Aaron’s Story

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Please read in full
    Aaron Carter was my closest friend, 6 years of in person friendship (August 10th, 2013-August 9th-10th, 2019) & three years after of virtual friendship due to COVID. I sold his merch & did videography on tour, got to know the REAL Aaron Carter which even his (alive) family did not get to know when they should have been the closest people to him. I was closer to Aaron than those still here were. That’s why I’m stating all of this in this video.
    This video was made to bring light to the reality we faced together along with other true friends of his. This is being shared to wake up people to what really went on in his life & who is to blame for the reactions the world seen play out. His life was a constant chain of cause & effect. Take away the causes, you would not have the effects that changed a very bright, good hearted human into someone the world viewed as dark & cold in the end of his life.
    As someone who is straight edge, I never seen Aaron use drugs on tour, supposedly he “huffed” at home recreationally & would turn that off by touring before it became full fledged addiction. Looking back, COVID allowed what he went through at the end of his life to fully take hold.
    I Never thought to have an in person conversation with someone clearly doing well being sober in front of me. He definitely would have moments at home I’d question if he used but nothing ever became for sure apparent until the last few years.
    I also don’t count his rare stoner circles in the latter half of our friendship where he’d smoke marijuana with his friends/tour mates/fans after shows. He never popped pills/drank intoxicating amounts of alcohol/huffed on tour, he did take his prescriptions as prescribed on & off tour, even evidenced by his autopsy. He would go home to sometimes struggle or sometimes excel, even at times he was not comfortable or okay being at home he still did well. He always had myself & close friends a message or call away until everything went wrong in the span of a month & a half (August-September 2019).
    The issue is, those who wish to spread a narrative that he was always mentally ill or always on drugs were not around to honestly have that account & is highly inaccurate of a diagnosis or assessment from people absent in his life. Even if they are “family” or “management”. The effects of what he was on at the end of his life when he finally hit his breaking point changed his personality very quickly & on a drastic level. The causes leading into the addiction taking hold (Bullying, abuse, family abandonment, then COVID locking him in to his home & away from his sobering tour life) need to be highlighted.
    The bullying & false narratives being shared take away from real experiences real people had, like the fact I was introduced to someone by Aaron, that person was introduced as “This is my girlfriend”, said person is constantly bullied to this day & like Aaron, when you get attacked by hundreds of Bullies, you begin to say untrue off the wall things. Aaron’s story was brushed off due to the last 3 years when he said so much of this years before clean & sober.
    He also had paranoia that was warranted. Even going back to liner notes of his album “Oh Aaron.” He had management who found him expendable & also a cash cow they could milk at every turn. Stalkers who came to his home, & people who attacked him at every turn.
    His family & “management” (use that term loosely as the management was fired as stated in the video for good reason years ago) are benefitting by dragging his name through the mud & also enabling people under fake accounts to continue that narrative. I am attaching my name & my reputation on what I know to be true to hopefully provide a lasting positive result for his son. Results that clear his legacy & my conscience from what I have known & lived with since even before he left this world.
    His new album is about to release as well as a documentary. I want to share reality before the fake stories or narratives appear again this week.
    None of his family helped him when he needed it most. Before I met Aaron, Nick DID help send him to Betty Ford. However, when Aaron got out (better), Nick was nowhere to be found to even be thanked.
    There are a lot of things said that need to be here in this video & I hope you take the time to ponder & research all I say.
    These are my experiences & what I say is from my view. Everyone has their own beliefs, some shared with mine, some not. I will share mine shaped by real experiences which those spreading these “mentally ill” narratives about Aaron do not have the luxury to say the same. These are things I learned directly from the source that have been buried by fake accounts & fake people who claimed they wanted the best for Aaron yet never were around to give him their best. Even via a phone call.
    Thank you for reading & I hope to make a difference in memory of Aaron Charles Carter.
    #RIPAC 12-7-1987 - 11-5-2022 🦋🕊️🕯️

Комментарии • 210

  • @bluesky37126
    @bluesky37126 3 месяца назад +7

    Thank you for sharing his story. I remember back when Aaron’s first album dropped - I actually had a copy of it. It’s still surreal to me that he was a year older than me (I always found they kind of made him out to be young in the media). He fell off my radar years ago; I didn’t even know that he had still been making music, embarrassingly enough.
    Despite that, though, when he passed? That shook me. It felt like finding out something happened to a classmate or something. I genuinely had no idea that things had been going so rough for him - I’m pretty sure I didn’t even hear about the cannabis charges or the mugshot; I know the face tattoo completely caught me offguard, so I’d been pretty out of the loop. In all honesty, before the news of his death broke, I had just assumed that he’d retired from music and settled down or something.
    It’s messed up to me that Nick turned out to be such a creep, and that Angel apparently turned her back on him - I don’t know if things in his family were always this bad, or if it was fame that ultimately did it, but any way you slice it, he deserved so much better.
    You probably won’t see this comment/I expect it to be buried, but. I’m grateful that you took the time to let us see a bit of what’s behind the curtain, even if it was a hard listen during some parts. It’s obvious how much you cared about him, and he was lucky to have such a good friend. I subscribed to your channel so that if you do share more stories in the future, that I’ll be able to see them.
    Rest In Peace

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +4

      Your comment didn’t go buried. I see it. Oddly enough, my comments went buried the last 3 years of his life since the chain of events caused that. I try to respond where I can because you took the time to hear the story I needed to tell & finally get off my chest. I appreciate it more than you all know because our friends all know this story. It’s time the world does.
      So to answer your comment, The whole family’s relationship was volatile with Nick but Angel tried in her younger years playing peacemaker & got caught in the middle but somehow always sided with Nick from what I seen & what Aaron Semi-explained. That likely happened again when he attacked Nick with the gaslighting situation & Angel to her credit probably tried playing peacemaker & got caught in the middle which made the situation so much worse, then to have them believe something the rest of us knew was unbelievable sent him on a very quick spiral.
      He didn’t go into detail about Nick & Angel’s relationship but Aaron did with his personal relationship one on one with them & everyone else. I looked back & realized with our conversations, he talked about everyone singularly & never grouped them together which at that time I thought was to get everyone’s individuality out to me. After he passed though, after the craziness subsided & I could let the whole thing sink in, that tells me everyone was separate & no real family unit was ever there. To people in his family, some people were loved more than others depending by who you spoke to. Leslie was close to him at the end & it hurt him how Nick handled that. BJ? Same thing, she was abandoned like Aaron by Nick & Angel. Then you have the coping mechanism that’s DNA ingrained to them… Self medicating. Their parents had that inkling & it passed on unfortunately, but the littlest thing of an open line of communication Aaron never truly had in his life with his brother & even less when his twin & his brother became spouses. Then add all the moving pieces of bad people surrounding the family & the good people as much as they try become invisible in Aaron’s world of painful things continuing to happen. I didn’t even give full detail on everything because I want people to know the most important thing: the timeline leading into the nonstop mindblowing events (for me it was a nonstop blur) the last 3 years brought on. One thing after another which were all cause & effect reactions. Him being overprescribed medications & then add the huffing, once everything went off the rails he went off the deep end & I just couldn’t reach him due to the amount of people supporting that version of Aaron versus the Aaron we all knew, loved, & wanted to see succeed. He was in his best headspace the last I seen him & I think that day was the last time anyone realized he was sober, even with the stupid crap happening all around him. He was okay with it until so many bad people added more to his pain, he couldn’t handle anymore. I can’t explain how much I went through the last three years because that pain weighed on me so damn heavy & still does with those same bad people not moving on. His story & his life is their whole personality, their whole moneymaker, their livelihood is letting him live rent free in their head & since he can’t engage in a response, they attack those who stood by him before & even after everything now. I’ve had enough, I really have. I cleared my conscience finally getting the story out. There is the new documentary I can’t even get into watching. I got halfway through the first episode in 2 days & had to shut it off & take a break. I have to get through it. Just not ready to, especially now knowing who is in it & who’s talking about him. It’s really just me nonstop hurting for someone I was super close to, who was truly good at his core, & who deserved so much better than what & who sent him down that path. All there is to it. Hope it gets that point across, the fame definitely caused it because if Aaron had his choice in life, he’d have picked his dream career, Marine Biologist instead of chasing a family unit that would never be there. Even at the beginning, music was a way to keep him & Nick close. Aaron wanted that, Nick chose BSB over his whole blood family. Don’t get me wrong, they are good guys & AJ & Kevin (mostly AJ) from what Aaron told me were there more than Nick was. AJ’s story hit home for me & I got to tell AJ how proud I was of him at Aaron’s memorial because Aaron was proud of him. As for Nick, all I could say to him was “Sorry for your loss” because it is his loss he never knew the good guy we all did & didn’t care to. That’s what gets me.
      Personal story: I have a similar issue with my older sister. Haven’t spoken to her in 20 years, that is her choice. My line is open, hers is not. She shunned myself & my mother. Still talks to other family but she got married & wanted that family & not ours.
      Nick did the same to Aaron. He & I could relate. This is something I didn’t say because I hurt & miss my older sister but it is her choice.
      Aaron didn’t know whose choice it was, with so many moving pieces, & with how cold he was treated by his brother, sister in law, etc.
      I think everyone even Aaron at times putting Nick on a pedestal got to Aaron when that wasn’t reciprocated for him or his family in the slightest. Aaron was the more talented brother & solo careers side by side proved it. Nick had the bigger all around career but the jealousy on both sides & the abuses of so many Aaron witnessed & even experienced himself, yeah, to have someone that cold in your life as your brother finally gets brought to light & I am truly sad that Aaron won’t get to introduce “Uncle Nick” or “Uncle Jake” or “Uncle Brian (Winter Havens)”, “Uncle Chappy”, etc. to Prince & tell our stories or get that closure is the hardest thing to stomach. He had 50 more years in him but we think we have time, we don’t. I’ve known that ever since I was young, he did too. His liner notes in “Oh Aaron” at a time some bad people were around him were very telling too. So many thoughts going through my head right now so I will stop here on this note & hopefully if I can make anything clearer for you or anyone like you I will try. This story is what people don’t know or won’t accept. Aaron had a good group of people who are tired of the “He had nobody” narrative. “He had nobody” because the people pushing that narrative blocked out the people he did have. He deserved so much better so I’m gonna do my best to be the better that the world failed to show him.
      Thanks for this comment❤️🦋🕊️

    • @phoebe_centralperk
      @phoebe_centralperk 3 месяца назад +2

      @@Fireteam2479 thank you again Jake, for your honest & heartfelt reply & giving us even more Insights. I only met Aaron once, that was in 2015 at a meet & Greet, but I ll never forget how sweet he was & the short two sentence conversation we had & the Moment we shared. I didnt know Aaron would actually stay in contact with Fans or people that liked him. My daughter is exactly Aarons age & I took her to two of his concerts when he just got started as a little boy. So I had my own family to take care of & so much going on in my own life, also a lot of trauma & things happening, I think thats why I felt that connection to him when we met. I heard & saw Aaron perform Recovery in a few Videos & I was blown away from it & the Energy I felt when Aaron was performing it, so I had to go see him when he came to Europe. If I had known he stays in contact, I would ve tried to do that for Sure. But I didnt. So when my Life wasnt so busy I watched His Lives & I was worried about him in the end. Because of all the Bullying He was subjected to, after speaking out for the SA Victims. Still it came AS a shock to me, when I Heard the news that Aaron had died in His tub, supposedly self- inflicted. I dont believe that for a Second & with all the Bullying & threats against him & people being able to Profit Off Aarons death, it should have been investigated.
      The weired Thing is, that even though I didnt really know Aaron Like you did & He obviously never told me details of his Life, I feel like everything you ve been saying is exactly how I judged the Situations & people around Aaron. One of These circumstances is Angel always backing Up Nick vs her own twin brother, which is very rare, because twins usually have a very strong bond. ( I have twins myself). All the things that have been happening since Aaron died, just tell me thats still whats Most important to Angel, to help & protect Nick, No Matter at what Price, even at the Price of selling Out Aaron even in his death & painting that narrative of him that helps Nick, instead of trying to get to the real truth behind why Aaron died & how he really died. I get sick in my stomach, watching it all Go down, starting with the Cremation, the " benefit event" where they let Lori Knight speak & talk bad about Aaron & the Recovery Project with Lori Knight involved, using Aarons own music & especially THAT Song to further spread their narrative, even using " charity" to do so. It'' s so heartbreaking. I often feel Aaron when I hear him Talk, watching His Lives, maybe because I can relate to him a lot due to my personal History. Aaron should be here with us, he still had so much to live for. Thank you for being his friend❣️

    • @SamanthaCortex
      @SamanthaCortex 5 дней назад

      Wait how is Lori releasing Aaron's misic..he would not have wanted that

    • @SamanthaCortex
      @SamanthaCortex 5 дней назад

      I'm not very found of Melanie because we all know how they got together and why...you can tell when they started dating she was so in all of who she was dating. She was more in love with Aaron because he was her teenage crush rather then her boyfriend. With pictures of Aaron all over her walls never dreaming she would ever meet him rather then be dating him she was more in love with who Aaron was thrn the man she was with. While Aaron loved Mel because she was just Mel. Mel was looking to date anyone famous we all know that. Ut one thing I can say for sure is they both made a amazing beautiful child and it kills me that Aaron cannot be there with his child after waiting so long to have him.

    • @SamanthaCortex
      @SamanthaCortex 5 дней назад

      Jake you are one amazing person

  • @phoebe_centralperk
    @phoebe_centralperk 3 месяца назад +28

    Thank you so much for speaking out for Aaron. He is smiling down on you from heaven for sure.
    I only met Aaron once when he was touring Europe in the beginning of 2015 & he was the sweetest guy ever. I could have hugged him all night long after the concert. That was exactly the tour he performed Recovery on & the songs they released now. I am so mad & heartbroken about all of this. Even though I wasnt friends with Aaron like you, Aaron was so open about everything that happened to him to everyone also on social Media.
    Actually you didnt tell me anything new, but you confirmed that I was on the right track about everyone & everything involved in Aarons life, especially about the people who hurt & betrayed him. Lori Knight is evil & Nick did what he is accused of. Angel never listened to Aaron, or always chose Nick over Aaron when it came down to it. Lina is also poison. All of them who conspired against Aaron together while he was alive, are profiting off him now even in Aarons death. And you' re right Angel is no Angel. But please tell me, because I do not understand, why would any Fan of Aaron support this project? Beside the fact that this charity is a scam, which I ve been saying, they are only using it to further paint Aaron as this poor addicted, mentally ill person that would not let them help him, when in reality they didnt try to help him, but destroy him. I just dont get that? And since you said you cant say much about Melanie, because you dont know her... well, just by observing her behaviour while Aaron was alive & ever since he was taken, it' s kind of clear she didnt care about Aaron as much as she does about the money now. She knew about Angel & Nicks RO before Aaron died & already went behind his back then. She also hurt Aaron, not only physicaly, but in many ways & that relationship was just as toxic as the one with Lina... And who is she teaming up with now? Lori Knight, Angel & Nick. Why would she do that if she wants Prince to benefit & not herself for the most part?
    I could go on forever, but I ll stop right here. It' s breaking my heart to see all this going on, after someone took Aarons life. Because I am also convinced someone else was at the house when he died. But even though he had many people threaten him & reported it to the police all the time, there was no investigation into that. 😢💔 Thank you again for speaking out ❣️ This needs to go viral, really. Thank you so much Jake, you get nothing but praise for this & Aaron is so proud of you, I m sure of it. ❤🦋🧡🦋❤️

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +5

      Melanie has to go along with the program because Nick & Angel & Lori are in charge. Ever notice all advertisement of this “Project” puts this “charity” above his son? It’s almost like “You should be happy we even include Prince”. I also see there are autographed copies of this album being sold. Who autographed it? The people who put it out, why would anyone want that? They put themselves on this high pedestal to make their names mean more than Aaron’s & Prince’s.
      Then it being about Kid’s mental health, no one thinks of his little boy’s mental health… I worry the cycle will continue & if that woman is around that little boy… Yeah, I worry about her being around any kid, especially for the charity events they throw.
      Also again, childmind.org is shown to do what this “project” does with 98% of funds & success stories.
      The rebrand was because no charity research site has the money able to be looked at. They may do these public things for PR but what’s happening after, who knows.
      I have said it here, will say it again, pay the estate off, then allow Prince a trust fund with the rest.
      Nothing else, no added credits to those who don’t deserve it. They don’t do this for him, they do this for themselves.
      I did this for you guys but for me I have to say this all publicly for my conscience to be clear. I don’t do this for followers or clout for the record, that had been the claim on TikTok where my follower count is literally the same as it is on all other social media. Here? It’s half of what it is there so I don’t care about “growing this account”, just post good videos that I’d love those who enjoy that stuff to enjoy forever. This will probably be my only talking video ever in 15+ years of YouTubing.
      I was in the background for a reason in his life. I could have gained clout for my excellent stage presence with music or dancing (at that time, not even tooting my own horn, I know how good I was then. Not as good now after being away too long) like some people in his later life did, but CHOSE to cherish the friendship first. Never pushed to get more than the friendship & the memories/mementos to come from it & that’s more than okay by me. Even now. The pay from the gigs was Aaron being giving. I’d have done it for $100 off 😂 He Didn’t need to do that but he set it up to take care of his people at all times, he definitely did right by everyone then. I just know people did him wrong.

    • @phoebe_centralperk
      @phoebe_centralperk 3 месяца назад

      @@Fireteam2479 I really want to say thank you again & I know this is Not for clout, its the opposite, it was very brave of you. As for Melanie, I dont think she is doing Things because she has to Play along, but because she wants to & it benefits her. She is & Always has been all about her own benefit. She Went behind Aarons back contacting Angel when He wanted nothing to do with her. She herself keeps painting the narrative of Aaron being nothing but this mentally ill addicted Guy who didnt even treat her good, of course in between saying she Misses him so much & still calling herself His Fiancee even though they were broken Up when He died & I actually think at that point He only wanted custody of Prince & nothing to do with her anymore. But she keeps lying & manipulating, I think her manipulation skills are very underrated.
      I'm worried about Prince too for various reasons. 1st of all Melanie is mentally unstable & Aaron Had a Lot of Proof of it, a Lot of it IS even Out there in Public now. She keeps lying about Events that happened & making Aaron Look Bad, when she was the one that got the RO for DV & repeatedly emotionally blackmailed him into taking her Back.
      She is using Prince already to gain sympathy & to make Money on Aarons death with the LØVË Merch she destroyed & all other Things she is selling now, while supposedly being bankrupt. She even sells Princes pictures online & then attacks Others for Posting Pictures of Prince that were Public & the people personally knew Aaron. She is calling out everyone Putting blaim ob them except for looking in the mirror. She even filed the lawsuit in Princes name, all this he will be confronted with when Hes older. Why she would even do that when she herself called many other people Out on enablingAaron makes No Sense, but I guess she smells Money.
      As for the Money that should go to Prince, I Hope they secure it all, so Prince doesn't have to face the same faith Aaron did, when he turns 18, because Melanie will probably spend it all otherwise due to her Lifestyle.

  • @keeela9884
    @keeela9884 3 месяца назад +38

    Thank you for sharing his story. To this day, I'm so incredibly sad about his passing. You could always tell he had such a huge heart.

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +7

      He definitely did. It was broken the last 3 years. Majorly. People don’t get how what’s happening right now breaks mine & others who ACTUALLY knew him, who were there with him for the start of this pain that people who were NOT there caused… Who wish to be “there” in death.
      If the shoe fits & any one is offended by what I said, they’re the problem & they can wear that motherfucker.
      Aaron can not rest when people he loved cannot & right now the people who hurt him the worst thrive while those of us who gave a damn get all the bashing & hurt he got. Makes no sense in this world anymore.

    • @keeela9884
      @keeela9884 3 месяца назад +6

      @@Fireteam2479 look what you said, needed to be said. If people have issues, they are apart of the problem. People also seam to forget that Aaron has a child. One day, Prince will want/need these answers and know that there were people who fought and loved his dad with all their heart. I didn't know him personally, but I wept and wept when i saw he passed. No one wanted to hear him when he was screaming for people to listen. Please let us fans know if we can do anything to help. Sending love!

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +4

      @@keeela9884My advice, as it would be hard to do, don’t support this current project until changes are made to clear his estate of debt & put Prince first. The issue I have is they advertise this charity way more than support his son. It always comes before his son & what he would wish to come of this if he had any choice will never come close to being honored. I know people loved his work, but his work was the LøVë album & maybe hold onto that a little bit longer. People are in a rush to hear his “new music” but again, it’s so hurtful & tainted by who it benefits (not his son). That’s my two cents on it.

  • @bettyb1313
    @bettyb1313 3 месяца назад +16

    As someone who has 19 years clean from multiple drugs. It's important for people to know that recovery is possible you just have to remember it's better to Live than just be Alive! God bless everyone who reads this message if you're struggling please reach out for Help Amen

  • @SunkissedKatie
    @SunkissedKatie 3 месяца назад +47

    Hollywood is a dark place and I’m glad the darkness is coming to the light!

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +12

      Those of us who know, have to speak up. I felt for Drake Bell. Knowing what Aaron went through that NO ONE talks about? Yeah, it really needs to be said.

    • @kennyfupowers9111
      @kennyfupowers9111 3 месяца назад +4

      @@Fireteam2479 yo bro dont listen to the negative comments , they say over 50% are bot and if u got haters means your doing right , they even hated on JESUS

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +2

      @@kennyfupowers9111And Like Jesus, Aaron had his own Judases in his life. It’s really sad one truly good person was taken down by so many bad people.

  • @sherrisanders7478
    @sherrisanders7478 3 месяца назад +9

    Im so glad Aaron had a true friend like you. He most 1:04:38 definitely appreciates you telling his story. He is most definitely your guardian angel. Heartbreaking how he was treated and taken advantage of. Thank you sharing his story. Bless you.

  • @ivypoisonx5692
    @ivypoisonx5692 3 месяца назад +11

    Im not sure how this came in my recommendations tbh but I am thankful; I felt so much of your emotions toward your friend and it was nice to see. I listened to his music as a kid/preteen and never really payed much attention to him when I got older and only ever saw the negative stuff the media portrayed. I know there is a few sides to every story but it is definitely sad to see the ladder part of his life go so sour. RIP

  • @karenann6511
    @karenann6511 3 месяца назад +10

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful story of your friendship with Aaron, it was really special and inspiring 💙

  • @kirstenwright1974
    @kirstenwright1974 3 месяца назад +13

    I had awful shit happened to me as a kid. By two people who were meant to protect me. I live with it. I really feel for Aaron and his siblings. So sad ❤❤😢😢

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +4

      My advice? Talk to someone about it. He did. I felt it helped, until everyone piled on him. When that happens to anyone, you get ahead of it by building an army of friends & support & clinging to that. Aaron did have that, but he also had his addiction, & COVID did not allow him to have his friend circle as usual to break him from that cycle. That is a part people also don’t realize, Pandemic had everyone glued to their phones & Aaron was top tier pandemic entertainment for good & bad reasons but mostly bad. He did have some fun shining moments but again, with all eyes on you, it definitely made things worse.

  • @xojacquie7356
    @xojacquie7356 3 месяца назад +3

    Aaron was always so kind to me, especially on Instagram and wrote me words of encouragement. I’d been a fan of his since 1998. He could light up a room and it saddens me that he was hurting so badly in life. Thank you for sharing your memories of him. He was lucky to have you as a friend.

  • @racheljersey8247
    @racheljersey8247 3 месяца назад +10

    I miss Aaron's fun loving open personality. No one really understood him. He really was a giving beautiful soul ❤❤

  • @philstrachan
    @philstrachan 3 месяца назад +38

    You sound like a good friend to Aaron.

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +13

      I’m this way with everyone I know & Aaron definitely appreciated & needed it. I could tell who made a good difference in his life, who was bad to him, & in this case, who simply was NOT there for him. I am so tired of the false narratives as of late & even posting this weighed on me. I said most of this for years even before he passed but now to give everyone the full picture before the last three years is definitely something I need to do now. He deserved way better in this world.

    • @ritatorrez552
      @ritatorrez552 3 месяца назад +8

      ​@@Fireteam2479yes he did! I always loved Aaron and hated seeing the abuse he endured. Also I'm in Chicago! Thank you for speaking up. There's something really wrong with how he and his siblings went. My theory is Nick is the common denominator. Aaron's story must NOT fade!!❤💔❣️

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад

      @@ritatorrez552 He is, between Leslie & BJ & Aaron, the fact he is the one who split the family is very telling. He traded his blood family for the manufactured BSB family.
      No hate on them because some of them were more of a brother to Aaron than his own flesh & blood, but the fact the fans & his wife attack his brother to have him not stand up for him, yeah, he’s a POS who lost his family & that’s on him, he shouldn’t have any sympathy as he did it to himself.

    • @italianguytv9619
      @italianguytv9619 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@ritatorrez552 aaron didn't know how to ask for help . I tried so hard to help him. We were going to open the official aaron carter fan page .

    • @philstrachan
      @philstrachan 3 месяца назад +1

      @italianguytv9619 i really didn't know much about him until i came across a video of him talking about himself and his life. I could see he was in a lot of emotional pain (primary reason for drug addiction). So I started following him on socials, etc. I did shed a tear when I heard of his passing because I saw how evil Hollywood and the music scene had hurt him, but I wasn't surprised he'd died. Know in yourself you were a good friend to him and speaking out now, getting the real story out is a testament to your good character.

  • @HaveFaith_11
    @HaveFaith_11 3 месяца назад +13

    I have a horrible feeling Aaron didn’t unalive himself or overdosed. The story changed 2-3 times!! I was paying attention. People were after him, they did not want him to become well known & loved again. Aaron was talented!! He exposed A LOT on his lives. Some people thought he was crazy & was lying!! Nah he was telling everyone his truth. Aaron was a child star!! Children in Hollyweird are a hot commodity & they get passed around 😢, it’s heartbreaking 💔!! Look at Shirley Temple & what they did to her.

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +9

      Like I brought up Judy Garland… Shirley Temple (Not the drink I said here, queen of us Redheads😂😂😂) was a beautiful soul like Aaron (no pun Jesse McCartney) Aaron & I loved to joke but serious things he said, I held onto, I remember, I know people WERE after him, he had reason to have paranoia by how people treated him. He was ready to tour again (Like Michael Jackson’s “This Is It” tour) & suddenly dies under circumstances that kept changing story wise until the report came out & that confused us even more. Pawning it off as just a drug overdose is definitely the easy way out & likely due to lazy investigating. The time he was in the water didn’t add up to when he was supposedly last seen. Water was running, water was off, the water temperature was warm, he had no water in his lungs, then you get the autopsy & it seems maybe some was. The story kept changing with even more than this. One thing for sure, someone else was there. How Betty disappeared too, the story just kept getting weirder, I had enough & just tuned out a lot until I was ready to hear more & when I did, it confuses me even more. Watching who assumed the management role in death pisses us all off, because that person literally acts like his owner, the cash cow once again…

      @DREWTENO 3 месяца назад +6

      They killed him

    • @holistic5165
      @holistic5165 3 месяца назад +5

      They killed aaron to get whatever gains Aaron Carter had even after his death. Anyone trying to change that narrative needs to prove different.

    • @sarwall_
      @sarwall_ 3 месяца назад +8

      His death still sits with me so wrong. I remember watching him on TikTok during his last days, constantly frantically telling people he knew he was in danger, he was not on drugs (taking several drug tests live) and most of all,
      REITERATED he had zero desire to unalive himself and when this happened I truly felt sick to my core. Something is absolutely not right with this and it’s heartbreaking because no one will ever know. They’ll brush it under the rug as another Hollywood star afflicted by drugs, same story as so many others 😢 I hope the truth is one day revealed. Glad he no longer has to suffer on this vile earth with the evil that surrounded and took advantage of him ❤️‍🩹

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +1

      @@amyb7823A whole list, so many internet trolls & bullies, his label/former label… Management I spoke of still among us, he even felt he had “Judases” in his camp at the end. I can agree on a few with what I seen. You don’t know where to look by the amount of people who had issue with him in just 3 years of build up. Including his own family. Everyone did wrong to him intentionally or unintentionally working together to put his mental health in the worst spot. Stalkers in his neighborhood which also caused some issues with neighbors he couldn’t trust. He really couldn’t trust anyone rightfully so once COVID locked him in, he basically was not in any element of his own. The solitary confinement inmates go through can drive them crazy. COVID had that effect on some people. Aaron needed his fan interaction & had zero way to get it thanks to bad people overshadowing everything.
      Aaron had no one but bullies through a screen the last few years, then he got with Melanie & people can view that situation as however they need to.
      He was not okay & too many people preyed on the fact he wasn’t.

  • @rhondawilkins2017
    @rhondawilkins2017 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you for showing true “unconditional LOVE” to AARON. I admire your honesty and see your pain.

  • @Lena.Jones13
    @Lena.Jones13 3 месяца назад +3

    Thank you 🙏
    I’m so sorry for your loss…. Such a tragedy, he seemed to want nothing more than a loving family.

  • @blueeuphoriaaa
    @blueeuphoriaaa 3 месяца назад +21

    Aaron was so relatable.
    I still miss him to this day.

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +6

      He was. More than anyone knows who didn’t get to know him prior to the craziness. I miss him every day. Until we can hang again on the other side, I’ll always visit him when we are in LA.

  • @Alex-ow9qt
    @Alex-ow9qt 3 месяца назад +8

    You are a beautiful being!’ Bless you ❤❤

  • @heppifactory
    @heppifactory 3 месяца назад +7

    You’re doing good by putting this out for others to hear and see what was hidden from those that cared about him!
    Thank you so much for being strong and being able to speak out on such a personal topic for you and your loved ones/aarons loved ones.

  • @ElviraCarter04
    @ElviraCarter04 3 месяца назад +4

    Wow Thank you soo much for telling his& your Story. I am soon 36 but i am since day ONE of each Carter Bro's a Fan. Nick were my very first LØVË at the age of 6 And than Aaron came out i was 8 years young. And one Thing i am proud of is i NEVER STOPED LOVEING ONE OF THEM. NEVER No matter what. Ok when i heard about Nicks" Bad Charakter" i was heartbroken💔 . But it heald ❤️‍🩹 I've cryed my eyes out about Aaron's death. I dont want to think about living in a World without the Prince of Pop. But i also belive in the Supernatural. And when i hear his music and think of him i feel all over my body goosebums. Thats when i know he is near all his Fans no matter were in the World. I am in Austria Vienna never saw Aaron life 🤧😭😭😭 But i did saw his brother 3 Times for 350 Euro for 5 secounds. And i will see him on the 3.8.24 in Vienna VIP again this time(thank god) cheaper 150 Euro. I just Cant stop loveing these boys ❤❤❤❤ PS i am soo sorry for my Bad writeing.😶‍🌫️🙈🙉🙊. Much love to you Sir sorry for All the lost you've been throu🖤🤍🌈🕯 May your ❤️‍🩹 heal

  • @MeowOG216
    @MeowOG216 3 месяца назад +3

    💘💝💖 thank for sharing. this is heartbreaking 😟 keep his memory alive, hes by your side, glad you are a believer xx

  • @stillamitchinmybook6320
    @stillamitchinmybook6320 3 месяца назад +9

    Hope this video gets to the people it needs to get too.. hope it sheds light to the subject matter.. definitely a video done with a heavy hart. R.I.P to a life gone too soon.

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +3

      I think it did with comments like yours. I really had the hardest time asking myself if I should post it. I hope people quit the narratives he had no real friends around when they weren’t even the friends or family he had around. Also wish to say the “meth addict” narrative ramped up with the documentary, so whatever people wish to say on his name, he does have real people still caring, missing him, & hurting for him still around.

  • @808Fee
    @808Fee 3 месяца назад +14

    You sound like the friend he needed, you definitely tied up some loose ends with what you said.

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +7

      I hope so. I just want people to wake up & look deeper. That’s all. The fact people with no connection, whether it’s family or social media bullies pawn it off on so much, even to this day claiming it was meth is so off base I need to set the record straight from experience. I tried so damn hard to be & that is with everyone I know. If you’re real with me, I’m real with you, Aaron WAS real once upon a time. Mixing in the psychosis, lies mixed with truths made no one sure what to believe unless you heard the stories prior to 2019.

  • @graysgigi
    @graysgigi 3 месяца назад +3

    Thank you for sharing your friendship with Aaron. I can tell you honestly cared about him.

  • @BeagleMama87
    @BeagleMama87 3 месяца назад +2

    RIP Aaron, I always called him my birthday twin 💔 he was born Dec 7, 1987 & me the next day Dec 8, 1987. Really loved his music growing up, could tell he was a good guy. Will always jam out to Aaron’s Party Come Get It! 😢 Great video, you seem like such a nice genuine guy! Thanks for bringing a lot to light for us.

  • @phoebe_centralperk
    @phoebe_centralperk 3 месяца назад +6

    Ps: Thank you for also backing up Randi, I hate she gets bullied so much, when she really doesnt hurt anyone but the ones that do hurt Aaron get all the praise. 😢💔🦋

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +5

      She worries me more than Aaron even did. Because of how she can’t ignore it by how rampant it is. He could handle himself & I thought he was getting around the corner to tour again & definitely get in contact to do things right again. I did know I would have seen him again (had he lived) & I wanted to sit with him & hear everything he went through & I know I would have known where the guy I knew was in his own head, if he was there or not. He just seemed to be at his loneliest with no way to reach him by the amount of people who made him lonely in the first place blocking his view of who was behind the level of hatred.

    • @phoebe_centralperk
      @phoebe_centralperk 3 месяца назад +3

      @@Fireteam2479 it' s so sad. Aaron should still be here. You know he was already on his way to Florida when Melanie & Co. called the cops on him & He had to turn around. I believe If Aaron had made it there, He would still be alive today, because they would not have been able to get to him in his house to unalive him. Bryan Cassidy was so excited Aaron was coming there & they wanted to Work on music together. This would have been awesome & so good & healing for Aaron. But they made sure he stayed in his house. Also the cameras turned Off... who was able to do that? And Aaron died so shortly after he " took back" the alligations against Nick. Just in Time to have publicly made the Statement, and also in time so He wouldnt backtrack on it in court. Because Aaron knew very shortly after He took it all back, that the promises He was given for taking the alligations back, werent kept. Also custody fight with Melanie coming up. They all should ve been investigated❣️😢🦋💔

  • @mrsangie71
    @mrsangie71 3 месяца назад +11

    Aaron was influenced by the wrong people. So many sharks around him.

    • @magicvampirelver1321
      @magicvampirelver1321 3 месяца назад +1

      Ikr it was sad.. his whole story is kinda sad especially the last few years of his life, he was so talented them demons got to him tho smh

  • @Kitkatrhc
    @Kitkatrhc 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for sharing Aaron Story and having his back. I met him in 2018. I miss him so much he was the sweetest guy ever

  • @mommymommy6093
    @mommymommy6093 2 месяца назад +1

    Just wanted thanks for sharing your memories of Aaron. I'm so glad that you were willing to post this. I think people tend to forget that even "famous" people can have "normal not famous" friends. Hell, that might have been what helped him cope the most. Anyways, again, thanks for sharing. Would love to hear more if you are willing to share more memories. Keep being you. Sending positive vibes, light and love to you.💯💖

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  2 месяца назад +1

      It seems the bullies can’t wrap their heads around that fact & bring themselves to believe that normal every day people were in his life & some in particular didn’t even clout chase in his life as many did later on & in death. I don’t know what more I would like to share but this all needed to be said. Not for clout, this is the right thing to do. The response has been overwhelmingly positive but the little bit of bad is on other social medias as always when it comes to him. Dealing with all this has been tiring the last few years even before he passed. To say it all lifted a weight off me I needed to. I miss my friend. If I was a super fan, I’d have been over it in 3 months tops, here we are a year & a half later & my heart still hurts missing my friend & going to concert festivals thinking “Man, Aaron would have fit right in here.” “I could have told the promoter about getting him to play this event”. I miss doing the old stuff with him & miss seeing his happiness come out on stage. Didn’t see much of that at home the end of his life. 😞

    • @mommymommy6093
      @mommymommy6093 2 месяца назад +2

      @Fireteam2479 I hope that you can heal through sharing your stories. I don't blame you for keeping some video's private. You don't have to share the private video's, your stories are enough. Its ok to be selfish with those because they are your memories. Besides, you know if you ever feel like sharing them we would be gracious, if that time ever comes. Sorry for your pain. While Aaron was here, you were a good friend to him, I can tell. Thanks for being a real friend to him. That is hard to find these days. Keep being you. Sending positive vibes, light and love to you.💯💖

  • @anadventure1298
    @anadventure1298 2 месяца назад +1

    49:23 thank you so much for calling this out! Aaron would really appreciate you doing this. You seem so genuine. Aaron was very blessed to have you as a friend.

  • @Erika702Vegas
    @Erika702Vegas 3 месяца назад +1

    I had the fortunate chance to meet Aaron once. A few years ago . He was so nice. Super down to earth guy . Thanks for sharing his story 😌

  • @Luvumj2
    @Luvumj2 3 месяца назад +3

    Can’t believe you brought up MJ .. I know they had a nice relationship. Sad to hear he was so upset about Michael possibly being in trade center. I remember that.

  • @bettyvallandingham4960
    @bettyvallandingham4960 3 месяца назад +3

    i just finished watching this video, and also watched how bad people treated Aarron in his life as well as on his live streams consistently the last years of his lonely isolated life. He was a very caring misunderstood man that only wanted people in his life that he could trust and were loyal to him on every front. I could see that the ones in his small circle were there only for what they could take from him, AS IF THEY HADNT TAKEN ENOUGH FROM HIM ALREADY! What a tortured soul that just wanted to be loved and heard. I just wanted you to know this. I really appreciate that i know from just seeing this video and witnessing myself THAT YOU WERE A DIAMOND IN THE RUFF FOR AARON AND WAS IN HIS LIFE FOR ALL THE RIGHT REASONS. AND HE LOVED AND APPRECIATED YOUR HONESTY AND TRUE FRIENDSHIP. Much love and light to you in your life GOD BLESS

  • @Alex-ow9qt
    @Alex-ow9qt 3 месяца назад +3

    I really feel your pain/ frustration!! Never forget Aaron rip ❤

  • @mandyholmberg5106
    @mandyholmberg5106 3 месяца назад +2

    I really so very sorry for your loss 😢❤️ and I really do mean that turn the bottom of my heart

  • @shermansana
    @shermansana 3 месяца назад +4

    I will go there one day and talk to Aaron😢
    I miss Aaron so much

  • @KZoyoutube-r7u
    @KZoyoutube-r7u Месяц назад +1

    Your video was incredibly moving. As a longtime fan of Aaron and Angel, I've been deeply troubled by what I've seen unfold. It's been heartbreaking to see how Angel's actions have impacted Aaron and those who loved him.
    It's deeply disturbing to see how Angel has minimized Aaron's struggles and exploited his memory for personal gain. Her hypocrisy is particularly concerning, given her public advocacy for mental health.
    My biggest worry is for Prince and the potential impact of Onoursleeves' involvement. It's concerning that there's not enough transparency around their actions, and I hope Prince will receive the support and guidance he needs.
    I'm so grateful for your dedication to Aaron and Prince. I'll be following your updates closely. I hope that justice will be served for Aaron and that Prince will receive the love and support he deserves.

  • @TheJennaMay
    @TheJennaMay 3 месяца назад +7

    Who’s the manager? Drug induced psychosis is a form of mental illness. I worked with schizophrenics for 6 years as a mental health counselor. We had a 210 bed CLOSED door facility and the amount of people who had drug induced psychosis was at least 15-25%. Good for you on being straight edge! That’s incredible at your age. Also from Northern Illinois.

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +8

      The female manager I stated in the video has been around his family his whole famous life, he fired her, she moved on to his brother & sister’s management. Problem is, maybe I should have stated this better, he was not mentally ill as a child & really until he started being overprescribed meds (he took as prescribed), & the effects of huffing may have been internal as he did have issues he chased on “The Doctors” & before. He did have a Hiatal Hernia, he did worry he had AIDS because of his sex life, he did not act the way people seen at the end anywhere for at least 28 years of his life. The problem is, people seen the effect of the drugs he was really pushed toward & made their armchair quarterback diagnosis. Never seen the man prior or inside. If he drank himself to death like Steve Harwell from Smash Mouth (another friend of Aaron’s) people would easily chalk it up to alcoholism without looking deeper. His son died of leukemia, he started drinking. Aaron got treated like crap, he started easing his pain by touring & when he couldn’t, drugs came in to be the friend he didn’t have at home. It’s the one thing leading to another I wish to get across. Yes, I know it is classified as a mental illness but people don’t realize some are catchable due to life circumstance & the PTSD or addictions that arise to compensate for that.
      That being said (I know, longwinded comment) the damage it did to the brain can cause permanent mental illness but the guy I knew? Definitely not mentally Ill. Hurt & left behind by so many people he loved all at once made him that way. I cannot in good conscience let that narrative continue without calling it out.

    • @sheluvssmokedupeyes1
      @sheluvssmokedupeyes1 3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you for saying that I always felt that he was left behind by people who love him

  • @megansarkisian2742
    @megansarkisian2742 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your story. I really was a fan of aaron. I miss him all the time.

  • @kathrynmcelroy5658
    @kathrynmcelroy5658 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for telling this story, especially since Fallen Idols came out.

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +1

      This was before the documentary & the album. Since they advertised this stuff, it hopefully will fill in the blanks. I am gonna force myself to watch it but I guarantee I will be pissed off all week after this.
      My friends all have been texting me about it & I’m not happy I now hear his abusive ex is in it. Hopefully people will hear this side.

  • @tnt8106
    @tnt8106 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for shedding light on Aarons life. ❤

  • @mandyholmberg5106
    @mandyholmberg5106 3 месяца назад +2

    I remember that I had l seen Aaron Carter in concert November of 2013 in Portland Oregon my younger brother his name was Patrick play he didn't want to go to the concert with me so our mama with me instead and one part of the concert that hopefully won't ever forget is that during the concert Aaron threw me a Rose ❤

  • @LaurenNucci-fz8bk
    @LaurenNucci-fz8bk 2 месяца назад +1

    Please share how he was trying to go to Florida and visit his mom amongst others but Melanie was mad about the breakup and called cops and he didn’t end up going, then texts him you’re going to die which he shared online, then he winds up gone forever. He should have been on that trip, he was fucked with by another jealous ex and it’s a shame. Aside from that, thank you for sharing this and being a support

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  2 месяца назад +1

      Again, so much in the last 3 years everyone has their opinion on. Mine in that situation wasn’t good either but way more worse people were around him which time shown me my focus should be. Everyone’s focus is on Melanie, mine is on everyone before her. Especially people I was there for to see the start of the last 3 years. I just state facts & experience here. If people want my opinion, maybe I’ll post later on TikTok my thoughts on a few things if need be but I went through a lot the last year & a half with seeing things that shaped opinions changing or strengthening. Trying to not let it affect emotionally more than the fact he’s gone. Anything can happen & it already has. It’s what we all do about it from here on that counts.

  • @SpicyTricialicious
    @SpicyTricialicious 3 месяца назад +2

    Thank you for speaking out for Aaron! I am very interested in how he has pranked you after he passed away because he has done the same to me.
    I agree with everything you said in this video. 💯 #justiceforaaroncarter

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +3

      My TikTok of the same name I’ve shared the story.

  • @HellsFurby
    @HellsFurby 3 месяца назад +2

    I just happened across this video- I was a huge ac Fan I saw him in 2002 when I was in like 1st grade. You sound like a good friend to him. I’m so so sorry for your loss. ❤😢
    Adding: I saw him With Dream street and I never hear anyone bring them up 😯

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад

      Yep! Aaron talked about being friends with Chris Trousdale still… Then Chris passed:( Idk if he was friends with Greg, Matt, or Frankie. I know he joked so much about Jesse & how people mixed those two up.

  • @VanillasteaGorl
    @VanillasteaGorl 3 месяца назад +2

    You’re so sweet! I hope Melanie and baby are doing ok…. RIP AARON

  • @christinedemello5810
    @christinedemello5810 3 месяца назад +3

    Oh wow thats awsome you were freinds with him .i watched his lives .he seemed like a really great talanted guy .its such a shame .what he went through sorry for the passing of your freind 😢...hey btw i saw you on the price is right !!!!!!

    • @christinedemello5810
      @christinedemello5810 3 месяца назад +1

      You also hat on .the price is right .and gave a shout out to him 😢that's awsome !!

  • @TheKingWyattb90
    @TheKingWyattb90 2 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for sharing Aaron Carter is the Prince of Pop

  • @simscreations1015
    @simscreations1015 Месяц назад +1

    I am SOO sorry you lost your friend aaron was such an amazing soul. Please be careful sharing this info they are DANGEROUS ppl. Ive been a fan of aarons for years and years but I have close friendship with someone who was close to him so I know alot . and I also know those names u saod are very very powerful and dangerous . especially N..... THANK YOU for sharing all these amazing memories i miss him so much 😢😢😢😢 I deff believe aaron was taken out by a certain someone. And it breaks my heart

  • @eternalise
    @eternalise 3 месяца назад +1

    I'm only to the part where you met him and were going to the Taylor Swift show (i subbed btw and will check out your other vids) and I'm already compelled to thank you for making this... I'll definitely be finishing it; I'll admit I laughed at a lot of Aaron's antics at times but i also watched his lives because he reminded me of my younger self and it felt like having a friend when i was going through a seriously dark and lonely time...and also played his music and enjoyed it (or the L.O.V.E. stuff to the end lol i wasn't into the old stuff) and still do to this day and I'm glad there's someone who seems to really care about him and know him (and he would remember) out here making videos about him still...

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +1

      I posted more of these when He passed on TikTok but this RUclips was the best option to post for the first time in years with the full story with some back story mixed in my videos. Not sure if I’ll post more of my stories but I will try to post more concert footage from him I never shared.

  • @moeszart7463
    @moeszart7463 3 месяца назад +1

    I am sorry you lost a great friend. Your doing good to honor him.

  • @Elsa4U
    @Elsa4U 3 месяца назад +4

    Do you have any merch left ? I’d love to but a sweat shirt and beanie. So you have a way for me to get ahold of you. ? Great video I am sure you were a great friend. Arron was a lucky guy

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад

      Unfortunately the only merch I have is personal for me. The merch I had access to is from tour. Melanie handles the merch on the website now.

  • @nancyharris9360
    @nancyharris9360 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for sharing I think you are a true friend,maybe if you were around him the last 3 yrs of his life things wouldn't have ended the way they did.

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +1

      If COVID didn’t exist that could have happened. I was stuck at home taking care of my Grandmother out of work & broke so if I could have flown out I would have but the loss of contact due to the craziness made it worse.

  • @michaeljarreau3185
    @michaeljarreau3185 3 месяца назад +1

    I really appreciate you for uploading this video and taking up for Aaron. I am very suspicous about his death. Maybe his record sent someone to Aaron cause i heard Aaron was found in the tub. Someone probably put there. I also heard his record label had owe Aaron money. Its really fucked up but i respect you. You and Aaron really do seem like y'all had a special bond. I was sad when Aaron passed cause his son will have grow up without him. You really do seem like you have a caring heart. Thank you for having confidence in your sexuality as a straight man. R.i.P Aaron Carter

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +2

      He worked for Sony, so did MJ, so did Whitney… I feel for Prince more than anything.
      Aaron met me in Chicago’s Boystown where his show was. I figured it out right away with how he looked at the guys out there with his girlfriend at the time. I don’t care how people view me but I put that context out because my fave picture of us was when I surprised him & his instant reaction is that picture in our thumbnail. His reaction of pure happiness was the biggest kiss on the cheek😂 That’s okay though, I’m Polish-Hungarian-Italian, the Italian Part’s used to that shit😂😂😂

    • @sheluvssmokedupeyes1
      @sheluvssmokedupeyes1 3 месяца назад +1

      Yeah, his record company owed him money and they didn’t want to pay him. He was trying to leave Lancaster because a lot of people knew where he was. This is the second celebrity to have drowned in water like this.

  • @Simzz674
    @Simzz674 3 месяца назад +2

    Thank you for this. RIP Aaron. 🤍

  • @bettyvallandingham4960
    @bettyvallandingham4960 3 месяца назад +4


  • @mycardboardbox
    @mycardboardbox 3 месяца назад +2

    good video mate Aaron carter seemed like a good soul, talented guy as well, he could actually create and make his own music sadly he was surrounded by leeches and negative people, well done for been there for him

  • @Kimberly-cl9bq
    @Kimberly-cl9bq 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your story.

  • @Denise_Suzanne
    @Denise_Suzanne 3 месяца назад +4

    I am really looking forward to watching "Fallen Idols". I hope they tell the truth. Premieres tonight!

    • @Miss.A.V
      @Miss.A.V 3 месяца назад +1


    • @Denise_Suzanne
      @Denise_Suzanne 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Miss.A.V ID and MAX.

    • @Miss.A.V
      @Miss.A.V 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Denise_Suzanne ty I can’t wait for part 2 tonight

    • @Denise_Suzanne
      @Denise_Suzanne 3 месяца назад

      @@Miss.A.V yes!!!

  • @OdinsRaven22
    @OdinsRaven22 Месяц назад +1

    I was thinking about you the other day. I hope all is well brother!

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  Месяц назад +1

      @@OdinsRaven22 Day by day man. It’s been a rough time for sure. One day at a time.

  • @jessicamerritt5584
    @jessicamerritt5584 3 месяца назад +3

    I love Aaron. Rest in peace 🕊️

  • @roccop913
    @roccop913 3 месяца назад +1

    Thx for wearing his hat!!! Thx for this story!!!!Ur amazing!!!!!!!!!

  • @rosie-ella76
    @rosie-ella76 3 месяца назад +1

    very sweet. I'm sure he could hear you ..so awful the amount of abuse with kids in the industry xx

  • @magicvampirelver1321
    @magicvampirelver1321 3 месяца назад +1

    I like your story. It's nice to see he had good friends in his life. You n Brian I believe his name is that(he had songs with him)but yeah⚘RIP✝️ AC🕊

  • @Kimberly-cl9bq
    @Kimberly-cl9bq 3 месяца назад +1

    Wow i was really glad to come across your video. I havent watched it all yet. But i really feel foul play was involved in aarons death. Such a sweet soul gone to soon. Rip aaron.

  • @LittleGidget1
    @LittleGidget1 3 месяца назад +3

    Aaron was talking and they couldn’t have that. He was deleted. 🤬

  • @mandyholmberg5106
    @mandyholmberg5106 3 месяца назад +1

    I really! appreciate you sharing this thank you

  • @dionneking8
    @dionneking8 3 месяца назад +2

    I love you Aaron Charles carter

  • @princessalysonsweatwinter
    @princessalysonsweatwinter 3 месяца назад +5

    I Don’t Like Melanie Martin. When People Were Ordering The Love Hoodies Melanie Wasn’t Mailing Them Out To People Who Ordered Them. Aaron Carter Said Many Times On IG Live He Didn’t Want To Marry Melanie. Melanie Is Not A Very Nice Person. Melanie Is A Jealous Person. I Have Seen Melanie Being Mean To Other People Online.

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +2

      Like I said, the LØVË order backups & stuff not being sent started with Lina & Aaron got overwhelmed. Melanie told him she’d help him send it out & she too got overwhelmed. It was too much for one or two people. They needed a small team of 3-5 to do the ship outs, they did have a volume of orders. I gladly could & would have helped with my knowledge of merch plus shipping logistics from my previous (normal) jobs. I wish he could have thought to ask me but it was COVID time. The merch issues go back to very early 2019, I even experienced it myself trying to get something as a gift. Melanie was the closest he was to marrying someone but I seen what he said too. I just tried my best the last 3 years to read between the lines because he was really in a bad place where no one could reach him due to the bad people road blocking him. Melanie can be nice, she also can not be, I see both sides of her. She is a jealous person, so was Lina. Melanie & Randi is the example I talk about. It’s just nonstop bullshit that Aaron had surround him & it’s not all on Melanie, some of it she inherited.

    • @n0vares
      @n0vares 3 месяца назад +1

      English doesn't work by capitalizing the first letter of every word, just by the way

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад

      @@n0varesSome phones automatically do that. I’ve seen some Androids that do it. It’s weird but it’s how it works on a few.

  • @mistycurrence5426
    @mistycurrence5426 3 месяца назад +2

    I miss him so much 😢 😔

  • @ericaradcliff711
    @ericaradcliff711 3 месяца назад +5

    He spoke in so many interviews and all of that could be investigated to go towards backing up his justice today…. Most people are tied when they’re trapped at a young age he stayed motivated and wanted to do it on his own… he was when bam this ? I don’t buy it

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +1

      I wish it could but one became deceased in jail (for the fraud he committed, not the affinity for young males), the one still alive has Statute of Limitations on her side but his family knew & kept that person around & I’m tired of seeing that person take credit for his work, violating him in death as it was in life. His wishes don’t matter, justice for him even don’t matter. Justice is seeing Prince have the life his father wasn’t allowed to & the people who put his father in that place should be nowhere near that boy. Family or not.

  • @nataliepowers1379
    @nataliepowers1379 3 месяца назад +5

    Aaron dated my best friend when she was 13. in wpb Florida. may they both rest in peace )):

  • @mj3026
    @mj3026 3 месяца назад +3

    It’s heartbreaking what happened to Aaron carter & I feel bad because I didn’t know who he was until I saw all the live videos of him people were putting on RUclips & on Adam22 & all the bs with Melanie Martin & I just thought he was a nobody like check the star & used to laugh at him but then he died & I watched all the videos about him & it was so sad he was put through hell & robbed all while being a child star , I just hope you are finally at peace now 😊❤❤

    • @magicvampirelver1321
      @magicvampirelver1321 3 месяца назад +1

      I didn't like check tha hœ at all he was so fake too n childish. I didn't like when Aaron waz around him either lol he was one of the wrong ppl he was around to be honest. Aaron was better than that.

  • @SamanthaCortex
    @SamanthaCortex 5 дней назад

    I'm so glad we all finally got to hear the truth from someone we can trust

  • @lisa198042
    @lisa198042 3 месяца назад +1

    1:05:00 after you say cheers and put ur drink down, I swear i hear a faint.."I love you Man"

  • @beverlyaragon2328
    @beverlyaragon2328 3 месяца назад +2

    Im so crying 😢

  • @elenoreatkins6714
    @elenoreatkins6714 3 месяца назад +1

    Heartbreaking RIPAC

  • @snowdovelove9842
    @snowdovelove9842 3 месяца назад +3

    R.i.p Aaron 😢

  • @beverlyaragon2328
    @beverlyaragon2328 3 месяца назад +2

    You are so sweet ❤

  • @TheKingWyattb90
    @TheKingWyattb90 2 месяца назад +1


  • @tattoofixerstattoos
    @tattoofixerstattoos Месяц назад +2

    You were such a great friend to Aaron. I wish you would tell Angel, Nick, Corey, Lauren, and Lina to apologize for how poorly they treated Aaron and helping drive him to death, making him feel alone. Angel less than those other 4 atleast, but still even she should have done more for her twin.

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  Месяц назад +1

      That is basically what I say here. Step away from using his name when they weren’t there for him. Their apology would ring hollow. Someone is dead by what they pulled & the pain it caused in a nonstop chain of events they did nothing to stop. Whether they know or not, whether they genuinely care or not doesn’t matter with him gone. They don’t know me from Adam like their siblings did but with how they treated him (and the other two not with us), it’s best for everyone if they keep Aaron’s name out their mouth. They don’t deserve to speak his name when they didn’t let him speak at all. That is what speaks volumes. Their apology means nothing to anyone even me. Nothing they do can make this better. He’s gone.

    • @tattoofixerstattoos
      @tattoofixerstattoos Месяц назад +1

      @@Fireteam2479 Sorry you are right. I should not have said they should apologize. What they really should do like you said is stop using his name at all. They weren't there for him when he was alive, they certainly should not try and profit now that he is not. I am disgusted seeing Angel use Aaron's name to find her money grabbing schemes as a "mental health" expert. Pretty gross IMO.

  • @arizona_86
    @arizona_86 2 месяца назад +1

    Who gave his eulogy speech?, and thank you for being a voice for him.

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  2 месяца назад

      The manager who set the event up in the first place.

  • @kathrynmcelroy5658
    @kathrynmcelroy5658 3 месяца назад +2

    An impossible situation for Aaron.

  • @73DIAS
    @73DIAS 3 месяца назад +2

    Good friend sad story..

  • @roccop913
    @roccop913 3 месяца назад +1

    Love ur hair color btw! Absolutely beautiful! I pay for that color!! 🧡🧡💛💛💛🧡🧡🧡💛💛💛🧡🧡🧡💛💛🧡🧡💛💛🧡🧡🧡

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад

      A lot of people tell me that! Aaron never knew me with long hair. This was a product of COVID. I know he’d have loved it. He had a lot of love for the Ginger community. May go back to the old me soon because I did the length I wanted & it is starting to not feel like me
      Anymore. I miss spiking my hair like I used to. Love head banging with this length though so I’m torn. 😂

  • @beverlyaragon2328
    @beverlyaragon2328 3 месяца назад +1

    The hurt you can here in him im so sorry

  • @rosie-ella76
    @rosie-ella76 3 месяца назад +1

    also, it IS disgusting that its often the kids own families that rinse them dry..often force them into it too..thay Lori woman!! what a bloody monster! xx

  • @bettyvallandingham4960
    @bettyvallandingham4960 3 месяца назад +5


  • @vampiredarkhearttrustnoone
    @vampiredarkhearttrustnoone 21 день назад

    They did same to me fire 😢but we both know each other very well

  • @lindaspringwater1321
    @lindaspringwater1321 3 месяца назад +1

    Your a good friend

  • @beverlyaragon2328
    @beverlyaragon2328 3 месяца назад +2


  • @annswantek
    @annswantek 3 месяца назад +1

    r,i,p to aaron carter it sad happen to him i saw fallen idois iuse watch house of carter i watch aaron on mtv cribs we all miss aaron ihad dream about aaron after he die someting about water ithink he was murdered😥

  • @Iamonlyone01
    @Iamonlyone01 3 месяца назад +4

    Saw the hashtag #ripac I thought it was a 2Pac documentary

  • @ericaradcliff711
    @ericaradcliff711 3 месяца назад +2


  • @kellyforsyth5276
    @kellyforsyth5276 2 месяца назад +1

    He was sacrificed😢😢

  • @HaveFaith_11
    @HaveFaith_11 3 месяца назад +2

    I hope you do more videos or livestreams about Aaron. Not trying to be rude, but I have a feeling you’re holding back? Can feel you have a lot more to say. I don’t blame you one bit!! Hollyweird & the people running it are EVIL! I hope more people start speaking out especially child stars. Thank you for telling some of Aaron’s story & yours.

    • @Fireteam2479
      @Fireteam2479  3 месяца назад +1

      I did hold back. Just did an hour due to what I wanted to get across & not ramble & take time to get the most important stuff out. We had a lot of fun stuff but the important stuff means more to get out there right now as the album & documentary narratives are this week’s events in his story… This is the other (real) side of things they fail to cover. I have shared the fun stories (& some of these stories before) on my TikTok of the same name after he passed but yeah, I wanted to share the serious side here.

  • @mandyholmberg5106
    @mandyholmberg5106 3 месяца назад


  • @MacP2990
    @MacP2990 3 месяца назад +1


  • @tinameyer982
    @tinameyer982 3 месяца назад +1

    Hi Jake I want to say thank you and I respect you for sharing the time you knew Aaron and calling out all the bad people in Aaron's life he was sooo wonderful and sweet I'm on the page as you are I miss him terribly and he will always remain in my heart thank you maybe we can chat sometime and talk about some memories

  • @Miss.A.V
    @Miss.A.V 3 месяца назад +1

    I feel like I knew Aaron irl I miss him

  • @vampiredarkhearttrustnoone
    @vampiredarkhearttrustnoone 21 день назад

    This wow you me and u meet many times we hangout too it funny how i found u