My Brother In Law's House In Cua Lo Vietnam

  • Опубликовано: 7 апр 2024
  • Hey everyone,
    I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to give you a quick update on why I've been away from Vietnam recently. Unfortunately, things took an unexpected turn for me health-wise, and I had to cut short my stay there.
    I contracted E. coli, followed by diverticulitis, which left me in pretty bad shape. As a result, I had to fly back to Canada for advanced medical treatment. It's been a challenging time, to say the least, but I'm grateful to be receiving the care I need.
    While I was in Vietnam, I wanted to share a glimpse of my brother-in-law's place with you all. Thuan's house is quite something - there are actually two houses adjacent to each other, giving it a cozy, familial vibe. And let me tell you, the surroundings are idyllic.
    There's a chicken coop bustling with activity, a pig roaming around, and the pièce de résistance - a mango tree! It's like a slice of countryside paradise right there. Not to mention, on the other side, there's a vibrant garden with various vegetables, including some small limes.
    Exploring this little corner of Vietnam was truly special, and it's moments like these that remind me of the beauty and simplicity of life, even in the face of adversity.
    I'll keep you all updated on my journey back to health, and I can't wait to get back to creating content for you all soon. Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding.

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