peebins123 his directing and writing are the worst things about his movies, there was absolutely no way it was as deep as this comment assumes it was. It was pure coincidence
I love how each opening scene reflects the overall setting of its movie. Like this: Episode I: Peacetime - unescorted ambassador ship Episode II: Heightened tensions - ambassador ship escorted by fighters. Episode III: War - capital ship in combat IV-VI: Imperial domination - all open with an Imperial Star Destroyer VII: Looming threat - a Resurgent Star Destroyer moves in shadow VIII: Coup d’etat - remnants of the New Republic fleeing from the First Order
IV: space is vast, monolithic empire reigns over all V: star destroyer half in shadow (light and dark in conflict) VI: similar to IV, monolithic but quiet... predator stalking prey I: (a beginning) ...from black nothingness to something, one small ship II: ships turn and twist in space, characters turn as well III: war drums, confusion, spiraling chaos, ambiguity VII: bright planet overtaken by shadowed star destroyer (dark overtaking light) VIII: space is vast, conflict is small, zoom in to even see it
@Arpicembalo I honestly dont understand why they didnt expand on this battle and Kylo Ren for like 10 minutes for this. Honestly would have made this movie a "decent" one
The Martin Can you please not hate on Disney Star Wars, please It makes me so sad because I like it and Now I feel bad for them. Like they are doing their best, be grateful because they are doing this for us
IV and III do the best job at setting tone. The former establishes immediately for the audience both the scale of the threat and and the sheer spectacle that they’re about to witness. The latter perfectly sets up the dark tone of the film. The film starts bleak and ends bleak. You can hear it in the darker tone of the music and it intentionally harkens back to IV’s opening crawl for two reasons: to show the scale of the conflict at hand, and to show the republic building as a militant force. The republic’s start destroyers, while on the side of the Jedi in the beginning, evoke the empires that we see in the beginning of IV. From the start we know things are going to end badly. It respects the audience’s intelligence by being forthcoming about that and not attempting to hide it. Even though III is not my favorite I’ve always cherished that opening. Honorable mention would be V and VIII. V has a quiet opening that fits a quieter, more character-driven film and immediately sets up intrigue. VIII jumps right into things fast, as it should, as it immediately follows VII. It does a good job conveying the desperation of the resistance. VII’s is good, and immediately jumps into action too. I noticed how the cross shape on the front of the star destroyer mirror’s kylo’s cross hilt lightsaber. A nice touch as we see kylo in the next scene. Makes it feel like kylo’s blade may have an influence on the design language the first order uses. It’s a cool nod, if intentional. Subconsciously prepares the audience for kylo’s entry. VI is a bit too derivative of IV. Though it does set up the new threat of death star 2 nicely. The others are pretty forgettable
I want at least one Star Wars movie where we get a Title Crawl sequence that appears to lead into the usual beginning shot in space but slowly pans down to where we see that we're already on a planet having been looking up at the peaceful night sky.
Tpm: Ambassador on peace negotiations Aotc: Ambassador barge escorted by 2 Fighterjets Rots: a fully fledged Dreadnought on attack mode That escalated quickly
@Mr.WaffleIron that would've maybe made for a too long shot even if it were cool. But keep in mind that Williams's score ends at the cut. Occasionally a filmmaker will edit his film to fit the flow of the music. Either way it's a great shot :D
When the title says "opening shots " and in the video, several cuts after the opening shots are kept, but the opening shot of Revenge of the Sith is cut....
All of these scenes are iconic and all of their sound design is incredible. That said, opinion time. RotS will always be the most amazing feeling one to me. It's such an intense start to the first movie I've ever seen where the good guys end up losing, something extremely rare.. and that in such a devastating way. It only became more devastating after watching The Clone Wars. And so did A New Hope.
You could argue that only 4, 6, 1 and 3 have their openings set in space - onboard a vessel / ship. 5, 2, 7 and Rogue One see a vessel / probe very quickly land and shift to ground scenes. 8 zooms down to the ground and then back into space and 9 seems to have the space shot just for the sake of it, it shows a few ships and then cuts to Kylo Ren mid battle.
Episode IV gives me chills every time. Perfect shot. I enjoy all of them though. And the music and sound design are pure gold to immerse us in a galaxy far far away... Can't wait to see what episode IX will offer!
1:12 I like how the episode 6 intro mirrors the episode 4 intro with the death star in the same position as the moon and a star destroyer coming from above.
Owen Sanford naw a new hope will always be best. III looks cool visually but it’s just a bunch of shit thrown at the screen and it’s difficult to tell what’s going on
@@ThePFD518 it's a warzone in space...a warzone, difficult to make out what's going on, them flying through the chaos of a "battlefield" of all these trying to blow each other up. The clone wars: I like it and you must be a bit dumb if you cant tell whats going on...
Owen Sanford just because it’s a war zone does not excuse it. Many movies (saving private Ryan, the OT) portray the chaos of war well. You’re able to tell which side is which and what is going on. This is like a Michael bay movie with shit blowing up everywhere, not to mention the characters were poorly written in previous films so you don’t really care what they’re doing
@@ThePFD518 so u not caring what they r doing, stops u from understanding what is going on. They are going in a rescue mission to well rescue palpetine. We are following two ships through a warzone which is easy to follow, unlike a Michael bay transformers action sequence. If you can't understand what is clearly going on, stick to one ship chasing the other so that is simple enough for you. It's not difficult to tell what is going on at all.
Owen Sanford you do know that it caring about something=/= not understanding it. The reason why people don’t care is because the characters were poorly written (some people like obi wan but that’s just because of the OT and the performance of Ewan MacGregor) Yes it is like a Michael bay movie. You follow the 2 ships but all around is just random shot blowing up. You really don’t know what side is what which doesn’t make you invested in it
I loved watching the force awakens’ intro in cinemas, i have watched all the films and everyone in the cinema was cheering when the words “star wars” appeared on screen
Man nothing nothing beats Lucas's 6 films. They just had a certain quality to them. In Phantom Menace you can sense the politics alone in the numerous ships surrounding the planet.
@@sparkside217 Oh well, the scene "I am all the sith; And I am all the jedi" eh? Well I can't diasgree that much... still was better than all of prequels\ROTS
I like how in AOTC, the camera pans *up* for once, instead of down. The only other piece of SW-media I can think of which did something similar was "X-Wing: Alliance" where the camera panned to the left.
This is a cool video. I found myself re-watching it from time to time. Also, don't know if you have seen Solo yet, but don't expect a shot of space to open the movie in it.
Revenge of The Sith is easily the GOATed opening scene those drums hype it up so much absolute brilliance by John Williams and the continuous shot absolute brilliance by Lucas will forever be my fav opening scene to any movie ever right up there with The Dark Knight opening scene.
Ranking: 9. Empire Strikes Back (only thing it gets worst for lol) 8. The Phantom Menace 7. Attack of the Clones 6. Rogue One 5. The Force Awakens 4. Return of the Jedi 3. The Last Jedi 2. A New Hope 1. (obviously) Revenge of the Sith
I'd actually put Return of the Jedi near the bottom. I never realized how utterly they waste the reveal of the Second Death Star. The way that opening shot just pans down to show it looking small on the horizon while the much smaller Star Destroyer comes to dominate the really feels like a missed opportunity to sell the audience on the scale of the threat.
Thanks for putting this together, but why did you cut Episode III’s opening shot short? And other movies you had 2 or 3 of the opening shots instead of just the one
1. ROTS (Those Drums and the most colour make it unique and amazing, gives me goosebumps and it hops right into a massive flippin’ space battle) 2. New Hope (The score and the one that really started it all, gorgeous) 3. Rise Of sh!twalker (it gets 3 for being action packed and visually stunning but only it’s opening) 4. Return OTJ (Death Star II and Vader arriving is just amazing for me) 5. Attack Of The Clones (has a vibrant feel to it with the ships and light) 6. Force Awakens (highly underrated with the inside view of the cruiser) 7. Rogue one (Very Unique and underrated) 8. Empire (It’s alright, star destroyer who gonna drop) 9. Phantom Menace (started the prequels but it’s not my type of opening just a flyby before the ship blows up) 10. Last Jedi ( Wow funny zoom in go brrrrr ) -.-
Fun fact - the early drafts for Empire Strikes Back had the title card and opening crawl play out in the white-outed sky over the Hoth Snowfields :) It would've set the precendent for having a different opening style for each film, and maybe have necessitated a different text colour? Yellow on white wouldn't have really worked, visually - but red on white? Who knows ;)
The Jedi Master pretty sure it went straight to the surface never went from space to surface unless you count the title crawl In space which is fair enough
The best opening scenes in my opinion: 10. The Last Jedi 9. The Phantom Menace 8. Attack of the Clones 7. Revenge of the Sith 6. The Empire Strikes Back 5. Return of the Jedi 4. Rogue One 3. The Rise of Skywalker 2. The Force Awakens 1. A New Hope
Looks like I didn't miss anything with the sequels or prequels. Was wondering if they had an opening shot of a star destroyer being fired upon by a Mon Calamari cruiser, in a reversal of the original _Star Wars._
1: Revenge of the Sith 2: A New Hope 3: The Force Awakens 4: The Rise of Skywalker 5: The Last Jedi 6: Attack of the Clones 7: The Empire Strikes Back 8: Return of the Jedi 9: The Phantom Menace
For me, the opening shot of Star Wars should be a visually striking work of art in and of itself; unique, interesting. IV: The first & greatest. It immediately reveals that you're not on Earth anymore and shows the monolithic nature of this galaxy far, far away. It literally opens with a war in the stars. V: Of all the amazing things Empire did, the opening is probably one of its weaker things but even so, it fits the themes of the film. It takes what you know and flips it on its head -- now the Star Destroyer is coming at the camera... now it's coming for you. VI: Kinda boring opening shot because it just does the ANH opening again (rhymes) albeit without the space battle. Because of that, it's not visually compelling in a *unique* way. What makes ROTJ's opening cool is the meeting between Vader & Jerjerrod but that's not really the opening shot. I: Again, nothing amazing but as someone said, from nothing comes a small little vehicle. I prefer my Star Wars opening with conflict or sense of urgency. This isn't that which makes sense -- the Prequels had much more to do with a sinister rise to power (& tragic falls) but this shot just isn't that amazing. My favorite of the Prequels is probably next. II: This one is amazing. It has a similar non-action opening but it's just so visually interesting that it immediately sets it apart from many of the others and would have been an amazing opening for the entire Prequel trilogy. Instead of the usual pan down, it pans up; instead of the usual greasy greebly-covered ships, there are these sleek, chromed out ships that you follow as they head down to Coruscant. So yeah -- pan up, chrome ships, foggy Coruscant art deco skyline. The music is also great and combined with the fog, the unexpected pan up, etc. it immediately matches the entire tone of the Prequels... a foreboding, ominous sense of confusion and uncertainty. III: This one isn't quite as great as the previous imo but those war drums... the chaos of a full blown STAR. WAR. A war in the stars at the height of the famous Clone Wars over a planet we've come to really know. What was last a quiet sojourn in ships of a new aesthetic to the same planet is now a swashbuckling, winding shot of the heroes mounting an exciting rescue in ships reminiscent of the original trilogy. Plus the lengthy single shot of following the Jedi Starfighters is pretty darn sweet. VII: I adore this opening and it's the only artistically great opening in any of the Sequel Trilogy imo. It's a familiar star destroyer shot only this time, it's a silhouette that you start to notice as it blots out the stars... which is literally what occurs later on when we're introduced to their Starkiller Base which is powered by draining stars. It's a really, really well done shot that isn't just a copy of the originals despite the film being so similar to ANH in many respects. If only the others had as good of opening shots... Rogue One: Another really good one. It took the familiar star destroyer from the upper left corner & suberverted that expectation when you quickly realize... wait... that's... no destroyer -- it's a planet ring! What an awesome idea. And then you notice the small shuttle zooming by. VIII: What a terrible opening shot. That fake digital zoom is awful, the ships and asteroids or whatever look like they're cut outs pasted over the top of the background image & then the hard cut to the ground only for such a quick lift off from the planet back into space is... just a really weird direction to take. What would have been better is to just have the ship coming *from* the planet rather than cutting to the ground first. Solo: Fine. It's hard to judge since it's so different from any other film which is fine but also makes it weird to compare with the spacey introductions. I do think if it's Star Wars, then preferably it actually begins in the stars. Also, for a film about Solo... this could have been a neat opportunity to do something that has surprisingly never been done for the series -- open with the Falcon somehow. Despite being such an important ship & there being 11 films... the Falcon has never opened a Star Wars film. IX: Similar issue as VIII. It's just not good. It doesn't look as fake or as wonky as VIII, largely due to the lack of fake digital zooming in on the planet for no damn reason... But the hard cut to Mustafar's surface so soon as after panning down is just weird. Stick to space for at least a little while! Jeez. Star Wars openings work best imo if you stay in space for a little while and then find a more natural way of getting off the ship -- cutting to the interior of the ship, follow the ship as it lands and then get off the ship as the people do, etc. It's not like ROTJ opened with a space shot then hard cut to the droids on Tatooine. This is sort of a thing I've noticed with the opening crawls as well; if your first sentence ends in an exclamation point -- just don't. The opening crawls don't need them and the two worst crawls have them: ROTS's "War!" and TROS's "The dead speak!"
I like how Episode II pans up to Coruscant to a symbol of diplomacy while Episode III pans down to Coruscant to a symbol of war.
Nice directing there George
Aquarian every movie besides this one pans down after the opening crawl
peebins123 his directing and writing are the worst things about his movies, there was absolutely no way it was as deep as this comment assumes it was. It was pure coincidence
Ajaws2414 What the Fuck Are you talking about
@@Ajaws fuck off, George is an amazing filmmaker, even Scorsese praises him.
Every opening in the Original trilogy starts with a Star Destroyer.
what_memes_are_these that’s why I love it
[THIRD] Gamer guessing you didn’t watch ROS
@@tallerstond8105 That does too
@General Grievous Can you read ? He said "in the OG trilogy".
Carbonite Hunter Thats weird, i read it as prequel too lol
Revenge of the sith is my favourite imo. You can just see how large the battle of coruscant is
attack of the clones is so sick though. the sound of that spacecraft is insanely awesome
Agreed. But I have one problem with the battle of Coruscant, there are no risks, its simply two sides fighting, it's a little bit bad.
idk idk I agree, my 3 favourites are revenge of the sith, a new hope, and the last Jedi
@@Lmarkot2 AREEEEEDD
The Renaldo’s ok
I love how each opening scene reflects the overall setting of its movie. Like this:
Episode I: Peacetime - unescorted ambassador ship
Episode II: Heightened tensions - ambassador ship escorted by fighters.
Episode III: War - capital ship in combat
IV-VI: Imperial domination - all open with an Imperial Star Destroyer
VII: Looming threat - a Resurgent Star Destroyer moves in shadow
VIII: Coup d’etat - remnants of the New Republic fleeing from the First Order
Episode IX: a new order- kylo storms across the Galaxy
@@captainwaffles940 after VIII comes IX not VIV
@@a.f9234 my bad, I don't use roman numerals often
Who does
@@mcj2219 romans
IV: space is vast, monolithic empire reigns over all
V: star destroyer half in shadow (light and dark in conflict)
VI: similar to IV, monolithic but quiet... predator stalking prey
I: (a beginning) ...from black nothingness to something, one small ship
II: ships turn and twist in space, characters turn as well
III: war drums, confusion, spiraling chaos, ambiguity
VII: bright planet overtaken by shadowed star destroyer (dark overtaking light)
VIII: space is vast, conflict is small, zoom in to even see it
Mark C this is perfect, and an example of why the themes of the Last Jedi are so consistent throughout the movie.
This franchise is genius
OnlyHoundoom Mustafar grew into a Forest now, check out the Vader Immortal storyline.
@Arpicembalo I honestly dont understand why they didnt expand on this battle and Kylo Ren for like 10 minutes for this. Honestly would have made this movie a "decent" one
Ep9 Kylo destroys mustafarians
This has got to be the only consistent element throughout all 9 episodes.
All episodes also feature a lightsaber ignition, someone losing a limb and R2-D2 and C-3PO.
@@makutamiserix5612 No one loses a single limb in the new trilogy
All of the Star Wars also has at least one character say “I have a bad feeling about this”
Except there's only 6
@@ltdzinger correct. 4-9
That zoom in from The Last Jedi is awesome
title: Every Star Wars Movie Start in Space
Solo: Am I a jOkE tO yOu?
He said Star Wars movies, not Disney craving for money
The Martin Can you please not hate on Disney Star Wars, please It makes me so sad because I like it and Now I feel bad for them. Like they are doing their best, be grateful because they are doing this for us
Pablo nxt Solo doesn't start in space
Valo Ojanperä He never said it was
Best openings IMO
1. Revenge of the Sith
2. New Hope
3. Rouge One
I really like that episode 7 opening. Rogue 1 had a nice opening, but it doesn't immediately scream Star Wars like the others do.
@@tom6369 I do feel a little better... but I'd like an ice cream too.
Tucky 421 One.
IV and III do the best job at setting tone. The former establishes immediately for the audience both the scale of the threat and and the sheer spectacle that they’re about to witness. The latter perfectly sets up the dark tone of the film. The film starts bleak and ends bleak. You can hear it in the darker tone of the music and it intentionally harkens back to IV’s opening crawl for two reasons: to show the scale of the conflict at hand, and to show the republic building as a militant force. The republic’s start destroyers, while on the side of the Jedi in the beginning, evoke the empires that we see in the beginning of IV. From the start we know things are going to end badly. It respects the audience’s intelligence by being forthcoming about that and not attempting to hide it. Even though III is not my favorite I’ve always cherished that opening.
Honorable mention would be V and VIII. V has a quiet opening that fits a quieter, more character-driven film and immediately sets up intrigue. VIII jumps right into things fast, as it should, as it immediately follows VII. It does a good job conveying the desperation of the resistance.
VII’s is good, and immediately jumps into action too. I noticed how the cross shape on the front of the star destroyer mirror’s kylo’s cross hilt lightsaber. A nice touch as we see kylo in the next scene. Makes it feel like kylo’s blade may have an influence on the design language the first order uses. It’s a cool nod, if intentional. Subconsciously prepares the audience for kylo’s entry.
VI is a bit too derivative of IV. Though it does set up the new threat of death star 2 nicely.
The others are pretty forgettable
Connor S. Too bad The Trash Jedi is an awful movie that should have been aborted like Ryan johnson
No one asked.
@@generalgravyous2327 that's the point of youtube comments
III's opening is for me the best. I always have goosebumps hearing those drums before seing Coruscant and the destroyers...
Great scene!
They all great but the 3 that have the "wow" factor for me are... Revenge of the Sith - A new Hope and The Force Awakens.
Why Force Awakens? You can barely see anything.
@@Сайтамен I think is mostly for The Stormtroopers reveal.
@@vileniaone8425 We already saw them in trailer...
@@Сайтамен I know that, but still look cool and original from the others openings.
I want at least one Star Wars movie where we get a Title Crawl sequence that appears to lead into the usual beginning shot in space but slowly pans down to where we see that we're already on a planet having been looking up at the peaceful night sky.
I think Episode 7 could be from the perspective on the Planet. It isn't peaceful though...
Tpm: Ambassador on peace negotiations
Aotc: Ambassador barge escorted by 2 Fighterjets
Rots: a fully fledged Dreadnought on attack mode
That escalated quickly
Ba dum dum PSSSH 🥁
Im torn between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope..
One is just so cataclysmic and epic, while the other is just so iconic!
A New Hope, Revenge of Sith, Rogue One and The Last Jedi have the best openings i reckon
all of them were good. but ya those mentioned were amazing. but love the subtleness in the others too
@Mr.WaffleIron that would've maybe made for a too long shot even if it were cool. But keep in mind that Williams's score ends at the cut. Occasionally a filmmaker will edit his film to fit the flow of the music. Either way it's a great shot :D
The last jedi cant be considered a stra wars film
@@kaliyuga1476 yes it can and it is. In fact it is one of the best SW movies.
@@kaliyuga1476 You're right. TLJ isn't a stra wars film. It's a Star Wars film.
You can say about Episode 8 what dou want... but this intro is pretty good
2:12 will ALWAYS be the BEST opening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When the title says "opening shots " and in the video, several cuts after the opening shots are kept, but the opening shot of Revenge of the Sith is cut....
Bruno Roseau are you trying to say the opening of revenge of the Sith is only one shot
Fear the Dark Side the first minute of revenge of the sith is one single numerical shot, yes, that’s part of why it’s so great
My favourite is The Force Awekens, I appreciate the more calm and introspective shots.
All of these scenes are iconic and all of their sound design is incredible.
That said, opinion time. RotS will always be the most amazing feeling one to me. It's such an intense start to the first movie I've ever seen where the good guys end up losing, something extremely rare.. and that in such a devastating way. It only became more devastating after watching The Clone Wars. And so did A New Hope.
Revenge of the Sith had the best, hands down. New Hope was a close second
To me hard choice. Revenge was so special and unexspected, that we directly start with such a battle scene. But i also love Return
Revenge Of The Sith is the best one in my opinion
Basically 99.999% of the StarWars fan base (except for that one guy who likes rise of fucjing skywalker and Disney’s StarWars-ruining sequel trilogy)
It's the longest opening shot as well.
Only Solo:A Star Wars Story not start in space
ANEKA Channel that’s right!
(Is) Solo (Even): A Star Wars Story(?)
SqurtieMan no...
Solo is an amazing movie.
@@Squrtie shut your bitch ass
2:18 the best no doubt. The massive offensive over Coruscant.
Battle Of Coruscant is by far my favorite star wars space battle
Can you imagine being a kid in the 80's watching this in theaters??? Those kids hit the jackpot I tell ya!
Revenge of the Sith has always been my favorite
4 and 3 have the best intros.
You could argue that only 4, 6, 1 and 3 have their openings set in space - onboard a vessel / ship. 5, 2, 7 and Rogue One see a vessel / probe very quickly land and shift to ground scenes. 8 zooms down to the ground and then back into space and 9 seems to have the space shot just for the sake of it, it shows a few ships and then cuts to Kylo Ren mid battle.
Episode IV gives me chills every time. Perfect shot. I enjoy all of them though. And the music and sound design are pure gold to immerse us in a galaxy far far away... Can't wait to see what episode IX will offer!
So what did you think of it
@@DDDiego not much... And you?
I’d say the opening 10 mins or so of ROTS is the best opening to a film of all time
@Dodd Frank I feel like you are one of those "hating new star wars cuz its trendy" type people.
Aleksi Vänttinen and you are correct
I would say Lord of the rings 1 , but it’s your opinion.
1:12 I like how the episode 6 intro mirrors the episode 4 intro with the death star in the same position as the moon and a star destroyer coming from above.
1983 will always be my favorite.
Its been 6 years no new Star Wars movie in cinemas.
agreed. Just series, and some dont feel the same as the movies
revenge of the sith, hands down best opening.
Owen Sanford naw a new hope will always be best. III looks cool visually but it’s just a bunch of shit thrown at the screen and it’s difficult to tell what’s going on
@@ThePFD518 it's a warzone in space...a warzone, difficult to make out what's going on, them flying through the chaos of a "battlefield" of all these trying to blow each other up. The clone wars: I like it and you must be a bit dumb if you cant tell whats going on...
Owen Sanford just because it’s a war zone does not excuse it. Many movies (saving private Ryan, the OT) portray the chaos of war well. You’re able to tell which side is which and what is going on. This is like a Michael bay movie with shit blowing up everywhere, not to mention the characters were poorly written in previous films so you don’t really care what they’re doing
@@ThePFD518 so u not caring what they r doing, stops u from understanding what is going on. They are going in a rescue mission to well rescue palpetine. We are following two ships through a warzone which is easy to follow, unlike a Michael bay transformers action sequence. If you can't understand what is clearly going on, stick to one ship chasing the other so that is simple enough for you. It's not difficult to tell what is going on at all.
Owen Sanford you do know that it caring about something=/= not understanding it. The reason why people don’t care is because the characters were poorly written (some people like obi wan but that’s just because of the OT and the performance of Ewan MacGregor) Yes it is like a Michael bay movie. You follow the 2 ships but all around is just random shot blowing up. You really don’t know what side is what which doesn’t make you invested in it
Now this is where the fun begins!
I really love the Force Awakens one
@@minecraftmechanic1 fine. Solo lol
A7x Fan He can like whatever the fuck he wants
@@Cap37171d thanks
@@minecraftmechanic1 stop forcing others to enjoy what you do enjoy if you're a fan.
Episode 1 intro is stuck in my head because of the lego game
It’s really hard to pick between revenge of the sith and a new hope. I love both of their music scores and scaling.
Who's here after watching Episode 9
Not that bad honestly, I liked it
Meeee I loved it
Me 🙋♂one word. EPIC.
Me,i love it
Me it was garbage
I loved watching the force awakens’ intro in cinemas, i have watched all the films and everyone in the cinema was cheering when the words “star wars” appeared on screen
Holly crap star destroyers are so cool
Man nothing nothing beats Lucas's 6 films. They just had a certain quality to them. In Phantom Menace you can sense the politics alone in the numerous ships surrounding the planet.
Ep. 3 have the best Intro
The ep3 opening shot over coruscant is better than the whole dogfight at the end of TROS imo.
Hmm, pretty sure there was no fight at the end of episode 3, but yeah, that is the only good thing that you can suck out of crap-sucking prequels
@@a_balloon i meant the fight at the end of TROS, which was trying to be like endgame but failed miserably imo
@@sparkside217 Oh well, the scene "I am all the sith; And I am all the jedi" eh? Well I can't diasgree that much... still was better than all of prequels\ROTS
@UCzfLEq7OpaQFrbKm2s0QNbA sequel fans eat shit
@@mustardeater3187 oh so you are a sequel fan, good 2 know
It’s mad how good the models were for the original films. Feels more real than the cgi
The Phantom Menace'S intro features an actual model?
The sound the ship makes in AotC's opening will never not be pleasing to the ears
Best Ones
1. A New hope
2. Revenge Of the sith
3. Return Of the jedi
@Obi-Wan Kenobi general kenobi
My favorites are TFA,ROTS and TROS openings
Revenge of the Sith's opening gave me goosebumps out of all 9 openings. Watching it on Blu-ray made it feel like it was released juat yesterday.
This vid displays just how amazing episode III was
I like how in AOTC, the camera pans *up* for once, instead of down. The only other piece of SW-media I can think of which did something similar was "X-Wing: Alliance" where the camera panned to the left.
Revenge of the Sith, by FAR. 👍😊
This is a cool video. I found myself re-watching it from time to time. Also, don't know if you have seen Solo yet, but don't expect a shot of space to open the movie in it.
0:07 0:40 1:06 1:39 1:49 2:13 2:54 4:02
Rian Johnson even subverted the expectation of seeing a Star Destroyer with the angle of that ring around the planet.
Revenge of The Sith is easily the GOATed opening scene those drums hype it up so much absolute brilliance by John Williams and the continuous shot absolute brilliance by Lucas will forever be my fav opening scene to any movie ever right up there with The Dark Knight opening scene.
Revenge of the Sith took the cake there
i would say the the last jedi because of the fucking amazing music
my favorite is either Revenge of the Sith or (dare say) The Last Jedi
I really loved the revenge of the Sith but the last Jedi is one of the best openings in my opinion
Force Awakens opened with a middle finger to the audience. Fitting for the sequoe trilogy.
Shit was trash
I mean every movie starts in space when you think about it
I love the fact that The Last Jedi had that same opening tune as A New Hope.
Bill Cipher I don’t love the fact the last Jedi murdered my childhood
The SnipingSeal the prequels should have done that, TLJ isn’t the worst Star Wars movie. Hell, it’s not even a bad movie.
@@landonsmith3354 are you stupid
@@reubennelson4086 are you? wait, sorry, stupid question. of cause you are
@@landonsmith3354 i'm with you, dude
episode 3 is the STAR WARS for ever
Rogue One is really majestic. Beautiful, even.
I really like the ones that start quietly for some reason.
Are you going to update this to include rise of Skywalker?
sucks how we will never experience a star wars opening in years, or decades from now
Revenge of the Sith is the goat
Only in the opening scenes of Episode II and Rogue One the camera tilted upward, can someone tell me why?
9. Empire Strikes Back (only thing it gets worst for lol)
8. The Phantom Menace
7. Attack of the Clones
6. Rogue One
5. The Force Awakens
4. Return of the Jedi
3. The Last Jedi
2. A New Hope
1. (obviously) Revenge of the Sith
I'd actually put Return of the Jedi near the bottom. I never realized how utterly they waste the reveal of the Second Death Star.
The way that opening shot just pans down to show it looking small on the horizon while the much smaller Star Destroyer comes to dominate the really feels like a missed opportunity to sell the audience on the scale of the threat.
Revenge of the sith has the best opening Sequenz
It's like saying, every course begins with the basics from Chapter 1
Thanks for putting this together, but why did you cut Episode III’s opening shot short? And other movies you had 2 or 3 of the opening shots instead of just the one
Because it's a massive scene. The opening shot is longshot (Doesn't cut/splice for a long period of time). Also, potential copyright
1. ROTS (Those Drums and the most colour make it unique and amazing, gives me goosebumps and it hops right into a massive flippin’ space battle)
2. New Hope (The score and the one that really started it all, gorgeous)
3. Rise Of sh!twalker (it gets 3 for being action packed and visually stunning but only it’s opening)
4. Return OTJ (Death Star II and Vader arriving is just amazing for me)
5. Attack Of The Clones (has a vibrant feel to it with the ships and light)
6. Force Awakens (highly underrated with the inside view of the cruiser)
7. Rogue one (Very Unique and underrated)
8. Empire (It’s alright, star destroyer
who gonna drop)
9. Phantom Menace (started the prequels but it’s not my type of opening just a flyby before the ship blows up)
10. Last Jedi ( Wow funny zoom in go brrrrr )
Episode III really stands out.
new hope is the best. you really get the ridiculous scale of how big the bad guy ship is.
Revenge of the sith, best one
Iron JilLion
AOTC is best because it Pans UP. AND seismic charges :P
Fuck sake, the opening of Revenge Of The Sith, shows just how good the prequels could have been.
And it was good
Rise of Skywalker shouldve had a similar opening to Revenge of the Sith. Atleast it wouldve had a good scene.
Revenge of the Sith is the most bad ass one
Fun fact - the early drafts for Empire Strikes Back had the title card and opening crawl play out in the white-outed sky over the Hoth Snowfields :)
It would've set the precendent for having a different opening style for each film, and maybe have necessitated a different text colour?
Yellow on white wouldn't have really worked, visually - but red on white? Who knows ;)
The Last Jedi honestly has the best intro of all time
Revenge is better imo
Yeah revenge
I am going to agree with you on that one
For me my fav is revenge of the sith
Since the opening crawl is set against a space background, that kind of goes without saying.
Force awakens was cool ngl
Maybe it's just me, but I never liked how the prequels paned down ahead of the music in comparison to the original and sequel trilogy
Never noticed that 🤔
Precuels are the BEST 🔥🔥🔥
2005 is the best
I cant choose which is my favorite, but top 5 has to be: TLJ, ANH, ESB, ROTJ, and AOTC.
EccentricJoe what’s esb?
@@bathroomreviews1704 Empire strikes back, episode 5
Solo is the only film that doesn't start in space
The Adventure of Ewok doesn't start in space as well.
So sad rise of skywalker didn’t start in space
The Jedi Master pretty sure it went straight to the surface never went from space to surface unless you count the title crawl In space which is fair enough
@The Jedi Master it so weird to think about that the Vader vr game is canon and is shown in episode 9
The best opening scenes in my opinion:
10. The Last Jedi
9. The Phantom Menace
8. Attack of the Clones
7. Revenge of the Sith
6. The Empire Strikes Back
5. Return of the Jedi
4. Rogue One
3. The Rise of Skywalker
2. The Force Awakens
1. A New Hope
Star destroyer was the first thing they saw
Looks like I didn't miss anything with the sequels or prequels. Was wondering if they had an opening shot of a star destroyer being fired upon by a Mon Calamari cruiser, in a reversal of the original _Star Wars._
Bruh what you haven’t even watched the prequels?
@@omarbaba9892 I was "one and done."
Revenge of The Sith is easily thw best, last jedi is a close second even if the movie overall is terrible.
New Hope?
@@Сайтамен boooring
1: Revenge of the Sith
2: A New Hope
3: The Force Awakens
4: The Rise of Skywalker
5: The Last Jedi
6: Attack of the Clones
7: The Empire Strikes Back
8: Return of the Jedi
9: The Phantom Menace
For me, the opening shot of Star Wars should be a visually striking work of art in and of itself; unique, interesting.
IV: The first & greatest. It immediately reveals that you're not on Earth anymore and shows the monolithic nature of this galaxy far, far away. It literally opens with a war in the stars.
V: Of all the amazing things Empire did, the opening is probably one of its weaker things but even so, it fits the themes of the film. It takes what you know and flips it on its head -- now the Star Destroyer is coming at the camera... now it's coming for you.
VI: Kinda boring opening shot because it just does the ANH opening again (rhymes) albeit without the space battle. Because of that, it's not visually compelling in a *unique* way. What makes ROTJ's opening cool is the meeting between Vader & Jerjerrod but that's not really the opening shot.
I: Again, nothing amazing but as someone said, from nothing comes a small little vehicle. I prefer my Star Wars opening with conflict or sense of urgency. This isn't that which makes sense -- the Prequels had much more to do with a sinister rise to power (& tragic falls) but this shot just isn't that amazing. My favorite of the Prequels is probably next.
II: This one is amazing. It has a similar non-action opening but it's just so visually interesting that it immediately sets it apart from many of the others and would have been an amazing opening for the entire Prequel trilogy. Instead of the usual pan down, it pans up; instead of the usual greasy greebly-covered ships, there are these sleek, chromed out ships that you follow as they head down to Coruscant. So yeah -- pan up, chrome ships, foggy Coruscant art deco skyline. The music is also great and combined with the fog, the unexpected pan up, etc. it immediately matches the entire tone of the Prequels... a foreboding, ominous sense of confusion and uncertainty.
III: This one isn't quite as great as the previous imo but those war drums... the chaos of a full blown STAR. WAR. A war in the stars at the height of the famous Clone Wars over a planet we've come to really know. What was last a quiet sojourn in ships of a new aesthetic to the same planet is now a swashbuckling, winding shot of the heroes mounting an exciting rescue in ships reminiscent of the original trilogy. Plus the lengthy single shot of following the Jedi Starfighters is pretty darn sweet.
VII: I adore this opening and it's the only artistically great opening in any of the Sequel Trilogy imo. It's a familiar star destroyer shot only this time, it's a silhouette that you start to notice as it blots out the stars... which is literally what occurs later on when we're introduced to their Starkiller Base which is powered by draining stars. It's a really, really well done shot that isn't just a copy of the originals despite the film being so similar to ANH in many respects. If only the others had as good of opening shots...
Rogue One: Another really good one. It took the familiar star destroyer from the upper left corner & suberverted that expectation when you quickly realize... wait... that's... no destroyer -- it's a planet ring! What an awesome idea. And then you notice the small shuttle zooming by.
VIII: What a terrible opening shot. That fake digital zoom is awful, the ships and asteroids or whatever look like they're cut outs pasted over the top of the background image & then the hard cut to the ground only for such a quick lift off from the planet back into space is... just a really weird direction to take. What would have been better is to just have the ship coming *from* the planet rather than cutting to the ground first.
Solo: Fine. It's hard to judge since it's so different from any other film which is fine but also makes it weird to compare with the spacey introductions. I do think if it's Star Wars, then preferably it actually begins in the stars. Also, for a film about Solo... this could have been a neat opportunity to do something that has surprisingly never been done for the series -- open with the Falcon somehow. Despite being such an important ship & there being 11 films... the Falcon has never opened a Star Wars film.
IX: Similar issue as VIII. It's just not good. It doesn't look as fake or as wonky as VIII, largely due to the lack of fake digital zooming in on the planet for no damn reason... But the hard cut to Mustafar's surface so soon as after panning down is just weird. Stick to space for at least a little while! Jeez.
Star Wars openings work best imo if you stay in space for a little while and then find a more natural way of getting off the ship -- cutting to the interior of the ship, follow the ship as it lands and then get off the ship as the people do, etc. It's not like ROTJ opened with a space shot then hard cut to the droids on Tatooine. This is sort of a thing I've noticed with the opening crawls as well; if your first sentence ends in an exclamation point -- just don't. The opening crawls don't need them and the two worst crawls have them: ROTS's "War!" and TROS's "The dead speak!"