Love this RV. Very functional for someone my age (76), and my two grandchildren. We could actually travel to Florida, Texas and thru the NC and WV mountains! A dream of mine is to travel without worrying about the cost of motel/hotel costs. Thanks for sharing this beautiful RV.
I can count on one hand how many times I have commented on RUclips but I just really wanted to encourage you as this was the most thorough walk through RV tour I have watched. You did a very professional job; sharing facts and demonstrating details that are not normally done. As a potential, hopeful buyer this was extremely helpful. Thank you both very much! Well done!
this is by far the best video about RVs. For once, someone was smart enough to let everyone knows how much they paid for it. Unlike other videos, they blog about products and never mention how much they paid or it. I cant stand it. Thank you for being a smart bloggers.
I really dislike skylights. When you get into heavy hail, it can break. The back quarter panels and trunk lid and both tail lights on my Nissan 370Z were destroyed by golf ball sized hail. As well as, all the windows in my large apartment complex that were facing north. Just something to think about, you might need to get some sort of cover for that skylight.
We notice all the fans and openings on most all rvs , roofs the more holes the more leaks you have . And most openings are lathered up with sealant around edges of the openings. which is bothersum to me .sky lights and all do leak. Nice rv video .great it. thanks for all the info on your new thor .
Adrian I bought my first RV in 2008 The salesman told me it’s hard to find your RV that fits your needs the first time out! He said that because we looked new but he also showed newer used. We bought new and 2 years later trade it for an A class which we had for 4-5 years we stayed in an awesome RV park for the last 3 years we had the RV which we sold. Then in about in about 2016 we bought an Navion Itasca New model! We love it, we use it for trips from Home to Hotel but it is fully capable of off Grid or Park! We got out of the RV ownership due to health issues that have been dealt with. My wife and I love being in it! A small one without a slide would be great as well! We go to Pigeon Forge Tn in ours and places like that without a parking problem! Good look! 🤠
Finally! A person showing off their trailer or motor home who realizes they don’t need to open every single door and drawer to show you what they are.if I see 4 drawers, I have a pretty good idea what they look like. You don’t need to open and show me all four!
I am 71 and travel with my 60 lb. canine companion. I have had my 23TW for 7 months last summer I took it on a 6000 mile trip from KY out to OR. Next week I will be driving it out to Phoenix on a 3500 mile roundtrip adventure. I have absolutely loved the unit. I tow a Chevy Spark and have no difficulties. I do have the optional second soar panel but have not had the experience of using the unit while boondocking. The only difficulty I have experienced it the ability of the Velcro discs to hold the curtain in place. The screws used to hold the Velcro discs in place do not hold. after 3 nights of use i had dislodged probably half of the discs and compromised the ability to hold the curtain in place. To correct this i bought an inexpensive block out curtain and used thumb toggles to hold the curtain in place. This works much better than the original construction. I am extremely happy with my 23TW and would repeat the purchase without hesitation.
You guys are the cutest couple! Love the new RV! If I could afford it, I'd definitely get a Thor. Great quality. I'm a total wannabe... Just working & dreaming about someday becoming a full time RVer. Can't wait to see your new adventures.
I love this vlog. I’ve watched it (and the one where you picked it up) several times. I was super excited right a long with you guys. Sad when you sold it. You guys searching for RV’s is how I found your channel! Been a fan ever since!
Perfect Tour!!! Some people stick their cameras in small spaces thru out the Whole Tour & Never Step back...YOUR IS IMPECABLE!! AWESOME.. i can SEE Everything!! Your Tour Superceeds MOST I've Seen!! thankyou
You made a fantastic choice. I made a list of what I want in an RV and this fits about 99 per cent of the criteria! I will definitely be looking into this model. Thor seems to care a lot about quality component's and ease of living.
I would love this for my sister and I. We want to travel around the US 🇺🇸 and visit all the contiguous States. Your tour was extremely well done and very informative. Happy travels.
Congrats nice to see Thor has improved. We had a Thor Hurricane 31 2004. Be sure to keep the roof clean and watch out for over hanging trees etc. safe traveling the USA.
I love your RV my husband and i are looking for one and we are not sure what to get i think by looking at your tour we might have found the one we like. Thank you. Happy, safe travel.
I LOVE your RV. I like the way you can get around the bed. We have a slide in truck camper and if I get up at night I have to crawl over my hubby and jump down from the cab over bed. The RV looks very comfy and high quality. Happy travels to you two.
Wow! Love your RV! It’s the perfect size! I’d never want a huge RV, this one is perfect. I hope you make tons of great memories in your travels with it! Great demonstration of all its perks. But I always love your vlogs!
I loved your in depth tour of your motor home. Congrats again on your purchase. I absolutely love it and am looking forward to your new adventures in it.
I love your rig! The size is perfect! It is absolutely beautiful! I wish you guys all the best and hope you have many wonderful adventures with your new RV! Can't wait to see where you travels take you.
Hi from Nova Scotia Canada. I came across your channel during my quarantine period when I moved to this province last summer. You two rock!!! Stay safe!
Thank you for the tour. Your RV looks like it has everything ! It looks like the perfect size. I want one ! 😆 May God Bless you and keep you safe out on the road ! 🙏❤😃
That's a good amount of room for a small unit, and the lighter colors and closet door mirrors certainly add to the open feeling. I think that the leg supports for the bed should be hinged so that they can fold inward when the bed is up.
Oh I just love this! All those cabinets, storage spaces! Love Everything, the cabinet colors, Sleeps 4, the cute 'Full Bath'- I'm with u, 3 cabinets- COOL!About to look up the length and price! Oh and the exterior color has my Blue, I LOVE Blue! Only thing, I would choose a '2 Door Fridge'- 'Must Have' to keep food I've made to pop into the microwave, heat and eat. Hope that's an option! Love that it's a Convection Microwave Oven too! ..You all have certainly reached my expectations and beyond, too numerous plusses to comment upon! ♥️
I watched this video several times liking the 23TW more each time. We picked up ours yesterday, exactly like this one! Can't wait to start tailgating and camping!
Very good video showing so much about the motorhome from the standpoint of someone who wants a usable, comfortable, and practical rig. Thank you! I will be interested in your assessment of the AWD feature, as well as the driveability. I will look for more of your videos.
I've been following your channel for almost a year, but focused on the cruise vlogs...I'm so excited that I came across this video and get to see these RV vlogs!!! Never too late to the party lol sort of..🥴
First time viewer. I really like the format and how well you two complement each other. Love this RV! It would be a perfect starter for us. Thank you for taking the time to put it together. This is the first video out of hundreds that somebody actually showed starting one of the burners on the stove.
I'm eager to be following you two. Like you, I'm looking to travel and will be mostly alone. Wanted something small, but big in ability. I'm going to enjoy your discoveries and learned skills so I will be learning a good deal from you
This is the absolutely the best I’ve seen, I love the shower is separate & all the storage. I love that you also have a tv in the bedroom also...I just love it
Great tour guys.....BTW you can run the microwave when going down the road.... just have to have the generator running while your using it also if you want to run the AC for the back pasengers you need the generator running. We do it all the time... lol
Great tour! I have been looking for a smaller Class C and I am inspired! I have a 40 ft 5thwheel now and as i get older, i want things more simple but still want to travel!! Thanks for the good job!!
I enjoyed watching your RV tour. Loved watching your cruise videos. We have a 2021 Grey Wolf 34 ft Toy hauler. Enjoy camping and traveling. We went to Key West camped at Boyd’s campground.
I love it! Great video! I am interested to know what this bad boy goes for out the door. I have been contemplating a mini school bus conversion, but also love the idea of getting a small RV that is ready to go.
I've been camping for 60 years, since 4 months old! Our awesome parents took us to 49 states and all of Canada - all camping. We all made our own trips to Hawaii and haven't camped there. I'm eagerly waiting for my husband to retire so we can hit the 🛣️. Enjoy every moment. Don't sweat the small stuff.
"Glamping"... ☺️ We have a 2020 Thor Chateau 24F, very similar floor plan, in Ohio "cold storage" in the back yard. Can't wait until April - the start of travel season for us! That is a very nice MH you have... Enjoy your travels!!
Congrats! Definitely one of my favorite rigs in this class/size. I hope to buy a used one in a few years. I'm glad to see the Ford Transit chassis become more popular. I would never deal with the Mercedes Sprinters. Safe and happy travels!
Love your motor home especially the interior... I don't like wet baths so you have a plus there.... I love light interior colors and not dark browns and blacks.... I just love the whole layout..... Happy Camping..
I've looked at many Van conversions and upgrades, this is far better than most, because its a pop out and not so large looking of an RV. The bonus are the large shower/bath, storage compartment and its look great. Was the air conditioner and fan quiet, did the water tank size meet your need; not city hook-up? So let us know where you go, gas mileage, maintenance, engine/mechanical problems you encountered, most shows on youtube do not talk about their vehicle failures or what parts to carry in case of emergencies. Travelers be pre-prepared for the unknown...Have fun! Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful! Congratulations. I have been RVINg now for the past 4 years in our 32 feet Class C RV. We love it ! Good luck to you guys.If you ever need anything let us know. We will be happy to share with you all we know. Good luck and be safe on the road 🙂🇺🇸👍🏻. By the way we just found your channel.
Friends of ours have one of the last diesel models made and get up to 16.9 mpg, their generator is also diesel I believe. They gave us a run down on this RV. There have been some issues with Ford’s baby diesel according to our friends. I don’t think either model tows 5K like he says in this video (unless the 2021/2022 got a beefed up chassis, it’s more like 1500-2000, like 200 hitch weight and there’s not much CCC either, it’s easy to overload. It’s very nice to look at but not as practical for full time living for many who need to take more with them. They said It looks “ginger bread” but cheaply made but Thor is known for this. I personally love the way it looks!
I loved you video of your rv. Mid 60's both of us but mobility is an issue. Would loved to try this kind of life but not sure if we are physically able. I wish you all the best and safe travels and show those of us who can't some beautiful scenery. Jim from Cincinnati
Love this RV. Very functional for someone my age (76), and my two grandchildren. We could actually travel to Florida, Texas and thru the NC and WV mountains! A dream of mine is to travel without worrying about the cost of motel/hotel costs. Thanks for sharing this beautiful RV.
From NC mountains used to live in Florida and currently in Texas so Ironic
That huge sunroof near the front adds so much to the interior of this RV! Makes it feel much more open and bright inside.
How are you doing 😊👋😊😊
I can count on one hand how many times I have commented on RUclips but I just really wanted to encourage you as this was the most thorough walk through RV tour I have watched. You did a very professional job; sharing facts and demonstrating details that are not normally done. As a potential, hopeful buyer this was extremely helpful. Thank you both very much! Well done!
Thank you so much for your feedback!
this is by far the best video about RVs. For once, someone was smart enough to let everyone knows how much they paid for it. Unlike other videos, they blog about products and never mention how much they paid or it. I cant stand it. Thank you for being a smart bloggers.
I missed the price. How much did they pay?
I never heard anything about the price. I would have remembered THAT! Must have missed it somehow?? Doubt it..
@@amyschaefer1140 -$79,999
@@aguerra1381 80k 😊
The Gemini 23 tw is awesome. I'm retired and not a camper (yet), but this video inspires me to think about purchasing an RV.
I really dislike skylights. When you get into heavy hail, it can break. The back quarter panels and trunk lid and both tail lights on my Nissan 370Z were destroyed by golf ball sized hail. As well as, all the windows in my large apartment complex that were facing north. Just something to think about, you might need to get some sort of cover for that skylight.
Right. Me 2
We notice all the fans and openings on most all rvs , roofs the more holes the more leaks you have . And most openings are lathered up with sealant around edges of the openings. which is bothersum to me .sky lights and all do leak. Nice rv video .great it. thanks for all the info on your new thor .
Adrian I bought my first RV in 2008 The salesman told me it’s hard to find your RV that fits your needs the first time out! He said that because we looked new but he also showed newer used. We bought new and 2 years later trade it for an A class which we had for 4-5 years we stayed in an awesome RV park for the last 3 years we had the RV which we sold. Then in about in about 2016 we bought an Navion Itasca New model! We love it, we use it for trips from Home to Hotel but it is fully capable of off Grid or Park! We got out of the RV ownership due to health issues that have been dealt with. My wife and I love being in it! A small one without a slide would be great as well! We go to Pigeon Forge Tn in ours and places like that without a parking problem! Good look! 🤠
Finally! A person showing off their trailer or motor home who realizes they don’t need to open every single door and drawer to show you what they are.if I see 4 drawers, I have a pretty good idea what they look like. You don’t need to open and show me all four!
Haha yeah I always felt the same way as you on this. Never understood why they open everything….lol!
I am 71 and travel with my 60 lb. canine companion. I have had my 23TW for 7 months last summer I took it on a 6000 mile trip from KY out to OR. Next week I will be driving it out to Phoenix on a 3500 mile roundtrip adventure. I have absolutely loved the unit. I tow a Chevy Spark and have no difficulties. I do have the optional second soar panel but have not had the experience of using the unit while boondocking.
The only difficulty I have experienced it the ability of the Velcro discs to hold the curtain in place. The screws used to hold the Velcro discs in place do not hold. after 3 nights of use i had dislodged probably half of the discs and compromised the ability to hold the curtain in place. To correct this i bought an inexpensive block out curtain and used thumb toggles to hold the curtain in place. This works much better than the original construction.
I am extremely happy with my 23TW and would repeat the purchase without hesitation.
You folks are the first that I have seen that even mentioned a fire extinguisher, kudos to that.
I love this rig!!!! I never thought I’d want one. I was looking into a van build but this looks great!!!
This looks perfect for me and my bubby - we're seniors who like to take short, local road trips.
How are you doing 😊😊👋
You guys are the cutest couple! Love the new RV! If I could afford it, I'd definitely get a Thor. Great quality. I'm a total wannabe... Just working & dreaming about someday becoming a full time RVer. Can't wait to see your new adventures.
I love this vlog. I’ve watched it (and the one where you picked it up) several times. I was super excited right a long with you guys. Sad when you sold it. You guys searching for RV’s is how I found your channel! Been a fan ever since!
This rig is just perfect for us. We’re rookies also and I do believe this may just be what we’ve been looking for!
I love it as well for its simplicity as I would be a rookie myself.
Perfect Tour!!! Some people stick their cameras in small spaces thru out the Whole Tour & Never Step back...YOUR IS IMPECABLE!! AWESOME.. i can SEE Everything!! Your Tour Superceeds MOST I've Seen!! thankyou
You made a fantastic choice. I made a list of what I want in an RV and this fits about 99 per cent of the criteria! I will definitely be looking into this model. Thor seems to care a lot about quality component's and ease of living.
How are you doing 😊☺️☺️🙈
4:06 "It does have a light, so it can be illuminated at night time"
You hit the nail right on the head. Great review!
I've seen millions of rv's and this would be my #1 choice!
Yes especially the pull up bed
This is my favorite Thor ……. Thor just keeps getting better and better with design
It is one of the best little RVs I've seen in a long time very well designed
I would love this for my sister and I. We want to travel around the US 🇺🇸 and visit all the contiguous States. Your tour was extremely well done and very informative. Happy travels.
Congrats nice to see Thor has improved. We had a Thor Hurricane 31 2004. Be sure to keep the roof clean and watch out for over hanging trees etc. safe traveling the USA.
I like your natural, not overly edited presentation. Keep’m coming!
I love your RV my husband and i are looking for one and we are not sure what to get i think by looking at your tour we might have found the one we like. Thank you. Happy, safe travel.
That's the Exact Size RV camper van we want (& will have)!😄
But, you want its gas mileage. 🙂
I LOVE your RV. I like the way you can get around the bed. We have a slide in truck camper and if I get up at night I have to crawl over my hubby and jump down from the cab over bed. The RV looks very comfy and high quality. Happy travels to you two.
What a beautiful couple. Thank you for taking the time for such a wonderful tour of your Gemini. Fantastic! Happy travels. 🏕
I can't believe all the room you have, wow! I like the height of the toilet and the easy make bed. It has a lot of storage!
How are you doing 😊😊👋
This is my favorite little, yet spacious RV. I love it. Can't wait to see how you decorate it.
Wow! Love your RV! It’s the perfect size! I’d never want a huge RV, this one is perfect. I hope you make tons of great memories in your travels with it! Great demonstration of all its perks. But I always love your vlogs!
Thanks. Amazing video. It makes me excited to think about getting in to RV-ing. Amazing job showing everything about the rv.
I loved your in depth tour of your motor home. Congrats again on your purchase. I absolutely love it and am looking forward to your new adventures in it.
Nice! Fabulous well covered details. This is about as good as can get for such a well-rounded loaded with flexibility and storage in such a small rv.
How are you doing 😊👋
Love your tour. To the point and so professional. Love your new TV. Have fun.
I really love this rig! This was a great tour. Looking forward to seeing how everything holds up long term.
Thank you for sharing your camper with us. I love it! You did a great video, very pleasant to watch and listen to! Enjoy!
I love your rig! The size is perfect! It is absolutely beautiful! I wish you guys all the best and hope you have many wonderful adventures with your new RV! Can't wait to see where you travels take you.
Wow this is one of the best RV tours I have seen. Thank you. Have a fun and safe travels.
So excited to see many adventures! I also have “not all who wander are lost” hanging on a compass necklace in my car 😎
Hello how are you doing 😊☺️
You both did a great job with this video! I am surprised to see how much room that unit has. Amazing
Very Nice RV,,, One of the better Quality Built I've see and great layout, with a Slide!? Awesome!
Hi from Nova Scotia Canada. I came across your channel during my quarantine period when I moved to this province last summer. You two rock!!! Stay safe!
Omg !! This Rv is really big and beautiful too ! Everything looks amazing great job ! 😃😊
Thank you for the tour. Your RV looks like it has everything ! It looks like the perfect size. I want one ! 😆 May God Bless you and keep you safe out on the road ! 🙏❤😃
That's a good amount of room for a small unit, and the lighter colors and closet door mirrors certainly add to the open feeling. I think that the leg supports for the bed should be hinged so that they can fold inward when the bed is up.
Oh I just love this! All those cabinets, storage spaces! Love Everything, the cabinet colors, Sleeps 4, the cute
'Full Bath'- I'm with u, 3 cabinets- COOL!About to look up the length and price! Oh and the exterior color has my Blue, I LOVE Blue! Only thing, I would choose a '2 Door Fridge'- 'Must Have' to keep food I've made to pop into the microwave, heat and eat. Hope that's an option! Love that it's a Convection Microwave Oven too! ..You all have certainly reached my expectations and beyond, too numerous plusses to comment upon! ♥️
Love yet another fabulous tour of your new baby! I especially love the bluezie music!!! Looking forward to following your many fun family adventures!
Hello how are you doing 😊☺️👋
Love this RV! I have an older Jayco, sleeps 7. Now that the kids are grown, this would be perfect for me. I love the layout as well. Great choice.
I watched this video several times liking the 23TW more each time. We picked up ours yesterday, exactly like this one! Can't wait to start tailgating and camping!
Enjoy your new RV!!
Very good video showing so much about the motorhome from the standpoint of someone who wants a usable, comfortable, and practical rig. Thank you! I will be interested in your assessment of the AWD feature, as well as the driveability. I will look for more of your videos.
I've been following your channel for almost a year, but focused on the cruise vlogs...I'm so excited that I came across this video and get to see these RV vlogs!!! Never too late to the party lol sort of..🥴
Congratulations! Very exciting. Cant wait to see your camping adventures.
First time viewer. I really like the format and how well you two complement each other. Love this RV! It would be a perfect starter for us. Thank you for taking the time to put it together. This is the first video out of hundreds that somebody actually showed starting one of the burners on the stove.
Very nice! Plenty of room and you guys got a handle on it's layout. Wish you the best on your adventures. Fun, fun, fun!
I'm eager to be following you two. Like you, I'm looking to travel and will be mostly alone. Wanted something small, but big in ability. I'm going to enjoy your discoveries and learned skills so I will be learning a good deal from you
For additional training, I recommend you watch the Robin Williams RV movie.
Will do 😊
Oh, that’s hilarious!
The movie Paul is our goto RV movie
Oh thats a hilarious mobie
Yes but keep in mind that real campers are not like the jerks he encountered in the campgrounds. More like the full timers he raced with.
Thank you, this is the perfect size for me.Camping is do much fun.Traveling is the best, an you have everything with you.Enjoy!!!!
This is the absolutely the best I’ve seen, I love the shower is separate & all the storage. I love that you also have a tv in the bedroom also...I just love it
Thank you glad you liked. It’s a cool little rig so far!
Great tour guys.....BTW you can run the microwave when going down the road.... just have to have the generator running while your using it also if you want to run the AC for the back pasengers you need the generator running. We do it all the time... lol
Loved this and you guys did a beautiful job showing it to us all. I just wish that it had a much comfy layout for the kiddos to sleep.
Nice video and I do appreciate the pointers since my wife and I are thinking about buying a unit like that
I like this RV the most. I really am looking to possibly get something like this.
I really enjoyed your video and the way you made me want to watch it without fast forwarding. I look forward to many more. Take care and be safe!
Great tour! I have been looking for a smaller Class C and I am inspired! I have a 40 ft 5thwheel now and as i get older, i want things more simple but still want to travel!! Thanks for the good job!!
chief weñ smalo boays bow rider too 40 yaght small cabin criserr eveutoon 552
Thank you so much for the great tour. Lots of good health and good wishes in your new vehicle!!!!
I like your rig. I miss ours. It's a free life, for the most part. Thanks for the video, and taking us along.
I am hearing this is the easiest motor available homes to drive. The AWD with roll stability and wind control really is great.
I'm following you guys real close!! This will be my first choice!! Thanks for your channel 👍
We have been looking for an RV fir a couple of years and havw nor dound anything that is a fit. This looks like it may be the one. Thank you so much!
What an awesome couple. Beautiful RV. Wish them years of happy enjoyment in it.
I enjoyed watching your RV tour. Loved watching your cruise videos. We have a 2021 Grey Wolf 34 ft Toy hauler. Enjoy camping and traveling. We went to Key West camped at Boyd’s campground.
Love it 💗💗💗 I’m so happy for y’all ~ safe travels and happy camping
Hello how are you doing 😊😊
Your RV us so awesome for it's size, it's perfect for a couple to live and travel comfortably! Thanks for sharing a lovely video 📹 😊👍💕💕💕
I love it! Great video! I am interested to know what this bad boy goes for out the door. I have been contemplating a mini school bus conversion, but also love the idea of getting a small RV that is ready to go.
How are you doing 😊😊👋👋
It's even comfortable with the slide in , and the bathroom is easy to get to ! 😊👍💕💕💕
This is my favorite of all rv’s I’ve seen so far
We love ours
I enjoyed your very detailed and thorough walk around/through your RV. I’m very impressed with the Gemini.
Great looking'll love the memories you'll make..we love camping..
I've been camping for 60 years, since 4 months old! Our awesome parents took us to 49 states and all of Canada - all camping. We all made our own trips to Hawaii and haven't camped there.
I'm eagerly waiting for my husband to retire so we can hit the 🛣️. Enjoy every moment. Don't sweat the small stuff.
"Glamping"... ☺️ We have a 2020 Thor Chateau 24F, very similar floor plan, in Ohio "cold storage" in the back yard. Can't wait until April - the start of travel season for us! That is a very nice MH you have... Enjoy your travels!!
The bathroom is the best for me coz I'm claustrophobic. It's spacious enough like a tiny apartment bathroom 😊👍have a blessed and safe travels🙏
Just Subscribed .You guys are such a Cute Couple. Cant wait to view all your Videos and Enjoy the Journey with You two. Much Love from Georgia.
Been looking for an RV and this seems to be the best one yet.
Love it.
Congrats! Definitely one of my favorite rigs in this class/size. I hope to buy a used one in a few years. I'm glad to see the Ford Transit chassis become more popular. I would never deal with the Mercedes Sprinters. Safe and happy travels!
Love your motor home especially the interior...
I don't like wet baths so you have a plus there....
I love light interior colors and not dark browns and blacks....
I just love the whole layout.....
Happy Camping..
I've looked at many Van conversions and upgrades, this is far better than most, because its a pop out and not so large looking of an RV. The bonus are the large shower/bath, storage compartment and its look great. Was the air conditioner and fan quiet, did the water tank size meet your need; not city hook-up? So let us know where you go, gas mileage, maintenance, engine/mechanical problems you encountered, most shows on youtube do not talk about their vehicle failures or what parts to carry in case of emergencies. Travelers be pre-prepared for the unknown...Have fun! Thanks for sharing.
the best thing you showed was the slidder and how it looks closed i am debating on getting a slide because of the mechanical problems great video
Love it, nice size RV. I can’t wait to see your trips!
How are you doing 😊😊👋👋
Excellent..the winnibago
Fits the bill.
More built with all your needs ..ready to go..
Driver friendly!
Beautiful! Congratulations. I have been RVINg now for the past 4 years in our 32 feet Class C RV. We love it ! Good luck to you guys.If you ever need anything let us know. We will be happy to share with you all we know. Good luck and be safe on the road 🙂🇺🇸👍🏻. By the way we just found your channel.
Thanks so much 😊
@@EECCTravels pt
wiñabgo has 31 fót eltríc rv 🎉
I really like that your slide out has it's own awning.
Nice rv. It would suit our needs nicely. You both did a good job on the video.
Perfect size for two people. I like the fact that it does not have the overhang bed above the cab. Hope you all have fun, fun, fun in your new RV!
It's a beautiful rig and I hope you guys enjoy your travels!
Ime in uk i think your camper is absolutely smashing safe travels i look forward to seeing your future vids
Nice motorhome if they still had the Diesel option with the latest safety features I would buy one!
Friends of ours have one of the last diesel models made and get up to 16.9 mpg, their generator is also diesel I believe. They gave us a run down on this RV. There have been some issues with Ford’s baby diesel according to our friends. I don’t think either model tows 5K like he says in this video (unless the 2021/2022 got a beefed up chassis, it’s more like 1500-2000, like 200 hitch weight and there’s not much CCC either, it’s easy to overload. It’s very nice to look at but not as practical for full time living for many who need to take more with them. They said It looks “ginger bread” but cheaply made but Thor is known for this. I personally love the way it looks!
I loved you video of your rv. Mid 60's both of us but mobility is an issue. Would loved to try this kind of life but not sure if we are physically able. I wish you all the best and safe travels and show those of us who can't some beautiful scenery. Jim from Cincinnati
Loved your set up video.
A dream I've travel the US
Wow! Great tour of your beautiful RV!! Thanks so much ❣
I enjoyed your van tour... yours is just what I want... enjoy your travels!!! Paulette
Awesome review... looks like I found the RV for us. Thanks for this RV tour. 👍👏🥰
This is a great RV choice.
A bit expensive. I would rather buy an rv slightly used...up to 10 years, relatively low mileage and, very importantly, one owner that took care of it
I seem the follow you guys on land and sea! Glad to see you both.
Hope the kid’s are good.