all and hates some. The covenantal love had by God for His people belongs only to the Church, but the unrighteous are incorporated into that unique, hesed-love by being baptized and incorporated into the church.

    • @teemu1381
      @teemu1381 7 лет назад

      What's laughable? When we are to "love our enemies", it is just a command to love thy neighbor as thyself as per the commandments we are to keep...It does not mean to love the God-hating reprobate or those who inflict evil upon you. Use some sense and logic.

    • @r.crompton2286
      @r.crompton2286 7 лет назад

      The demonstration of acts of human kindness (love) is designed of God to pour coals of fire upon the heads of those who blaspheme God and persecute the Church and in doing so, overcome their evil by doing good as per Romans 12:19-21. It is God who will avenge the unjust -- not us. In His forbearance, God continues to bless the ungodly as He does us e.g. the outpouring of rain, the adequate level of oxygen that we breathe, sufficient food sources etc. cf. Psalm 37:35-38.

    • @Seraphim-Hamilton
      @Seraphim-Hamilton 5 лет назад

      @@teemu1381 It doesn't mean to love those who inflict evil upon you? So..."do good to those who hate you" doesn't count?

    • @Seraphim-Hamilton
      @Seraphim-Hamilton 5 лет назад

      @@r.crompton2286 Romans 2 tells us that the kindness of God is meant to lead to repentance, but for the one who refuses that kindness, their rebellion is intensified. The preferred end is repentance, but God is glorified either way.

    • @teemu1381
      @teemu1381 5 лет назад

      Kabane- The bible teaches to love thy neighbor as thyself. Which means you won't make conflict and will mostly live in peace with that neighbor. It does not mean you are to love the God hating reprobate. Do you have an issue that God also hates? There are many scriptures in the bible that demonstrate that God loves people,but he also hates people and God has every right to, it's his creation.

  • @77ronboy
    @77ronboy 5 лет назад

    In my city, there are 2 seminaries. I have 2 acquaintances (professors) at one of them. We were discussing the age-old question of "does God love everybody?" On my side of the discussion, I pointed out that in the Bible God not only ordered His people to destroy (kill) men, women, children - even their animals, but God Himself destroyed (killed) men, women, children, even animals by His own hand (i.e. The Flood; Sodom). I asked these two professors of a reformed theological seminary "did God love those He had killed by His command, or those He Himself killed?" Both professors directed me to read a book By Dr. Packer on the subject of God's Love. Neither one wanted to give me their answer to that question. So, I pose the question to those reading this composition. Did God love those He killed?

  • @Jamaal4Jesus
    @Jamaal4Jesus 5 лет назад +1

    This guy seems arrogant and he apparently is selective with scriptures to try to support his false god. Deceived Calvinists maligning the character of God.
    God clearly loves the world. Why would a god who doesn't love everyone die for everyone?
    "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son... John 3:16 (and no, this doesn't just apply to believers. Numerous other scriptures supports that God really loves the world)
    John 1:28 "The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the WORLD."
    1 Tim. 4:10 "For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of ALL MEN, specially of those that believe."
    "The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world" (1 John 4:14; compare John 12:47).
    "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved" (John 3:17; and compare Matt. 18:11; Luke 9:56; 19:10; 1 Tim. 1:15).
    "We know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world" (John 4:42).
    "That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world" (John 1:9).
    "For the bread of God is He which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world" (John 6:33).
    "...if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever: and the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world" (John 6:51).
    "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared unto all men..." (Tit. 2:11a).
    "Behold the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1:29).
    "Who gave Himself a ransom for all" (1 Tim. 2:6 and compare verse 1-"all men," and verse 4-"all men").
    "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that He by the grace of God should taste death for every man" (Hebrews 2:9).
    If God hates all people then why would He desire all people to be saved?
    1st Timothy 2:3-4: “This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
    2nd Peter 3:9: “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.”
    "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all" (Isaiah 53:6).
    "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation" (2 Cor. 5:19)
    "And He is the propitiation for our sinsand not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world" (1 John 2:2).

  • @sidewinderrecords
    @sidewinderrecords 9 лет назад +1

    Honest question- what is the difference between this and Westboro Baptist theology?

    • @BoylenInk
      @BoylenInk 6 лет назад

      Not much.

    • @jonesesquire1744
      @jonesesquire1744 5 лет назад

      The fact Dr. Morey is biblical and Westboro is not. What a shallow question.

    • @Fundemons
      @Fundemons 3 года назад

      @@jonesesquire1744 nah, it’s not. But screw any message that promotes hate. Ps. This preacher is dead

    • @PrenticeBoy1688
      @PrenticeBoy1688 Год назад

      Not a great fan of the late Dr. Morey, but he did give an answer based on the Scriptures. As Reformed Christians, we hold that all men are sinners and justly deserve damnation, but that God, in his mercy, pardons some sinners for His own purposes and not because of any merit in ourselves. We're also called to speak the truth in love, and I don't think anybody could accuse the Westboro mob of doing that. The Westboro Baptist Church never represented orthodox evangelical Christianity. Ever.
      I never found Dr. Morey's odd faces and decidedly precious delivery to be especially helpful.

  • @CM1959
    @CM1959 6 лет назад

    I think this man is speaking according to 2 Timothy 2:15 King James Version (KJV)15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

  • @aaronmonteiro7185
    @aaronmonteiro7185 6 лет назад +1

    Would the money changers in the temple say: "Jesus loves me."? If they were open to the Holy Spirit they would agree with Jesus Who declares "As many as I love I rebuke and chasten." Such a low view about the love of God is not a persuasion from God Who is love and love being patient He is patient against sinners who reject His love until He punished them fully by throwing them into the lake of fire.

  • @ComoLloraUnaEstrella
    @ComoLloraUnaEstrella 9 лет назад +5

    Your version of God is a hypocrite. He commands his children to love their enemies but does not do so himself.

    • @tonycross4448
      @tonycross4448 6 лет назад +2

      On the surface, it seem like a valid point. However, a closer look at scripture reveals the following:
      Luke_6:35 But love your enemies and be good to them. Lend without expecting to be paid back. Then you will get a great reward, and you will be the true children of God in heaven.
      He is good even to people who are unthankful and cruel.

    • @George__L
      @George__L 5 лет назад +1

      @ComoLloraUnaEstrella God's love for unrighteous is action, *NOT sentimental feelings.* God doesn't *like* people who willfully live in sins.
      You say: "He commands his children to love their enemies but does not do so himself."
      He means God doesn't love people with sentimental love...

    • @JonathanGrandt
      @JonathanGrandt 5 лет назад

      ComoLloraUnaEstrella this man is not a believer.

    • @JonathanGrandt
      @JonathanGrandt 5 лет назад

      Tony Cross and yet you miss the point. God provides because He loves. He wishes that His love would be shown. God takes no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked but wishes they would come to repentance. God loves all.

    • @George__L
      @George__L 5 лет назад

      @@JonathanGrandt _"God loves all."_
      *What that actually means in practice?* That all people are saved? Or God doesn't judge anyone? Or what? God just has good feelings towards all?

  • @sketchbook1
    @sketchbook1 11 лет назад +5

    Jesus commands us to love our enemies, as you point out.
    But the issue is not the difference between combat and non-combat situations, and you spend an awful lot of time discussing those things. The question didn't seem to be about "just war" or "when is it alright to fight?"...
    Yes, Jesus called his enemies "vipers" and had nasty words for them. But it was those same people-- indeed those who crucified him, about whom Jesus said, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do."

    • @jesseseaborn1674
      @jesseseaborn1674 6 лет назад


    • @truthsource
      @truthsource 4 года назад

      No, you are mistaken, and grasping for straws. Jesus told us exactly who He prayed for. He said He did NOT pray for the world, but rather for those whom the Father gave Him:
      John 17:9 I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom You have given me, for they are Yours.
      The Lord's prayer for the Father to "Forgive them, for they know not what they do" was answered by the Father in the conversion of the people in Acts:
      Acts 2:36-38 Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified."
      Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?" And Peter said to them, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

  • @NateDogtheSurfer
    @NateDogtheSurfer 6 лет назад +1

    Hmm, people complaining about racism and the bible are quite the biblical and moral scholars all of a sudden, aren't they? First of all, God's choosing of Israel is not about race (White, black, or Asian). Let's not forget that Abraham was chosen out of a pagan nation. Also, remember that God severely punished HIS OWN PEOPLE (i.e the JEWS). God basically judged every single race equally, so the ones complaining about God being a racist are greatly mistaken. How is it racist when every single person in the world is equally judged by God? Also, one must ask 1) Is Christianity made up of only white people? No. 2) Did the apostles/the disciples of Christ evangelize to people of different races? Yes. 3) Did God ever reject these people from the kingdom, or did God ever say "Sorry, your skin is too dark, you cannot enter" in the New Covenant? The answer is no. But, unfortunately, it seems the non-believers want to pretend that in their worldview they can have truth, justice, morals, meaning and beauty. Ha! They dream the impossible dream.

    • @donaldcoleman514
      @donaldcoleman514 2 года назад

      this has nothing to do with color God has his chosen ones it about nationality and about the kingdom revelation 21/12 and she had a great and high wall with twelve gates and twelve angels at the gates and names written on them which are the name of the children of Israel twelve gates and twelve tribes never mention no other nation so according to the bible only the children of Israel will inherit the kingdom god has his chosen ones blacks/Latinos/ and natives Indians that's according to the bible

  • @oliviergaly7341
    @oliviergaly7341 5 лет назад +1

    If God is love and he love his enemies why does he send people to hell

    • @teemu1381
      @teemu1381 5 лет назад

      exactly! Does God still love those that are already in hell?

    • @breatheeasily4013
      @breatheeasily4013 3 года назад

      @@teemu1381 Did you watch the video?

    • @tabletmaster291
      @tabletmaster291 2 года назад

      He's also Holy...

    • @donaldcoleman514
      @donaldcoleman514 2 года назад

      1 samuel 8 /29 and saul was still more afraid of david continually so saul became david enemy continually that what the most high is talking about your family can become your enemy saul and david were Israelites saul the tribe of Benjamin david from the tribe of judah the most high consider them family that's the enemy he's talking about family against family none Israelites is not our family

    • @donaldcoleman514
      @donaldcoleman514 2 года назад

      1 samuel 8/29 and saul was still more afraid of david continually so saul became david enemy continually saul is an Israelite so is david saul from the tribe of Benjamin david from the tribe of judah the most high consider them family your family can become your enemy that's what it mean when he say love your enemy Israelites going against Israelites not none Israelites going against Israelites

  • @BoylenInk
    @BoylenInk 6 лет назад +1

    What an inept response. He equates love with emotional feelings and that’s it. The question did not require him to take it that way but he did anyways (probably in order to avoid the question). He isn’t defending the faith, he’s defending his divisive, sectarian beliefs that the majority of Christians reject.

    • @errolcollins7647
      @errolcollins7647 4 года назад

      The Majority of Christians are pagans whom GOD(YAH) hates because they do not keep his laws and commandments.
      But they would rather worship the devil by celebrating those pagan feast of Christmas and Easter, etc.
      Christians teach and believe that the law has been done away with, they break the true Sabbath day of rest, they eat all kind of unclean meats. Yep Yah hates you aright but not all is lost, you still have time to repent and worship the creator and not the creation.

  • @donaldcoleman514
    @donaldcoleman514 2 года назад

    according to the bible when the most high was talking about love your enemy he was talking about Israelites going against Israelites your family can become your enemy he wasn't talking about none Israelites 1 samuel 8/29 and saul was still more afraid of david continually so saul became david enemy continually they were both Israelites and the most high consider them family saul from the tribe of Benjamin david from the tribe of judah Israelites

  • @williambrown4309
    @williambrown4309 6 лет назад +2

    Meh, I was pretty disappointed by this.
    First, he seems to ignore that the command to love our enemies is given in the context of imitating God when he loves his,
    Second, he assumes that rebuking somebody can never be done out of love.

  • @Mustachd
    @Mustachd 8 лет назад

    Sketchpad Warrior
    If you understand to T, the U and the L show God's love for man. Since every man in his natural state is completely unable to seek godly things, an unloving God would skip straight from the first chapters of Genesis to the final chapters of Revelation. Meaning, he would skip redemption and go straight to judgement.
    But, our God, foreseeing man's fall, set a plan in place to call, justify, sanctify, and glorify the portion of mankind which he favored. This group, the elect, sees their condition, and how they rightly deserve the fires of hell, and worships God ever the more. The unbelievers are used to manifest God's justice, while the saved are used to manifest God's love.
    I hope this explanation helps you and others understand better certain aspects reformed theology. I was in your same shoes until these mysteries were explained to me.

  • @richardhislop9928
    @richardhislop9928 4 года назад +1

    Does God love Satan?

  • @mikefanofmovies
    @mikefanofmovies 2 года назад

    YAHUSHUA, He whom you call Jesus, has spoken to THIS generation. More of His Word at the bottom of this comment:
    "2/14/11 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
    The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
    For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
    Thus says The Lord: Blood pours down, a waterfall of tears flow down! Rivers of tears and blood run through the desolate places, yet no growth is seen; nothing at all sprouts forth from the hard and cracked ground! The sound of the charadrion is not heard, neither do the doves come out of their hiding places in the morning; no song is heard... Blood pours down to cover the mountains! Blood pours down and tears cover the land! Blood and tears fall upon the parched ground, yet only dust and ashes remain.
    The earth cries out in the morning, and the people mourn at eventide; from dusk until the dawn, the bodies are piled up in heaps! The whole world loves violence, and over all this murder barely a tear is shed; the voice of weeping and lamentation is rarely heard above a whisper. And the cries of every unborn child is muffled by the sound of their mother’s dying womb, as her heart becomes stone... The light of her eyes darkening; her life, forfeit.
    Mankind is covered in wickedness! The breadth of the whole earth is filled with every kind of evil! Every tree is dry and bears bitter fruit! For the heart of man is black, the void within him deep, a widening chasm filled with deep darkness, sheer cliffs on every side!... Every branch withers, no more will leaves appear, dry and dead branches ready to be broken off and cast into the fire.
    The heart of The Lord your God is very heavy. The heart of The Lord is enraged, and is very heavy. The sorrow of The Lord is deep and infinite.
    My people, let it be known to you, I take no pleasure at all in what I must do, in what must be done - NO PLEASURE AT ALL! Says The Lord. As My hand draws back, blood pours down! As I strike the earth in My anger, My tears run down! As famine spreads forth across the land, My heart is rent inside Me over the hardness of men’s hearts! As My face fills with the heat of My fury, My eyes are set ablaze with fire over that which I see! My tears run down, My blood pours down. As My own servants turn from Me and run, as My own beloved, whom I have called sons and daughters, turn and fight against Me, as My own body betrays Me, My blood pours down, My tears run down.
    As the nations come together and bind
    My hands and My feet, My tears run down...
    As they bruise Me and spit in My eyes,
    While mocking Me, My tears run down...
    As they pierce My side, My blood and
    Tears run down together!...
    As My own people drive in the nails still,
    I am risen up from My place with My arms
    Spread apart, waiting to receive them!
    My blood runs down, the tears run down...
    Hard generation! Sleeping children! Even My own fall asleep, unable to watch with Me for one hour; their hearts hardened, unwilling to weep with Me in this last hour. Do you not understand My sorrows, little flock? They refuse to be healed! Therefore, I must destroy them!...
    My blood runs down, and they refuse it! My tears fall like rain upon the nations, yet they will not lift their head, nor do they hold out their tongue to drink it! Where have all My children gone?! They choose death! THEY CHOOSE DEATH! And at the last day, they shall surely receive it; they shall taste of it to the fullest! Therefore do My tears run down; therefore do the rivers run like death through the waste places.
    Beloved, they heap up death, only to throw themselves upon the heap! Lo, they have made their covenant with death, and with the grave they are in agreement! They burn candles and make sacrifices to other gods; yea, they bow down to them! Behold, they shall be slaughtered and burned together!... The whole field is diseased, every leaf is blighted and withers, every stalk is rotten even to the roots! It must be purged and burned with fire! Therefore do My tears run down; therefore does My sorrow continue on, forever. The wound is incurable! Therefore My love will weep, and My heart will wail, forever.
    Have you not read My words, little flock? Are your ears yet dull in hearing? Yet My words shall not return void. For the beasts of the earth languish, and the creatures of flight fail to soar, for they know what is coming. Lo, I have nourished and brought forth young children to weep in your places, for you were unwilling.
    And still the mighty stand proud, and the feeble follow close behind in their example, refusing to bow down, covering themselves in pretense while wearing many disguises, until the face they behold in the mirror has become unrecognizable to them.
    My blood runs down, yet I do not know them!
    My tears run down, yet My own people remain
    Unclean, hiding always in their deceitful houses!...
    From the least to the greatest, I tell you,
    They have surely hated Me!...
    Therefore I am come down to take My spoil,
    To purge and to slaughter! Blood and fire!
    Rivers of blood and pillars of smoke!...
    This world is condemned,
    And The Father has declared its end!...
    I AM COME DOWN![1]...
    Says The Lord."
    "3/15/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
    The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
    For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
    Thus says The Lord: Little flock, how is it you say within yourselves the way of The Lord is not equal? How is it you feel as though upon this servant I have poured a bounty, yet you remain desolate?
    Beloved ones, by whose power were you called forth into existence? To whose joy were you created? By whose favor were you born into this world by way of water and blood? Therefore, again I say to you, who you choose is everything. For I do not withhold My love, yet on account of your flesh you do always step backward.
    Consider the woman who touched My robes and was made whole. Tell Me, how is it that she received and you do not? Was she so highly favored, that she should receive and you should not? Beloved, come close and walk beside Me, for you are indeed highly favored! And all who grab hold of Me shall surely share in all that is Mine.
    Little flock, My ways are equal, yet the ways of My people remain unequal. For I have indeed poured out My life for you, yet each one must decide how deeply they drink. Do you not see? My blessings are equal for all who receive of My blessings, and My grace sufficient for all who trust in Me.
    Thus among those who come to Me, one is not favored over another, nor is My love bestowed by measure. Rather it is you who receive by measure, resisting on account of all these deceitful weights, trust which remains altogether lacking.
    Therefore do not confuse My love with the calling I have purposed for another, nor compare the gifts of the Spirit with The Blessing. For those I have called to serve shall indeed be given gifts, each in accordance with their faith and My will. And those who receive the greater gifts shall also bear the greater burden, even in the heat of the Day.
    Therefore, again I say to you,
    The Lord’s ways are indeed equal,
    Yet the ways of men remain unequal...
    Yet those who grab hold of their First Love
    With all their heart, with all their mind,
    With all their strength and with all their soul,
    Shall never go hungry, nor shall they thirst anymore;
    Nor shall the heat of the noonday
    Sun do them any harm...
    Yea, even all their tears shall be wiped away
    In the house of The Lord."

  • @thepanda1044
    @thepanda1044 Год назад +1

    No. That's why he created hell

  • @tarlustaylor6492
    @tarlustaylor6492 5 лет назад +1


  • @rredhawk
    @rredhawk 10 лет назад +2

    Unlike God, we don't know who will be saved and who will not. Therefore we HAVE to love everyone. Not just because it's commanded, but because it's practical to do so. Ecclesiastes 11:6

    • @rredhawk
      @rredhawk 10 лет назад

      I should add that we need to obey God whether or not we think it's practical to do so.

    • @goodone5590
      @goodone5590 3 года назад

      If he says love and pray for enemies, i guess God can prove he is not a hypocrite by also following his command and doin the same to his enemies.

    • @donaldcoleman514
      @donaldcoleman514 2 года назад

      Isaiah 45/17 but Israel shall be saved by the most high with an everlasting salvation ye shall not be ashamed or disgraced world without ends that's who's gonna be saved as it is written