Condo Fees Vs HOA Fees: What's the difference?

  • Опубликовано: 24 фев 2019
  • In this episode, we discuss the difference between condo fees vs HOA fees. 💬 Remember to get your FREE guide from the experts before buying your next home: stories.brookfi...
    About this video:
    We discuss the difference between an HOA and a condo board, including fees, impact on tenants and use of facilities both inside a condo and within a community.
    #homeownersassociation #HOA #condofees
    👀Watch What is an HOA: • What is a Homeowners A...
    👀Watch what's included in condo fees: • What do condo fees cov...
    👀Watch What's the role of a condo board: • Role of a condo board:...
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