I wondered who was riding the bike, must have been chilly with no gloves, and how much experience they had riding on mud. Nice one mate, hope you are well, and thank you to all.
I enjoyed this documentary very much. 1982 I was living in Madrid, Spain, and once the Falllands war had started I never ever heard a single voice in favour of UK. So my refuge as a supporter of UK was the shortwave and I followed the war mainly through the BBC but being a shortwave listener, and understanding Spanish, I also tuned in to Radio Atlántico del Sur. Not so much for the information but rather to get the flavour of this new "clandestine" radio station. We all knew the transmission came through the Ascension relay but nobody knew where the studio was located. Now 42 years later I just got the information I always wondered about. And to see the chaps who run the broadcasts was really fantastic. Great stuff, thanks so much for the documentary!
Hi Great Documentary it reminderd me of when I was in me teens and My Father who was then the Commander of the Royal Naval Reserve unit in Gibraltar HMS Calpe .He told me he had volunteered his services to go to South Atlantic to help with the language differences as being from Gibraltar he was fluent in Spanish with out any hint of an English accent but thank god the war was short and his services were not needed..
Thank you so much for this most interesting documentary. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. It was touching to see some of the 'old team' back together again ad enjoying a pint. I'm sure they had a great reunion. Thanks again. Yet another afternoon well spent!
There was another project, possibly equally successful, where false information and orders were transmitted on Argentine military frequencies. The correct codes and where required the correct CTCSS tones were used. This resulted in supplies being delivered to the wrong location, troops being directed to the same. Sometimes we played "Dont cry for me Argentina", over the military frequencies. Several at one time. The Americans kindly lent us a satellite that had VHF / UHF transmitters. So we could play on those frequencies also!
Excellent documentary about a side of the war that I hadn’t heard about before , thank you for your service chaps, even if it wasn’t directly on the front lines you still played an important role.
I wonder about all those that have been kicked off a radio like myself, or stations shut down, because a socialist governemnt didn't like what we/they said. Still a proud moment in my life, none the less! Freedom of Speech counts!
A very interesting and well documented video. I've read, watched and listened to a few things about the history of the Falklands war but never knew surprisingly that the British army created a radio station to persuade or talk the Argentinians out of fighting our boys is absolutely brilliant and thank you sharing it. Also thank you to the men who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country and for the innocent population on the Falklands & the United Kingdom, may you rest in peace, you will not be forgotten. 🇬🇧 🇬🇧
Con todo respeto. Yo ese año estaba haciendo el servicio militar en Argentina (Cdo de Artilleria 121) y si bien no fui a Malvinas muchos de mis compañeros fuero. Concurro a un centro de ex combatientes y le puedo asegurar que esa estratega no funcionó con los soldados argentinos, nadie se quería rendir o renunciar a los combates. Saludos.
@@oscarbosio9881 With all due respect to you and your service the radio station did in fact work to stop some Argentinians from fighting in the war, it's well documented from both sides, look it up friend,
@@paparoach007 Nadie niega la existencia de la estación de radio, si del éxito de la misma. Concurro a un centro d ex Combatientes y testimonios sobran para reafirmar lo que digo. Saludos.
@@paparoach007 It made me want to surrender just watching this progremme :) So i'm sure it did it's job. That guy saying they knew it was from Ascension Island made me chuckle as i doubt he even knew the island was there.
Argentina had a similar station known as "Liberty" with a female announcer and aimed at British troops. Whether anyone in the target audience heard it is debatable as it had a rather poor frequency that would not have been well received in the South Atlantic. I was working at BBC Monitoring Service at the time, and both these stations were of interest. Liberty was difficult to receive, and not of great interest (I believe she was an announcer on a TV station in Buenos Aires). Atlantico del Sur was of greater interest, as listening to it off air was the only way we know what was being said with OUR transmitter!
How very British: we were at war but didn’t want to go “too far”. The sort of sentiment only available to those who direct warfare from thousands of miles behind the front line
There is something about the British . The whole thing was rushed and did in hast yet it worked perfectly . My Father who was Austrian . Worked radio intelligence during the second world war listen in on the enemy in France . Of course he spoke German fluently . What amazed him was the British would make something up quickly and it would work as intended . The Germans had nearly 4 years to get a radio system ready for the invasion . They know the French resistance would blow up the phone lines, making them inoperable . But when the invasion took place , they emergency network never came up on the air ! Something that may be of interest , is a operation carried out the same year by HMS Conqueror . The submarine that sunk the Belgrano. Operation Barmaid ,its well worth looking up .
Not so much any more. During ww2 britain believed it was defending itself and its neighbours, and so had the advantage of righteous indignance, which can focus the mind. These days things get bodged, and many brits are jealous of the germans for their efficiency. There's still a little bit of it left, london seems to do well.
I was in high school and I remember watching the news updates on the progress of the British ships headed to the region. Probably the first "live" TV war when reporters with the fleet provided news in real time (such as it was then). What a neat historical find this is!!!!!
This documentry is such a harkening back to the old days of the British stiff upper lip and the culture we are known for worldwide, posh accents, secret spies and stoicism
What an interesting documentary! I can't help but wonder how these same ideals are being prosecuted in today's war... Unfortunately we'll have to wait another 40 years to learn the true details EDIT: And begin to wonder if this is all some cynical joke on behalf of Forces News
24:10 the gurkhas about time. even argentina made cartoon about Gurkha to motivate their people. gurkhas where portrayed as blood thirsty, cannibalistic and wild yet when a British reporter asked Gurkha at Falkland Island about how they feel . Gurkha just said we didn't lose a men so we are happy. despite how the propaganda portrayed. Gurkha did not care how other thought of them. but how everyone was alive. so I have to say radio propaganda was not bad at all. but rather an attempt to save lives. of both argentina and British soilders.
The only effective psychological warfare in that war was when the Gurkhas turned up at the battle for the mountains outside Stanley, and the Argies broke and ran when they realised who they were facing, without a shot being fired. All the rest is bunk.
no es así, los Gurkhas nunca entraron en combate . El único que los enfrentó fué Sukrim Sulapacha y lo manfestó en ocasión de grabar una obra de teatro en Buenos Aires llamada "campo minado". Relató que es todo un mito y nunca se enfrentaron alas tropas argentinas lo que fue una gran frustación para ellos. Testimonio del Comandante Mike Seear, quien estaba a cargo del primer batallón de fusileros Gurkhas en Malvinas, " Nunca estuvimos en combate".Ese año hice el servicio militar en Argentina, si bien no fui a Malvinas muchos compañeros si lo hicieron y nadie menciona ese mito sobre los Grurhas, simplemente porque nunca se enfrentaron a ellos durante toda la guerra.
@@JG-ib7xk Justamente esto lo ha dicho un Comandante Gurkha en Buenos Ares y el Jefe de ellos en Malvinas Mie Seear. Ellos estuvieron en Malvinas y han dicho que no entraron en combate. A quein queres que se le pregunte?
Radio Warfare, love it! 😉 Chilean speakers trying to do Argentine accents, too funny 😂, they where so bad even I thought them weird! But if the music is good and the sheep, shepherded, then hey hoy, well done folks! There is no media with the power of radio!
I suspect French's real name is an MI6 officer by the name of Frank Steele whom at that time sadly passed away his work in Ulster during the Troubles was instrumental in bringing the Troubles to a close. If I'm wrong they do look very similar from the photos. I'm shocked that he was able to keep and hide top secret documents in his French apartment.
@@anaibarangan4908 These days Gibraltar is entirely self governing and they elect their own government. They are effectively a European mini state like Andorra or Monaco and the UK government has no control over what they do. So they are *functionally* independent and the only reason they can't be technically independent is a 310 year old treaty that says that if Britain ever relinquishes soverignty, then Gibraltar goes to Spain. Actually, The Falklands are fairly similar, they elect their own government and the Britain has no input into how they are run, "except for defence, for obvious reasons" as a Falklands politician discreetly put it.
Te lo cuento desde la perspectiva Argentina. Gran Bretaña usurpó Malvinas en 1833 a Argentina. Esas islas que eran propiedad del Virreinato del Rio de La Plata pasaron a Argentina por el principio del utis possidetis luego que este pais se independizó de España en 1816. España ya había tenido varios Gobernadores en ellas y Argentina hasta la invasión también. Gran Bretaña reconoció la Independencia d Argentina en 1825 y no hizo ningún reclamo sobre la integridad territorial de esta nueva nación que incluía Malvinas, solamente invadió y usurpó un territorio de ue pais soberano expulsando a toda la población de Puerto Soledad y implantando una población totalmente británica desde 1847. lo demas es historia conocida y no es similar a Gibraltar.
A good documentary well presented yet the British still don’t use the true psy warfare of the troops they took into battle. I was hoping they would bring this topic out but no the brits had taken the heathens of southeast Asian the Gurkhas and their stories of how when the enemy was captured they would be eaten alive. The pamphlets that were circulated onto the enemy and why they so willingly gave up in the end!
La rendición no fue voluntaria, para nada. las tropas querían seguir combatiendo, solo acataron la orden de sus superiores, inclusive los británicos exigieron que la aviación deje de seguir atacándolos. Los mismos ex combatientes británicos lo han dicho en sus memorias, libros, etc, no fue un paseo, los combates eran durísimos y no se rendían nunca a pesar de las desventajas. Testimonios sobre sto sobran.
@@andycapp5581 Si, pero tambien hay distintas formas de perder, y si hay algo que no hizo Argentina fue ser humillado, para nada. . Peleó contra todo y todos, Gran Bretaña, EEUU, la OTAN y un pais vecino que actuó con una cobardía notable haciendo que la guerra la hagan otros por ellos. Basta ver el libro del Comandante Británico en Malvinas , Moore ( no picnic) para reafirmar lo que digo sobre como fueron los combates y el desempeño de las fuerzas aegentinas, y como tuvo que cambiar los términos y las cláusulas de la rendición y porque motivos.
@@oscarbosio9881 , ¿¡Por qué todos los argentinos salís con las mismas tonterías!?. Te dieron el culo en bandeja por una fuerza más pequeña, que estaba luchando a 8000 millas de casa, ¡supéralo amigo! 😂😂😂
I'm afraid that Bernard Ingham was entirely right in his assessment of the effectiveness of Operation Moonshine. The MoD spokesman during the Falklands war was about as inspiring as a cold half eaten fish supper and his delivery was about as uplifting as watching paint dry. The British forces in the Falklands had all of one officer who could speak fluent Spanish, which turned out to be something of a disadvantage when it came to interrogating prisoners and getting live intel from Argentinian coms. The personnel and resources deployed in Moonshine could certainly have been deployed to far greater effect elsewhere in the Falklands conflict.
Argentina literally invaded a foreign country. Landed using landing craft and amtracks, and engaged in combat against the defenders. That is an invasion. Fortunately they were sent home again.
Realmente alguien cree que esta radio afectó algo a los soldados argentinos? .. entiendan que no hay un británico que sepa ni siquiera donde están ubicadas. Son colonialistas. Please learn spanish and Know the truth
The Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands are not Colonies. Why on earth would the UK give them to Argentina? The people of Argentina cannot manage what they have already! Argentina is a failed State.
In 2013 (or thereabouts) they held a referendum on whether the islanders wanted to become Argentinians. Number of votes cast: 1600+. Number of cast "yea": Three. Case closed. PS: There never was any indigenous population on the Falklands.
Extremely doubtful documentary the Spanish spoken by the ex Chilean Brit doesnst come close to Argentine accent. Any argentine would have immediately copped on that it was a British radio. Sorry.
21:29 That was me riding that bike I was a 23 year old Para. I was lucky I returned home. 3 of my mate's are buried in Blue Cemetery San Carlos.
I wondered who was riding the bike, must have been chilly with no gloves, and how much experience they had riding on mud. Nice one mate, hope you are well, and thank you to all.
Well done to You, Young Sir. Your friends WILL ALWAYS. B with U..
40 yrs on and you learn something new about the Falklands well done to the team
I enjoyed this documentary very much. 1982 I was living in Madrid, Spain, and once the Falllands war had started I never ever heard a single voice in favour of UK. So my refuge as a supporter of UK was the shortwave and I followed the war mainly through the BBC but being a shortwave listener, and understanding Spanish, I also tuned in to Radio Atlántico del Sur. Not so much for the information but rather to get the flavour of this new "clandestine" radio station. We all knew the transmission came through the Ascension relay but nobody knew where the studio was located. Now 42 years later I just got the information I always wondered about. And to see the chaps who run the broadcasts was really fantastic. Great stuff, thanks so much for the documentary!
Nadie apoyaba a Reino Unido en España?
Chile y Reino Unido. Aliados por siempre. Soy Chileno, Saludos desde Valparaiso Chile.
Hi Great Documentary it reminderd me of when I was in me teens and My Father who was then the Commander of the Royal Naval Reserve unit in Gibraltar HMS Calpe .He told me he had volunteered his services to go to South Atlantic to help with the language differences as being from Gibraltar he was fluent in Spanish with out any hint of an English accent but thank god the war was short and his services were not needed..
Thank you so much for this most interesting documentary. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. It was touching to see some of the 'old team' back together again ad enjoying a pint. I'm sure they had a great reunion. Thanks again. Yet another afternoon well spent!
There was another project, possibly equally successful, where false information and orders were transmitted on Argentine military frequencies. The correct codes and where required the correct CTCSS tones were used. This resulted in supplies being delivered to the wrong location, troops being directed to the same. Sometimes we played "Dont cry for me Argentina", over the military frequencies. Several at one time. The Americans kindly lent us a satellite that had VHF / UHF transmitters. So we could play on those frequencies also!
The British have the best Intelligence in the world. Nothing in Russia moves without the British already in the know.
I doubt that is the case…
You reacon. ??
British intelligence is full of sleepers,working for whoever pays the highest price payed into off shore bank accounts.
It’s very good in my view, not that they have the resources of the Americans but they process and prioritize their information brilliantly.
Excellent documentary about a side of the war that I hadn’t heard about before , thank you for your service chaps, even if it wasn’t directly on the front lines you still played an important role.
I wonder about all those that have been kicked off a radio like myself, or stations shut down, because a socialist governemnt didn't like what we/they said. Still a proud moment in my life, none the less! Freedom of Speech counts!
I'm impressed with this little team. They did what they could in a huge hurry at a critical time. I hope it saved lives on both sides.
What a fantastic story!
Awesome documentary…… slightly concerned how Mr Ffrench-Blake was able to keep all those Secret documents in his French apartment though.
Fantastic piece of history, well presented.
A very interesting and well documented video. I've read, watched and listened to a few things about the history of the Falklands war but never knew surprisingly that the British army created a radio station to persuade or talk the Argentinians out of fighting our boys is absolutely brilliant and thank you sharing it.
Also thank you to the men who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country and for the innocent population on the Falklands & the United Kingdom, may you rest in peace, you will not be forgotten. 🇬🇧 🇬🇧
Con todo respeto. Yo ese año estaba haciendo el servicio militar en Argentina (Cdo de Artilleria 121) y si bien no fui a Malvinas muchos de mis compañeros fuero. Concurro a un centro de ex combatientes y le puedo asegurar que esa estratega no funcionó con los soldados argentinos, nadie se quería rendir o renunciar a los combates. Saludos.
@@oscarbosio9881 With all due respect to you and your service the radio station did in fact work to stop some Argentinians from fighting in the war, it's well documented from both sides, look it up friend,
@@paparoach007 Nadie niega la existencia de la estación de radio, si del éxito de la misma. Concurro a un centro d ex Combatientes y testimonios sobran para reafirmar lo que digo. Saludos.
@@paparoach007 It made me want to surrender just watching this progremme :) So i'm sure it did it's job. That guy saying they knew it was from Ascension Island made me chuckle as i doubt he even knew the island was there.
Lest we Forget…
Absolutely brilliant. Thank you for the memories.
Radio 210...I remember that well, living in Berkshire at the time. But, I never knew anything about this amazing story. Thanks for posting.
The station was heard loud and clear in NewZealand in 1984 - From memory it signed at 0915gmt on 9710 khz
Argentina had a similar station known as "Liberty" with a female announcer and aimed at British troops. Whether anyone in the target audience heard it is debatable as it had a rather poor frequency that would not have been well received in the South Atlantic. I was working at BBC Monitoring Service at the time, and both these stations were of interest. Liberty was difficult to receive, and not of great interest (I believe she was an announcer on a TV station in Buenos Aires). Atlantico del Sur was of greater interest, as listening to it off air was the only way we know what was being said with OUR transmitter!
A excellent insight to the hush,hush work of the Falkland’s war 👌👏👏👏👏🍺🍺🍺🍺🇬🇧
Perfidious Albion! God bless us!!! 🙂
What a fascinating story. Well done too all involved.
Amazing story and excellent viewing, well done
Fantastic story, thanks you so much for putting it together.
How very British: we were at war but didn’t want to go “too far”. The sort of sentiment only available to those who direct warfare from thousands of miles behind the front line
thatcher didn't see it that way though, good on her
So so true and there still happy to do it to this day. These so called elite people are happy to sacrifice the lives of our young.
When will documentary makers ever learn! Loud music detracts from the content, not enhances it.
There is something about the British . The whole thing was rushed and did in hast yet it worked perfectly . My Father who was Austrian . Worked radio intelligence during the second world war listen in on the enemy in France . Of course he spoke German fluently . What amazed him was the British would make something up quickly and it would work as intended . The Germans had nearly 4 years to get a radio system ready for the invasion . They know the French resistance would blow up the phone lines, making them inoperable . But when the invasion took place , they emergency network never came up on the air !
Something that may be of interest , is a operation carried out the same year by HMS Conqueror . The submarine that sunk the Belgrano. Operation Barmaid ,its well worth looking up .
Not so much any more. During ww2 britain believed it was defending itself and its neighbours, and so had the advantage of righteous indignance, which can focus the mind. These days things get bodged, and many brits are jealous of the germans for their efficiency. There's still a little bit of it left, london seems to do well.
These brave chaps fought under a red, white and blue Union Jack so why are the British Police allowed to disrespect this flag of honour.
I was in high school and I remember watching the news updates on the progress of the British ships headed to the region. Probably the first "live" TV war when reporters with the fleet provided news in real time (such as it was then). What a neat historical find this is!!!!!
Nice to see you getting into your stride again..... Good Show.
Love her or hate her, Margaret Thatcher had strength and integrity. I don’t think any other politician has had her gumption.
We certainly could do with Maggie in #10 today!
Cualquiera dando órdenes a 13.000 kms del frente de batalla tiene valentía e integridad.
Brilliant and a big thank you.
Thatcher had ball from 🇬🇧
Something I really didn't know.
A good watch 👌
Brilliant 👏
TY to the FREE World - plz don't stop - GB - God Bless/ Great Britain
You learn something new everyday, and if the radio station saved one British service mans live it was money very well spent.
Great documentary. Should've told them Millwall fans were coming too.
Brilliant documentary!
Brits are famous for this work amazing.
Fantastic documentary
Fabulous ! Glad we could still keep a secret. Well done all.
Excellent. Thank You
I don't think I'll ever forget my time in the Falklands...!
This documentry is such a harkening back to the old days of the British stiff upper lip and the culture we are known for worldwide, posh accents, secret spies and stoicism
I wonder what the Falkland Islanders under occupation thought of this.
Posiblemente lo mismo que la población argentina de Malvinas cuando fueron desalojados durante la usurpación en 1833
@@sebastianschonfeld3446 if they hadn't illegally settled there, there would have been no reason to send them home in 1833.
Great job!
What an interesting documentary! I can't help but wonder how these same ideals are being prosecuted in today's war... Unfortunately we'll have to wait another 40 years to learn the true details
EDIT: And begin to wonder if this is all some cynical joke on behalf of Forces News
They invented Soccer Saturday without knowing it!
Correction - The date should read 1982
24:10 the gurkhas about time. even argentina made cartoon about Gurkha to motivate their people.
gurkhas where portrayed as blood thirsty, cannibalistic and wild yet when a British reporter asked Gurkha at Falkland Island about how they feel . Gurkha just said we didn't lose a men so we are happy. despite how the propaganda portrayed. Gurkha did not care how other thought of them. but how everyone was alive. so I have to say radio propaganda was not bad at all. but rather an attempt to save lives. of both argentina and British soilders.
Is there a version with no music?
Strange that no mention is made that the studios used were actually those of BFBS, given this is produced by Forces News.
The falklands are and always will be British 🇬🇧
The same thing was done during WW2 from Crowborough. I think that was on medium wave.
The only effective psychological warfare in that war was when the Gurkhas turned up at the battle for the mountains outside Stanley, and the Argies broke and ran when they realised who they were facing, without a shot being fired. All the rest is bunk.
no es así, los Gurkhas nunca entraron en combate . El único que los enfrentó fué Sukrim Sulapacha y lo manfestó en ocasión de grabar una obra de teatro en Buenos Aires llamada "campo minado". Relató que es todo un mito y nunca se enfrentaron alas tropas argentinas lo que fue una gran frustación para ellos. Testimonio del Comandante Mike Seear, quien estaba a cargo del primer batallón de fusileros Gurkhas en Malvinas, " Nunca estuvimos en combate".Ese año hice el servicio militar en Argentina, si bien no fui a Malvinas muchos compañeros si lo hicieron y nadie menciona ese mito sobre los Grurhas, simplemente porque nunca se enfrentaron a ellos durante toda la guerra.
That didn't happen.... ask any of the Gurkhas who were there
@@JG-ib7xk Justamente esto lo ha dicho un Comandante Gurkha en Buenos Ares y el Jefe de ellos en Malvinas Mie Seear. Ellos estuvieron en Malvinas y han dicho que no entraron en combate. A quein queres que se le pregunte?
What’s with the music ???
Greggs isn’t good if you eat it everyday
Radio Warfare, love it! 😉 Chilean speakers trying to do Argentine accents, too funny 😂, they where so bad even I thought them weird! But if the music is good and the sheep, shepherded, then hey hoy, well done folks! There is no media with the power of radio!
Even though they were at war, they still kept an eye on decency. The Argentine families were not the enemy.
10:20 not fluent in the River Plate spanish... not at all.
37:22 that accent is notoriously not River Plate Spanish...
I suspect French's real name is an MI6 officer by the name of Frank Steele whom at that time sadly passed away his work in Ulster during the Troubles was instrumental in bringing the Troubles to a close. If I'm wrong they do look very similar from the photos.
I'm shocked that he was able to keep and hide top secret documents in his French apartment.
Radio210 amazing. How knew
The musik is so loud and bad I canot watch your post
I wonder how many I these broadcasts were relayed through the Signy Island B A S transmitter based in South Orkney ..? Anyone know ??
a BT phone line .
Our current news also gives selective truth
Maggie's "umm....how do I stay in power?" war
Not sure how convincing this turned out to be, the accents are not convincing as South American accents and these would know that
As an a argie ,i can tell that they sound like british speacking spanish
It's not over yet🤓
Have to understand how it was seen from the perspective of Spaniards about Argentina.
Then there's Gibraltar. Who would fight for the entrance and exit of The Mediterranean Sea?
@@anaibarangan4908 These days Gibraltar is entirely self governing and they elect their own government. They are effectively a European mini state like Andorra or Monaco and the UK government has no control over what they do. So they are *functionally* independent and the only reason they can't be technically independent is a 310 year old treaty that says that if Britain ever relinquishes soverignty, then Gibraltar goes to Spain. Actually, The Falklands are fairly similar, they elect their own government and the Britain has no input into how they are run, "except for defence, for obvious reasons" as a Falklands politician discreetly put it.
And the perspective Moroccans and Spain regarding Ceuta y Melilla?
Te lo cuento desde la perspectiva Argentina. Gran Bretaña usurpó Malvinas en 1833 a Argentina. Esas islas que eran propiedad del Virreinato del Rio de La Plata pasaron a Argentina por el principio del utis possidetis luego que este pais se independizó de España en 1816. España ya había tenido varios Gobernadores en ellas y Argentina hasta la invasión también. Gran Bretaña reconoció la Independencia d Argentina en 1825 y no hizo ningún reclamo sobre la integridad territorial de esta nueva nación que incluía Malvinas, solamente invadió y usurpó un territorio de ue pais soberano expulsando a toda la población de Puerto Soledad y implantando una población totalmente británica desde 1847. lo demas es historia conocida y no es similar a Gibraltar.
You mean indigenous argentines about the spanish...oh no they cant as they was all ethnically cleansed like chile...
Afaicr, the Gurkhas really were reputed to take ears as trophies.
Try repeat it on Ukraine, ladeys))
I think I might well have a natural aptitude for psychological warfare; sans the fluent Spanish
Imagine the level of PSYOPs being deployed by the Israeli-American operation in Palestine today.
How poor their spanish was ! They should have hired gibraltarians for the broadcasts 🤣🤣🤣
A good documentary well presented yet the British still don’t use the true psy warfare of the troops they took into battle. I was hoping they would bring this topic out but no the brits had taken the heathens of southeast Asian the Gurkhas and their stories of how when the enemy was captured they would be eaten alive. The pamphlets that were circulated onto the enemy and why they so willingly gave up in the end!
La rendición no fue voluntaria, para nada. las tropas querían seguir combatiendo, solo acataron la orden de sus superiores, inclusive los británicos exigieron que la aviación deje de seguir atacándolos. Los mismos ex combatientes británicos lo han dicho en sus memorias, libros, etc, no fue un paseo, los combates eran durísimos y no se rendían nunca a pesar de las desventajas. Testimonios sobre sto sobran.
@@oscarbosio9881 a win is a win amigo!
@@andycapp5581 Si, pero tambien hay distintas formas de perder, y si hay algo que no hizo Argentina fue ser humillado, para nada. . Peleó contra todo y todos, Gran Bretaña, EEUU, la OTAN y un pais vecino que actuó con una cobardía notable haciendo que la guerra la hagan otros por ellos. Basta ver el libro del Comandante Británico en Malvinas , Moore ( no picnic) para reafirmar lo que digo sobre como fueron los combates y el desempeño de las fuerzas aegentinas, y como tuvo que cambiar los términos y las cláusulas de la rendición y porque motivos.
@@oscarbosio9881 , ¿¡Por qué todos los argentinos salís con las mismas tonterías!?. Te dieron el culo en bandeja por una fuerza más pequeña, que estaba luchando a 8000 millas de casa, ¡supéralo amigo! 😂😂😂
H 982 FKL on a porsche 928 🤣🤣🤣
Grow up
Boring repetition of footages, couldn't watch 'til the end. Interesting topic but must do better for the viewers.
Correccion son las islas malvinas
You lost. Cope harder.
I'm afraid that Bernard Ingham was entirely right in his assessment of the effectiveness of Operation Moonshine. The MoD spokesman during the Falklands war was about as inspiring as a cold half eaten fish supper and his delivery was about as uplifting as watching paint dry. The British forces in the Falklands had all of one officer who could speak fluent Spanish, which turned out to be something of a disadvantage when it came to interrogating prisoners and getting live intel from Argentinian coms. The personnel and resources deployed in Moonshine could certainly have been deployed to far greater effect elsewhere in the Falklands conflict.
britain's revolting greedy hands strike again
Argentina invasion umm, I not sure about that. It’s the other way around.
Argentina literally invaded a foreign country. Landed using landing craft and amtracks, and engaged in combat against the defenders. That is an invasion. Fortunately they were sent home again.
Realmente alguien cree que esta radio afectó algo a los soldados argentinos? .. entiendan que no hay un británico que sepa ni siquiera donde están ubicadas. Son colonialistas. Please learn spanish and Know the truth
perdiste esa guerra
the irony, whining about colonialists, in Spanish, from South America.
Malvinas argentinas y no soy argentino
But you are deluded.
the most pointless war ever
not if you were a Falkland Islander.
Pirates go home. Return to The North Atlántic.
Las islas malvinas son de los argentinos
Really? Why?
I think you will find they ain’t
Long live the colonies. These islands should be given to Argentina. Take home the planters that you put there sorry indigenous population not.
The Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands are not Colonies. Why on earth would the UK give them to Argentina? The people of Argentina cannot manage what they have already! Argentina is a failed State.
In 2013 (or thereabouts) they held a referendum on whether the islanders wanted to become Argentinians. Number of votes cast: 1600+. Number of cast "yea": Three. Case closed.
PS: There never was any indigenous population on the Falklands.
@@TomFynn they are planters just like in the 6 counties of the North of Ireland. Not the indeginous population. Go home.
@@luddite2702 Do try to form coherent sentences.
@@TomFynn Planters. Is that coherent enough for you.
Extremely doubtful documentary the Spanish spoken by the ex Chilean Brit doesnst come close to Argentine accent. Any argentine would have immediately copped on that it was a British radio. Sorry.
Terrific documentary!