Vulkan He'stan is not the chapter master of the Salamanders. The chapter master is Tu'Shan. Vulkan He'stan is the current forgefather, tasked with finding the artifacts scattered by Vulkan the primarch.
It's kind of odd how in a exploding vehicle nearby squads take automatic d3 mortal wounds, but the guys in the exploding vehicle only die on a roll of 1.
Vulkan He'stan is the Forgefather of the Salamanders, not the Chapter Master. That is Tu'Shan. Vulkan is searching for the artifacts of the Primarch Vulkan. That is also why he only lets other Marines reroll hot rolls of 1, not all failed ones.
I'd suggest Luka could do with thinking more about when to use his re-rolls. When Matt took out the Daemon Prince, Luka could have used his re-roll for the last Chaos Marine who was on a 3+ that was between the prince and the Hellblasters. That would have stopped the Hellblasters shooting at the Demon Prince at all. Or on the 5+ invul save on the Daemon Prince rather than on the 6+ FNP equivalent right at the end. I imagine it's not easy when you're filming as well, but just a thought.
That's one of the things I'm kind of worried about, My friend plays Grey knights so he'll have his codex (if rumors hold true) in about a month while I, an ork player, wont have mine till sometime next year. The specialized codex's are going to provide a lot of extra power. 9 psychic powers to choose from if I'm not mistaken in space marine codex.
I thought the point of 8th edition was to simplify and less bookkeeping. Did they mean simplify the rules but make it more 'complex' by adding them together, multiplying, and adding layers upon layers of the same rules over and over?
Brad Lund the best thing is this fucking bullshit campaign where imperium has the ONLY CODEX CURRENTLY, a fuckton of players which kinda makes it have LITERAL PLOT ARMOR on a fucking global campaign
Salamnanders use their full potential now by playing small units of five, each with one Special- or Heavy Weapon, even overloaded plasmaguns are quite good for them now !!!
Daegog The Wyrdmake Spot on. I wouldn't mind that personally if the other player had something similar. Matt has been infamous for bringing serious armies against fluffy armies.
At the 31st minute you re-rolled a failed multimelta hit roll of 4. Since the rule states re-rolls are always performed pre-modifiers, should this have been done? Shouldn't you have only been able to re-roll a 1 or 2 there?
at 1:10:00 small error on He'stan fight, He has 3+ invul so would have tanked the damage at 1:14:14 Luka could have rolled 4 dice since in half range to rhino
Adeptus Tacticus I don't think that is how mortal wounds work. They are not "mortal" in the sense of the old "instant death", just no saves allowed (FNP effects not withstanding)
James Kneser all plasma on troops say if they roll a 1 the model is slain, not that the model takes a mortal wound. There are exceptions for vehicles that state they take a number or mortal wounds instead but for troops it's pretty much always a "model is slain" result, characters as well.
Even if he rolled a 1 to hit, he had prescience on which gives him +1 to hit which makes the dice result a 2. He would have still missed, but the model wouldn't have died.
I love Sentinels of the Forge and the Salamanders! The Salamanders are my favorite chapter by far and I absolutely love the MiniWar Gaming custom chapter!
when chargin, if the unit fails arent they supposed to move the distence they rolled? And taking turns during cc phase, isnt it all the charging units who goes first before you switch turns to do attacks?
Luca, might want to make note that when using a Daemon Prince, the mark you choose does matter. Daemon Princes of Slaanesh in your case ALWAYS attack first in combat, even if they were charged or it's not the controlling players fight turn. They also give you the key word "SLAANESH".
Only if it is a 'Chaos Daemon' Daemon Prince. The CSM Daemon Prince doesn't get god-specific abilities like, say, Disgustingly Resilient for Nurgle. All a CSM DP gets is access to the Heretic Astartes psyker powers if Tzeentch, Nurgle or Slaanesh, or an extra attack if aligned with Khorne. The upshot of taking a CSM DP is that he gives the marines of his legion rerolls and the psyker abilities like warptime and prescience also affect CSM units. The psyker abilities of a Chaos Daemon DP are not quite as synergistic.
To bad that the salamanders army didnt max its chapter benefits like taking smaller squads etc etc. 50:05 Doesnt vulkan allow to reroll flamer hits as well as wounds?
The problem with your idea of using the named characters with successors of their chapter is that normally this army's keyword would still be Sentinels of the Forge. In the back of the codex, it says that you still get the chapter tactics of the founding chapter of your successors, even if you don't use the founding chapter as the keyword. So, even with the keyword as Sentinels of the Forge, you still get Salamander chapter tactics since you say they are successors of the Salamanders.
Relooking at it at the time of his die roll he had a 1/6 chance the 30.2% (11/36) chance is before the first roll if you did the CP reroll a significant amount of times which if Matt did enough CP seize rolls (which he might) he might hit that around 1 in 3 game seize but you have to go in with that strategy every game or else the stat will not even out. The interesting stat here is to see maybe how many games are won by the first player and comparing that to how much better your odd are on decent rerolls on hitting or wounds (3+'s) or now even wargear you can spend CPs on. Both of the latter you will use in almost every game making it more likely to hit that sweet spot for sig figs. Just find while the 1/3 is interesting he did not at the time have a 1/3 since his first independent die roll failed leaving him with a 1/6 chance. Great game by the way and made me think about if I should plan in the CP seize die roll or not probably depends on what type of lists you run. Which to be fair larger armies tend to have more CPs pre-codexes.
*Throws papers up in a huff* I just... I JUST CAN'T EVEN! CHAPTER MASTER HE'STAN? OMG! I just! *stomps away* ... *comes back* I mean - OMG! How wrong can you guys BE! *huffs around all dramatic like* *pushes glasses up nose* *pushes unnecessary nerdrage button* He's the FORGEFATHER. He's been tasked with tracking down the missing Vulkan artifacts. Tu'Shan is the chapter master. I mean OMG HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW THAT? I mean all you have to do is read up on literally 30 years of everchanging fluff and story and commit it to memory. Come on, Matt!
With the free 1 die re-roll for the Salamanders (and the occasional to-wound) per unit, any idea how many command points that would have taken over the course of the game?
Pyro_Renny it says over 10 not 10 and above so you need an 11. Unless you are a rubric marine sorcerer then you need a 10 to do baby smite d3. I know it's weird.
A good tactic is to put the captain or vulkan next to the hellblasters so they can reroll 1s to hit so can pretty much always overcharge its in the latest white dwarf
No models are outright slain if they roll a 1, regardless of how many wounds. Proof that this is true would be the Leman Russ. It has a rule called emergency plasma vents, it states that on a roll of 1 while over charging plasma, it suffers 6 mortal wounds instead of being of being automatically destroyed. So unless the sorcerer has a similar rule, it dies instantly regardless if the model has multiple wounds.
Most Infantry that have the ability to supercharge plasma state some variation of "On a Hit Roll of 1, the bearer is Slain." That line comes straight off the entry for Chaos Sorcerers.
Doesn't the Daemon Prince allow the chaos space marines re-roll "1"'s to hit? @38:00 min mark I think he was close enough to provide that bonus. But again he could be out of range and I couldn't tell.
the door in room is painted in a way that makes it look like a low resolution texture and it makes my brain hurt, and the way the boards on it are done accentuates it.
Warhammer TV, the official GW painting tutorial channel, have multiple tutorial videos for them, one of which came out not too long ago so should be easy to find.
On the taking named characters, in the first Imperial Index, in the introductions to the Blood Angels (p. 89) and the Dark Angels (p. 107) it says in the sidebar on the bottom right that you can't take named characters with any successor chapters :( not sure whether/how this would apply to other SM chapters
Gungnir Just give your successor chapter the blood angels keyword, for rules purposes they are now blood angels but you can call them the pizza warriors for all I care and paint them in Italian colours.
Gungnir It says no wjere in the rules that your paint jpb has to be accurate or that you have to call your chapter the same as their keyword. So no one is able to deny your succesor chapter their characters, just remember that.
Hey man I'm on your side here, I'm just pointing it out for people who might want to be aware of it. It's your prerogative to judge whether or not you want to use certain rules, or how you want to interpret them, but I have - and I'm sure you have - run into loads of people who will interpret rules specifically for their own advantage - best thing is to be aware of it beforehand and choose whether you want to contest that or not at a tourney or games day :)
Remember grenades are only 6 inch range and melta bombs are 4 inches. Just like how you can't fire flamers on overwatch if the charge distance is over 8 inches. Its stupid but its RAW.
Mark Wang to be fair though you overwatch before the charge roll technically. If the unit you hit with overwatch fails their charge then they don't move. So how could you get a hit with such a short ranged weapon when the enemy is clearly outside of that range. Weird, yes. However I kind of get it.
Mark Wang abstract thoughts, the game is happening in real time. I'd imagine a failed charge could mean the incoming fire threw off the charging unit, a wall of fire chased them back, etc etc
Well I know how they explain what a failed charge means (getting thrown back by overwatch, fear, and other factors etc). I'm just saying its silly you can't fire a flamer on overwatch because they'd obviously have to come within 8 inches to get into cc because range actually matters for overwatch now. In 7th it was just d3 autohits regardless of range. Like you'd think of all times you'd be able to fire the flamer, it would be when getting charged in close quarters. Aw well. Mb they'll faq it.
where in the codex does it give space marines the new objective secured? Edit: You also deploy your rhino's already loaded with troops...I can't find anything in the rules to dictate how transports work on deployment. I assumed you needed to assign the transport and the units (plural) within them separately. Are there any rules that clarify this?
Thank you for your effort. Yet FAQ, Designer's Commentary, or Stepping into a New Edition states nothing that Command Re-Roll can be used before the battle begins. This is my argument. First movement phase is when the battle begins.
Thanks. Will take a look at it if its a free post. Where I am hung up on the footer "Matched Play Mission Rules" on page 215 paragraph "Strategic Discipline" where it states stratagems are only used in the phases. Unless noted to do so otherwise on the stratagem. Determining "First Turn" is not a phase defined as on page 176. "Each turn consists of a series of phases...."
True pg 242 states that stratagems can be used before game. That I do not dispute. Though all the stratagems GW provided so far. They are all consistent in telling the player when the stratagem can be used. "Use this Stratagem at X moment, Provided you have..., Select an enemy unit. For duration of...." Since Command Re-roll does not state when it can be used. In Match Play, Strategic Discipline defines when Command Re-roll stratagem can be used. I do thank you for for your correspondence and will stop spamming the post.
Do the Chaos Marines have their legion equivalents? IE begin able to field Word Bearers, Iron Warriors, Emperors Children, etc, with some rules relating to them? If not will they be getting one?
Great battle report one thing I did note is you did not give a relice to a charcter. From the first view it stated that you can give a relic to a character if your army is battle foirged. (there are also ways to send command points to get additional relics I think it is 1 CP gives 2 relic and 2 CP gives 3 relics.)
It's the Mini Wargaming chapter. He's modeled after Dave they're just using him as Vulkan. They have a librarian modeled after Matt they use Tigerious sometimes too.
That's Forgefather Davicus. Get your lore straight man! ;) And yes, I could have gotten a free relic. For some reason I thought they cost points (beyond the weapon that they replace) so I missed that.
Hump Debump I don't think so my world eaters list has only lost twice in 10 games one my first time playing 8th not giving them rhinos to ride in and second was against a storm shield cheese list (he was tired of losing against me) so I did agree gunlines were key in 7th but I think it's much more even in 8th
I run a mix of deathguard and worldeaters, nice big units of pox walkers with typhus running forward and bezerkers to crash past whats left all supported by a waay overcosted but so damn cool lord of skulls, its been doing much better in 8th than it ever did in 7th, it was never designed to be a competitive list its more funsie but its won more matches than its lost so far
I just stumbled on this the other day...but I'm pretty sure you have to spend 2 command points to discard an objective. Unless that's just an extra discard and I'm reading it wrong, which could absolutely be the case
Starburst7641 bad players will make a new book look good. They guy pkaying chaos had a pretty average list, and made a few noob mistakes. Besides, the MWG crew never get rules right, so theres a good chance they played this army wrong anyway.
While I agree with you on the points of the average list and MWG`s skills in getting the rules wrong, the fact remains that the codexes bring significant advantages over what is in the indexes - strategems, chapter tactics, wargear, psychic powers etc.
GW has promised a pretty fast release schedule, so hopefully other armies will get their special bonuses pretty soon too (I know chaos will be out by the end of august).
Bike characters aren't gone, they're still in the Index, they just aren't in the Codex. Games Workshop stated in one of their articles that some units wouldn't get re-printed in the Codex, such as Legion of the Damned and the Imperial Space Marine. Guess bike Librarian/Chaplain/etc are staying Index only.
True, but when you read the FAQ it feels more like they said "Use the Index for the army until the Codex comes out." I can see it argued either way, so we just decided to go with just what's in the codex until an FAQ clarifies.
seems crazy that white scars can't have biker characters, if Ravenwing end up being the only army that can take biker characters there will be blood in the streets.
miniwargaming FAQ quote says "There are a few options in the indexes for some characters and vehicles that are no longer represented in the Citadel range - certain Dreadnought weapons that don't come in the box, or some characters on bikes, for example. Don't worry though, you can still use all of these in your games if you have these older models. In these instances, use the data sheet from the index, and the most recent points published for that model and its weapons. They still gain all the army wide-bonuses for things like Chapter Tactics and can use Space Marines Stratagems and the like, so such venerable heroes still fit right in with the rest of your army."
at 27:00 you could just have not killed that squad. Then you would killed it with moral and would have achieved your objective more easily. Or luka spends 2 command points. Both worth it.
zambie slayer well dark imperium is a good buy, since the other 2 have the same models but less models, really comes down to where you want to start? Big battles or small skirmish battles.
What legion/god would you suggest for a new player? I want something that has lot's of action and I don't like hordes, so I guess the Death Guard is excluded? I was kinda torn between EC and WE but im not sure. I get the feeling that a Khorne CSM army will be like, every once in a while you will get lucky and land your charges and wipe everything out on your first or second fight phase but for every one time this happens, you will play 10 games where everything dies pathetically while trying to reach the enemy. Please help, I need advice badly!
You don't really have to get the horde-like monsters for a nurseling army, and also if you want a daemon army, get tzeench, and if you want more options look at the Horus heresy or just get an undivided army, where you can get any form of CSM and not worry
Hello mate, thanks for the reply, you are kind to take the time and respond to a newb :D I went for Death Guard after all because I've always loved them very much and after reading their codex, I realised they are not boring at all, infact they are amazing. Plus the crazy af Dark Imperium box was too good of a deal to pass on it. I shared it with a friend who plays marines.
Anyone else think that combat seems a bit worse? You can get to combat easier now which was the big problem with the last couple of editions but when you're there, unless your packing some punch then not many seem to die. I think if they would of gave ccw an ap it would go some way to mitigating that problem. At the minute shooting is great and as a tactic the assault phase is good I'm more concerned with the damage output, close combats seem a bit more indecisive now without sweeping advance, or is it just me?
when you're rerolling things like 4x lascannons remember that you have to resolve weapons one at a time, so when you roll a bunch of shots at once, and then roll a 2+ to see which you want to re-roll to hit with you're cheating, albeit very slightly
Hey, I love these vids, really informative and fun to watch - So much so I’ve signed up to your main site. I do have a question about growing my army: Being a returning player (last playing with the third edition) I’m a bit overwhelmed with all the new SM units. I’ve started playing salamanders again and at the moment my army is; A captain in Term Armour, 2x 5 man tac squads (missile launcher, flamer and a Sgt with a plasPist + PWR sword, a 5 man sniper squad with INV cloaks and a Ven Dred with an assault canon, combat arm and a heavy flamer. I know I need another cheapish HQ, maybe another Scout squad - for objectives but being salamanders something that takes advantage of re-rolls and flam / Melta based weapons could be fun? This is just shy of 500 pts and I’m looking to grow it to around 800 - I would really love some advice RE growing my army - keeping it kind of Balanced (maybe tipping to more shooty but still being able to defend against hoards/ deep striking opponents.) Any advice would be amazing - please keep making these videos :)
Vulkan is NOT the Chapter Master of the Salamanders. He never has been He's the Forgefather (captain equivalent), the guy who goes out looking for all Vulcan's artifacts that he left. That is NOT Chapter Master. Standard Lieutenants also let you re-roll to wound, and are dirt cheap. Better than the Primaris Version. You have illegal setups on your Tactical Squads. You can't have 2 special weapons. 1 Special and 1 Heavy.
I feel like there should be a drinking game where you have to take a shot everytime Matt says "because I'm a salamander".
Vulkan He'stan is not the chapter master of the Salamanders. The chapter master is Tu'Shan. Vulkan He'stan is the current forgefather, tasked with finding the artifacts scattered by Vulkan the primarch.
allconsuminghat They could have changed it.
I can assure you, I am still chapter master :P
allconsuminghat god the way he says He'stan makes me cringe
allconsuminghat I think he said that his successor chapter's Chapter Master is this guy, but is just using He'Stan's rules and model.
Can they find my artifacts that I can come back?
It's kind of odd how in a exploding vehicle nearby squads take automatic d3 mortal wounds, but the guys in the exploding vehicle only die on a roll of 1.
It's straight slain. So if you have a bunch of multi-wound characters they get killed on a roll of a 1.
The new Primaris Aggressors with the flamestorm gauntlets are going to be amazing for the Salamanders
Vulkan He'stan is the Forgefather of the Salamanders, not the Chapter Master. That is Tu'Shan. Vulkan is searching for the artifacts of the Primarch Vulkan. That is also why he only lets other Marines reroll hot rolls of 1, not all failed ones.
I'd suggest Luka could do with thinking more about when to use his re-rolls. When Matt took out the Daemon Prince, Luka could have used his re-roll for the last Chaos Marine who was on a 3+ that was between the prince and the Hellblasters. That would have stopped the Hellblasters shooting at the Demon Prince at all. Or on the 5+ invul save on the Daemon Prince rather than on the 6+ FNP equivalent right at the end. I imagine it's not easy when you're filming as well, but just a thought.
I was thinking the same thing when he did that lol
Agreed, and filming probably makes you want to speed play but that was a big tactical error in my opinion.
Everyone seems to forget that they have bolt pistols to shoot when they are in combat.
I think this game shows how good the Salamander tactic is. Heavy and Special weapons are so more reliable with it.
Holy shit these rerolls and buffs are crazy! Playing against an army with a codex without having one yourself is going to be a pain in the ass
J.D. C well the game in this video is like this if you haven't noticed... Also kinda same thing for forge world but atleast it's available to everyone
That's one of the things I'm kind of worried about, My friend plays Grey knights so he'll have his codex (if rumors hold true) in about a month while I, an ork player, wont have mine till sometime next year. The specialized codex's are going to provide a lot of extra power. 9 psychic powers to choose from if I'm not mistaken in space marine codex.
I thought the point of 8th edition was to simplify and less bookkeeping. Did they mean simplify the rules but make it more 'complex' by adding them together, multiplying, and adding layers upon layers of the same rules over and over?
Joseph Giordano anything to make more cash I guess
Brad Lund the best thing is this fucking bullshit campaign where imperium has the ONLY CODEX CURRENTLY, a fuckton of players which kinda makes it have LITERAL PLOT ARMOR on a fucking global campaign
Salamnanders use their full potential now by playing small units of five, each with one Special- or Heavy Weapon, even overloaded plasmaguns are quite good for them now !!!
I think that you may be forgetting that rhinos self repair.
I get the impression that matt is a total power gamer and everyone else is fairly laid back.
Daegog The Wyrdmake Spot on. I wouldn't mind that personally if the other player had something similar. Matt has been infamous for bringing serious armies against fluffy armies.
Seems like he takes line of sight a bit liberally too
he definitely seems to be more into math-hammer the way he rambles off stats and odds without a moments thought
At the 31st minute you re-rolled a failed multimelta hit roll of 4. Since the rule states re-rolls are always performed pre-modifiers, should this have been done? Shouldn't you have only been able to re-roll a 1 or 2 there?
You bet! That was a mistake.
Vulkan model looks too small near the primaria lieutenants :(
at 1:10:00 small error on He'stan fight, He has 3+ invul so would have tanked the damage
at 1:14:14 Luka could have rolled 4 dice since in half range to rhino
Sorcerer fires plasma pistol, overcharged; Fails and isn't removed from play.
What gives?
Robbie Keith no but in 8th edition if you roll a 1 while overcharging the model suffers a mortal wound. Killing the model outright
Adeptus Tacticus I don't think that is how mortal wounds work. They are not "mortal" in the sense of the old "instant death", just no saves allowed (FNP effects not withstanding)
James Kneser all plasma on troops say if they roll a 1 the model is slain, not that the model takes a mortal wound. There are exceptions for vehicles that state they take a number or mortal wounds instead but for troops it's pretty much always a "model is slain" result, characters as well.
Matt says "wounding on 2s." so they skipped the part where he rolled to hit. (You can see the 4 he rolled before) Weird cut, but no error.
Even if he rolled a 1 to hit, he had prescience on which gives him +1 to hit which makes the dice result a 2. He would have still missed, but the model wouldn't have died.
I believe Vulkan has a 3+ invuln save, so he should have not taken that wound that dropped him to 2 wounds. Also good game though, have a nice day.
For the named character and chapter tactics, it doesn't say anything specific about having them on successors, except for the Dark Angels in the index
I love Sentinels of the Forge and the Salamanders! The Salamanders are my favorite chapter by far and I absolutely love the MiniWar Gaming custom chapter!
take a shot every time you hear, "because salamanders"
Nicolas Cage I did. Managed to down two neighbours, a biker and the mailman before the cops arrived.
I feel that this is biased toward Space Wolves.
And those shots have to be flaming shots... because Salamanders. Seriously tho, it get pretty annoying to hear it all the time :E
when chargin, if the unit fails arent they supposed to move the distence they rolled?
And taking turns during cc phase, isnt it all the charging units who goes first before you switch turns to do attacks?
Luca, might want to make note that when using a Daemon Prince, the mark you choose does matter. Daemon Princes of Slaanesh in your case ALWAYS attack first in combat, even if they were charged or it's not the controlling players fight turn. They also give you the key word "SLAANESH".
Only if it is a 'Chaos Daemon' Daemon Prince. The CSM Daemon Prince doesn't get god-specific abilities like, say, Disgustingly Resilient for Nurgle. All a CSM DP gets is access to the Heretic Astartes psyker powers if Tzeentch, Nurgle or Slaanesh, or an extra attack if aligned with Khorne.
The upshot of taking a CSM DP is that he gives the marines of his legion rerolls and the psyker abilities like warptime and prescience also affect CSM units. The psyker abilities of a Chaos Daemon DP are not quite as synergistic.
poor Tu'Shan he needs a mini, but i doubt we will get one anytime soon
To bad that the salamanders army didnt max its chapter benefits like taking smaller squads etc etc.
Doesnt vulkan allow to reroll flamer hits as well as wounds?
At 1:10:00 Vulkan has a 3+ invulnerable, although it didn't matter but for next time
The problem with your idea of using the named characters with successors of their chapter is that normally this army's keyword would still be Sentinels of the Forge. In the back of the codex, it says that you still get the chapter tactics of the founding chapter of your successors, even if you don't use the founding chapter as the keyword. So, even with the keyword as Sentinels of the Forge, you still get Salamander chapter tactics since you say they are successors of the Salamanders.
awesome :) I have a primaris lieutenant who we named rambo after surviving unbelievable odds of orks
James Isted Only ones who go by Rambo are the Catachan
Relooking at it at the time of his die roll he had a 1/6 chance the 30.2% (11/36) chance is before the first roll if you did the CP reroll a significant amount of times which if Matt did enough CP seize rolls (which he might) he might hit that around 1 in 3 game seize but you have to go in with that strategy every game or else the stat will not even out. The interesting stat here is to see maybe how many games are won by the first player and comparing that to how much better your odd are on decent rerolls on hitting or wounds (3+'s) or now even wargear you can spend CPs on. Both of the latter you will use in almost every game making it more likely to hit that sweet spot for sig figs. Just find while the 1/3 is interesting he did not at the time have a 1/3 since his first independent die roll failed leaving him with a 1/6 chance. Great game by the way and made me think about if I should plan in the CP seize die roll or not probably depends on what type of lists you run. Which to be fair larger armies tend to have more CPs pre-codexes.
What color did you use for the "mud" on the Rhinos? it looks very nice
I would like to see some battle reports with the Death Guard!
there is one but its not great
Onk3lM0 I feel like MWG doesn't like DG. All the battle reports with them aren't very good. Maybe that will change once the Codex comes out
Callum Grubb it's not a death guard army
Elijah Khaira its a death guard warband.
Mandalorian Supercommando no he got bezerkers in it which are world eaters
*Throws papers up in a huff* I just... I JUST CAN'T EVEN!
*stomps away*
*comes back*
I mean - OMG! How wrong can you guys BE! *huffs around all dramatic like*
*pushes glasses up nose*
*pushes unnecessary nerdrage button*
He's the FORGEFATHER. He's been tasked with tracking down the missing Vulkan artifacts.
Tu'Shan is the chapter master.
I mean OMG HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW THAT? I mean all you have to do is read up on literally 30 years of everchanging fluff and story and commit it to memory. Come on, Matt!
The at the end kinda ruins it
Can I get a newsletter subscription to your comments?
I can't tell you how often I hear that when I bring out my Salamanders army... I make it a point to say forgefather He'stan...
That sorceror paint job is really cool. Could we have some pictures of it?
With the free 1 die re-roll for the Salamanders (and the occasional to-wound) per unit, any idea how many command points that would have taken over the course of the game?
Afngary Ham lots
A LOT! I probably rerolled 5-10 times PER TURN, so that's a lot of command points.
would you guys consider playing power level and just use the models wysiwyg?
57:20 You used Smite on the Rhino and Rolled 10. This should have made it D6 wounds doing 5 instead of three I think.
Pyro_Renny it says over 10 not 10 and above so you need an 11. Unless you are a rubric marine sorcerer then you need a 10 to do baby smite d3. I know it's weird.
A good tactic is to put the captain or vulkan next to the hellblasters so they can reroll 1s to hit so can pretty much always overcharge its in the latest white dwarf
I gotta ask, how did you paint your Chaos Predator? Love that shade of black!
Didn't the Sorcerer die when it rolled a 1 for it's overcharged plasma pistol?
No it only looses a wound which they forgot to do so it lived longer than it should.
Oliver Tunnah Pretty sure gets hot doesn't cause it would-be it outright slays the bearer.
No models are outright slain if they roll a 1, regardless of how many wounds. Proof that this is true would be the Leman Russ. It has a rule called emergency plasma vents, it states that on a roll of 1 while over charging plasma, it suffers 6 mortal wounds instead of being of being automatically destroyed. So unless the sorcerer has a similar rule, it dies instantly regardless if the model has multiple wounds.
Most Infantry that have the ability to supercharge plasma state some variation of "On a Hit Roll of 1, the bearer is Slain." That line comes straight off the entry for Chaos Sorcerers.
Doesn't the Daemon Prince allow the chaos space marines re-roll "1"'s to hit? @38:00 min mark I think he was close enough to provide that bonus. But again he could be out of range and I couldn't tell.
Yup, we forgot that.
Where do you guys get your battlemats from? Are they the mouse mat material?
the door in room is painted in a way that makes it look like a low resolution texture and it makes my brain hurt, and the way the boards on it are done accentuates it.
The table looks perfect, one of the best I've ever seen, if not the best.
Great battle report as always! Where are those sick metal objective markers from?
those chapter tactics made a huge difference in the outcome of this battle. It was a great game, thanks!
Hi guys, i really like your salamander painting. I plan to paint Salamanders too. Do you know any paint guide i could use?
Warhammer TV, the official GW painting tutorial channel, have multiple tutorial videos for them, one of which came out not too long ago so should be easy to find.
The mark of Dave devestator what was his weapon on model(out of interest)
At 57ish minutes you smited with a warp charge 10, so that's d6 mortal wounds instead of d3 isn't it? Please correct me if I'm wrong
The rule reads "More than 10," so it has to be an 11 or 12 (where the model is not slain from the resulting Perils of the Warp) to get D6.
On the taking named characters, in the first Imperial Index, in the introductions to the Blood Angels (p. 89) and the Dark Angels (p. 107) it says in the sidebar on the bottom right that you can't take named characters with any successor chapters :( not sure whether/how this would apply to other SM chapters
Just give your successor chapter the blood angels keyword, for rules purposes they are now blood angels but you can call them the pizza warriors for all I care and paint them in Italian colours.
Yeah, that's what I've done - thought that people might want to know where the rules are :)
No that rule is just a bully rule, it serves to other purpose than humiliating succesor chapters and discouriging people from being creative.
It says no wjere in the rules that your paint jpb has to be accurate or that you have to call your chapter the same as their keyword. So no one is able to deny your succesor chapter their characters, just remember that.
Hey man I'm on your side here, I'm just pointing it out for people who might want to be aware of it. It's your prerogative to judge whether or not you want to use certain rules, or how you want to interpret them, but I have - and I'm sure you have - run into loads of people who will interpret rules specifically for their own advantage - best thing is to be aware of it beforehand and choose whether you want to contest that or not at a tourney or games day :)
Paint job on that Sorcerer... damn. That sword glow is awesome.
Remember grenades are only 6 inch range and melta bombs are 4 inches. Just like how you can't fire flamers on overwatch if the charge distance is over 8 inches. Its stupid but its RAW.
Mark Wang to be fair though you overwatch before the charge roll technically. If the unit you hit with overwatch fails their charge then they don't move. So how could you get a hit with such a short ranged weapon when the enemy is clearly outside of that range. Weird, yes. However I kind of get it.
Mark Wang abstract thoughts, the game is happening in real time. I'd imagine a failed charge could mean the incoming fire threw off the charging unit, a wall of fire chased them back, etc etc
Well I know how they explain what a failed charge means (getting thrown back by overwatch, fear, and other factors etc). I'm just saying its silly you can't fire a flamer on overwatch because they'd obviously have to come within 8 inches to get into cc because range actually matters for overwatch now. In 7th it was just d3 autohits regardless of range. Like you'd think of all times you'd be able to fire the flamer, it would be when getting charged in close quarters. Aw well. Mb they'll faq it.
Mark Wang Where does it say that in the rules? I want to know so I can reference it.
where in the codex does it give space marines the new objective secured?
Edit: You also deploy your rhino's already loaded with troops...I can't find anything in the rules to dictate how transports work on deployment. I assumed you needed to assign the transport and the units (plural) within them separately. Are there any rules that clarify this?
Explain how seizing the initiative is part of the 6 Battle Round Phases in match play?
PG 176, footer pg 215
read faq
Thank you for your effort. Yet FAQ, Designer's Commentary, or Stepping into a New Edition states nothing that Command Re-Roll can be used before the battle begins. This is my argument. First movement phase is when the battle begins.
Thanks. Will take a look at it if its a free post.
Where I am hung up on the footer "Matched Play Mission Rules" on page 215 paragraph "Strategic Discipline" where it states stratagems are only used in the phases. Unless noted to do so otherwise on the stratagem. Determining "First Turn" is not a phase defined as on page 176. "Each turn consists of a series of phases...."
True pg 242 states that stratagems can be used before game. That I do not dispute. Though all the stratagems GW provided so far. They are all consistent in telling the player when the stratagem can be used. "Use this Stratagem at X moment, Provided you have..., Select an enemy unit. For duration of...." Since Command Re-roll does not state when it can be used. In Match Play, Strategic Discipline defines when Command Re-roll stratagem can be used.
I do thank you for for your correspondence and will stop spamming the post.
great Video, getting back into the game after 15 years, what main color did you use on the Salamanders? (green) love it must get it, thanks
WOOT! Nice to see the Chaos Rhinos with hatches and combi-bolters!
Do the Chaos Marines have their legion equivalents? IE begin able to field Word Bearers, Iron Warriors, Emperors Children, etc, with some rules relating to them? If not will they be getting one?
Vespire Tharr chaos codex should be out within the next month or 2
Great battle report one thing I did note is you did not give a relice to a charcter. From the first view it stated that you can give a relic to a character if your army is battle foirged. (there are also ways to send command points to get additional relics I think it is 1 CP gives 2 relic and 2 CP gives 3 relics.)
Also on the paint job why did you make Vulkan's skin tone as pale. As a Salamander he sould have black skin.
It's the Mini Wargaming chapter. He's modeled after Dave they're just using him as Vulkan. They have a librarian modeled after Matt they use Tigerious sometimes too.
That's Forgefather Davicus. Get your lore straight man! ;)
And yes, I could have gotten a free relic. For some reason I thought they cost points (beyond the weapon that they replace) so I missed that.
Is it too much to ask to see bezerkers doing something other then dying from the get go
: '(
bezerkers are awesome this ed, you just shouldn't take 1 squad then rambo them up the board deep into enemy lines unsupported
GullwingYunie I been running world eaters since 8th came out with bezerkers and kharn
Hump Debump I don't think so my world eaters list has only lost twice in 10 games one my first time playing 8th not giving them rhinos to ride in and second was against a storm shield cheese list (he was tired of losing against me) so I did agree gunlines were key in 7th but I think it's much more even in 8th
I mean, by dying, blood flowed.
I run a mix of deathguard and worldeaters, nice big units of pox walkers with typhus running forward and bezerkers to crash past whats left all supported by a waay overcosted but so damn cool lord of skulls, its been doing much better in 8th than it ever did in 7th, it was never designed to be a competitive list its more funsie but its won more matches than its lost so far
At 1:10:00 Vulcan has a 3+ invunrable
I just stumbled on this the other day...but I'm pretty sure you have to spend 2 command points to discard an objective. Unless that's just an extra discard and I'm reading it wrong, which could absolutely be the case
When the Predator attacked the rhino you forgot that it had dropped smoke that turn.
Each Roll is independent both rolls are 1/6 chance of seizing the initiative
It`s becoming painfully apparent just how handy capped every army without a codex is going to be in the coming months ahead..
Starburst7641 bad players will make a new book look good. They guy pkaying chaos had a pretty average list, and made a few noob mistakes.
Besides, the MWG crew never get rules right, so theres a good chance they played this army wrong anyway.
While I agree with you on the points of the average list and MWG`s skills in getting the rules wrong, the fact remains that the codexes bring significant advantages over what is in the indexes - strategems, chapter tactics, wargear, psychic powers etc.
GW has promised a pretty fast release schedule, so hopefully other armies will get their special bonuses pretty soon too (I know chaos will be out by the end of august).
luckily most armies will have theirs within a year
Bike characters aren't gone, they're still in the Index, they just aren't in the Codex. Games Workshop stated in one of their articles that some units wouldn't get re-printed in the Codex, such as Legion of the Damned and the Imperial Space Marine. Guess bike Librarian/Chaplain/etc are staying Index only.
Wrong video
True, but when you read the FAQ it feels more like they said "Use the Index for the army until the Codex comes out." I can see it argued either way, so we just decided to go with just what's in the codex until an FAQ clarifies.
seems crazy that white scars can't have biker characters, if Ravenwing end up being the only army that can take biker characters there will be blood in the streets.
miniwargaming FAQ quote says "There are a few options in the indexes for some characters and vehicles that are no longer represented in the Citadel range - certain Dreadnought weapons that don't come in the box, or some characters on bikes, for example.
Don't worry though, you can still use all of these in your games if you have these older models. In these instances, use the data sheet from the index, and the most recent points published for that model and its weapons.
They still gain all the army wide-bonuses for things like Chapter Tactics and can use Space Marines Stratagems and the like, so such venerable heroes still fit right in with the rest of your army."
Also shouldn't the Sorcerer who failed the overcharge be dead?
No. Overcharge only kills on a 1.
But i thought he did roll a 1? Also thanks for the info.
Best new strategy: charging exploding rhinos at Primaris Marines .
At 37:10 how come 1 is still a fail, If it’s +1 to hit?
Any dice rolls of 1 are considered to have failed, regardless of modifiers.
Ahhhh okay! Thank yoi
Mat, Leutenants don't grant you rolls of wounds, only captains grant u that ability.
So you get multiple overwatches now also ?
I'd love to see a Space Wolves 8e battle report from you guys! Not sure if you already made one and I missed it, but yeah.
Where are those giant shipping containers from ?
Im fairly certain you can overwatch with a unit once each fight phase.
Nope. First, you overwatch in the Charge Phase. And second, you can overwatch as long as there isn't an enemy within 1" of you.
We've been playing this wrong!
41:13 Matt over watches twice with the same unit?! Have I missed sumin?
In the new edition you can keep over-watching everyone who charges you until someone finally succeeds the charge and locks you in combat.
Andrew Kerr ahhh alright, thanks for the info, only played 2 games 8th edition, will have to implement that
at 27:00 you could just have not killed that squad. Then you would killed it with moral and would have achieved your objective more easily. Or luka spends 2 command points. Both worth it.
I'm just starting war hammer which starter set should i get??
zambie slayer well dark imperium is a good buy, since the other 2 have the same models but less models, really comes down to where you want to start? Big battles or small skirmish battles.
If there's an army besides marines or deathguard you want, I would recommend getting the appropriate Start Collecting box set and a rulebook
Whichever army you like the look and lore of?
zambie slayer if pricing is an issue, imperial guard, orks, and tyranid have cheap infantry but expensive big units.
like this size battle
Finally a chaos list that's not entirely cultists!
Chaod play should have been rerolling 1's to hit with the daemon prince near by
What legion/god would you suggest for a new player? I want something that has lot's of action and I don't like hordes, so I guess the Death Guard is excluded? I was kinda torn between EC and WE but im not sure. I get the feeling that a Khorne CSM army will be like, every once in a while you will get lucky and land your charges and wipe everything out on your first or second fight phase but for every one time this happens, you will play 10 games where everything dies pathetically while trying to reach the enemy. Please help, I need advice badly!
You don't really have to get the horde-like monsters for a nurseling army, and also if you want a daemon army, get tzeench, and if you want more options look at the Horus heresy or just get an undivided army, where you can get any form of CSM and not worry
Hello mate, thanks for the reply, you are kind to take the time and respond to a newb :D I went for Death Guard after all because I've always loved them very much and after reading their codex, I realised they are not boring at all, infact they are amazing. Plus the crazy af Dark Imperium box was too good of a deal to pass on it. I shared it with a friend who plays marines.
I have a friend with a death guard army, and it is very scary
Thanks a lot for the video! I want to start the tabletop game and Salamanders are my favourite chapter!
Dude that sorcerer looks so good...
Hey, Matt, you forgot to remove a Hellblaster when they shot the Daemon Prince ;)
Anyone else think that combat seems a bit worse? You can get to combat easier now which was the big problem with the last couple of editions but when you're there, unless your packing some punch then not many seem to die. I think if they would of gave ccw an ap it would go some way to mitigating that problem. At the minute shooting is great and as a tactic the assault phase is good I'm more concerned with the damage output, close combats seem a bit more indecisive now without sweeping advance, or is it just me?
Matt likes to forget the rules when it works in his favor.
A smite roll of 10+ is D6 mortal wounds, not D3. The rhino lost 5 wounds, not 3.
Where is dave?
Did you guys forget the Self Repair special rule on all those damaged Rhinos?
You bet!
You should have burned a command point throwing that objective on game start.
Space Wolves next please. Also awesome Battle Report love it. :D :D
49:30 feel no pain... what?
when you're rerolling things like 4x lascannons remember that you have to resolve weapons one at a time, so when you roll a bunch of shots at once, and then roll a 2+ to see which you want to re-roll to hit with you're cheating, albeit very slightly
Not really. I would have just rerolled the first 1, and rerolled the first fail. Same odds.
Hey, I love these vids, really informative and fun to watch - So much so I’ve signed up to your main site. I do have a question about growing my army:
Being a returning player (last playing with the third edition) I’m a bit overwhelmed with all the new SM units. I’ve started playing salamanders again and at the moment my army is;
A captain in Term Armour, 2x 5 man tac squads (missile launcher, flamer and a Sgt with a plasPist + PWR sword, a 5 man sniper squad with INV cloaks and a Ven Dred with an assault canon, combat arm and a heavy flamer.
I know I need another cheapish HQ, maybe another Scout squad - for objectives but being salamanders something that takes advantage of re-rolls and flam / Melta based weapons could be fun?
This is just shy of 500 pts and I’m looking to grow it to around 800 - I would really love some advice RE growing my army - keeping it kind of Balanced (maybe tipping to more shooty but still being able to defend against hoards/ deep striking opponents.) Any advice would be amazing - please keep making these videos :)
Matt always seems like he feels bad when his opponent botches a roll.
I like a game where cool stuff happens, so when my opponent can do something cool but misses, I'm sad. :(
That sorcerer should have been slain when he rolled that 1
Great game as usual despite the camera problems.
Where has Dave been!? Missing him in bat reps
Yass! I need my Dave-fix too..
Working on another movie, I gess.
Into the fires of battle, unto the Anvil of War!
One's tactics won't work if you forget to use them. I'm talking to you Devastators.
Vulkan is NOT the Chapter Master of the Salamanders. He never has been
He's the Forgefather (captain equivalent), the guy who goes out looking for all Vulcan's artifacts that he left. That is NOT Chapter Master.
Standard Lieutenants also let you re-roll to wound, and are dirt cheap. Better than the Primaris Version.
You have illegal setups on your Tactical Squads. You can't have 2 special weapons. 1 Special and 1 Heavy.
He stated that the melta guns were proxied for multi-meltas, which are heavy weapons. So the tactical squads are definitely legal
finally they got their codex!
Great game. Actually watched the whole thing.
Imagine being rich enough to buy a Landraider, and then turning it into a burnt out set piece