Grandstream UCM IP PBX Basic Setup

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 66

  • @تقنيةالمعلومات-ط4ب
    @تقنيةالمعلومات-ط4ب 6 лет назад +2

    Can't thank you Enough Willie, I was looking for a PBX box and decided to google it and found your video. Indeed i have no confusion now on how it works. The way you explained everything in steps is nothing less than a blessing.

  • @ortegagonza1
    @ortegagonza1 2 года назад

    And that's how a tutorial is made, greeting from argentina

  • @MrBrettStar
    @MrBrettStar 6 лет назад

    I set up a 6102 over 5 years ago, still going strong. They are awesome value, so many features for such a small and cheap device.

  • @Red1Wollip
    @Red1Wollip 6 лет назад

    The timing on this video couldn’t have been any better. Thanks a million my friend.

  • @JoseFernandez-yx8jg
    @JoseFernandez-yx8jg 5 лет назад +4

    Thanks for the video, I think is great but I need a video on how to connect my POT lines to the PBX to make it work.

  • @icecoldusa
    @icecoldusa 4 года назад

    U rock! Keep up the great work! Thanks

  • @kunwarsandhu9943
    @kunwarsandhu9943 3 года назад

    Thank you for this video. Very useful

  • @UnkyjoesPlayhouse
    @UnkyjoesPlayhouse 6 лет назад +1

    Great video Willie, can't wait to see the rest, one question, how will this perform in a "production network" is the big question I have, can it handle the call volume of 25-50 users and several incoming & outgoing calls. Thanks :)

  • @anchortech7357
    @anchortech7357 5 лет назад +1

    Can you do a video explaining the OVPN function? I'm needing to connect grandstream ATAs from remote sites to this pbx.

  • @tonymiyares9637
    @tonymiyares9637 4 года назад

    great vid, man! what is preferred to config a remote 2170 ip phone, use the ucm as "router" and do the nat and port fwd from within or have a third party or the gwn7000 as the main router? thanks for your time to share your vids.

  • @stephenyarrow2638
    @stephenyarrow2638 5 лет назад +1

    Hi Willie, I cannot find your video on a UCM 6202 installing a SSL certificate. Please can you point me to it?

  • @honestcomputer1932
    @honestcomputer1932 6 лет назад

    excellent explanation Man

  • @eslamselem2007
    @eslamselem2007 3 года назад

    at first thanks you for all video , secand can i connect cisco 3905 on grandstream ucm6204 ??

  • @rickb4619
    @rickb4619 Месяц назад

    Got my system set up thanks to your video. I would like to have the phones ring differently, depending on the user menu selection. Can't see any way to do this. Can you suggest how?

    • @WillieHowe
      @WillieHowe  Месяц назад

      @@rickb4619 not sure what you mean, like an IVR where they push a button?

    • @rickb4619
      @rickb4619 Месяц назад

      @@WillieHowe Yes, when the caller presses an IVR number, I would like to change the ring tone of the ring group. For example: Number 1 and 2 of an IVR may ring some of the same phones, and I would like to have the phone ring indicate a tech support call or a general inquiry call. Thanks.

  • @steve94044
    @steve94044 4 года назад

    Do you have any experience setting up AT&T's ipflex service in setting up incoming and outbound routes? I need to set this up on my UCM-6202 in our lab setup for testing. Thanks for your informative videos!

  • @husanegamnazarov4443
    @husanegamnazarov4443 3 года назад

    6:20 could you pleace tell me what that "5" means?

  • @mohideenyasir9353
    @mohideenyasir9353 2 месяца назад

    How to connect IPBX with ONT and also Local network

  • @ocdtechtalk
    @ocdtechtalk Год назад

    Where is the link to the next video?

  • @LydiaFoksy-ri8gv
    @LydiaFoksy-ri8gv 2 месяца назад

    Very nice.

  • @ITHelpdesk-q8p
    @ITHelpdesk-q8p 5 месяцев назад

    hi i work at a company and it was already set up but for some reason after a call hangs up i no longer get phone service and when i check my router the voip stuck on disconnecting but when my router is connect to a regular phone and call and hangs up it does not stuck on disconnecting ?

  • @GautamBhatia713284
    @GautamBhatia713284 3 года назад

    Hi willie,
    You are a jem of a person...
    Nice video really loved it, but need more advance videos on setting this unit professionally with trunk lines connected and setting up inbound and out bound call rules and ivr every thing about this unit
    Please make videos on this

  • @tedev
    @tedev 6 лет назад

    any news for the unifi small business setup? looking forward to test a lot of things

  • @jaiyesimisulaimon6552
    @jaiyesimisulaimon6552 4 года назад

    Thanks for the video. Please my office has 3 direct lines. The lines work ok making or receiving external calls. But now, I can no longer make or receive external calls from the 3 lines again. The ISP confirm everything ok in their end. Please what could be the issue? Thank you.

  • @GlobalyteLuis
    @GlobalyteLuis 6 лет назад

    How about adding (registering) Polycom phones to the Grandstream UCM? (for example VVX411)

  • @fateichmann
    @fateichmann 6 лет назад +1

    Hi, any recommendations for a good SIP provider works with Grandstream System? Thanks

  • @robertbrindelsonokosso8839
    @robertbrindelsonokosso8839 Год назад

    much appriciated

  • @AlbertoDiGiovanni
    @AlbertoDiGiovanni 2 года назад

    Hi, I ask you if there is the possibility to differentiate the ringtone between internal and external call of a voip extension. Thank you

  • @MrGone2k
    @MrGone2k 5 лет назад

    Will it use 3digit extensions if you choose a 3digit number instead of 1000 during setup?

  • @USA__2023
    @USA__2023 9 месяцев назад

    How well does it work with Spectrum voice lines connected to the FXO inputs?

    • @WillieHowe
      @WillieHowe  9 месяцев назад +1

      Works pretty well!

  • @svschwartz
    @svschwartz 6 лет назад

    any chances to see side by side comparison of ucm and yeastar s20/50 ?

  • @darlingtonosinachi
    @darlingtonosinachi 3 года назад

    enjoyed the video.

  • @Barrelagedbliss
    @Barrelagedbliss 5 лет назад

    Hello I am trying to finish setting up my 6204 and as usual grand stream is providing zero to no support thru there ticketing process. How do I get back to the website after amking it thru the smart wizard after the reboot? I refresh the page to log in again and then the page no longer exists!!

  • @Ameenudheen_Mannaril
    @Ameenudheen_Mannaril 3 года назад

    Hello Sir,
    in UCM6208, How many DID can be configured maximum? is there any limit on this? I need to configure 100 DID provided by Service Provider.

  • @tonymiyares9637
    @tonymiyares9637 4 года назад

    forgot, how do I donate to your channel? thanks.

  • @DonTeeter
    @DonTeeter 5 лет назад

    You really need to state what the next video is called. RUclips does not necessarily stack them up as you intend. Doesn't have to be in the video, in description is fine.

  • @Abdelrahim-x3r
    @Abdelrahim-x3r Месяц назад


  • @linkstrama
    @linkstrama 3 года назад

    Hi I have a great gxp 4004 debut it is locked, it does not enter the menu after updating, you know any way to recover it

  • @abubakarbarrie3840
    @abubakarbarrie3840 5 лет назад

    Hello, how do u configure your Cisco 2960 to support grandstream phones

  • @MusaSalimumuprince
    @MusaSalimumuprince 3 года назад

    Thank so much

  • @linkstrama
    @linkstrama 3 года назад

    Oi eu tenho um grande estrean gxp 4004 ele esta, travado não entra no menu apos atualizar, voce conhece alguma forma de recuperar ele

  • @fenimama
    @fenimama 5 лет назад

    Awesome. Thanks for the ABCD...

  • @nightro11
    @nightro11 2 года назад

    I have a UCM6208. I am using an analog phone line. Do I have to use the FXO ports for the Analog trunk? If so what is the pin out config for that port

    • @WillieHowe
      @WillieHowe  2 года назад

      Yes. Use the center pair on the rj11

    • @nightro11
      @nightro11 2 года назад

      @@WillieHowe To Clarify, I use RJ11 at the FXO (Center Pair) and RJ45 at the GXP2160 in the LAN port Correct?

  • @Red1Wollip
    @Red1Wollip 6 лет назад

    Do you have a Cisco 7965g to provision on this?

  • @garyy9577
    @garyy9577 6 лет назад

    How are Gateway and DNS Server IPs defined ?

  • @gireeshkumar8487
    @gireeshkumar8487 4 года назад

    hai brother i have a problem after configuring IVR , for incoming calls its showing anonymous instead of number could you please help
    thanks in advance

  • @folorunshooduleye6981
    @folorunshooduleye6981 6 лет назад

    Please can one help me out on GXP1760W i just got 9 pics of it and after plugging to power, i couldn't find IP that will allow me to set it up

  • @QTR-md7qx
    @QTR-md7qx 6 лет назад

    i would like to thing you willie my ucm6106 not booting only fan working any help please thanks again

  • @sirusvirtus5885
    @sirusvirtus5885 6 лет назад

    Ucm can deploy in vlan?

  • @77prob
    @77prob 3 года назад

    good job

  • @dyshuk
    @dyshuk 6 лет назад

    is the UCM6510 the only model that works with a PRI line?

    • @dyshuk
      @dyshuk 6 лет назад

      Willie Howe yes, im looking for a inexpensive pbx that supports pri

  • @billalmighty
    @billalmighty 5 лет назад

    I just got one of these in that someone previously had tried to setup and returned. They have changed the password and I'm trying to factory default it. Holding the reset switch and powering on allows me to get to the recovery screen but it still asks for passwords I don't have. The password sticker is there but that one isn't working. Anyone have any idea how to completely wipe this ?

    • @billalmighty
      @billalmighty 5 лет назад

      @@WillieHowe I did finally get it sorted. The key was how to get into the lcd reset menu. I had tried booting it up with the reset switch pressed but that only got me into recovery mode and still needed the unknown password. The trick was pressing the reset switch for a few seconds while the unit was on and running. Then the lcd reset menu came up and I was able to default it. Thanks for following up though!

  • @faiz.rahimm
    @faiz.rahimm 6 лет назад

    hello willie, that was really a good video but can you show network diagram first before doing the configuration stuff so that the flows look clearer. really hoping that you can do that

  • @harindersharma7558
    @harindersharma7558 4 года назад

    Password missing

  • @jmmorgenstern7005
    @jmmorgenstern7005 5 лет назад

    If somebody can let grandstream know that their mobile phone app you cannot remove the last text message that was received that I would greatly appreciate thanks it may be reason for another update but the last text message you can erase everything up to the last text message the last message that you received on the grandstream mobile app you can not delete no matter what it does doesn't work somebody can help Grand scream about it I would greatly appreciate it God bless

  • @anthonykiedis2949
    @anthonykiedis2949 2 года назад

    Подписывайте в Инстаграмм… пошутил что ли

  • @Nolto
    @Nolto 2 года назад

    telefon santralleri için bize ulaşabilirsiniz.