Another part of a video series from Bishop Barron will be commenting on subjects from modern day culture. For more visit www.wordonfire....
Hi Fr Barron, I'm a British protestant. I've been really struggling with my faith in the last couple of months and your teachings are really helping me find the way back. Thank-you. x
Jo Fox; I hope you don't mind me stepping in.I noticed this video helped you. You mentioned a British protestant full of baggage just kidding.... Being a devout catholic my wife was an Anglican protestant but in order for her to marry me she had to convert to being catholic and of course we had to bring up our children catholic.God throws curveballs in your life.He surprises you once in awhile if you let him.My point being a strong catholic I would have never thought of marrying a protestant ever.My wife now is a catholic school teacher; reads at mass; hands out holy communion and is involved in the church more than myself.Talk about the 3pm crowd (vineyard parable).But she can't beat my prayer life.You mentioned about you are really struggling with your faith.The Protestant faith can give a foundation of faith but the catholic church teaches the full gospel universal 'according to the whole'. What's missing for a protestant is the eucharist.Only a catholic priest can change the bread and wine to the actual body and blood of Christ. The catholic mass liturgy is found in scripture.John 6;54. The protestant churches study the bible on Sunday is a form of idoltary. What is idoltary to do what sounds good to man. Jesus Christ never said go and study your bibles on Sunday as worship this a form of idoltary.The catholic mass is the key to salvation. It is the daily sacrifice said 300,000 times daily around the world for over 2,000 years now. Obviously you know the British treated the Irish catholics horrifically in it's history. The Irish catholics are very dear to God.The Irish sent catholic priests and missionaries to Africa in the 70's and 80's.Now Africa are sending their catholic priests west to North America and Ireland amazing.
I have found biblical Christianity in Protestantism. Hang in there. Some of Bishop Barron's teaching help me a lot in some areas but I still I would not go back to Catholicism because they have deviated with the doctrines of men. This teaching was very helpful.
Dear Father Barron : I am 65 years old and have always been perplexed and taken back by the contrivance of the catholic articles of faith and narrative. That said, the catholic morality has always felt profoundly right. I have come in contact with your videos two months ago, and some have helped me greatly. So I have recommended them to friends who might be open to the values you profess. After listening to your comments on Veni Sancte Spiritus, I have asked God to show me a course of action concerning certain problems. And God may well have answered. Your exposés have helped me realize my deepest aspirations correspond to values associated with God. And whether God exists or not, I find my freedom in serving those perceived goods. Thank you.
+Charles Lambdin : Thank you for writing me. I find warming that you would care enough to let me know your point of view and give me information you find helpful. The word “struggle” is certainly accurate. I am desperately seeking meaningful and enlightening approaches and shall view the video you recommend. Like you, I have specially enjoyed the “Flying Spaghetti Monster” exposé. The Catholic Church has an inexhaustible treasure of human experience, analytical rigour, and love of God, Goodness, Truth and Beauty; and I think it has much to offer in this society where it is common for individuals to feel they have the competence, the right and the duty to judge values on the basis of their self-serving quality. God help us all.
Thank you for your wise words and kind wishes. I have started going back to mass two and a half months ago. Yesterday a St. Augustine phrase was pronounced which stuck in the mind: “You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless, until they can find rest in you.” Let us Hope!
Father Barrow, I have a testimony of his words. On December 24, 2014, providentially I found on RUclips a music that I really liked and it was Veni Sancte Spiritus. I was desolate and I was much of that night and of the 25 accompanying me with that music, I asked the Lord, what was the meaning of my life? The Lord gave me more than a response, an experience of life that had two years of peace and happiness in my soul, and much need to know, to learn about it. Now, without the euphoria of the experience that the Holy Spirit gave me, I strive to live according to what he has taught me, I confess frequently and correct my path as soon as I deviate. I am convinced that this life is a constant struggle against evil. Thank you for your messages Father, God bless you.
Thank you father Barron for sharing your insight and wisdom. I'm starting my journey into the Catholic faith and find your videos really helpful. Many thanks
Rebecca Vu You've made the right choice by going to an Apostolic Church, but the wrong choice in going west when you should have gone east into Eastern Orthodoxy. There too many heresies in Roman Catholicism, like papal infallibility, the immaculate conception, purgatory, indulgences. Roman Catholicism has also resulted in schisms and inquisitions and a very dark history.
Thank you Bishop Barron, you are a gift from Gad to us ..I was very seriously ill, i believe our lord Jesus Christ our lord is our savior, and my christian faith healed me, healed by a miracle attributed to late Pope John Paul II
Bishop Barron, I just want to thank you for the work you do and for allowing the Holy Spirit to work through you in order for people like me, a sinner, to have a word of encouragement throughout the week. I ask you humbly to pray for me so that I may, like yourself, allow the holy spirit to guide my life and to always be sincere and never superficial. Thank you, Bishop Barron!
Father Barron, Your teachings offer hope and understanding at a time of great spiritual sickness. May the Lord richly bless you in your ministry. Steve London England
The one source of the Spirit is the mutual love of the Father and the Son. That's why we say that, together, they breathe out (or spirate) the Holy Spirit. Fulton Sheen referred to the Spirit as the sigh of love breathed out by the Father and the Son.
Fr. Barron, this is a completely marvelous meditation on the fruits of the Holy Spirit. And it's something that we don't hear very much about in Homilies and other spiritual sources. This made my morning! As it's snowing and 5 degrees here, a test of my Patience.
One of my favorite talks of Fr. Barron ! I would be interested to hear one of these snippets on Jesus comment regarding "Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven Ever. My "thought" says "We have been gifted with the Holy Spirit in our Sacramental rites, and to set aside God's ultimate gift of Love, the Person of His very nature in and with us, is not forgivable." I'd like to hear your wisdom on this "difficult passage of scripture" Father. And I thank you!
Niall Hogan The Holy Trinity: who are they that compose it. --------------- 5 The Father stood before His children and explained unto them that He had chosen a leader from among them to watch over His work in this part of His kingdom. 6 And the Father called forth Jehovah from among the other spirits and presented him before them as the one that He had chosen. 7 And it came to pass that another valiant spirit was called forth and presented unto the spirits by the Father. 8 And the Father brought forth one of the spirits and presented him to the other spirits that resided there. And I beheld that this spirit was Michael, who would become the mortal father of all the children of men. 15 There before the throne of the Eternal Father, even Elohim, stood Jehovah, even Jesus the Christ, and Michael, the father of all the children of men, even the man Adam. And every knee bowed and every soul sang praises to this Holy Trinity. 16 There appeared a sea of many souls, even more numerous than the sands upon the sea shore, each singing praises of glory towards the throne of God, and all kneeling in honor of their Father and their God. 11 And it came to pass that Michael went down and passed through the days of his probation and died; yea, even so, he returned once again to the world of spirits from whence he came. 12 And Michael ruled at the right hand of Jehovah and reigned in his stead when the time came for Jehovah to pass through the days of his probation. 16 And for the small space of time in between the death of his mortal body and his resurrection, Jesus entered once again into the spirit world and bestowed upon Michael all the powers and authority that he had received from the Father, so that Michael could rule and reign in the spirit world. 17 And now, this is the mystery that hath not been revealed except unto those who have been faithful and received the knowledge of God by way of the spirit of God. For behold, Michael is the other member of the Godhead, yea even the Holy Ghost. 20 But Michael would not take upon himself a resurrected body, but was called and chosen to rule and reign in the spirit world as the Holy Ghost until the work of the Father, concerning His children that belong to this part of His kingdom, is finished. 52 And in this way, Michael, who is the Holy Ghost, is known as the archangel who is in constant battle for the souls of men with Lucifer, who is also known as the devil. ♥️
so so inspiring im so happy i found this!! just these past couple days i was suffering from a sudden unexplained depression...i honestly felt like crying all the i kept praying and praying, while doing my daily routine and trying to put things in order...finally it just lifted as suddenly as it came..never give up your prayers even if they dont seem to work the first time. have faith and ask again. :) god bless
I want to thank you for your sermon. God, the holy spirit has been back in my life for sometime. I walk by Faith and trust in God only. I'm now serving God for his purpose in my life. I never in my life experience so much peace, joy and guidance. I'm made brand-new and once was broken. God has given me a deliverance. I've been tested and by God's grace I'm saved. I'm grateful God taken time to give me a second chance. I'm now singing the gospel, writing songs and been studying the word of God as he lives in me. Overall, I just want to thank you. May God continue to be with you and your spirit.
Pray for me please Fr. Barron. I am too long suffering and sometimes lose my faith. My Son has been sick for so long and I am finding it harder and harder to see the good and love in what you say might be a gift. I find myself just praying that God will take me soon.
Both St. Therese of Lisieux and Bl. Mother Theresa of Calcutta near the end of their lives both experienced great agony and sense of doubt for no short period of time. This is not much different from you, but in this period of darkness, they persevered. What got them through is realizing that their suffering is not unlike Jesus' agony in the garden of Gethsemene. Knowing this and their love for Jesus, they united their troubles and doubts to that moment. As Jesus suffers so do you, but you have hope because you know that though He suffered death, He also rose from the dead, and you will have new life within you. If you doubt this, I also have a first-hand account of a friend who was just two months ago afflicted with the same sort of doubt, losing both a grandmother, whom she thought of as her own mother, and a very close best friend within two weeks of another. I watched her recover over the next month and a half, and I an amazed at what the Lord had done for her! Over time she began to pray over herself the very truth she heard in the prayers we prayed over her. "Christ, whom you loved, died for you so that you might live. He has blessed you, and you will speak in witness to it." This girl is now one of the most vocal and excited people I know to speak to Jesus' account. She is one of the people I know that has suffered the most hardships throughout her life, yet as the Holy Spirit came upon her, it was her voice that was became the most compelling as the Word spilled out of her. Through her suffering, I saw Christ. I say the same to you, and even more so now as we prepare in remembering His Passion this week. You are blessed to know more intimately what Christ went through, and may you likewise be lifted up to be a voice in witness to Him.
I wept reading your comment. I don't know what the future or God has in store for you but I know suffering and I know the indignation that rises from seeing the suffering of innocents. Be good and inspire others. God bless.
My brother had died after contracting incurable depression for almost 30 years. how could a loving merciful God of love, deny miracles to recover health. Medicine is not a perfect science, where then is the miracle of faith?
Fr. Barron is an excellent source for interpretation, but here we see a humble Teacher. "How can I tell if I am on the right path?" It's answered beyond doubt here, from Galations 5. Thanks very much, Father
So beautiful. I would just like to clarify one point which Fr mentions near the end of his talk. 'He says we must ask for the Holy Spirit, well I understand what he means, however we receive the Holy Spirit in a special way when we are Confirmed. The graces we receive often remain quite hidden as we pay too much attention to the world, however we can then ask to be renewed through the power of the Holy Spirit, that the Holy Spirit may fan into flames those graces which God has already given us from the moment of Baptism as well as Confirmation.
This message of the Holy Spirit and how you expressed it. It means so much to me as a new Catholic! I love the peace, joy and unconditional love of loving the Holy Spirit. “Occasion for love”… beautiful. 💙
I'm from Lake Forest, Il. and started following Fr. Barron when he was pastor in our neighboring town of Libertyville. I would go to his church just to hear him speak. His homilies are the best I've ever heard. It's wonderful the he's featured on Catholic TV, especially in this time of distress. Witnessing daily mass on the internet, is difficult, but hearing, now Bishop Baron, every day is a blessing!
ivana puhan The Holy Trinity: who are they that compose it. --------------- 5 The Father stood before His children and explained unto them that He had chosen a leader from among them to watch over His work in this part of His kingdom. 6 And the Father called forth Jehovah from among the other spirits and presented him before them as the one that He had chosen. 7 And it came to pass that another valiant spirit was called forth and presented unto the spirits by the Father. 8 And the Father brought forth one of the spirits and presented him to the other spirits that resided there. And I beheld that this spirit was Michael, who would become the mortal father of all the children of men. 15 There before the throne of the Eternal Father, even Elohim, stood Jehovah, even Jesus the Christ, and Michael, the father of all the children of men, even the man Adam. And every knee bowed and every soul sang praises to this Holy Trinity. 16 There appeared a sea of many souls, even more numerous than the sands upon the sea shore, each singing praises of glory towards the throne of God, and all kneeling in honor of their Father and their God. 11 And it came to pass that Michael went down and passed through the days of his probation and died; yea, even so, he returned once again to the world of spirits from whence he came. 12 And Michael ruled at the right hand of Jehovah and reigned in his stead when the time came for Jehovah to pass through the days of his probation. 16 And for the small space of time in between the death of his mortal body and his resurrection, Jesus entered once again into the spirit world and bestowed upon Michael all the powers and authority that he had received from the Father, so that Michael could rule and reign in the spirit world. 17 And now, this is the mystery that hath not been revealed except unto those who have been faithful and received the knowledge of God by way of the spirit of God. For behold, Michael is the other member of the Godhead, yea even the Holy Ghost. 20 But Michael would not take upon himself a resurrected body, but was called and chosen to rule and reign in the spirit world as the Holy Ghost until the work of the Father, concerning His children that belong to this part of His kingdom, is finished. 52 And in this way, Michael, who is the Holy Ghost, is known as the archangel who is in constant battle for the souls of men with Lucifer, who is also known as the devil. ♥️
God bless you Fr. Barron. Every time I hear you I learn something new spiritually.Sometimes I have had to learn the hard way on my spiritual journey. I'm going to be 53 next month, & as I look back "self control" & self interest have been the bucking broncos that I really needed to be thrown off. Kicking & screaming the whole way. I find it sad that I was so immature to be contemplating it now, so late in life. Faith, hope & love is what has kept me sane through all my trials. Come Holy Spirit!
E B The Holy Trinity: who are they that compose it. --------------- 5 The Father stood before His children and explained unto them that He had chosen a leader from among them to watch over His work in this part of His kingdom. 6 And the Father called forth Jehovah from among the other spirits and presented him before them as the one that He had chosen. 7 And it came to pass that another valiant spirit was called forth and presented unto the spirits by the Father. 8 And the Father brought forth one of the spirits and presented him to the other spirits that resided there. And I beheld that this spirit was Michael, who would become the mortal father of all the children of men. 15 There before the throne of the Eternal Father, even Elohim, stood Jehovah, even Jesus the Christ, and Michael, the father of all the children of men, even the man Adam. And every knee bowed and every soul sang praises to this Holy Trinity. 16 There appeared a sea of many souls, even more numerous than the sands upon the sea shore, each singing praises of glory towards the throne of God, and all kneeling in honor of their Father and their God. 11 And it came to pass that Michael went down and passed through the days of his probation and died; yea, even so, he returned once again to the world of spirits from whence he came. 12 And Michael ruled at the right hand of Jehovah and reigned in his stead when the time came for Jehovah to pass through the days of his probation. 16 And for the small space of time in between the death of his mortal body and his resurrection, Jesus entered once again into the spirit world and bestowed upon Michael all the powers and authority that he had received from the Father, so that Michael could rule and reign in the spirit world. 17 And now, this is the mystery that hath not been revealed except unto those who have been faithful and received the knowledge of God by way of the spirit of God. For behold, Michael is the other member of the Godhead, yea even the Holy Ghost. 20 But Michael would not take upon himself a resurrected body, but was called and chosen to rule and reign in the spirit world as the Holy Ghost until the work of the Father, concerning His children that belong to this part of His kingdom, is finished. 52 And in this way, Michael, who is the Holy Ghost, is known as the archangel who is in constant battle for the souls of men with Lucifer, who is also known as the devil. ♥️
I'm feeling renewed. I have been practicing the Baptist faith and it has come to me I need to return back to be with my family, and our pastor has been discussing faith, and the Holy Spirit and I felt as though I missed something. So I talked to my sister Stacy and she is close in her Catholic faith. She recommended you. I feel blessed. Thank you for sharing your gifts. God bless
Respected Father Barron -🙏🏼 this is one of the most beautiful sermons i have ever heard in my 67 years - during this pilgrimage of life. I am a Indian woman who spent 10 years of my my early childhood in a protestant missionary school on the Himalayan foothills where i often took comfort reading the story of Jesus seeking & finding His Lost lamb & bearing him home joyfully in His arms feeling & loved as a lost lamb of Jesus & then in later years guided by a dream of Lord Vishnu i devoted my prayers to Him as myDivine Beloved which for me - now over the years has become an amalgamation of the two divine energies as the True Holy Spirit an omnipotent ever renewing Luminous Sacred Light in my Heart witness to the One Light - an eternal spark of Divinity leading me Home as i chant His Beloved Name blissfully on my Holy Pilgrimage of Life-thank you -once again 💕💕Love &Light - Jita (Pune India)
Thank you Bishop Barron for helping me find Jesus through the Word on Fire Volume 1 (The Gospels) your weekly sermons and your Rosary. The centre of my life is Lord Jesus now. I've learnt to let go of all my attachments and I might live a life of poverty but to experience living with Jesus through the Holy Spirit everyday is worth it ❤ I still need to pray more to Jesus and thank him for everything his done in my life 😊❤ Once again Bishop Barron, thank you for sharing the word and putting hope back into the world 💪❤
El Señor le colme de bendiciones, Monseñor! Gracias por introducir el Espíritu Santo en mi corazón. Ahora tengo más claro lo que significa amar, es sencillo: Veni Sancte Spiritu y El -cuando quiera- me hará vivir en Caridad.
Thanks + Barron, an elderly friend mentioned how much she enjoyed your preaching from here down under in New Zealand (Aotearoa). An she's 100% right. You're refreshing. Thanks for the nutritious meal! May this fruit nourish those in our corners of the world. Blessings!
I like to share that it’s not 9 fruits but one fruit with 9 elements. Its the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The first 3 manifest our relationship with God: if we love God, we will experience the joy and the peace that surpasses all understanding. The next 3 manifest our relationship with others, becoming patient, kind and generous. The last 3 is the manifestation of our character: faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Cecilia Ernest Tan The Holy Trinity: who are they that compose it. --------------- 5 The Father stood before His children and explained unto them that He had chosen a leader from among them to watch over His work in this part of His kingdom. 6 And the Father called forth Jehovah from among the other spirits and presented him before them as the one that He had chosen. 7 And it came to pass that another valiant spirit was called forth and presented unto the spirits by the Father. 8 And the Father brought forth one of the spirits and presented him to the other spirits that resided there. And I beheld that this spirit was Michael, who would become the mortal father of all the children of men. 15 There before the throne of the Eternal Father, even Elohim, stood Jehovah, even Jesus the Christ, and Michael, the father of all the children of men, even the man Adam. And every knee bowed and every soul sang praises to this Holy Trinity. 16 There appeared a sea of many souls, even more numerous than the sands upon the sea shore, each singing praises of glory towards the throne of God, and all kneeling in honor of their Father and their God. 11 And it came to pass that Michael went down and passed through the days of his probation and died; yea, even so, he returned once again to the world of spirits from whence he came. 12 And Michael ruled at the right hand of Jehovah and reigned in his stead when the time came for Jehovah to pass through the days of his probation. 16 And for the small space of time in between the death of his mortal body and his resurrection, Jesus entered once again into the spirit world and bestowed upon Michael all the powers and authority that he had received from the Father, so that Michael could rule and reign in the spirit world. 17 And now, this is the mystery that hath not been revealed except unto those who have been faithful and received the knowledge of God by way of the spirit of God. For behold, Michael is the other member of the Godhead, yea even the Holy Ghost. 20 But Michael would not take upon himself a resurrected body, but was called and chosen to rule and reign in the spirit world as the Holy Ghost until the work of the Father, concerning His children that belong to this part of His kingdom, is finished. 52 And in this way, Michael, who is the Holy Ghost, is known as the archangel who is in constant battle for the souls of men with Lucifer, who is also known as the devil. ♥️
Father Barron, the virtue that you embody most beautifully for the benefit of all of us that look up to you and learn from you is that of long-suffering. You put it on display in everything you do. Thank you for the wonderful commentary.
Come on, friend: you're descending into irresponsible caricature here. Thomas Aquinas clearly holds that the Holy Spirit is a person endowed with intellect, will, freedom, creativity, etc. How could it be otherwise, since the Spirit shares the same divine essence as the Father and the Son?
I enjoy your perspective on things, and I agree with your view on the Holy Spirit in one sense But it is also directly tangible, something which can be viewed and experienced during prayer (or at other times as God wills), as mentioned in Corinthians when the disciples would visit various churches and give them direct experience with the Holy Spirit This comment probably won't reach you, but I would be interested in hearing an educated Catholic perspective on the Holy Spirit as a tangible force My own experiences with the Holy Spirit, have changed my life, and fortified my faith. These experiences reveal my selfishness, and other faults. Showing a state of being, much further than what a fallen man could achieve, but the glimpse gives me hope, and underlines the reality of morality, how sincere moral progress brings us closer to God
Father Barron, you are truly a great man and a great priest. I'm troubling trying to find answers regarding the Catholic Faith, and I have been made fun of simply because I'm a Catholic. I try to ask questions, but I feel like I'm going nowhere. I really wish I could talk to some like you and try to reach the answers I'm seeking while I'm struggling in this spiritual abyss. God Bless You, keep up the good work :)
How do I know? God always manifests on me. He answers me in many ways more than one - thru a dream, a deep sense of his presence, by turning a leaf of a passage or a word of God, or a surprise appearance of a person or a thing, even thru the cosmos by looking up to the skies - the clouds in the day or the moon and stars in the night, etc. And you know, I'm going thru your lectures, homilies, retreats thru the youtubes, Q&A's every day hoping to go thru 250+/- of them during my self-quarantine which is about the best thing that resulted this time. Watching from Coquitlam, B.C., Canada. Thank you, Father.
Friend, the moment you say that the Father "causes" the generation of the Son, you have devolved into both subordinationism and tri-theism. The Son proceeds from the Father; only creatures are caused. To say that God exists "on account of the Father" is purely subordinationist, for it implies that neither the Son nor the Spirit is God.
Even though the Holy Spirit is Love, I believe the Holy Spirit is a Person, just as Christ is Life, yet is a Person. And if you read Proverbs chapter 8 and 9 (especially contrasted with chapter 7) you will see that Wisdom, the Woman speaking, says "I was brought forth". There is a reason the Speaker is a Woman. Also compare this with Revelation chapters 12 and then 19 (especially in contrast with Ch. 18) and you may know an open secret. And the Holy Spirit did not "impregnate" Mary, but overshadowed Mary. (Who is Christ's Father?)
The Catholic Church teaches that the Woman of Rev. 12 is Mary. I think Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit as well. I never said different and I never said Mary was the Holy Spirit. Mary didn't die, is what the Catholic tradition says as well. The only time that happens in the bible is when God wants them to come back. Like Elijah or maybe Elisha, who came back as John the Baptist ("It is appointed unto man once to die. If a human dies they can't come back.) True, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit didn't have bodies. Only Christ did. But if Mary came back, with the Holy Spirit inhabiting her, that would make sense to me from Rev. 12. Mary isn't God, but the Holy Spirit has overshadowed her before. And God is a Person, actually Three Persons, with or without human bodies. Personhood does not depend on being a human being.
tim spangler I don't see that the bible says Christ worshiped God the Father, but Christ did obey, love and respect the Father. He also says "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30).
Tim Spangler In answer to your question, consider that the child Jesus was found by His earthly parents in His Father's house and told His parents where else would they find Him, I would say that Jesus worshipped God, the Father. Jesus also said this to the Samaritan woman at the well “Believe me, woman, the hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You people worship what you do not understand; WE worship what we understand, because salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth; and indeed the Father seeks such people to worship him. God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth.” (John 4:21-24). Paul said this, "Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God. For I say that Christ became a MINISTER of the circumcised to show God’s truthfulness, to confirm the promises to the patriarchs, but so that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy. As it is written: “Therefore, I will praise you among the Gentiles and sing praises to your name.” And again it says: “Rejoice, O Gentiles, with his people.” And again: “Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles, and let all the peoples praise him.” And again Isaiah says: “The root of Jesse shall come, raised up to rule the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles hope.” (Romans 15:7-12). In Hebrews 9, it states this, "But when Christ came as HIGH PRIEST of the good things that have come to be, passing through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made by hands, that is, not belonging to this much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from dead works to worship the living God." Jesus is given titles, such as minister and high priest, titles of people that are leaders in worshipping God, and you are questioning Jesus doing this? Another scripture relevant to your question is what Jesus said to the devil in the desert in response to the devil's offer of everything to be given to Jesus if Jesus worshipped him, the devil, “It is written: ‘You shall worship the Lord, your God, and him alone shall you serve.’” Which relates to what Jesus said in Matthew 20:28, "...whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave. Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Tim, Jesus' entire mission is all about ordering everything toward the worship, or praise, of God, the Father, Our Creator! As Jesus served, so just we. Jesus said, "...if any one is a worshiper of God and does his will, God listens to him.". Jesus' entire life of worship was succinct in these words, "“Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will.” Worship is not something confined only to a building. That is a formal proclamation of one's dedication to God, as it was for Abraham in the almost sacrifice of his son. However, worship also goes outside of the formalized ritual inside the building in an ongoing, active participation of God's will. And that will is of servitude and commitment in sharing God's love. Jesus was the greatest human to give us that example to follow. And thus, Jesus worshipped God every second of every day by the path he walked. As Bishop Barron said, we are to order ourselves in self-control toward love. And that love is God. And when we truly encounter God, who is love, joy and peace will follow. May you find that peace, Tim. God bless
I love your question " How can I use every circumstance as an opportunity for Love?" Thank you for helping me raise the bar to attempt to fulfill that question in a way that is pleasing to God. The Lord be with you!
I always pictured the Holy Spirit as feminine.. God the masculine (strength, power, bold).. Holy Spirit (gentle, nurturing, subtle), Jesus their combined nature.. All 3 are separate, but all 3 connected as 1.
@@orangechecker1395 Pretty sure that's heresy. Claiming our Mother to be the third person in God is completely against catholic teaching. The holy spirit was present within our Lady- the Holy Spirit is not our Lady.
Holy Spirit I would love to see your priests, Bishop Barron and Larry Richards together speaking to us your Word on Fire and Surrendering to you Holy Spirit. Amen.
Come oh Holy Spirit really does change your disposition instantly. Another prayer for catholics regarding a spiritual communion. My Jesus, I believe that You are in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I long for You in my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though You have already come, I embrace You and unite myself entirely to You; never permit me to be separated from You.
BISHOP Barron's Pentecostal Mass 31/5/20......and homily was so inspiring, well worth listening to again and again. The Holy Spirit is the best gift of life!
I father Robert. I'm going through an RCIA course at the moment and we discussed the holy spirit last week. Your video was very good in helping me understanding. I said to our group that the holy spirit is like a candle in the dark, but one you can't see, you can only feel the warmth but beckons you towards the right path..... I think you said the same thing. God bless you.
Thank you Fr. Robert. What an excellent, concise explanation. May God continue to inspire, energize, enlighten, and empower you to share the truths of our Catholic faith.
Our father.... who is.... hallowed.... your kingdom.... on earth as.... forgive our trespasses ... deliver us from... the kingdom... the power and... forever and ever... !
Galatians 5:22-26 was just what I needed as I was constantly asking for guidance these days if I am indeed in the right path. Thank God I found this video Thak you Padre
Admirable truth! The Holy Spirit is real in our world but one needs to pray & ask for it constantly to experience it. To live without faith in God is nothing...As a sinner I must ask God for my humility and listen carefully. For God pleases what, when, what... The Holy Spirit makes my life see the beauty of who I am in my state of life despite challenges...Thank you Holy Spirit. Amen!
Bishop Robert Barron One of your best commentaries! This was beautiful and helped me understand a question I have had for a very long time. Thank you so much and praise God for the gift of teaching His Word that He has given you!
This tutoriall has so much relevancy to understanding Pope Francis' call to solidarity and the common good in Laudato Si.... thanks so much Bishop Barron!
No. Together they form one principle, for love cannot exist without a mutual exchange between lover and beloved. That's why the Holy Spirit has to proceed from the Father and the Son. (Patre Filioque).
Dear Bishop Barron, I found this video so very clarifying on how to perceive the presence of the Holy Spirit! And also what an immeasurable, and always available gift this Person is, if I only pause to speak to him, and ask for him. Thank you ! I am grateful for this new understanding just in time to celebrate Pentecost in a beautiful new light!
Father, You description of the Holy Spirit made me suddenly realize how we can understand why each one of us has been brought in the world with a special purpose and how to transmit that love to others. May God Bless You.
Thanks for such an Informative and educational Video. A big thank you goes to Rev. Bishop Baron for the excellent Teaching regarding The Presence of The Holy Spirit in us. I greatly recommend it.
I Love God the Holy Spirit!! Love listening and knowing more about God the Holy Spirit!! Thank You Jesus for sending the Holy Spirit and Thank you Bishop Barron for the massage on God the Holy Spirit!!
Hi Fr Barron, I'm a British protestant. I've been really struggling with my faith in the last couple of months and your teachings are really helping me find the way back. Thank-you. x
Jo Fox; I hope you don't mind me stepping in.I noticed this video helped you.
You mentioned a British protestant full of baggage just kidding....
Being a devout catholic my wife was an Anglican protestant but in order for her to marry me she had to convert to being catholic and of course we had to bring up our children catholic.God throws curveballs in your life.He surprises you once in awhile if you let him.My point being a strong catholic I would have never thought of marrying a protestant ever.My wife now is a catholic school teacher; reads at mass; hands out holy communion and is involved in the church more than myself.Talk about the 3pm crowd (vineyard parable).But she can't beat my prayer life.You mentioned about you are really struggling with your faith.The Protestant faith can give a foundation of faith but the catholic church teaches the full gospel universal 'according to the whole'.
What's missing for a protestant is the eucharist.Only a catholic priest can change the bread and wine to the actual body and blood of Christ.
The catholic mass liturgy is found in scripture.John 6;54.
The protestant churches study the bible on Sunday is a form of idoltary.
What is idoltary to do what sounds good to man.
Jesus Christ never said go and study your bibles on Sunday as worship this a form of idoltary.The catholic mass is the key to salvation.
It is the daily sacrifice said 300,000 times daily around the world for over 2,000 years now.
Obviously you know the British treated the Irish catholics horrifically in it's history.
The Irish catholics are very dear to God.The Irish sent catholic priests and missionaries to Africa in the 70's and 80's.Now Africa are sending their catholic priests west to North America and Ireland amazing.
You'll find your way just ignore all commets lol
I have found biblical Christianity in Protestantism. Hang in there. Some of Bishop Barron's teaching help me a lot in some areas but I still I would not go back to Catholicism because they have deviated with the doctrines of men. This teaching was very helpful.
Watch the RUclips video by Dr Williams Lane Craig Nov 3, 2008 podcast "What About Catholicism"
Jo Fox watch the RUclips video podcast oh Nov 3, 2008 by Dr William Lane Craig "What About Catholicism"
I never experienced joy until I came into relationship with the presence of the Holy Spirit.
*Priest Reveals 3 Steps to Finding Purpose in Life*видео.html
I’ve never experienced peace until the same thing
Pray for us brother
How did you find the Holy Spirit?
Dear Father Barron :
I am 65 years old and have always been perplexed and taken back by the contrivance of the catholic articles of faith and narrative. That said, the catholic morality has always felt profoundly right. I have come in contact with your videos two months ago, and some have helped me greatly. So I have recommended them to friends who might be open to the values you profess. After listening to your comments on Veni Sancte Spiritus, I have asked God to show me a course of action concerning certain problems. And God may well have answered. Your exposés have helped me realize my deepest aspirations correspond to values associated with God. And whether God exists or not, I find my freedom in serving those perceived goods. Thank you.
Well, God bless you, Luc.
Fr. Robert Barron Thank you. I appreciate it. I wish you the best.
+Charles Lambdin :
Thank you for writing me. I find warming that you would care enough to let me know your point of view and give me information you find helpful. The word “struggle” is certainly accurate. I am desperately seeking meaningful and enlightening approaches and shall view the video you recommend. Like you, I have specially enjoyed the “Flying Spaghetti Monster” exposé. The Catholic Church has an inexhaustible treasure of human experience, analytical rigour, and love of God, Goodness, Truth and Beauty; and I think it has much to offer in this society where it is common for individuals to feel they have the competence, the right and the duty to judge values on the basis of their self-serving quality. God help us all.
+Charles Lambdin I love this dialogue; God bless you both.
Thank you for your wise words and kind wishes. I have started going back to mass two and a half months ago. Yesterday a St. Augustine phrase was pronounced which stuck in the mind: “You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless, until they can find rest in you.” Let us Hope!
Cradle catholic here. This guy is one of the most fascinating speakers on the faith I have ever heard. I can’t get enough.
Father Barrow, I have a testimony of his words. On December 24, 2014, providentially I found on RUclips a music that I really liked and it was Veni Sancte Spiritus. I was desolate and I was much of that night and of the 25 accompanying me with that music, I asked the Lord, what was the meaning of my life? The Lord gave me more than a response, an experience of life that had two years of peace and happiness in my soul, and much need to know, to learn about it. Now, without the euphoria of the experience that the Holy Spirit gave me, I strive to live according to what he has taught me, I confess frequently and correct my path as soon as I deviate. I am convinced that this life is a constant struggle against evil.
Thank you for your messages Father, God bless you.
God bless you too. Please pray for me.
Thankhs phather. I ask God for you, phather.
Our participation in that plan is an integral part of it.
I will pray for you Father.
Could you give me the link to the music. Thanks
Come Holy Spirit! Come! I welcome you. I love you. Come Holy Spirit Come!
Father Barron you are a gentleman and a scholar. AND a saint! Thank you for your insight!!
A gentleman and a scholar? Maybe. A saint? Definitely not! Pray that I might become one.
Fr. Robert Barron Why? As no human beings can determine anything of a spiritual nature.
JeffersonDinedAlone Pride. Pure pride.
I am a protestant
Catholics plz pray for me I think the Lord is tellling me to look moreinto the Holy Roman Catholic Church
I pray the sequence of the Holy Spirit every morning,its an awesome prayer.
Thank you Father , this was so helpful ❤
Thank you father Barron for sharing your insight and wisdom. I'm starting my journey into the Catholic faith and find your videos really helpful. Many thanks
God bless you. Please keep praying for me.
Rebecca Vu
You've made the right choice by going to an Apostolic Church, but the wrong choice in going west when you should have gone east into Eastern Orthodoxy. There too many heresies in Roman Catholicism, like papal infallibility, the immaculate conception, purgatory, indulgences. Roman Catholicism has also resulted in schisms and inquisitions and a very dark history.
Thank you Bishop Barron, you are a gift from Gad to us ..I was very seriously ill, i believe our lord Jesus Christ our lord is our savior, and my christian faith healed me, healed by a miracle attributed to late Pope John Paul II
Come Holy Spirit. What a beautiful prayer. Will keep this treasure with me all day. Thank you Bishop B. Stay safe.
Bishop Barron, I just want to thank you for the work you do and for allowing the Holy Spirit to work through you in order for people like me, a sinner, to have a word of encouragement throughout the week. I ask you humbly to pray for me so that I may, like yourself, allow the holy spirit to guide my life and to always be sincere and never superficial. Thank you, Bishop Barron!
'Come Holy Spirit' great wisdom and a wonderful prayer to God.
Father Barron, Your teachings offer hope and understanding at a time of great spiritual sickness. May the Lord richly bless you in your ministry. Steve London England
Those that hunger after righteousness shall be FILLED...enjoying your messages. Thank you
The one source of the Spirit is the mutual love of the Father and the Son. That's why we say that, together, they breathe out (or spirate) the Holy Spirit. Fulton Sheen referred to the Spirit as the sigh of love breathed out by the Father and the Son.
And what about the Filioque? what's your take on that? thanks
Beautiful I will pray Come Holy Spirit and encourage others. Amen.
Fr. Barron, this is a completely marvelous meditation on the fruits of the Holy Spirit. And it's something that we don't hear very much about in Homilies and other spiritual sources. This made my morning! As it's snowing and 5 degrees here, a test of my Patience.
Fr. Barron you are awesome!!!
Excellent, thank you Bishop Barron🌈
May the Holy Spirit be with you always🌈
God bless you.
One of my favorite talks of Fr. Barron ! I would be interested to hear one of these snippets on Jesus comment regarding "Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven Ever. My "thought" says "We have been gifted with the Holy Spirit in our Sacramental rites, and to set aside God's ultimate gift of Love, the Person of His very nature in and with us, is not forgivable." I'd like to hear your wisdom on this "difficult passage of scripture" Father. And I thank you!
Thank you Bishop Barron for your excellent explanation of the Holy Spirit
Niall Hogan
The Holy Trinity: who are they that compose it.
5 The Father stood before His children and explained unto them that He had chosen a leader from among them to watch over His work in this part of His kingdom.
6 And the Father called forth Jehovah from among the other spirits and presented him before them as the one that He had chosen.
7 And it came to pass that another valiant spirit was called forth and presented unto the spirits by the Father.
8 And the Father brought forth one of the spirits and presented him to the other spirits that resided there. And I beheld that this spirit was Michael, who would become the mortal father of all the children of men.
15 There before the throne of the Eternal Father, even Elohim, stood Jehovah, even Jesus the Christ, and Michael, the father of all the children of men, even the man Adam. And every knee bowed and every soul sang praises to this Holy Trinity.
16 There appeared a sea of many souls, even more numerous than the sands upon the sea shore, each singing praises of glory towards the throne of God, and all kneeling in honor of their Father and their God.
11 And it came to pass that Michael went down and passed through the days of his probation and died; yea, even so, he returned once again to the world of spirits from whence he came.
12 And Michael ruled at the right hand of Jehovah and reigned in his stead when the time came for Jehovah to pass through the days of his probation.
16 And for the small space of time in between the death of his mortal body and his resurrection, Jesus entered once again into the spirit world and bestowed upon Michael all the powers and authority that he had received from the Father, so that Michael could rule and reign in the spirit world.
17 And now, this is the mystery that hath not been revealed except unto those who have been faithful and received the knowledge of God by way of the spirit of God. For behold, Michael is the other member of the Godhead, yea even the Holy Ghost.
20 But Michael would not take upon himself a resurrected body, but was called and chosen to rule and reign in the spirit world as the Holy Ghost until the work of the Father, concerning His children that belong to this part of His kingdom, is finished.
52 And in this way, Michael, who is the Holy Ghost, is known as the archangel who is in constant battle for the souls of men with Lucifer, who is also known as the devil.
Fr. Barron , you are just pure love!!!!
Your words are so prophetic to me and my personal life sometimes
Father are amazing dont stop! You are awesome!
so so inspiring im so happy i found this!! just these past couple days i was suffering from a sudden unexplained depression...i honestly felt like crying all the i kept praying and praying, while doing my daily routine and trying to put things in order...finally it just lifted as suddenly as it came..never give up your prayers even if they dont seem to work the first time. have faith and ask again. :) god bless
Thank you and GOD BLESS you Bishop Barron.
Bishop Barron has a remarkable gift of breaking down the context of the scriptures and their influences on our own lives.
Reflecting on the Holy Spirit brings more fullness to reflecting on God's love. Come Holy Spirit
I want to thank you for your sermon. God, the holy spirit has been back in my life for sometime. I walk by Faith and trust in God only. I'm now serving God for his purpose in my life. I never in my life experience so much peace, joy and guidance. I'm made brand-new and once was broken. God has given me a deliverance. I've been tested and by God's grace I'm saved. I'm grateful God taken time to give me a second chance. I'm now singing the gospel, writing songs and been studying the word of God as he lives in me. Overall, I just want to thank you.
May God continue to be with you and your spirit.
Pray for me please Fr. Barron. I am too long suffering and sometimes lose my faith. My Son has been sick for so long and I am finding it harder and harder to see the good and love in what you say might be a gift. I find myself just praying that God will take me soon.
Both St. Therese of Lisieux and Bl. Mother Theresa of Calcutta near the end of their lives both experienced great agony and sense of doubt for no short period of time. This is not much different from you, but in this period of darkness, they persevered. What got them through is realizing that their suffering is not unlike Jesus' agony in the garden of Gethsemene. Knowing this and their love for Jesus, they united their troubles and doubts to that moment. As Jesus suffers so do you, but you have hope because you know that though He suffered death, He also rose from the dead, and you will have new life within you.
If you doubt this, I also have a first-hand account of a friend who was just two months ago afflicted with the same sort of doubt, losing both a grandmother, whom she thought of as her own mother, and a very close best friend within two weeks of another. I watched her recover over the next month and a half, and I an amazed at what the Lord had done for her! Over time she began to pray over herself the very truth she heard in the prayers we prayed over her. "Christ, whom you loved, died for you so that you might live. He has blessed you, and you will speak in witness to it." This girl is now one of the most vocal and excited people I know to speak to Jesus' account. She is one of the people I know that has suffered the most hardships throughout her life, yet as the Holy Spirit came upon her, it was her voice that was became the most compelling as the Word spilled out of her. Through her suffering, I saw Christ. I say the same to you, and even more so now as we prepare in remembering His Passion this week. You are blessed to know more intimately what Christ went through, and may you likewise be lifted up to be a voice in witness to Him.
I said a prayer for you and I will pray for you again. Going through trials is difficult, but you will endure. Veni sancte spiritus
MaryAlice Behrens I will pray for you.
I wept reading your comment. I don't know what the future or God has in store for you but I know suffering and I know the indignation that rises from seeing the suffering of innocents. Be good and inspire others. God bless.
My brother had died after contracting incurable depression for almost 30 years. how could a loving merciful God of love, deny miracles to recover health. Medicine is not a perfect science, where then is the miracle of faith?
Fr. Barron is an excellent source for interpretation, but here we see a humble Teacher. "How can I tell if I am on the right path?" It's answered beyond doubt here, from Galations 5. Thanks very much, Father
So beautiful. I would just like to clarify one point which Fr mentions near the end of his talk. 'He says we must ask for the Holy Spirit, well I understand what he means, however we receive the Holy Spirit in a special way when we are Confirmed. The graces we receive often remain quite hidden as we pay too much attention to the world, however we can then ask to be renewed through the power of the Holy Spirit, that the Holy Spirit may fan into flames those graces which God has already given us from the moment of Baptism as well as Confirmation.
Beautiful teaching! I loved it, thank you
This message of the Holy Spirit and how you expressed it. It means so much to me as a new Catholic! I love the peace, joy and unconditional love of loving the Holy Spirit. “Occasion for love”… beautiful. 💙
Amen! Come Holly Spirit 💜🙏🏽 Thank you for simple teachings!
Thank you so much for your wisdom, Bishop Barron. Love and prayers from the UK.
That message was so clear
Like a mountain stream. Thanks
Beautiful metaphor :) "God is love." 1. John 4:16
I'm from Lake Forest, Il. and started following Fr. Barron when he was pastor in our neighboring town of Libertyville. I would go to his church just to hear him speak.
His homilies are the best I've ever heard. It's wonderful the he's featured on Catholic TV, especially in this time of distress. Witnessing daily mass on the internet, is difficult, but hearing, now Bishop Baron, every day is a blessing!
You are full of Holy Spirit Bishop Barron..Best Regards from Indonesia..
ivana puhan
The Holy Trinity: who are they that compose it.
5 The Father stood before His children and explained unto them that He had chosen a leader from among them to watch over His work in this part of His kingdom.
6 And the Father called forth Jehovah from among the other spirits and presented him before them as the one that He had chosen.
7 And it came to pass that another valiant spirit was called forth and presented unto the spirits by the Father.
8 And the Father brought forth one of the spirits and presented him to the other spirits that resided there. And I beheld that this spirit was Michael, who would become the mortal father of all the children of men.
15 There before the throne of the Eternal Father, even Elohim, stood Jehovah, even Jesus the Christ, and Michael, the father of all the children of men, even the man Adam. And every knee bowed and every soul sang praises to this Holy Trinity.
16 There appeared a sea of many souls, even more numerous than the sands upon the sea shore, each singing praises of glory towards the throne of God, and all kneeling in honor of their Father and their God.
11 And it came to pass that Michael went down and passed through the days of his probation and died; yea, even so, he returned once again to the world of spirits from whence he came.
12 And Michael ruled at the right hand of Jehovah and reigned in his stead when the time came for Jehovah to pass through the days of his probation.
16 And for the small space of time in between the death of his mortal body and his resurrection, Jesus entered once again into the spirit world and bestowed upon Michael all the powers and authority that he had received from the Father, so that Michael could rule and reign in the spirit world.
17 And now, this is the mystery that hath not been revealed except unto those who have been faithful and received the knowledge of God by way of the spirit of God. For behold, Michael is the other member of the Godhead, yea even the Holy Ghost.
20 But Michael would not take upon himself a resurrected body, but was called and chosen to rule and reign in the spirit world as the Holy Ghost until the work of the Father, concerning His children that belong to this part of His kingdom, is finished.
52 And in this way, Michael, who is the Holy Ghost, is known as the archangel who is in constant battle for the souls of men with Lucifer, who is also known as the devil.
God bless you Fr. Barron. Every time I hear you I learn something new spiritually.Sometimes I have had to learn the hard way on my spiritual journey. I'm going to be 53 next month, & as I look back "self control" & self interest have been the bucking broncos that I really needed to be thrown off. Kicking & screaming the whole way. I find it sad that I was so immature to be contemplating it now, so late in life. Faith, hope & love is what has kept me sane through all my trials. Come Holy Spirit!
Thank you for this video. God bless you and Jesus stay with you.
Merci beaucoup!
The Holy Trinity: who are they that compose it.
5 The Father stood before His children and explained unto them that He had chosen a leader from among them to watch over His work in this part of His kingdom.
6 And the Father called forth Jehovah from among the other spirits and presented him before them as the one that He had chosen.
7 And it came to pass that another valiant spirit was called forth and presented unto the spirits by the Father.
8 And the Father brought forth one of the spirits and presented him to the other spirits that resided there. And I beheld that this spirit was Michael, who would become the mortal father of all the children of men.
15 There before the throne of the Eternal Father, even Elohim, stood Jehovah, even Jesus the Christ, and Michael, the father of all the children of men, even the man Adam. And every knee bowed and every soul sang praises to this Holy Trinity.
16 There appeared a sea of many souls, even more numerous than the sands upon the sea shore, each singing praises of glory towards the throne of God, and all kneeling in honor of their Father and their God.
11 And it came to pass that Michael went down and passed through the days of his probation and died; yea, even so, he returned once again to the world of spirits from whence he came.
12 And Michael ruled at the right hand of Jehovah and reigned in his stead when the time came for Jehovah to pass through the days of his probation.
16 And for the small space of time in between the death of his mortal body and his resurrection, Jesus entered once again into the spirit world and bestowed upon Michael all the powers and authority that he had received from the Father, so that Michael could rule and reign in the spirit world.
17 And now, this is the mystery that hath not been revealed except unto those who have been faithful and received the knowledge of God by way of the spirit of God. For behold, Michael is the other member of the Godhead, yea even the Holy Ghost.
20 But Michael would not take upon himself a resurrected body, but was called and chosen to rule and reign in the spirit world as the Holy Ghost until the work of the Father, concerning His children that belong to this part of His kingdom, is finished.
52 And in this way, Michael, who is the Holy Ghost, is known as the archangel who is in constant battle for the souls of men with Lucifer, who is also known as the devil.
Excellent Video because its the truth
Fruit of the Holy Spirit
* Love
* Joy
* Peace
* Patience
* Kindness
* Generosity
* Faithfulness
* Gentleness
* Self control
I'm feeling renewed. I have been practicing the Baptist faith and it has come to me I need to return back to be with my family, and our pastor has been discussing faith, and the Holy Spirit and I felt as though I missed something. So I talked to my sister Stacy and she is close in her Catholic faith. She recommended you. I feel blessed. Thank you for sharing your gifts. God bless
Bishop Barron has a habit of explaining these often complex theological topics, and bring them "down to earth" for us.
Unlike some things...
*Priest Reveals 3 Steps to Finding Purpose in Life*видео.html
You are the best I have ever heard and seen ! Please continue...
Thank you Bishop Barron!
It's "veni, Sancte Spiritus."
Wonderful Bishop Barron, Amen!
Respected Father Barron -🙏🏼 this is one of the most beautiful sermons i have ever heard in my 67 years - during this pilgrimage of life.
I am a Indian woman who spent 10 years of my my early childhood in a protestant missionary school on the Himalayan foothills where i often took comfort reading the story of Jesus seeking & finding His Lost lamb & bearing him home joyfully in His arms feeling & loved as a lost lamb of Jesus & then in later years guided by a dream of Lord Vishnu i devoted my prayers to Him as myDivine Beloved which for me - now over the years has become an amalgamation of the two divine energies as the True Holy Spirit an omnipotent ever renewing Luminous Sacred Light in my Heart witness to the One Light - an eternal spark of Divinity leading me Home as i chant His Beloved Name blissfully on my Holy Pilgrimage of Life-thank you -once again 💕💕Love &Light - Jita (Pune India)
Thank you Bishop Barron for helping me find Jesus through the Word on Fire Volume 1 (The Gospels) your weekly sermons and your Rosary.
The centre of my life is Lord Jesus now. I've learnt to let go of all my attachments and I might live a life of poverty but to experience living with Jesus through the Holy Spirit everyday is worth it ❤
I still need to pray more to Jesus and thank him for everything his done in my life 😊❤
Once again Bishop Barron, thank you for sharing the word and putting hope back into the world 💪❤
As an Orthodox Christian, I would love to see Fr. Barron discuss/debate the issues which divided our churches with an Orthodox theologian.
joseph conder why debate let’s pray for unity, that would be an act of the Holy Spirit itself. :)
We have very similar theology. I sense unity is not too far away🙏
God Bless You, Bishop. You sing the Truth with great clarity.
El Señor le colme de bendiciones, Monseñor! Gracias por introducir el Espíritu Santo en mi corazón. Ahora tengo más claro lo que significa amar, es sencillo: Veni Sancte Spiritu y El -cuando quiera- me hará vivir en Caridad.
Thanks + Barron, an elderly friend mentioned how much she enjoyed your preaching from here down under in New Zealand (Aotearoa). An she's 100% right. You're refreshing. Thanks for the nutritious meal! May this fruit nourish those in our corners of the world. Blessings!
I like to share that it’s not 9 fruits but one fruit with 9 elements. Its the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The first 3 manifest our relationship with God: if we love God, we will experience the joy and the peace that surpasses all understanding. The next 3 manifest our relationship with others, becoming patient, kind and generous. The last 3 is the manifestation of our character: faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Cecilia Ernest Tan
The Holy Trinity: who are they that compose it.
5 The Father stood before His children and explained unto them that He had chosen a leader from among them to watch over His work in this part of His kingdom.
6 And the Father called forth Jehovah from among the other spirits and presented him before them as the one that He had chosen.
7 And it came to pass that another valiant spirit was called forth and presented unto the spirits by the Father.
8 And the Father brought forth one of the spirits and presented him to the other spirits that resided there. And I beheld that this spirit was Michael, who would become the mortal father of all the children of men.
15 There before the throne of the Eternal Father, even Elohim, stood Jehovah, even Jesus the Christ, and Michael, the father of all the children of men, even the man Adam. And every knee bowed and every soul sang praises to this Holy Trinity.
16 There appeared a sea of many souls, even more numerous than the sands upon the sea shore, each singing praises of glory towards the throne of God, and all kneeling in honor of their Father and their God.
11 And it came to pass that Michael went down and passed through the days of his probation and died; yea, even so, he returned once again to the world of spirits from whence he came.
12 And Michael ruled at the right hand of Jehovah and reigned in his stead when the time came for Jehovah to pass through the days of his probation.
16 And for the small space of time in between the death of his mortal body and his resurrection, Jesus entered once again into the spirit world and bestowed upon Michael all the powers and authority that he had received from the Father, so that Michael could rule and reign in the spirit world.
17 And now, this is the mystery that hath not been revealed except unto those who have been faithful and received the knowledge of God by way of the spirit of God. For behold, Michael is the other member of the Godhead, yea even the Holy Ghost.
20 But Michael would not take upon himself a resurrected body, but was called and chosen to rule and reign in the spirit world as the Holy Ghost until the work of the Father, concerning His children that belong to this part of His kingdom, is finished.
52 And in this way, Michael, who is the Holy Ghost, is known as the archangel who is in constant battle for the souls of men with Lucifer, who is also known as the devil.
Father Barron, the virtue that you embody most beautifully for the benefit of all of us that look up to you and learn from you is that of long-suffering. You put it on display in everything you do.
Thank you for the wonderful commentary.
Come on, friend: you're descending into irresponsible caricature here. Thomas Aquinas clearly holds that the Holy Spirit is a person endowed with intellect, will, freedom, creativity, etc. How could it be otherwise, since the Spirit shares the same divine essence as the Father and the Son?
I enjoy your perspective on things, and I agree with your view on the Holy Spirit in one sense
But it is also directly tangible, something which can be viewed and experienced during prayer (or at other times as God wills), as mentioned in Corinthians when the disciples would visit various churches and give them direct experience with the Holy Spirit
This comment probably won't reach you, but I would be interested in hearing an educated Catholic perspective on the Holy Spirit as a tangible force
My own experiences with the Holy Spirit, have changed my life, and fortified my faith. These experiences reveal my selfishness, and other faults. Showing a state of being, much further than what a fallen man could achieve, but the glimpse gives me hope, and underlines the reality of morality, how sincere moral progress brings us closer to God
I felt the holy spirit today when I met his most excellency today at the rite of election. Such calmness grace and love. Thank you Lord 🙏
My ego seems to be a big block to the holy spirit. Please pray for me. Thank you. God bless. Amen
It's probably not as big as you think if you're asking for prayers. May I suggest the surrender novena?
Begin the Rosary.
Pray the Litany oHumily!
We pray!!!
It is Jesus Christ's eternal spirit that lives in the believers of Jesus christ the one and only true God 👍
Want the good of the other and to do something about it is love.
Father Barron, you are truly a great man and a great priest. I'm troubling trying to find answers regarding the Catholic Faith, and I have been made fun of simply because I'm a Catholic. I try to ask questions, but I feel like I'm going nowhere. I really wish I could talk to some like you and try to reach the answers I'm seeking while I'm struggling in this spiritual abyss. God Bless You, keep up the good work :)
Bishop, please do a video on new age spirituality. A lot of catholics seem lost on this subject
How do I know? God always manifests on me. He answers me in many ways more than one - thru a dream, a deep sense of his presence, by turning a leaf of a passage or a word of God, or a surprise appearance of a person or a thing, even thru the cosmos by looking up to the skies - the clouds in the day or the moon and stars in the night, etc. And you know, I'm going thru your lectures, homilies, retreats thru the youtubes, Q&A's every day hoping to go thru 250+/- of them during my self-quarantine which is about the best thing that resulted this time. Watching from Coquitlam, B.C., Canada. Thank you, Father.
Friend, the moment you say that the Father "causes" the generation of the Son, you have devolved into both subordinationism and tri-theism. The Son proceeds from the Father; only creatures are caused. To say that God exists "on account of the Father" is purely subordinationist, for it implies that neither the Son nor the Spirit is God.
Thank you for that prayer father ❤
Even though the Holy Spirit is Love, I believe the Holy Spirit is a Person, just as Christ is Life, yet is a Person. And if you read Proverbs chapter 8 and 9 (especially contrasted with chapter 7) you will see that Wisdom, the Woman speaking, says "I was brought forth". There is a reason the Speaker is a Woman. Also compare this with Revelation chapters 12 and then 19 (especially in contrast with Ch. 18) and you may know an open secret. And the Holy Spirit did not "impregnate" Mary, but overshadowed Mary. (Who is Christ's Father?)
The Catholic Church teaches that the Woman of Rev. 12 is Mary. I think Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit as well. I never said different and I never said Mary was the Holy Spirit. Mary didn't die, is what the Catholic tradition says as well. The only time that happens in the bible is when God wants them to come back. Like Elijah or maybe Elisha, who came back as John the Baptist ("It is appointed unto man once to die. If a human dies they can't come back.) True, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit didn't have bodies. Only Christ did. But if Mary came back, with the Holy Spirit inhabiting her, that would make sense to me from Rev. 12. Mary isn't God, but the Holy Spirit has overshadowed her before. And God is a Person, actually Three Persons, with or without human bodies. Personhood does not depend on being a human being.
***** Yes, sir?
tim spangler I don't see that the bible says Christ worshiped God the Father, but Christ did obey, love and respect the Father. He also says "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30).
Jesus doesn't worship the father, they are one in being with another.
Tim Spangler In answer to your question, consider that the child Jesus was found by His earthly parents in His Father's house and told His parents where else would they find Him, I would say that Jesus worshipped God, the Father. Jesus also said this to the Samaritan woman at the well “Believe me, woman, the hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You people worship what you do not understand; WE worship what we understand, because salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth; and indeed the Father seeks such people to worship him. God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth.” (John 4:21-24).
Paul said this, "Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God. For I say that Christ became a MINISTER of the circumcised to show God’s truthfulness, to confirm the promises to the patriarchs, but so that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy. As it is written: “Therefore, I will praise you among the Gentiles and sing praises to your name.” And again it says: “Rejoice, O Gentiles, with his people.” And again: “Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles, and let all the peoples praise him.” And again Isaiah says: “The root of Jesse shall come, raised up to rule the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles hope.” (Romans 15:7-12).
In Hebrews 9, it states this, "But when Christ came as HIGH PRIEST of the good things that have come to be, passing through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made by hands, that is, not belonging to this much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from dead works to worship the living God."
Jesus is given titles, such as minister and high priest, titles of people that are leaders in worshipping God, and you are questioning Jesus doing this?
Another scripture relevant to your question is what Jesus said to the devil in the desert in response to the devil's offer of everything to be given to Jesus if Jesus worshipped him, the devil, “It is written: ‘You shall worship the Lord, your God, and him alone shall you serve.’” Which relates to what Jesus said in Matthew 20:28, "...whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave. Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Tim, Jesus' entire mission is all about ordering everything toward the worship, or praise, of God, the Father, Our Creator! As Jesus served, so just we. Jesus said, "...if any one is a worshiper of God and does his will, God listens to him.". Jesus' entire life of worship was succinct in these words, "“Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will.”
Worship is not something confined only to a building. That is a formal proclamation of one's dedication to God, as it was for Abraham in the almost sacrifice of his son. However, worship also goes outside of the formalized ritual inside the building in an ongoing, active participation of God's will. And that will is of servitude and commitment in sharing God's love. Jesus was the greatest human to give us that example to follow. And thus, Jesus worshipped God every second of every day by the path he walked. As Bishop Barron said, we are to order ourselves in self-control toward love. And that love is God. And when we truly encounter God, who is love, joy and peace will follow. May you find that peace, Tim. God bless
I love your question " How can I use every circumstance as an opportunity for Love?" Thank you for helping me raise the bar to attempt to fulfill that question in a way that is pleasing to God. The Lord be with you!
I always pictured the Holy Spirit as feminine.. God the masculine (strength, power, bold).. Holy Spirit (gentle, nurturing, subtle), Jesus their combined nature.. All 3 are separate, but all 3 connected as 1.
Some believe the HOly Spirit is the Virgin Mary
@@orangechecker1395 Pretty sure that's heresy. Claiming our Mother to be the third person in God is completely against catholic teaching. The holy spirit was present within our Lady- the Holy Spirit is not our Lady.
Excellent explanation. Keep posting your video teaching Bishop. We love you.
Holy Spirit I would love to see your priests, Bishop Barron and Larry Richards together speaking to us your Word on Fire and Surrendering to you Holy Spirit. Amen.
Come oh Holy Spirit really does change your disposition instantly.
Another prayer for catholics regarding a spiritual communion.
My Jesus, I believe that You are in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I long for You in my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though You have already come, I embrace You and unite myself entirely to You; never permit me to be separated from You.
May God bless you always, Father. Remember- we're here always wanting to hear you share your wisdom.
BISHOP Barron's Pentecostal Mass 31/5/20......and homily was so inspiring, well worth listening to again and again. The Holy Spirit is the best gift of life!
I father Robert. I'm going through an RCIA course at the moment and we discussed the holy spirit last week. Your video was very good in helping me understanding. I said to our group that the holy spirit is like a candle in the dark, but one you can't see, you can only feel the warmth but beckons you towards the right path..... I think you said the same thing. God bless you.
Thank you Fr. Robert. What an excellent, concise explanation. May God continue to inspire, energize, enlighten, and empower you to share the truths of our Catholic faith.
Thank you Lord Jesus for your Holy Spirit that is always present in every Christians.
Fr. Barron, this video is fantastic and your commentary is immensely helpful. Thank you very much.
Bishop Barron is a gift to the church, and to online education. May God 🙏 😇 bless you, Bishop, and Word on Fire.
Our father.... who is.... hallowed.... your kingdom.... on earth as.... forgive our trespasses ... deliver us from... the kingdom... the power and... forever and ever... !
Galatians 5:22-26 was just what I needed as I was constantly asking for guidance these days if I am indeed in the right path. Thank God I found this video
Thak you Padre
Admirable truth! The Holy Spirit is real in our world but one needs to pray & ask for it constantly to experience it. To live without faith in God is nothing...As a sinner I must ask God for my humility and listen carefully. For God pleases what, when, what... The Holy Spirit makes my life see the beauty of who I am in my state of life despite challenges...Thank you Holy Spirit. Amen!
Father Barron, your descrition of the Holy Spirit's fruits is so beautiful I almost cried.
Thanks father for these videos. Ive recetly lost my faith and working to get it back. These videos help out a lot. God bless
Bishop Robert Barron One of your best commentaries! This was beautiful and helped me understand a question I have had for a very long time. Thank you so much and praise God for the gift of teaching His Word that He has given you!
Powerful and a beautiful message of love
Wow wow wow, just wow! Thank you sir for this insightful and "fruitful" message. May the Lord bless you!
Thank you father God bless you. Your a good light and salt😊😊
This tutoriall has so much relevancy to understanding Pope Francis' call to solidarity and the common good in Laudato Si.... thanks so much Bishop Barron!
No. Together they form one principle, for love cannot exist without a mutual exchange between lover and beloved. That's why the Holy Spirit has to proceed from the Father and the Son. (Patre Filioque).
Dear Bishop Barron, I found this video so very clarifying on how to perceive the presence of the Holy Spirit! And also what an immeasurable, and always available gift this Person is, if I only pause to speak to him, and ask for him. Thank you ! I am grateful for this new understanding just in time to celebrate Pentecost in a beautiful new light!
You description of the Holy Spirit made me suddenly realize how we can understand why each one of us has been brought in the world with a special purpose and how to transmit that love to others.
May God Bless You.
Thanks for such an Informative and educational Video. A big thank you goes to Rev. Bishop Baron for the excellent Teaching regarding The Presence of The Holy Spirit in us. I greatly recommend it.
I Love God the Holy Spirit!! Love listening and knowing more about God the Holy Spirit!! Thank You Jesus for sending the Holy Spirit and Thank you Bishop Barron for the massage on God the Holy Spirit!!
What a brilliant analysis on the Holy Spirit, Bishop Barron. Thank you.
Can you hear Jesus through the Holy Spirit and God's Light? I listened to Jesus directly. He is head of the Church and directly runs it all.