In the darkest corners of Gotham City, a young boy named Bane was born into a life of despair. His mother, frail and broken, could barely provide for him, and his father was nothing more than a distant memory. Poverty and crime were their constant companions.
Finally someone understands just how beautiful this part of the soundtrack is… I’ve been looking for this everywhere but couldn’t find it
I totally agree with you. Thank you very much.
In the darkest corners of Gotham City, a young boy named Bane was born into a life of despair. His mother, frail and broken, could barely provide for him, and his father was nothing more than a distant memory. Poverty and crime were their constant companions.
"I never made it out."
For anyone looking, the score is called Not An Ordinary Citizen
هنا الروعه والعظمه
The knife, that waits years without forgetting..that slips quietly between the bones…that’s the knife that cuts..deepest…
Such a perfect line
Please make a extended version of it… it’s too good.
[ 🇧🇷 BRASIL ] 👍👍👍 GOSTEI. Obrigada por compartilhar. 👏👏👏👏😉 ( seis )
прямо как я