It’s obvious you’re a mother first before being the “Wild Woman of Bavaria”. Being the protective mother of children, you definitely plan for unexpected events keeping them safe. Sharing your survival skills with us shows your caring personality for everyone. The world needs more people like you.
Was a boy scout as a young man. Saved me lots of grief during my time in Bavaria. I learned the principles of the five 'P's. Prior planning prevents poor performance. Always had the sun to go with here, but Kansas has few forests that make that less than reliable. Was on range police at Graf when I discovered an illicit dump. I barely made a dent in it with my 50 gallon trash bag, but when I went to get help discovered I was alone. Is a disconcerting experience, but as you said; follow the signs of life, there are always people there. Take good care of the kids!
Very, very interesting topic, you did very well making a video, with suggestions for dealing with these situations that occur very often. Your advice is optimal and professional, it can save a life. Very beautiful video. Hello, good day👍
Very helpful video Vanessa. Thanks for putting it together. Carry a drinking straw water filter. Very light and compact. Every kid belt should have multitool, water bottle, drinking straw filter, waterproof matches, cordage, 2 emergency space blankets, headlamp, first aid kit and snacks, whistle and Identification card.🙂❤❤❤❤🙏
👍, this would be a good way to get kids to go out and learn this if they had one of these kid's survival belts. Could be a money maker for someone too. Great idea. Than the parent still needs their's too for instructions. Could be a family package.
Поддерживаю , но ,как инструктор по выживанию ,считаю что для указанный Вами набор несколько избыточен. И даже более важно не только ЧТО есть в наборе но и знание и умение КАК этим пользоваться. С ребенком это обучение можно провести в форме игры. В наборе Вы упустили такую мелочь как розжиг (просто спичками не всегда просто разжечь огонь) пусть даже это пара тройка ватных дисков из косметического набора в герметичном зип-лок пакетике но уже будет проще . Мультитул избыточен, а вот просто складной ножик нужен. Аптечка как таковая для ребенка , без знания лекарств, может быть даже опасна .
Thank you so much for making this important subject public Even people living in cities need these useful tips ! Many drive through vast areas of wilderness with no skills
This is a excellent video 👍 I have grown up in the woods so while I don’t get scared if I lose track of where I am I do know how to get out . If I am in doubt mark where you have been and find a point in direction you want to go, go to that point and mark it. Repeat this and you will go in a straight line keep 3 marks in a row or you will go in a big circle! One point when you go out make sure someone knows where you are going and when you will be expected Back. Good job Vanessa 👍👍🎩
Ich lebe in einer kleinen landwirtschaftlichen Gemeinde. Viele junge Familien ziehen aus den Städten oder anderen Teilen unseres Landes hierher. Ich werde Ihr Video auf unserer Stadtseite veröffentlichen, damit die jungen Familien an die Waldgebiete denken und lernen, wie sie sich und ihre Kinder schützen können. Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass das Kind gefunden wurde. Vielen Dank, Vanessa
Great video Vanessa. You always pick the important subjects to talk about. It is obvious How you feel it is important to you, that, people have this knowledge. You are a good caring person. Good job.
Great video and advice, Vanessa. I always remember the old advice. As soon as you realize you are lost, do not travel anymore. Chances are, you are not too far from the ones who are searching for you. If you keep on wandering around aimlessly, you will probably make it harder for the ones trying to find you. Best wishes, Vanessa... John
Good presentation Vanessa. A subject that most people rarely think about. It's a lot easier to become lost than most people would think. This is particularly true in dense wooded areas in remote locations. Thank you for your common sense suggestions.
Hi Vanessa ... Excellent video ... Really like your comment about marking trees in your line of sight to keep you going in as straight a line as possible. It may be harder in thick underbrush, but picking your way-points closer together instead of farther away will improve your chances of keeping in a straight line. Hi to the boys, and all the best wishes to you and the family from Alaska.
When I was a kid I got lost in the English Lake District, I just walked and walked until I was exhausted, I just sat down and gave up, fortunately some people drove by in a car and took me to the police station, there's not much you can do when you are alone and not prepared, it's good to teach children how to survive.
Lots of good advice in your video Vanessa. I began exploring the forest and swamps near my childhood home in central Florida at age 12 (61 years ago) 😎 The times and culture were much much different in 1960. My parents taught me many of the things you talk about in this video before I was allowed to explore by myself. This is not possible today for 99% of children today in America. I have also participated in several "search and rescues" in difficult mountainous terrain. That said... The most important "tool" one has to survive when lost lies between ones "ears"--your BRAIN! My best suggestion(s) if you become lost are. 1. Remain where you are after you discover that you are, in fact, lost. Do not try to hike out unless there is a compelling reason to do so.(Adults use your best judgement.) Children, depending on their age and ability, should NOT MOVE after becoming lost!!! Children should learn to use life saving signaling devices like a whistle, flashlight, and a mirror. One can buy flashlights that send a flashing signal or an SOS signal. Very handy at night for airplanes or helicopters to see. A mirror can serve the same purpose in the day time. Continuing to move without knowing where you are makes the SAR(Search and Rescue) team's job exponentially more difficult. 2. As Vanessa says, DO NOT panic. Sit down and assess your situation. Then begin to plan how you will spend the night if that becomes necessary. Do NOT move from that spot. Wait until the SAR teams find you. Experienced SAR workers will tell you that continuing to move without a compelling reason is the #1 reason people become hopelessly lost and far more difficult to locate. pete
Good ideas! When dad said do not go north, go south as a teen, I got confused and lost in the mountains. I followed candy wrappers to an old hunter who had a radio to call my mom.I got a ride to a restaurant! My family came to get me in the snow storm.
Very very good video on a very important topic. People should always expect the unexpected and try to prepare for it. I know it's impossible to carry everything with you all the time, but I'm a firm believer in multi use items. I applaud you for talking about a subject that not many outdoor people talk about. It's a very important topic that more should talk about. Stay safe and healthy and keep up the good work.
Great suggestions! Remaining calm is key in any survival situation. Poor decisions can get a person killed, so it's always best to do a little research before heading out into the wild.
Hello Vanessa.. When i got lost in the forest i took a look at the trees. By doing that you can see what side of the trees are green with moss. By following them and keeping the moss side behind me i found the way out and back to safety.. Regards Mick.. x
Hi Vanessa, this is an excellent video on a subject which has probably effected most of our lives at some stage. It's easy to get lost in a forest, with no point of reference, you could just walk around in circles! The amount of detail you provide in your video is amazing, and would be life saving knowledge to learn and prepare your children for such an emergency. Carrying a few items you highlight, will you give you a better chance of survival. Thank you for making this video, and making us aware of the dangers.🆘🌹💗🌹
Being prepared is very important. Children should be taught different survival tools.They also need to know how to protect themselves. I am glad you made this video. Maybe when out in nature do trial run of different scenarios. I have learned a lot myself, how to survive in nature and urban. Take care.
Don't panic is the first thing, so important. Always carry fire, some type of shelter, a compass is never out of battery. Appreciate you covering this important topic.
Very good indeed Vanessa. The kid's survival belt would get them more interested and want to go out and use it. This could be a good marketing plan to get parents to take their kids out and off the phone. Back to reality. I think you got something here.🌹👍
Thanks you for bringing this subject up. People do often overlook some of these things. You did great on the video . Thanks for sharing. Have a great week Vanessa 👍👋
It's important for parents to show their children or to let watch people like you Vanessa in how to cope in a emergency situation, how to make a fire 🔥 for warmth and to signal and how to find shelter or to make shelter , for them to have the right information for notification on them and have a small flashlight and whistle a mirror can signal someone, to stay in the same place where you are first lost is another good idea , the natural world 🌎 is a beautiful place but it can be the most deadly . Vanessa ♡♡♡, Your video has saved life .
Took my 12 year old son and his friend on a backpacking trip. They ran off ahead on a hike and missed a crucial turn in the trail and ended up on the wrong side of a wide and deep ravine. I hiked on the correct trail and I was so happy he did what I taught him: he realized he was lost, STOPPED, and yelled for help. I heard him across the ravine and guided him back to the correct trail.
Vanessa, You are an incredibly smart young lady! My husband & I are impressed with your knowledge about how to prepare your children & yourself before going on a hike or traveling anywhere. U really are an incredible teacher,. We will be following you, take care.
All good info I hope your standing as a mother helps other mothers teach their children to survive in the lost situations. As a hunter outdoorsman I am often seeking to get lost in the woods knowing I am comfortable in such survival situations. But it made me think back to raising my son's in the forest and desert, my teaching them to survive. And I think of my grand daughter, is my son spending the time in the outdoors with her to teach her these outdoors ways? So I share this with my grand daughter so she hears it from a mother also and it sticks in her head. Thank you and blessings to you and yours.
Very good video. As a former police officer, I would recommend adding to the "plastic covered" (laminated) identification card a family photo so that first responders can see a picture of the child with their parents and siblings. It can provide to the lost individual something to "rally to", to hold on to the positive that they are looking for you and you need to do your best to get back to them. It also gives the first responders a visual indication of the who is actually family. Love your work and your passion! Gott Segne from the USA.
Great video. Usually best too stay put when you know people are trying to find you. I kinda expected near the end that if you are at the point to find your way to civilization is to follow small streams that lead to bigger streams that lead to small rivers that will lead to civilization. (Of course this might not be the closest place to find help.) But if you have no other options it may be the only choice.
I can never tell when these videos are made.i just know she is sick and I hope she will be alright. And will have no problem sending her more cash if she really needs it to help her with her children and animals. She is a real special person. And a real person.
Great video. Please do not let a few negative comments get you down. You do a great job and are spectacular. Stay focused and your friends will be there. I know I will
Vanessa, very good general advice. The Hawk ( wind) can also kill you,so always try to get shelter at times. Hypothermia sneaks up on you - keep moving ,use leaves,anything to stay warm. Semper Fi- Peter
Hi Vanessa. I really enjoyed your latest video very interesting and important tips for everyone which could save a life. Love your videos here in the uk.thank you. 👍👌
Love the bushcraft material you have for your kid's , good thing for them to have and be taught how to use it. Yes it dosnt take much to get lost so agree, I believe it is important to know what to do if lost in the forest such as what to have on you just incase, what you should do first and so on to survive in any season. great tips Vanessa thank you
I liked a lot of your tips, especially ways to use the reflective emergency blanket. Instead of carrying a red marker crayon, maybe bring part of a roll of surveyor's flagging tape in a bright color not found in nature, like bright pink. You can tie small bits to branches to mark your way. Maybe carry a permanent marker to write on the tape. Time you were there, directional arrows etc. It would help searchers find you. But all of the rescue personnel say to stay put, don't try to hike out on your own (unless you were alone and no one knows where you went). I like the idea of the small waist pack with emergency items. I think on or two Bic type lighters would be better for fire starting than a fire steel, especially for younger hikers.
If your advice helps even one person that would be wonderful 😊 but the fact is 99 percent of people that would find this useful won't listen. The best part of your advice was stay calm stop and make noise. Thank you for caring enough to make this video. You have my respect.
Venessa if parents are going to take children in to the woods they should have a basic knowledge of tracking and teach the children. When the child gets lost once they sit and calm down they should have the know how to follow their own tracks backwards to where they last where with their family. If all parents would gain this knowledge before going into the woods it would help cut down on search and rescue /recovery. By age 8 I could track a squirrel to it's acorn stash. And that is why when my family was hunting they would call me to track a wounded animal for recovery. Even my father would have track his deer and he is the one that started me learning to track I kept learning on my own. Tracking animals or humans is no difference. No matter how hard you try there will be tracks, a leaf turned or a rock over, broken twigs both on the ground and above.
All very true Johnny but sadly few bother or are shown such skills, and when you put panic in the pot anything can happen, as accidents do. Good tracking skills are a major plus to anyone providing the weather is with you.
This is top, you tell about things most of us only think off when it's too late, thanks for making and sharing! Thanks also for helping me to keep my children safe! One thing I don't understand: At this moment almost 10.000 people have seen this video. Are they all alone with no kids in their family? If not, can somebody explain me why ONLY 10% thought "he good idea - great tips - wow you woke me up" or whatever?! Please tell me they didn't know there is a like-button that will help to get more of this... Sorry Vanessa, I can only click once, otherwise I would react for 90% by telling you "I appreciate what you do!" just with one simple click...
Hey there. I have never been to Germany , but here in America we have millions of acres of forest. It's really easy to get off trail or get get lost or turned around. Your suggestions are all really very good. Don't worry about telling and negative comments. It's always good to turn a negative into a positive. Finding your child is a big positive for Shure. Keep up your good works. Thanks for sharing I'm shure it will help someone. Your extended family in America. Billy...
Vanessa, this was one of the most important videos you have made, and you had my undivided attention all along. Getting lost can be minimised by proper briefing before the walking party sets out. If you are dealing with older teenagers and adults, they should be briefed as to their current position. Then a lost drill needs to be explained. Your 1 h wait if lost is very good advice. If the lost person decides to move on, it is useful to know haw to determine direction using the sun, as you rightly explained. Then you are not walking in circles, which is so easy to do. I have been taught to "handrail." You aim in a general direction, eg, "If lost move north until you hit the river. Then move west until to hit the river junction. Wait there for help. Gather around. Follow my pen on the map. Are there any questions?" The river junction or other reference point should be selected such that wherever you exit along the northern edge of the forest, the reference point is due west. If you are unlucky to get lost in the forest at night, it is really useful to have a torch, as Vanessa pointed out. Avoid moving in thick forest at night, even with a torch, as you could be blinded by branches and spruce needles. At night time, if the ground conditions allow, I would light a fire. It's good for moral and keeps you warm. if however, you are being hunted by a nasty man, do not light fires. Make as little noise as possible and cover yourself as best you can with natural foliage. Use your whistle. You should have a distress call, eg, 3 short blows followed by 3 long blows by 3 short blows "SOS." Remember what Vanessa told you -- Do not try to signal to helicopters from within the forest. You cannot be seen. You must move to a clearing, or light a fire and create smoke, or carry coloured smoke grenades, as the colour of the smoke will rise above the tree canopy. You can also leave messages at important locations, eg, a car crash site. Write down your name and anyone else, your direction of movement, if injured, food, water situation etc. A great video by a beautiful host Vanessa.
Well done Vanessa and as always Looking so good . Nice video full of Information . Also with the Child maybe some Glow sticks in the Bag. extra Batteries. Enjoyed this video Vanessa - Laterz my Cyber friend- Leland
I've been lost in the woods before. Not fun. It can happen to anybody no matter how experienced or knowledgeable they are. Luckily, I was able to get my bearings and make it out unscathed. Knowing basic orienteering skills is very important.
I live in the Czech Republic, so I know about this case. All credit to the people who never stopped looking for her.
What about that crazy guy in Norway with the bow and arrows? We need to warn our kids about this danger. Just like we're warned about rattlesnakes.
It’s obvious you’re a mother first before being the “Wild Woman of Bavaria”. Being the protective mother of children, you definitely plan for unexpected events keeping them safe. Sharing your survival skills with us shows your caring personality for everyone. The world needs more people like you.
As a former volunteer search and rescue member, thank you for posting this information!
Was a boy scout as a young man. Saved me lots of grief during my time in Bavaria. I learned the principles of the five 'P's. Prior planning prevents poor performance.
Always had the sun to go with here, but Kansas has few forests that make that less than reliable. Was on range police at Graf when I discovered an illicit dump. I barely made a dent in it with my 50 gallon trash bag, but when I went to get help discovered I was alone. Is a disconcerting experience, but as you said; follow the signs of life, there are always people there.
Take good care of the kids!
Very, very interesting topic, you did very well making a video, with suggestions for dealing with these situations that occur very often. Your advice is optimal and professional, it can save a life. Very beautiful video. Hello, good day👍
Thank you, Vanessa, for this important information.
Very helpful video Vanessa. Thanks for putting it together. Carry a drinking straw water filter. Very light and compact. Every kid belt should have multitool, water bottle, drinking straw filter, waterproof matches, cordage, 2 emergency space blankets, headlamp, first aid kit and snacks, whistle and Identification card.🙂❤❤❤❤🙏
👍, this would be a good way to get kids to go out and learn this if they had one of these kid's survival belts. Could be a money maker for someone too. Great idea. Than the parent still needs their's too for instructions. Could be a family package.
Поддерживаю , но ,как инструктор по выживанию ,считаю что для указанный Вами набор несколько избыточен. И даже более важно не только ЧТО есть в наборе но и знание и умение КАК этим пользоваться. С ребенком это обучение можно провести в форме игры. В наборе Вы упустили такую мелочь как розжиг (просто спичками не всегда просто разжечь огонь) пусть даже это пара тройка ватных дисков из косметического набора в герметичном зип-лок пакетике но уже будет проще . Мультитул избыточен, а вот просто складной ножик нужен. Аптечка как таковая для ребенка , без знания лекарств, может быть даже опасна .
Thank you so much for making this important subject public
Even people living in cities need these useful tips !
Many drive through vast areas of wilderness with no skills
Ben hugty ik frag yau he dig con ik grag nu satly japan...
Thank you so much 😊
Outstanding Video. So practical. I can hear the passion in your voice. Well done.
This is a excellent video 👍 I have grown up in the woods so while I don’t get scared if I lose track of where I am I do know how to get out . If I am in doubt mark where you have been and find a point in direction you want to go, go to that point and mark it. Repeat this and you will go in a straight line keep 3 marks in a row or you will go in a big circle! One point when you go out make sure someone knows where you are going and when you will be expected Back. Good job Vanessa 👍👍🎩
I also look behind me a lot so going back every thing is familiar.
Ich lebe in einer kleinen landwirtschaftlichen Gemeinde. Viele junge Familien ziehen aus den Städten oder anderen Teilen unseres Landes hierher.
Ich werde Ihr Video auf unserer Stadtseite veröffentlichen, damit die jungen Familien an die Waldgebiete denken und lernen, wie sie sich und ihre Kinder schützen können.
Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass das Kind gefunden wurde.
Vielen Dank, Vanessa
Great video Vanessa. You always pick the important subjects to talk about. It is obvious
How you feel it is important to you, that, people have this knowledge.
You are a good caring person.
Good job.
A great post Vanessa I hope people take note!
One good thing the forest has to help is a loud shout will carry for miles
True, but a shout will not out do a whistle.
@@db477 A good second best though if you don't happen to have a whistle!
Thank you V. This is what I was talking about. Invaluable information. So much we can ALL learn from in just a few short minutes.
Great video and advice, Vanessa. I always remember the old advice. As soon as you realize you are lost, do not travel anymore. Chances are, you are not too far from the ones who are searching for you. If you keep on wandering around aimlessly, you will probably make it harder for the ones trying to find you.
Best wishes, Vanessa... John
Good presentation Vanessa. A subject that most people rarely think about. It's a lot easier to become lost than most people would think. This is particularly true in dense wooded areas in remote locations. Thank you for your common sense suggestions.
Hi Vanessa ... Excellent video ... Really like your comment about marking trees in your line of sight to keep you going in as straight a line as possible. It may be harder in thick underbrush, but picking your way-points closer together instead of farther away will improve your chances of keeping in a straight line. Hi to the boys, and all the best wishes to you and the family from Alaska.
Thank you for addressing the most likely, common-sense survival situation first.
When I was a kid I got lost in the English Lake District, I just walked and walked until I was exhausted, I just sat down and gave up, fortunately some people drove by in a car and took me to the police station, there's not much you can do when you are alone and not prepared, it's good to teach children how to survive.
Vanessa 🥰 Great advice to help Bushcraft enthusiasts and families safer while enjoying the outdoors. Thank you for sharing =) Jesse ✌️
This is great information. Also, it’s awesome that you have those equipment belts for your kids! Nice job👍👍👌
The most important thing you said earlier in the video keep telling your children how to handle an emergency situation knowledge is key
Super excellent information
YES indeed! The most important tool that you can possibly have is your calm mind :)
Lots of good advice in your video Vanessa.
I began exploring the forest and swamps near my childhood home in central Florida at age 12 (61 years ago) 😎
The times and culture were much much different in 1960. My parents taught me many of the things you talk about in this video before I was allowed to explore by myself. This is not possible today for 99% of children today in America.
I have also participated in several "search and rescues" in difficult mountainous terrain.
That said...
The most important "tool" one has to survive when lost lies between ones "ears"--your BRAIN!
My best suggestion(s) if you become lost are.
1. Remain where you are after you discover that you are, in fact, lost.
Do not try to hike out unless there is a compelling reason to do so.(Adults use your best judgement.)
Children, depending on their age and ability, should NOT MOVE after becoming lost!!!
Children should learn to use life saving signaling devices like a whistle, flashlight, and a mirror.
One can buy flashlights that send a flashing signal or an SOS signal. Very handy at night for airplanes or helicopters to see.
A mirror can serve the same purpose in the day time.
Continuing to move without knowing where you are makes the SAR(Search and Rescue) team's job exponentially more difficult.
2. As Vanessa says, DO NOT panic. Sit down and assess your situation.
Then begin to plan how you will spend the night if that becomes necessary.
Do NOT move from that spot.
Wait until the SAR teams find you.
Experienced SAR workers will tell you that continuing to move without a compelling reason is the #1 reason people become hopelessly lost and far more difficult to locate.
Good ideas! When dad said do not go north, go south as a teen, I got confused and lost in the mountains. I followed candy wrappers to an old hunter who had a radio to call my mom.I got a ride to a restaurant! My family came to get me in the snow storm.
Very very good video on a very important topic. People should always expect the unexpected and try to prepare for it. I know it's impossible to carry everything with you all the time, but I'm a firm believer in multi use items. I applaud you for talking about a subject that not many outdoor people talk about. It's a very important topic that more should talk about. Stay safe and healthy and keep up the good work.
Great suggestions! Remaining calm is key in any survival situation. Poor decisions can get a person killed, so it's always best to do a little research before heading out into the wild.
All of these tips are absolutely 100% correct. Great video!
Ich bin aufeiner wunderschönen Herbstparty am Meer. Ich freue mich, dein Video heute Abend zu sehen ! Ein schönes Wochenende wünsche ich ihnen !💖😊
Hello Vanessa.. When i got lost in the forest i took a look at the trees. By doing that you can see what side of the trees are green with moss. By following them and keeping the moss side behind me i found the way out and back to safety.. Regards Mick.. x
Love your work. A very wise and beautiful woman indeed. You and Survival Lilly should do some collaboration work
Keep up the great content
Absolutely great advice thank you Vanessa for all of the tips stay safe my friend Logan 🦊🏆🌺👍
Awesome tips for getting lost in the woods Vennessa!! Great video as always! Take care and stay safe my dear friend !!!
Hi Vanessa, this is an excellent video on a subject which has probably effected most of our lives at some stage. It's easy to get lost in a forest, with no point of reference, you could just walk around in circles! The amount of detail you provide in your video is amazing, and would be life saving knowledge to learn and prepare your children for such an emergency. Carrying a few items you highlight, will you give you a better chance of survival. Thank you for making this video, and making us aware of the dangers.🆘🌹💗🌹
Being prepared is very important. Children should be taught different survival tools.They also need to know how to protect themselves. I am glad you made this video.
Maybe when out in nature do trial run of different scenarios. I have learned a lot myself, how to survive in nature and urban. Take care.
Don't panic is the first thing, so important. Always carry fire, some type of shelter, a compass is never out of battery. Appreciate you covering this important topic.
Good information to know. Vanessa these tips may keep you alive in case something goes wrong. Thanks! Look forward to your next video. 👍
Very good indeed Vanessa. The kid's survival belt would get them more interested and want to go out and use it. This could be a good marketing plan to get parents to take their kids out and off the phone. Back to reality. I think you got something here.🌹👍
Thank you Vanessa this information is every helpful to teach not only for kids but for all. Good job with this 🎥 be safe🙆🙆🙆🙆🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thanks you for bringing this subject up. People do often overlook some of these things. You did great on the video . Thanks for sharing. Have a great week Vanessa 👍👋
Extremely helpful tips for all ages.Thank You.👍🤓
It's important for parents to show their children or to let watch people like you Vanessa in how to cope in a emergency situation, how to make a fire 🔥 for warmth and to signal and how to find shelter or to make shelter , for them to have the right information for notification on them and have a small flashlight and whistle a mirror can signal someone, to stay in the same place where you are first lost is another good idea , the natural world 🌎 is a beautiful place but it can be the most deadly .
Vanessa ♡♡♡,
Your video has saved life .
Nice video Vanessa great advice have a great weekend. 👍👍
Took my 12 year old son and his friend on a backpacking trip. They ran off ahead on a hike and missed a crucial turn in the trail and ended up on the wrong side of a wide and deep ravine. I hiked on the correct trail and I was so happy he did what I taught him: he realized he was lost, STOPPED, and yelled for help. I heard him across the ravine and guided him back to the correct trail.
Vanessa, You are an incredibly smart young lady! My husband & I are impressed with your knowledge about how to prepare your children & yourself before going on a hike or traveling anywhere. U really are an incredible teacher,. We will be following you, take care.
All good info I hope your standing as a mother helps other mothers teach their children to survive in the lost situations.
As a hunter outdoorsman I am often seeking to get lost in the woods knowing I am comfortable in such survival situations.
But it made me think back to raising my son's in the forest and desert, my teaching them to survive.
And I think of my grand daughter, is my son spending the time in the outdoors with her to teach her these outdoors ways?
So I share this with my grand daughter so she hears it from a mother also and it sticks in her head.
Thank you and blessings to you and yours.
Great video. I'm sure it would be helpful to many people. Love watching your videos
Very good video. As a former police officer, I would recommend adding to the "plastic covered" (laminated) identification card a family photo so that first responders can see a picture of the child with their parents and siblings. It can provide to the lost individual something to "rally to", to hold on to the positive that they are looking for you and you need to do your best to get back to them. It also gives the first responders a visual indication of the who is actually family. Love your work and your passion! Gott Segne from the USA.
Good video an lot of information common people to think about an good to see you again my dear friend 👍👌✌👋🤝😁
Such cards with written contacts can be printed on a piece of paper and laminated with foil the size of a standard credit card.
Great video. Usually best too stay put when you know people are trying to find you. I kinda expected near the end that if you are at the point to find your way to civilization is to follow small streams that lead to bigger streams that lead to small rivers that will lead to civilization. (Of course this might not be the closest place to find help.) But if you have no other options it may be the only choice.
David -- This is excellent advice for tropical rain forests. At altitudes, you need to be careful due to the occurrence of precipitous waterfalls.
Thank you Vanessa
Wild Woman Vanessa👍👍 Smart, very smart. Good job with needed information. Great video, well done. Keep teaching and learning. Thanks for sharing.
I can never tell when these videos are made.i just know she is sick and I hope she will be alright. And will have no problem sending her more cash if she really needs it to help her with her children and animals. She is a real special person. And a real person.
Great video. Please do not let a few negative comments get you down. You do a great job and are spectacular. Stay focused and your friends will be there. I know I will
Great content! Thanks for the upload!
Excellent advice Vanessa! Thank you for sharing!
Excellent advice for being in a lost situation.
I came here after watching your 2018 video on your outdoor belt! It is quite cool to see you before and now.
Vanessa, very good general advice. The Hawk ( wind) can also kill you,so always try to get shelter at times. Hypothermia sneaks up on you - keep moving ,use leaves,anything to stay warm. Semper Fi- Peter
Hi Vanessa. I really enjoyed your latest video very interesting and important tips for everyone which could save a life. Love your videos here in the uk.thank you. 👍👌
Love the bushcraft material you have for your kid's , good thing for them to have and be taught how to use it. Yes it dosnt take much to get lost so agree, I believe it is important to know what to do if lost in the forest such as what to have on you just incase, what you should do first and so on to survive in any season. great tips Vanessa thank you
Awesome video. Keep up the great work. Stay smiling and beautiful.
great information
I liked a lot of your tips, especially ways to use the reflective emergency blanket. Instead of carrying a red marker crayon, maybe bring part of a roll of surveyor's flagging tape in a bright color not found in nature, like bright pink. You can tie small bits to branches to mark your way. Maybe carry a permanent marker to write on the tape. Time you were there, directional arrows etc. It would help searchers find you. But all of the rescue personnel say to stay put, don't try to hike out on your own (unless you were alone and no one knows where you went). I like the idea of the small waist pack with emergency items. I think on or two Bic type lighters would be better for fire starting than a fire steel, especially for younger hikers.
If your advice helps even one person that would be wonderful 😊 but the fact is 99 percent of people that would find this useful won't listen. The best part of your advice was stay calm stop and make noise. Thank you for caring enough to make this video. You have my respect.
Good for kids, good for adults. Thank you
This information could save a life Well done.
I think Every Child should carry a Whistle..... To scare off strangers even in towns... Great advice Vanessa :-))) xxxxx
This lady is awesome and very smart, when it comes to survival in the wilderness. I also have a survival belt incase I lost my backpack 🎒 🙃
Good topic Vanessa ! The mosquito on your eyebrow at the end brought back terrible memories of the scene from the "Land of the Lost" film O :
Venessa if parents are going to take children in to the woods they should have a basic knowledge of tracking and teach the children. When the child gets lost once they sit and calm down they should have the know how to follow their own tracks backwards to where they last where with their family. If all parents would gain this knowledge before going into the woods it would help cut down on search and rescue /recovery. By age 8 I could track a squirrel to it's acorn stash. And that is why when my family was hunting they would call me to track a wounded animal for recovery. Even my father would have track his deer and he is the one that started me learning to track I kept learning on my own. Tracking animals or humans is no difference. No matter how hard you try there will be tracks, a leaf turned or a rock over, broken twigs both on the ground and above.
All very true Johnny but sadly few bother or are shown such skills, and when you put panic in the pot anything can happen, as accidents do. Good tracking skills are a major plus to anyone providing the weather is with you.
Very helpful video. Thank you Vanessa 💓
Life saving info! Thank you!🐾
Great information. Thank you for sharing this.
Thanks for the tips Vanessa 👍👍👍🇵🇭
Thank you for another wonderful video,,,,,one can always learn something new,,,,,,or refresh what is already known
Oie Vanessa blanke Deus abençoe vcs 👏👏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷
Good ideas. Love you Vanessa x
Great video, Vanessa!
This is top, you tell about things most of us only think off when it's too late, thanks for making and sharing!
Thanks also for helping me to keep my children safe!
One thing I don't understand: At this moment almost 10.000 people have seen this video. Are they all alone with no kids in their family? If not, can somebody explain me why ONLY 10% thought "he good idea - great tips - wow you woke me up" or whatever?! Please tell me they didn't know there is a like-button that will help to get more of this...
Sorry Vanessa, I can only click once, otherwise I would react for 90% by telling you "I appreciate what you do!" just with one simple click...
Great helpful advice , Thank You !!
Take care your own health.
Lord Bless You.
👫🌳🌲🧭👍Really good advice
great presentation or vlog, i can tell you are well versed in survival technics !!!
Hey there. I have never been to Germany , but here in America we have millions of acres of forest. It's really easy to get off trail or get get lost or turned around. Your suggestions are all really very good. Don't worry about telling and negative comments. It's always good to turn a negative into a positive. Finding your child is a big positive for Shure. Keep up your good works. Thanks for sharing I'm shure it will help someone. Your extended family in America. Billy...
Great video Vanessa see you on the next one
Great tips Vanessa!
Great Tips .. Love from Tasmania .❤😊
Excellent video very informative. Love your videos
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this very important this video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GREAT video as usual.
Very well said and explained. Good psychology
Great video thank you very much for the information
Excellent advise! 👍
Thank you for these tips
Very good and important video, children get lost every year. Alan R.
Vanessa, this was one of the most important videos you have made, and you had my undivided attention all along. Getting lost can be minimised by proper briefing before the walking party sets out. If you are dealing with older teenagers and adults, they should be briefed as to their current position. Then a lost drill needs to be explained. Your 1 h wait if lost is very good advice. If the lost person decides to move on, it is useful to know haw to determine direction using the sun, as you rightly explained. Then you are not walking in circles, which is so easy to do. I have been taught to "handrail." You aim in a general direction, eg, "If lost move north until you hit the river. Then move west until to hit the river junction. Wait there for help. Gather around. Follow my pen on the map. Are there any questions?" The river junction or other reference point should be selected such that wherever you exit along the northern edge of the forest, the reference point is due west. If you are unlucky to get lost in the forest at night, it is really useful to have a torch, as Vanessa pointed out. Avoid moving in thick forest at night, even with a torch, as you could be blinded by branches and spruce needles. At night time, if the ground conditions allow, I would light a fire. It's good for moral and keeps you warm. if however, you are being hunted by a nasty man, do not light fires. Make as little noise as possible and cover yourself as best you can with natural foliage. Use your whistle. You should have a distress call, eg, 3 short blows followed by 3 long blows by 3 short blows "SOS." Remember what Vanessa told you -- Do not try to signal to helicopters from within the forest. You cannot be seen. You must move to a clearing, or light a fire and create smoke, or carry coloured smoke grenades, as the colour of the smoke will rise above the tree canopy. You can also leave messages at important locations, eg, a car crash site. Write down your name and anyone else, your direction of movement, if injured, food, water situation etc. A great video by a beautiful host Vanessa.
Well done Vanessa and as always Looking so good . Nice video full of Information . Also with the Child maybe some Glow sticks in the Bag. extra Batteries. Enjoyed this video Vanessa - Laterz my Cyber friend- Leland
I've been lost in the woods before. Not fun. It can happen to anybody no matter how experienced or knowledgeable they are. Luckily, I was able to get my bearings and make it out unscathed. Knowing basic orienteering skills is very important.