Joseph Smith as a Sexual Predator

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Sandra Tanner describes it as an inescapable conclusion.
    High quality, freely redistributable video file available for download here:
    Sandra's ministry, Utah Lighthouse Ministry:
    Transcription of the video:
    How can you avoid the conclusion that Joseph Smith was a sexual predator? ... for instance in the newsletter "Sacred Marriage or Secret Affair" I tell about the case of Lucy Walker. Now here is a young girl where she is in a family of ten children, the family converts to Mormonism, they end up moving to Nauvoo. But the mother gets malaria in Nauvoo and dies and then one of the children dies. ... and Joseph Smith's solution to this family's situation is to send the father on a two year mission to the east coast, divide up the children into different homes, and take the teenagers into his home. So now he [Smith] has this sixteen year old girl living in the home with her brother that's a year or so older than her. He [Smith] starts privately going to the sister to try to convince her to become his plural wife. She's praying about the whole thing, she doesn't no what to make out of it.
    Then it turns out that Joseph's wife Emma and the brother go on a shopping trip to St. Luis and while they're gone Joseph gets the girl to marry him. And she just that day, the day before, turned seventeen when she marries him in polygamy behind Emma's back. She later wrote in her own story of her life what a devastating thing, and how hard this was for her to do. She says here I was without mother or father to consult, no one around to go to too talk to, and yet being presented with this great issue. Of course she prays and finally feels God spoke to her and told her to do this and she goes into plural marriage. ...
    This shows a deliberate effort of isolating this girl from her family, from everyone around her, from any support system, in a time of grief and loneliness; to put that kind of pressure on her is signs of a spiritual predator. I don't see how we can excuse this kind of behavior and say 'well he was sincere.' You wouldn't give that kind of leeway to someone who approached your sixteen year old daughter. ...
    Why does Joseph [Smith] get a pass on these things? I don't understand how they [Mormon apologists and liberal Mormons] keep saying 'it's OK.' And if you read the [stories] of the different wives [of Smith] they all are horrible; going to teenage girls and saying God sent an angel with a drawn sword that was going to kill Joseph Smith if he didn't go into polygamy; if she didn't marry him God was going to kill him. ... The weight of responsibility this would put on a teenage girl, 'I'm gonna be responsible for the prophets death!' Then he would also put the responsibility on these young girls: that if you consent to this it will insure your parent's eternal salvation. ... How can a girl say, 'no, I'm not gonna help my parents have eternal life,' and so she finally submits to this. ... to me [this] clearly is the pattern of a sexual predator. ...
    ... the lies of Joseph Smith do affect people, they aren't just innocent things that don't touch other people; because of Joseph Smith's polygamy we have all the polygamists today. Mormons will say to me, 'but look at the fruits of Mormonism,' yea the fruits of Mormonism is sixty thousand people living in polygamy today, that's the fruit of Joseph Smith. Those people wouldn't be in those situations had it not been for him [Smith] privately going to teenage girls and coercing them into plural marriage.
    See also: Grant Palmer's "Sexual Allegations Against Joseph Smith":
    See also:

Комментарии • 271

  • @gingerisevil02
    @gingerisevil02 10 лет назад +38

    The sick thing is, mormons actually believe smith was threatened by a sword... Smith was a pervert who used "God" as an excuse to exploit young girls.

  • @plunderpunk2
    @plunderpunk2 10 лет назад +33

    Sandra Tanner cuts through the crap to the heart of the matter. Smith was incredibly manipulative and psychopathic. Facts are nasty little things when contextualized...

  • @nettiedodar1
    @nettiedodar1 7 лет назад +15

    This example makes my skin crawl. I worked in correctional services for over 20 years as a nurse. In that time, I worked with men and women who had committed crimes against women and children. In today's world, Prophet or not, Joseph Smith would have been convicted of sex crimes. He was, in my mind, a sexual predator. We have recent examples of men who have formed cults and preyed upon women/girls sexually. Why is there continued blindness on the part of the LDS Leadership, surely if they know the history and are privy to what has happened in the past do they continue to remain silent on these matters. Reading what the Church Apologist's have written is not the same as these matter being addressed by the current Prophet and Apostles. They are supposedly inspired of God, yet they remain silent. That in itself speaks volumes!

  • @donbagley2322
    @donbagley2322 8 лет назад +26

    Smith was a cad, pressing young females to service him with claims of heavenly guidance.

  • @dfwsunking
    @dfwsunking 14 лет назад +4

    So Brigham Young is wrong and a false prophet then? I'm glad we agree...

  • @suddendee
    @suddendee 2 года назад +6

    Ugh! Sexual predators are “too sincere!”

  • @joycemcfarlane1927
    @joycemcfarlane1927 6 лет назад +5

    Smith was a sexual predator and didterrible neglect of his children and defiled his wife Emma Why is this man of such sin so honored?

  • @BarbaraJoanneBJ
    @BarbaraJoanneBJ 6 лет назад +5

    Sandra Tanner is a woman blessed with logic and clarity. How lucky we are to have her.

  • @johnnym9909
    @johnnym9909 10 лет назад +19

    I'm looking at videos of psychopaths and the more I look at the story of JSmith, I think he fits into the definition of 'Psychopath' which is interesting, although I do have to say that I feel sorry for JSmith's childhood. I wanted to ask for whosoever had the answer, can someone tell me where I can find the stories of the wives of JSmith? Thank you for reading this.

  • @robertallison107
    @robertallison107 9 лет назад +23

    It is unfortunate that Smith became what is all too common, a "law" unto himself. He neither followed God nor regarded anything that was truly Christian. He died a pagan in every sense of the word. He was unrepentant, and God judged him at the jail at Carthage....

  • @sparky7718
    @sparky7718 11 лет назад +13

    1890, because the US Government had enough and was about to send an army to Utah, then magically there was a "revelation" to stop it. Just like the racism in 1978 that was finally stopped.

  • @xmorobertson
    @xmorobertson 10 лет назад +23

    I love Sandra Tanner.

  • @iamasheep
    @iamasheep 12 лет назад +1

    And no, 30 year old men marrying and having sex with multiple 12, 13, 14 year old girls back in the 1800's is not completely different than it is now. That is why they had/have LAWS against polygamy. I am not ignoring that women and children were treated differently. Men made the rules. That is why women were punished for committing adultery and men weren't. But if Joseph Smith was a true prophet of god, he would obey the 10 commandments. That includes number 7: Thou shalt not commit adultery.

  • @iamasheep
    @iamasheep 12 лет назад +1

    Not to mention, he was practicing polygamy years before "god told him it was okay."

  • @FordJacobs
    @FordJacobs 12 лет назад +19

    Excellent presentation. How can we get this message across to Mormons?

  • @thelordmemnoch
    @thelordmemnoch 12 лет назад +6

    If you can read about Joseph Smith, which was so recent that the stories are less shrouded in mystery, and not come away with the fact that he was a charlatan, you probably are one too. That goes triple for Scientologists where L. Ron Hubbard's intentions were crystal clear from the beginning.

  • @awolLDSasap
    @awolLDSasap 15 лет назад +1

    Feeling good and worshiping a god made up by a man will not give you a free pass into heaven. Guess what? There is NO outer darkness but their is a hell.

  • @parrish903
    @parrish903 6 лет назад +3


  • @iamasheep
    @iamasheep 12 лет назад

    In effect from 1823 the age of consent WITH parental permission was 12 for girls and 14 for boys. The difference between plural marriage and open relationships is that open relationships do not involve MARRIAGE. And they often involve actual feelings toward another person. Smith just pointed at a girl and said, "Hey you. God said you have to marry me." Polygamy was not just taboo. Polygamy was and is ILLEGAL. Being gay and porn is NOT illegal.

  • @akdude81
    @akdude81 10 лет назад +5

    Joseph Smith knew about polygamy as early as 1831. There is a lot of mystery as to who was the first polygamous wife, but he did ineed do it. This lady is ignorning the fact that it wasn't abnormal to mary a 14 year old girl in the 1840s (the youngest of Joseph Smith's wives). Nor that there were many other women far older. This is classic one sided, bias, anti-mormon rehtoric that has been around since the beginning.

  • @wafflestreetbook
    @wafflestreetbook 11 лет назад

    Yet again, the Tanners tell half the story. Here's the rest: "Lucy prayed more fervently for an answer. She couldn’t sleep the entire night. Just before dawn, and Joseph’s deadline, she “received a powerful and irristable testimony of the truth of the mariage covenant called 'Celestial or plural mariage'” and "I afterwards married Joseph as a plural wife and lived and cohabitated with him as such.""

  • @Nepthu
    @Nepthu 12 лет назад +3

    @ImLDSRU2 I do not mean to hurt you, but I sincerely believe that you are deceived. Please pray for help and stick to your Bible rather than the man made temple worship that Joseph Smith crafted from the Masons!
    You cannot fully know Jesus when you are following a false prophet like Joseph Smith.
    It is easy to dismiss others as "anti-Christs" but you must hear the message: Jesus is the way. It's not Jesus plus Joseph's teachings. It's Jesus ALONE.

  • @treehuggertwo
    @treehuggertwo 13 лет назад +1

    @scottwins2 Scott.. which of Joseph's many versions of the first vision do you believe?

  • @SocketDaddy
    @SocketDaddy 13 лет назад

    It is significant that none of Joseph's contemporaries complained about the age differences between polygamous or monogamous marriage partners. This was simply part of their environment and culture; it is unfair to judge nineteenth century members by twenty-first century social standards.

  • @Nepthu
    @Nepthu 12 лет назад +1

    @ImLDSRU2 Oaks also said that the owners of the press could have easily sued for damages. The real gem of the Nauvoo Expositor is that it revealed Joseph Smith's secret practice of Polygamy.
    Joseph had been condemning polygamy in public but practicing it in private. Fellow Mormon, William Law, was disgusted by this hypocrisy and exposed Smith in the paper. In retaliation, Smith had the press destroyed.
    And just like Smith, Mormons like you can't stand it when uncomfortable truths come out!

  • @iamasheep
    @iamasheep 12 лет назад

    No I did not change my story. The AGE OF CONSENT was 12 for girls and 14 for boys. That does not mean they all got married at 12 and 14. Most of them WAITED until they were sexually mature enough. Pedophilia is the same as it was then. Pedophilia is characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children. Look it up.

  • @escueladeley
    @escueladeley 15 лет назад +1

    To DefendingMormonism,
    Using "God" to get 14 year-olds and 15 year-olds in the sack was NOT normal for the time period. A lot of coercion was applied - take the girl's age into account; what 15 year old had the will and mental prowess to withstand the pressure of family, LDS society, and the church?
    Also, sending men on missions so you could marry their wives was deceptive (FACT: Both Joseph Smith and Brigham Young did this). The church also kept this "doctrine" secret for years.

  • @bigkev2084
    @bigkev2084 11 лет назад

    just because the FLDS practice Polygamy does not reflect on what the mainstream mormon church teaches, the LDS stopped Polygamy in the 1800's there are things that Joseph Smith said that mainstream mormonism doesnt do

  • @Nepthu
    @Nepthu 12 лет назад +1

    I accept Christ as my Savior, and I know He is my Lord. I believe in following his commandments and that he foretold the coming of false prophets. One of those false prophets is Joseph Smith.

  • @iamasheep
    @iamasheep 12 лет назад +1

    No it is not CIRCUMSTANTIAL.(learn to spell). It was written in the diaries of his wives. It is not a game of telephone. It is directly from handwritten journals. It is not a "so-called" action. It has been PROVEN that Joseph Smith married over 30 women that Emma did not know about. Check out familysearch (dot) org. It is an LDS-approved website. It shows that Joseph Smith had many MANY wives.

  • @Chinaculiacan
    @Chinaculiacan 12 лет назад +4

    You have section 132 of your D C there is polygamy still in your doctrine.

  • @NoneBeforeNoneAfter
    @NoneBeforeNoneAfter 15 лет назад +1

    2 Corinthians 11
    13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
    14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
    15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

  • @Photoray100
    @Photoray100 12 лет назад +6

    After seeing an objective documentary of Smith, it's my opinion that he was an extremely intelligent, and extremely horny...that's HORNY guy, who wanted several young wives and to justify it, constructed an elaborate justification for it.

  • @Potomiso
    @Potomiso 13 лет назад

    @cevansroxy Wow you wrote alot. quick question. Did the girls married to Joseph Smith have the option of divorce? My understanding of marriage in the Mormon church is it lasted for eternity.

  • @iamasheep
    @iamasheep 12 лет назад

    The reintroduction of the horses into the Americas began in 1519 when Cortez came from Spain for the conquest of the Aztecs. The only horses that ever existed in America before the 1500s were there millions of years ago. And they were no bigger than German Shepherds.

  • @Sldejo
    @Sldejo 15 лет назад +4

    Joseph Smith was the Warren Jeffs of his day.

  • @staxplease
    @staxplease 14 лет назад

    it was as if she lived in those days...
    I testify that Joseph smith is a prophet of God and that he is a great man of integrity and a great disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @dfwsunking
    @dfwsunking 15 лет назад +1

    What can ya say? One mans sexual predator is another man's prophet...

  • @iamasheep
    @iamasheep 12 лет назад

    If you knew anything, at least 95% of his marriages were in Illinois. It was illegal in Ohio and Missouri where he married the other 5% of his wives. 8 years old is not an ideal marrying age. Neither is 9, 10 or 11 or even 12 for that matter. The purpose of marriage is to produce offspring. A 10 year old in the 1800s wouldn't have even reached puberty yet, making it impossible to have kids.

  • @derwanlan
    @derwanlan 11 лет назад +6

    Did you not hear the part about Lucy much later expressing extreme regret over the entire thing? I swear, the Joseph Smith supporters in these comments have selective hearing.

  • @eag11e
    @eag11e 10 месяцев назад +1

    Wow! Great video! The truth rings clear!

  • @theofficialloricrandall4760
    @theofficialloricrandall4760 8 лет назад +7

    This is amazing! Thank you so much!

  • @xenuburger
    @xenuburger 12 лет назад

    "sexual predator" is such a strong term. Joseph Smith was more like the David Duchovny character in "Californication".

  • @djwright44
    @djwright44 15 лет назад

    You avoided the question: would science confirm walking on water, resurrection after being dead 3 days or an unending basket of fish?

  • @Chinaculiacan
    @Chinaculiacan 13 лет назад

    @dorisfenella •Por que no hay mapas en el libro del mormon? Solo hay fotos, cualquiera puede poner fotos. No hay mapas, ensenando tierras en el libro del mormon, sabe por que? becuase you can’t place it on Earth. Usted sabe donde estan? En donde estan los coins q habla en alma? Una civilizasion como la que habla su libro, tiene q dejar marcars, como, caminos, coins, records escritos. En fin

  • @SRLowther
    @SRLowther 15 лет назад +1

    defender of the Church and also was quite sure the "Anti-Mormons" told lies. One of them told me to go look it up for myself -- in the Church's own publications! I did. I am no longer a believer in the Church because I found MOUNTAINS of evidence against the Church from its own early publications and faithful members diaries.

  • @Chinaculiacan
    @Chinaculiacan 13 лет назад

    @scottwins2 As for Jacob, his polygamy was the source of a great deal of family heartache and dysfunction. He was never commanded to take additional wives; in fact, his own intention was to take only one, but family pressures and trickery pushed him into polygamy. Do you want to see more?

  • @snowyphil65
    @snowyphil65 11 лет назад +10

    I have a whole heap of friends from the LDS church that NEED to hear this, and many other things about their prophet..

  • @SocketDaddy
    @SocketDaddy 13 лет назад

    Joseph Smith's polygamous marriages to young women may seem difficult to understand or explain today, but in his own time such age differences were not typically an obstacle to marriage. The plural marriages were unusual, to say the least; the younger ages of the brides were much less so. Critics do not provide this perspective because they wish to shock the audience and have them judge Joseph by the standards of the modern era, rather than his own time.

  • @dfwsunking
    @dfwsunking 15 лет назад +1

    You've explained nothing! You said it was all lies and now that prove otherwise you say it was just on paper. Again when I show evidence to the contrary you again claim its false. What would you like to present to the contrary? (crickets)
    Question: Why did Joseph Smith marry them in the first place since the purpose of polygamy was to raise seed? How is that possible if no intimate contact took place? In nearly every case the woman's husband didn't know nor did Emma? What does that tell you?

  • @dfwsunking
    @dfwsunking 15 лет назад

    Yes I did. What I find preposterous just like Joseph Smith getting a free pass on being a sexual predator is this flimsy excuse: "Applying the definition of polyandry to describe these marriages,
    however, is misleading, as its compatibility deviates from LDS
    marital theology." Joseph Smith's polyandry shouldn't be called such and somehow deserves its own special definition? Based on what?

  • @Chinaculiacan
    @Chinaculiacan 13 лет назад +1

    @dorisfenella Roman coins being used in the day of Jesus in the first century AD
    Chapter 11 says Nephites coinage set forth, than it goes through and describes how the money system, of the book of Mormon worked, if we take this images of coins we find In the book of Mormon, and contrast them to the system of exchange in place of ancient Americas, we find that they are not at all alike, there were no metallic coins being used. The book of Mormon is that flat out wrong

  • @iamasheep
    @iamasheep 12 лет назад +1

    What lies you ask? Jesus is not Lucifer's brother. God was not once a man. Brigham Young taught that Adam was god. That is a lie. You cannot become a god. Joseph Smith was a Freemason. Your temples are decorated pagan symbols. So are your temple garments. Mormons were not raped and robbed. They were the ones raping and robbing and burning things down. It's their own fault because they went around spreading lies. Your prophet was the one teaching that it was okay to have sex with 12 year olds.

  • @dfwsunking
    @dfwsunking 15 лет назад

    Here's a quote by Zina Jacobs, wife of Henry Jacobs and faithful member:
    I wish to bear my testimony to the principle of celestial marriage, that
    it is true I became [Joseph's] wife at this time in Nauvoo and I
    never in my life had a rebellious thought against that principle, for
    which I thank the Lord. (Collected Discourses. Joseph F. Smith. Vol.
    5: 23 December 1894. Out of print).

  • @treehuggertwo
    @treehuggertwo 13 лет назад

    @dorisfenella I do not take youtube replies. If you have something to reply. say in in the open forum here in RUclips.

  • @imaginelolalola
    @imaginelolalola 14 лет назад +1

    @MrChamp51 Who cares if she is old or dry and why call her a hag? Doesn't what matter is if her argument is correct or false?
    I see no madness in her.

  • @dfwsunking
    @dfwsunking 15 лет назад

    Wait, there's more!
    Faithful Mormon and wife of Joseph Smith, Sylvia Sessions (Lyon), on her deathbed told her daughter, Josephine, that she (Josephine) was the daughter of Joseph Smith. Josephine testified: "She (Sylvia) then told me that I was the daughter of the Prophet Joseph Smith, she having been sealed to the Prophet at the time that her husband Mr. Lyon was out of fellowship with the Church." (Affidavit to Church Historian Andrew Jenson, 24 Feb. 1915)

  • @nashaunconwell
    @nashaunconwell 15 лет назад +4

    Mormons have to give Joseph a pass their whole faith depends on it, polishing his character is why I consider Mormons dishonest, at least the ones that know his real history

  • @SocketDaddy
    @SocketDaddy 13 лет назад

    To say some of the woman were unhappy with the polygamist marriages is comparable to say many woman (and men) are unhappy with monogamist marriages. Give me a break lady! Half of marriages today end in divorce and a majority of the ones that stay married are unhappy! Thanks for stating the obvious. I'm willing to guess that there is a higher divorce rate among monogamist marriages than there were with polygamist marriages.

  • @dfwsunking
    @dfwsunking 15 лет назад

    There's also Marinda Hyde who was married go Joseph Smith. "Frank Henry was born on January 23, 1845. Orson Hyde left for Washington April 4, 1844. The difference in these two dates is 294 days! That is almost a month longer than expected and is basically physiologically impossible, especially considering that Orson Hyde had not returned to Nauvoo until August 6, 1844 (Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology, August 6, 1844)."
    P.S. Only 4% of women even gestate two weeks past the average!

  • @BauraKale
    @BauraKale 15 лет назад

    "I heard from a friend that She is the source of all the lies . . ."
    Repeating gossip here are we?
    In 30 years of studying Mormonism one thing I learned was that of all the "critics" out there the Tanners were the most scrupuliously honest and accurate.
    When the Book of Mormon was attacked based on handwriting in the original manuscript the LDS church allowed Gerald Tanner to view the manuscript. They knew he, although a full-time critic, was impeccably honest.

  • @dfwsunking
    @dfwsunking 15 лет назад

    Section 101 in the 1835 printing of the Book of Commandments (later the Doctrine and Covenants) contained the following verse that was later removed. "Inasmuch as this church of Christ has been reproached with the CRIME of fornication, and polygamy: we declare that we believe, that one man should have one wife; and one woman, but one husband, except in case of death, when either is at liberty to marry again."
    It was later removed in 1876. Google it if you think I'm lying.

  • @derwanlan
    @derwanlan 11 лет назад +2

    She spent very little of time focusing on the girls age. Her point was directed at Joseph Smiths disgusting methods for convincing these girls to join him in polygamy. Maybe you should listen a little closer to the video before making a fool of yourself....

  • @leSavaii
    @leSavaii 15 лет назад

    REVLUKE "What drew me to a CHRISTIAN Church, was i liked seeing the FOCUS on JESUS CHRIST & not so much, on Joseph Smith"
    I still haven't witnessed such a claim REV. Every Sunday we take the Sacrament in which we each renew our covenants & promises made in the water of baptism (1)always remember Him (2)keep His commandments (3)always have His Spirit's presence within ourselves. A little over 3yrs ago I quit being a born-again Christian. There is nothing in there. Ministers & pastors disagree

  • @staxplease
    @staxplease 14 лет назад

    Then why are we looking at those 60,000 people who fell away from the LDS church? Why not look at the 13 million members today who are the most wonderful people in our community?

  • @AndNilsProd
    @AndNilsProd 11 лет назад +1

    "I don't understand why they keep saying [Joseph's actions] are okay!" Maybe because they had a testimony that he really was a prophet of God.

  • @SocketDaddy
    @SocketDaddy 13 лет назад

    The modern age limits in most states represent only the modern attitude. The age of consent under English common law was ten. United States law did not raise the age of consent until the late nineteenth century. In Joseph Smith's day, most states still had the declared age of consent to be ten. Some had raised it to twelve, and Delaware had lowered it to seven!

  • @iamasheep
    @iamasheep 12 лет назад

    Domesticated horses were introduced to the Western hemisphere until around the 1500s. Even if horses were here during Pangaea, they would have died out long before the BOM times. Pangaea was more than 200 MILLION years ago. The BOM times were what? Less than 3000 years ago? I never said the Columbus was the one to bring horses to America.

  • @talon115
    @talon115 13 лет назад

    The funny thing about christians is that they totally ignore that all of their heros in the old testament had multiple wives too. So why do they hate the mormons so much?

  • @iamasheep
    @iamasheep 12 лет назад

    What is rumored? The states he was married in? It shows where he was married on the LDS genealogical websites. And censuses in the 1800s showed the statistics of the ages of girls' first marriages. And scientific studies have proven that the age that puberty started back then was between 12 and 15.

  • @iamasheep
    @iamasheep 12 лет назад

    Do you not know how to read? I did not say that the LDS church is greedy. I said JOSEPH SMITH was greedy.The only love and kindness I experienced when investigating the Mormon church was when they thought I was going to be baptized.Then as soon as I said "no" they stopped being nice to me.And the LDS is not the only organization that donates money to the needy.And how in hell would you know if I have said anything to any other churches or not?And I never said I HATED the church. I said DESPISE.

  • @midkanzan
    @midkanzan 14 лет назад +1

    @ragnarok042 Again, if what she is saying is not true, refute it and I will agree with you. But honestly, I would not want anyone I care about following a man who married young girls behind his wifes back. I dont see anything wrong with exposing a person who takes advantage of others in the name of religion. That the Tanners ask for compensation for the books they publish or accept donations to continue their research is not evil as you imply.

  • @iamasheep
    @iamasheep 12 лет назад

    King Solomon and King David were not chosen prophets of god. God only tolerated their polygamous lives because of his grace. Solomon and David did not claim that "god told them to be polygamists." Joseph Smith did. The bible is CLEAR that marriage is between ONE man and ONE woman. And the bible says that the word of god cannot be altered. So when Smith says that god told him to marry lots of girls, he was lying. The Christian god would not go against his own word.

  • @Chinaculiacan
    @Chinaculiacan 13 лет назад

    @dorisfenella Y q no ahiga ninguna literatura comprobando su existencia es simplemente algo fantasioso, Doris is there any document trail for the book of mormon? Are there any texts? That we can go to? Me dira, claro, hasta 1830, pero entre los eventos in el libro del mormon q segun termino en 400 AD y la primera rastra documentaria es 1400 anos, antes d poder encontrar alguna prueba documentaria, que me dice esto, que el Libro del Mormon solo fue construida por un hombre, este hombre fue jose

  • @oliviacloak5350
    @oliviacloak5350 6 лет назад +3

    I totally agree with this. I am so tired of people praising his name and making him worthy of been a prophet of God! It is insane! And yes, he was clearly a predator!

  • @amyleoness
    @amyleoness 12 лет назад +5

    I love Sandra. So right on the money...

  • @Dadutta
    @Dadutta 13 лет назад +1

    Joseph was possibly worse than Muhammed

  • @dfwsunking
    @dfwsunking 15 лет назад

    "The only men who becomes Gods, even the sons of God are those who enter into polygamy" Same site. Click on Volume 11. It's on page 313.
    journalofdiscourses . org

  • @sirhood2
    @sirhood2 13 лет назад +1

    @scottwins2 No. For information that may help that are accurate go to the Bible. There you can find the truth. There is no other book in the world today that is more accurate and more truthful then the Bible. Joe WAS a preditor. If he wasn't, then why did he marry very young girls? HUH? He was a horn dog, a mason and a lier. You have been brainwashed dude!

  • @awolLDSasap
    @awolLDSasap 15 лет назад +1

    Here are a few points that destroys your man made god and man made gospel of bondage. LDS doctrine is a blasphemy according to the Bible. Next, You worship your church. Worthiness is not an attribute that God approves of. You are as filthy rags to God. Adultery is a sin and Joseph Smith "the adulterer" came in #2 to Brigham Young. The God of Israel does not accept lies as the mormon god does in the PofGp.
    Go ask a Jew if God was once a man and he is confined by universal law.

  • @dfwsunking
    @dfwsunking 15 лет назад

    Just like polyandry was a lie, I hate to break this to you but Joseph Smith's polyandry did include physical intimacy. Here's some proof by one of those wives:
    Faithful Mormon Prescindia D. Huntington, who was Normal Buell's wife and simultaneously a "plural wife" of the Prophet Joseph Smith, said that she did not know whether her husband Norman "or the Prophet was the father of her son, Oliver."

  • @Nepthu
    @Nepthu 12 лет назад +1

    @ImLDSRU2 Well then, educate me on what lies were in the Expositor. I'd love to hear a good fable.
    It's well known that Joseph was a polygamist, and it's well known that he denied it. The Expositor was the first time Smith got called on his B.S. and secrecy, and that's why he had it destroyed. Everyone know that, except maybe Mormons.

  • @treehuggertwo
    @treehuggertwo 13 лет назад +1

    @cevansroxy Marriage to n barely pubescent girl whose father was sent on a mission is just 'unusual'? Criminal, predatoryand pedophilic would be the right term.

  • @Nepthu
    @Nepthu 12 лет назад +1

    @ImLDSRU2 Really? I don't remember any Mormon being as upfront as you, but I guess you couldn't deal with some evidence in the past, so you start spewing the "You reject the Lord" stuff. I reject Joseph Smith, not the Lord. It's sad that you think they are one in the same.

  • @Chinaculiacan
    @Chinaculiacan 13 лет назад

    The footnote of the book of Mormon, suggested that the lenamites exterminations of the Nephites took place around 400 AD, yet it left no archeological evidence, by contrast, a much smaller battler that happened centuries earlier in the 1st century AD. In Palestine, demonstrates what one can expect to find, if the battle like the one describes in the book of Mormon had really accrued. Si me explico Doris? con todo lo que le eh mandado? fotos no pueden ser fundamentos.

  • @Nepthu
    @Nepthu 12 лет назад

    @ImLDSRU2 No one sued because Smith was dead. Why bother suing a dead person? Was it legal for him to sneak a gun into his jail cell too?

  • @EmmetEarwax
    @EmmetEarwax 12 лет назад

    Well, I can not stomach the idea that the soul dies with the body. No afterlife.... BUT I do not believe in a hellfire for all and a heaven for none. These mainstream fanatics say they are the One True Church and then shut and lock the door to heaven in the face of as many people as they can. I am a near-Universalist.

  • @cyninbend
    @cyninbend 11 лет назад +6

    I think he just had to bed EVERY woman he met and loved the thrill and secrecy behind the backs of his wife and their husbands/fathers! He married women of 47, 48 and even in their 50s--and had he lived to be old, I bet he'd have had wives in their 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.
    We've all known these guys who know just what to say to women, how to take her hand, look her in the eye, and as women, we react in spite of ourselves. And yes, he was a sexual predator to the 16 yr old girls he manipulated!

  • @C3F6D4
    @C3F6D4 12 лет назад

    I will not speak ill of the dead, so I just will address polygamy. The Mormons of the period would claim their idea of polygamy isn't really different than a man who marries then divorce's his wife. If he had three wives then who was really his wife in heaven. Of course, all three would be considered his wife. Being the Mormons dropped polygamy from their church over a 100 years ago, it is still amazing people still talk about it. To them it's not a moral question, but a salacious one
    't thi

  • @Chinaculiacan
    @Chinaculiacan 13 лет назад

    @scottwins2 He didn't. Lucinda Morgan Harris 1838 already married to George W Harris. Zina Hunting Jacobs Oct 1841 age 20 already married to Henry Jacobs. Presendia Huntington Buell Dec 1841 age 31 already married to Norman Buell.Sylvia Sessions Lyon Feb 1842 age 23 already married to Windsor Lyon. Mary Rollins Lightner Feb. 1842 age 23 already married to Adam Lightner. Patty Bartlett Sessions march 1842 age 47 already married to David Sessions.

  • @Chinaculiacan
    @Chinaculiacan 13 лет назад

    @dorisfenella You can’t make a geography, because there is no real world settings for the event describe in the book of Mormon, I can’t agree upon in it, anytime I tried to attempt to put it in the real world settings, I have to distort either that real world setting, or the text itself Doris, do you understand me? Takes no official position on geography of the book of Mormon, the obvious reason is, (that the events never took place.)

  • @Chinaculiacan
    @Chinaculiacan 13 лет назад

    @dorisfenella En Ether 9:19, Horses and there were elephants. Los mayas no tenian caballos, la unica vez que miraron un caballo en las Americas fue en 1677 cuando un hombre blanco llego cabaleando. 1 Nephi 18:25 And we did find all manner of “ore. Both of Gold and silver, and copper, No se a encontrado ningun lugar donde alguien pueda decir q en ese lugar se derretia metal oro o cobre. Entonces como los Jeridites y los niphites usaron armaduras de metal?

  • @Nepthu
    @Nepthu 12 лет назад +1

    @ImLDSRU2 I rebuke you in the name of the Lord and pray that you will listen to good people like Sandra Tanner who was saved from the darkness of Joseph Smith and his lies. I truly do hope you will wake up and stop fighting the truth.

  • @Nepthu
    @Nepthu 12 лет назад

    @ImLDSRU2 Most Mormons I know try to say that his polygamy doesn't matter or that there's no proof of it. They may "know it" but getting them to admit it is like twisting someone's arm. Honest and truly, you're the first Mormon I've met who said they were glad he was a polygamist.

  • @iamasheep
    @iamasheep 12 лет назад

    For one, he was a greedy pig because he married 30+ women and didn't even really support them. He was a power-hungry jackass. And for all the persecution that the LDS got, they returned it 10 fold. They deserved it. Take time to read "Fourth of July Oration" (1838) by Sidney Rigdon. Especially the part where he talks about the "war of extermination." Research the Danites.Armies of Israel. Mountain Meadows Massacre.Secret militia groups.Spreading lies about Christianity. Close ties to the occult.

  • @77Nectarine
    @77Nectarine 13 лет назад

    They were not wives, they were concubines; if a wife couldn't bear children she had to give her handmaid as a concubine to her husband so she can continue his family line; children and family tree were important in those days, the Mormons don't care about that.

    @MrJESUSCARES 12 лет назад

    I am sure there are some people that joined the lds church for polygamy but i don't think all did. Those are also some that continued to get married and eventually excommunicated after the church denounced polygamy also. There are still some religions that practice it and not many people go joining those churches so I think Joseph Smith was the key. People joined because they wanted to be near to him and listen to the words he spoke about Christ rather than their pastor.

  • @iamasheep
    @iamasheep 12 лет назад

    No. I do not call myself a Christian. I call myself "me." The difference between Mormonism and Mormons is that Mormonism is the doctrines and practices of the Mormon Church based on the Book of Mormon. A Mormon is someone who blindly believes in the teachings of the cult. And Mormons have no room to speak when it comes to degrading other's beliefs. Read 1 Nephi 14:10. It says that anyone who is not Mormon, belongs to the devil's church, which is "the whore of all the earth." Educate yourself.

  • @latterdaymystic
    @latterdaymystic 14 лет назад +1

    Can't ya tell which comments are from Mormons? Glad I got out of that arrogant, perverted group.

  • @DefendingMormonism
    @DefendingMormonism 15 лет назад

    What a sad life Sandra Tanner has had.
    She has allowed pride to infect her heart, rejecting the Spirit of God altogether, being left to wallow in the mire of doubt and negativity.
    So is the life of a devoted and obsessed critic of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
    Besides the spiritual hallowness so clear in her talks, she also has no understanding of American culture in the 1800s as well as marital trends.
    Getting married in your teens was the norm.