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Does gravity interrupt the flow of time or do massive objects interupt the flow of time and resulting gradient not cause gravity. Is time not more fundamental than gravity. Is this why we haven't found the graviton?
Physics has EXPERIMENTS that confirm physical principles. Mathematics DOES NOT KNOW the EXPERIMENTS! The ability to understand the laws of science binds us, to spread these new ideas persistently among all scientists. Nobel laureates in physics are mostly physicists, who mainly create and defend physics. Einstein never received a Nobel prize for relativity... For nearly 100 years ago have been Nobel Prize winners said: "- The theory of relativity is a mathematical and not a physical theory.“
Change QUALITY Einstein´s theory Tkin =mc^2 - mo c^2 1996: Tkin id =mc^2 [ln |1-v/c|+ (v/c) / (1-v/c) ] NEWTON´S Tkin ad = mc^2 [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c) / (1+v/c) ] MAXWELL´S and or ORCID: VLCEK vs EINSTEIN, Exceptional experimental evidence, Critique of the basics contemporary physicsвидео.html
Richard Feynman : „The first principle is that you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool.“
1:52 _"...there is no way for an observer to tell whether he is moving or standing still."_ Mr. Kotter! Mr. Kotter!! I know how you can tell the difference!!! Do the experiment with two different people. Then, after the experiment, just have the two people look at each other. The person who stayed stationary in gravity aged more than the person who accelerated through space at 1G. #ItchyFeet
If these videos had been available when I was in college, I probably would have been hooked on physics and majored in it. (I turned to math instead.) It helps so much to be able to visualize a concept. Your videos are wonderful for those with their college and careers still ahead of them. Please keep it up. We are all enjoying them.
it's like their talking to Morons... it would have been easy simply to say both observer and passenger see the same thing,,, the passenger can't tell their moving... if no change happens in vector... or angular momentum. then we would feel it... kinda like falling into a black Hole... we wouldn't know... if E=Mc sq... were hauling ass just to be matter. or a stop light
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I think there is an error in your explanation. If time slows down at the bottom of the box, the time difference between pulses at top and bottom will stay the same. For the person in the box not to see the box is accelerating the both times between bottom and top pulses have to be the same.
Oliver, the video is correct. If the box is standing still, but the clocks at the bottom of the box are moving more slowly than at the top, then the clocks at the bottom will read that less time passed between light pulses.
The crucial point to get is that light travels at lightspeed regardless of the motion of the emitter or receiver. In the accelerating box, the floor in that reference frame advances a little bit after the light-pulse is emitted and therefore the light-pulse is traveling a slightly smaller distance to get to the floor, than it would if the box were not accelerating.
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Eugene Khutoryansky cool! i like the animations used to explain things in your channel. it would be cool to see a video about black holes, just saying x)
Eugene Khutoryansky Thank you for the video, you really make awesome videos on physics that are very easy to understand without all the math its based on. For me personally i would want a bit higher pace but that is just a preferance. You are the maker of them so it is entierly up to you, and i will keep on watching regardless.
Eugene Khutoryansky I was actually going to request a bit of the math be incorporated: something like Mechanical Universe did but more in depth. Or perhaps a video that juggles through the relations of physics equations from E=mC^2 to m=E/C^2 to F=(E/C^2)a to F=(E/C^2)g... etc. I've noticed many physics students grasp the theories well but fall quite short when juggling the math (I included).
If you were inside an object that rotated with constant angular velocity, then you'd experience acceleration directed outwards from axis of rotation and its magnitude would depend on square of angular velocity and distance from axis of rotation. So it works, but box under constant linear acceleraiton would give uniform "gravitational" field, whereas, let's say, if you stood inside a torus rotating around its axis your head would be closer to the axis than your feet, so it'd be attracted less. Similar thing with head and feet technically happens on Earth, but due to large radius of Earth it's usually not noticeable; however, Earth's gravitational acceleration is inversely proportional to the SQUARE of distance to the center of mass of Earth, not directly proportional to the FIRST POWER of distance as in rotation's case, so it's all a bit different. Of course in case someone's nitpicky: here on Earth we're also under noticeable effect of Earth's rotation causing centrifugal acceleration, which counteracts a bit of Earth's gravity - difference in weight due to this effect is about 0.35% as calculated between the poles (zero distance to axis of rotation) and equator (maximal distance to axis). Overall difference between poles and equator is higher - about 0.53%, due to flattened shape of the Earth as well (bigger distance to Earth's center of mass at the equator than at poles). This rotation thing is actually how they want to generate gravity on spaceships or stations in the future; one of the examples in fiction depicting this is The Martian. It also shows pretty well how there's zero gravity near the axis of rotation, and then as astronaut travels outwards "gravity" starts working.
What if we develop a device which could increase the gravity of earth at a specific position for specific human being Will he be able to travel forward in time Because in Interstellar movie they've shown us that if reach near a black hole then time would be slower for us That's why I thought so
@@akhileshdwivedi6516 You’d want to become a physicist and focus in on areas which are tied to that. Though, there really is no physics profession that is purely about time or purely about dimensions, and really the concept of dimensions shows up in all areas of physics, though I assume you’re talking about what you hear about from string theory.
@@akhileshdwivedi6516 You may want to study more mathematics for that. Higher dimensions are something we can only understand mathematically, but we can do so very well. Particularly, look up convex sets, topology and differential geometry, and dynamical systems. Convex sets is where you can get introduced to things such as hypercubes (like a tesseract) and more. Topology deals a lot with manifolds in general, even in higher dimensions. Dynamical systems in general can help you understand dynamics or motion in any dimension pretty much using matrix analysis and differential equations.
I don't "know". But based on the fact that he did thought experiments and would simulate things to figure shit out, computers are excellent at simulating.
Einstein was discussing his Theories once with a Businessman: The Businessman said to Einstein; I have my own Theory on Relativity, Never have your Relatives work for you.
Your videos are so incredible, truly beautiful and done in a way in which I, a person who loves physics but does not have have a very broad understanding of it, can appreciate and understand. Thank you so much.
Yes. I have a question. These videos are a real benefit to humanity. And I frequently ask myself, who produces these incredible videos, graphics and explanations. Are they product of pure altruism? Who pays for this work? How old are you? What are your motives? What moves you? Do you spend your own money? Intriguing!
Thanks for the compliment. I make all my own animations. The narration is done by my friend, Kira Vincent. I make the videos to help people understand these topics better. Anyone who wants to help financially contribute to the creation of these videos can do so through my Patreon website at
This video, together with other videos from Eugene, gave me a basic intuition about general and special relativity. I never completely understood the twin paradox, but now im eventualy satisfied. Thanks
ivan rabijns I am glad to hear that I was able to help. The twin paradox is in particular one of the aspects about Relativity that causes a lot of confusion, which is why I decided to make a separate video dedicated just to that topic. Thanks.
It is definitely one of the best videos describing gravity and space-time through animation. People find it difficult to "visualise" science principle, more so in case of physics. Even a layman would understand this I feel.
I had always thought the time slowdown was a function of the magnitude of the gravitational field. I did not realize that it was also a function of the distance in the direction of the gravitational field. Thanks for clearing that up with such an easy to understand video.
You mean like cuz gravity is different from different distances from a mass( weaker the further away), so you thought that was the factor affecting it? If yes, then same here
You're a genius, your videos are out of this world. And you've answered this confirming what I believed. I couldn't praise you enough because you are the best. But I'm glad also of the other less good videos. They make me feel, well... not so stupid.
Great video! But what about the tidal forces? If I measure that gravity is stronger closer to the gravitational source, I could tell that the box is not accelerating. How does Einstein account for this problem?
Late response, but the equivalence principle -- the principe that says that acceleration and gravity are indistinguishable -- is only valid locally. In theory that means that if your system has a non-zero size you could measure the acceleration at different points and determine whether gravity is involved or not.
I like how you made the top clock's disk marking lower pulse frequency red while the bottom disk marking higher frequency is blue... Pretty good small detail right there!
This is really interesting, you always come up with videos explaining things that others avoid mentioning (maybe) because of the complexity of the topic. You just do it as clearly as possible without missing the little details. I still have some questions about this, which would require me much more time to articulate than I have right now, but am I right in believing that this is part of a more intricate relation between time and space (like an inherent side effect)?
Better late than never... these videos are fantastic. If you're not already teaching professionally, you damn sure should be. Subbed and recommended to many. Thank You! (Oh, and LOVE the Action Figure Face Plant! "If we choose to believe the box is standing still, then we are still way too drunk to stand up.").
*For those interested.* It would mean that if you were able to fly close to a black hole, time wouldn't feel any different for you, but the time around you appears to be going super fast. The whole of the universe (and Earth) could vanish in what feels as seconds or minutes for you, while the people on Earth would feel as if their life continued as normal. Everyone would feel like time passes normal for them. Only, the people on Earth looking at you would see time standing still while you looking at them would see the universe play out in seconds while everything close to you (close to the black hole) would feel normal speed. In the movie Interstellar they have this scene where they are on a water planet. The gravity on that planet is so much stronger that time flows slower. The amazing music during that scene involves a ticking clock. The idea is that every tick you hear in the song is a day for the people back on earth. I believe.
Obviously your a physics expert and can comprehend whole textbooks of info in a 3 minute video of some Asian speaking broken English. Everyone has their talents...
I really like these videos. It's not hip, trendy or exciting but I definitely learn a lot more from these videos than from the other science channels on RUclips. Not hitting on them as they do serve their purpose but I do appreciate someone took the time to follow sound e-Learning principles to bring this type of content across. BRAVO! :)
If you choose to believe there is a gravitational field at the bottom of the box and time is moving slower, wouldn't that affect the light pulses as well? Why would they speed up instead of slow down due to the slower passing of time?
It is not a gravitational field at the bottom of the box, it would be a gravitational field through the entire universe, in the perspective of the person inside the box. and she said: The time between the light pulses at the bottom is less then the time between the light pulses at the top. That means that for the perspective of a clock at the top of the box, the clock of the bottom is running too slow and thus if I send pulses of light at it, will read less time. If send each pulse at the frequency of 1 pulse/second and the time in my point of view istwice as fast as the one in the bottom, I will see it receive 2pulses/second on HIS clockthus, only half a second between each light pulse
and for the perspective of the person at the bottom of the box, the clock on the top is running too fast, and it is sending 2pulses/second even though it reads only 1pulse /second on HIS clock
KabelkowyJoe I believe it is because of the expanding space light is traveling through. I don't think it is because light is affected by the motion of the object that created the beam of light but because of the accelerating expansion of space. We don't see the Doppler effect on small scales like we do with sound waves.
I understand everything lol. But bascially, gravity and acceleration are the same thing, which means if gravity slows down time so does acceleration, and how much slower or faster time is depends on the strength of the gravity or acceleration. The reason the flow of time is affected is so you can't tell you're motion and so you see light moving at roughly 300,000,000 km/s.
@@harryxiro So how can gravitational forces always point to the center of Earth? Wouldn't that imply Earth is accelerating in every direction from the perspective of an outside observer?
Eugene khutoryansky if you want to be a hero, a real hero, make a video explaining how freefall is considered a non accelerated inertial frame. That is the key to explaining gravity. Your videos on gravity have been wonderful however you have not made one video explaining how free fall is considered to be inertial. Please make that video I'm dying to see you make it. It is the key to everything about gravity. Albert Einstein discovered that a freefall frame was actually inertial, something Newton had not discovered, and this is how he came to an understanding of gravity that surpassed Newton. If you make a video explaining this you will be a hero because I have not seen one video that explains this with the graphical illustrations that you can make in your videos.
ABSOLUTE LAWS of NATURE - PHYSICS Actual & Factual • There must be an input of energy for there to be an output of energy. • The output of energy cannot exceed that of the input of energy. • An input of energy may be converted into an output of energy, and an output of energy may be converted into an input of energy. • Energy may be converted, but energy cannot be created or destroyed. • For every action (force of motion) there is an equal and opposite reaction (force of motion). • For every force of energy sub-divided, e.g. as per a shotgun effect, the sum of the force of impacts is equal to the sum of the force exerted. • The sum of the force exerted against an immovable surface area, is equal to the quantity of energy exerted. • The sum of force exerted to form a particle or a density of matter, is equal to the quantity of energy used to form that particle or density of matter. Rational These laws of physics apply universally throughout the Cosmos to all sizes and types of particles of matter. And this is regardless as to where they may exist in the Cosmos, when they may exist in the Cosmos. And whether or not they exist within a voluminous free state of, e.g. interstellar space, quantum space, gases, fluids, or within organised structures of, e.g. electromagnetic wavelengths, atoms, stars, celestial bodies and any other form of matter.
Oxford English Dictionary Energy: The capacity of matter or radiation to do work: The means of doing work by utilising matter or radiation. (Author. Energy is a substance that is always in motion, and it is the density and the power of its accelerated motion, relative to the resistance of a smaller or less dense quantity matter, which serves to transfer a force of acceleration into the smaller or less dense quantity of matter). Force: A measurable influence that causes something to move. (Author: Please see above definition as per energy). Gravity: 1 a. The force that attracts a body to the centre of the Earth or other celestial body. b. The degree of intensity of this measured by acceleration. c. Gravitational force. (Author: A downward acting attractional energy that is being exerted upon particles of matter, atoms, and bodies from the Earth's centre of gravitation). Gravitation: 1. A force of attraction between any particle of matter in the universe and any other”. 2. The effect of this esp, the falling of bodies to earth. OED Quote: *1 a. The force that attracts a body to the centre of the Earth or another celestial body.* OED Quote *1. A force of attraction “between any particle of matter in the universe and any other”* Rational Reiteration Quote: These laws of physics apply universally throughout the Cosmos to all sizes and types of particles of matter. And this is regardless as to where they may exist in the Cosmos, or when they may exist in the Cosmos. And whether or not they exist within a voluminous free state of, e.g. interstellar space, quantum space, gases, fluids, or within organised structures of, e.g. electromagnetic wavelengths, atoms, stars, celestial bodies and any other form of matter. As such, given that there has to be an energy input for action and reaction (*attraction*) to take place between any two particles throughout the Cosmos. So it is, that there has to exist at the quantum (infinitesimal) level of the Cosmos, a universal, ubiquitous source of energy, which fundamentally serves to fuel every action and reaction throughout the Cosmos. All particles of matter throughout the Cosmos possess spin - rotation, and all particles and bodies of matter that have spin - rotation, generate centrifugal force from their centres of gravity. The Earth is a large spinning sphere of matter that appears to be isolated in empty outer-space, which spins - rotates around its magnetic centre of gravity at a rate of 1,000 miles per hour. The Earth is a large spinning sphere of matter that appears to be isolated in empty outer-space, which possesses a surrounding electromagnetic field (Magnetosphere) generated from its magnetic centre of gravity. However, although the Earth appears to be isolated in empty outer-space, it is categorical that for the Earth and its magnetosphere to exist and to be maintained in outer space, it is outer-space that must be the source for supplying the energy that is essential for fulfilling this task. And further confirmation concerning the fact that apparently empty outer/interstellar space is not empty (and devoid of energy and matter), is determined by the law of physics, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" which can also be read as to meaning "A reaction cannot take place, without there first being an action to cause the reaction to take place". As such and relative to the nature of outer/interstellar space, given that space rockets, probes and craft can use jet propulsion to travel through outer space. So it follows that as the force of jet propulsion is reliant upon there being a resistance of matter present for the propulsive force to be effective against, so it is that outer space can only be/is comprised of both energy and of invisible matter. For example, when we light a rocket and fire it through the Earth's atmosphere, although the gases of the atmosphere are invisible to the naked eye, we are all aware that the atmosphere is an invisible voluminous ocean of atoms, which surrounds the surface of Earth. And it is the atoms and the voluminous and gravitational pressure of this ocean of matter, that serve to provide the resistance that is essential for a propulsive effect to take place. Quite simply without the presence of energy and a medium of matter, propulsion simply cannot take place (Please note the mechanics of atmospheric and outer space propulsion, will be explained in more detail later). Therefore regardless of assumption based theories, and those theories wherein their authors have disingenuously circumvented the Natural Laws of Physics, to promote it for their own gains. The laws of physics concerning the absolute necessity of there being an energy input and output, to fuel all actions and all reactions throughout the Cosmos. Serves to confirm, that interstellar space is a universal and ubiquitous ocean of fundament energy existing at the quantum (infinitesimal) level of the Cosmos, whereby it exists “between any particle of matter in the universe and any other”. And pervades through all matter of the Cosmos, to fuel all actions and reactions of the Cosmos. First Law of Thermodynamics Energy may be converted but energy cannot be created or destroyed. And the reason for this is that energy is cyclic in nature, in that it is converted from one level of energy to another higher or lower level of energy, via the means of addition (gravitation - coalescence - atomic bonding - fusion) or subtraction (atomic division - splitting - fission). Which essentially means, that as neither additions or subtractions of energy can serve to destroy the fundamental nature and integrity of energy, so it is that although in can be cyclically converted it cannot be created or destroyed. And the fundamental energy of the infinite and eternal interstellar oceans of our Cosmic Mother Nature, are the sum of all that has been, all that there is, all that will be. Regardless of Lemaitre's disingenuous abracadabra Big Bang Theory, or the abracadabra Six Day Creation theory of Jewish Roman Capitalistic Theologians. EINSTEINS GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY GRAVITY According to Einstein's original theory of gravity and acceleration, he stated that If a lift was taken into outer space and a light beam was shone laterally across the width of the lift, if the body of the lift was then upwardly accelerated, the light beam would bend down toward the floor of the lift, due to the downward acting force of gravity. A force which he maintained had a downward acting pushing effect, rather than an attractional effect as per the Oxford English dictionary definition of gravity. Oxford English Dictionary Gravity Physics: Gravity: The force that attracts a body towards the centre of the Earth, or toward any other celestial body. Einstein also maintained all of his life that nothing could exceed the speed of light; however given that the light beam in the lift would be travelling at a speed of 300, 000 kilometer's per second. it follows, that the amount of acceleration that would be needed to be applied to the physical structure of the lift in order to bend the light beam, would have to be in excess of the light beams speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. Therefore, given that as all physicists would agree, it is impossible for any solid atom based structure to travel at or beyond the speed of light. So it is that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity (Gravity) is totally disingenuous, and never was or has been worth the paper it was written on. Actual & Factual Einstein was a late walker, talker and reader. Einstein was a poor and tardy student. Einstein Failed at Mathematics then used his friend’s notes to pass his next maths exam Einstein did not qualify as a physicist. Einstein and his wife Mileva Maric*coincidentally* failed their finals with the same score of 59 out of 100 the pass being 60. However Einstein was given a pass, while Mileva a brilliant student was failed.
Even though acceleration may give the illusion of gravity it cannot be one and the same thing. The gravity of an object with mass pulls everything around it to it's core. If acceleration was causing gravity on Earth as it orbits the sun at 30 km/s (67,000 mph) then only people on one side of the Earth would feel gravity as people on the other side would be falling off. And if gravity on Earth was caused by the centrifugal speed around it's axis, people would be pushed outwards instead of towards the center, and gravity near the equator would be much lower than near the poles. This may produce the sense of gravity on a rotating spaceship but these physics do not apply to the gravity of the Earth. So we can conclude acceleration and gravity are NOT the same thing. Gravity must be produced by something else than speed. We might only be able to truly understand how mass creates gravity when we have a better understanding of quantum physics.
Actually, centripetal acceleration *does* counteract gravity in both those cases - just not nearly enough to cancel it out. Objects fall slower at the equator than they do at the poles due to the Earth's rotation. It's a pretty small amount (something like .01 m/s^2 of centrifugal acceleration at Earth's equator) - but it's definitely measureable. The centripetal acceleration of the Earth as it orbits the Sun even smaller. Remember: rotational velocity is NOT the same as centripetal acceleration. Centripetal acceleration is the square of the rotational velocity divided by the *radius* of rotation. So 30 km/s might sound pretty fast, but the Sun is also ~150 million km away, which gives you a centripetal acceleration of ~0.006 m/s^2. Not exactly enough to fling people off the planet.
Yeah but the earth isn't accelerating. It's the warped space time around a massive object that causes matter to fall inwards towards it's core. I think of gravity not as a force but as a product of spacetime curvature.
Ava Yes they do apply to the gravity of earth. That is because we are all constantly moving. If the earth were to all of a sudden stop short we would be ejected..
Thank you for the conceptual videos. All of your videos are interesting. In this video, adding clarity about the definition of time would make the picture more clear....
a clock doesn't measure the time, no matter what clock it is. if you're gonna use clock as a calendar, you are welcome. but year (time) is defined as one rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Saying that someone who is away from Earth/Gravity will witness more rotations of Earth around the Sun than someone on the Earth is nonsense. This only shows that same or different types of clocks will act differently in different environments, nothing else. Use a sandclock that is set to 1 min, now its opposite, the clock that is further away will go slower. In the center of gravity there is no gravity, and everything accelerates towards that plane of inertia. any movement away from the point of inertia requires force. Any acceleration away from inertia/gravity is actually increasing force and motion and decreasing inertia and acceleration.
To each his own lol. Believe what you want, I'll stick with decades of scientific evidence backing me up. You stick with your knee jerk reaction, emotions and your preconceived notions of physics.
It's not about clocks, it's about elapsed time, there just isn't really any other way to demonstrate that in a video that I can think of. Also time is something real. Time is a dimension.
If you cant explain it dont have enought understanding...with this great affort to simplify scientific theory with simple visualization making me feel this youtuber one of the best smart person I might ever seen
willian c Thanks for subscribing, and yes lots more videos are coming. I plan to now make videos at a far faster rate than I had ever done before. Thanks.
Doesn't that mean where the time is slowed down in the box, the speed of light has increased as it takes less time for the light to travel the same distance?
The ups and downs the music had seemed like the ups and downs inside my head. This matter is really interesting and the way you make your vids is very easy to understand because you make real life comparisons. Thx
This video shows the best and easy explanation how gravity slows time.It is the acceleration which slows down time .Since pull of gravity creates acceleration towards massive object more we close to that body more is the slow of time.As black hole is the most massive body in the universe time almost slows down to stop at black hole.
Everybody's perception of time is different. U put two people in a room. One lies down and the other one works. Wouldn't time be going by really slow for the person lying down and going fast for the person who's up and about?
4:26 why will we believe that there is a g field present when we believe the box is standing still? it seems like unnecessary as box standing still is irrelevant to if g field present.
if you are stuck to the floor then either there must be acceleration, or gravity. you can choose which description you want to use because the math is the same.
Great video. I studied physics using finger puppets and it was confusing. After paying attention to which way the acceleration vector was pointing, it becames clearer.
For anyone else initially confused as to how a higher rate of photons received implies a slower rate of time, let me help explain what made it click for me. (Or maybe I’m the only one confused and I’m talking to myself). Imagine the clock at the top of the box sends a photon each second. Let’s then say that the bottom of the box has 2 clocks. 1 that is independent from the photon system and ticks as 1 second per second, and another clock that ticks every time it receives a photon. Since the bottom of the box receives the photons at a faster rate than they are sent, the clock connected to the system will now be ahead of the independent clock. The independent clock is true to the bottom reference frame and the clock tied to the system is true to the top reference frame, and since the clock true to the bottom reference frame had less ticks, then time passed slower.
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the music is frustrating, too frustrating to watch. Sorry but video is getting disliked.
Does gravity interrupt the flow of time or do massive objects interupt the flow of time and resulting gradient not cause gravity. Is time not more fundamental than gravity. Is this why we haven't found the graviton?
Physics has EXPERIMENTS that confirm physical principles.
The ability to understand the laws of science binds us, to spread these new ideas persistently among all scientists.
Nobel laureates in physics are mostly physicists, who mainly create and defend physics. Einstein never received a Nobel prize for relativity...
For nearly 100 years ago have been Nobel Prize winners said:
"- The theory of relativity is a mathematical and not a physical theory.“
Einstein´s theory Tkin =mc^2 - mo c^2
1996: Tkin id =mc^2 [ln |1-v/c|+ (v/c) / (1-v/c) ] NEWTON´S
Tkin ad = mc^2 [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c) / (1+v/c) ] MAXWELL´S
VLCEK vs EINSTEIN, Exceptional experimental evidence, Critique of the basics contemporary physicsвидео.html
Richard Feynman : „The first principle is that you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool.“
1:52 _"...there is no way for an observer to tell whether he is moving or standing still."_
Mr. Kotter! Mr. Kotter!!
I know how you can tell the difference!!!
Do the experiment with two different people.
Then, after the experiment, just have the two people look at each other.
The person who stayed stationary in gravity aged more than the person who accelerated through space at 1G.
I felt bad for the woman that kept bumping her head on the wall.
she isn't real
He still feels bad because he will not be able to ask her out. Double edged sword :D
I counted 7 face-plants. That's a lot by anyone's standards.
I am guessing she must resemble an ex-girlfriend!
ha ha ha
If these videos had been available when I was in college, I probably would have been hooked on physics and majored in it. (I turned to math instead.) It helps so much to be able to visualize a concept. Your videos are wonderful for those with their college and careers still ahead of them. Please keep it up. We are all enjoying them.
+Diane V Without Math there'd be no physics !!
+Noman Ahmed Thank you for the kind words. You are right. Math is the exercise and practice, physics is the concert performance.
like a synchronised symphony ..
The background song just reminds me of particular Tom & Jerry episode.
"The Cat Concerto" 1947 episode, we can hear Franz Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2
Thank you so much for the music credit. How I wish he would tell us about the music for each video!
What version is this, though?
I think there only two versions, piano an orchestral.
I just guessed another composer for one of Khutoyartisky’s videos, it’s Mozart’s “Eine Kline Nacht”. This is fun.
I gave up after the girl made the same fall for the seventh time.
She represents those who think "inside the box"
it's like their talking to Morons... it would have been easy simply to say both observer and passenger see the same thing,,, the passenger can't tell their moving... if no change happens in vector... or angular momentum. then we would feel it... kinda like falling into a black Hole... we wouldn't know... if E=Mc sq... were hauling ass just to be matter. or a stop light
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this channel is boss IQ for aspies like me, im all in
I think there is an error in your explanation. If time slows down at the bottom of the box, the time difference between pulses at top and bottom will stay the same. For the person in the box not to see the box is accelerating the both times between bottom and top pulses have to be the same.
Oliver, the video is correct. If the box is standing still, but the clocks at the bottom of the box are moving more slowly than at the top, then the clocks at the bottom will read that less time passed between light pulses.
The crucial point to get is that light travels at lightspeed regardless of the motion of the emitter or receiver. In the accelerating box, the floor in that reference frame advances a little bit after the light-pulse is emitted and therefore the light-pulse is traveling a slightly smaller distance to get to the floor, than it would if the box were not accelerating.
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Brilliant ! You are a great person ! Keep doing this !
Eugene Khutoryansky Also I can tweet it too! love your videos. They reminds me of a science show I use to watch back in the 90's.
Eugene Khutoryansky cool! i like the animations used to explain things in your channel. it would be cool to see a video about black holes, just saying x)
Eugene Khutoryansky Thank you for the video, you really make awesome videos on physics that are very easy to understand without all the math its based on. For me personally i would want a bit higher pace but that is just a preferance. You are the maker of them so it is entierly up to you, and i will keep on watching regardless.
Eugene Khutoryansky I was actually going to request a bit of the math be incorporated: something like Mechanical Universe did but more in depth. Or perhaps a video that juggles through the relations of physics equations from E=mC^2 to m=E/C^2 to F=(E/C^2)a to F=(E/C^2)g... etc. I've noticed many physics students grasp the theories well but fall quite short when juggling the math (I included).
Does this also work for rotational acceleration like in a centrifuge?
If you were inside an object that rotated with constant angular velocity, then you'd experience acceleration directed outwards from axis of rotation and its magnitude would depend on square of angular velocity and distance from axis of rotation. So it works, but box under constant linear acceleraiton would give uniform "gravitational" field, whereas, let's say, if you stood inside a torus rotating around its axis your head would be closer to the axis than your feet, so it'd be attracted less. Similar thing with head and feet technically happens on Earth, but due to large radius of Earth it's usually not noticeable; however, Earth's gravitational acceleration is inversely proportional to the SQUARE of distance to the center of mass of Earth, not directly proportional to the FIRST POWER of distance as in rotation's case, so it's all a bit different.
Of course in case someone's nitpicky: here on Earth we're also under noticeable effect of Earth's rotation causing centrifugal acceleration, which counteracts a bit of Earth's gravity - difference in weight due to this effect is about 0.35% as calculated between the poles (zero distance to axis of rotation) and equator (maximal distance to axis). Overall difference between poles and equator is higher - about 0.53%, due to flattened shape of the Earth as well (bigger distance to Earth's center of mass at the equator than at poles).
This rotation thing is actually how they want to generate gravity on spaceships or stations in the future; one of the examples in fiction depicting this is The Martian. It also shows pretty well how there's zero gravity near the axis of rotation, and then as astronaut travels outwards "gravity" starts working.
Dude please inform me about the profession in which I can study about dimensions and time traveling related researches
What if we develop a device which could increase the gravity of earth at a specific position for specific human being
Will he be able to travel forward in time
Because in Interstellar movie they've shown us that if reach near a black hole then time would be slower for us
That's why I thought so
@@akhileshdwivedi6516 You’d want to become a physicist and focus in on areas which are tied to that. Though, there really is no physics profession that is purely about time or purely about dimensions, and really the concept of dimensions shows up in all areas of physics, though I assume you’re talking about what you hear about from string theory.
@@akhileshdwivedi6516 You may want to study more mathematics for that. Higher dimensions are something we can only understand mathematically, but we can do so very well. Particularly, look up convex sets, topology and differential geometry, and dynamical systems. Convex sets is where you can get introduced to things such as hypercubes (like a tesseract) and more. Topology deals a lot with manifolds in general, even in higher dimensions. Dynamical systems in general can help you understand dynamics or motion in any dimension pretty much using matrix analysis and differential equations.
Einstein would have loved to see that computers are able to simulate his thought experiments with these kinds of videos.
How do you know
I don't "know". But based on the fact that he did thought experiments and would simulate things to figure shit out, computers are excellent at simulating.
Or... Terribly mad about it
He did!
Were all mad here!
Einstein was discussing his Theories once with a Businessman: The Businessman said to Einstein; I have my own Theory on Relativity, Never have your Relatives work for you.
Your videos are so incredible, truly beautiful and done in a way in which I, a person who loves physics but does not have have a very broad understanding of it, can appreciate and understand. Thank you so much.
Thanks for the compliment about my videos. I am glad that you like them.
Daughter of ladden?
Yes. I have a question.
These videos are a real benefit to humanity. And I frequently ask myself, who produces these incredible videos, graphics and explanations. Are they product of pure altruism?
Who pays for this work?
How old are you? What are your motives? What moves you? Do you spend your own money?
Thanks for the compliment. I make all my own animations. The narration is done by my friend, Kira Vincent. I make the videos to help people understand these topics better. Anyone who wants to help financially contribute to the creation of these videos can do so through my Patreon website at
This video, together with other videos from Eugene, gave me a basic intuition about general and special relativity. I never completely understood the twin paradox, but now im eventualy satisfied. Thanks
ivan rabijns I am glad to hear that I was able to help. The twin paradox is in particular one of the aspects about Relativity that causes a lot of confusion, which is why I decided to make a separate video dedicated just to that topic. Thanks.
It is definitely one of the best videos describing gravity and space-time through animation. People find it difficult to "visualise" science principle, more so in case of physics. Even a layman would understand this I feel.
Thanks for the compliment on my video.
Ive grown very fond of the gravity falling chick.
get in there and catch her
Only if she lands on my face with legs spread, lol
calm down romeo lol
Iv'e always been a hopeless romantic I know. Your reply made me laugh 1st time all day. thanks :)
i'm guessing the gravity falling chick must be a likeness of an ex-girlfriend by the way he keeps having her face-plant into the bottom of the box!
recommended your channel to so many people and all of them are so grateful!
i have an exam tomorrow and few of your videos were really helpful!
+Arpita Singh, thanks for recommending my channel. I really appreciate that. Good luck with your exam tomorrow.
I love everything about your videos. Seriously, you're one of the best youtubers out there. Astounding work.
SabakuSouSou87 Thanks for the compliment.
- Yes, youtubers out there just love to go down a river rapids, dont you?
@@EugeneKhutoryansky I have a question... How is time at the bottom off elevator less than time at top of elevator
@@EugeneKhutoryansky time will be constant
I had always thought the time slowdown was a function of the magnitude of the gravitational field. I did not realize that it was also a function of the distance in the direction of the gravitational field. Thanks for clearing that up with such an easy to understand video.
You mean like cuz gravity is different from different distances from a mass( weaker the further away), so you thought that was the factor affecting it? If yes, then same here
Same here! I replayed that part like 10 times and then came down the comments section to clarify and found your comment.
*No real Humans were harmed during the process.*
This video make it very easy to understand how gravity affects the time flow and how Relative Theory is involved. I really love it!
+Viet Hung Dang, Glad you liked my video. Thanks.
Keep up the Great work. You re definetly doing mankind a favor.
Another brilliant video. The visual symbolism of clocks along a grid away from a source hit the spot.
bench Thanks. And I am glad that you liked the grid of clocks.
Please give acceleration to your video it's quite slow.
Time stoped when i watched this video
Or record it in an area of weaker gravity.
thats why i watch it at 2x speed
They made it long to give you time to think lol Jk it's to match the length of the composition. Also maybe ads?
Change play speed genius
Thank you for going slowly, and re-stating your ideas in different ways. This is the first time I've understood this concept.
Glad my video was helpful. Thanks.
I was distracted by the music. It reminded me of Saturday morning cartoons 😋
This is the best presentation of gravitational time dilation theory I have ever seen. Excellent work.
+Professor Prometheus, Thanks for the compliment.
The poor girl in the accelerating box seems to be having a YABTEE - Yet Another Bad Thought Experiment Experience.
She must be named Alice
You're a genius, your videos are out of this world. And you've answered this confirming what I believed. I couldn't praise you enough because you are the best. But I'm glad also of the other less good videos. They make me feel, well... not so stupid.
+Michael Harris, thanks for that great compliment.
You have to make more videos on Relativity. You are famous for your relativity videos. Not a lot of relativity videos on RUclips.
This is awesome!
I don't see how anyone can dislike your videos. They have explained so much about physics. Thank you for fostering the minds of future physicists!
Thanks for the compliments.
Great video! But what about the tidal forces? If I measure that gravity is stronger closer to the gravitational source, I could tell that the box is not accelerating. How does Einstein account for this problem?
Thats a tought experiment, assuming the gravitational field constant.
Late response, but the equivalence principle -- the principe that says that acceleration and gravity are indistinguishable -- is only valid locally. In theory that means that if your system has a non-zero size you could measure the acceleration at different points and determine whether gravity is involved or not.
Bear S Waited 3 years, but finally someone gave a simple and satisfying answer 😂. Thank you
@@Davideos you are welcome, this is me with other account.
I like how you made the top clock's disk marking lower pulse frequency red while the bottom disk marking higher frequency is blue... Pretty good small detail right there!
poor lady in the box..
I am so grateful for all you have done for us.
You should have added "OOOOOFFFFFFFFFF" roblox sound effect when the lady was being pushed towards the floor of elevator !
Very nice video from the perspective of understanding.
This is really interesting, you always come up with videos explaining things that others avoid mentioning (maybe) because of the complexity of the topic. You just do it as clearly as possible without missing the little details.
I still have some questions about this, which would require me much more time to articulate than I have right now, but am I right in believing that this is part of a more intricate relation between time and space (like an inherent side effect)?
Better late than never... these videos are fantastic. If you're not already teaching professionally, you damn sure should be. Subbed and recommended to many. Thank You! (Oh, and LOVE the Action Figure Face Plant! "If we choose to believe the box is standing still, then we are still way too drunk to stand up.").
*For those interested.*
It would mean that if you were able to fly close to a black hole, time wouldn't feel any different for you, but the time around you appears to be going super fast.
The whole of the universe (and Earth) could vanish in what feels as seconds or minutes for you, while the people on Earth would feel as if their life continued as normal.
Everyone would feel like time passes normal for them. Only, the people on Earth looking at you would see time standing still while you looking at them would see the universe play out in seconds while everything close to you (close to the black hole) would feel normal speed.
In the movie Interstellar they have this scene where they are on a water planet. The gravity on that planet is so much stronger that time flows slower. The amazing music during that scene involves a ticking clock. The idea is that every tick you hear in the song is a day for the people back on earth.
I believe.
Your voiceover makes me sleepy. Also was laughing at your woman model wincing as her face hit the box lol
Very good explanation.
While watching this video I felt like I was traveling in speed near speed of light bcoz this video is dammmmnnnn slowwww
This video is excellent. Your explanation is the best I've come across - so clear and captivating.
+Sean Wiesen, thanks.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته شكرا على هذا العمل الرائع
I say thank you for this amazing video
Nassim Rid I am glad you liked it. Thanks.
These videos are beyond fantastic.
Thanks for the compliment about my videos.
every time a point is made it’s like 45 seconds apart. had to rewatch to understand like jesus
Obviously your a physics expert and can comprehend whole textbooks of info in a 3 minute video of some Asian speaking broken English. Everyone has their talents...
you made it so easier to understand......thanks very much
your channel is awesome
Thanks for the compliment.
I really like these videos. It's not hip, trendy or exciting but I definitely learn a lot more from these videos than from the other science channels on RUclips. Not hitting on them as they do serve their purpose but I do appreciate someone took the time to follow sound e-Learning principles to bring this type of content across. BRAVO! :)
+Andrew Titus, thanks. I am glad that you like my videos.
This is an awesome explanation, this reminds me of that movie "Interstellar" which would be great if you would explain it.
Thank You Eugene,
Great explanation , outstanding teaching skills.
could you make a video about general theory of relativity with lots of details. please
穿第 he has one out now
One of her falls was perfectly choreographed to match the music. She bumped her head to the beat.
Why do we have to watch the girl get hurt again and again and again? Surely there is a better way to make the point.
Too bad for you!
Non-sequitur. Let me know if there's anything else I can do to annoy you.
The music is Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 by Liszt (for orchestra; original is for piano)
Hold up! Liszt is also a character from Classicaloid!
Great! Except that the pace is too slow. We have to wait too long between sentences, or points be made. Nice explanation. Thanks!
Us mere mortals need the extra time to digest the logic.
Try the pause control.
Why? The pace was just right for me. As to your complaint. try adjusting the speed control on settings.
It would be far easier for you to tap the spacebar when needed than for me to constantly adjust the speed controls up and down.
If people don't understand this then they're going to need a lot of time to think about it. The majority will need the time.
The music in these videos is like a lullaby that puts me to sleep.
If you choose to believe there is a gravitational field at the bottom of the box and time is moving slower, wouldn't that affect the light pulses as well? Why would they speed up instead of slow down due to the slower passing of time?
It is not a gravitational field at the bottom of the box, it would be a gravitational field through the entire universe, in the perspective of the person inside the box.
and she said: The time between the light pulses at the bottom is less then the time between the light pulses at the top.
That means that for the perspective of a clock at the top of the box, the clock of the bottom is running too slow and thus if I send pulses of light at it, will read less time.
If send each pulse at the frequency of 1 pulse/second and the time in my point of view istwice as fast as the one in the bottom, I will see it receive 2pulses/second on HIS clockthus, only half a second between each light pulse
and for the perspective of the person at the bottom of the box, the clock on the top is running too fast, and it is sending 2pulses/second even though it reads only 1pulse /second on HIS clock
Molto bello e facile da capire come tutti i tuoi video,grazie Eugene.I will recommend other People to see it.
Too slow...
effect of gravity
pett pette Underrated reply haha
Too soon..
Your videos are AWESOME eugene!
MadHat Production Thanks. I am glad you like them.
I understand nothing.
I believe it is because of the expanding space light is traveling through. I don't think it is because light is affected by the motion of the object that created the beam of light but because of the accelerating expansion of space. We don't see the Doppler effect on small scales like we do with sound waves.
I understand everything lol. But bascially, gravity and acceleration are the same thing, which means if gravity slows down time so does acceleration, and how much slower or faster time is depends on the strength of the gravity or acceleration. The reason the flow of time is affected is so you can't tell you're motion and so you see light moving at roughly 300,000,000 km/s.
@@harryxiro So how can gravitational forces always point to the center of Earth? Wouldn't that imply Earth is accelerating in every direction from the perspective of an outside observer?
cuz you stupid
This actually cleared everything that I didn't understand! Thank you very much. Hope you make more videos like this! And thank you again♡
Thanks. Glad my video was helpful. More videos are on their way.
Eugene khutoryansky if you want to be a hero, a real hero, make a video explaining how freefall is considered a non accelerated inertial frame. That is the key to explaining gravity. Your videos on gravity have been wonderful however you have not made one video explaining how free fall is considered to be inertial. Please make that video I'm dying to see you make it. It is the key to everything about gravity. Albert Einstein discovered that a freefall frame was actually inertial, something Newton had not discovered, and this is how he came to an understanding of gravity that surpassed Newton. If you make a video explaining this you will be a hero because I have not seen one video that explains this with the graphical illustrations that you can make in your videos.
Actual & Factual
• There must be an input of energy for there to be an output of energy.
• The output of energy cannot exceed that of the input of energy.
• An input of energy may be converted into an output of energy, and an output of energy may be converted into an input of energy.
• Energy may be converted, but energy cannot be created or destroyed.
• For every action (force of motion) there is an equal and opposite reaction (force of motion).
• For every force of energy sub-divided, e.g. as per a shotgun effect, the sum of the force of impacts is equal to the sum of the force exerted.
• The sum of the force exerted against an immovable surface area, is equal to the quantity of energy exerted.
• The sum of force exerted to form a particle or a density of matter, is equal to the quantity of energy used to form that particle or density of matter.
These laws of physics apply universally throughout the Cosmos to all sizes and types of particles of matter. And this is regardless as to where they may exist in the Cosmos, when they may exist in the Cosmos.
And whether or not they exist within a voluminous free state of, e.g. interstellar space, quantum space, gases, fluids, or within organised structures of, e.g. electromagnetic wavelengths, atoms, stars, celestial bodies and any other form of matter.
Oxford English Dictionary
Energy: The capacity of matter or radiation to do work: The means of doing work by utilising matter or radiation. (Author. Energy is a substance that is always in motion, and it is the density and the power of its accelerated motion, relative to the resistance of a smaller or less dense quantity matter, which serves to transfer a force of acceleration into the smaller or less dense quantity of matter).
Force: A measurable influence that causes something to move. (Author: Please see above definition as per energy).
Gravity: 1 a. The force that attracts a body to the centre of the Earth or other celestial body. b. The degree of intensity of this measured by acceleration. c. Gravitational force. (Author: A downward acting attractional energy that is being exerted upon particles of matter, atoms, and bodies from the Earth's centre of gravitation).
Gravitation: 1. A force of attraction between any particle of matter in the universe and any other”. 2. The effect of this esp, the falling of bodies to earth.
OED Quote: *1 a. The force that attracts a body to the centre of the Earth or another celestial body.*
OED Quote *1. A force of attraction “between any particle of matter in the universe and any other”*
Reiteration Quote: These laws of physics apply universally throughout the Cosmos to all sizes and types of particles of matter. And this is regardless as to where they may exist in the Cosmos, or when they may exist in the Cosmos.
And whether or not they exist within a voluminous free state of, e.g. interstellar space, quantum space, gases, fluids, or within organised structures of, e.g. electromagnetic wavelengths, atoms, stars, celestial bodies and any other form of matter.
As such, given that there has to be an energy input for action and reaction (*attraction*) to take place between any two particles throughout the Cosmos.
So it is, that there has to exist at the quantum (infinitesimal) level of the Cosmos, a universal, ubiquitous source of energy, which fundamentally serves to fuel every action and reaction throughout the Cosmos.
All particles of matter throughout the Cosmos possess spin - rotation, and all particles and bodies of matter that have spin - rotation, generate centrifugal force from their centres of gravity.
The Earth is a large spinning sphere of matter that appears to be isolated in empty outer-space, which spins - rotates around its magnetic centre of gravity at a rate of 1,000 miles per hour.
The Earth is a large spinning sphere of matter that appears to be isolated in empty outer-space, which possesses a surrounding electromagnetic field (Magnetosphere) generated from its magnetic centre of gravity.
However, although the Earth appears to be isolated in empty outer-space, it is categorical that for the Earth and its magnetosphere to exist and to be maintained in outer space, it is outer-space that must be the source for supplying the energy that is essential for fulfilling this task.
And further confirmation concerning the fact that apparently empty outer/interstellar space is not empty (and devoid of energy and matter), is determined by the law of physics, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" which can also be read as to meaning "A reaction cannot take place, without there first being an action to cause the reaction to take place".
As such and relative to the nature of outer/interstellar space, given that space rockets, probes and craft can use jet propulsion to travel through outer space.
So it follows that as the force of jet propulsion is reliant upon there being a resistance of matter present for the propulsive force to be effective against, so it is that outer space can only be/is comprised of both energy and of invisible matter.
For example, when we light a rocket and fire it through the Earth's atmosphere, although the gases of the atmosphere are invisible to the naked eye, we are all aware that the atmosphere is an invisible voluminous ocean of atoms, which surrounds the surface of Earth.
And it is the atoms and the voluminous and gravitational pressure of this ocean of matter, that serve to provide the resistance that is essential for a propulsive effect to take place. Quite simply without the presence of energy and a medium of matter, propulsion simply cannot take place (Please note the mechanics of atmospheric and outer space propulsion, will be explained in more detail later).
Therefore regardless of assumption based theories, and those theories wherein their authors have disingenuously circumvented the Natural Laws of Physics, to promote it for their own gains.
The laws of physics concerning the absolute necessity of there being an energy input and output, to fuel all actions and all reactions throughout the Cosmos.
Serves to confirm, that interstellar space is a universal and ubiquitous ocean of fundament energy existing at the quantum (infinitesimal) level of the Cosmos, whereby it exists “between any particle of matter in the universe and any other”.
And pervades through all matter of the Cosmos, to fuel all actions and reactions of the Cosmos.
First Law of Thermodynamics
Energy may be converted but energy cannot be created or destroyed.
And the reason for this is that energy is cyclic in nature, in that it is converted from one level of energy to another higher or lower level of energy, via the means of addition (gravitation - coalescence - atomic bonding - fusion) or subtraction (atomic division - splitting - fission).
Which essentially means, that as neither additions or subtractions of energy can serve to destroy the fundamental nature and integrity of energy, so it is that although in can be cyclically converted it cannot be created or destroyed.
And the fundamental energy of the infinite and eternal interstellar oceans of our Cosmic Mother Nature, are the sum of all that has been, all that there is, all that will be.
Regardless of Lemaitre's disingenuous abracadabra Big Bang Theory, or the abracadabra Six Day Creation theory of Jewish Roman Capitalistic Theologians.
According to Einstein's original theory of gravity and acceleration, he stated that If a lift was taken into outer space and a light beam was shone laterally across the width of the lift, if the body of the lift was then upwardly accelerated, the light beam would bend down toward the floor of the lift, due to the downward acting force of gravity.
A force which he maintained had a downward acting pushing effect, rather than an attractional effect as per the Oxford English dictionary definition of gravity.
Oxford English Dictionary Gravity Physics: Gravity: The force that attracts a body towards the centre of the Earth, or toward any other celestial body.
Einstein also maintained all of his life that nothing could exceed the speed of light; however given that the light beam in the lift would be travelling at a speed of 300, 000 kilometer's per second.
it follows, that the amount of acceleration that would be needed to be applied to the physical structure of the lift in order to bend the light beam, would have to be in excess of the light beams speed of 300,000 kilometers per second.
Therefore, given that as all physicists would agree, it is impossible for any solid atom based structure to travel at or beyond the speed of light.
So it is that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity (Gravity) is totally disingenuous, and never was or has been worth the paper it was written on.
Actual & Factual
Einstein was a late walker, talker and reader.
Einstein was a poor and tardy student.
Einstein Failed at Mathematics then used his friend’s notes to pass his next maths exam
Einstein did not qualify as a physicist. Einstein and his wife Mileva Maric*coincidentally* failed their finals with the same score of 59 out of 100 the pass being 60. However Einstein was given a pass, while Mileva a brilliant student was failed.
Not more, not less. Great work. Thanks
Even though acceleration may give the illusion of gravity it cannot be one and the same thing.
The gravity of an object with mass pulls everything around it to it's core.
If acceleration was causing gravity on Earth as it orbits the sun at 30 km/s (67,000 mph) then only people on one side of the Earth would feel gravity as people on the other side would be falling off.
And if gravity on Earth was caused by the centrifugal speed around it's axis, people would be pushed outwards instead of towards the center, and gravity near the equator would be much lower than near the poles. This may produce the sense of gravity on a rotating spaceship but these physics do not apply to the gravity of the Earth. So we can conclude acceleration and gravity are NOT the same thing.
Gravity must be produced by something else than speed.
We might only be able to truly understand how mass creates gravity when we have a better understanding of quantum physics.
there it comes, the flat earth theory... would make sense. gravity is the acceleration of the flat disk shape earth
Actually, centripetal acceleration *does* counteract gravity in both those cases - just not nearly enough to cancel it out. Objects fall slower at the equator than they do at the poles due to the Earth's rotation. It's a pretty small amount (something like .01 m/s^2 of centrifugal acceleration at Earth's equator) - but it's definitely measureable. The centripetal acceleration of the Earth as it orbits the Sun even smaller. Remember: rotational velocity is NOT the same as centripetal acceleration. Centripetal acceleration is the square of the rotational velocity divided by the *radius* of rotation. So 30 km/s might sound pretty fast, but the Sun is also ~150 million km away, which gives you a centripetal acceleration of ~0.006 m/s^2. Not exactly enough to fling people off the planet.
Yeah but the earth isn't accelerating. It's the warped space time around a massive object that causes matter to fall inwards towards it's core. I think of gravity not as a force but as a product of spacetime curvature.
Ava Yes they do apply to the gravity of earth. That is because we are all constantly moving. If the earth were to all of a sudden stop short we would be ejected..
Even i thought that way
Beautiful, simply beautiful.
+Yazan Al - Homsi, thanks for the compliment.
The music is way to loud
I really enjoy learning from your videos. Many thanks!
T McK I am glad you like them. Thanks.
Girl in the box is creepy. Nice feet though.
Yes and it is obvious she is not standing still. The explanation does not match.
Thank you for the conceptual videos. All of your videos are interesting. In this video, adding clarity about the definition of time would make the picture more clear....
a clock doesn't measure the time, no matter what clock it is. if you're gonna use clock as a calendar, you are welcome. but year (time) is defined as one rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Saying that someone who is away from Earth/Gravity will witness more rotations of Earth around the Sun than someone on the Earth is nonsense. This only shows that same or different types of clocks will act differently in different environments, nothing else. Use a sandclock that is set to 1 min, now its opposite, the clock that is further away will go slower. In the center of gravity there is no gravity, and everything accelerates towards that plane of inertia. any movement away from the point of inertia requires force. Any acceleration away from inertia/gravity is actually increasing force and motion and decreasing inertia and acceleration.
You're incorrect :) your attributing time dilation to something akin to an optical illusion. It is not.
No, you are taking a concept (time) for something real.
To each his own lol. Believe what you want, I'll stick with decades of scientific evidence backing me up. You stick with your knee jerk reaction, emotions and your preconceived notions of physics.
where did you find knee jerk reaction and emotions friend? I'm only stating what is fact and logical, there are no belief involved here.
It's not about clocks, it's about elapsed time, there just isn't really any other way to demonstrate that in a video that I can think of. Also time is something real. Time is a dimension.
If you cant explain it dont have enought understanding...with this great affort to simplify scientific theory with simple visualization making me feel this youtuber one of the best smart person I might ever seen
Amazingly simple, very powerful. Thank You very much!
Glad you liked my video. Thanks.
ive subbed years ago, im glad to see ur still up, keep them coming!! :)
willian c Thanks for subscribing, and yes lots more videos are coming. I plan to now make videos at a far faster rate than I had ever done before. Thanks.
Eugene Khutoryansky
Really? That's awesome!
I love you I love you. I hope you never stop doing these videos!!!
***** Wow, thanks. And don't worry, lots more videos are coming soon.
The best videos on RUclips. Love from Pakistan!
Thanks for that really great compliment.
I like the video and the music. Thank you for taking the time to make this video.
Doesn't that mean where the time is slowed down in the box, the speed of light has increased as it takes less time for the light to travel the same distance?
The ups and downs the music had seemed like the ups and downs inside my head. This matter is really interesting and the way you make your vids is very easy to understand because you make real life comparisons. Thx
Thanks very good experiment for understanding
Excellent explanation. .. thanks
luv ur videos....d way of explaining the concepts is outstanding!! great work
Sachin Sengar Thanks for the compliment. I am glad to hear that you love my videos.
This video shows the best and easy explanation how gravity slows time.It is the acceleration which slows down time .Since pull of gravity creates acceleration towards massive object more we close to that body more is the slow of time.As black hole is the most massive body in the universe time almost slows down to stop at black hole.
good presentation liked it
bontha venkata jayanth Thanks. I am glad you liked it.
Everybody's perception of time is different. U put two people in a room. One lies down and the other one works. Wouldn't time be going by really slow for the person lying down and going fast for the person who's up and about?
Great video for those who suffer from insomnia
4:26 why will we believe that there is a g field present when we believe the box is standing still? it seems like unnecessary as box standing still is irrelevant to if g field present.
if you are stuck to the floor then either there must be acceleration, or gravity. you can choose which description you want to use because the math is the same.
Superb content and narrator.
Thanks for the compliment.
I like how effort was taken to animate the woman's facial expression when the woman slams into the sides.
Thanks for posting! I've watched everything you've done!
This video didn’t need to be as long as it is, it is repeating itself
Great video. I studied physics using finger puppets and it was confusing. After paying attention to which way the acceleration vector was pointing, it becames clearer.
love your work, great video as always, helped me a lot with understanding
Anon Ymous Thanks for the compliment, and I am glad to hear that it helped improve your understanding of this topic. Thanks.
literally eugene u r genie of physics🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Thanks for the compliment.
amazing editing, glad i found this channel
+eirc gionet, thanks and I am glad that you enjoy my channel and my videos.
Janna Levin gives the best description of gravity I ever herd .
I love ur videos , keep uploading more and more such videos.
+Sangeet Chand, thanks. Many more videos are on their way.
For anyone else initially confused as to how a higher rate of photons received implies a slower rate of time, let me help explain what made it click for me. (Or maybe I’m the only one confused and I’m talking to myself).
Imagine the clock at the top of the box sends a photon each second. Let’s then say that the bottom of the box has 2 clocks. 1 that is independent from the photon system and ticks as 1 second per second, and another clock that ticks every time it receives a photon. Since the bottom of the box receives the photons at a faster rate than they are sent, the clock connected to the system will now be ahead of the independent clock. The independent clock is true to the bottom reference frame and the clock tied to the system is true to the top reference frame, and since the clock true to the bottom reference frame had less ticks, then time passed slower.