Nothing wrong with what the passenger shared. That is provided that you dun have to support your family and your family can be your cushion when you failed. Can see that the host is smiling throughout the journey cos she know that the passenger is leading a blessed life since birth and have not experienced any hardship and major failure so far. Her conclusion summed it up. It is up to the passenger to pick up her life lessons like LSJ's ex.
@@nothinghahahaha I dun blame the girl. She is very focused in her own life. Dun really be bothered with the negative people around her. High chance is she is surrounded by 1st world friends who dun need to worry about money.
@@nothinghahahaha Some lessons in life, you have to experience it yourself. Maybe the girl is one of the lucky person who will never fail or have any setback in her life. The host is wise not to give the gal some lecture cos she will be wasting her time.
I am just commenting on my observation and not meant to serve as a defense for her. There are people who think like her among us. Nothing to laugh or sad about cos there are no perfect human around. It is a matter of whether you want to accept it or not.
I like this young lady, she is very determined n also can be relaxed. At a young age a person can have this kind of thought seldom find, I agree with the young lady, just go ahead go do what you think. ❤
You have to self-examine on whether you are using the right approach or it is just a case of the outcome is best arrangement. Or the timing of the outcome is not ripe yet.
粵語一句話,人有三衰六旺。當她事事不順利時,我覺得她會開始内耗。其實認真做生意的,不會花時間去做其它東西吧,尤其是小生意。感覺上,她生意虧錢時,她可以依賴她freelance的收入去填補。年輕時,什麽都嘗試下是一件好事,但是如果認真做生意時,應該專注一方。當生意的foundation打好時,有空才做freelance。譬如我們馬來西亞去香港發展的藝人,楊秀惠,當初是從娛樂圈開始,在TVB拍劇,一段時間消失了,因爲她專注搞自己的生意,生意的foundation打好了,才偶爾出來TVB拍劇。 女主現在很明顯是,I like to do what I like now。 隨著年齡,需求變時,她可能會很後悔她現在這個I like to do what I like now思想。 不過有哪個年輕人,不想I like to do what I like now。 都希望她一切順利,其實滿喜歡她這種樂觀的思想。
I guess the host is just trying to showcase some one who is living in 1st world, how they viewed themselves and the world. Even though they also worked hard for their life, it is not forgetting that they are also born with the added leverage.
@@nothinghahahaha Well, it is a win win situation for both parties. Why not ? The gal may just get more modeling lobang and sales from her online store. The host will get her views.
先天条件已经好 家庭也没有特别冷暴力缺爱贫困的问题 如这样还会内耗就矫情了,他这类性格 其实看起来某些人不会喜欢和他做朋友。在还没了解别人的经历之前 最好不要随便下判断和好为人师,这样只会让本来想寻求帮助和内耗 敏感的人 直接高墙block你的气场。
很多人是遇人不淑 遭遇不好的事 挫败 垃圾的人 才会对很多事没了信心 甚至怀疑自己 他们需要鼓励
而不是你告诉人 我不能接受一个人不知道自己要什么。别人不知道自己要什么是有原因的,有可能是创伤 阴影 缺爱 造成。 你需要了解别人的过去,聆听 才能帮人。一味地正能量 积极 只对一帆风顺的人来说有用,对于比较感性的人 没用。
当然你没有义务去同理任何人or听别人申,因为成人都有自己的课题 挑战 ,但如果你真的在意一个你想扶她一把的人 别用那种口气。
说得太好了 这一集就是听起来就觉得很奇怪
明明是個很樂觀正能量滿滿的人都能給你們講到人家沒有同理心 玻璃心的人真的不要看網絡世界了拜託
@@amoscts 很樂觀正能量滿滿不是不好,可是忽略其他人的感受其實真的是很沒有同理心.有些事,不是努力就可以的。沒有那個天賦,再怎麽努力都不會做到的/效果是不會很理想的. 你有可能真的很努力了,可是outcome可能比不過那些所謂的‘我隨便做做罷了wor’ 的好,講真的,真的很失落的
Nothing wrong with what the passenger shared. That is provided that you dun have to support your family and your family can be your cushion when you failed. Can see that the host is smiling throughout the journey cos she know that the passenger is leading a blessed life since birth and have not experienced any hardship and major failure so far. Her conclusion summed it up. It is up to the passenger to pick up her life lessons like LSJ's ex.
@@nothinghahahaha I dun blame the girl. She is very focused in her own life. Dun really be bothered with the negative people around her. High chance is she is surrounded by 1st world friends who dun need to worry about money.
@@nothinghahahaha Some lessons in life, you have to experience it yourself. Maybe the girl is one of the lucky person who will never fail or have any setback in her life. The host is wise not to give the gal some lecture cos she will be wasting her time.
哇 好正能量,她以后必定能成大事,加油,也谢谢她能让我们在她身上学习到很多
然后我也是一位很容易内耗的人,只能说这两类人都可以互相学习 互相理解 互相站在双方角度去想。
@@nothinghahahaha She have the vibes of a boss. Most bosses are not good listener and no time for other people's problems.
I am just commenting on my observation and not meant to serve as a defense for her. There are people who think like her among us. Nothing to laugh or sad about cos there are no perfect human around. It is a matter of whether you want to accept it or not.
I like this young lady, she is very determined n also can be relaxed. At a young age a person can have this kind of thought seldom find, I agree with the young lady, just go ahead go do what you think. ❤
@@nothinghahahaha Having money already solved most of our life issues. At least she can afford to fail and start again.
父母不需要她养 不用供车供屋子 😢
You have to self-examine on whether you are using the right approach or it is just a case of the outcome is best arrangement. Or the timing of the outcome is not ripe yet.
女主現在很明顯是,I like to do what I like now。
隨著年齡,需求變時,她可能會很後悔她現在這個I like to do what I like now思想。
不過有哪個年輕人,不想I like to do what I like now。
没有事情是绝对的,人生开始较容易理清思路,要什么, 当人生变的复杂, 生活不止有考虑自已, 那很多事情就很难理清,甚至很多事情的累积,在还没来得及处理是,又要面对其他的事,内耗可能是附带结果吧?
試試看冥想,很有幫助 💕
taman puncak jalil to BK5 u turn back to Pavilion Bukit jalil...兜路喔。
人生没有一步路是白走的 nv try nver know
你做快乐的事,同一时间能满足身边的人,这样才是自信的表现,到时候你爱做什么家人不会理,你外表光鲜,可是家人眼里口袋没有😂当然让人担心,example 秋雯爱美自信花大钱,也有本事赚到钱,当然你买个几千的发夹haolian人家也不理啦。你要光鲜,但是赚不到钱又给不到身边的人安全感,就是自我了最后
我做过领教,补习,进intern 是Citibank,promotor,waiter,😅这些东西我也有经历啊。。何必拿来说,好普通
SPM 成绩跟着烂,
到底這一集會不會刺激到內耗的朋友 😅,導演版在這裡видео.html
Happy Malaysia Day Cheryl and all
会内耗的我,的却听到她这么说有点不爽 哈哈哈 😝
I just worry when the moment she falls, she can’t take it
She will survive cos she can afford to employ professional help. She have more resources than most of us. So, there is no worry.
@@TheMichSoo 我们普通人担心自己就好了。她们富二代跌倒有爸妈扶的。
一直I mean like ..haolian😅
可能担心会有jobscam之类的,be alert
I guess the host is just trying to showcase some one who is living in 1st world, how they viewed themselves and the world. Even though they also worked hard for their life, it is not forgetting that they are also born with the added leverage.
@@nothinghahahaha It is a peek into the 1st world and why they will never empathize with the sufferings of the commoners.
@@huitian1035 是来打广告多一点。
@@nothinghahahaha Well, it is a win win situation for both parties. Why not ? The gal may just get more modeling lobang and sales from her online store. The host will get her views.
请不要称自己是马来妹啦好心。。。也请你去到香港务必要好好澄清不要整天马来马来称呼 malaysia 啦。。。大马或者马来西亚,马来西亚华人妹,不要叫自己马来妹 please............. dont bring wrong impression to other country...
改变内耗是一辈子的事 我还要是白羊座的女生🤣🤣
人生的經歷會帶著你走的,放輕鬆 😊
@@har6762 大部分 哈哈哈哈
@@Cherylleexinyi ♥️
本來很喜歡你分享的所有資訊 但看到你評論李梓嘉的事件後就瞬間冷掉了 這麼好的口才要不要拍片道歉一下呢?相信你現在還來得及挽救你的形象跟因此事對你失望的粉絲