The designs are pretty and the nail itself is sturdy and good quality but I struggled to get a proper fit on my index and middle fingers using the "pardon my french" design. The sizes were too small for me.
I completely understand! They were a little big but it was a little difficult to file down the sides to customize because of the jewels but I tried to make them work😊 I will see how it goes with the “on my tippies” since they are shorter but they were blinged out and beautiful! Thanks for watching and sharing your experience!!!🥰
These are so cute! I’m glad you enjoyed them! Have a great night ❤❤❤
Thank you!! You have a great night as well!!! 💕💕
@@nailsforhappinesswithshelby ❤️💜🙏🏼
The designs are pretty and the nail itself is sturdy and good quality but I struggled to get a proper fit on my index and middle fingers using the "pardon my french" design. The sizes were too small for me.
I completely understand! They were a little big but it was a little difficult to file down the sides to customize because of the jewels but I tried to make them work😊 I will see how it goes with the “on my tippies” since they are shorter but they were blinged out and beautiful! Thanks for watching and sharing your experience!!!🥰
Hello ma'am your video is nice
Thank you so much for watching and I am glad you enjoyed!
I love these nails ! They are almost as good as the ones you make me 🤭❤️❤
Thank you!!! Hope you enjoyed the video and hope you enjoy the Pink Friday Nails I “gifted” you!!! I appreciate you supporting our channel!!🥰
I love these nails
Thank you!