Repent and believe the gospel. Jesus is the only path without a dead end. Machines are cool but devoid of spiritual value. Life proves unequivocally we can't save ourselves. We're born with a sin nature. How does a Holy God justify evil men while maintaining his righteousness? He sent his son to die in our place. Jesus paid our ransom on the cross so put your faith in him. Please think about this, Jesus is truly the difference between blessing and life or curse and death....
I drove a 1965, 265 payscraper. It had a wooden seat. Hit a bump so hard my hat came off.
Haha. The bloody things will do that. Cheers mate.
Repent and believe the gospel. Jesus is the only path without a dead end. Machines are cool but devoid of spiritual value. Life proves unequivocally we can't save ourselves. We're born with a sin nature. How does a Holy God justify evil men while maintaining his righteousness? He sent his son to die in our place. Jesus paid our ransom on the cross so put your faith in him. Please think about this, Jesus is truly the difference between blessing and life or curse and death....
Jeebus is my home on too bruh.