Despite its horrific past, this building is truly beautiful, a real architectural masterpiece, they don't build like this anymore. A fascinating video.
Absolutely brilliant location!!! The architecture for this place is amazing. Thank you for filming the outside as well as the inside. I'm definitely subscribed to you now! Brilliant job there dude!
The best thing about Beelitz Heilstätten is: Theres also a large branched supply tunnel system beneath the whole complex. And these tunnels are really scary. Without flashlight you cant see shit there.
went there this summer, honestly that place is unbelievably beautyful and huge! my inspiration to go there was the map Verruckt from COD zombies (Gamers will understand) and even tho that plac is not like the game shows us, it's beautyful! i wish i'd go there more often (9 hour ride from where i live). really recommend going there since you are allowed to enter the building(s) with a guide. it's locared about an hour away from berlin.
Wow, thanx for sharing that.. now, let us see you go through there at night! I so wish I could come see all the old gems your part of the world has to offer. I'm from Canada, we tear down any history we ever created.. for some stupid reason....
The music goes well with the footage. It sort of reminds me of being in a location in a silent hill game, but instead of a game it would be real like a silent hill game come to life in reality.
beelitz heilstätten sind immer wieder spannend und zugleich traurig. werde den ort nicht mehr aufsuchen und hn so in erinnerung behalten wie ich es vor jahren gesehen habe :-(
Die zwischen 1898 und 1930 von der Landesversicherungsanstalt Berlin errichteten Arbeiter-Lungenheilstätten Beelitz-Heilstätten bilden einen der größten Krankenhauskomplexe im Berliner Umland. Es ist ein denkmalgeschütztes Ensemble von 60 Gebäuden auf einer Gesamtfläche von ca. 200 ha.
Didn't Lenny Kravitz shoot a video in that turret room? I seem to remember a lot of light flashing in the video. But seriously, this place seems well designed. It has plenty of windows, tiled walls and appeared well lit and open. Not really the house of horrors that was described unless maybe that they were surprised to find a couple of operating tables in a hospital. And the horror that all the rooms had their own decks. Thanks for filming it. I really liked this old building.
Ich war erst vor ein paar Tagen dort. Da es mich interessierte was sich ausserhalb des Grundstück richtung Wald gibt in was ich da fand und sah..... Unerklärlich! Ich würde keinem empfehlen "kein fake" Abends mal einen Rundgang noch sich in der Nähe aufzuhalten.!!
You know what would be a good thing to add? A freaking explanation as to why this place is abandoned and what makes it so horrific! Give us some backstory, here, not everyone is so well-versed in the history of Nazi hospitals. How do I know what makes this place significant? By reading other peoples' comments. Badly done.
***** Its a shame everyone that came into contact with Hitler was far too afraid of the possible consequences to have simply ended that monsters life. For the life of me I can't wrap my head around why the "sheeple" kept following his every word, every instruction knowing full well his propensity for violence directed at any human who didn't fit into his warped idea of what he thought the human race should be.
Thank you for your upload and thank you for your great choice of a soundtrack; these kind of videos are great either without music or with the right choice and you, my friend, did the right musical choice. I'm sick and tired of finding videos of abandoned places disgraced with unfit metal music or, even worse, fucking techno... Thanks!
It was in 1916 at Beelitz that Adolf Hitler recovered from a wound in the leg. At 04:27 there is something written in Cyrillic characters on a door. It is a souvenir from the time of the Russians were in command. This place has its beauty despite the attempt to make it seem eerie. The soundtrack helps very much. However with Joseph Lemaire's Sanatorium,close to Brussels,you need no background sound : Lemaire is weird by itself.
I don't know who the actual owner of the buildings is, but you'd have to ask there if you want to ask someone directly. As I said, you can check out the website - they have permission to take (unguided) groups on the premises and into the buildings. I costs about 30-40 Euros.
@dmc081 The human brain is an amazing thing. It's possible that you have seen this place or been there in a previous life or the hospital means something to you. No one can fully explain why we see images like what you seen.
Good day That looks to have been built between 1875-1910. & shut down about 1967 from the look of the equipment. Now being demolished, one vandal at a time....
Ugh, I can put up with anything but those surgical rooms with high ceilings and everything is tile. Seriously, what do they think is going to splash all the way up there that they are going to have to hose down? I can't stand those... the one time I went on some ghost tour and we went in one I almost had a mental breakdown. Ugh.
@dmc081 hi my friend, you like more pictures for your next dreams? than enjoy my brand new illustrated book "Lost Places Beelitz Heilstaätten" with many beautiful black white pictures from this magic place. the texts was written in German and English! you can order: ISBN-10: 3898126528 ISBN-13: 978-3898126526 more information at my homepage.
There are registered societies that offer entry for a fee, for example Usually there is security around because vandals a tearing the place apart really bad, even taking away the tiles, so the legal entry is a lot better, and you have total freedom in the buildings they unlock for you and you get a couple of stories on the side :)
Wir waren am Sonntag dort. So ohne weiters kommt man nicht rein, ist verboten. Nur mit einer Gruppe, wobei wir uns dann einfach aufteilten, jeder für sich. Wenn ihr mehr wissen wollt dann schaut auf "go2know(dot)de" Das Video is super gemacht! Heute sieht es ziemlich anders aus und vor allem waren da einige eingebrochen und haben vieles zerstört bzw. geklaut. Echt krank!
Think about it, just because its old, they call it scary. It's just abandoned and hasn't been supervised. You never know, maybe our house is more horryfying?
i wish the music wouldnt be so present .. its way more interesting to get the natural silence, or even listen to the footsteps .. then having creepy tunes over and over again :( ... sorry ....
+June Keereweer Hi. -Did you mean the image behind the window of the left door. A short person which disappears as the camera pans round? Apart from that no I did not see any one. But in the frames immediately before that at 2:41 I did see an image on or in the wall of a white shirted (or white top) young woman. But obviously not a real woman. Just an image resembling a young woman. Or did you mean the very scary mad axe man running towards the doors chasing the young nurse whose screams sound like she is shouting "He's chopped the doctor now he wants more blood". As her terrified body turns left in to the room through the arched doorway the bloody red flow of red blood was visible streaming down her prim white uniform from the tangled-hair-matted-gash at the back of her head. More screams from the room sound like she is screaming at the occupants " He is the mad psychotic "Pink Giant, Beast of Beelitz, lunatic serial killer”. We couldn't restrain him. He's out on a chopping spree again". He then bursts through the double doors with axe held high in his left hand. But a fresh bloody amputated arm in is right hand still spurting blood which squirts across the walls and across his face. But his face looks so like a face of horrors with his mouth wide open resembling the horrid scream picture. He shouts, " thought you git me in that funny room, Did yaa? Put one of those jackets on me, Did yaa? Where are you, you *£%*(&"%"*(^ -*^*^%- you'll git yours soon enough. He stops there in plain sight to wipe the blood splats from his eyes with his raggedy jacket sleeve which smudges more blood across his whole face but cleared from his eyes. Eyes like which would chill a psychiatrist in his tracks as their contain horror after horror. Windows to the soul. But the windows to madness. Whilst clearing the blood from his face another line of red ascents the wall whipping around leaving an ellipse ring dribbling down the wall. Then he turns his head slowly as if he is aware your watching him and looks straight at the camera. Staring. A piercing stare. Both arms drop to either side still holing the axe and severed arm. His shoulders drop as if he has suddenly become really very relaxed. He seems to have forgotten the nurse and is now starring straight at you. A frightened male voice cries from the room, "Schmidt!, put the axe down. It is just one of your nightmares. Everything is going to be alight. The doctors will help you." But Schmidt does not seem to be listening any more. He just keeps looking right at you. Then very slowly as if in slow motion his left leg moves forward followed by his other. He slowly passes the doorway seemingly getting larger and larger as his face gets closer and closer to the viewers point of view. His eyes............. Oh it is so terrifying to think just how those eyes are looking straight at you. Is it you or the viewer which he is staring at? Is it the camera man? Is that the "someone walking at 2:42" who you saw? June. Because if it was, I never saw him at all. I only saw the white shirted woman and the short person through the left corridor door glass window. But as I said. They were just images and not real people. So in short no I did not see any one walking at 2:42. (P.S. This was written by a writer of fiction and is in reality a fictitious composition) But the Serial Killer - Wolfgang Schmidt aka The Beelitz Murder was apparently a real serial killer who was killing in the vicinity of the Hospital. Apparently he was not the only serial murderer associated with the hospital.
Whats with the "scary music" its just a building i seen nothing scary about it. It looked like it was a pretty nice building at one time. the video makes me wonder if there are any like that here.
Mike Lock Well, at Beelitz they treated wounded German soldiers and civilians during WW2. Hitler spent two months in Beelitz as a wounded "gefreiter" in 1916 during The Great War. He was wounded in his left thigh when a shell exploded in the dispatch runners' dugout. He fully recovered and was sent back to his regiment.
Ff Geoff I was gonna say the saaaame thing. Though its a cool video to see old historical ruins such as this, I dont understand why they leave them standing when knowing good and well kids like to explore places like this and possibly get injured. I use to do the same thing when I was a kid amongst old school buildings in my hometown.
No, there were other places for such activities... ;) This was a mere hospital/rehabilitation center in that time. It later turned into a military hospital after being occupied by the Russians...
Ich schaue mir gerne und oft Lost Place Videos an,aber dieses hier ist von der Qualität her richtig übel!Von diesem permanenten gewackle wird einem schlecht.Sehr schade.Ich musste es leider nach wenigen Minuten beenden. Vielleicht kannst du das beim nächsten Video verbessern.
was wirklich lusig ist... durch die "Melodie" wirkt das ganz wirklich gruselig... aber wenn du durch läufst begegnet dir alle 15 min jemand... vor allem fotografen... würde mich sogar alleine rein trauen... is nich so gruselig wie im video..
Despite its horrific past, this building is truly beautiful, a real architectural masterpiece, they don't build like this anymore. A fascinating video.
Very beautiful and can certainly stand up to the test of time. They can try, but they will never beat stuff like this with their glass boxes!
Your right, and all of those skills and craftsmanship is going to be lost very soon!!
Most stuff today is flat. Flat faces. Flat roofs, Flat ideas. Flat taste. Flat craftsmanship. Designed by flat headed architects. Flat simple.
Thank you John Tee you hit that spot on.
Certainly did, that description was perfect.
Я здесь проходил срочную службу в сан роте вч 47966 в 90 х г было все красиво здания целыми спасибо автору видео удачи вам
...the true horror is that this magnificent old building has been allowed to deteriorate like this... very sad!
Sehr interessant, wie man damals noch ganz normal dort herum laufen konnte :O
Absolutely brilliant location!!! The architecture for this place is amazing. Thank you for filming the outside as well as the inside. I'm definitely subscribed to you now! Brilliant job there dude!
9 years ago
This is possibly the most beautiful building I have ever seen, what i would give to live here....
Hundred of Germans were executed in the hallways, by the trees and in the hospital itself. Satan controls it and will make life a hard time there.
What a great investment property. That would make a beautiful resort.
The best thing about Beelitz Heilstätten is: Theres also a large branched supply tunnel system beneath the whole complex. And these tunnels are really scary. Without flashlight you cant see shit there.
went there this summer, honestly that place is unbelievably beautyful and huge! my inspiration to go there was the map Verruckt from COD zombies (Gamers will understand) and even tho that plac is not like the game shows us, it's beautyful! i wish i'd go there more often (9 hour ride from where i live). really recommend going there since you are allowed to enter the building(s) with a guide. it's locared about an hour away from berlin.
Those were my thoughts exactly. If I had the means, I'd buy that place and restore it!
Very nice video and good music to go with it too.
Wow, thanx for sharing that.. now, let us see you go through there at night! I so wish I could come see all the old gems your part of the world has to offer. I'm from Canada, we tear down any history we ever created.. for some stupid reason....
this place will be perfect for alternative underground pictures :P
The music goes well with the footage. It sort of reminds me of being in a location in a silent hill game, but instead of a game it would be real like a silent hill game come to life in reality.
Nette Fotos, sehr schönes Objekt!
Excellent. That place looks huge.
Great place to shoot a horror movie. Thanks for posting.
beelitz heilstätten sind immer wieder spannend und zugleich traurig. werde den ort nicht mehr aufsuchen und hn so in erinnerung behalten wie ich es vor jahren gesehen habe :-(
Why do i always watch those Videos at night? :o
i like such abandoned places,its like you can go back time and see how it looked many years ago,its just sad the vandals damage everything
How come a beautiful place like that be abandoned?!
Rooms 4:26 Disinfection Area, 4:29 Cleaning inventory. Russian, but in Germany. Must read about!
Die zwischen 1898 und 1930 von der Landesversicherungsanstalt Berlin errichteten Arbeiter-Lungenheilstätten Beelitz-Heilstätten bilden einen der größten Krankenhauskomplexe im Berliner Umland. Es ist ein denkmalgeschütztes Ensemble von 60 Gebäuden auf einer Gesamtfläche von ca. 200 ha.
why is it a 'hospital of horror"? it looks like it was once a very beautiful building, the architecture is simply stunning.
Alter, da is es so gruselig! Ich hatte ultra Paranoias da drin, alles so drückend.
Urban exploring is ace!
Cooler Einbick in die wirklich fantastische Welt der Beelitz Heilstätten. Ein Lost Place mit Gruselfaktor für Urban Exploration und Geocaching.
Geniales Movie da mache ich im Sommer auch einen Abstecher hin
I was there today with friends and we saw other visitors. We ignored eachother mostly and got our seperate ways.
Didn't Lenny Kravitz shoot a video in that turret room? I seem to remember a lot of light flashing in the video. But seriously, this place seems well designed. It has plenty of windows, tiled walls and appeared well lit and open. Not really the house of horrors that was described unless maybe that they were surprised to find a couple of operating tables in a hospital. And the horror that all the rooms had their own decks. Thanks for filming it. I really liked this old building.
I would never think of that as a hospital.
wir waren heute zu 4. um 3 uhr nachts (Vollmond) drinne.
Echt total Krank da !!
Ich war erst vor ein paar Tagen dort. Da es mich interessierte was sich ausserhalb des Grundstück richtung Wald gibt in was ich da fand und sah..... Unerklärlich! Ich würde keinem empfehlen "kein fake" Abends mal einen Rundgang noch sich in der Nähe aufzuhalten.!!
Wir waren zu mehreren dort und manchmal waren kaum andere Leute um uns herum, das war dann schon unheimlich! Und das war am Tage!
It is beautiful in a stark austere kind of way. Well, you did use spooky sinister music. However, it does add a certain kind of energy.
You know what would be a good thing to add? A freaking explanation as to why this place is abandoned and what makes it so horrific! Give us some backstory, here, not everyone is so well-versed in the history of Nazi hospitals. How do I know what makes this place significant? By reading other peoples' comments. Badly done.
***** Its a shame everyone that came into contact with Hitler was far too afraid of the possible consequences to have simply ended that monsters life. For the life of me I can't wrap my head around why the "sheeple" kept following his every word, every instruction knowing full well his propensity for violence directed at any human who didn't fit into his warped idea of what he thought the human race should be.
It is not a nazi hospital. it was founded by the Kaiser
Thank you for your upload and thank you for your great choice of a soundtrack; these kind of videos are great either without music or with the right choice and you, my friend, did the right musical choice. I'm sick and tired of finding videos of abandoned places disgraced with unfit metal music or, even worse, fucking techno...
It was in 1916 at Beelitz that Adolf Hitler recovered from a wound in the leg. At 04:27 there is something written in Cyrillic characters on a door. It is a souvenir from the time of the Russians were in command. This place has its beauty despite the attempt to make it seem eerie. The soundtrack helps very much. However with Joseph Lemaire's Sanatorium,close to Brussels,you need no background sound :
Lemaire is weird by itself.
I don't know who the actual owner of the buildings is, but you'd have to ask there if you want to ask someone directly. As I said, you can check out the website - they have permission to take (unguided) groups on the premises and into the buildings. I costs about 30-40 Euros.
Just was there yesterday, nice place
echt tolles video
@dmc081 The human brain is an amazing thing. It's possible that you have seen this place or been there in a previous life or the hospital means something to you. No one can fully explain why we see images like what you seen.
Cool video
When the handle on the side, please see the 1:19 time. changing an object and image space walks. Could you explain it?
nice location..!
Super Video
Is there something more fascinating than an abandoned hospital?
It has a charm about it. A strange beauty. what was it used for was it a insane asylum?
No, originally it was to treat tuberculosis patients and then it has been replaced to treat world war soldiers. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Good day
That looks to have been built between 1875-1910. & shut down about 1967 from the look of the equipment.
Now being demolished, one vandal at a time....
Ugh, I can put up with anything but those surgical rooms with high ceilings and everything is tile. Seriously, what do they think is going to splash all the way up there that they are going to have to hose down? I can't stand those... the one time I went on some ghost tour and we went in one I almost had a mental breakdown. Ugh.
Shameful the government doesn't restore it there's an architectural masterpiece right there.
"Don't go In there!"
its in germany near by berlin in beelitz !
Tolle schwarz-weiß Bilder! :)
hes right. there is something in that building. it has to be a ghost. there's no other explanation
is there a place where you can ask permission? e.g. the police?
@dmc081 hi my friend, you like more pictures for your next dreams? than enjoy my brand new illustrated book "Lost Places Beelitz Heilstaätten" with many beautiful black white pictures from this magic place. the texts was written in German and English!
you can order:
ISBN-10: 3898126528
ISBN-13: 978-3898126526
more information at my homepage.
merci pour la vidéo ...
YOu get seasick looking at this movie, too shaky
cool and creepy, but arent you worried some type of bad energy will follow you home
hoffedlich kann ich diese nacht noch schlafen......
What would the room at 1:06 have been?
There are registered societies that offer entry for a fee, for example Usually there is security around because vandals a tearing the place apart really bad, even taking away the tiles, so the legal entry is a lot better, and you have total freedom in the buildings they unlock for you and you get a couple of stories on the side :)
Wir waren am Sonntag dort. So ohne weiters kommt man nicht rein, ist verboten. Nur mit einer Gruppe, wobei wir uns dann einfach aufteilten, jeder für sich. Wenn ihr mehr wissen wollt dann schaut auf "go2know(dot)de"
Das Video is super gemacht! Heute sieht es ziemlich anders aus und vor allem waren da einige eingebrochen und haben vieles zerstört bzw. geklaut. Echt krank!
ANYONE KNOW THE SONG? It goes excelent with the video
yes you are
Think about it, just because its old, they call it scary. It's just abandoned and hasn't been supervised. You never know, maybe our house is more horryfying?
Is it illegal to go and visit this place?
+Cory Francis It is a Gated Area, you can only visit it by getting a permission ( If you are a photograph for example)
5:31 on right at a tree some shadow mooving or what :D
maravilloso vídeo
Is this place still authentic or is it ruined by grafitti painters now?
i wish the music wouldnt be so present .. its way more interesting to get the natural silence, or even listen to the footsteps .. then having creepy tunes over and over again :( ... sorry ....
The history?
Kommt man da wieder auf das Gelände? Da war doch ne weile alles bewacht :-(
by witch song? (i'm sorry for my english)
Turn off the volume so you don't hear the stupid spooky sound affects and it s a pretty good video.
Sone Häuser haben echt was gruseliges find ich
jedes Haus ist mit einem versorgungstunnel miteinander verbunden !
Willard asylum in NY is much more scarier.
+June Keereweer Hi. -Did you mean the image behind the window of
the left door. A short person which disappears as the camera pans round? Apart from that no I did not see any one. But in the frames immediately before that at 2:41 I did see an image on or in the wall of a white shirted (or white top) young woman. But obviously not a real woman. Just an image resembling a young woman. Or did you mean the very scary mad axe man running towards the doors chasing the young nurse whose screams sound like she is shouting "He's chopped the doctor now he wants more blood". As her terrified body turns left in to the room through the arched doorway the bloody red flow of red blood was visible streaming down her prim white uniform from the tangled-hair-matted-gash at the back of her head. More screams from the room sound like she is screaming at the occupants " He is the mad psychotic "Pink Giant, Beast of Beelitz, lunatic serial killer”. We couldn't restrain him. He's out on a chopping spree again". He then bursts through the double doors with axe held high in his left hand. But a fresh bloody amputated arm in is right hand still spurting blood which squirts across the walls and across his face. But his face looks so like a face of horrors with his mouth wide open resembling the horrid scream picture. He shouts, " thought you git me in that funny room, Did yaa? Put one of those jackets on me, Did yaa? Where are you, you *£%*(&"%"*(^ -*^*^%- you'll git yours soon enough. He stops there in plain sight to wipe the blood splats from his eyes with his raggedy jacket sleeve which smudges more blood across his whole face but cleared from his eyes. Eyes like which would chill a psychiatrist in his tracks as their contain horror after horror. Windows to the soul. But the windows to madness. Whilst clearing the blood from his face another line of red ascents the wall whipping around leaving an ellipse ring dribbling down the wall. Then he turns his head slowly as if he is aware your watching him and looks straight at the camera. Staring. A piercing stare. Both arms drop to either side still holing the axe and severed arm. His shoulders drop as if he has suddenly become really very relaxed. He seems to have forgotten the nurse and is now starring straight at you. A frightened male voice cries from the room, "Schmidt!, put the axe down. It is just one of your nightmares. Everything is going to be alight. The doctors will help you." But Schmidt does not seem to be listening any more. He just keeps looking right at you. Then very slowly as if in slow motion his left leg moves forward followed by his other. He slowly passes the doorway seemingly getting larger and larger as his face gets closer and closer to the viewers point of view. His eyes............. Oh it is so terrifying to think just how those eyes are looking straight at you. Is it you or the viewer which he is staring at? Is it the camera man? Is that the "someone walking at 2:42" who you saw? June. Because if it was, I never saw him at all. I only saw the white shirted woman and the short person through the left corridor door glass window. But as I said. They were just images and not real people. So in short no I did not see any one walking at 2:42. (P.S. This was written by a writer of fiction and is in reality a fictitious composition) But the Serial Killer - Wolfgang Schmidt aka The Beelitz Murder was apparently a real serial killer who was killing in the vicinity of the Hospital. Apparently he was not the only serial murderer associated with the hospital.
will ganich wissen wieviele da gestoorben sind bei einer op oder so und jetz noch rumgeistern
Whats with the "scary music" its just a building i seen nothing scary about it. It looked like it was a pretty nice building at one time. the video makes me wonder if there are any like that here.
It's Prypiat without the radiations!
@lynxcoding are you serious?
Your profile picture says that you’re an adult, but your typing says that you’re an 8 y/o.
The great mother earth wraps her arms around the outside
Sapa Holliday Oy.
Oh come on. It's just an old hospital complex. No horror whatsoever.
The horror part of this place, would have been what the Nazis did in here, it must have been terrible.
Mike Lock
Well, at Beelitz they treated wounded German soldiers and civilians during WW2.
Hitler spent two months in Beelitz as a wounded "gefreiter" in 1916 during The Great War. He was wounded in his left thigh when a shell exploded in the dispatch runners' dugout. He fully recovered and was sent back to his regiment.
Mike Lock
lol, if he didnt do it, another guy would, read history again ! the world at that time just needed to split like ww1
Agreed. It's just ruins visited by graffiti morons. You added a bit of creepy music, that's all -- easier than intelligent comment, eh?
Ff Geoff I was gonna say the saaaame thing. Though its a cool video to see old historical ruins such as this, I dont understand why they leave them standing when knowing good and well kids like to explore places like this and possibly get injured. I use to do the same thing when I was a kid amongst old school buildings in my hometown.
wenn das nachtaufnahmen gewesen wären, hätte die musik vielleicht gepasst, aber so...
No, there were other places for such activities... ;)
This was a mere hospital/rehabilitation center in that time. It later turned into a military hospital after being occupied by the Russians...
@dmc081 its called dejavu
There is no horror, just an abonded building.
Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake, QUICK PAN, Shake, Shake, QUICK PAN...
Some narration would have been helpful. Otherwise this is just an anonymous abandoned building.
this is really creepy
Ich schaue mir gerne und oft Lost Place Videos an,aber dieses hier ist von der Qualität her richtig übel!Von diesem permanenten gewackle wird einem schlecht.Sehr schade.Ich musste es leider nach wenigen Minuten beenden.
Vielleicht kannst du das beim nächsten Video verbessern.
bischen weniger schnell die Kamera bewegen dann wäre es klasse
was wirklich lusig ist... durch die "Melodie" wirkt das ganz wirklich gruselig... aber wenn du durch läufst begegnet dir alle 15 min jemand... vor allem fotografen... würde mich sogar alleine rein trauen... is nich so gruselig wie im video..
ich würd mich niemals trauen dort alleine rein zu gehen :O