Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Razor's Edge Scholarship Program

  • Опубликовано: 11 июл 2024
    The Razor's Edge experience is designed for student leaders who have already demonstrated a commitment to leading and to making an impact both in their schools and in their local communities. Razor's Edge participants receive an annual scholarship package valued at $10,000 and we're currently looking for Fall 2011 student leaders at Nova Southeastern University's (NSU).
    Liz: Welcome to Nova Southeast University located in sunny Fort
    Lauderdale, Florida. My name is Liz and I'm a theater,
    marine bio, and legal studies major.
    Mike: I'm Mike, majoring in criminal justice. Welcome to NSU. It will take
    just a minute to tell you able Razor's Edge, and our
    Ted: I'm Ted, majoring in business and legal studies. We're excited to
    share with you today a small glimpse of our NSU experience.
    Unknown Speaker: As leaders, you are all going to face challenges. The true
    test of character, however, is how you respond to those
    challenges. This is quote from Dr. Martin Luther King,
    truly a leader who faced many challenges. The quote simply
    reads, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he
    stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he
    stands at times of challenge and controversy."
    Liz: So what is Razor's Edge? Razor's Edge is a curricular and co-
    curricular basic leadership program, where students will
    earn 16 academic credits that will earn them a certificate
    in leadership by the time they complete their under
    graduate degree.
    Mike: There will be some required courses as well as several options for
    electives. The point is to take what you learn in the
    classroom and apply it to your leadership roles on campus.
    Unknown Speaker: Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech lasted only eight
    minutes. So here is your next challenge. On the card
    provided you've been asked to deliver an eight minute
    speech that will change the world. Write the first line.
    Mike: Oh yeah, we named the program after our mascot, Razor the Shark.
    Ted: Razor's Edge participants are expected to be leaders on campus from
    the very beginning. That's why we're looking for students
    that have the talents, skills, and character to be the
    movers and shakers on campus.
    Mike: That's right. Razor's Edge participants will live on campus all four
    years, we lead student organizations, and will take on
    other significant campus-wide leadership roles.
    Unknown Speaker: Everyone please take a seat and let's get this meeting
    started. In our meeting last week we discussed on how to
    build campus unity. In this week's meeting let's please
    continue the discussion on how to build shark pride.
    Ted: See? This is a lot about you, but mostly doing great thing with and
    for the people. Isn't that what great leaders do?
    Liz: So what do you think? Are you ready for a college experience you'll
    never forget? If so, don't wait and apply to our program
    online at our website. But don't wait too long, because
    only 50 students are allowed into the Razor's Edge program
    every year and admission is very competitive.
    Mike: You may not know a lot about NSU but we're one of the largest
    independent universities in the country. We have award
    winning residence halls and a brand new university center,
    with a fitness and art complex. We have national
    championship athletic teams and over 40 undergraduate
    Ted: Thinking about grad school after college? NSU offers grad programs in
    education, business, psychology, oceanography, as well as
    professional law schools, optometry, and dentistry just to
    name a few.
    Liz: Apply today. Make NSU part of your future.
    Ted: Good luck wrapping up with high school.
    Mike: Make NSU your home away from home and..
    All: Go Sharks!

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