Come Follow Me’s Spectacular Fail

  • Опубликовано: 31 янв 2025

Комментарии • 730

  • @MorganStradling
    @MorganStradling 2 месяца назад +96

    As a gospel doctor and teacher going on my fifth year teaching, I feel vindicated! I just taught this exact subject and distinction a few weeks ago in Helaman. I specifically focused on the distinction and levels of evil and corruption, with secret combinations being the top most and a distinct level. I spent a lot of time discussing this and I even had one member of the class make the comment: “Are we just going to talk about evil the whole time? Are we going to talk about anything happy?” And I proceeded to reiterate the importance in modern times that we must understand and recognize secret combinations around us. I felt this comment epitomized most members of the church who just want to talk about the happy aspects of the gospel while putting their head in the sand about the evil that is around us.

    • @wvg4800
      @wvg4800 2 месяца назад +5

      I'm amazed that someone would actually be so brazen as to ask, "Are we just going to talk about evil the whole time?" How old was this person?

    • @jasonsellers56
      @jasonsellers56 2 месяца назад +1

      Yep. Members today don't want meat. They don't even want milk. They want sugar (both literally and figuratively). They want everything sweetened and for all the nutrients to be drained away. Literally speaking, sugar is one of the most addictive and destructive drugs in existence (though curiously it's not mentioned anywhere in the Word of Wisdom...but I digress), and figuratively speaking, that's all the general membership wants now: sweet, fluffy nonsense that can feed their addiction for another week, before they come back for more.

    • @OhanaJay
      @OhanaJay 2 месяца назад +11

      I’ve also heard it coined by Greg Matsen of CWIC Media as “Teddy Bear Jesus”…

    • @DMN96
      @DMN96 2 месяца назад

      I feel like you do. I also believe Ether 8 is the 2nd most import chapter behind 3Ne11. Ether 8 being a specific warning to us today whereas 3Ne11 is doctrine and a showing of the completion of the Old Testament prophecies. However, members don't want to hear it. Nor do I feel leaders are prioritizing it. What I hear in Church is look at temple building, look at the growth within the church. In short, "all is well in Zion. Zion prosperth!"

    • @patriciafinn5717
      @patriciafinn5717 2 месяца назад +1

      Did you feel comfortablè about the Priesthood ban..or the child abuse cover up..or the 250billion corporation.did the book of mormon teach against that???. Or the rock in the hat cover up..left me sickened.😢😢😢

  • @runmtn1
    @runmtn1 2 месяца назад +44

    I turned this on. My wife started listening and said, “who is this guy? He is my new hero.” 👍

    • @nkkarren
      @nkkarren Месяц назад

      Shucks, you shouldn't have turned it on.

    • @Hubs153
      @Hubs153 29 дней назад

      Not a hero. An instigator.

  • @americanmilitaryhistory3764
    @americanmilitaryhistory3764 2 месяца назад +18

    For a Latter-day Saint who is regularly studying the scriptures, Come Follow Me is basically useless. The problem is that most most LDS aren't studying the scriptures and do not know gospel principles well enough to teach extemporaneously on almost any of them. This is sadly true for our leadership as well. Back in the 1980s & 90s the people who were too cool for school and didn't pay attention.... have now bubbled up to church leadership positions. Today we are in serious trouble. We have thousands of Bishops & Stake Presidents who are graduates of the HS seminary program (total joke) and who hold themselves out to the Saints as honorably returned missionaries --yet more fraud.
    I have seen these same "Leaders" struggle to teach so much as a coherent Plan of Salvation, and it's obvious they don't know Matthew from Mosiah.
    This is why our lessons aren't taken from scripture anymore. Those designing the lessons are estranged from the scriptures.
    This is why our sacrament talks are based off of General Conference talks.
    NO MORE SACRAMENT TALKS ABOUT GEN CONF TALKS!! Enough of the regurgitating General Conference talks to us lowly, ignorant serfs.
    The blind are leading the blind. We are all in deep trouble. Hold to the iron rod. Study your scriptures. Don't waste time on anything else.
    Calling Captain Moroni!! Clean-up on asle Church Headquarters!!!

  • @davincimen4495
    @davincimen4495 2 месяца назад +52

    Years ago I made a comment quoting Ezra Taft Benson in gospel doctrine citing the secret combinations and had a lady across the room whisper loudly--intending all to hear--“John Bircher.” Her intent was to shame me. It didn’t work whatsoever and I knew what I had quoted was substantive and compelling for many who heard it. I just had to smile to myself and consider her programming and “all is well in Zion” paradigm that she didn’t want to have messed with.

    • @markrobinson891
      @markrobinson891 2 месяца назад +1

      It requires listeners of a certain age to recognize the “Bircher” reference. Yes, it is a slam and has no place in a SS class wherein we are striving to be of one heart and one mind. However, I am wary of those in my Ward who want to go on and on about Q-Anon. There are secret combinations, and there are deep, dangerous rabbit holes. God, please bless us to discern.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas Месяц назад +3

      There are those in the Church seeking Comfort and ACCEPTANCE _before_ Righteousness . These will _also_ vote AGAINST Individual Liberty , Security and PROSPERITY , in _favor_ of their personal selfishnesses , and will RAIL _against_ those who are willing to STAND against the _STORM_ .

    • @bannahhanover9673
      @bannahhanover9673 Месяц назад

      My Dad was a member of the John Birch society and several in our branch. They tried to warn the people of what is happening in our country today. God bless Ezra Taft Benson and Reed. Wake up 👀!

    • @SuziNils
      @SuziNils 19 дней назад

      @@chuckintexasnot only are there “those who”…. I find that to be the MAJORITY of the American saints. I am the only one ever in my ward to speak about social problems desperately needed the members to STAND UP and ADDRESS. This problem is PURE PRIDE. IMO, it’s not apathy. It is an immense level of prideful obsession with how they appear to others. Acting more about looking like the “sweet” couple or family, rather than the one who stands for truth in the face of adversity. Not so whatsoever for saints in other countries, sadly enough. My children have all served foreign missions and I’ve travelled extensively, several continents, everywhere in the world I’ve been around Latter Day Saints they are STRONG, courageous, and loud about fighting for liberty and just moral causes. It is literally embarrassing to me (at times) to be an American LDS member.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      @@SuziNils - Sadly , there's MERIT to your claims .
      We're living in a time of way TOO _MUCH_ comfort , as our efforts to "fit in" to society *_IMO_* have been much TOO *successful* .
      We now seem to seek insulation from ANYONE who is a REAL _threat_ to *The Restoration* , which _ITSELF_ is a _genuine_
      "Hand of God"
      Movement .
      As LONG as we're more interested in being COMFORTABLE and ACCEPTED than in standing UP for the founding Principles of LIBERTY and the Sovereign INDIVIDUAL - at the very HEART of the entire CONCEPT of "Moral Agency" - we'll CONTINUE to be forced to deal with this .
      HOWEVER - and _this_ is *_KEY_* -
      This is NOT *accidental* .
      What -
      Father didn't _expect_ this at THIS stage of the development of the Church on Earth _HE_ *sent* His SON to establish _just_ before He again sent His Son to _finally_ REVOVER *_HIS_* ??
      No , He *KNEW* ,
      and you and I and OTHERS were _sent_ at this timne as WELL , to raise this near-final TRUE voice of warning to those around us .
      The Restoration is ALL that it CLAIMS to be , The Church *IS* true , and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* , and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR prparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .
      Remember The Christ was SENT - _NOT_ to bring PEACE , but (rather) a SWORD .
      Be READY to pick YOURS up , when the _time_ is *finally* upon us .

  • @payaj2815
    @payaj2815 2 месяца назад +31

    The best way I can describe how I feel in regards to the church and its teachings, and my understanding of the world; is that I feel like I have been standing on the tip of an iceberg my whole life believing that what I can see immediately in front of me is all that there is, but as I get to the waters edge of the deep; I realize that that iceberg is far larger and goes deeper than I have ever realized in the past. And that the desire to know what is beyond has driven me to learn so many things and to understand where we are at this point in history and what is to come. I’m still learning new things every day and I am grateful that Heavenly Father has awakened me to the awful state that we truly are in. Long gone are the days where we can keep our head stuck in the sand. Long gone are the days where we can believe what we see through rose colored glasses. What is going on in the world today can very well directly impact each and everyone of us. And I think it’s imperative that we really grasp with both hands that likely possibility.
    I would rather know all of the difficult truth, even though there as been many times it has been very hard to hear. I would rather know, then to be blindsided. I may not necessarily be physically prepared in all things, but at least knowing with what is to come I can do the best I can to be spiritually and mentally prepared for it.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas Месяц назад +1

      Your seemingly all encompassing _urge_ to KNOW the TRUTHS beyond the basics served on Sundays , _IS_ The Spirit of God calling YOU as one The Father gave The Savior to be one of _HIS_ .
      Follow the Spiritual imperative _within_ you , to LEARN what The Spirit teaches you - what Your Father NEEDS for _you_ - one of His SON'S_own_ - to LEARN so that _you_ might have PART in HIS GOSPEL,
      _forever_ !

  • @oneclimbs
    @oneclimbs 2 месяца назад +37

    In the September 2012 edition of The Ensign, David Brent Marsh wrote: "God foresaw our day and called the Prophet Joseph Smith to bring forth the Book of Mormon to help us. Of the 239 chapters in the Book of Mormon, 174 (73 percent) deal with war, terrorism, murder, political conspiracies, secret combinations, threats, family collusions, and other hostilities." The current seminary manual for this is indeed a spectacular fail. My wife teaches seminary and was disturbed by how secret combinations were simply equated to "secret sins" and if you ask me, this isn't simply negligent. There is no way with modern scholarship that anyone could come to this perverted view of secret combinations innocently. This was done intentionally and I would raise some serious flags about who was involved and who cleared this and demand an answer of why because this is exactly the kind of thing that those involved themselves in secret combinations would do. It is completely unacceptable and this is the very definition of leading people astray because this isn't just neglecting to talk about the problem it is redefining the problem.

    • @TPIR_Fan_1972
      @TPIR_Fan_1972 2 месяца назад +11

      Well said. I see it as 100% intentional. Meanwhile, the church distracts members with "Hey, more temples!"

    • @CM333-z6c
      @CM333-z6c 2 месяца назад +3


    • @teinelaume
      @teinelaume 2 месяца назад +6

      If it looks like a rat, smells like a rat.....YOu are correct. It is a rat. I really appreciate Connor for all the work he does because it brings logic, and rational thinking, and common sense back. We have been bamboozled for too long by media, entertainment, politicians, etc. That I'm quite sick of it. So when religious leaders start doing the same thing...Dang. This does not hinder my testimony of Christ or the "gospel" (which is not synonymous with "the church") As for the church, I'm watching. And waiting.

    • @audrabyrd7583
      @audrabyrd7583 23 дня назад

      ​@@TPIR_Fan_1972I believe that temple worship and turning our hearts and minds and souls to God is the key to truly being able to have the gift of discernment, which will then help us to recognize and escape/combat the secret combinations. Temples are not a distraction. Temples and our covenants provide the fuel and the power we need if we are intentional in our worship and seeking while we are there.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      Sadly , there's MERIT to your claims . They're _simply_ trying TOO HARD to "soften" the sell , focusing ONLY on "God loves you" instead of what that MEANS and where the *reposibility* _truly_ lies .
      Ok , there _may_ be those of our children AFRAID of such responsibility , and _"leadership_" afraid of emphasising that personal responsibility for fear of losing one of these CHILDREN , but there's *more* HARM done on over-coddling than would have been there if they'd been taught STRENGTH from the vginning .
      Our young Men CRAVE a message of STRENGTH , and our young Women WANT a MAN _WITH_ that strength .
      But the tendency has been to coddle-in-softness , instead .
      *The Restoration* , _ITSELF_ is a _genuine_
      "Hand of God"
      Movement ;
      The Restoration _is_ ALL that it CLAIMS to be , The Church *IS* true , and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* , and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR prparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .
      Remember The Christ was SENT - _NOT_ to bring PEACE , but (rather) a SWORD .
      Be READY to pick YOURS up , when the _time_ is *finally* upon us .

  • @academyofchampions1
    @academyofchampions1 2 месяца назад +26

    I taught young men’s today (priests). Admittedly, I don’t have the chops to be considered a good teacher, however, we went through Ether chapter 8. I emphasized secret combinations and we talked a lot about it. We spoke of cell phone algorithms, how they are designed to enslave you and warp your reality. We spoke of the Trump assassination attempts and how secret combinations are in the government. I am weak in delivering lessons but it was overall pretty good.
    I want to give you credit, Connor. Although I have always thought a lot about secret combinations, it was your emphasis that has pushed it into the forefront of my mind lately. Thank you.

    • @cdnhorse1
      @cdnhorse1 2 месяца назад +3

      Kudos to you for bringing those things to their attention!

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      And THANK _YOU_ !
      Our Yung Men CRAVE messages of STRENGTH , and our Young Women WANT _MEN_ of *STRENGTH* !
      TEACH _TRUTH_ ; _never_ waiver FROM it !

  • @anonymouslife3777
    @anonymouslife3777 2 месяца назад +39

    I joined the church after covid hysteria, I was already knowing the church was going to be super soft and weak in their messaging before I was baptized but joined anyway because I have an understanding that this church is the true church of our Father, I hope more people who are upset about the failings of the saints will stay and stand up and say something from within. I know the gospel is the truth, and the other saints must hear that truth even if it hurts their feelings. Make noise, don't back down because some members are too weak to know the way of God.
    If we, who have been chosen to know the truth, do not sound the alarm then we are also at fault.

    • @candlelightbeesgardening
      @candlelightbeesgardening 2 месяца назад +2

      Yes. That's the right attitude. We keep feeding our own testimony despite others not doing so.
      I believe what's happening is people are using come follow me to cherry pick what they want to learn about and avoid the parts that they actually need to work on. Its not supposed to be that way. Also the old discussions from before come follow me, naturally flowed through connecting the principles of the gospel together the way they naturally would flow from 1 principle to another naturally. Meaning, they went in order leading to what you need going from 1 point to the next with it done in the order that was the most logical to do.
      When I was a missionary, I noticed that we were doing better and helping people by opening the scriptures more. And trying to help people using the scriptures, reading them as much as we could. But people now are trying to avoid teaching in order and avoid the hard parts and only doing the parts they like. This leaves them with many knowledge gaps.
      One example is; I can't believe God would allow us to suffer. People say this now, in the church. Its worded more like they are saying, what loving God would allow us to feel pain. They actually say stuff like this. I even hear LDS influencers say this. 1 of them just was denying the teaching of spirit prison and spirit paradise, by saying God wouldn't let those people suffer in prison. That was on that Jared guy's explanation video just a couple videos back; on another channel. And that denies the idea of spirit prison and spirit paradise which is a basic part of the plan of Salvation for spirits while they are waiting for the final judgment before going to 1 of the 3 kingdoms. Basically people are trying to teach a watered down, weak version to suit the idea that they aren't fully committed to the gospel, and avoiding the hard parts.
      Instead they should be going right to the story of Adam and Eve. And then they'd read to their family; sin and death entered the world due to man's sin. And he'd suffer thorns and briars UNTIL he would be perfectly obedient.
      If we try to avoid the things we need and the hard parts, we'll HAVE to suffer, instead of avoiding it.

    • @endlesseverfall3176
      @endlesseverfall3176 Месяц назад

      Yep, testimony. That's the place you can help wake up the sleeping Saints and the lukewarm one's.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      Sadly , there's MERIT to your claims .
      We're living in a time of way TOO _MUCH_ comfort , as our efforts to "fit in" to society *_IMO_* have been much TOO *successful* .
      *The Restoration* , _ITSELF_ is a _genuine_
      "Hand of God"
      Movement .
      The Restoration is ALL that it CLAIMS to be , The Church *IS* true , and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* , and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR prparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .
      Remember The Christ was SENT - _NOT_ to bring PEACE , but (rather) a SWORD .
      Be READY to pick YOURS up , when the _time_ is *finally* upon us .

  • @brandonmiller5766
    @brandonmiller5766 2 месяца назад +39

    You’re right. Joel Skousen said in a lecture in effect: “If anyone ought to know what’s going on in the world, it’s the Mormon people, yet they choose to be blind.” He was referencing Ether 8 and secret combinations. We are infants in the Gospel.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas Месяц назад +2

      We STAY infants !
      There are those in the Church seeking Comfort and ACCEPTANCE _before_ Righteousness . These will _also_ act _and_ *vote* AGAINST Individual Liberty , Security and PROSPERITY , in _favor_ of their personal selfishnesses , and will RAIL _against_ those who are willing to STAND against the _STORM_ !

    • @brandonmiller5766
      @brandonmiller5766 Месяц назад +1

      @ absolutely. I’m with you, people stay infants , not willing to cognate what the Final Dispensation really entails.

  • @DaveGarber1975
    @DaveGarber1975 2 месяца назад +22

    “I testify that wickedness is rapidly expanding in every segment of our society. It is more highly organized, more cleverly disguised, and more powerfully promoted than ever before. Secret combinations lusting for power, gain, and glory are flourishing. A secret combination that seeks to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries is increasing its evil influence and control over America and the entire world.” - Ezra Taft Benson (Conference Report, 1988 Oct)

    • @phariseeinrecovery7181
      @phariseeinrecovery7181 2 месяца назад +4

      Yeah, no way secret combinations could infiltrate the sacred LDS church - just everyone else's church. Great quote, now back to sleep quickly before you apply this quote to our church and realize they have influence and control over our church.

    • @teinelaume
      @teinelaume 2 месяца назад +4

      @@phariseeinrecovery7181 Oh my gosh your tag name made me laugh. I love it.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas Месяц назад

      There are those in the Church seeking Comfort and ACCEPTANCE _before_ Righteousness . These will _also_ act _and_ *vote* AGAINST Individual Liberty , Security and PROSPERITY , in _favor_ of their personal selfishnesses , and will RAIL _against_ those who are willing to STAND against the _STORM_ .
      Was shifting to *MILK - **_only_* an intentional shift AWAY from our SEEING what's happening on the LARGEST scales of The Church and ALL _humanity ?_
      *The TIME of the great **_winnowing_** is UPON us !*
      “I testify that wickedness is rapidly expanding in every segment of our society. It is more highly organized, more cleverly disguised, and more powerfully promoted than ever before. Secret combinations lusting for power, gain, and glory are flourishing. A secret combination that seeks to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries is increasing its evil influence and control over America and the entire world.” - Ezra Taft Benson (Conference Report, 1988 Oct)
      CALL _OUT_ personal sin WHEREVER encountered , and at EVERY scale it manifests itself .
      The EVIL of Trans and LGBTQ and DEI is infiltrating The Church , and MUST be called OUT !
      Quiet personal sin is EXACTLY where the WORST of it STARTS !
      Its up to US to expand the "milk" to the MEAT of The Gospel and CALL _OUT_ the EVIL that it MUST all be DONE _AWAY_ !
      *The entire Adultery , Abortion , Trans , LGBTQ , Gay Marrige, DEI **_MOVEMENT_* ( A movement of QUIET _PERSONAL_ *SIN* ) is DESIGNED to do AWAY with the FREEDOM of Mankind AND the Survival of The CHURCH World - _WIDE_ - *ALL* large and small sin is ABSOLUTELY POLITICAL and is _designed_ to gain and wield POLITICAL POWER over ALL MAN KIND !!

  • @Crochet_bro
    @Crochet_bro 2 месяца назад +46

    As a Gospel Doctrine teacher I've come to the conclusion that the manual is more of a guide. When I teach my lessons focus on what stands out to me the most

    • @Ironrodpower
      @Ironrodpower 2 месяца назад +7

      Yep.... Perhaps I spend 5 min going over what the manuel has to say..

    • @RltnspdEMA
      @RltnspdEMA 2 месяца назад +5

      I do the same. The manual isonly a guide. I taught the whole thing and did not gloss it over!

    • @angelamadsen416
      @angelamadsen416 2 месяца назад +5

      And yet it’s not a “guide.” The church makes it very clear to stick to the lesson manuals and don’t stray off onto your own subjects and opinions. The church doesn’t WANT us to have deep discussions outside what’s written in the manuals, and I know that through teacher training.
      You doing what you do means you are going against what the church wants its teachers to do.

      @CMZIEBARTH 2 месяца назад +15

      The manual itself says it's only a guide, but hardly anyone ever reads the introductory material where it says that. It comes right out and says you don't have to cover all of the material in a lesson. It also says to be guided by the Spirit. But people totally ignore that and think they caught the Church saying you have to unquestionably go by the manual and can't use other resources.

    • @BTGordon
      @BTGordon 2 месяца назад +2

      @@angelamadsen416you’re clueless.

  • @ruckin3
    @ruckin3 2 месяца назад +98

    Name a bold Prophet since Ezra Taft Benson calling out these things.......then look at the dropout rates of men in the church. Today church is for people who want puppy dog soft messaging yet we live in the times ETB warned us about

    • @rickfowlks7296
      @rickfowlks7296 2 месяца назад +6

      You are 100% correct!

    • @dft120
      @dft120 2 месяца назад +2

      Means stand up and be counted 😊

    • @GAILandROD
      @GAILandROD 2 месяца назад +11

      I always feel talks we get from the pulpit are inspired. And so I also think we as a people are praying for soft things to be spoken from our leaders. We want the Teddy Bear Jesus and no repentance or suffering, nor embarrassment or shame for sin or sin of others. Just love them. I have heard from the pulpit "you are sufficient as you are, and the Lord accepts you as you are" (YW pres). Christ is sufficient. Not us. The Lord is giving us what we are asking for. A warm blankie. He did that in the Book of Mormon, where they wanted not to understand and make it hard. He obliged.

    • @og5981
      @og5981 2 месяца назад

      Not just dropout rates of men, but women also. I've tried teaching and talking to women in the Church about the war chapters and these gloom and doom chapters. They hate me talking about them, about Sariah's complaining and murmuring against her husband Lehi instead of humbling herself and inquiring of the Lord for herself like her son Nephi did. And sisters hate talking about the 5 foolish virgins in the 10 virgins parable. No, women are just as, if not more prideful and stiffnecked than men. As a professional social worker I can and do testify to this in superior courts of law. It does not help, and is not kind or Christ-like not to call women to repentance also. The redeeming atonement of Jesus Christ is for ALL, if they choose to come unto Him, but if not, "they must suffer even as I, the greatest of all suffered..." honestly, I don't know what humbles or will humble women. Not even taking away their children from their abusive, neglectful behavior have caused them to choose to change. They love, crave, and are addicted to attention, negative attention, and abusive, hurtful attention. One of the things I'll ask God one day after this life is why are women so stupid and why do they love pain and drama more than peace and calmness. And no, men are not here to save rebellious women. Christ's role, mission is that.

    • @senecaaurelius1811
      @senecaaurelius1811 2 месяца назад +2

      @@GAILandRODdang! Good points. We’re going to pay for this…sadly.

  • @alenaericksen953
    @alenaericksen953 2 месяца назад +9

    I have felt the same thing about Come Follow Me in general. There’s limited perspective. Granted, like you said, we are to gain our own understanding. But why serve milk and honey when we could use the meat in the doctrine. Maybe the saints aren’t ready for the meat 🤷🏻‍♀️
    The other issue I take is I am the YW president in my ward, and my counselors have agreed that there is a lot that the youth are not learning-namely the principles in The Family Proclamation. The world is teaching these youth constantly about perversions to marriage, gender, and even abortion but when do we have these conversations with our youth. In addition to supporting families and their responsibility to teach and raise their children. The church needs to be a constant guide towards truth and tethered to the doctrine. We need to be a voice of truth in a darkening world.

  • @masonfam
    @masonfam 2 месяца назад +17

    14:58 I know its not popular and considered a sin to say this by many, but i think this is the warning in the BOM: -That just as the Nephites leaders did back then, so too will will ours today, in a way that perhaps even they are unaware of, through one means or another, inadvertently join hands with the gaddianton robbers. Today, it would easily be camouflaged as compassionate, outreaching, and bridge building endeavors. This is happening; yet the question I ask is whenever in history has building a bridge to Lucifer ever worked out in the end in a positive? We justify these things in our own vain beliefs in ourselves that surely we're the exception in all of history, that surely we'll be the good example that finally makes the difference in getting through to these people..... all the while dumbing down our own members spiritual strength.
    We talk too much about "the love of christ" like as if thats the only available tool at out disposal; but how about flipping over tables in the temple? or how about the corrections of christ? the warnings? the condemnations? the disappointments? the jealousy? the anger kindled? the pruning?! the digging about? the burning??? These are all also of Christ.

  • @teinelaume
    @teinelaume 2 месяца назад +9

    Amen! I have had the same experience as you. And I too started to read the scriptures while skipping the manual's commentary. I'm afraid Ether 8 is intentionally skipped. Also skipped are any scriptures that point to corruption or failing within the church today. Yet they are clear, the Gentiles (us of the restoration) would reject the gospel and then it would go back to Israel. With "99.9%" of us in Sunday school class missing the message while congratulating ourselves on being so good, this is going to be a rude awakening.

  • @DaveGarber1975
    @DaveGarber1975 2 месяца назад +13

    “Now undoubtedly Moroni could have pointed out many factors that led to the destruction of the people, but notice how he singled out the secret combinations, just as the Church today could point out many threats to peace, prosperity, and the spread of God’s work, but it has singled out the greatest threat as the godless conspiracy. There is no conspiracy theory in the Book of Mormon-it is a conspiracy fact.” - Ezra Taft Benson (Conference Report, 1972 Apr)

  • @dougknighton5348
    @dougknighton5348 2 месяца назад +37

    11:18 So, let's say there are certain businesses who's interests are best served by furthering a certain hysteria that occured starting around Jan 2020....... who partnered with certain leaders, elected and non-elected who also were best served by maintaining that hysteria, who all exercised power and authority over the population..... and that same set of people sought to sheild themselves from justice.....
    Just as a random, non-specific example......
    And then..... the same group were to send billions upon billions of military aid to support a foreign war they may well have orchestrated themselves and are personally profiting from.......
    Just thoughts....

    • @tomegbert438
      @tomegbert438 2 месяца назад

      That, my friend is the Gadianton Robbers of our day, and the Secret Combination called the Deep State or Shadow Government.

    • @asarg1776
      @asarg1776 2 месяца назад +2


    • @doreenb.8928
      @doreenb.8928 2 месяца назад

      The Gospel is incompatible with progressivism. Reading through Ether this week was so obviously and closely aligned with what’s going on lately with one entire political party and a few disingenuous individuals in the other as to be astonishing.
      Even my special needs daughter noticed this (on her own) and commented that ‘it was just like they are today.’

    • @djvee25
      @djvee25 2 месяца назад +2

      All day everyday my man... all day everyday day. Fear is very profitable. Always has been.

    • @cdnhorse1
      @cdnhorse1 2 месяца назад

      😂Well said!

  • @annagygax3302
    @annagygax3302 2 месяца назад +21

    Pre Ezra Taft Benson I was taught as the books teach today. Then after they/we tried to whitewash him, I started believing it was just me. Now a common belief is back to where it was. Thank you so much for bringing this back into light. There are many who know, but not the average Sunday School attendee.

  • @Beavis1
    @Beavis1 2 месяца назад +41

    I taught this lesson a few months back in our ward. I pointed out Helaman 7:4-5 and said that this is us. The liberals in the ward went apoplectic. They can't handle it, it's too harsh a lesson for their delicate ears.

    • @alchemenergyacademy6231
      @alchemenergyacademy6231 2 месяца назад

      And the church trying to be politically correct, have deceived their members into actually supporting the very secret combinations talked about in the scriptures!

    • @OneTrueSteve
      @OneTrueSteve Месяц назад

      Thus, the manuals are written for liberals, though they be republicans.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      Sadly , there's MERIT to your claims .
      The American LEFT will REJECT that what the Book of Mormon teaches IS _THEM_ *DIRECTLY* .
      TEACH *TRUTH* _ANYWAY_ , is _my_ stance .
      *The Restoration* , _ITSELF_ is a _genuine_
      "Hand of God"
      Movement ;
      The Restoration _is_ ALL that it CLAIMS to be , The Church *IS* true , and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* , and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR prparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .
      Remember The Christ was SENT - _NOT_ to bring PEACE , but (rather) a SWORD .
      Be READY to pick YOURS up , when the _time_ is *finally* upon us .

  • @Kristy_not_Kristine
    @Kristy_not_Kristine 2 месяца назад +17

    They also avoid sections dealing with false prophets and false traditions

    • @MrBillmechanic
      @MrBillmechanic 2 месяца назад +2


    • @elizabethh9764
      @elizabethh9764 2 месяца назад +4

      Ya... It does seem like it. I read Jeremiah 23 a couple of years ago-- that gave me some pause for reflection

    • @teinelaume
      @teinelaume 2 месяца назад


    • @WatchingwaitingG2D
      @WatchingwaitingG2D 2 месяца назад


    • @sarahpeacock9686
      @sarahpeacock9686 2 месяца назад

      @@WatchingwaitingG2D 2 Nephi 28:21 And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well-and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.

  • @paulvenable2689
    @paulvenable2689 2 месяца назад +10

    Hey Connor...
    As a former youth Sunday School teacher for many years, and a frequent teacher in other settings, I found that the best manuals are the Scriptures themselves. The church manuals often gave good ideas for making lessons interesting, but they are no substitute for the Spirit and the word of God. My aim was to get the youth in my classes to visualize the scriptures and personally apply them in their everyday lives.
    Like you, I would lament the light treatment of Ether 8 in the manuals when it was time to teach from The Book of Mormon over my 44 years of Church membership. I believe you have rightly addressed the acute importance of Ether 8. The question I have, which you haven't addressed, is ...
    "Why has the Church so consistently downplayed the message of Ether 8?"

    • @FightTheFire32
      @FightTheFire32 2 месяца назад +6

      Because Ether 8 is also describing the church.

    • @teinelaume
      @teinelaume 2 месяца назад +1

      Moroni saw us, Nephi saw us, and they said the Gentiles who hold their book would become part of the problem being led by the precepts of men. So now the reasons for being exed are if you speak bad about the church, the doctrines, the leadership. (notice none of those has anything to do with going against Christ, only protecting image of the church. And Christ was guilty of all three. (Also notice that paying of money is tied to accessing salvation) No money, no salvation. So while great good comes from church and it's members, we live far below our abilities to impact the world for good because we have not become the salt of the earth. and why is that? because of deception.

  • @12braunsonsummers
    @12braunsonsummers 2 месяца назад +17

    Gadiantion Robbers is basically our entire government, as well as each other government.

    • @MagnusTheBiased-tw6zy
      @MagnusTheBiased-tw6zy 2 месяца назад +2

      Gadiantons have infiltrated the LDS church. They are a minority, but they have most positions of authority, going all the way to the top.
      Nelson is an evil man

    • @truthseeker4286
      @truthseeker4286 2 месяца назад

      No, it's the democrat leadership.

    • @CM333-z6c
      @CM333-z6c 2 месяца назад +2

      All church’s and organizations are involved as well.

    • @candlelightbeesgardening
      @candlelightbeesgardening 2 месяца назад

      People aren't unified and helping each other in our wards and churches also. So they are being affected by the things you pointed out more than they believe. Social class, class ranking, class warfare have thoroughly ruined our communities. People won't work together.
      So we're not ready for what's ahead.

  • @DaveGarber1975
    @DaveGarber1975 2 месяца назад +8

    “Gadianton robbers fill the judgment seats in many nations. An evil power seeks to overthrow the freedom of all nations and countries. Satan reigns in the hearts of men; it is the great day of his power.” - Bruce R. McConkie (Conference Report, 1980 Apr)

  • @cdnhorse1
    @cdnhorse1 2 месяца назад +15

    Thank you for this video. I agree 100%. I taught Gospel Doctrine for 8 years prior to the Come Follow Me program and tried to follow the example of my father who really did “feast upon” the scriptures to encourage others to dig a little deeper. He was also very political and could see the connection between secret combinations and government activity around the world as well as North America. I find it extremely frustrating to sit in class these days and hear many of the same comments and opinions you have mentioned as well as having teachers who, I am sure, are trying their best to follow the manual - and therein lies the problem. How long must we discuss the milk and avoid the meat? Also frustrating is the idea that it is taboo to talk politics or anything other than what is in the manual. I realize the manual now is the same for teachers, families, primary, youth and adults which is why I, like you, skim the manual for the reading assignment and then do my own study and research. “Search, ponder, and pray” is more than a primary song….it is a much more rewarding way to learn how the scriptures apply to us in these the latter days! May God help us “see these things” among us before it is too late! Thankfully, I do believe more are waking up. Carry on, dear brother!! 😇

    • @OneTrueSteve
      @OneTrueSteve Месяц назад +1

      There is nothing in the General Handbook of Instructions against discussing politics in church. It only says that a person in a leadership position cannot tell people whom to vote for, or what party to join.

  • @Kristy_not_Kristine
    @Kristy_not_Kristine 2 месяца назад +12

    Protecting pedophiles instead of children is another example. Getting away with evil, for sure!

    • @BTGordon
      @BTGordon 2 месяца назад +1

      You’re sick. Get some healing.

    • @MrBillmechanic
      @MrBillmechanic 2 месяца назад


    • @Washingtontree
      @Washingtontree 2 месяца назад

      ​@@BTGordon What do you mean? Calling out the evil of pedophilia and those who protect it is sick?

  • @DanielBurdett
    @DanielBurdett 2 месяца назад +12

    Mormon 8
    38 O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies-because of the praise of the world?

  • @Foxtayls
    @Foxtayls 2 месяца назад +36

    This is a good example why i havent attended sunday school in years. I just go for the sacrament and if they called me to a calling i would do that because i love to serve, but i feel i can get the gospel from others on the internet and from my own study more effectively. I loved institute and seminary, but i have no such parallel now that i have grown older. I would rather read the talks like "beware of pride" from ezra taft benson, listen to cleon skousen, listen to older, blunter talks and listen to youtubers like you and unshaken.
    I wish the church would stop caring about its tax exempt status and come out against communism, maxism, facism, and all other horrible philosophies and institutions that outright admit they are against faith, family and freedom.

    • @FaithofAbinadi
      @FaithofAbinadi 2 месяца назад +8

      Perhaps it’s not time to point fingers at government organizations or individual politicians. Also, others in your class could benefit from your knowledge.

    • @tomegbert438
      @tomegbert438 2 месяца назад +14

      If everyone decided to stay home and go to the internet for church, or go to the mountains to contemplate life and be spiritually lifted in that little vacuum, what would fellowship at church mean anymore? Aren't we here to serve one another? I always speak my mind in Priesthood Meeting or Sunday School. We do get into some lively discussions, but more than one person is getting fed. People going inactive, or leaving church early contribute to the apostate condition of the church. Too many people go home after Sacrament Meeting. That is not helpful to the church. We need to feed and be fed at church.

    • @becourteous6414
      @becourteous6414 2 месяца назад

      @@tomegbert438yes. I’ve found that I comment a lot in Sunday meetings and many people tell me they learn something or get motivated to change after my comments. I’m not perfect but I get so disheartened that more people aren’t awake to our awful situation and aren’t searching for deeper truth. If those of us who know would speak up more, maybe this will help bring more people to the truth of what’s going on and what’s truly important.

    • @beoneB1
      @beoneB1 2 месяца назад

      Ditto except the unshaken.

    • @beoneB1
      @beoneB1 2 месяца назад +4

      Ain’t gunna happen, the Corp has adopted Babylon.😢

  • @Nephitejnf
    @Nephitejnf 2 месяца назад +6

    Sometimes I get to thinking that the Church leaves some things out or doesn't emphasize certain things because they want to leave it to the Saints to do their own study and to gain their own revelation. Hence why President Nelson has hammered so hard on learning to receive your own revelation and getting in tune with the Spirit.

    • @amynazza
      @amynazza 2 месяца назад


    • @OneTrueSteve
      @OneTrueSteve Месяц назад


    • @rubengariby6539
      @rubengariby6539 27 дней назад

      Perhaps speaking openly puts the church and it members in the crosshairs of those very combinations and the brethren are trying to avoid attracting that attention prematurely.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      Absolutely .
      You got it exactly RIGHT .
      We teach the BASICS - the "milk" on Sundays , but The *PROPHET* has _instructed_ (pled with) us to STUDY on our OWN and _SEEK_ *REVELATION* .
      Remember -
      The Restoration _is_ *ALL* that it CLAIMS to be , The Church *IS* true , and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* , and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR prparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .
      Remember The Christ was SENT - _NOT_ to bring PEACE , but (rather) a SWORD .
      Be READY to pick YOURS up , when the _time_ is *finally* upon us .

  • @spencerall
    @spencerall 2 месяца назад +16

    Another case-in-point… Jacob’s anti-polygamy sermon was omitted from the Jacob 1-3 section of Come Follow Me.

      @CMZIEBARTH 2 месяца назад

      He wasn't preaching against polygamy. Yes, I know what the common understanding is.

    • @jasonsellers56
      @jasonsellers56 2 месяца назад +8

      @CMZIEBARTH Wow... 😬
      Maybe try rereading Jacob 2? It's all about how evil polygamy always is and always will be.
      This kind of blatant oversight is why the church was condemned... 😞

      @CMZIEBARTH 2 месяца назад

      @@jasonsellers56 I've read it probably a hundred times or more. The common understanding doesn't account for the nuances in the text. People say there shouldn't be polygamy because there's examples of it where it wasn't lived well. It is extremely true that God does not want his daughters to be abused and since all too often they are abused in monogamous marriages then by your reasoning there should not even be monogamous marriages.

    • @botofogo2212
      @botofogo2212 2 месяца назад +3

      ​@CMZIEBARTH did Jacob address abuses in Polygamy?
      Or...did he blatantly tell what an abomination it is?

    • @crg34
      @crg34 2 месяца назад +1

      @@CMZIEBARTHthere’s no word about abuse in that chapter. It’s about polygamy and (apparently) other similar sin.
      As an aside, interestingly, Jacob 2:9 clearly says we need to be taught things even when they are painful for us to hear, which is not the style of Come Follow Me for some reason as several in the comments point out.

  • @michaellaw5954
    @michaellaw5954 2 месяца назад +8

    Priesthood this week and we are supposed to study from a GC talk. Happened to be on Pres. Oaks' talk from last conference on following Christ. However, he talks about commandments. So rather than focusing on his talk, since I was teaching, I took the commandment idea from the talk, left the talk behind and focused on commandments in the BoM, particularly Ether 8, since it was also part of CFM. Totally agree that it is sad that we never talk about secret combinations or even anything that doesn't "tickle the ears" and is all warm, cuddly and fluffy.

  • @sonyabusby6473
    @sonyabusby6473 2 месяца назад +21

    When the lights go out, then will we ALL see the light. Those of us that are left, that is. Closing our eyes to the truth of what we face makes life less stressful. I am awake, now what do I do, my spouse will not even join my army. You said it, we are toast.

    • @CM333-z6c
      @CM333-z6c 2 месяца назад +1

      Same here : (

    • @sarahpeacock9686
      @sarahpeacock9686 2 месяца назад

      Same here 😑

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      We are absolutely *NOT* toast - and the "LIGHT" you claim to see is DARKNESS and is THE PATH to Apostacy .
      We teach the BASICS - the "milk" on Sundays , but The *PROPHET* has _instructed_ (pled with) us to STUDY on our OWN and _SEEK_ *REVELATION* .
      Remember -
      The Restoration _is_ *ALL* that it CLAIMS to be , The Church *IS* true , and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* , and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR prparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .

  • @hollyfield1303
    @hollyfield1303 2 месяца назад +12

    Our watchmen are asleep
    I have been in lessons where the teacher or leaders will shutdown any discussion about anything that might create contention, disagreement or make someone who might fall away because we said something that didn't go with their ideas.
    The leaders get so scared. They say only those key things, all the quotes and programing that aren't even doctrine.
    I hate that the teachers and (local) leaders won't LET us go any deeper than what they have always taught.
    It must follow the political beliefs of the time
    Forever they worry about beards on men and how you can't be in a prominent calling with a beard. Something so trivial and petty.
    I love that so many brothren are growing beards now 🤔😉
    Let's rock the boat and speak out.

    • @MrBillmechanic
      @MrBillmechanic 2 месяца назад


  • @vhhughes
    @vhhughes 2 месяца назад +15

    I love how clearly the Modern English rendition of Ether 8:23-26 reads:
    "Therefore, you Gentiles, it’s God’s wisdom for you to be shown these things, so you’ll repent of your sins and not allow these murderous conspiracies, that are always set up for power and money, to control you, so that you won’t provoke your own destruction. Indeed, the sword of the justice of the Eternal God will fall upon you, to your ruin and destruction, if you allow these things to continue. Therefore the Lord commands you, when you see these things come among you, to wake up to a sense of your awful situation because of this secret society that’s come into existence among you. Woe to this conspiracy on account of the blood of those who have been killed; they cry out from the dust for vengeance upon it, and upon those who make and support it.
    "Indeed, whoever builds it up hopes to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries. These conspiracies bring about everyone’s destruction since they’re built up by the accuser, who’s the father of all lies. He’s the same liar who deceived our first parents, who caused people from the start to commit murder. He’s hardened people’s hearts so that they’ve murdered the prophets, stoned them, and banished them. As a result, I’ve been commanded to write these things so evil can be ended. And so the time will come when Satan won’t have any power over people’s hearts, so they can be persuaded to always do good and come to the Source of all righteousness and be saved."
    (from the last two paragraphs of

  • @karlkoerper9596
    @karlkoerper9596 2 месяца назад +18

    Skull and Bones?

    • @senecaaurelius1811
      @senecaaurelius1811 2 месяца назад +5

      That’s a start, notwithstanding our dear current leader’s past connection, but the rabbit hole goes deep…waaaaay deeper.

    • @mrbrian87
      @mrbrian87 2 месяца назад

      @@senecaaurelius1811I am so confused. Please give me a starting point on what to search for online to see what this is about. The skull and bones, and the rabbit hole you talk about. I have no idea what you refer to. Thanks.

    • @phariseeinrecovery7181
      @phariseeinrecovery7181 2 месяца назад

      @@mrbrian87 What rock have you been hiding under?! lol. GOOGLE SEARCH: "RUSSELL M NELSON SKULL AND BONES"

    • @senecaaurelius1811
      @senecaaurelius1811 2 месяца назад +1

      @@mrbrian87 it’s a scary place to be in. Only start the journey if you feel you can maintain a relationship to God & Christ.

    • @mrbrian87
      @mrbrian87 2 месяца назад

      @@senecaaurelius1811so I watched Connor boyak’s video from 3 months ago “is president Nelson part of a secret society?” And based on his opinion and what he dives into he explains it as very benign and unrelated to the skull n bones at Yale. Looks harmless.

  • @MsKayRay
    @MsKayRay 2 месяца назад +14

    The lord placed it in my heart that the Come Follow Me manual has literally become scripture mingled with man's philosophy. Now I can't unsee this when we learn from it.Come Follow Me does not support my family and im weary seeking for manna at church and leaving empty.

    • @TrellKennett-ib3ss
      @TrellKennett-ib3ss 2 месяца назад

      @@MsKayRay well said!

    • @DsPrice-vf1tz
      @DsPrice-vf1tz 2 месяца назад +1

      It's about as much from the Lord as the church handbook.

    • @OneTrueSteve
      @OneTrueSteve Месяц назад

      Those at a higher level are expected to lift those around them. Not just complain.

    • @endlesseverfall3176
      @endlesseverfall3176 Месяц назад

      Let's be bold in discussing hard truths with deep impact scriptural references. Satan has successfully lulled the Saints to complacency and tiny bits of gospel discussions. Be innovative and expound important Scriptures that is related to each lessons. It starts with us.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      You're really *missing* it .
      We teach the BASICS - the "milk" on Sundays , but The *PROPHET* has _instructed_ (pled with) us to STUDY on our OWN and _SEEK_ *REVELATION* .
      Remember -
      The Restoration _is_ *ALL* that it CLAIMS to be , The Church *IS* true , and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* , and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR prparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .

  • @seaofglass77
    @seaofglass77 2 месяца назад +8

    I've been cleaning out the library at my ward building. It's an old stake center in SLC. There are tons of old Ensigns and conferences talj compilations tucked away. I hope to have time soon to go through and see what has changed. If you'd like to look at any of those ( I know most are online) I'd be happy to gather you access. I've basically been told to throw them out if I want.
    My mom remembers clearly rhe day she got her dumbed down ensign. No more scholarly articles, no m9re history, just feel good stories at a 3rd grade reading level.

  • @kathypearce9958
    @kathypearce9958 2 месяца назад +11

    From 2012 I had to slow down reading the Book of Mormon because we ignored the secret combinations and take over of the government. It drove me nuts. Still today we read it but skip right over how important this is. I think we are going down because of our ignorance but because it is political, and we are told to be kind and not cause contention , that members shun the subject. It is so frustrating to my family and myself. Quite frankly I think we are in trouble. We won’t be prepared for what is coming.

    • @truthseeker4286
      @truthseeker4286 2 месяца назад

      True. Well said. And you've been proven correct because 1/3 of Lds in America voted for the corrupt Harris regime

    • @OneTrueSteve
      @OneTrueSteve Месяц назад +1

      It is not only politics that is skipped over. All deep things, such as crazy miracles and such are avoided as well. For whatever reason, they are choosing the MILK.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      Close - SO _CLOSE_ 👍👍!
      We teach the BASICS - the "milk" on Sundays , but The *PROPHET* has _instructed_ (pled with) us to STUDY on our OWN and _SEEK_ *REVELATION* .
      Remember -
      The Restoration _is_ *ALL* that it CLAIMS to be , The Church *IS* true , and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* , and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR prparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .
      Remember The Christ was SENT - _NOT_ to bring PEACE , but (rather) a SWORD .
      Be READY to pick YOURS up , when the _time_ is *finally* upon us .

  • @bradranger2533
    @bradranger2533 2 месяца назад +6

    “Jesus Christ-Gifts and Expectations”
    -Ezra Taft Benson
    “Because God has given men their agency, there will always be those who will misuse it. The gospel net draws in the good and the bad, the best and the worst-the worst because the devil, before the final cleansing, puts some of his followers within the kingdom in order to try and destroy it. We have some of them within the kingdom today, and in due course their number shall be known. Time has a way of taking care of all things, of elevating the good and bringing down the bad.”

  • @DestroyerOfWords
    @DestroyerOfWords 2 месяца назад +10

    The Church is far from united anymore. Those +/-10 scripture snippets are probably the only spiritual things MOST members will have read all week. If there, in my own experience as a GD teacher and in the old Stake Sunday School Presidency, is that anything spoken which conflicts with their worldly beliefs is met with hostility.
    We openly promote secret combinations in our lives and in practice, esp in the SLC area. I feel that the Lord has said, "Fine, if that's what you want that's what you'll get; but there will be consequences and you have been warned."

  • @angelamadsen416
    @angelamadsen416 2 месяца назад +95

    I’m only three minutes in, but I have to tell you that I stopped believing in the Come Follow Me manuals a few years ago when we were studying the New Testament the first time around and it completely glossed over the chapters in Revelation. I was so excited for some extra insight into the interpretations of the signs and symbols, and felt totally let down that something so important for us to know and be able to recognize in our day was completely omitted. We are supposed to be the church with foresight, yet we are continually dumbing down our membership. I believe what Elder Holland said in this past General Conference was not just to the members, but to the other leaders.

    • @3blenders
      @3blenders 2 месяца назад

      gravity has determined that garbage always comes from the top. And gases always rise from the bottom, gases, maybe equals spirits? They all are explosive if you accumulate them in the pocket and ignite them, usually in the top. You know if gas accumulates and a roof pocket, then it gets it up there, you could say among the leaders, funny, gaslit, whatever that might mean, but maybe somebody gets my point of this analogy. And it is sad, I am very sad about the events of church, leadership, and worse yet, sheeple habits.

    • @truthfox1844
      @truthfox1844 2 месяца назад +4

      What did Elder Holland say to the other leaders? Thank you. Shalom.

    • @angelamadsen416
      @angelamadsen416 2 месяца назад

      @@truthfox1844 paraphrasing… he told everyone to stop dumbing down the gospel.

    • @TrellKennett-ib3ss
      @TrellKennett-ib3ss 2 месяца назад +5

      Well said!

    • @CM333-z6c
      @CM333-z6c 2 месяца назад +14

      The “No member left behind” program doesn’t work.

  • @mikebready
    @mikebready 2 месяца назад +12

    Connor, this was super helpful, insightful, and has given me some motivation to look deeper into my reading of the Book of Mormon. Thank you. Keep up the good work, please. Mb.

  • @danl6852
    @danl6852 Месяц назад +1

    People attacking the Come follow me programs and others completely do not understand what they’re for.
    The manuals are a base for anyone who picks it up can read it and have an overview understanding of what those chapters might be talking about.
    I’m someone that by reading the manuals alone may not satisfy my needs of studying and learning. But I’ve seen many members be benefited from the simplicity of of the content.
    If parents complain about the seminary program then they are at fault. They rely on the church to educate us, we have moved from church supported to Home Centered, church supported.
    There are so many resources out there that are good that can add to Come Follow Me. Members of the church will always complain if they’re given too little or too much.
    Make the diligent work to study from your own accord, and receive witnesses of the Spirit.

  • @happyfence6340
    @happyfence6340 2 месяца назад +9

    I also noticed the light touch on important warnings and call to repentance in these lessons. (Loved Elder Bednar's quoting Pres ET Benson about the sin of pride. Amen!)
    Even trying to talk to some LDS friends (and some family) about the secret combos I am seeing around us, they don't think it's really that bad, and toss out the "is just a conspiracy theory, a bunch of hype!" No, it's not. It's like right out of the "playbook" Book of Mormon. Makes me wonder "didn't you even read the Book??

  • @idahowildflower2613
    @idahowildflower2613 2 месяца назад +11

    The last time I picked up a Come Follow Me manual I thought I was studying the Junior Primary lesson plan. The classes aren't much better.

    • @GAILandROD
      @GAILandROD 2 месяца назад +3

      Basics. Gospel essentials class material. I would rather a study by topic rather than plow through the standard works. Because it's not about knowing what happened and how and a quiz in the afterlife on naming the 4 sons of Mosiah.

    • @candlelightbeesgardening
      @candlelightbeesgardening 2 месяца назад

      @@GAILandROD I wish they hadn't gotten rid of the gospel principles class. It fills many knowledge gaps when people have gaps like being talked about in these threads.
      And I'm glad you mentioned this.

  • @pfoxworth7
    @pfoxworth7 2 месяца назад +2

    Thank you. I agree 100%.
    I taught gospel doctrine and highlighted many of these things though I wish I had seen this before the lesson.

  • @Posi2300
    @Posi2300 2 месяца назад +1

    The problem is not the manual. The members could have any discussion they wanted to in class, no matter what's in or not in the manual.

  • @kindra2420
    @kindra2420 2 месяца назад +9

    Thank you for this- I have thought this needed to be brought out more at church as well.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      No , Church is exectued EXACTLY as _INTENDED_ , and this is EXACTLY as it _should_ be .
      We teach the BASICS - the "milk" on Sundays , but The *PROPHET* has _instructed_ (pled with) us to STUDY on our OWN and _SEEK_ *REVELATION* .
      Remember -
      The Restoration _is_ *ALL* that it CLAIMS to be , The Church *IS* true , and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* , and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR prparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .
      Remember The Christ was SENT - _NOT_ to bring PEACE , but (rather) a SWORD .
      Be READY to pick YOURS up , when the _time_ is *finally* upon us .

  • @sarahpeacock9686
    @sarahpeacock9686 2 месяца назад +2

    Besides showing the great faith of the brother of Jared (and it's possiblities) the whole purpose of the Book of Ether is to show and warn of the evils of secret combinations. Ignoring this or not understanding the severity of these warnings is tossing the BofM aside.

  • @thedailydump7407
    @thedailydump7407 2 месяца назад +14

    It seems clear to me that lack of clarity and emphasis on this and other important Book of Mormon topics indicates that the church hierarchy wants to be perceived in a positive light and as a team player by whoever and whichever groups attain power in the world.

    • @MrBillmechanic
      @MrBillmechanic 2 месяца назад


    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      It CAN _SEEM_ that way , but that's really _not_ correct .
      We teach the BASICS - the "milk" on Sundays , but The *PROPHET* has _instructed_ (pled with) us to STUDY on our OWN and _SEEK_ *REVELATION* .
      Remember -
      The Restoration _is_ *ALL* that it CLAIMS to be , The Church *IS* true , and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* , and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR preparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .
      Remember The Christ was SENT - _NOT_ to bring PEACE , but (rather) a SWORD .
      Be READY to pick YOURS up , when the _time_ is *finally* upon us .

  • @CG-nw8jc
    @CG-nw8jc 2 месяца назад +7

    Loved it! Thank you Connor for saying the quiet thoughts OUT LOUD!!! I can only bare to go to SS when asked to substitute teach...and then I cause a stir speaking scriptural truth and not using the manual. The other weeks it's strictly the manual and whizzing thru 2 weeks worth of lame rhetorical questions. I just can't sit through it.

    • @cdnhorse1
      @cdnhorse1 2 месяца назад +4

      Same! Except some people who have been in my classes say they appreciate my input so it’s a tough call for me. On one hand I feel a responsibility to share and on the other it is hard not to share a LOT! Less stressful to attend the “hallway” class!🤭

    • @teinelaume
      @teinelaume 2 месяца назад

      @@cdnhorse1 Ha ha! I attend that hallway class a few times too.

    • @teinelaume
      @teinelaume 2 месяца назад +1

      I think that feeling of "I just can't sit thought it" is growing. It turns my stomach even more. I feel untrue to myself, to the spirit, to sit through it. And what is bothering me ? I know the scriptures enough to see the disconnect. I am aware of the dangerous time we are in with the Gadiantons all around and nothing, nothing is said about them. The silence is deafening.

  • @Talonfox_31
    @Talonfox_31 2 месяца назад +21

    I imagine that a permanent bureaucracy / deep state discussion in gospel doctrine could get pretty spicy. How much of church manual composition is engineered to generate "uplifting" yet superficial discussions while avoiding potentially contentious topics?

    • @OmahaAreaLoya
      @OmahaAreaLoya 2 месяца назад +16

      These discussions might be unavoidably prone to conflict, but they need not be contentious. As the world gets more and more wicked, and as the secret combinations get more and more powerful, it only becomes increasingly important we talk about these issues. Avoiding crucial topics for the sake of avoiding conflict is working to our own detriment. We stand by silently while the world lures our youth into the rainbow flag cult, as one example, all because we “don’t want to stir up contention.” God will surely condemn us for this.

    • @Talonfox_31
      @Talonfox_31 2 месяца назад +8

      @@OmahaAreaLoya I agree. It seems to me that Abinadi didn't play it safe, sugar-coat the truth or shirk the responsibility to advocate for righteousness.

  • @ComeFollowScripture
    @ComeFollowScripture 2 месяца назад +5

    I agree with you 100%! The two main principles that are included in Ether by Moroni are 1) seeing the Savior, and 2) Secret Combinations. Neither of these are clearly discussed nor are they mentioned very much at all in the lesson. If you want to read a talk on this from General Conference, you almost have to go back to Ezra Taft Benson in October of 1988 with his talk, 'I Testify'. Moroni is telling us that our government today is corrupt (Ether 8:23 - "get above you" means the government), and we need to wake up or we will be in trouble. Moroni saw our day, and he well knows that we have this kind of corruption in our own day. In my opinion the secret combinations in our corrupt government have been there for over 100 years. It is too late to fix this, and it will be part of our destruction prior to the second coming. As president Benson told us, this is a global and worldwide organization that is entrenched in many countries. It is too bad our living prophets and apostles are not teaching us anything about that today. I think the church avoids this topic for some of the same reasons they pushed the fake pandemic information on us without allowing any agency.

  • @adamraven5651
    @adamraven5651 2 месяца назад +10

    Should we counsel people,,
    Just live
    your religion. There's no need to get involved in the fight for freedom"? No, we should not, because our stand for freedom is a most basic part of our religion; this stand helped get us to this earth, and our reaction to freedom in this life will have eternal consequences:

  • @truthseeker7326
    @truthseeker7326 2 месяца назад +5

    Secret Combinations are already above us. Ask me how.

  • @OmahaAreaLoya
    @OmahaAreaLoya 2 месяца назад +45

    You can’t miss the mark this bad at such a high level by simple mistake. I have to believe the watering down of this message is because they can see that the obvious (and correct) interpretation would leave them condemned.

    • @justiceforall-06
      @justiceforall-06 2 месяца назад

      Who do you mean by "they"?

    • @wvg4800
      @wvg4800 2 месяца назад +2

      @@justiceforall-06 If I had to guess, I would guess Omaha is talking about the church leaders.

    • @OmahaAreaLoya
      @OmahaAreaLoya 2 месяца назад +3

      @wvg4800: you are correct. The two times I’ve tried to respond, both have been deleted.

    • @jasonsellers56
      @jasonsellers56 2 месяца назад +8

      Yes. The way the church leaders are handling this, it has "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" written all over it.

      @CMZIEBARTH 2 месяца назад +1

      The reality is they know but they want members to take the hint then learn more.

  • @crg34
    @crg34 2 месяца назад +14

    Among others, Mitch McConnell, Nancy pelosi, Chuck Schumer, the military industrial complex, the CIA and the FBI.

    • @CM333-z6c
      @CM333-z6c 2 месяца назад

      Some Church leaders are involved with those people :(

    • @CM333-z6c
      @CM333-z6c 2 месяца назад

      Churchs (including LDS ), businesses, organizations @ conservative politicians are in league with these people too.

    • @candlelightbeesgardening
      @candlelightbeesgardening 2 месяца назад

      The first name you mentioned; you get a real eye opener when you look up who his wife is. AND her father and what job he held.

    • @littled6698
      @littled6698 2 месяца назад

      Harry Reid. Mitt Romney. 2 different political party affiliations, members of the Church, but both so very, very wrong.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      EXACTLY as it was in the Meridian of Time when The Savior _Himself_ came claim His OWN .
      Only NOW in _our_ day - those _same _ (remember your Temple Endowment) are EMPOWERED with the technology to CONTROL and the power to END all human life on the planet .
      THESE are the times foretold .
      We teach the BASICS - the "milk" on Sundays , but The *PROPHET* has _instructed_ (pled with) us to STUDY on our OWN and _SEEK_ *REVELATION* .
      Remember -
      The Restoration _is_ *ALL* that it CLAIMS to be , The Church *IS* true , and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* , and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR preparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .
      Remember The Christ was SENT - _NOT_ to bring PEACE , but (rather) a SWORD .
      Be READY to pick YOURS up , when the _time_ is *finally* upon us .

  • @marionsmith4457
    @marionsmith4457 2 месяца назад +8

    Another perspective to debunk is the argument that the Prophet wasn't to de-emphasize the message of secret combinations. But, I ask, if the message of secret combinations is inconsequential, why would Heavenly Father put it into the Book of Mormon in the first place. If He didn't want us to focus on secret combinations, He would have left them out.

    • @teinelaume
      @teinelaume 2 месяца назад

      Good thinking! So on one hand it seems if it is not mentioned by the leadership, then it is inconsequential. But on the other hand, you cannot deny God is behind all the emphasis in the scriptures. Hmmm. that is a conundrum. You have been given two paths. Which to choose?

    • @littled6698
      @littled6698 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@teinelaumeI choose to waste and wear out my life bringing to light the things of darkness. I wasted hours on preperation to teach this topic this week to have people want to say that we just need to be more like Jesus.

  • @Lion_of_Liberty
    @Lion_of_Liberty 2 месяца назад +12

    Superb! I have the same view on this! Thanks for sharing!

  • @markwilde2391
    @markwilde2391 2 месяца назад +38

    Mid level bureaucracy in the church writes the lesson manuals. A large percentage of the bureaucracy is progressive. My opinion and my experience. No surprise to me on this topic raised.

    • @GAILandROD
      @GAILandROD 2 месяца назад +11

      because they were all educated in left leaning institutes. BYU is one of them.

    • @asarg1776
      @asarg1776 2 месяца назад +3

      I have wondered this. Thanks for saying so.

    • @doreenb.8928
      @doreenb.8928 2 месяца назад

      No matter how much they may try-the Gospel cannot be reconciled with progressivism.
      The sanctity of free agency for all individuals as well as strict moral responsibility for one’s actions precludes anyone being a devotee, or devout, in both at the same time. ‘Mormon progressives’ seems to me to be two opposing views…an oxymoron.

    • @truthseeker4286
      @truthseeker4286 2 месяца назад +1


    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      A large portion are INDEED "Progressive" , but you are NOT being "Led astray" .
      We teach the BASICS - the "milk" on Sundays , but The *PROPHET* has _instructed_ (pled with) us to STUDY on our OWN and _SEEK_ *REVELATION* .
      Remember -
      The Restoration _is_ *ALL* that it CLAIMS to be ,
      The Church *IS* true ,
      and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* ,
      and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR preparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .
      Remember The Christ was SENT - _NOT_ to bring PEACE , but (rather) a SWORD .
      Be READY to pick YOURS up , when the _time_ is *finally* upon us .

  • @danielroehm2822
    @danielroehm2822 2 месяца назад +7

    I never read the come follow me text at all. NEVER. I read or listen to the scriptures and often listen to a podcast to get more depth.
    I joined the church when it started and had one of the old manuals - and always referred to the old manual...because the new one was so vague.

    • @candlelightbeesgardening
      @candlelightbeesgardening 2 месяца назад +2

      I think it originally was intended to get people to USE more scriptures instead of less. People began cherry picking things. And then not using the scriptures at all. And they were avoiding anything that was hard or that would ask them to repent or do better or just ... anything requiring effort.
      When you look at examples of where missionaries were finding more people to teach... in our mission... those people were using the scriptures MORE not less.
      Come follow me wasn't meant to do a watered down version but instead to give you the chance to do more. People aren't using it that way.

    • @danielroehm2822
      @danielroehm2822 2 месяца назад +1

      @candlelightbeesgardening I agree with you on come follow me's intent...and this is a good intent. However, what Conner is saying is that in doing so, what's intended to be a training help has become a hindrance....and I agree with a Conner. I think it was just a poor idea, one that doesn't work well.

    • @fightingfortruth9806
      @fightingfortruth9806 2 месяца назад

      Once you're ready, you won't need manuals...

  • @DaveGarber1975
    @DaveGarber1975 2 месяца назад +5

    “And our nation will continue to degenerate unless we read and heed the words of the God of this land, Jesus Christ, and quit building up and upholding the secret combinations which the Book of Mormon tells us proved the downfall of both previous American civilizations.” - Ezra Taft Benson (Conference Report, 1975 Apr)

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      BEAUTIFUL *TRUTH* taught _plainly_ .
      Do YOU think its an ACCIDENT that the CURRENT Leadership of The Restoration is EMPHASIZING this increased interest in what's available to us ?
      We teach the BASICS - the "milk" on Sundays , but The *PROPHET* has _instructed_ (pled with) us to STUDY on our OWN and _SEEK_ *REVELATION* .
      Remember -
      The Restoration _is_ *ALL* that it CLAIMS to be , The Church *IS* true , and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* , and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR prparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .
      Remember The Christ was SENT - _NOT_ to bring PEACE , but (rather) a SWORD .
      Be READY to pick YOURS up , when the _time_ is *finally* upon us .

  • @dixierepublican
    @dixierepublican 2 месяца назад +5

    In my opinion, Come, Follow Me is a basic scripture study guide for a worldwide Church. It is milk that can and should be supplemented by our own meaty studies.
    It's main purpose is to bring students to Christ and help them have a change of heart.
    So I disagree that CFM failed this past week. I think it accomplished it's purpose.
    It's up to you and me to add the meat.

    • @gustavolimadesousa4525
      @gustavolimadesousa4525 2 месяца назад +2

      Compared to seminary manuals I used about 15 years ago the CFM is quite shallow.

  • @truthbetold23762
    @truthbetold23762 2 месяца назад +4

    Thank you! This is exactly what i was thinking about come follow me manual!

  • @cohort29
    @cohort29 2 месяца назад +22

    The New Testament, “Come Follow Me,” is an objectively shallow and weak, “study guide.”
    It skips dozens of vital and helpful chapters and verses for the modern day. Much more useful to sit in the hall and read the skipped chapters than listen to the milquetoast Sunday school lesson.

    • @Crochet_bro
      @Crochet_bro 2 месяца назад +1

      As a Gospel Doctrine teacher I don't really follow the "lesson". I read the chapters it follows but focus on what stands out to me.

  • @FaithofAbinadi
    @FaithofAbinadi 2 месяца назад +11

    I’m not sure why we avoid the topic of secret combinations. The only reason, perhaps, that manuals largely avoid is because we descend into pointing fingers at individual politicians and government, which is probably not a good idea for a religious organization to do inside our buildings.

    • @masonfam
      @masonfam 2 месяца назад +2

      If you know historical church talks and teachings you realize that not only is this ok to do, it was actively done. Members were encouraged to vigilantly expose darkness and oppose it. Names were mentioned over the pulpit in general conferences of public intrest offenders. Politicians, governors and presidents were all criticized as needed. Of course, they didn't like this much...

    • @doreenb.8928
      @doreenb.8928 2 месяца назад

      Some of the politicians as well as a large swath of the government needs to be called out.
      There is just no way to avoid the incompatibility of the Gospel and progressivism as well as the rampant corruption endemic in the permanent class (deep state) within our government.

    • @FaithofAbinadi
      @FaithofAbinadi 2 месяца назад +1

      @@THEREFORMIST Sure, he said a lot of things when the church was just a little group in Utah, however we're now a worldwide church and a massive organization. Our modern day is different.

    • @littled6698
      @littled6698 2 месяца назад +1

      Why SHOULDN'T we point out individual politicians and Government?

    • @FaithofAbinadi
      @FaithofAbinadi 2 месяца назад

      @ Perhaps it’s best to point fingers on your own and not in a public church setting. Why? The last place we want to have political discourse is at church. Nobody will prevail edified.

  • @chidote1howtodo
    @chidote1howtodo 2 месяца назад +9

    Great musing today Connor- we have to call a spade a spade and not pretend spades don't exist or water them down

  • @jasontucker3295
    @jasontucker3295 2 месяца назад +7

    Helaman 6 was not in the manual. No commentary. I called it to myself.

  • @Remarkable-Moose
    @Remarkable-Moose 2 месяца назад +4

    I believe that this meant to be part of the test of this life. After recieving the milk of the gospel, who of us will put the effort in for our eyes to see and ears to hear , and for us to move onto the meat of the gospel.
    Elder Bednar has told us that we cannot recieve the knowledge we need from our church classes, or even conference. We need to be able to be taught by the spirit. Pres Hinckly and Nelson are sayung the same thing.
    We will not be spoon fed all that we need to know.
    I don't think the manuals are failures. They are just a starting point.... and a test.
    There is my two cents.

  • @fightingfortruth9806
    @fightingfortruth9806 2 месяца назад +3

    I noticed this as well when I read it. They literally cut out the MOST IMPORTANT scriptures about secret combinations

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas Месяц назад

      Too afraid to offend ? To afraid _we_ will be more ABLE to see FAILINGS that _must_ be called OUT ?

  • @freesparrowsomeday
    @freesparrowsomeday 2 месяца назад +8

    Correlation department controls so much of the church narrative It’s crazy a committee decides what is important to teach. What authority or keys do they hold to know what God wants us to learn on Sundays?

    • @teinelaume
      @teinelaume 2 месяца назад +1

      I have taught in the church since 1988 and from that time till now I see the circle of approved truth has been growing smaller. We say we believe all truth can be circumscribed into one great whole, but lately if it isn't from approved sources it should be shunned. The Correlation department was one step of many that seem to draw less from the living waters and more from a stagnant regurgitating pool of surface level topics and quotes of current leaders. One example: "Hear Him" but if he says anything contrary to current leaders, throw it out. Another example: "If it's not found on the church website, it is not true, not worth looking at, and should be questioned." Which is the response I got when telling someone of the signs in the heavens that had been happening.

  • @ExtraMedium-
    @ExtraMedium- 2 месяца назад +5

    Church members as a whole have a fear or aversion to being political. While we should avoid being partisan, there is a difference between being partisan and being political. The BoM is political.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      As a "whole" , no ... your perception is LOCAL at _best_ .
      We teach the BASICS - the "milk" on Sundays , but The *PROPHET* has _instructed_ (pled with) us to STUDY on our OWN and _SEEK_ *REVELATION* .
      Remember -
      The Restoration _is_ *ALL* that it CLAIMS to be ,
      The Church *IS* true ,
      and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* ,
      and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR preparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .
      Remember The Christ was SENT - _NOT_ to bring PEACE , but (rather) a SWORD .
      Be READY to pick YOURS up , when the _time_ is *finally* upon us .

  • @og5981
    @og5981 2 месяца назад +3

    I love Come Follow Me! It's blessed me with personal revelation as I've studied it. It's a complete success in my life! It's a miracle in my life. God, my Father and Jesus Christ, my Lord, thank you for it. Wicked, hard-hearted, prideful, and those committing personal apostasy, who choose not to repent and be like Lamen and Lemuel are the only ones who don't believe it and are filled with Satan's influence and led away by him into the mists of darkness, torment, forbidden paths, and the great and spacious building. Your choice.

  • @curtcarver392
    @curtcarver392 2 месяца назад +5

    How Moroni would comment on this Sunday Musing:
    "And when ye shall see that the church leaders are not even awake to the full message of secret combinations then ye shall also know that you are asleep and have not yet awakened to your own awful situation."
    At best the leaders are asleep, at worse they are part of a secret combination within the church and have fellowship with other secret combinations over nations.

    • @allthingsarepossiblethruchrist
      @allthingsarepossiblethruchrist 2 месяца назад


    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      *NO* .
      Speaking _Against_ the Church Leaders is NOT the answer .
      YOU are the one NOT geting it , and ANY "conclusions" you're drawing from your _own_ feelings and perceptions are NECESSARILY _LIMITED_ *FROM* the _whole_ picture - "... as through a glass DARKLY ... " .
      We teach the BASICS - the "milk" on Sundays , but The *PROPHET* has _instructed_ (pled with) us to STUDY on our OWN and _SEEK_ *REVELATION* .
      Remember -
      The Restoration _is_ *ALL* that it CLAIMS to be ,
      The Church *IS* true ,
      and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* ,
      and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR preparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .
      Remember The Christ was SENT - _NOT_ to bring PEACE , but (rather) a SWORD .
      Be READY to pick YOURS up , when the _time_ is *finally* upon us .

  • @hubbsangel
    @hubbsangel 2 месяца назад +2

    The secret combinations are also in the churches according to the Book of Mormon. We must see them in our own midst! We can’t say the combinations are out there, but not in here!

  • @charylriggs8777
    @charylriggs8777 2 месяца назад +4

    Everything is said and published for the entire church membership. Nothing more direct will be said if the more part of the membership haven't graduated from primary. They don't want to hear hard things. This is why I struggle with Relief Society. It's mostly milk. They aren't ready for meat. Nor do they want it. It's those that want meat, that seek out deeper meanings, that read between the lines. It's like this because we let it be like this. It's why we let the secret combinations grow to the point where they will overcome us. It's a small population of the church membership that is ready for more.

    • @chuckintexas
      @chuckintexas 19 дней назад

      Mostly correct .
      Do NOT "struggle" with Relief Society . R.S. meetings and Sunday School are NOT intended for these lessons . We must NOT enable a spirit of contention ANYWHERE we assemble . This is ABSOLUTELY *CRUCIAL* .
      I am NOT advocating softness in ANY way.
      We teach the BASICS - the "milk" on Sundays , but The *PROPHET* has _instructed_ (pled with) us to STUDY on our OWN and _SEEK_ *REVELATION* .
      Remember -
      The Restoration _is_ *ALL* that it CLAIMS to be , The Church *IS* true , and Joseph Smith IS The *Prophet of The Restoration* , and _all_ that this _implies_ .
      Its up to _US_ to raise OUR voice - to *TAKE A STAND* where we MUST , and be _ready_ for *the* day when OUR preparations - yours and mine and others' - will be called upon to defend and FEED those around us that we can save .
      I'm GLAD we re-elected Trump , but that _only_ gives us TIME to make our LAST preparations for what's _Coming_ .
      Remember The Christ was SENT - _NOT_ to bring PEACE , but (rather) a SWORD .
      Be READY to pick YOURS up , when the _time_ is *finally* upon us .

  • @Veevslav1
    @Veevslav1 2 месяца назад +22

    LOLZ, I caused a part of the class to walk out one week when I was Sunday School Teacher because I was teaching context. The part they stormed out on was the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum. They got mad because they wanted the Doctrine and not the Context... They also hated that I would teach multiple week at once and would teach from the scriptures and not the manual. Fun times. I was so naive back then.

    • @tomegbert438
      @tomegbert438 2 месяца назад +1

      I would have loved to sit in your class!!!

    • @CM333-z6c
      @CM333-z6c 2 месяца назад +1

      Wish I had a teacher like that now!

  • @SummerAdamsdotcom
    @SummerAdamsdotcom 2 месяца назад +9

    “All is well in Zion” according the church. Don’t ask questions. The secret combos don’t apply to us. Don’t look at the man behind the curtain.😵‍💫
    The church IS the secret combination, hate to break it to y’all. Read the BoM and see its warnings.

    • @BTGordon
      @BTGordon 2 месяца назад +1


    • @sarahpeacock9686
      @sarahpeacock9686 2 месяца назад

      @@BTGordon 2 Nephi 28:21 And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well-and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.

    • @BTGordon
      @BTGordon 2 месяца назад

      @@sarahpeacock9686 🙄

  • @chrisamiejohnson3362
    @chrisamiejohnson3362 2 месяца назад +5

    I got to teach this lesson to the 10yo boys today. They're 10 so I didn’t make it too scary. However, I did make a point to teach that the reason for ALL of the Jaredite wars was to be in charge of the people. Hopefully they will remember and start asking deeper questions as they grow.

  • @The.Prepper.Princess
    @The.Prepper.Princess 2 месяца назад +1

    I think of the "come follow me" as a prime to the pump of study. As well as an easy lesson to follow for my small kids.

  • @ejs7721
    @ejs7721 2 месяца назад +8

    There is so much truth in this.
    We were Gospel doctrine teachers, and the come follow me lessons were a joke.

  • @gregandreason1093
    @gregandreason1093 2 месяца назад +12

    The correlation department was the start of the down fall of the church in my studying.

    • @freesparrowsomeday
      @freesparrowsomeday 2 месяца назад +3

      I think it’s about control…..keeping us all “in line”.

    • @jasonsellers56
      @jasonsellers56 2 месяца назад

      The downfall of the church started *long* before then. It started when the members didn't treat the Book of Mormon or Bible seriously, continued as secret combinations grew within the church, which eventually led to the murders of Joseph and Hyrum, at the hands of John Taylor and Willard Richards.
      The church has been 100% off the rails ever since then, 180 years ago.

  • @GAILandROD
    @GAILandROD 2 месяца назад +3

    I agree 100%. We have reduced studying to Primary song titles. I wish we would abolish the standard works study and dive into the Book of Mormon and D&C and pull in all other scriptures and study by topic. I wonder what would happen if we just stopped with the Conference talks in church and lessons. We all can read them on our own. Dig into the meat and not the milk of the "inexhaustible" Gospel.

  • @billboswell6036
    @billboswell6036 2 месяца назад +2

    The lefward and woke drift of the church's paid bureaucracy has been going on for decades, and has definitely reached concerning depths.

  • @dixierepublican
    @dixierepublican 2 месяца назад +3

    One more thought:
    Standing up for liberty and opposing secret combinations is very important. Every Church member should engage in this work.
    But President Nelson has said the greatest work is gathering Israel on both sides of the veil, through covenants with God that are brought about by conversion, mission, and temple work.
    In order to do this greatest work, the Church has to work with hundreds of states and countries, most of which are controlled by secret combinations. Sending missionaries and building temples worldwide requires daily submission to evil men's laws.
    So: if anyone wants the Church as an organization to lead the fight against secret combinations, you will be very disappointed. That is not job 1.

    • @rogue862
      @rogue862 2 месяца назад

      thank you..... for being that light in the midst of all the darkness I am seeing on this comment section...... seems many have wildly missed the mark..... and are on a very precarious spiritual path because of it....

    • @littled6698
      @littled6698 2 месяца назад

      ​@@rogue862 What's the mark people have missed? How do we invite people to attend church if corrupt Governments tell us we can't meet under threat of jail time? Do you obey Jesus, or Ceasar?

  • @iDONTdoFacebook
    @iDONTdoFacebook 2 месяца назад +6

    When I bring these things up, a lot of folks open a door to a bad spirit then claim it’s ME who introduced the bad spirit. They shut me down basically saying we are not to get into politics here!
    The bulk of the saints seem to only want to “heap to themselves teachers” who soothe their ears with only the first principles & Ordinances of the Gospel - the feel good stuff. They really don’t want to hear it. All the while “THE COMBINED ENEMY IN SECRET CHAMBERS WHICH SEEKETH YOUR LIVES” is “IN PROCESS OF TIME” getting above them and laying their snares, inching closer to a takeover and gaining full control of our government.
    “AND YE KNEW IT NOT” said Christ in His prophetic warning found in Section 38 of Doctrine & Covenants.

  • @deivclayton
    @deivclayton 6 дней назад

    Amen. I've felt like the Come Follow Me manuals have largely been Sunbeam Primary manuals for adults. I used to love going to Gospel Doctrine class, and now I largely just go home after sacrament meeting.

  • @TheGreatDadoo
    @TheGreatDadoo 2 месяца назад +10

    Best musing yet. ❤
    For decades, I've had the same issue about Ether 8. I have come to the conclusion that the reason why the church doesn't bring to light secret combinations and issues with current society is either because
    A...they don't care and are just waiting for the destruction of something that they see unworthy of protecting so that Jesus can come back after they destroy themselves or
    B... they're completely uninspired and too cowardly to try to protect the United States and Western civilization in favor of keeping the status quo and not upsetting the income stream... pick one.

    • @dallaspeterson2024
      @dallaspeterson2024 2 месяца назад

      C. They are complicit with the secret combinations especially the military industrial complex !

    • @amynazza
      @amynazza 2 месяца назад

      Or C. They are letting people utilize their agency to seek truth or ignore it as they choose the consequences for good or evil will be utterly earned by them and them alone.

    • @TheGreatDadoo
      @TheGreatDadoo 2 месяца назад +2

      @@amynazza are they inspired witnesses of Christs and caring leaders; the mouthpiece of God, or NOT?
      If so, then why the silence, and if not then why are we paying them tithing aka "what are we paying them for"?
      You suggest that it's all part of free will but, then, why were the evil practices called out several times in the BofM and why is it never called out today?
      Sorry, honey-pie, your hypothesis "makes reason stare" ... if we're the tithe-paying-sheep then why are the shepherds doing nothing to stad up to evil?
      No, C is not an option ... it's either ignorance or greed as far as I can see... but nice try. Cope much? Try again
      Now that Trump's elected it looks like many corporations and "powerful" people are starting to find their testicles again. Now that it's becoming popular to be Christ-like MAYBE just *MAYBE* the LDS Church will actually stand up and say something brave like they used to way back in the 50's and 60's and 70's and 80's.
      Then again, don't hold your breath because maybe the bean-counters will decide there's more money in cowardice and silence... ya know, business as usual 21st century SLC

  • @noway-x7j
    @noway-x7j 2 месяца назад +1

    CFM and replacing the Ensign with the Liahona are two cases where doctrine that was taught for a wise people were replaced with material written at a 2nd grade reading level

  • @pibalo9185
    @pibalo9185 2 месяца назад +2

    In the mid-nineties secret combinations were introduced in my seminary class in conjunction with a lesson on evil influences in the music industry. We were told about back-masking and other secret messages in popular music. Strangely we were mostly given examples from music in the sixties and seventies, 20-30 years prior. All I really learned was don’t listen to Led Zeppelin, I’m glad I used my agency and kept listening to the best rock and roll ever. Plus I recognize that the nineties, being the Clinton era, was a big missed opportunity to discuss the political aspect of secret combinations.

  • @life_ontheranch
    @life_ontheranch 2 месяца назад +10

    Thank you for this discussion. This has been heavy on my mind. We are so much in the thick of it. I think many members/leaders either don’t wanna acknowledge or have no clue.
    I Elder Bednar is the only one who is really kind of called this out in this past conference.

  • @jasg92317
    @jasg92317 2 месяца назад +20

    Do members of the UofU Skull & Bones count as secret combinations?

    • @Teresamaisey76
      @Teresamaisey76 2 месяца назад +3


    • @MrBillmechanic
      @MrBillmechanic 2 месяца назад +4

      YUP!! Nelson supposedly heads up that organizaiton.

    • @botofogo2212
      @botofogo2212 2 месяца назад +2

      Of course...
      Skull and Bones, is Skull and Bones. Originates from Germany and why that's important can be discussed later.
      These secret societies are all about giving advantage to it's members, but only for a price. They all have black mail on each other, because that is how they work. These "societies " are not for the betterment of humanity. They are all about gain, advantage, money, power, murder, deception.

    • @tomegbert438
      @tomegbert438 2 месяца назад +9

      @@MrBillmechanic He does not "head up" that organization! Stop spewing crap like that. He joined a lot of different fraternities, and this one he joined in ignorance at the time. Read his biography.

    • @botofogo2212
      @botofogo2212 2 месяца назад

      ​@tomegbert438 and he advised the members to get the jab. Moreover, he said the C*vid Jabs were safe and effective.
      Oh and....that we should be "good global citizens ".

  • @Topher2024
    @Topher2024 2 месяца назад +24

    Look up Jacob 2 in come follow me… didn’t even mention anything of polygamy being abominable before the lord. Go figure.

    • @3blenders
      @3blenders 2 месяца назад +3

      but the great thing is here, that we are recognizing these implied suggestive false teachings. Not really false, but because deceptive is the same thing, I would dare say that the secret combination is within the church, trying little by little to overthrow the kingdom of God, precept upon precept, here, a little there a little and before you know it, we are totally of course. That is why we are not going to survive spiritually in the coming days with without the close companionship with the Holy Ghost. We all know who prophesied that. I’m grateful for that because that is how we survive, how I survive spiritually. I’m actually staying away from all of that, secret combination inside the church that they’re trying to shove down all these little seemingly meaningless lies or deviations. But Jesus knows about it. He does not condone it, but he uses it to his advantage and his work.

    • @wheels636
      @wheels636 2 месяца назад +2

      It sure is when the Lord didn't command it.

    • @koltoncrane3099
      @koltoncrane3099 2 месяца назад

      Polygamy is one controversial topic. Some say that D&C132 is fake or Joseph didn’t write it. Anti lds people use polygamy as a topic to say the church is bad and they totally disregard the Bible. Lds people use Jacob 2 to say polygamy is bad but then totally disregard the Bible and D&C132.
      If god doesn’t like polygamy then he easily could have whacked Abraham or Jacob or Solomon etc. God killed Judahs two sons for not knowing their sister in law biblically after they married her and then Judah got to know his daughter in law in the biblical sense. Jesus descends from that woman linage i believe. Anyways sure you can say Jacob 2 say polygamy is wrong, but there’s tons of other places where god either allows it to happen or actually kills peopke if they don’t do it. So I don’t think anyone can say polygamy is good or bad universally or definitely unless if you argue the Bible was rewritten or wrong to start with and that D&C132 is also fabricated.

    • @jasonsellers56
      @jasonsellers56 2 месяца назад +2

      @3blenders The secret combinations overthrew the church (not the Kingdom of God; no one can do that) about 180 years ago, when 2 members of it, John Taylor and Willard Richards, murdered Joseph and Hyrum. It's time you take the red pill regarding this.

    • @wheels636
      @wheels636 2 месяца назад

      @@jasonsellers56 stop smoking that wacky weed. You know that's absolutely false. Absolutely zero proof other than in some anti's wild imagination.
      The catholic's thought the same thing about Peter but we know the Gospel was taken due to unrighteousness. Same would happen to our church.

  • @scottwheeler5741
    @scottwheeler5741 2 месяца назад +3

    Could the lack of study or focus on the topic be a way be a form of "pleading the 5th"?

  • @Topher2024
    @Topher2024 2 месяца назад +45

    The church is in a fallen state. If Christ’s apostles can turn on him, then a church can fall. We forget that Satan owns this world and will until Christ comes again. God speed!

    • @Teresamaisey76
      @Teresamaisey76 2 месяца назад +4

      Amen! 🙏

    • @3blenders
      @3blenders 2 месяца назад +13

      We are recognizing it and are effectively fleeing to the safety of the Holy Ghost. I believe this is the purpose. Sadly, few recognize it and then persecute those who do and call them “inactive”. President Nelson warned us not long ago that we won’t survive spiritually without the constant close companionship of the Holy Ghost. My ward has abandoned me and fails to understand when I share my sorrow about it. They are so blind and feel they have to defend these evil events. I am deeply troubled by it.

    • @ericreed4535
      @ericreed4535 2 месяца назад +4

      ​@@3blendersFeelings are poor indicators of truth. Question everyone and everything while practicing intellectual honesty. Don't trade one dogma for another

    • @sandrahurst4123
      @sandrahurst4123 2 месяца назад +8

      @Topher2024 The Church is NOT in a fallen state!! We have the promise of that 100%. However, the same is not true for many of the members, especially those that call evil good.

    • @nicread2102
      @nicread2102 2 месяца назад +2

      Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another; but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done away.

  • @lightrevolutionsdotcom9415
    @lightrevolutionsdotcom9415 2 месяца назад +4

    I agree with you on this: rather than 'opining' about why the bulk of Book of Mormon addresses the factors that destroyed their Nations and religion, combined with explicit prophecies that we would face the same, we ought to 'believe' and pay attention to the bold reasons unapolegetically given in the revelation itself! The obvious inference, as in a legal case: where overt evidence is skipped over or masked, it is because it is exposing & condemning in nature. Still, it is up to individuals to study the Scriptures and employ discernment, not supplant such with Institutional bias.

  • @JourneyJackson1
    @JourneyJackson1 Месяц назад

    Ether 8 is a blueprint of how to survive the secret combinations so prevalent today. The church's instruction on Ether 8 fails on so many levels. However, the church's instruction to read and study the Book of Mormon is spot on and always has been.

  • @taylorallred
    @taylorallred 2 месяца назад +3

    When i hear "secret combinations" I think of mormon polygamy and the Twitter files.

    • @bmo5082
      @bmo5082 2 месяца назад +1

      Yep. Swearing blood oaths etc etc

    • @Kevin.Parkin
      @Kevin.Parkin 2 месяца назад +4

      When I hear Secret Combinations, I think of Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, the Democrat Party, Planned Parenthood, the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma and the Chinese Communist Party. So, We The People elected Donald Trump to bust it up and return America to Religion, God and Goodness and prosperity to the forgotten citizen. Amen.

  • @FromG2eminor
    @FromG2eminor 2 месяца назад +2

    I don't read the CFM manual. I just check what chapters are next, pick a word or 2 that sticks out and delve deep into those. I don't remember which apostle said this but he said that if there is a boring talk or teacher then just make your own sermon with the Holy Ghost as your teacher. Boy, have i had many of

  • @littled6698
    @littled6698 2 месяца назад +2

    I just had 2 people tell me that we are supposed to teach what it says in the manual. It teaches about Jesus, and that's what we are supposed to learn. 😢😢 It's negative to say the manual falls short on what it covers. If we worry about being like Jesus, we won't have to worry about secret combinations. 🤯

  • @blainepalmer5967
    @blainepalmer5967 2 месяца назад +3

    Amen, brother