Grace Helbig answers Life's BIG Questions!

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 353

  • @JonasBerger02
    @JonasBerger02 10 лет назад +12

    She is actually one of my favorite people oh my god

  • @Ainslie97
    @Ainslie97 11 лет назад

    That authentic happiness point is the deepest thing to ever come out of Grace's mouth and it really moved me. Me too Grace. Me too.

  • @Jadamog
    @Jadamog 11 лет назад

    "When I'm having fun, I feel joy" Wise words Grace.

  • @unconnected
    @unconnected 11 лет назад

    Wow, wasn't expecting Grace to bring up something like authentic happiness. 5 grace faces for getting real Ms. Helbig

  • @daviderl666
    @daviderl666 11 лет назад

    being happy is a momentary joy in what happens to you. Contentment is what you really need to have a fulfilling, "happy" life.

  • @victoriaa2218
    @victoriaa2218 11 лет назад

    What Grace said about finding authentic happiness was really inspiring, and something I never thought about before

  • @zrebrutibreniti
    @zrebrutibreniti 11 лет назад +10

    lol finally a video where i can see how grace is without trying to be funny.

    • @hunszaszist
      @hunszaszist 10 лет назад +3

      She's still trying to be funny a little, lol
      I think it's part of her

  • @thiscatgames
    @thiscatgames 10 лет назад +8

    Talking about God is so awkward because many people have strong opinions about the topic. I personally do not speak about religion to anyone that I am not good friends with simply because many things can be misinterpreted and can lead to grudges being held, friendships being broken. Even families torn apart. :/ That's why talking about it is so awkward. Because it can have such a big, unpredictable impact on people.

  • @maylavigne
    @maylavigne 11 лет назад

    I LOVE when we get to see RUclipsrs' full-body shots. Because they are usually floating heads and the dynamics change so much when they change that format. I suppose they look more vulnerable and that is interesting to watch!

  • @2kFreshPrince
    @2kFreshPrince 11 лет назад

    Never see Grace talk seriously like this; acting mature and sophisticated. Its nice to see.

  • @nizpa1989
    @nizpa1989 11 лет назад

    Be happy! The world is a beautiful place only waiting for you to discover much within it.

  • @cutiepie24994
    @cutiepie24994 11 лет назад

    Happiness is a mood, a feeling, not a destination. It's ok to be happy sometimes and not other times, just like it's ok to be hungry sometimes. If you spend your life waiting for the moment, possession, or person that will make you you "happy", you'll miss all the good things that pass you by and you'll only focus on the bad. Enjoy the good, enjoy "happiness". "Happy" is a mood that comes and goes throughout your life, and that's ok as long as you enjoy the ride :)

  • @Punchedtoast
    @Punchedtoast 11 лет назад

    So true. Passion open you up to new people and new ideas.

  • @m3grim
    @m3grim 11 лет назад

    30 seconds of this video has been devoted to telling me to subscribe when I'm already subscribed and have been for ages.

  • @lidalizegrobler4269
    @lidalizegrobler4269 10 лет назад +1

    Faith is living with paradox...
    And we struggle to talk about God as we do not know what to do with the paradoxes that goes with believing. Still, there is just something that makes me hang on to Him. Something supernatural. Even when the paradoxes of life and believing sometimes get the better of me...

  • @marycurtin-vazquez6957
    @marycurtin-vazquez6957 11 лет назад

    I dunno bout others . I can only speak for myself. I go through phases where sometimes I don't think about God so much, but I know God is always there. Other times I feel really close to god, and God is my very best friend. Kinda like with some people in my life. Months and even years can go by without a word, but we can pick up right where we left off. God always was, and always will be. God listens to my thoughts, feelings, ideas, prayers, and loves me no matter what. God is my best friend.

  • @kaytabbi
    @kaytabbi 11 лет назад

    I love how you came up with an eloquent, well worded response to a 'loaded question' and instantly, someone looses their marbles. Immediately deciding that it's a brilliant move to tell you to stuff it. Your only crime, using logic, reason and simple (un)common sense
    It's a shame that humans like Maria Collins even bother commenting at all.

  • @seankemmerer891
    @seankemmerer891 10 лет назад +6

    talking about God is awkward because like Grace said its a personal thing. We who believe in God or other types of gods want to spread what Christianity calls "the good news" because it made us change and made us feel good so we want that for other people but some people see that as a negative thing. When in reality we (Religious people) just want everyone to experience what we did...

    • @rabia1180
      @rabia1180 9 лет назад

      +Sean Kemmerer Hi! I'd love to hear what you have to say (: If you still don't mind sharing ofc

  • @wattsnet1
    @wattsnet1 11 лет назад

    I experienced what I can only say was a supernatural event. I hate to be vague here but it's just hard to describe. It diminishes the experience when I try. What I can say is what I learned after the event. I knew we were much more than just flesh and blood. I knew we had a creator that cares. I knew I was living a life that was not very good for me and needed to change. I discovered that being selfish and self-centered was costing me my heart while service and selflessness was the key to joy.

  • @wbrown6
    @wbrown6 11 лет назад

    she hit the nail on the head there, never has there been a topic that divides opinion and is defended so strongly either way, probably why conversations on it usually begin after the 7-8th drink

  • @Carina_Diaz
    @Carina_Diaz 11 лет назад

    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! I've been waiting for this :D Thanks Soul Pancake!!

  • @Arob544live
    @Arob544live 11 лет назад

    I met Grace in March.... I love her so much!! Also LOVE Soulpancake

  • @MeganJPenney
    @MeganJPenney 11 лет назад

    I think God is a touchy topic because it is very personal. Two people who live in the same house and go to the same church, will most likely have different perspectives on God. I think it's important to note that our connection with 'God' (or another higher being) is all we need to be spiritual. Not rules, or a group, or candles, or prayers. You and God are enough.
    If you like being with others, then good for you. Just don't try to fit into their square expectations if you have circle beliefs.

  • @Ggirl32
    @Ggirl32 10 лет назад +1

    Looooveeee this! Grace is so wonderful :D

  • @VanezitaRamos
    @VanezitaRamos 11 лет назад

    Great video Grace! I definitely agree with you the religion topic is very personal and therefore can become awkward when people with different perspective try to discuss it. It's great that each person has their own belief system, but we all have to remember everyone has a different view and should not be judged as a result of having these different beliefs. As a teacher told me once " religion and politics should not be discussed in public" unless you are ready to argue or open minded .

  • @leeprew
    @leeprew 11 лет назад

    Completely agree with you. Though I am comfortable to discuss my own thoughts on the matter someone else may not be at all comfortable doing so and feel threatened if you try to challenge their views in any way. As long as your beliefs are not affecting those around you in a negative manner there shouldn't be any need or reason to discuss your beliefs if you do not wish to do so.

  • @rappposo
    @rappposo 11 лет назад

    Philosophy has a whole lot of definitions for happiness. Quite a read.

  • @lordcoyote2000
    @lordcoyote2000 11 лет назад

    I believe God to be real. While I don't feel it awkward to talk about God, I shy away from talking about him with strangers due to our current culture of confrontation. I really miss the days when people could simply agree to disagree and leave it at that. These days it seems like it's a prolonged shouting contest and a lot of adults refusing to act like adults. On a happier note, Grace is so wonderful and I'm glad I saw this video.

  • @eightdollarsmore
    @eightdollarsmore 11 лет назад

    God for me is not at all awkward to talk about, mostly because I love talking about it. I love it when people are able to stand up for and defend their views, even if I don't agree. When I'm with most of my friends, sometimes they think it's awkward and sometimes they just don't care. I think it's a really huge and vastly interesting question, and I wish people weren't so afraid to talk about it in a civilized way.

  • @FreakyVenda
    @FreakyVenda 10 лет назад +9

    It's so weird to see Grace being serious...

  • @peterjeong
    @peterjeong 11 лет назад

    Talking about God is not awkward, but it is the most important question. You will live your life based on what you believe. John 3:16

  • @nizpa1989
    @nizpa1989 11 лет назад

    I think it boils down to a debate on - which is the best way to teach others to act on behalf of others? To give charity? To teach people to fish? Is there really a best way? The movie Fearless comes to mind - no wushu is better than another - it's the person. A good heart coupled with good action is the basis of this world existing. Expressing, teaching, and spreading that idea is the subject of much debate.

  • @Himani_inamiH
    @Himani_inamiH 11 лет назад

    Grace is awesome I can see the shy girl in her I love this

  • @bajablast1248
    @bajablast1248 11 лет назад

    I agree! I think it also may be the way that people discuss their beliefs and opinions. I'm usually all for it and don't find it awkward at all if people speak more openly and respectfully. Plus, isn't it just neat to listen to others' viewpoints?

  • @stevensteel7295
    @stevensteel7295 11 лет назад

    you can find and do anything as long as you believe in yourself and the people around you but to make dreams come true you have to have faith and work hard and have fun doing it good luck Grace:)

    @ABOHATEMCH 11 лет назад

    why you don"t say ( Byeeee ) how much I love this word from you and the way you

  • @TwoLegumes
    @TwoLegumes 11 лет назад

    I don't find talking about God awkward at all, He's awesome.

  • @TChoiProductions
    @TChoiProductions 10 лет назад +7

    Only Grace can draw similarities between God and penises and actually make a surprising amount of sense.

  • @chambers023
    @chambers023 11 лет назад

    I feel lastly, that if you bring up the subject; be open minded to the person answering it. Withhold judgements based on your personal regard to the subject. Ask that question but do it for knowledge and understanding. Be mindful and respectful regardless of personal feelings on the subject.

  • @MatthewKirkJunior
    @MatthewKirkJunior 11 лет назад

    Talking about God isn't always awkward. It just depends who the person is, and how far they are willing to step out of their comfort zone. I am a Jesus freak, and I am not afraid to say it over and over again. If you don't agree then there is a conflict, I think that the conflict is what people are afraid of. I love and care about you, even if you believe differently. :)

  • @Rue4815162342
    @Rue4815162342 11 лет назад

    because everyone is so passionate about what God is, it is like if everyone had a different answer to 2+2 but everyone was absolutely positive that their answer was the right one. I'm sure that someone says four but we may never know if they were right or not.

  • @Lor27Lor
    @Lor27Lor 11 лет назад

    We have our own personalities, we're not robots. If we screw up, so be it, you can't blame your problems on someone else.

  • @stevieroxs101
    @stevieroxs101 11 лет назад

    God is amazing nuff said.

  • @CorrsCorrsCorrs
    @CorrsCorrsCorrs 11 лет назад

    i generally just avoid talking about my religious views when i'm with friends from uni, i don't think any of them share the same beliefs as me. sometimes we'll be at a night club and i'll leave early - when i explain it's so i can wake up early for church it gets a little awkward... once i got back to my flat at 4am after a night out, then left again at 8am to help out at a church coffee morning. sometimes being a Christian and uni student is like leading 2 lives!

  • @weslewho
    @weslewho 11 лет назад

    Very well stated. You nailed the extremes.

  • @Isingforlyrics
    @Isingforlyrics 11 лет назад

    From my understanding and experience, most us derive some kind of understanding of God either from one of the world faiths or inspired from those faiths. The reason it can be awkward sometimes is prejudice and close-mindedness. WE THINK WE HAVE TO DISAGREE WITH THOSE WHO SHARE A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE BY DEFAULT because it IS so personal. What I've learned is that God cannot be contained into one simple definition that either of us come up with, there are countless facets to how we understand Him

  • @RaarHelen
    @RaarHelen 11 лет назад

    thanks Dad

  • @katieli6001
    @katieli6001 11 лет назад

    YOU'RE ON SOUL PANCAKEEEE. Grace is so hilarious, I love you!

  • @ellietaylor5144
    @ellietaylor5144 10 лет назад +2

    I think talking about God is an awkward subject due to the fact that (as Grace clearly stated) it is such a personal subject. We all believe different things, whether you believe in God or not can impact (or so you think) on a lot of you lives. If you announce that you are religious there is a small part of you that imminently becomes very self aware and nervous about what other people think. Many people perceive religion as being a burden and a restriction on your life. People look at religion in negative ways and this leads to the subject of God becoming awkward because they don't see the other side of the argument. When talking about God, we all try not to offend one another, we don't want to shove our beliefs or non beliefs down each others throats, this leads to us not speaking our true opinions and it makes it awkward because we are holding things back.

  • @shayq5463
    @shayq5463 11 лет назад

    My 2 favorite channels colliding!!

  • @gimpthemonkey
    @gimpthemonkey 11 лет назад

    I find it awkward to talk about God because often the people I talk to (who don't believe in God) also feel that god or religion has no place in our society. A friend of mine called Newton a bad scientists because he devoted almost as much time to studying religion as he did the physical processes that run our world. I'm not a big believer myself, but I do believe faith has a place in society and a good reason for existing.

  • @eves733
    @eves733 11 лет назад

    Authentic happiness, I like that.

  • @victoriaa2218
    @victoriaa2218 11 лет назад

    Do not apologize for your opinion and belief! What you said was beautiful, and far from offensive.

  • @grungasleachyed
    @grungasleachyed 11 лет назад

    yes they are ! i think on grace and michelles channel

  • @Lor27Lor
    @Lor27Lor 11 лет назад

    The idea of heaven is a thing that keeps people living their life to the fullest, and being good people.

  • @AndiAwaitsyou
    @AndiAwaitsyou 11 лет назад

    Oh my goodness! Don't apologize for you comment it makes a lot of sense. he is probably one of those people who force their religion on someone. You are very smart and i glad there are still some people who are still smart in the world!

  • @himalyaoqyanus
    @himalyaoqyanus 11 лет назад

    Talking about God is not awkward if people are free thinkers and give enough space to each other , it's true that it is so personal and it deals with how you feel about your family or friends, like if some 1 asks you about details you like or you don't like about your close friend , it's so private and based on personal experiences , one might not have experience what you have and therefore what u explain wont make sense for them .

  • @Nvide0
    @Nvide0 11 лет назад

    grace = perfect answers

  • @Josh094
    @Josh094 11 лет назад

    Grace is the best.

  • @MegaTexz
    @MegaTexz 11 лет назад

    It doesn't matter what you believe. Just coexist.

  • @chekek
    @chekek 11 лет назад

    It's awkward because it's something very deep and more of the spirit and soul .Therefore there're many sorts of beliefs that re diverse in accordance with how an individual was brought up and activities in their daily lives and also the general perception of life. So its discussion tends to bring lots of differences among people because each of them believe their ideas of religion are right .

  • @shamelesslyfunsized
    @shamelesslyfunsized 11 лет назад

    I hate how people say that God doesn't exist with absolute certainty with absolutely no proof whether he does or does not. I think talking about God is awkward because people are afraid to say the wrong thing, in a world where we shy away from religion I find it actually takes courage to stand up for your beliefs.

  • @ambre358
    @ambre358 11 лет назад

    this stranger just change her life

  • @MxTarantula
    @MxTarantula 11 лет назад

    I know the feeling dude, it's been that way for me since I was very little.

  • @Snootymatt
    @Snootymatt 11 лет назад

    It's pre-bangs Grace!!!

  • @tillwinterisgone
    @tillwinterisgone 11 лет назад

    Talking about God or religion is a very touchy topic and everyone has strong or some what strong personal beliefs about it. It is hard to talk about because most people are so set in their religion that they refuse to sometimes even listen to anything else.

  • @NatalieCeleste15
    @NatalieCeleste15 11 лет назад

    Well, God is a loaded topic. Like sometimes people just assume I'm a Christian, and when i have to explain that I'm an atheist they ask me a bunch of offensive questions and try to get me to change my perspective. I like being friends with people based upon personality traits, and not their religious affiliation, so it really sucks when people get so defensive and immediately assume I'm going to try and derail their faith because I don't believe in their God.

  • @shary497
    @shary497 11 лет назад

    OMG I just realized she is the girl on the lows commercial

  • @bajablast1248
    @bajablast1248 11 лет назад

    Agnostic more specifically means that you believe no one can really know for sure whether or not we'll be able to know everything about (insert Creator's name here). I hope that made sense. But you are right. Agnostics don't really -deny- the existence of a Creator.

  • @emmetgirl
    @emmetgirl 11 лет назад

    For me, talking about God is awkward because my dad told me when I was about 8 that if I ever wanted to really piss him off, I could become religious. The people I knew who were religious were very firm in their beliefs and weren't comfortable with my total lack of understanding about what you can and can't say/ask about God (or about any number of seemingly unrelated things for fear of offending God), so I stuck to getting my information from books for a long time.

  • @courtney.parrott
    @courtney.parrott 11 лет назад

    The messenger bike vid is the best!

  • @weegreenmonkey
    @weegreenmonkey 11 лет назад

    Grace seems very wise

  • @justinlui
    @justinlui 11 лет назад

    I think because a person's relation to God is supposed to personal. I think that's what religion is (kinda). A relationship between you and something private. And (most) people use that relationship to benefit themselves. Which is good! It gets awkward when people want to know about yours. Or tell you how you should do yours. It's like marriage counseling from a stranger. If your marriage is good, why would you want someone to tell you how there's is better and how you should change?

  • @LieutenantSheep
    @LieutenantSheep 11 лет назад

    Great interview, Grace

  • @maemeebaby
    @maemeebaby 11 лет назад

    I agree with Sarah Hoffman

  • @anewacounta
    @anewacounta 11 лет назад

    For me, the reason talking about God is so awkward is because there's such a wide range of opinions about it. Unless I'm talking to someone I'm close to, I avoid the topic for fear of offending someone or getting into an argument. I also agree with what Grace said, that it can become extremely personal.

  • @cn0te1
    @cn0te1 11 лет назад

    I think it's awkward because people don't see eye to eye on a belief that for many was instilled in them by their loved ones at birth. People also have a desire to be liked and when a polarized topic is the heart of their discussion or interaction, ones nature says to avoid talking or engaging in that interaction with that person. When your brain tells you to avoid talking with someone based on difference of your option, feeling awkward is the result

  • @melanialper6056
    @melanialper6056 9 лет назад

    What is the name of the video where she tells how she was hit by a bike!!! please tell me!!!

  • @kudafo
    @kudafo 11 лет назад

    Talking about God I think is awkward because of the way we choose to talk about Him.
    To often we talk to talk, and we talk at rather than with. Relationship is the key. If you have a relationship with someone, there is a base to talk about these things there is mutual respect of each others opinions which can lead to healthier discussion.

  • @thmowego
    @thmowego 11 лет назад

    Can someone post a link to the video she's talking about? The one where she talks about getting hit by a bike.

  • @Becksnnc
    @Becksnnc 11 лет назад

    I don't find talking about God awkward. I don't believe in God, but if I was in the situation to talk about Him I would happily share my opinion. I admit I don't really have much knowledge on the subject but I am an Agnostic and don't really care either way. I just get on with my life and if people believe in God then that's cool and if others don't then thats cool too. No-one is harming each other so I don't understand why people have to argue about it.

  • @Rodermus
    @Rodermus 11 лет назад

    I know that feeling.

  • @mer_meh
    @mer_meh 10 лет назад +2

    Everyone is talking about God!

  • @wattsnet1
    @wattsnet1 11 лет назад

    Neither... I simply opened my eyes to the possibility that there is more out there than I can completely understand. In doing so, every aspect of life has benefited. My relationships are far more robust. I have a greater capacity for love, compassion, and tolerance.
    But thanks for your reply to my comment and the broad range possible other causes for my awakening.

  • @manuelrodriguez6625
    @manuelrodriguez6625 10 лет назад +1

    Would have loved to see Kurt Schneider get this one.

  • @goldeelokz23
    @goldeelokz23 11 лет назад

    I personally don't think talking about God is awkward. I do think there is a difference between religion and faith, and while I do not consider myself a very religious person, I have an awful lot of faith in the spiritual world around me. I think the level of awkwardness in a conversation about "God" depends on your level of openess to that world and the different perspectives within it.

  • @Charthe1st
    @Charthe1st 11 лет назад

    I love this!

  • @wattsnet1
    @wattsnet1 11 лет назад

    Being a former atheist, I found it really hard to support my position. Our ecosystem alone is a very complex system and, despite our unintentional efforts, it keeps bouncing back. Seems to be some design behind it. Then you get into the existence of good / evil / right / and wrong. There was just way to much work on my part to defend the non-existence of something greater at work. So then I put a call to whatever grand designer was out there... and it answered. Now I'm a believer.. and happier.

  • @Sanne78
    @Sanne78 11 лет назад

    I see Grumpy Cat when looking at that "no" comment..... true and awesome :)

  • @yellowlamp1313
    @yellowlamp1313 11 лет назад

    it wouldn't be a video about dailygrace if it didn't involve at least one awkward hand movement/gesture. i love it.

  • @kujmous
    @kujmous 11 лет назад

    I want to find all the kinds of happiness now. I sometimes touch my nose, too.

  • @235Superman
    @235Superman 11 лет назад

    I relate alot to her lifes big question

  • @jasminerainb
    @jasminerainb 11 лет назад

    I think there are a lot of different reasons for this. Not everyone finds it awkward, and those that do have different reasons. I saw a lot of answer to this in the comments and I think they are all right, but there was one thought that occured to me that I didn't see mentioned. I think some people find it awkward because it is a personally conflicting topic for them. Maybe their life choices don't match up with their true beliefs. Just a thought.

  • @madycomedy
    @madycomedy 11 лет назад

    i think that the human conscience is a powerful thing and if your believe in it enough it will become true to you. i dont believe in God but spirituality is definitely a real thing!

  • @LaurenOwlet
    @LaurenOwlet 10 лет назад

    Talking about God is only awkward if it is done with people who obviously have different beliefs from me. I'm an agnostic, so talking about religion with people who do not subscribe to a religion is very intriguing and intellectually satisfying, I think, whereas talking about God with a person that is very religious is often exceedingly awkward unless he or she is considerably progressive and will not attempt to infringe upon my beliefs.

  • @leeprew
    @leeprew 11 лет назад

    Having a different conceptual view of god and religion to most other people I find it difficult and sometimes awkward explaining that I am not religious but believe in god, but not how most other religions portray god, usually that of some higher being, but as energy that is everywhere and everything, infinity and beyond. It often feels like that scene in Conan The Barbarian where they discuss their gods and try to out do each other. Well my god is everything. Space, time, matter. Beat that!

  • @nizpa1989
    @nizpa1989 11 лет назад

    I wonder if that's the point - if the idea of G-d is also a medium for understanding that every person, every creature, even an atom or quark has the ability to teach something to us, and can give a unique perspective of reality. Every person around us has a deep and unique perspective of the world, and often we think we know it better than another. Good point, Jason.

  • @XPursuitOfEpicnessX
    @XPursuitOfEpicnessX 11 лет назад

    I concur with you!

  • @inarjollyhound
    @inarjollyhound 10 лет назад

    Its hard, because not only do people have different ideas about God, there are people who don't believe in God (Witch is honestly okay) and feel like they might be/are getting unfair treatment. People who believe in god can also feel like they are being treated unfairly by a group of people who think differently. It would be less akward, if we opened our minds beyond both the laws that come from a holy book, personal experience, ancient tales. and the laws that we found through excavation science and logic, and listened to eachother instead of planning out our own explanations from square one as if the world was so simple we could figure it all out on our own.

  • @charmckernan
    @charmckernan 11 лет назад

    I don;t find talking about God/god/gods awkward, but that's only because I'm FASCINATED by religion and how powerful faith and spirituality can be. Any of my friends know that I love talking about beliefs and systems of religion.
    Talking about god is only awkward when people aren't willing to listen to another point of view. No one actually knows the deal about god, so why not hear someone else's theory out? If they don't want to hear you take on things, that's fine! Just ask about there's!