I met Doctor Chuck Missler many years ago in a small church located in Titirangi west Auckland, New Zealand. He said something to me that I have never forgotten. He said that the "New is in the old concealed, the Old is in the new revealed."
@@michaelwilson1669 Amen to both of you brothers! And Mathias, I personally find Dr. Missler’s teachings on this concept more easy to follow (for many reasons), but Augustine’s writings are available to this day if you’re interested in reading them. I pray this reaches you both doing well
Amen! That changed me for sure! So grateful his teachings are still available. He is still leading people to the Lord all the way from the Mezzanine in Heaven! 🙏🏼❤️
I am so thankful that his sermons have been uploaded to youtube. He lives on, continuing his ministry, even after his physical death. God bless you Chuck Missler, rest in peace.
Chuck Missler is too smart for me, but he has taught me a wealth of his knowledge. I am so grateful for the gift of his years of study. Thank you for posting his teachings for free. What a blessing. I would love to hear him speak about the times we are living thru right now since 2020. ❤️
I feel the same way at times. Just remember what he said about being a Berean. Search out a matter with prayer and the Spirit is faithful to open up things to you based on HIS level of knowledge. His ways are always higher than ours. The wisest man in human history was Solomon and all he did was ask for wisdom! How comforting to know that God took an ordinary faithful man and granted him not only wisdom but wealth and everything at his fingertips! You know somewhere I remember Chuck saying that the Word of God is shallow enough for babes to swim in yet SO DEEP that the most learned theologians can deep dive and NEVER touch bottom! He sure has been a blessing to me through the years!
Matthew 22:30 “… but are as the angels of God in heaven.” The Alexandrian texts omit “of God”. Textus Receptus, which came from the Byzantine text which has “of God”. The New King James Version is the only modern translation that uses the Byzantine textual tradition. Chuck Smith as some excellent material on the origins of the KJV and why he was adamant on the subject.
@@CarolynCaudillMyhierLaw-kf5ilKeep in mind Dr. Missler is yearrssss of study and hence the Ph.D. Definitely puts some respect to his name and research. Be encouraged to stick with reading and studying the Word of God. Be blessed ✝️
57:17 there is a national park in Northern Turkey called the Drupinar Park Where Noah's Ark settled in the region of Ararat or Arata. RON WYATT spearheaded this research and found not only the ark but the drough stones, Noah's dwelling and their graves.
Listening to Pastor Chuck I have to keep my notebook nearby to write down all these great great insights. Like drinking from a firehose! This is wonderful teaching. Thank you Lord for your servant Chuck Missler.
I guess im randomly asking but does anybody know of a way to get back into an instagram account..? I was stupid forgot my account password. I love any help you can offer me
@Finnley Elijah Thanks for your reply. I got to the site thru google and I'm trying it out now. I see it takes quite some time so I will get back to you later with my results.
Just love Chuck's faithfulness and effort to bring biblical truths to light. On examining that "Genology from Adam to Noah? God brought it to my attention that it was in the days of JARED (which means 'SHALL COME DOWN') that these fallen angels came down and set foot on Mt. Hermon! I double checked and sure enough! I highly recommend the works and videos of L.A. Marzulli who goes into detail about the antedeluvian period before the flood AND after the flood. Check out his work as well as End TImes Productions, Timothy Alberino. So relevant to the times we live in. God bless you!
We are going through this series in our group Bible Study class. It's nice to have them on RUclips so we can watch it again on our own time or if we miss our regular class.
I love and miss you Chuck. I like it because he is so smart. I feel like I'm in a lecture hall which I like. Nobody is shouting or jumping up and down. Just wonderful
Thank you Chuck so much. I have no words to express my immense gratitude for providing this series to all and removing all excuses as it is free. You are empowering the Saints for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is an amazing study of holy scriptures. I love every minute of it. May God bless you and all your descendants for ever.
Great bible study! For all: Please be aware, a person must trust/believe in their heart ONLY on the following to receive the UNMERITED FREE GIFT of salvation (born again), and be forgiven of all sins (past/present/future). The gospel (good news) by which believers are saved: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (KJV) - "Christ (Jesus, God the Son who came as God in flesh) died (shed his blood) for our sins according to the Scriptures, He was Buried, and he Rose again the third day according to the scriptures.” God wants to Give the FREE GIFT of salvation to every person, BUT, there is ONE Condition: Trust ONLY on Jesus’ payment for all sins at the cross. Notice God describes what he did to pay for our sins, not what we do to earn salvation. This is a One Time Decision and ONE STEP. When a person trusts in their heart (Believes) ONLY on Jesus' payment for our sins at the cross, they are made Born again by God (made spiritually sinless); Forgiven of all sins-past/present/future, SAVED, and PERMANENTLY SEALED. All born again believers will leave at the Rapture. Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV) - “For by GRACE are ye saved through faith; and that NOT of yourselves: it is the gift of God; NOT of works, lest any man should boast.” (Faith ALONE Only on Jesus’ death (shedding of his blood), burial, resurrection ALONE, is required. GRACE means UNMERITED FREE GIFT. NO human effort or works can be involved in receiving or keeping salvation. Believing the New Testament Gospel of Salvation, plus NOTHING, results in Salvation.) God gave only one way to be saved, which is the bible and the gospel listed above: Galatians 1:8-9 KJV, “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” Please be aware, Salvation is NOT received if we have any faith/trust for salvation on ANY Human Effort, such as Repenting of Sins, Confessing, Giving your Heart or Life to God, Praying, Turning from Sins, Confirmation, Rituals, Sacraments, Asking the Lord to Come into your Heart, Verbally Calling, Loving the Lord, Following the Lord, Religious Works, Commandment Keeping, Mary, or Water Baptism, etc, etc..... IF we believe we are saved (made born again by God) based on faith PLUS ANY human effort, or by human effort alone, then we are Not under Grace (UNMERITED FREE GIFT), but are under the law (God’s commandments), Condemned, and Not saved. Romans 11:6 (KJV), “And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace....” We Cannot be Saved with any Faith for Salvation on Water Baptism or any Works / Human Effort: 1 Corinthians 1:17 (KJV) - “For Christ sent me NOT to BAPTIZE, but to preach the gospel; not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of NO EFFECT.” Faith Only on Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, not water baptism, must be the way of receiving salvation. Water baptism was for people (primarily Jewish) offered salvation and the kingdom on earth by the Gospel (good news) of the Kingdom, where a work under Old Testament law, water baptism, was required commandment keeping, which ONLY showed evidence of their saving faith. The thief on the cross was NOT water baptized, but he was saved. So, even when water baptism was commanded, which was under OT law, it was not required for salvation. We are NOT under OT law: Romans 10:4 (KJV), “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.” If we trust on any works or human effort for salvation, we will NOT be saved. Galatians 3:10 (KJV), “For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.” (We can’t continue in all things of the law (10 commandments), because we have already BROKEN the law, and are condemned by the law.) Galatians 5:4 (KJV), “Christ is become of NO EFFECT unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law (works); ye are fallen (separated) from grace (not saved). Romans 3:20 (KJV), “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight:....”: More Verses on HOW TO BE SAVED (BORN AGAIN): Acts 16:30-31(KJV) - “The Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” (‘Believe’ for Salvation in the New Testament means trust in your heart only on Jesus’ (God the Son who came as God in flesh) death (shedding of his blood), burial, and resurrection.) Romans 3:28 (KJV) - “Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law” Romans 4:5 (KJV), “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness” Once Saved Always Saved and Eternal Security is TRUE for Every Born Again Believer: We MUST Be Born Again (made permanently spiritually sinless by God) by FAITH ALONE; then we have Eternal Security, and CAN’T LOSE Salvation. Believing that a person can lose salvation means we incorrectly believe we can obtain or keep salvation, which includes leaving in the rapture, by HUMAN EFFORT. That means we approach God for salvation with faith on HUMAN EFFORT, and that means NO salvation: John 3:3 (KJV), “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Titus 3:5 (KJV), “NOT by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Spirit.” Ephesians 4:30 (KJV), “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are SEALED unto the day of redemption.” John 6:37 (KJV), “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I WILL NO WISE CAST OUT.” John 10:28-29 (KJV), “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and NO MAN is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.” 2 Corinthian 1:22 (KJV), “Who hath also Sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.” Jesus came as God the Son and God in flesh: Isaiah 9:6 (KJV), “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God......." Titus 2:13 (KJV), “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” Colossians 1:15 (KJV), “Jesus is the image of the invisible God......" 1 Timothy 3:16 (KJV), “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh."
The brothers in my church are avoiding the gospel being revealed in the names in the genealogy. I decided to research each name independently and am convinced that it is 100% true
Many of the denominations have handed down corrupted doctrines through deceptive and divisive teachings in the mainstream religious leadership. So I will agree with Mr. Missler when it comes to many things including Genesis Chapter 6. He did such great work and he gave us a doorway to the truth in his way after 2 millenia of deception and fables.
Interesting that he makes note: There are 3 groups of people who were dealt with- 1 Those who perished, 2 Those who were preserved through the flood, 3 Those who were removed PRIOR to the flood. And that God deals with things this way and to pay attention as to how this pertains to the prophetic word.
Chuck Missler has held a spot in all of out hearts, this gift from he always has to communicate to each of our hearts, is truly a blessing from God. Chuck had a knack which has always touched my heart. A special way to make each of us understand more. I am thankful for this institute. I will be ordering from his teachings.... He just had a special way with words... God Bless you Chuck for all of your teachings and understanding...….
What joy we are blessed with to learn more about the word. Amazing miracle that Chuck Missler’s ministry lives on. God bless all of you that are learning too.
AMAZING! Thank you SO much! Whew, lol my brain hurts. But so love this stuff. I thought as a youngster how cool would it be to do what Chuck does, but God had other plans for me.
Miss Chuck Missler also. I watched almost all of his appearances on YT for Koinonia House. I unplugged TV in 2015 and did research on every thing and reading. Read Bible 1st. God Bless All...
I believe the book of Enoch is inspired scripture. Jesus’s own brother Jude, quotes out of it and Enoch is quoted in several other places in the Bible. The book of jubilees is very valuable and inspired also.
I have listened to all of Chuck Missler's tapes and videos. He was a brilliant man! His teaching still goes out to the world. What a blessing his life has been. Thank you for still posting his tapes and videos for the world to experience. I only wish I was intelligent enough to grasp all his scientific wonders in his brain.
Deeply moved, by your whole presentation in it's entirety ,making thru your interpretación the creation of a stronger more permanent faith un the ETERNAL MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE, TO SAY THANK YOU IS SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH!!!!!
38:56 Chuck says "Heavenly House" instead of "earthly house". He is so knowledgeable that he could have said it deliberately just to test if his audience is paying attention! I am very thankful to God for him and his teaching ministry to us. Thank you Dr. Missler and Koinonia House. Earthly house, Koinonia House, and now he is in his Heavely house!
I love learning about the Bible from this incredible teacher! I too take notes! God really opened his eyes to so much insight to share, some which is still so deep and highly intelligent I must pray to still have it revealed to my understanding even after listening to Chuck Missler so thoroughly explain a certain part of biblical scripture and how it may apply to all times!
Fossil record shows human beings were bigger before the flood, so I’d imagine Noah and his sons were all roughly 13ft tall. Making their cubit much bigger.
Ron, the quality is amazing, the upscaling really works well. great idea to do this as SD is old fashioned now, i hope you can do to other other videos also. Thanks you.
It is interesting to me how so many people have attempted to find Noah's ark. I would wager that the ark was consumed by Noah and his family for resources in which they could survive without ample lumber for things like fire and shelter. Since all living things were indeed wiped out, it may have taken a great deal of time for trees to re-develop and so on. So...good luck to all those who want to find the ark. There is a strong possibility it was almost entirely dismantled and re-engineered into shelters, corrals, and other things needed by Noah and his descendants.
R.W.!!! 🙌🏻 Wow!! That makes SO much common sense, but I’ve *never* considered that or even heard this theory before. You are probably right!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 My goodness, I wonder what *other* realizations you’ve come to! Thanks for sharing this!
I've heard it wasn't the ark, I think it was by the same scientists that DON'T want to believe that God exists I have watched Ron Wyatt's video and I tell ya if that wasn't the ark then that was the ONLY formation on the planet that looked like the ark. In all honesty I don't think for a single second it isn't the ark.
I praise God for the teachings through His servant Chuck Missler, I study with these videos all the time. But I have a different theory on the Ark. I think Noah and his sons would have taken the ark apart to build their homes and shelters for the animals. I don't think we will ever find an ark but rather a small village from which Noah's sons populated the world.
@@PeaceIsJesusChrist I think these experts have spent so much time digging for evidence that sometimes they forget the simplest most logical answer. I think they call that Achim's Razor , "simplest answer is usually the right one".
chris scott, 😂 Yes! It reminds me of mainstream medicine-people take medications with complicated side-effects when God’s herbs are in most cases far more effective and work without the side-effects. 🤷🏻♀️ I suppose we could find examples of this everywhere. It definitely makes you think!
Hello, I have a question for Dr. Missler. About Jesus walking on the sea, Dr. Missler says it was one of the many Satan’s attempt to eliminate the Promised Seed, I agree, but I believe this episode could also be prophetic of Jesus ruling over the nations with a rod of iron, because it says in Revelation that many waters are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. Isaiah 17:12-13 compares the multitude of many people, with the noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters. And the nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but God shall rebuke them. This is exactly what Jesus did, He rebuked the sea. I think that’s a prophecy of Jesus Chris ruling over the nations in the millennium. And the apostles were toiling in the midst of waters with the wind was contrary unto them, just the way we are between the nations. What do you think?
my only comment is that as David Flynn shared in his seminal work "Temple At The Center of Time", the sacred cubit was 25.2 inches. The common cubit varied depending on the culture (which civilisation) chose the size - so it varied from 18-22 inches. The number 25.2 and its variations is an important principle in scripture - in Daniel the writing on the wall was actually a number mene =1000 so 2 mene =2000, tekel (shekel) was 500, and parsin was 20 for a total of 2520
This message is from Koinonia House? From the organization that produces Chuck Missler preachings online? Unbelievable!! How can you peddle God's Word and use it like this?
Please explain how the angels, the 'fallen ones' were able to mate with Adam's daughters if God cast them into Tartarus - in chains of darkness and held there until the day of judgement.
Matthew 22:30 “… bear the the angels of God in heaven.” In the Alexandrian texts “of God” is omitted. The Kink James uses the Byzantine texts from which Textus Receptus was derived. Missler doesn’t get into textual issues but Chuck Smith does. Both stuck to the King James for good reasons. I recommend the KJV or NJKV first then the NIV. (Missler did say that NIV was “Nearly Inspired Version” and was never NIV positive.)
I love the coming messiah prphecy derived from the hebrew roots of the names in the genisis 5 geneology, although - why does he leave out cain and abel in the geneological prophecy? are any other names omitted?ll
IRT living below sea level around 2009-11 as Turkey was digging a tunnel under the Bosporus Strait, work had to stop because a “prehistoric” human site was discovered which had to be removed before work could resume!
Thank you for fixing hour 2 issue in hour 3. I appreciate it very much not for my sake, but for his and the rest of you. okay mine to as I have a very high regard and care about him.
His suit and tie. I would never let someone appear on camera like that. Plus the focus went in and out. Chuck has earned far more respect than what appeared in #2.
Abel can also Translate as Father God Ab-el Ab= Father and El being God, Cain is a little harder but can translate as spear, possession, rod or lamentation. When you look to the serpent on the rod by moses then you could translate the passage of Cain and Abel as the Cross kills God Just a tidbit
Re: Noah's ark. Also consider it appears Noah took young/baby animals..recall the lioness and her two cubs? So that cut down on needed space drastically.
"Charles" is the English pronunciation of the French from the Latin "Carolus" and is the same as the German "Carl" from a Germanic noun "karlaz" which means freeman.
Ok, LORD went through Egypt and killed, there is no death angel mentioned in Exodus 11. HE also passed over the doorways to protect those with the blood. The account of the Assyrian slaughter was also LORD doing the killing, not a mere angel. The Almighty Himself. I do respect this man's teaching.
I love this guy, and this is an important series, but I just have this small comment about brother Chuck's words @39:40 where he says that the seed of the woman "is a contradiction in terms, because the seed is the man, not the woman. It's a contradiction in biology, not just grammar." I refuse to believe that God contradicts biology! God has known this all along, and has told us in the Bible, that women do have seed. Rather, humans have misunderstood this for all these millennia because her seeds are not naturally "seen," because they are released within her (usually 1/month during her years of fertility), not ejaculated. They are her ova, ovum for singular. A sperm is the male "gamete" or sex cell. It combines with the female "gamete," called an ovum, to form a new person with DNA from both parents.
@Dar C you failed to understand there is no contradiction...if the seed of a woman is context of Jesus Christ who father The Holy Spirit ,so it's an exception because his nature of birth
Great Thanks for the teaching. I have a couple items I'd like to share. I wonder about Cain and Abel being twins? The reason I say that is the Father told Eve her sorrow and conception would multiply. Thinking possibly from single birth to multiple births, in addition to sorrow equalling pain. Seems to me Eve would have had children previous to the fall and the punishment would have made sense to her. Along that same line of thinking, Cain would have been able to obtain his wife from those born before the fall. (not to mention, could they have even built cities before the fall and none of this is mentioned because no record keeping was needed until the fall)? It is assumed they stayed only in the Garden and maybe they did. But if there were offspring, were they too restricted to the Garden of Eden? Was the Garden of Eden known only in another dimension? Might the earth we see now be the field spoken of but in a different dimension? Are we waiting for the last soul born before the fall to be born in this mortal world for it to end? Ok. getting off track. I look forward to input from others. Thanks
The reason the “fall” was necessary is because there would be no children unless they had the knowledge given them by the fruit of the tree. The fall was actually a choice of agency given mankind from God. The fall was a transgression more than it was an actual sin. They were given the commandment to not eat do the tree of knowledge of good and evil and also the commandment to multiply and replenish the earth so they had to do one in order to fulfill another. I’m sure God knew Satan would do what he did to tempt them into the choice.
One point of disagreement, there's nothing to suggest the exact number of animals that entered the Ark also left the Ark. The Bible says to let out every living thing on the Ark, and there would almost certainly be more. I don't know why Dr. Missler asserts this.
Just one question: How did the black people turn black if they are descendants of Noah? And what about the east asians? The native Australians and all the human tribes on islands all around the world that look very distinctive. How could this all come be in such a short amount of time if the flood was globally and not locally?
I am curious about something. All of these areas are by & large populated by some various shades of brown people. I am very Irish -- like generically 75%. Not a lot of what U might call pigmentation in either my family tree or my generation. Which tribes led to the Celts that led to me?
Hmmmm! You said at 51:07-51:09 "Those that perished in the flood, of course, most. All but nine people." My Authorized King James Bible says that there were 8, (that's eight) souls were saved by water, during the flood of Noah's day! 1Pe 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
Only1trueGOD - I'm pretty confident, based on the context, Dr. Missler mistakenly said 9 when he meant 8. Just as when speaking of delocalization he mistakenly said 10 to the negative 35cm when he MEANT to say 10-33cm. I don't believe either of these was intentional, just basic human error. Also, if The Bible says 8, (and it does), The Bible is correct. ;-) - Respectfully.
ron black nope he meant 9 re listen to 51:00 to 52:00 there are two sets of people those who were taken up prior to the flood Enoch and those preserved through the flood! He is a pretty rapture believer as am I.
Algariel Maldonado don’t want to sound argumentative, but please explain if possible. With that theory, why would God have ordered Noah to bring his sons and their wives? And if we accept it was one of Noah’s daughter in law, why not his own wife? Any biblical support for this theory? (I don’t see biblical support for what I mentioned either)
Genesis 6:9 "These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God." My conjecture from this, is that he was pure, and his children were as well. Since his children where, then that safely rules out Noah's wife as a carrier, strictly for this rationalization. It later says nephilum roamed and flourished in the lands of Canaan. So whose bloodline flourished in Canaan? Genesis 9:18 "And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan. By process of elimination, Ham's wife was the most likely carrier.
there was some sort of transgression (sexual) between Noah and his son Ham. Noah was drunk on wine and laid sleeping ,naked, in his tent when Ham did something..then left Noah a told his brothers of Noah's nakedness ..the two younger brothers walked in backwards and coverd their father with a blanket out of respect. Then Noah awoke and knew of Ham's trangression and in a shout cursed canaan..his grandson of Ham. some say he raped his mother as his father Noah slept. curropting the gene pool or bloodline somehow.
Love the series. Any idea why one of my TVs I am watching this on is showing closed captions. Everything Chuck is saying is at the bottom of the screen. Anyone know how to get rid of it?
Our learn the bible in 24 hours series does have captions, if you are on a smart TV, there should be an option under RUclips to turn Captions on or off. If you are on a computer, click on the CC icon or the little gear icon to turn them off
Wait - there were two of every species on the ark and none reproduced ("they lost none - gained none"), right? How then could a third dove be sent out?
These should be in a bible group in every community!!! Young people! Old people! Believers! Nonbelievers! Study and give this man a listen!
Oughta be in EVERY Seminary and Bible College AND homeschool!
Oughta be in EVERY homeschool! Bible College also. NOTHING he has covered was in the one I graduated from.
The best time I've ever spent learning about God. Thank u for making this teaching from C.Missler available. I expect to soon support these endeavors.
Every time I give this man even an hour of my time and attention he teaches me something that deepens my faith God bless Chuck and everyone listening
I met Doctor Chuck Missler many years ago in a small church located in Titirangi west Auckland, New Zealand. He said something to me that I have never forgotten. He said that the "New is in the old concealed, the Old is in the new revealed."
Yes, St. Augustine said it first a long, long time ago, but Chuck does a wonderful job of connecting the new and the old.
@@michaelwilson1669 Amen to both of you brothers! And Mathias, I personally find Dr. Missler’s teachings on this concept more easy to follow (for many reasons), but Augustine’s writings are available to this day if you’re interested in reading them. I pray this reaches you both doing well
Amen! That changed me for sure! So grateful his teachings are still available. He is still leading people to the Lord all the way from the Mezzanine in Heaven! 🙏🏼❤️
I just discovered this man about a month ago
I love his work
Me too. Great knowledge and following logic
I am so thankful that his sermons have been uploaded to youtube. He lives on, continuing his ministry, even after his physical death. God bless you Chuck Missler, rest in peace.
Chuck Missler is too smart for me, but he has taught me a wealth of his knowledge. I am so grateful for the gift of his years of study. Thank you for posting his teachings for free. What a blessing. I would love to hear him speak about the times we are living thru right now since 2020. ❤️
I've tried following him, but he skip's around from one subject to the next,
I can't do that and even keep up in the Bible
I feel the same way at times. Just remember what he said about being a Berean. Search out a matter with prayer and the Spirit is faithful to open up things to you based on HIS level of knowledge. His ways are always higher than ours. The wisest man in human history was Solomon and all he did was ask for wisdom! How comforting to know that God took an ordinary faithful man and granted him not only wisdom but wealth and everything at his fingertips! You know somewhere I remember Chuck saying that the Word of God is shallow enough for babes to swim in yet SO DEEP that the most learned theologians can deep dive and NEVER touch bottom! He sure has been a blessing to me through the years!
Matthew 22:30 “… but are as the angels of God in heaven.” The Alexandrian texts omit “of God”. Textus Receptus, which came from the Byzantine text which has “of God”. The New King James Version is the only modern translation that uses the Byzantine textual tradition. Chuck Smith as some excellent material on the origins of the KJV and why he was adamant on the subject.
@@CarolynCaudillMyhierLaw-kf5ilKeep in mind Dr. Missler is yearrssss of study and hence the Ph.D. Definitely puts some respect to his name and research. Be encouraged to stick with reading and studying the Word of God. Be blessed ✝️
57:17 there is a national park in Northern Turkey called the Drupinar Park Where Noah's Ark settled in the region of Ararat or Arata. RON WYATT spearheaded this research and found not only the ark but the drough stones, Noah's dwelling and their graves.
God bless this man!
He explains things like no one else I have ever listened to!
He gets me excited about Jesus!
Chuck Missler was a true man of God and an awesome bible teacher that Has taught me so much. I’m truly grateful for all this free content thank you 😊
Oh! Yes! Amen
So glad I found this. Makes learning so interesting and fun
This man has so much information about the Bible! It's amazing!
Listening to Pastor Chuck I have to keep my notebook nearby to write down all these great great insights. Like drinking from a firehose! This is wonderful teaching. Thank you Lord for your servant Chuck Missler.
It’s definitely like drinking from a firehose!! 😂 Good idea to take notes!
Same here, I have note books full from listening to him
I guess im randomly asking but does anybody know of a way to get back into an instagram account..?
I was stupid forgot my account password. I love any help you can offer me
@Greyson Kingsley instablaster ;)
@Finnley Elijah Thanks for your reply. I got to the site thru google and I'm trying it out now.
I see it takes quite some time so I will get back to you later with my results.
Just love Chuck's faithfulness and effort to bring biblical truths to light. On examining that "Genology from Adam to Noah? God brought it to my attention that it was in the days of JARED (which means 'SHALL COME DOWN') that these fallen angels came down and set foot on Mt. Hermon! I double checked and sure enough! I highly recommend the works and videos of L.A. Marzulli who goes into detail about the antedeluvian period before the flood AND after the flood. Check out his work as well as End TImes Productions, Timothy Alberino. So relevant to the times we live in. God bless you!
We are going through this series in our group Bible Study class. It's nice to have them on RUclips so we can watch it again on our own time or if we miss our regular class.
I love and miss you Chuck. I like it because he is so smart. I feel like I'm in a lecture hall which I like. Nobody is shouting or jumping up and down. Just wonderful
I love the way chuck teaches, what a blessing! I’ve just found out about this beautiful soul!
A fascinating man.
Thank you Chuck so much. I have no words to express my immense gratitude for providing this series to all and removing all excuses as it is free. You are empowering the Saints for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is an amazing study of holy scriptures. I love every minute of it. May God bless you and all your descendants for ever.
So grateful.
Great bible study!
For all: Please be aware, a person must trust/believe in their heart ONLY on the following to receive the UNMERITED FREE GIFT of salvation (born again), and be forgiven of all sins (past/present/future). The gospel (good news) by which believers are saved:
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (KJV) - "Christ (Jesus, God the Son who came as God in flesh) died (shed his blood) for our sins according to the Scriptures, He was Buried, and he Rose again the third day according to the scriptures.”
God wants to Give the FREE GIFT of salvation to every person, BUT, there is ONE Condition: Trust ONLY on Jesus’ payment for all sins at the cross. Notice God describes what he did to pay for our sins, not what we do to earn salvation. This is a One Time Decision and ONE STEP. When a person trusts in their heart (Believes) ONLY on Jesus' payment for our sins at the cross, they are made Born again by God (made spiritually sinless); Forgiven of all sins-past/present/future, SAVED, and PERMANENTLY SEALED. All born again believers will leave at the Rapture.
Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV) - “For by GRACE are ye saved through faith; and that NOT of yourselves: it is the gift of God; NOT of works, lest any man should boast.” (Faith ALONE Only on Jesus’ death (shedding of his blood), burial, resurrection ALONE, is required. GRACE means UNMERITED FREE GIFT. NO human effort or works can be involved in receiving or keeping salvation. Believing the New Testament Gospel of Salvation, plus NOTHING, results in Salvation.)
God gave only one way to be saved, which is the bible and the gospel listed above: Galatians 1:8-9 KJV, “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.”
Please be aware, Salvation is NOT received if we have any faith/trust for salvation on ANY Human Effort, such as Repenting of Sins, Confessing, Giving your Heart or Life to God, Praying, Turning from Sins, Confirmation, Rituals, Sacraments, Asking the Lord to Come into your Heart, Verbally Calling, Loving the Lord, Following the Lord, Religious Works, Commandment Keeping, Mary, or Water Baptism, etc, etc.....
IF we believe we are saved (made born again by God) based on faith PLUS ANY human effort, or by human effort alone, then we are Not under Grace (UNMERITED FREE GIFT), but are under the law (God’s commandments), Condemned, and Not saved.
Romans 11:6 (KJV), “And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace....”
We Cannot be Saved with any Faith for Salvation on Water Baptism or any Works / Human Effort:
1 Corinthians 1:17 (KJV) - “For Christ sent me NOT to BAPTIZE, but to preach the gospel; not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of NO EFFECT.”
Faith Only on Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, not water baptism, must be the way of receiving salvation. Water baptism was for people (primarily Jewish) offered salvation and the kingdom on earth by the Gospel (good news) of the Kingdom, where a work under Old Testament law, water baptism, was required commandment keeping, which ONLY showed evidence of their saving faith.
The thief on the cross was NOT water baptized, but he was saved. So, even when water baptism was commanded, which was under OT law, it was not required for salvation.
We are NOT under OT law:
Romans 10:4 (KJV), “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.”
If we trust on any works or human effort for salvation, we will NOT be saved.
Galatians 3:10 (KJV), “For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.”
(We can’t continue in all things of the law (10 commandments), because we have already BROKEN the law, and are condemned by the law.)
Galatians 5:4 (KJV), “Christ is become of NO EFFECT unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law (works); ye are fallen (separated) from grace (not saved).
Romans 3:20 (KJV), “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight:....”:
Acts 16:30-31(KJV) - “The Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.”
(‘Believe’ for Salvation in the New Testament means trust in your heart only on Jesus’ (God the Son who came as God in flesh) death (shedding of his blood), burial, and resurrection.)
Romans 3:28 (KJV) - “Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law”
Romans 4:5 (KJV), “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness”
Once Saved Always Saved and Eternal Security is TRUE for Every Born Again Believer:
We MUST Be Born Again (made permanently spiritually sinless by God) by FAITH ALONE; then we have Eternal Security, and CAN’T LOSE Salvation. Believing that a person can lose salvation means we incorrectly believe we can obtain or keep salvation, which includes leaving in the rapture, by HUMAN EFFORT. That means we approach God for salvation with faith on HUMAN EFFORT, and that means NO salvation:
John 3:3 (KJV), “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
Titus 3:5 (KJV), “NOT by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Spirit.”
Ephesians 4:30 (KJV), “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are SEALED unto the day of redemption.”
John 6:37 (KJV), “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I WILL NO WISE CAST OUT.”
John 10:28-29 (KJV), “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and NO MAN is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.”
2 Corinthian 1:22 (KJV), “Who hath also Sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.”
Jesus came as God the Son and God in flesh:
Isaiah 9:6 (KJV), “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God......."
Titus 2:13 (KJV), “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.”
Colossians 1:15 (KJV), “Jesus is the image of the invisible God......"
1 Timothy 3:16 (KJV), “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh."
The brothers in my church are avoiding the gospel being revealed in the names in the genealogy. I decided to research each name independently and am convinced that it is 100% true
I’m finding that some of these names have different meanings than what he said. Do you have any references I could check out?
I love this man
Many of the denominations have handed down corrupted doctrines through deceptive and divisive teachings in the mainstream religious leadership.
So I will agree with Mr. Missler when it comes to many things including Genesis Chapter 6.
He did such great work and he gave us a doorway to the truth in his way after 2 millenia of deception and fables.
I am learning so much. Thank you God for this man.
These are totally awsome !! I am so glad we will meet up with Chuck too one day :)
Interesting that he makes note: There are 3 groups of people who were dealt with- 1 Those who perished, 2 Those who were preserved through the flood, 3 Those who were removed PRIOR to the flood. And that God deals with things this way and to pay attention as to how this pertains to the prophetic word.
This is a superb mainstay for KHouse ministries. The original DVD set transformed my Christian walk! Thanks, Chuck, for hanging in there. Blessings.
@Koinonia House Get thee behind me Satan
@@bibiandjoshua are you ok
Chuck thankful for your teaching
Chuck Missler has held a spot in all of out hearts, this gift from he always has to communicate to each of our hearts, is truly a blessing from God. Chuck had a knack which has always touched my heart. A special way to make each of us understand more. I am thankful for this institute. I will be ordering from his teachings.... He just had a special way with words... God Bless you Chuck for all of your teachings and understanding...….
What joy we are blessed with to learn more about the word. Amazing miracle that Chuck Missler’s ministry lives on. God bless all of you that are learning too.
Love you Chuck!
Thank you for this legacy. To God be the glory! AMEN!!
Thank you Chuck Missler for your work for Christ!
AMAZING! Thank you SO much! Whew, lol my brain hurts. But so love this stuff. I thought as a youngster how cool would it be to do what Chuck does, but God had other plans for me.
God blessed Chuck Missler he is now in heaven with God
Miss Chuck Missler also. I watched almost all of his appearances on YT for Koinonia House. I unplugged TV in 2015 and did research on every thing and reading. Read Bible 1st. God Bless All...
Thank you for all these uploads! It is helping with my Khouse Bible Study course, thank you legends so much! God Bless. Amen.
I believe the book of Enoch is inspired scripture. Jesus’s own brother Jude, quotes out of it and Enoch is quoted in several other places in the Bible. The book of jubilees is very valuable and inspired also.
Miss you so much Dr Missler
Great insight concerning Satan, had not heard this before. Makes sense John 8:44
Thank you so much for all these teachings🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🙏🏼
Thank you for posting these.
Fountains of the deep and windows of heaven opened.
I have listened to all of Chuck Missler's tapes and videos. He was a brilliant man! His teaching still goes out to the world. What a blessing his life has been. Thank you for still posting his tapes and videos for the world to experience. I only wish I was intelligent enough to grasp all his scientific wonders in his brain.
How a man that is so smart can believe in "the blessed hope", the rapture - is beyond me.
there is a possibiliy that bro. chuck might win my back over to a belief in the rapture...i try to remain open.
47:58 Also check out Walt Brown's book, In the Beginning - Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood.
Yes!!! Amen for posting. I started the Isaiah series. Highly Recommend. Waiting for more sessions to be uploaded. :)
I am thankful for learning about the bible
Brilliant........rip Chuck.
Great episode!
I prefer the original intro. No need to update. Chuck Missler is beloved.
Soo blessed , good teachings
Deeply moved, by your whole presentation in it's entirety ,making thru your interpretación the creation of a stronger more permanent faith un the ETERNAL MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE, TO SAY THANK YOU IS SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH!!!!!
Thats amazing
What wisdom thank you
38:56 Chuck says "Heavenly House" instead of "earthly house".
He is so knowledgeable that he could have said it deliberately just to test if his audience is paying attention!
I am very thankful to God for him and his teaching ministry to us.
Thank you Dr. Missler and Koinonia House. Earthly house, Koinonia House, and now he is in his Heavely house!
I love learning about the Bible from this incredible teacher! I too take notes! God really opened his eyes to so much insight to share, some which is still so deep and highly intelligent I must pray to still have it revealed to my understanding even after listening to Chuck Missler so thoroughly explain a certain part of biblical scripture and how it may apply to all times!
Thanks Dr. Missler, I love the word.
Thanks God for Chuck again: great details of the flood and the hereafter
Part 3 so far so good
great video! so well said! thank you!
I tried watching all 24 a few years ago and failed. I just finished session 3. On to session four.
Great job!
Fossil record shows human beings were bigger before the flood, so I’d imagine Noah and his sons were all roughly 13ft tall. Making their cubit much bigger.
Ron, the quality is amazing, the upscaling really works well. great idea to do this as SD is old fashioned now, i hope you can do to other other videos also. Thanks you.
It is interesting to me how so many people have attempted to find Noah's ark. I would wager that the ark was consumed by Noah and his family for resources in which they could survive without ample lumber for things like fire and shelter. Since all living things were indeed wiped out, it may have taken a great deal of time for trees to re-develop and so on. So...good luck to all those who want to find the ark. There is a strong possibility it was almost entirely dismantled and re-engineered into shelters, corrals, and other things needed by Noah and his descendants.
@daniel o Noah's ark was found by Ron Wyatt. You can find his videos on RUclips. Enjoy!
I had never considered that Noah would have consumed the ark by repurposing and into corrales and buildings. That makes so much sense.
Ron Wyatt found the Ark like stated above.... please check it out, it's fascinating!!
R.W.!!! 🙌🏻 Wow!! That makes SO much common sense, but I’ve *never* considered that or even heard this theory before. You are probably right!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 My goodness, I wonder what *other* realizations you’ve come to! Thanks for sharing this!
I've heard it wasn't the ark, I think it was by the same scientists that DON'T want to believe that God exists I have watched Ron Wyatt's video and I tell ya if that wasn't the ark then that was the ONLY formation on the planet that looked like the ark. In all honesty I don't think for a single second it isn't the ark.
I praise God for the teachings through His servant Chuck Missler, I study with these videos all the time. But I have a different theory on the Ark. I think Noah and his sons would have taken the ark apart to build their homes and shelters for the animals. I don't think we will ever find an ark but rather a small village from which Noah's sons populated the world.
R.W. Mentioned this in the comments also, and I think it’s brilliant! I had never heard this, but it makes so much sense!
@@PeaceIsJesusChrist I think these experts have spent so much time digging for evidence that sometimes they forget the simplest most logical answer. I think they call that Achim's Razor , "simplest answer is usually the right one".
chris scott, 😂 Yes! It reminds me of mainstream medicine-people take medications with complicated side-effects when God’s herbs are in most cases far more effective and work without the side-effects. 🤷🏻♀️ I suppose we could find examples of this everywhere. It definitely makes you think!
Hello, I have a question for Dr. Missler. About Jesus walking on the sea, Dr. Missler says it was one of the many Satan’s attempt to eliminate the Promised Seed, I agree, but I believe this episode could also be prophetic of Jesus ruling over the nations with a rod of iron, because it says in Revelation that many waters are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. Isaiah 17:12-13 compares the multitude of many people, with the noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters. And the nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but God shall rebuke them. This is exactly what Jesus did, He rebuked the sea. I think that’s a prophecy of Jesus Chris ruling over the nations in the millennium. And the apostles were toiling in the midst of waters with the wind was contrary unto them, just the way we are between the nations. What do you think?
I am sorry to see there is no response
They get so many messages it's impossible to see them all.
my only comment is that as David Flynn shared in his seminal work "Temple At The Center of Time", the sacred cubit was 25.2 inches. The common cubit varied depending on the culture (which civilisation) chose the size - so it varied from 18-22 inches. The number 25.2 and its variations is an important principle in scripture - in Daniel the writing on the wall was actually a number mene =1000 so 2 mene =2000, tekel (shekel) was 500, and parsin was 20 for a total of 2520
Hour 3 - Genesis Chapters 4 through 11
This message is from Koinonia House? From the organization that produces Chuck Missler preachings online? Unbelievable!! How can you peddle God's Word and use it like this?
Please explain how the angels, the 'fallen ones' were able to mate with Adam's daughters if God cast them into Tartarus - in chains of darkness and held there until the day of judgement.
Matthew 22:30 “… bear the the angels of God in heaven.” In the Alexandrian texts “of God” is omitted. The Kink James uses the Byzantine texts from which Textus Receptus was derived. Missler doesn’t get into textual issues but Chuck Smith does. Both stuck to the King James for good reasons. I recommend the KJV or NJKV first then the NIV. (Missler did say that NIV was “Nearly Inspired Version” and was never NIV positive.)
7:23-15:51 genealogy meaning
I love the coming messiah prphecy derived from the hebrew roots of the names in the genisis 5 geneology, although - why does he leave out cain and abel in the geneological prophecy? are any other names omitted?ll
@48:27 he references Genesis 10:25 as referring to continental drift, but that verse deals with the sons of Eber.
IRT living below sea level around 2009-11 as Turkey was digging a tunnel under the Bosporus Strait, work had to stop because a “prehistoric” human site was discovered which had to be removed before work could resume!
note he quotes Proverbs 25:2
27:02 leaving a placemark
Confused between demons and angels up to mischief.
Correction at 31:34: Ambrose, not Amrose.
Thank you for fixing hour 2 issue in hour 3. I appreciate it very much not for my sake, but for his and the rest of you. okay mine to as I have a very high regard and care about him.
Which issue was there in Hour 2?
His suit and tie. I would never let someone appear on camera like that. Plus the focus went in and out. Chuck has earned far more respect than what appeared in #2.
you don't look like a female, so don't pretend to notice how we show care.
Hey Kristen how about STOP COMPLAINING! What is your problem? Are you his mother? Enjoy the videos or go away...
"Love one another as I have loved you."
Hello Chuck Missler! Where in Bible can we see that fossils were created after Adam and Eve?!
I wish I could ask Chuck how the descendants of giants could exist after the flood if it was world wide and all flesh died?
I would suggest in theory that Scripture says Noah’s line was uncorrupted up to the flood. It doesn’t specify the wives line.
Abel can also Translate as Father God Ab-el Ab= Father and El being God, Cain is a little harder but can translate as spear, possession, rod or lamentation. When you look to the serpent on the rod by moses then you could translate the passage of Cain and Abel as the Cross kills God Just a tidbit
Re: Noah's ark. Also consider it appears Noah took young/baby animals..recall the lioness and her two cubs? So that cut down on needed space drastically.
"Charles" is the English pronunciation of the French from the Latin "Carolus" and is the same as the German "Carl" from a Germanic noun "karlaz" which means freeman.
Ok, LORD went through Egypt and killed, there is no death angel mentioned in Exodus 11. HE also passed over the doorways to protect those with the blood. The account of the Assyrian slaughter was also LORD doing the killing, not a mere angel. The Almighty Himself. I do respect this man's teaching.
I love this guy, and this is an important series, but I just have this small comment about brother Chuck's words @39:40 where he says that the seed of the woman "is a contradiction in terms, because the seed is the man, not the woman. It's a contradiction in biology, not just grammar." I refuse to believe that God contradicts biology! God has known this all along, and has told us in the Bible, that women do have seed. Rather, humans have misunderstood this for all these millennia because her seeds are not naturally "seen," because they are released within her (usually 1/month during her years of fertility), not ejaculated. They are her ova, ovum for singular. A sperm is the male "gamete" or sex cell. It combines with the female "gamete," called an ovum, to form a new person with DNA from both parents.
@Dar C you failed to understand there is no contradiction...if the seed of a woman is context of Jesus Christ who father The Holy Spirit ,so it's an exception because his nature of birth
Great Thanks for the teaching.
I have a couple items I'd like to share. I wonder about Cain and Abel being twins? The reason I say that is the Father told Eve her sorrow and conception would multiply. Thinking possibly from single birth to multiple births, in addition to sorrow equalling pain. Seems to me Eve would have had children previous to the fall and the punishment would have made sense to her.
Along that same line of thinking, Cain would have been able to obtain his wife from those born before the fall. (not to mention, could they have even built cities before the fall and none of this is mentioned because no record keeping was needed until the fall)?
It is assumed they stayed only in the Garden and maybe they did. But if there were offspring, were they too restricted to the Garden of Eden? Was the Garden of Eden known only in another dimension? Might the earth we see now be the field spoken of but in a different dimension?
Are we waiting for the last soul born before the fall to be born in this mortal world for it to end? Ok. getting off track. I look forward to input from others. Thanks
The reason the “fall” was necessary is because there would be no children unless they had the knowledge given them by the fruit of the tree. The fall was actually a choice of agency given mankind from God. The fall was a transgression more than it was an actual sin. They were given the commandment to not eat do the tree of knowledge of good and evil and also the commandment to multiply and replenish the earth so they had to do one in order to fulfill another. I’m sure God knew Satan would do what he did to tempt them into the choice.
One point of disagreement, there's nothing to suggest the exact number of animals that entered the Ark also left the Ark. The Bible says to let out every living thing on the Ark, and there would almost certainly be more. I don't know why Dr. Missler asserts this.
Just one question: How did the black people turn black if they are descendants of Noah? And what about the east asians? The native Australians and all the human tribes on islands all around the world that look very distinctive. How could this all come be in such a short amount of time if the flood was globally and not locally?
Seth was begot in the image of Adam. Dead spiritually. Jesus is first born alive spiritually. Not from Adam seed. Hallelujah!!
I am curious about something. All of these areas are by & large populated by some various shades of brown people. I am very Irish -- like generically 75%. Not a lot of what U might call pigmentation in either my family tree or my generation. Which tribes led to the Celts that led to me?
The say we were all black at one time, different stories how we changed, but I think it was at the tower of Babel.
Hmmmm! You said at 51:07-51:09 "Those that perished in the flood, of course, most. All but nine people."
My Authorized King James Bible says that there were 8, (that's eight) souls were saved by water, during the flood of Noah's day!
1Pe 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
Because Enoch was translated before the flood, he did not perish in the flood.
Only1trueGOD - I'm pretty confident, based on the context, Dr. Missler mistakenly said 9 when he meant 8. Just as when speaking of delocalization he mistakenly said 10 to the negative 35cm when he MEANT to say 10-33cm. I don't believe either of these was intentional, just basic human error. Also, if The Bible says 8, (and it does), The Bible is correct. ;-) - Respectfully.
ron black nope he meant 9 re listen to 51:00 to 52:00 there are two sets of people those who were taken up prior to the flood Enoch and those preserved through the flood! He is a pretty rapture believer as am I.
Great video thanks ,... just 1 question, two of each animals entered the ark but three doves were sent out?
How many days were they on the Ark? Maybe this will help:
I think the bible says 7 of each clean animal
Anyone who gets it, please explain how there were Nephilim still after the flood... Were some of Noah's Children "Corrupted"?
I believe the theory is that fallen angels created more hybrids after the flood. But I’m not sure where this idea is supported
Another belief, is that one of the wives of the Sons of Noah might have been corrupted or carrier of the nephilum gene.
Algariel Maldonado don’t want to sound argumentative, but please explain if possible. With that theory, why would God have ordered Noah to bring his sons and their wives? And if we accept it was one of Noah’s daughter in law, why not his own wife? Any biblical support for this theory? (I don’t see biblical support for what I mentioned either)
Genesis 6:9
"These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God."
My conjecture from this, is that he was pure, and his children were as well. Since his children where, then that safely rules out Noah's wife as a carrier, strictly for this rationalization. It later says nephilum roamed and flourished in the lands of Canaan. So whose bloodline flourished in Canaan?
Genesis 9:18
"And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan.
By process of elimination, Ham's wife was the most likely carrier.
there was some sort of transgression (sexual) between Noah and his son Ham. Noah was drunk on wine and laid sleeping ,naked, in his tent when Ham did something..then left Noah a told his brothers of Noah's nakedness ..the two younger brothers walked in backwards and coverd their father with a blanket out of respect. Then Noah awoke and knew of Ham's trangression and in a shout cursed canaan..his grandson of Ham. some say he raped his mother as his father Noah slept. curropting the gene pool or bloodline somehow.
Love the series. Any idea why one of my TVs I am watching this on is showing closed captions. Everything Chuck is saying is at the bottom of the screen. Anyone know how to get rid of it?
Our learn the bible in 24 hours series does have captions, if you are on a smart TV, there should be an option under RUclips to turn Captions on or off. If you are on a computer, click on the CC icon or the little gear icon to turn them off
How did the nephelim survive the flood
Wait - there were two of every species on the ark and none reproduced ("they lost none - gained none"), right? How then could a third dove be sent out?