Of course, we both know Christopher Lennertz for his fantastic score to the television series Lost in Space! I have to admit that I did find myself enjoying the score, it definitely had a Firefly feel. Matter of fact some of those pieces I was remembering in my mind certain scenes from the show Firefly. I really love the opening theme when it went from the cowboy type music to that about 30 seconds of orchestral music. That piece was fantastic stuff!
It definitely an eclectic mix. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Of course, we both know Christopher Lennertz for his fantastic score to the television series Lost in Space! I have to admit that I did find myself enjoying the score, it definitely had a Firefly feel. Matter of fact some of those pieces I was remembering in my mind certain scenes from the show Firefly. I really love the opening theme when it went from the cowboy type music to that about 30 seconds of orchestral music. That piece was fantastic stuff!
Christopher Lennertz done some Bond games as well I believe? Not my area, games soundtracks, but still interesting Robert, thks.