Cryptopsy - New Album 2012 Pre-prod Vocals

  • Опубликовано: 4 фев 2012
  • Here's a quick clip from todays pre-prod session at Chris Donaldson studio Le Garage for the new Cryptopsy album.
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Комментарии • 50

  • @TheVaginalPenis
    @TheVaginalPenis 12 лет назад

    First off, you do not sound the same with and without a microphone. It's just how it goes. Second, I am extremely impressed with everyone here having the ability to pass judgement on an entire album from 10 seconds of DEMOING vocals with no music behind it and a camera recording it. That is amazing, gentlemen.

  • @bulletcurtain
    @bulletcurtain 12 лет назад

    I wish you guys the best with the new album! Cheers from Quebec.

  • @jibran241092
    @jibran241092 12 лет назад +2

    'Turn on the fleshlight.'

  • @mahoneynick22
    @mahoneynick22 12 лет назад

    No one is going to be as good as lord worm just because he has such a signature style. Given that I think his Matt's approach he is using now will fit really well, especially since they are suppose to be returning to their original sound. I can't wait to here this album!

  • @ICEESAreFuckinGood
    @ICEESAreFuckinGood 12 лет назад

    This guy sounds a million times deeper than last time, I'm optimistic about where Cryptopsy are going.

  • @rjgrand666
    @rjgrand666 12 лет назад

    Hell yeah man! Sounding great!

  • @EuanNoir
    @EuanNoir 12 лет назад

    Sounds fucking awesome Matt! Looking forward to the album!

  • @DukeShard
    @DukeShard 12 лет назад

    A few small slips, I am sure those will not be present in the final recording though. Good luck with the new release dudes, I hope to hear a triumphant return.

  • @doolb666
    @doolb666 12 лет назад

    vocals sound a lot more promising than the last album and withJon back this album has potential.

  • @imawesomeyourenot
    @imawesomeyourenot 12 лет назад


  • @deadasfak
    @deadasfak 12 лет назад

    Give us MORE!!!

  • @-Yog-Sothoth-
    @-Yog-Sothoth- 12 лет назад +1

    Keep it low and brutal guys. This is looking pretty damn good. Hoping for some real Technical Death Metal on this release!

  • @magx01
    @magx01 12 лет назад

    Lord Worm is the vocalist for a new black metal band called Rage Nucléaire

  • @KillJoy353
    @KillJoy353 12 лет назад

    He's improved so much. :')

  • @Subrick
    @Subrick 12 лет назад

    During sessions vocalists always record while reading the lyrics.

  • @DefenestratedMessiah
    @DefenestratedMessiah 12 лет назад

    I'm interested to hear how this will turn out. Sounds much better than the previous album but I guess that isn't saying much hahaha!

  • @deadandstilldying6o6
    @deadandstilldying6o6 12 лет назад

    It's got Deathcore all over it. BRING BACK LORD WORM!!!!!

  • @Louismetal1
    @Louismetal1 12 лет назад

    Your feeling sucks, listen to the brand new trailer; they are back.

  • @PinkPantherPunk
    @PinkPantherPunk 12 лет назад

    sounds good (Y)

  • @sunken0887
    @sunken0887 12 лет назад

    its awesome that levasseur's just bring back Lord Worm and Thibault... thinking about starting having memories of blood ;-)

  • @luke666808g
    @luke666808g 12 лет назад +1

    my favorite was DiSalvo

  • @Amunarath
    @Amunarath 12 лет назад

    At least it sounds better than their last album.

  • @balsac69nice
    @balsac69nice 12 лет назад

    i agree with the first part. but the "squealiness" just comes from the way he holds his mouth/lips. with george the mouth shape is more like if you were to say "uuugh" and matt's is more like "oooh"

  • @chuffinjackpot
    @chuffinjackpot 11 лет назад

    This guys a ducking awesome vocalist I don't give a fuck and new cryptopsy is fuckin incredible

  • @ZachGatesHere
    @ZachGatesHere 12 лет назад

    @9658 Listen to the live Slit Your Guts. He's beasting it. Gotten WAAAAY better. New album has massive potential.

  • @ChuchoMoncho
    @ChuchoMoncho 12 лет назад

    Thumbs up if you miss Lord Worm!

  • @bl-rp
    @bl-rp 12 лет назад

    I hope Levasseur (I frickin' LOVE that name, btw) kicks Flo's ass at the first mention of more core shit.

  • @Asreyser
    @Asreyser 12 лет назад

    "Le Garage"... lollin'

  • @LifegrindX
    @LifegrindX 12 лет назад

    Did he say something about a flesh light? Whatever, glad Jon is back to rip shit up!

  • @musikaxtrema
    @musikaxtrema 12 лет назад

    Sounds a bit like corpsegrinder vocals, but more pigsqueal

  • @ZXBehemothXZ
    @ZXBehemothXZ 12 лет назад

    I'm still getting used to him being in a black metal band, but it is very good.

  • @fender132435
    @fender132435 12 лет назад

    Sounds like mike diSalvo at the start

  • @Subrick
    @Subrick 12 лет назад

    Matt is SOOOO much better here than on The Unspoken King.

  • @MsWarumono
    @MsWarumono 12 лет назад

    i hope its not the deathcore thing again, i wish they could put up an album in the style of Blasphemy made flesh
    \m/ Cheers

  • @Eric-J-
    @Eric-J- 12 лет назад

    The vocals have deathcore all over them? You realise that deathcore is a genre derived from death metal, using death growls? Well now you do.

  • @Visionsofmortality
    @Visionsofmortality 12 лет назад

    Aw, the piece of paper... Why singers never ever learn the songs' lyrics?. Anyway, good clip!.

  • @Wookieboner
    @Wookieboner 12 лет назад

    @jibran241092 hahaha! nice ear

  • @radMisc
    @radMisc 11 лет назад +4

    It is beyond me how anyone could ever prefer Lord Worm above this guy.
    Yeah, he made ONE 40 second scream, apart from that he sounds god awful imo...
    New Cryptopsy rules!

  • @DefenestratedMessiah
    @DefenestratedMessiah 12 лет назад

    @Subrick I agree, still he is nothing compared to Lord Worm but then again it's unfair that every vocalist they have should have to live up to Lord Worm haha!

  • @Swanton619OfDX
    @Swanton619OfDX 12 лет назад

    I just hope it will NOT sound like the last one...

  • @chuffinjackpot
    @chuffinjackpot 11 лет назад

    Haha "ducking" damn u automatic spellcheck on iPhone

  • @ZXBehemothXZ
    @ZXBehemothXZ 12 лет назад

    Guys, Lord Worm isn't coming back. I hated The Unspoken King as much as the next fan, but c'mon, guys. He left for health reasons, he is NOT coming back. Also Jon Levasseur's back, it should be promising and McGachy has gotten better since TUK.

  • @robocopvomit21
    @robocopvomit21 12 лет назад +1

    i dont understand why people want to hear music thats like this album or like that album. Its already been made, enjoy the original for what it was! dont be greedy, when theres too much of a good thing it becomes bland. just let them make the music they believe in and quit hassling them. why should things be stagnant?

  • @mistamontiel
    @mistamontiel 12 лет назад

    Oinkoink. Pffffft.

  • @waylonbloodskull666
    @waylonbloodskull666 12 лет назад

    hmmmm...i saw live recordings where he has sucked, and seen some where he sounds good...this isnt that great, but hopefully the album will kickass

  • @MrRobsworld6
    @MrRobsworld6 12 лет назад

    lololololollolololol!!!! Turn on the fleshlight?? Sounds too generic.

  • @radMisc
    @radMisc 12 лет назад

    "Oh no, a vocalist who can pronounce lyrics without sounding like a dying dog, deathcore all over it".

  • @boheezbohay2666
    @boheezbohay2666 12 лет назад

    Have a feeling.. I won't be buying this album..

  • @ZacBroughton
    @ZacBroughton 12 лет назад

    This guy is a good vocalist, but the last album was awful, good job Jon Levasseur is back on the guitar!