🔔Join my intensive Arabic cours now : withasmae.com/arabic-intensive-course/ to enroll and start your Arabic learning journey with us! whatsapp : +212 6 66881732 Email: learnarabicwithasmae@gmail.com
I love you Asmae .I’m hana ,i so long learn arabic in youtube but still not undestand. But today i learn from you. I’m so happy. You so honest teach us arabic Thank you Asmae
I am Hassan and I am from Africa (Guinea). I stay presently in the United Arab Emirates. With your teaching I am going to speak, and read Arabic. May Allah Bless you for that.
At the very beginning of the video i underestimated it, because it started so easy. But half hour later i realized, that Asmae has a plan how to teach. Respect.
Salamu alaikum, I 'm Nargz and I wanna learn Arabic language but I have artificial eye and I have eye cancer life is so hard for me because I can't feel well but I can listen to you and Allah protect you ❤
Im a native arabic and its so cute to see some people want to speak my language and guys if you had a question or anything u don’t understand, just ask me i’d love to answer u all 😭🌷🤏🏻!!
Aslam alikum iam online quran tuter I need students if anyone wants learn Quran with tajweed tafseer taurjuma plz contact me I really need bucouse of family sport 😢😢😢
I am from Azerbaijan and I was teaching Russian University English language in order to read Kuran learning Arabic your teaching skills and method is very good thanks your very much I am sure your be super teacher among your colleagues. Success.
My Name is Muhiyudheen Koya From Inda Kerala State ( Malabar ) Dear teacher First time my first lesson lam attended your class This is very interesting and very useful InshaAllah I will continue 🌹
No messing about here. The learning begins with your first breath...with an emphasis on speaking. The building-block approach is my favorite and it works. Just terrific! 🙏
Assalaamuallaikum! Greetings from the breathtaking India himalayas! I'm Abdul from Ladakh. I've been thoroughly enjoying your meticulous Arabic teaching videos, which showcase your exceptional teaching skills. Your professional approach and ability to break down complex concepts into easily understandable words and sentences are truly commendable. Congratulations on your outstanding talent for communication and student engagement! Jazakumullah Khair, dear Sister."
I came across other videos of poorly dressed women teaching Arabic, i didnot like, this sister is modestly dressed in islamic attire, her lessons have blessings from Allah, shukran ya ukhti
I am from Kenya, without any knowledge of arabic. I am currently in south Sudan I tried enrolling in a school in juba for leaning Arabic but couldn't get the teacher well.I finally left the school, But here with you, only the first 5 minutes I was already getting the language well. Thanks a lot for having got your class at the right time. You system of teaching Arabic is understandable and easy to follow.
Excellent job Asmae, Keep it up, I have learn so much in 1 hour, that I haven't learn in a year, I like the way word progress to form sentences . Can't wait for the second episode
Ooh masha Allah madam ,i just came across to your channel and as i watch it from the start ibegan to loved it.,,,it really helped me alot to improving my broken arabic as i am a filipina working here in saudi arabia.
I am from Hong Kong. It has been the first time that I come across with this language which I find it interesting to learn. Thanks for your patience in teaching us.
Masha-Allah, your style of teaching is the best I have found. I gave up on Arabic and found it too difficult, however you have given some hope.....😌South Africa
For many years, from childhood to 28 years old, I wanted to learn Arabic, but I hated Arabic because of the wrong teachers, and I always wanted to learn this language in order to understand the Qur'an, but I couldn't, you are the only person with this wonderful knowledge, Beautiful face, kind and eloquent expression made me interested, you revived the interest of learning Arabic language in my heart, thank you so much
I am originally an Arab and I think that the best way to learn languages is to learn to read first, then you can progress even by relying on yourself. This is the best method.
Im half way into the video and i haven't felt soo engaged while learning in a long time. You also make it soo easily for me , thank you soo much.❤ This video really motivates me to learn arabic .😊
Alhamdulillah I am from Bangladesh learn this lesson from you thank you ma'am for support ask to learn Arabic as a Muslim I wanted to learn Arabic every time
Truly appreciate your work! You are not only promoting learning of Arabic language but also promoting and representing heavenly culture of Islam! Stay blessed
Salam! Thank you for your clear lessons. I have been trying to find an Arabic teacher who went slowly, broke down the words to syllables, and focused on speaking rather than writing. This is the first video I have watched of yours and it is wonderful. Shukran!
يا جماعة الخير أذكر نفسى وأخواتى المسلمات بالتزام الحجاب الشرعى وعدم التبرج طاعة لله عز وجل فالموت يأتى بغتة ولا ننسى أن ستر كامل الذراعين والرقبة من الحجاب الشرعي ولا ننسى أن نشر صور نساء متبرجات هى سيئات جارية.....هدانا الله جميعا
🔔Join my intensive Arabic cours now : withasmae.com/arabic-intensive-course/
to enroll and start your Arabic learning journey with us!
whatsapp : +212 6 66881732
Email: learnarabicwithasmae@gmail.com
Allahuma barrik
لله أكبر ولله الحمد..أَننَا فِي هَذِه الحيَاة لِفتْرة قَصِيرَة جِدًّا ، وَهَدفنَا لَيْس الاسْتمْتاع بِمتاع الدُّنْيَا والرَّغبات الجسديَّة ، بل الهدف هُو عِبادة اَللَّه . أَعطَى اَللَّه المسْلمين مُهمَّة مُحَددَة فِي الحيَاة ، وَهِي عِبادة اَللَّه وَحدَه ، وَهذَا يَعنِي عدم الانْغماس بِشَكل مُفْرِط فِي متاع الدُّنْيَا ، بِمَا فِي ذَلِك قَضَاء ساعات عَدِيدَة فِي مُصَاحبَة أَفرَاد الجنْس الآخر ، حَتَّى ولو كَانَت الزَّوْجة الشَّرْعيَّة . الهوس بِالْعلاقات الجسديَّة والْجنْسيَّة يُدمِّر النَّفْس البشريَّة . حَتَّى لَو كان ذَلِك مَشرُوعا دَاخِل الزَّوَاج ، فَإِنهَا رَفاهِية وأيُّ رَفاهِية يَنغَمِس النَّاس فِيهَا بِشَكل مُفْرِط ، يتعرَّضون لِمشاقَّ جَسِيمَة بِسببِهَا . حَتَّى لَو تَناوَل شَخْص مَا اَلكثِير مِن السُّكَّر ، فَإنَّه يُصَاب مرض بِالسُّكَّريِّ . يَتَعرَّض المسْلمون لِلْإهانة والْمعاناة فِي جميع أَنحَاء العالم بِسَبب هذَا المرض اَلجنْسِي . لَا أَستطِيع أن أَتحَمل سَمَاع الكلَام العامِّيِّ مِن الجهَلة عِنْدمَا يتحدَّثون عن الأنْشطة الجنْسيَّة ويسْتخْدمون الأحاديث النَّبويَّة لِنَشر مَبادِئ مُضَللَة . يُثير غَضبِي رُؤيَة النَّاس عندما يسْتخْدمون الإسْلام لِتحْقِيق رغباتهم الشَّخْصيَّة . الزَّوَاج وَالجِنس لَيسَا هُمَا الهدف مِن الحيَاة بِالنِّسْبة لِلْمسْلمين . مَا يُهِم هُو حُبُّ اَللَّه . حَتَّى لَو اِعتبَر شَخْص مَا الزَّوَاج ضَرورِيا ، فلَا يَنبَغِي أن يُقْنِع اَلجمِيع بِالزَّواج فقط لِأنَّنَا نَعتَقِد أَنَّه صَوَاب . كَانَت مَريَم بِنْتُ عِمْرَان عَازِبة . أحبَّهم اَللَّه . و الانْغماس فِي أيِّ نَوْع مِن اَلمُتع يَضُر بِالْبشريَّة . لَم يُرْسِل المؤْمنون إِلى هذَا العالم لِلاسْتمْتاع بِالتَّرف . أَننَا خُلِقنَا لِنعْبد اَللَّه ونطيعه وَرسُوله . عاش نَبِينَا مُحمَّد ( صَلَّى اَللَّه عليْه وَسلَّم ) وفْقًا لِهَذا المبْدأ ، وَعلَى الرَّغْم مِن أَنَّه كان يُمْكِنه أن يَكُون ثريًّا جِدًّا مِن خِلَال القيَام بِأعْمَال تِجارِيَّة كَثِيرَة ، اِخْتَار أن يظلَّ فِي فَقْر حَتَّى وَفاتِه..نَتِيجَة لِانْغماسنَا اَلْخاص ومتابعة عادات غَيْر المسْلمين والْهَوس بِالْأنْشطة الجنْسيَّة ، هُنَاك آلاف مِن الشَّبَاب السُّعوديِّين والشَّباب الكويْتيِّين والْباكسْتانيِّين والرِّجال والنِّساء القطريِّين ، ورجال الأعْمال المسنِّين مِن عُمَان والْبحْرين ، وَحتَّى العلماء مِن إِنْدونيسْيَا وماليزْيَا وأفْريقْيَا وَالهِند ، يتعرَّضون حاليًّا لِتعْذِيب شديد جِدًّا فِي بَرامِج التَّحْقيق فِي عَهْد بُوش اَلتِي لَا تَزَال تَعمَل بِسرِّيَّة فِي اَلعدِيد مِن الدُّول الأوروبِّيَّة . النَّاس يَتَخلَّون عن الإسْلام بالأحشاد لِأنَّهم يشْمئزُّون مِن هوسنَا بِالْجِنْس . هل رأيْتُ يوْمًا كاهنًا مَسيحِيا أو حاخامًا يَهودِيا يَقُوم بِتحْمِيل فِيدْيو فاضحًا مِثْل هذَا؟ مِن تَعتَقِد أنَّ اَللَّه سيسْمح لَه بِدخول الجنَّة ؟ يُحذِّر المسْلمون مِن قَبْل اَللَّه أن يكونوا عَاقلِين . بِالْإضافة إِلى قَاعِدة غُوانْتانامو البحْريَّة فِي كُوبَا ، هُنَاك مَواقِع سَوْداء تقع فِي أفْغانسْتان وليتْوانْيَا ورومانْيَا وبولنْدَا وتايْلانْد وبلْغارْيَا والنَّرْويج وَحتَّى فِي كَندَا ، حَيْث يَتِم أَخْذ مِئَات الرِّجَال والنِّساء والْأطْفال المسْلمين الأبْرياء وتعْريضهم لِلصَّعْق الكهْربائيِّ والاعْتداء اَلجنْسِي مِن قَبْل حُرَّاس أمْريكيِّين... يَحدُث هذَا بِسَبب اِنشِغال اَلكثِير مِن المسْلمين الآن بِالْجماع والْمتْعة الجسديَّة ، وبحْثهم المسْتمرُّ عَبْر الإنْترْنت عن طُرُق لِلاسْتمْتاع بِالْحياة الزَّوْجيَّة . جميع الرِّجَال الَّذين تمَّ القبْض عَليهِم مِن قِبل جِهَات التَّعْذيب فِي المواقع السَّوْداء غَيْر المسْلمة اِعْترفوا بِأنَّهم قد جَربُوا أَنمَاط جِنْسيَّة مُختلفَة مع زوْجاتهم الحلَال ، وَفِي تِلْكَ غُرَفُ التَّحْقيق ، تمَّ إجبارهم لِلاعْتداء جِنْسيًّا على بَناتِهم الخاصَّة . فاتُّقوا اَللَّه ولَا تُصْبحوا مِثْل الحيوانات ! بَعْض حُرَّاس المواقع السَّوْداء أُجْبروا أيْضًا أَبنَاء المسْلمين على الاعْتداء اَلجنْسِي على أُمَّهاتهم ! كُلَّ هؤلاء الأشْخاص كَانُوا يسْتخْدمون الأحاديث النَّبويَّة والْقرْآن لِتبْرِير مُمَارسَة الجنْس المُشين مع شُركائهم الزَّوْجيْنِ المسْلمين . لِذَلك أَقُول لِلْجمِيع أن يكونوا عَازبِين وعفيفين . يَصرُخ بَعْض المسْلمين فِي وَجهِي ، قَائلِين لَا تَجعَل الحلَال حرامًا ! أَقُول لَهُم لَا تجرَّؤوا على إِلقَاء اللَّوْم على اَللَّه عِنْدمَا تتعرَّضون لِلتَّعْذيب فِي تِلْك المواقع السَّوْداء . الغالبيَّة اَلعُظمى مِن الَّذين تعرَّضوا لِلتَّعْذيب فِي تِلْك السُّجون أصْبحوا غَيْر مُسْلمِين وكرهوا الإسْلام ، وألْقَوْا اللَّوْم على اَللَّه لِاخْتباراتهم . لَم يتعرَّضوا فقط لِلاعْتداء اَلجنْسِي والتَّعْذيب ، بل أيْضًا تخلَّوْا عن إِيمانهم وَدينِهم . هذَا مَا يَحدُث عِنْدمَا يَنخَرِط المسْلمون فِي علاقَات جِنْسيَّة مَرِيضَة ومنْحرفة ويعاملون زوْجاتهم أو أزْواجهم كوسيلة لإشباع الرغبات الجنسية. لَقد أُجرِيت مُقابلات مع آلاف مِن المسلمين السابقين واعْترفوا جميعًا بِأنَّهم كَانُوا نشطين جِدًّا فِي العلاقات الزَّوْجيَّة ، وكانوا يُجرِّبون دائمًا أَسالِيب جِنْسيَّة مَرَضيَّة مع زوْجاتهم ، بِطرق حَلَال بِالطَّبْع ، بِاسْتخْدام أَلعَاب جِنْسيَّة وتصرُّفات أُخرَى مَرِيضَة . الآن ، لَم يُصْبحوا فقط مسلمين سابقين بل أيْضًا يَدعُون ضِدُّ اَللَّه وَرسُوله .. يَجِب أن نُركِّز على الإسْلام واتِّبَاع سنة اَلنبِي الحقيقيَّة . لِذَا دعو الجميع يكونوا مُتديِّنين ، دُون التَّرْكيز على اَلحُب لِلْأزْواج والْهَوس بِالسَّعادة فِي هَذِه الحيَاة . لَقد خُلقنَا لِلْحيَاة اَلآخِرة ، وليْس لِإيجَاد السَّعادة والْحبِّ فِي هذَا العالم . الهوس بِالْحبِّ لِلْبشر أحْيانًا هُو السَّبب فِي أنَّ اَلعدِيد مِن النِّسَاء والرِّجال ينْهارون تمامًا عَاطفِيا وَجسدِيا . فِي تجْربَتي الشَّخْصيَّة ، رأيْتُ العشرات مِن الأشْخاص الَّذين كَانُوا مُفْرطِين جِنْسيًّا مع زوْجاتهم ، وَهُو مَسمُوح تمامًا فِي الدِّين ، وَلكِن رأيْتَهم يُعانون مِن أشدِّ الألم والْمعاناة . أَعتَقد أَنَّه بِسَبب تَعرُّض المسْلمين لِلْإهانة والْمعاناة فِي جميع أَنحَاء العالم ،
When to use لست and ليس
Wassalam. How much is it
I love you Asmae .I’m hana ,i so long learn arabic in youtube but still not undestand. But today i learn from you. I’m so happy. You so honest teach us arabic Thank you Asmae
@@rohanaali6829 if you want some help i can help you i speak arabic 😭🌷🌷
انا من غانا الحمدلله تعلمت اللغة العربية اتكلم واكتب واقرا بها جيدا ❤❤
إذا اردت مساعدة اكثر او كنت تبحث عن من تتحدث معه مرحبا بك صديقي
How did you learn arabic?
Thanks a lot
هنيئا لك
داوم على قراءة القرآن الكريم
Mashalla you are lucky
I am a Bangladeshi but I live in Saudi Arabia. I learn Arabic from your course. You teach very good Arabic.
Bro..I'm also Bangladeshi and we need to group study.
alhamdurilallah im also bangladeshi and im in the uae
@@goold2449 😢 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔?????????
لكل من يريد يتعلم العربية، وفقكم الله.❤
I am from Colombia. I am learning Arabic and Turkish. This channel is excellent. Thank you for your classes. Allah bless you.
Me too is the best because of practice and repetition
I want to learn Turkish how can I learn?
@@majidriaz4671by learning
حظا طيبا
Nice... I'm Colombian too, how long time do you start to learn arabic bro?
I am 58 yrs old from CT South Africa. Enjoying this class. May Allah SWT bless you.
Thank you for helping me, Allah bless u I'm new Muslim.
I am Hassan and I am from Africa (Guinea). I stay presently in the United Arab Emirates. With your teaching I am going to speak, and read Arabic. May Allah Bless you for that.
Amiin ya rabbal alamiin
This lady is very good, i mean really good !
لكل من يريد تعلم اللغة العربية منكم وفقكم الله
Amiin ya rabbal alamiin
I'm from Pakistan. I love your teaching style. The way you have designed this course it makes learning Arabic easy and fun. Thanks
I am from Malaysia. Your course is very clear and easy to understang. Pray Allah bless you for your untiring efforts.
At the very beginning of the video i underestimated it, because it started so easy. But half hour later i realized, that Asmae has a plan how to teach. Respect.
Thank you so much for your feedback!
Salamu alaikum, I 'm Nargz and I wanna learn Arabic language but I have artificial eye and I have eye cancer life is so hard for me because I can't feel well but I can listen to you and Allah protect you ❤
I feel very sorry for you sister , may Allah heal you
Walekum assalam.
Sad to hear about you can we conversation together
الله يشفيك 🤲
I ask Allah to save you my sister, if you want to practice Arabic with together I will be happy .
May Allah cure your eyes. Ameen
This is one of the best arabic learning videos I've seen in my life. Masha Allah great work.
Im a native arabic and its so cute to see some people want to speak my language and guys if you had a question or anything u don’t understand, just ask me i’d love to answer u all 😭🌷🤏🏻!!
Do you have any RUclips
@@suhaybjama2955 no i do have insta and tiktok but if u wanna ask here its okay🌷🌷
Its not your language its our language 😊
@@HostallifewithZain ueah its just a mistake
Ma sha allah sister ...i am from bangladesh....i wanna learn Arabic...may allah make it easy for me .. everyone plz pray for me😊
same for me
May Allah make it easy for you and all of us
Aslam alikum iam online quran tuter I need students if anyone wants learn Quran with tajweed tafseer taurjuma plz contact me I really need bucouse of family sport 😢😢😢
Ok InshaAllah
Respect and appreciation from Pakistan for your kind and excellent way of teaching Arabic
I am from Azerbaijan and I was teaching Russian University English language in order to read Kuran learning Arabic your teaching skills and method is very good thanks your very much I am sure your be super teacher among your colleagues. Success.
Assalamu alaikum sister Nigar. So good to hear that there are still some Muslims in Azerbaijan who want to study Qur’an.
@@VigilanteMian Still.....,. Some........ Wonderful ?
I just love turkey..Azerbaijan vlogs I watch ❤
Whenever you say "good job", it motivates me to learn more
Shukran jazila
My Name is Muhiyudheen Koya
From Inda Kerala State ( Malabar )
Dear teacher
First time my first lesson lam attended your class
This is very interesting and very useful InshaAllah I will continue 🌹
I am a filipino. Thanks to your channel , it helps a lot for me to.learn arabic
جزاك الله خيرا
No messing about here. The learning begins with your first breath...with an emphasis on speaking. The building-block approach is my favorite and it works. Just terrific! 🙏
Your enthusiasm for teaching Arabic is contagious. Keep spreading the love for the language! ♥
Greetings from the breathtaking India himalayas! I'm Abdul from Ladakh. I've been thoroughly enjoying your meticulous Arabic teaching videos, which showcase your exceptional teaching skills. Your professional approach and ability to break down complex concepts into easily understandable words and sentences are truly commendable. Congratulations on your outstanding talent for communication and student engagement! Jazakumullah Khair, dear Sister."
I am a Thai person living in Thailand. I regularly follow the teacher's clips. The teacher is very good at teaching very well. Thank you very much.😊😊😊
Gerçekten çok iyi öğretiyorsun.
I came across other videos of poorly dressed women teaching Arabic, i didnot like, this sister is modestly dressed in islamic attire, her lessons have blessings from Allah, shukran ya ukhti
Great video thanks
Is this standard modern or Levantine?
Jazakallah khair to a great teacher.please continue uploading next lessons, teacher❤
ashame where have been this long?.this is amazing teacher ever ...she makes learning more easy and interested...wow ..you are second to none Asmae
Masha Allah Tabarakallah sister May Allah bless you and protect you. You are the best teacher I have ever seen so far.
Hello I am from India and I am a beginner in Arabic
My name is Moussa I come from Africa ( Guinea 🇬🇳) Thanks for your patience and help ❤
Assalamualaikum Asma, you are the best Arabic teacher I ever meet, thank you very much, may Allah bless you & your family, aamiin
If you're loving our Arabic lessons, consider supporting us to keep the learning journey alive!
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Alhamdulillah , i just want to know , are all the video you make in this channel is for Modern Standard Arabic or Dialect Arabic? Jazakillah Khoir ...
AamaQuran hiyougood ood
Afhamu you hi
Nosusu you no hi
I am from Pakistan, I found your method of teaching is very useful and excellent
انا من باکستان، انا ارید ان اتعلم اللغتہ العربیہ۔ اتکلم اللغتہ العربیہ قلیلا و افھم قلیلا لکن ان شا اللہ، سوف اتکلم
Your are from pak and you want to learn Arabic grammar ...wht is in Arabic after this sentences
I am from Kenya, without any knowledge of arabic. I am currently in south Sudan I tried enrolling in a school in juba for leaning Arabic but couldn't get the teacher well.I finally left the school, But here with you, only the first 5 minutes I was already getting the language well. Thanks a lot for having got your class at the right time. You system of teaching Arabic is understandable and easy to follow.
أنا بنجلاديشي ولكني أعيش في المملكة العربية السعودية. أتعلم اللغة العربية من الدورة الخاصة بك. أنت تعلم اللغة العربية بشكل جيد جدا.🥰🥰
أنتِ تعلِّمين اللغة العربية بشكل جيد * لأنها مخاطب مؤنث
@@khaoulahl5356أنا لست جيدًا، لكني أحاول أن أتعلم جيدًا
@khaulah5356 *مخاطبة
ভাই তো মা শা আল্লাহ ভালোই আরবী পারেন।
Your Arabic pronunciation is easy to understand for learners. Keep up the good work. Blessings, sister!
Allah bless you both in Dunya and Aakirah. AMEEN
I really tried to understand quran with meaning..
Finally i got the platform where i can learn to speak and understand quran Insallah
Thank you for this lesson. In sha Allah I will learn Arabic
Alhamdulillaah I found this youtube channel, it really help me to learn arabic, your teach is easy to understand..
Jzakallah khair sister! I am from USA learning Arabic from you! Love it
I'm very happy because we have a Muslim and learn Arabic and from the US, God bless you and if you need any help we are ready for you
A natural born teacher with great didactic talent, chapeau!
Excellent job Asmae, Keep it up, I have learn so much in 1 hour, that I haven't learn in a year, I like the way word progress to form sentences . Can't wait for the second episode
أحسنت، حظا طيبا
Fantastic I'm in Saudi Arabia
I learn to speak.with the support of ur video.
Thank you very much. You are relly good teacher. I hope you also teach high levels too.
You are the best arabic Teacher i know, i Love your classes.
Thank you for the class Teacher.
لكل من يريد تعلم العربية وفقكم الله ❤
Aameen ya Allah
@@mohammadpathan1 اذا أردت مساعدة اسألني لا تتردد ، وفقك الله أخي
I love your channel! I'm from Brazil and living in the US. I have a passion for the Arabic language and culture. I'm learning a lot!
I am a native speaker of Saudi Arabia. I want to learn English and someone will teach me Arabic.
Best Teacher 🇧🇩
I am Persian living I Canada and I love to learn Arabic
Thanks for your wonderful class and teaching ❤❤❤
👍😍 you have entire different methodology in arabic teaching. I like your style 😘👌
Ooh masha Allah madam ,i just came across to your channel and as i watch it from the start ibegan to loved it.,,,it really helped me alot to improving my broken arabic as i am a filipina working here in saudi arabia.
Great lessons, I love them. I suscribed to your channel, thank you!
My name is sulaiman Mahmoud maiso from Uganda. You teach well Arabic language. We need more assessments dear ,keep it up. 🎉
Myself I am Isaac from Uganda I'm here in Dubai let me appreciate the way you teaching us Arabic thank you so much
me am a ugandan and am sure i will learn Arabic with you ASMAE in shaa Allaah may Allah enables me coz language barrier is a big problem.
Assalamualikum sister, I want to learn Arabic ,excellent teaching.
Today I did three lessons and yes your teaching style is great.
I am from Hong Kong. It has been the first time that I come across with this language which I find it interesting to learn. Thanks for your patience in teaching us.
She is a natural teacher - very kind and patient with us... I think, after all, I like the internet -
Alhamdulillah.. Smoga istiqomah blajar bahasa arab.
Dear Sister ALHAMDOLLILLH you are Wonderful Teacher 🙏🙏 from Los Angeles California.
Me encantan tus vídeos. He pasado un año entero en Duolingo, pero con tus vídeos aprendo muchísimo más.
Very good knowledge 👌..
From 2day u r our teacher...v don't want 2 miss any of ur clip..
thanks 🎉🎉🎉
Masha-Allah, your style of teaching is the best I have found. I gave up on Arabic and found it too difficult, however you have given some hope.....😌South Africa
For many years, from childhood to 28 years old, I wanted to learn Arabic, but I hated Arabic because of the wrong teachers, and I always wanted to learn this language in order to understand the Qur'an, but I couldn't, you are the only person with this wonderful knowledge, Beautiful face, kind and eloquent expression made me interested, you revived the interest of learning Arabic language in my heart, thank you so much
Watch amir sohail for arabic grammer for quran,best teacher❤❤❤
I am an English teacher. I want to learn Arabic. I like your teaching very much. May Allah grant you and reward you Jannatul Firdaus, Ameen
You are blessed, alhamdullilah
I am originally an Arab and I think that the best way to learn languages is to learn to read first, then you can progress even by relying on yourself. This is the best method.
Thank you ukhti..i'm from indonesian nice to learn arabic✍️🏼👍
Ok you hi good
Indan aam
MashaAllah Hazrat Khadija (r,a
Ki Tarah Saqi Rahem o karam
Karne wali👏👏👏👏🤝
I m from India sister. You doing a great job. Learning from your videos. Allah bless you sister..
The way was best when colour match words in both Arabic n in transliteration
Im half way into the video and i haven't felt soo engaged while learning in a long time. You also make it soo easily for me , thank you soo much.❤ This video really motivates me to learn arabic .😊
My elder brother speaks arabic very well
Alhamdulillah I am from Bangladesh learn this lesson from you thank you ma'am for support ask to learn Arabic as a Muslim I wanted to learn Arabic every time
أنا طالب من امريكا ،و أريد تتحدث اللغة العربية ، شكراً جزيلاً يا اختي
أظن أنك تجيد العربية ؟؟
أنا معلم للغۃ العربیۃ الفصحی ۔۔۔۔
You are a pro at teaching arabic. I'm Somali, and I really want to learn.
Ana oreedo Al ata'allamal arabiyya❤❤
Your way of teaching is super simplified. kindly make more such videos of longer duration so that one can play it while driving/workouts.
I want to learn arabic with asmaa❤❤❤❤❤
I am a Nigerian.May Allah SWT reward you abundantly amin.
It's wonderful my name is Martin Campos from Lima Perú 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Best ever teacher I found online good job.
Ramadan Mubarak to all 💞
Same to you 😊
Where are you from
U from Saudi Arabia
Truly appreciate your work! You are not only promoting learning of Arabic language but also promoting and representing heavenly culture of Islam! Stay blessed
إذا اردت مساعدة اكثر او كنت تبحث عن من تتحدث معه مرحبا بك صديقي If you want more help or are looking for someone to talk to, welcome, my friend
Need more of what stupid
تذوقت درسك. نافعا جدا
I'm from Bangladesh,.
🤲🕋 الله اکبر
Am from Malawi and I thank u so much for this course
l am from in egypt
l can speak arabic and english very good ❤
This classes it is great 🎉
I worked n Saudi Arabia for several years Not fluent but can communicate in Arabic But ur channel gives more insight Love the Language
أنا من إندونيسيا، أنا أريد ان أتعلم الغة العربيه معك
Ayo belajar bareng saya
انا ايضا
Salam! Thank you for your clear lessons. I have been trying to find an Arabic teacher who went slowly, broke down the words to syllables, and focused on speaking rather than writing. This is the first video I have watched of yours and it is wonderful. Shukran!
Wa alaikum assalam! Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. Shukran!
يا جماعة الخير أذكر نفسى وأخواتى المسلمات بالتزام الحجاب الشرعى وعدم التبرج طاعة لله عز وجل فالموت يأتى بغتة ولا ننسى أن ستر كامل الذراعين والرقبة من الحجاب الشرعي ولا ننسى أن نشر صور نساء متبرجات هى سيئات جارية.....هدانا الله جميعا
good infurmation kalam ahsan
Do not go to Western countries