Freedom Convoy rally rolls through Edmonton again

  • Опубликовано: 18 фев 2022
  • Hundreds of people came out to rally in support of the Freedom Convoy, protesting COVID-19 mandates in Edmonton.

Комментарии • 121

  • @commentcreator659
    @commentcreator659 2 года назад +26

    Did the journal accidentally do a journalism ?

    • @SirDubington
      @SirDubington 2 года назад

      no, its just a video. now if they interviewed any of them without calling them nazis then maybe

    • @pamelahaze3211
      @pamelahaze3211 2 года назад

      Hahahaha.. good one

  • @erickenney4524
    @erickenney4524 2 года назад +1

    Three days ago…Why polute the newsfeed with obsolete material?!?

  • @tomwilson3969
    @tomwilson3969 2 года назад +27

    Everybody should be in Ottawa right now. I understand what is being done here but to truly make a difference we all need to be in the same place. The capital.

    • @albertaoutlaw3597
      @albertaoutlaw3597 2 года назад +13

      Not everyone can go to Ottawa so we hold rallies like this in each province and territory to show our support for our bothers and sisters in Ottawa.

    • @questforknowledge750
      @questforknowledge750 2 года назад +9

      Ottawa is regrouping! Don’t worry it’s by no means done!

    • @tomwilson3969
      @tomwilson3969 2 года назад +3

      @@albertaoutlaw3597 that's what I mean by I understand what is happening here but what I'm saying is small crowds are easily ignored where as big gatherings of people are not. The cops cannot abuse its citizens if they are outnumbered 1000-1

    • @troutymctrouttrout3809
      @troutymctrouttrout3809 2 года назад +7

      Nah it's better to be spread out. They can't sent thousands of police and military personnel to every town in Canada. Let Trudeau play a game of whack-a-mole if he wants but he can't smash us all!

    • @voidremoved
      @voidremoved 2 года назад +2

      The damage is probably already done... The truck convoy was bait... Like cheese in a mouse trap and Trudolf stuck his nose in it. He loves cheese can't resist.

  • @Mountain_Woman1
    @Mountain_Woman1 2 года назад +3

    spring is coming

  • @lennygibeault7327
    @lennygibeault7327 2 года назад +6

    All these extra people in ottawa and Toronto and covid cases still declining. Makes perfect sense according to the science. People have science from corporate media, to keep them informed when unable to think.

    • @dmitryruskin6795
      @dmitryruskin6795 2 года назад +1

      Thousands gathered but only one deseased - it was PM)))

  • @rustycanadian
    @rustycanadian 2 года назад +5

    Defund the Government

  • @dusadomovine
    @dusadomovine 2 года назад +1

    2022.02.22: The Death of Democracy in Canada
    On February 22, 2022, after the conclusion of the Freedom Convoy, the federal Emergencies Act was sent by the elected House of Commons to the unelected Senate for final approval. Also that day, Tamara Lich, a political activist, and organizer of the Freedom Convoy, was denied bail and is kept in jail - as a political prisoner. On this day, on which elected officials act without the consent of the people, I declare Canadian democracy is dead - or at least in a coma.
    Part 1: What is democracy?
    Before we can determine whether or not democracy is dead, we need to know what a healthy democracy is. Unfortunately, while most people feel good about living in a “free democracy” they have only vague notions of what democracy is. Since Canadians receive a negligible education in civic, let me explain what democracy is.
    Before anything is written, we must understand that our democracy is not a direct democracy in which all people vote on all issues but a representative democracy in which we elect people to represent our interests and vote on behalf of our interests in the parliament. In our democracy, individuals abdicate only some, not all, of their decision-making authority to elected representatives.
    First, a democracy is a consensual form of governance by the people and for the people. A democratic state exists for the welfare of the people and the people do not exist for the welfare of the state. The start of democracy is the giving of consent to be governed and the free choice to elect a representative that will best represent our interests and welfare in parliament. A fundamental element of democracy, the election of representatives, is based on the freedom of choice which flows from the freedom of conscience - which our constitution guarantees. Of freedom of conscience, Chief Justice Dickson Supreme Court of Canada wrote:
    "It should also be noted, however, that an emphasis on individual conscience and individual judgement also lies at the heart of our democratic political tradition. The ability of each citizen to make free and informed decisions is the absolute prerequisite for the legitimacy, acceptability, and efficacy of our system of self-government. It is because of the centrality of the rights associated with freedom of individual conscience both to basic beliefs about human worth and dignity and to a free and democratic political system that American jurisprudence has emphasized the primacy or "firstness" of the First Amendment. It is this same centrality that in my view underlies their designation in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as "fundamental." They are sine qua non of the political tradition underlying the Charter." 
 - R. v. Big M Drug Mart Ltd. [1985] 1 S.C.R. 295
    Second, we do not elect autocrats to rule us. What happens between elections is the most important part of democracy. The people do not abdicate all their decision-making to their representatives and have the right to actively participate in a fully transparent process of developing public policy and that means that our elected representatives are obliged to listen to the people and take into consideration the needs of all stakeholder groups - only the people know what is best for the people. A technocracy, no matter how enlightened, is not a democracy.
    Third, democracy is a pluralistic form of government. In a democracy, decision-making is decentralized, in effect a competition between interest groups for limited resources, both physical and financial, and the laws by which all must live but a democratic competition does not result in the winner taking all but that there is a fair compromise and all are winners and receive a fair share. Obviously, there must be a mutually agreeable process of conflict resolution and dissent. In this public policy process, we, or at least a significant element of the people must be active and not passive citizens involved in the decision-making. Passive citizens are the ones that abdicate all their democratic responsibilities to others. Naturally, no citizen should be excluded from the public policy decision-making process.
    Fourth, a democracy operates by the rule of law - not by the rule (whims) of the elected. The rule of law, with the constitution being the foundation for all laws, applies both to the people and their elected representatives. Since all people have equal worth, are equal under the law, with equal political rights, elected representatives cannot disenfranchise some people for the benefit of others and thus must ensure the best possible decision for all the people. A healthy democracy cares for equality and justice and it protects the welfare of minorities against the interests of the majority. If one group is harmed by public policy, others, if they are good citizens, are obliged to actively dissent.
    Fifth, our elected representatives are accountable to the people. Accountability means being answerable, able to justify why a decision was made. Accountability requires there must be oversight and a way to sanction elected representatives that cannot justify their decisions. If elected representatives do not properly fulfil their obligations, either due to incompetence or corruption, accountability requires a process disempowering an elected representative in whom we have lost trust before an election- the highest form of dissent.
    Finally, democracy requires honest information. Choice (decision-making) requires information and without the relevant information, an informed choice cannot be made. Ideally, the government should truthfully inform the people of what is happening and why. Unfortunately, too often, elected officials rarely tell the truth and therefore a healthy democracy requires a free, independent, and honest media. The media, which has a duty to inform the people of both the good and bad performed by their elected representatives, is a core element of a democracy because it provides oversight and it empowers informed decision-making.
    Simplifying democracy to its primary essence we can say that democracy is a system in which individuals willingly give consent to be governed but maintain the right to dissent on how they are governed. As active citizens, by our freedom of conscience, we have the right, nay the obligation, to actively give consent or dissent to decisions made on our behalf. Dissent means saying - you are wrong, I do not agree, and I do not give consent to have this done in my name.
    Understand this: Consent is vital to democracy and dissent is not a threat to democracy but a necessary element of democracy.

    • @DEVILFISH1122
      @DEVILFISH1122 2 года назад

      Thank heaven’s your declaration of 1 means zip but the declaration of Canadians in the many millions… is the rule of law

  • @DEVILFISH1122
    @DEVILFISH1122 2 года назад +16

    A truck is not a speech. A horn is not a voice. An occupation is not a protest. A blockade is not freedom,it blocks liberty for all. A demand to overthrow the Government is not a dialogue. The expression of hatred is not a difference of opinion. The Truth is not a lie

    • @dmitryruskin6795
      @dmitryruskin6795 2 года назад +5

      Yeah, only following herr Fuhrer's orders is "real liberty". We know. Our grands fighted it in 1940-s. It's time to repeat.

    • @seansimpson9675
      @seansimpson9675 2 года назад +5

      Ripping off BoB Rae is fucking pathetic.
      Typical leftist drivel

    • @leemcdonald7767
      @leemcdonald7767 2 года назад +3

      And you are not a patriot.

    • @p.g.reitsma7245
      @p.g.reitsma7245 2 года назад +5

      Your comment is not bravery. Your words are not meaningful. Your inability to stand up for your biological freedom is not noble.
      Your demand for everyone to give up is not thoughtful. Your demands for uniformity are not are not positive. Your truth is not real.

    • @americaofthenorth655
      @americaofthenorth655 2 года назад +3

      Now see what you've gone and done here? You've upset the conservative circus clowns and idiot's behind the wheel 🤣 #notreallytruckers

  • @debral.2544
    @debral.2544 2 года назад +5

    Power to the protestors....thank you for standing up for my vhildren. Mandates have to end.

    • @glennsankey8186
      @glennsankey8186 2 года назад

      It’s not just about the mandates it’s about our rights and freedoms that Trudeau is wanting to squash.

  • @MudRogue
    @MudRogue 2 года назад +10

    Need to do this on a weekday for max effect.

    • @dwaynesbgb
      @dwaynesbgb 2 года назад +1

      Happening on Tuesday at legislature. There is a throne speech scheduled for Tuesday 1-3. Calling on all Albertans to show up there

    • @anoshkababy3012
      @anoshkababy3012 2 года назад

      AGREE 100%

  • @trivialgravitas9581
    @trivialgravitas9581 2 года назад +5

    Keep going trudeau is getting desperate and making mistakes. Stay strong, no violence, keep your heads cool.

  • @pjimmbojimmbo1990
    @pjimmbojimmbo1990 2 года назад +3

    One of those Idiots was driving west on Jasper, blowing the horn, I flipped him the bird, and yelled, "Are you thirsty? Cause I gotta piss!"

  • @hectatusbreakfastus6106
    @hectatusbreakfastus6106 2 года назад +6

    Thousands is not "hundreds" nice try though.

  • @toddm6999
    @toddm6999 2 года назад +4

    FREE-DUMB is noise with no meaning

  • @micktaylor7937
    @micktaylor7937 2 года назад +1

    Hillbilly carnival comes to town! I’m not sure why but all I hear are banjos.;)

  • @TheTimeRocket
    @TheTimeRocket 2 года назад

    Who is John Galt?

  • @anoshkababy3012
    @anoshkababy3012 2 года назад +4

    Edmonton journal .. ONLY 40 seconds of journalism?

  • @cameroncurrie7208
    @cameroncurrie7208 2 года назад +1

    It will be great for gas tax revenue.

  • @larrylittlewolfe8584
    @larrylittlewolfe8584 2 года назад

    Tomorrow will be a messed up convoy with the war going on

  • @wcoastlaurie-7-2
    @wcoastlaurie-7-2 2 года назад +10

    Freedom fighters united for worldwide freedoms 💥

  • @jeremyclayton4183
    @jeremyclayton4183 2 года назад +1

    Keep it up guys keep it up good work hold that line let's show the world

  • @drewrout
    @drewrout 2 года назад +4

    CORRECTION! Thousands at the peaceful protest. You broadcasted a very small portion of it. I know I was there.

  • @astelbele
    @astelbele 2 года назад +5

    Right on! Now make your way to Ottawa the capital.

  • @willywalter4939
    @willywalter4939 2 года назад +1


  • @wallawalla7763
    @wallawalla7763 2 года назад


  • @luke1119411
    @luke1119411 2 года назад +5

    Fun fact, according to a recent poll, this whole freedumb convoy has caused more people to agree with masking and mandates.

    • @johnpell3752
      @johnpell3752 2 года назад +3

      doubt that highly

    • @marchetaify
      @marchetaify 2 года назад +3

      I, as well, highly doubt your statement, but perhaps I was confused by your inability to spell

    • @pamelahaze3211
      @pamelahaze3211 2 года назад +1

      Polls are bullshit

    • @luke1119411
      @luke1119411 2 года назад

      @@marchetaify Well, I keep trying to link it, but it keeps getting deleted. Search Angus Reid Blockade Backlash.
      And not a spelling mistake, very intentional.

    • @luke1119411
      @luke1119411 2 года назад +1

      @@pamelahaze3211 Well, it's better evidence than any of you supporters have been able to provide.

  • @danielasmale8835
    @danielasmale8835 2 года назад +6

    We will continue standing strong. Proud of Edmontonians!!!!

  • @katonartistproductionskath6891
    @katonartistproductionskath6891 2 года назад +4

    Excellent Edmonton! - kt

  • @lukerinderknecht2982
    @lukerinderknecht2982 2 года назад


  • @catgir5x
    @catgir5x 2 года назад +1

    creepy whiners

  • @paulthompson3535
    @paulthompson3535 2 года назад +4

    Jail trudeau

  • @jaket3021
    @jaket3021 2 года назад +3

    We’ll done brothers and sisters!

  • @ruthlessuk6313
    @ruthlessuk6313 2 года назад


  • @fatandhandsome5922
    @fatandhandsome5922 2 года назад +2


  • @rb3158
    @rb3158 2 года назад +2

    GO HOME!!,

  • @gordwill4944
    @gordwill4944 2 года назад

    Put a flag up if you support your red n white

  • @greyeyes2786
    @greyeyes2786 2 года назад +1

    Thank you scientists, vaccine developers, doctors, health care workers, the public at large, for getting us to this safer place. 900,000+ Americans, and 38,000+ Canadians, have already lost their lives, left our families before their time.
    Antivaccers and antimaskers have some responsibility for a slower recovery from this PANDEMIC, a slower removal of necessary mandates, for the 90%+ of us who have given much.

    • @jjevans1693
      @jjevans1693 2 года назад +3

      Your a moron that believes everything the establishment says. F##k off puppet boy!!

  • @rossstevenson2986
    @rossstevenson2986 2 года назад

    Maybe stop trying to get the attention of politicians on weekends... when they're at home..... not at the legislature... - sincerely downtown residents everywhere