What a thought provoking guest! Really pushed you guys to delve deep into your romantic relationships. I think you all had good points. On the one hand it is definitely important not to start taking your partner for granted. That's why they say you need to always be dating each other. Taking each other out, showing each other new stuff, getting excited for each other are all really important things. On the other hand always putting on airs for your partner seems exhausting. You need to be able relax with your partner and in my opinion that does mean just kinda sitting side by side on a couch and zoning out on your phone or watching T.V. or something.
What a thought provoking guest! Really pushed you guys to delve deep into your romantic relationships. I think you all had good points. On the one hand it is definitely important not to start taking your partner for granted. That's why they say you need to always be dating each other. Taking each other out, showing each other new stuff, getting excited for each other are all really important things. On the other hand always putting on airs for your partner seems exhausting. You need to be able relax with your partner and in my opinion that does mean just kinda sitting side by side on a couch and zoning out on your phone or watching T.V. or something.
I'm gonna tell myself this guy sided with me to make myself feel better haha -Justin
Thanks jboctor! We look forward to having you on!
An honor to be a guest with these amazing hosts! Wish y’all the best! I’ll be listening ❤
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