Coen, het blijft fantastisch wat je doet. Iedere dag dat ik speel/studeer op jouw Bechstein project geeft zoveel inspiratie en energie. Mooie werkplaats en werkblad trouwens.
But then.. what is a proper alignment. Is it straight? Knowing action ratio has small changes and ask for different blow distances? Or would you adjust them in the key depth? So many questions haha. But seriously I always set the final blow distance in the piano itself by measuring the aftertouch in the key. I agree an uneven line might confuse some people ;)
Coen, het blijft fantastisch wat je doet. Iedere dag dat ik speel/studeer op jouw Bechstein project geeft zoveel inspiratie en energie. Mooie werkplaats en werkblad trouwens.
Me thanks for it's AMAZING video there. IT (THE ACTON) must SUPER goes when your has do it smart job there!
regards, Max,,,
Great job, as usual. Thanks for sharing
Wat een prachtig werk!
Again....great work.
Great work and video!
GREAT 😉😉😉😉
Very nice Coen! Thanks!
Mooi Coen!
Complimenten ook voor het filmpje en de uitleg 👍🏻
@CoenvanDongen I have been following you. I hope China also has PTD training.
Very Nice
I would recommend editing your final frames/pictures as the hammer line does not show proper alignment. This may be confusing to some.
But then.. what is a proper alignment. Is it straight? Knowing action ratio has small changes and ask for different blow distances? Or would you adjust them in the key depth? So many questions haha. But seriously I always set the final blow distance in the piano itself by measuring the aftertouch in the key. I agree an uneven line might confuse some people ;)
Nice!! De link geeft een 404 trouwens
Dank voor de tip! Aangepast.
Where do I learn how to do this and where do I get those tools?
Depends on your location. Find a local pianotechnician. He can probably tell you more about the possibilities in your area.