You starting off by acknowledging that your lighter skin and mixed features would give you an access to privilege and a better treatment in general by the public was enough to let me know you were about to spit some solid truths. The amount of Dominicans (non black/mixed) who tell me DR is not racist/colorist is astounding to me. Its like a white person in the US telling people racism does not exist. Thank you for your video!
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yes! I think it's so important to acknowledge that, I asked some of my friends with darker skin about this and if they ever felt discriminated and they both had experiences that I would never have imagined that happened in DR which goes to show how blind you can be to things when they don't affect you directly.
I live in Colombia. I can confirm 1,000% that colorism and racism are pervasive and systemic here. It's so pervasive, that the oppressed don't even know that they are being oppressed. Tney actually DEFEND the classism and colorism 😶
Latin America is the most racially and ethnically diverse region in the world, their racism is nothing compared to that of African, middle eastern and asian nations where there is still genocides of all kinds happening
I was hesitant to watch this video, but you nailed it. I tend to see Dominican society as more colorist than racist, but they are both related. I think ghost of Trujillo still looms very large there.
@@bigzclipz5104 Unbelievable! I know a lot bout Trujillo,and he was a mulotto ,he wear white powder on his face,using powder puff his make up kit to look white is still on display in a museum in the DR , he ordered the killing of thousands of African Dominican and even more Haitian, he tell Afro Dominican that they are Tiano native people, publish a magazine of German people photos with not a single Dominican photo because he said that Dominican too black to publish in the magazine, instruct Dominican migrants not to learn English when they migrate to the US because people will mistook them for Afro American,
In the Anglo American colonies "Black" is more than phenotype. It is a community and a political strategy that coalesces around a common identity to secure human/civil right no matter our color, features, hair texture and class. Black people in the US look like Jennifer Lopez and they looked like Cynthia Erivo both of who look like my mother's Louisiana Creole and South Carolina Gullah family. My father's Puerto Rican family looks much like my mother's. They also look like everything in between. In Latin America, no matter the admixtur,e, people have been gaslit into believing in Latinidad and unifying around that identity. The only problem is Latinidad works better for the Latinos who have the least African and Indigenous blood. This allows them to proclaim, racism doesn't exist in LatAm when clearly it does. Mejorar la raza y adelantar la raza is very much a thing.
I loved this comment! As a light skin Latina I´ve had to work to deconstruct the idea that racism doesn´t exist in LATAM, and that "I´m white" it really helped going out of my island and seeing things from a different perspective
I guess in the USA, seeing anyone speak Spanish seems exotic to the point of believing that person is of a different racial category. However In Europe, you are just considered a black or mixed person who happens to speak Spanish, no different than Equatorial Guineans would speak Spanish. If you clearly have dark skin and go to Europe and say that you're not black because you speak Spanish, you will be looked at as if you're crazy.
It's huge difference. Dominicans see themselves as mixed majority nation. Equatorial Guinean is black nation. If u go to Europe. Actually it's funny u say this. Because why do need approval of Europeans.
I love love your analysis! I know this is a complex subject and most of the people don't tend to go to the roots of the matters in the way you're doing it. The implications of colonialism and political and economic power are a CENTRAL POINT in this discussion, because our official cultural identity has been constructed from above and hatred, division (towards our self and to others) is the weapon they use to keep it
I have never been to the DR but I heard a lot of horror stories about the black people of DR, waving flags at the Airport with signs that say NO BLACKS ALLOWED, I live in the US and I dated several Dominican women black mix and white ,and nine of them want to talk about racism in the DR, on one coworker told me that they teach in school that white mean right and black mean wrong, ugly or anything negative.
@@Brahanassei I think you don't need to be afraid to go, we are in general a charismatic, friendly type. It is true though that some people have the systemic racism way too deep in their veins to even recognize it. This doesn't translate to physical violence (in most cases) but mostly as outdated phrases like the ones I mentioned in the video. Go and enjoy! We will be happy to welcome you and show you around.
@thepolishlatina about 2011, somebody show me a video of black men getting lynched in the DR other show black or mix blooded people wear KKK uniform in the carnival, which I think is very disgusting and and disrespectful to Majority of Dominican which I know have some African blood, the minister of culture a European looking man applaud this by saying that they have the right to wear whatever they want to wear at the carnival, I am sure that if a Black Dominican wear something offensive to white Dominican they would not say that
That's actually a really good take on it, I think for most Dominicans is not about blackness but about being Haitian and the connection between blackness and Haiti so I think you are right.❤️ Thank you for bringing that perspective
@@thepolishlatinaKLK manita! This is what I hear from other Dominicans. They have a different culture than ours. Some of them believe the whole island should be theirs and some of them have nationalistic tendencies. Along with any crime and poverty that any Haitians commit that just adds to those nationalistic principles that many Dominicans share. They are darker than us, so it makes it easy to identify them apart from their accent. So when many people see us discriminating against them and from an American perspective people see it as racism. Even though we have family members that are equally as dark, people will say it's racism because they don't know. It's really nationalism. I'm not defending it, these are the excuses I hear. Anyway, I love being Dominican but I hate the hatred towards any group of people. Quidate por aya. Ya tu sabe.
Herman Gilliome, in his book "The Afrikaners", has an interesting discussion of the difference between race relations in Latin America as opposed to in South Africa. Latin America was largely Catholic, while South Africa was Protestant. Women had much more rights in Protestant SA than in Catholic Latin America. This meant SA women had the right to refuse their husband's bastard (Black) children, while Latin women had to accept such children into the house. This meant "race mixing" in Latin America, but segregation and eventually apartheid in south Africa.
@@dandylion188 This is such an interesting fact, I think it also explains why in LATAM the mixed kids where technically not discriminated but in fact treated worse than the non mixed kids.
@@thepolishlatina And of course in LatAm there's the extra wrinkle of "Mixed with what? Indigenous American or Black?" In the DR, Brazil and other places the answer will almost always be "Black". In places like Colombia or Bolivia, I guess it's mostly "Indigenous Am".
It’s not the only difference. In America, if you had any Black mixture, you are Black. So you said in DR you are white, but in America you are black. It doesn’t matter if you are mixed or light skin. That’s the difference
Hi there, I've always been aware I am not white as in European (both my parents have dark skin, with some distant light skin relatives) but I've always been called "blanquita" or been told things like "you need to go in the sun, you are too pale"
I think that unfortunately, colonialism isn't dead and won't be for a long time. Old empires took good care to make places they left unfunctional so they could keep their influence over there. Things like artificial borders are not as important in South America or the Carribeans like they are in Africa or Asia. However, I think you can still feel that post colonialism influences. I hope that one day people can just focus more on who the person is rather than how they look.
The issue is not racism, but rather: CLASSISM, something that the Europeans imposed, where the mulatto and the Mestizo, even if they were Spanish children, did not have the same rights as a pure white. The mixed-race child will always identify with the privileged side "Classism" > racism. White caste = Privileges, black caste = no privileges, slavery, etc... To this day you see the little black boy looking for a white girl or the little black girl behind the white boy to refine the family. So don't get it the terms confused. A racist is someone who believes that their race makes them better, more intelligent, more moral, etc. than people of other races and THAT"S what the Spaniards did to the colony
I’m not Dominican but from the outside looking in it seems like both in my opinion. Racism and Classism are two different things but they both run concurrently. You even proved this in your example. White skin being considered higher class is a direct result of racism. When I was in DR I noticed people with black skin are assumed to be lower class because of racism in the DR until they speak English and then the classism protects them from the racism.
@@fayettejoe8772 I agree 100% with you and that is the sad part of it. Classism, colorism goes hand to hand with racism. But the way I see it is the with part of DR only see the darker part in relation with poverty and misery, not because they see them self as a superior race
I actually feel sorry for people who hate their roots so much, feel an inferiority complex so much, to a point they feel a need to wipe out any trace of their ancestors who make up part of who they are.
@ number one in economy in Central America/ Caribbean, 7th economy in Latin America , 4th economy in North America. Do we have our problems and we are fixing it . Last thing on our mind is thinking about the color negro
Hey we live in 2024 A womans beliefs is not purely tied to the she person is dating/marrying. As long as her partner respects her I genuinely don't think it matters shes with a white man you sound mad ignorant even bringing it up, as long as her relationship does not make her sway in her core beliefs for the worst its literally a non problem. Her being with a white man and having proximity to whiteness further helped her realize colorism/racism based on how people treated her fiance. People there fetishize him because they see white as superior , while she got with him because she actually got to know him. Now if she got with him on some mejora la raza stuff then I would see why that would be a point of contention.
I'm Dominican too and you are definitely not white and you are not black either, I'm not sure where in DR you got that from that you are white, you are a mix race person and you should stay neutral between the races.
@@pichorra9 Hi there! I am hesitant to say one thing or the other because I've learned that depending on the person they will say yes or no, to me personally, it doesn't matter I identify as "jabao" which is someone with lighter skin and black features. Or simply mixed, however in my last video about if Poland is racist other people said that I was white lol so I see it depends on the cultural or social perspective of the person how they see me
Hola! Solo para darte contexto, yo acabo de mudarme de RD, viví allá por 24 años de los 26 que tengo. A menos que en año y medio las cosas cambiaran drásticamente, no creo que out of touch aplique. Pero, siempre estoy abierta a escuchar opiniones diferentes el punto del video no es decir que los Dominicanos odiamos a los negros, o a los Haitianos. sino reconocer que hay sistemas impuestos por la colonización que afectan nuestra percepción de nosotros mismos y de otras personas. El Dominicano promedio no es racista y se relaciona de lo mas normal con todo el mundo, pero también hay otros que hacen comentarios demasiado fuera de lugar, y la gente vive con el miedo a una segunda invasión Haitiana. Me disculpo si eso no fue lo que se entendió ❤️
@@thepolishlatina1 siento decirte que los haitianos siempre han odiado al dominicano desde toda la vida y aparte de ser malagradecidos con los que han dado la mano el que no conoce la historia se puede repetir.
P.S. Not all of them are. I would say 60-70%+ referring to most people leaving there not the ones leaving outside cause when they go outside the country they identify as black cause they are not delusional.
Yes! It took me going out of the island to see that lol it sounds crazy but my whole life people called me white, ofc I know I'm not "white white" but I got the white treatment there
You are not white but you are not black either you are mestizo, wich means you have both races running through your blood.your skin color is more white than black but your facial features and your hair tells that you also have african heritage.
its so funny yall think youre white and me cuando espanos en my cuidad antes antes elles mi novia primera i taught myself spanish i seen the white kids getting bullied at school i chose not to fit in and friend the lesser and thats pretty BLACK & WHITE
lmao now if im being honest sis was spitting some facts. But it is funny to think someone slowly becoming more pro black while living in a super white country. Though I would say it does happen quite a bit , because outside of a mixed country when you are in a white country you are "other" right off the bat if you are not white.
Dice la persona cuyo único argumento sobre un video ensayo, claro y fundamentado, que toca un tema central en el mundo actual, es sencillamente llamar a alguien "busca sonido" 😂
@@ileniacarolinaencarnaciona2931 En la Republica Dominicana no hay Racismo, ni Colorismo. Lo que hay es un grupito de izquerdistas liberales que buscan promover agendas de fusion entre Haiti y RD. Grupitos que no se sienten comodos en su propia piel y le molesta la paz del projimo. Esa cultura WOKE es un chiste. La mayoria son femenistas y Homosexuales y ateos que odian la religion y la bibilia en el escudo de la bandera Dominicana. BUSCA SONIDOS TODITOS.
Lmao by making content that going to make her an enemy of the Dominican Republic. The blacks will never accept her and especially when she marry to a white man .
Hey there! I'm not sure if it is because Spanish and Portuguese are a bit similar 😅 but to be honest I think it has more to do with me learning Polish, I have felt that the way I say some things is changing as I add another language. I know it's weird 😅🙈
Sammy Sosa is the most infamous example of what she's talking about in regards to Dominicans' reluctance to embrace their blackness.
He is also half Haitian too but go on
Sammy Sosa. Yet u have blk American males trying to date out
You starting off by acknowledging that your lighter skin and mixed features would give you an access to privilege and a better treatment in general by the public was enough to let me know you were about to spit some solid truths. The amount of Dominicans (non black/mixed) who tell me DR is not racist/colorist is astounding to me. Its like a white person in the US telling people racism does not exist. Thank you for your video!
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yes! I think it's so important to acknowledge that, I asked some of my friends with darker skin about this and if they ever felt discriminated and they both had experiences that I would never have imagined that happened in DR which goes to show how blind you can be to things when they don't affect you directly.
I live in Colombia. I can confirm 1,000% that colorism and racism are pervasive and systemic here. It's so pervasive, that the oppressed don't even know that they are being oppressed. Tney actually DEFEND the classism and colorism 😶
Latin America is the most racially and ethnically diverse region in the world, their racism is nothing compared to that of African, middle eastern and asian nations where there is still genocides of all kinds happening
I was hesitant to watch this video, but you nailed it. I tend to see Dominican society as more colorist than racist, but they are both related. I think ghost of Trujillo still looms very large there.
This is has nothing to do with Trujillo
I agree 100%!
Te equivocaste nosotros no somos colorista, el dominicano en si no le gusta el cabello afro.
@@bigzclipz5104 Unbelievable! I know a lot bout Trujillo,and he was a mulotto ,he wear white powder on his face,using powder puff his make up kit to look white is still on display in a museum in the DR , he ordered the killing of thousands of African Dominican and even more Haitian, he tell Afro Dominican that they are Tiano native people, publish a magazine of German people photos with not a single Dominican photo because he said that Dominican too black to publish in the magazine, instruct Dominican migrants not to learn English when they migrate to the US because people will mistook them for Afro American,
In the Anglo American colonies "Black" is more than phenotype. It is a community and a political strategy that coalesces around a common identity to secure human/civil right no matter our color, features, hair texture and class. Black people in the US look like Jennifer Lopez and they looked like Cynthia Erivo both of who look like my mother's Louisiana Creole and South Carolina Gullah family. My father's Puerto Rican family looks much like my mother's. They also look like everything in between. In Latin America, no matter the admixtur,e, people have been gaslit into believing in Latinidad and unifying around that identity. The only problem is Latinidad works better for the Latinos who have the least African and Indigenous blood. This allows them to proclaim, racism doesn't exist in LatAm when clearly it does. Mejorar la raza y adelantar la raza is very much a thing.
I loved this comment! As a light skin Latina I´ve had to work to deconstruct the idea that racism doesn´t exist in LATAM, and that "I´m white" it really helped going out of my island and seeing things from a different perspective
Saying all of this while marrying a tall white man . Just be honest
So what ??? Why are black men obsessed with women marry that’s F*CKIN WEIRD
I guess in the USA, seeing anyone speak Spanish seems exotic to the point of believing that person is of a different racial category. However In Europe, you are just considered a black or mixed person who happens to speak Spanish, no different than Equatorial Guineans would speak Spanish. If you clearly have dark skin and go to Europe and say that you're not black because you speak Spanish, you will be looked at as if you're crazy.
It's huge difference. Dominicans see themselves as mixed majority nation. Equatorial Guinean is black nation. If u go to Europe. Actually it's funny u say this. Because why do need approval of Europeans.
I love love your analysis! I know this is a complex subject and most of the people don't tend to go to the roots of the matters in the way you're doing it. The implications of colonialism and political and economic power are a CENTRAL POINT in this discussion, because our official cultural identity has been constructed from above and hatred, division (towards our self and to others) is the weapon they use to keep it
I have never been to the DR but I heard a lot of horror stories about the black people of DR, waving flags at the Airport with signs that say NO BLACKS ALLOWED, I live in the US and I dated several Dominican women black mix and white ,and nine of them want to talk about racism in the DR, on one coworker told me that they teach in school that white mean right and black mean wrong, ugly or anything negative.
@@Brahanassei I think you don't need to be afraid to go, we are in general a charismatic, friendly type. It is true though that some people have the systemic racism way too deep in their veins to even recognize it. This doesn't translate to physical violence (in most cases) but mostly as outdated phrases like the ones I mentioned in the video. Go and enjoy! We will be happy to welcome you and show you around.
@thepolishlatina about 2011, somebody show me a video of black men getting lynched in the DR other show black or mix blooded people wear KKK uniform in the carnival, which I think is very disgusting and and disrespectful to Majority of Dominican which I know have some African blood, the minister of culture a European looking man applaud this by saying that they have the right to wear whatever they want to wear at the carnival, I am sure that if a Black Dominican wear something offensive to white Dominican they would not say that
Cómo en todos los lados querida y además estados unidos ha sido y es super-racista 🙄
Very good topic salute from a Dominican-American living in Philly ,just subscribed to your page.
Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed it❤️
Yes we're racists. And WHAT??😡
Hay si se ponen hablar disparate de uno sin saber, exagerando como si en estados unidos nunca hubo racismo... Tu me entiendes?
Very good discussion! I enjoyed your view of the racism and classism in the D.R.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it :D
It's more nationalist than racist and more Afrocentric than Eurocentric in DR.
That's actually a really good take on it, I think for most Dominicans is not about blackness but about being Haitian and the connection between blackness and Haiti so I think you are right.❤️ Thank you for bringing that perspective
@@thepolishlatinaKLK manita! This is what I hear from other Dominicans. They have a different culture than ours. Some of them believe the whole island should be theirs and some of them have nationalistic tendencies. Along with any crime and poverty that any Haitians commit that just adds to those nationalistic principles that many Dominicans share. They are darker than us, so it makes it easy to identify them apart from their accent. So when many people see us discriminating against them and from an American perspective people see it as racism. Even though we have family members that are equally as dark, people will say it's racism because they don't know. It's really nationalism. I'm not defending it, these are the excuses I hear. Anyway, I love being Dominican but I hate the hatred towards any group of people. Quidate por aya. Ya tu sabe.
Herman Gilliome, in his book "The Afrikaners", has an interesting discussion of the difference between race relations in Latin America as opposed to in South Africa. Latin America was largely Catholic, while South Africa was Protestant. Women had much more rights in Protestant SA than in Catholic Latin America. This meant SA women had the right to refuse their husband's bastard (Black) children, while Latin women had to accept such children into the house. This meant "race mixing" in Latin America, but segregation and eventually apartheid in south Africa.
@@dandylion188 This is such an interesting fact, I think it also explains why in LATAM the mixed kids where technically not discriminated but in fact treated worse than the non mixed kids.
@@thepolishlatina And of course in LatAm there's the extra wrinkle of "Mixed with what? Indigenous American or Black?" In the DR, Brazil and other places the answer will almost always be "Black". In places like Colombia or Bolivia, I guess it's mostly "Indigenous Am".
Excellent job in describing the colorist/racial issues in the DR.
It’s not the only difference. In America, if you had any Black mixture, you are Black. So you said in DR you are white, but in America you are black. It doesn’t matter if you are mixed or light skin. That’s the difference
She certainly don’t look white at all😅
@@EvralTatum-Mcfield-ov2minor does she look black either. She is mixed
Guys still holding on ex slave owners mentality
Great video! Thanks for making it 😊
@@DrustZapat thank you for your comment ❤️
In what part of dr would you be considered white ?? I’ve never heard someone with Taino passing looks be considered white ..
Hi there, I've always been aware I am not white as in European (both my parents have dark skin, with some distant light skin relatives) but I've always been called "blanquita" or been told things like "you need to go in the sun, you are too pale"
I think that unfortunately, colonialism isn't dead and won't be for a long time. Old empires took good care to make places they left unfunctional so they could keep their influence over there. Things like artificial borders are not as important in South America or the Carribeans like they are in Africa or Asia. However, I think you can still feel that post colonialism influences. I hope that one day people can just focus more on who the person is rather than how they look.
@@jekubos I definitely agree with you. I hope that in the near future we can all wake up and focus on the things that really matter.
The issue is not racism, but rather: CLASSISM, something that the Europeans imposed, where the mulatto and the Mestizo, even if they were Spanish children, did not have the same rights as a pure white.
The mixed-race child will always identify with the privileged side "Classism" > racism. White caste = Privileges, black caste = no privileges, slavery, etc... To this day you see the little black boy looking for a white girl or the little black girl behind the white boy to refine the family. So don't get it the terms confused.
A racist is someone who believes that their race makes them better, more intelligent, more moral, etc. than people of other races and THAT"S what the Spaniards did to the colony
Hey there! Thank you for your comment! I think it's such a mixed thing in our country that it's hard to determine sometimes.
You are right!
I’m not Dominican but from the outside looking in it seems like both in my opinion. Racism and Classism are two different things but they both run concurrently. You even proved this in your example. White skin being considered higher class is a direct result of racism. When I was in DR I noticed people with black skin are assumed to be lower class because of racism in the DR until they speak English and then the classism protects them from the racism.
@@fayettejoe8772 I agree 100% with you and that is the sad part of it. Classism, colorism goes hand to hand with racism. But the way I see it is the with part of DR only see the darker part in relation with poverty and misery, not because they see them self as a superior race
Classism based on race is racism
I actually feel sorry for people who hate their roots so much, feel an inferiority complex so much, to a point they feel a need to wipe out any trace of their ancestors who make up part of who they are.
Dominican Republic has the largest economy of the Caribbean and Central America. We don’t have inferiority complex problems
😂😂😂 keep thinking that the DR has the greatest economy. That’s funny. Look it up in google which are the richest countries in the Caribbean. lol 😂
@ number one in economy in Central America/ Caribbean, 7th economy in Latin America , 4th economy in North America. Do we have our problems and we are fixing it . Last thing on our mind is thinking about the color negro
@bigzclipz5104 sure, keep lying to yourself. Money don't change the heart just reveals what's inside
@@bigzclipz5104You Said: "Last thing on our mind is thinking about the color negro" Apparently. You said it! It just proves our point.
But yet u r with a white savior?
I'm colonizing them back lol
While living in Poland too . This is just a women babbling because she has time to spear
Hey we live in 2024 A womans beliefs is not purely tied to the she person is dating/marrying. As long as her partner respects her I genuinely don't think it matters shes with a white man you sound mad ignorant even bringing it up, as long as her relationship does not make her sway in her core beliefs for the worst its literally a non problem.
Her being with a white man and having proximity to whiteness further helped her realize colorism/racism based on how people treated her fiance. People there fetishize him because they see white as superior , while she got with him because she actually got to know him. Now if she got with him on some mejora la raza stuff then I would see why that would be a point of contention.
@@CrimsonSun-n3ishe's further continuing to white out her seed, u ignoramus
Yes. 100% yes.
I'm Dominican too and you are definitely not white and you are not black either, I'm not sure where in DR you got that from that you are white, you are a mix race person and you should stay neutral between the races.
@@pichorra9 Hi there! I am hesitant to say one thing or the other because I've learned that depending on the person they will say yes or no, to me personally, it doesn't matter I identify as "jabao" which is someone with lighter skin and black features. Or simply mixed, however in my last video about if Poland is racist other people said that I was white lol so I see it depends on the cultural or social perspective of the person how they see me
She just another women looking for attention on social media .
Nadie antagoniza nuestra identidad y cultura más que un dominicano que vive en el extranjero, completely out of touch…
Hola! Solo para darte contexto, yo acabo de mudarme de RD, viví allá por 24 años de los 26 que tengo. A menos que en año y medio las cosas cambiaran drásticamente, no creo que out of touch aplique. Pero, siempre estoy abierta a escuchar opiniones diferentes el punto del video no es decir que los Dominicanos odiamos a los negros, o a los Haitianos. sino reconocer que hay sistemas impuestos por la colonización que afectan nuestra percepción de nosotros mismos y de otras personas. El Dominicano promedio no es racista y se relaciona de lo mas normal con todo el mundo, pero también hay otros que hacen comentarios demasiado fuera de lugar, y la gente vive con el miedo a una segunda invasión Haitiana. Me disculpo si eso no fue lo que se entendió ❤️
@@thepolishlatina1 siento decirte que los haitianos siempre han odiado al dominicano desde toda la vida y aparte de ser malagradecidos con los que han dado la mano el que no conoce la historia se puede repetir.
Short answer yes but mostly around the border.
P.S. Not all of them are. I would say 60-70%+ referring to most people leaving there not the ones leaving outside cause when they go outside the country they identify as black cause they are not delusional.
in Detroit your a black person
Yes! It took me going out of the island to see that lol it sounds crazy but my whole life people called me white, ofc I know I'm not "white white" but I got the white treatment there
Jamaica as well
The same people that helped destroy that once beautiful city. We don’t want one your friends
@@squilliamfancyson3333another poor country
You are not white but you are not black either you are mestizo, wich means you have both races running through your blood.your skin color is more white than black but your facial features and your hair tells that you also have african heritage.
its so funny yall think youre white and me cuando espanos en my cuidad antes antes elles mi novia primera i taught myself spanish i seen the white kids getting bullied at school i chose not to fit in and friend the lesser and thats pretty BLACK & WHITE
Funny how she live in Poland and not in some Bantu country
🤣🤣in the middle of the winter, trust me only love can make me stay here
lmao now if im being honest sis was spitting some facts. But it is funny to think someone slowly becoming more pro black while living in a super white country. Though I would say it does happen quite a bit , because outside of a mixed country when you are in a white country you are "other" right off the bat if you are not white.
otra busca sonido buscando views.
Dice la persona cuyo único argumento sobre un video ensayo, claro y fundamentado, que toca un tema central en el mundo actual, es sencillamente llamar a alguien "busca sonido" 😂
@@ileniacarolinaencarnaciona2931 En la Republica Dominicana no hay Racismo, ni Colorismo. Lo que hay es un grupito de izquerdistas liberales que buscan promover agendas de fusion entre Haiti y RD. Grupitos que no se sienten comodos en su propia piel y le molesta la paz del projimo. Esa cultura WOKE es un chiste. La mayoria son femenistas y Homosexuales y ateos que odian la religion y la bibilia en el escudo de la bandera Dominicana. BUSCA SONIDOS TODITOS.
@@ileniacarolinaencarnaciona2931 pues no veo mentira en que muchos han atacado a la republica dominicana en todos lados con el mismo ensayo.
Ehh we’re a little
Google lol
You are definitely using your brain right, and that's going to make you a free and better person.
Lmao by making content that going to make her an enemy of the Dominican Republic. The blacks will never accept her and especially when she marry to a white man .
Your English sounds like a Portuguese speaker
Hey there! I'm not sure if it is because Spanish and Portuguese are a bit similar 😅 but to be honest I think it has more to do with me learning Polish, I have felt that the way I say some things is changing as I add another language. I know it's weird 😅🙈
Her English is very understandable.
I didn't say it wasn't understandable
Yeah that's exactly it
I don't know much about DR. I thought that the main issue in DR is corruption.
The tourism motto in DR used to be Dominican Republic has it all. Yup, it really does 🥲🙈
@thepolishlatina how to solve this issue?
I am a Cuban man 58 years old, living in USA since 38 years ago, Dominicans have to learn from Cubans, we can teach Dominicans how to be human beings!
Cubans are the worst - what are you talking about ? 😂 yall need to learn how to be humble