Episode 42: Returning a Wallet

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Shayne is a better person than the rest of us let's be honest.

    ManRay (www.imdb.com/n...) : Excuse me sir, but I do believe you've dropped your wallet.

    Patrick (www.imdb.com/n...) : Doesn't look familiar to me.

    ManRay (www.imdb.com/n...) : What? I just saw you drop it. Here.

    Patrick (www.imdb.com/n...) : Nope, it's not mine.

    ManRay (www.imdb.com/n...) : It is yours. I am trying to be a good person and return it to you.

    Patrick (www.imdb.com/n...) : Return what to who?

    ManRay (www.imdb.com/n...) : [facepalms, then shows Patrick his ID] Aren't you Patrick Star?

    Patrick (www.imdb.com/n...) : Yup.

    ManRay (www.imdb.com/n...) : And this is your ID.

    Patrick (www.imdb.com/n...) : Yup.

    ManRay (www.imdb.com/n...) : I found this ID in this wallet. And if that's the case, this must be your wallet.

    Patrick (www.imdb.com/n...) : That makes sense to me.

    ManRay (www.imdb.com/n...) : Then take it.

    Patrick (www.imdb.com/n...) : It's not my wallet.

    ManRay (www.imdb.com/n...) : [in anger and frustration] You dim-bulb! Take back your wallet or I'll rip your arms off!

    [SpongeBob pushes the tickle button and Man Ray laughs]

    SpongeBob SquarePants (www.imdb.com/n...) : No. Wrong. Good people don't rip other people's arms off!

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