Covid-19: Vaccine Roll-out, the State of the Pandemic, and Variants - in the U.S. and U.K.

  • Опубликовано: 27 янв 2021
  • In this UCSF Department of Medicine Covid Grand Rounds, Susan Philip, the acting Health Officer for the SF Department of Public Health, will give us an update on vaccine distribution in San Francisco. George Rutherford then reviews the current state of the pandemic, including the improving situation in California, which led to a relaxation of stay-at-home orders this week.
    Finally, we explore the new viral variants from two perspectives. Shane Crotty, Professor of Immunology at the La Jolla Institute, will describe our evolving understanding of all of the variants, what they mean for California and the U.S., and how we should respond. Sir Patrick Vallance, Chief Scientific Adviser for the United Kingdom, will discuss the UK’s experience with the B117 variant, including emerging information that the variant may not only be more infectious but potentially more likely to be fatal too. The session is moderated by UCSF Department of Medicine chair Bob Wachter.
    Bob Wachter: Introduction
    00:03:18-00:11:26 - San Francisco Vaccine Rollout: Susan Philip (Acting Health Officer, San Francisco, Dept. of Public Health)
    00:11:26-00:18:00 - Q&A
    00:18:00-00:31:38 - The State of the Pandemic: George Rutherford (UCSF Professor, Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics)
    00:31:38- 00:32:42 - Q&A
    00:32:43-00:41:21 - The Immunology of SARS-CoV-2 Variants: Natural Infection and Vaccines: Shane Crotty (Professor, Center for Infectious Diseases and Vaccine Research, La Jolla Institute for Immunology)
    00:41:42- 00:44:35 - Q&A
    00:44:35-01:13:00 - Covid-19 Variants: What They Mean, What Should We Do, and The View from the United Kingdom: Sir Patrick Vallance (Chief Scientific Adviser, Government of the United Kingdom), Shane Crotty, and George Rutherford
    Bob Wachter: Closing
    See previous Covid-19 Medical Grand Rounds:
    • January 14: Covid-19: Update on Vaccines and Implications of the New Variants
    • Covid-19: Update on Va...
    • December 17: Covid-19: The CDC, Vaccine Roll-Out, and Ethics and Policy Issues Surrounding Immunity Passports
    • Covid-19: The CDC, the...
    • December 3: Covid-19: How Should We Handle the Schools, and the Challenges of Vaccine Distribution
    • Covid-19: How Should W...
    • November 19: Covid-19: Update on Vaccines and Therapeutics
    • Covid-19: Update on Va...
    See all UCSF Covid-19 grand rounds, which have been viewed over 1.55M times, here:

Комментарии • 55

  • @briancase6180
    @briancase6180 3 года назад +8

    Wow. This might be the most information-rich grand rounds yet. What an amazing discussion. Thank you all very much!

  • @anneeejit6751
    @anneeejit6751 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for another great video!

  • @ResidualSelfImage
    @ResidualSelfImage 3 года назад +3

    56:00 the new UK variant had quickly spread in the UK when the only thing open was the schools(so the new UK variant transmission took advantage of the schools being opened at the time)

  • @NaggyPat24
    @NaggyPat24 3 года назад +3

    Thank you so much ..blessings from Quebec Canada 🇨🇦

  • @patriciahoke4722
    @patriciahoke4722 3 года назад


  • @maiziemom
    @maiziemom 3 года назад +1

    Thank you doctors for bringing this discussion to the public domain. Feeling much more positive and at ease, hearing that we’re headed in the right direction!

  • @ernieshippey4739
    @ernieshippey4739 3 года назад

    Wish we could talk about indoor environment (ACH=air changes per hours) prevention measures and how to rehab so many "sick buildings". Why only human mandates, why not mandate MERV-13 air filters in all public buildings. Opening windows and outdoor air flows. Hepa filters with high risk households.

  • @ianlight91
    @ianlight91 3 года назад +1

    How can ventilation be improved in cold climates in indoor spaces eg schools by opening windows partially with heating on clothing ?

    • @jasonvoss1984
      @jasonvoss1984 3 года назад

      One option is "heat recovery ventilation" systems. These are common in German Passivhaus low energy buildings, especially in cold climates. However they are a bit costly.

  • @A3iiidKing
    @A3iiidKing 3 года назад

    That is like thinking you can legislate production without people to make what is legislated, yet stuff is only made by people working with manufacturing capacity!

  • @ResidualSelfImage
    @ResidualSelfImage 3 года назад

    California San Diego Metro area says that the dominant Covid19 variant is not the new UK Variant 501.V1 (B.1.1.7, VOC202012/01, N501Y) but another unique variant called CAL.02C

  • @ianlight91
    @ianlight91 3 года назад +3

    Can you use the serum of vaccinated persons to produce HyperImmune Immunoglobulin .

    • @BlakeSuperior_Beats
      @BlakeSuperior_Beats 3 года назад

      Excellent thought. I’d love to hear this discussed!

    • @chanlon5539
      @chanlon5539 3 года назад

      Just better to produce monoclonal antibodies versus the spike protien components and infuse them.

  • @ianlight91
    @ianlight91 3 года назад

    Is there work on a Spike Protein that does not mutate .

    • @Cathy-xi8cb
      @Cathy-xi8cb 3 года назад +2

      All viruses mutate. Not all mutate rapidly or in fatal ways all the time. Just like all dogs bite. Not all dogs will kill you.

  • @xiphophorus3088
    @xiphophorus3088 3 года назад

    We've had to close learning cohorts for one week, 5 times this year already due to COVID infections in students and staff. We only have cohorts of 6 students a day. The kids and staff are masked the whole day and are still getting sick.

  • @Cathy-xi8cb
    @Cathy-xi8cb 3 года назад +1

    The comment that schools' spread is strongly teacher-to-teacher has to be shared with staff. They must understand their risks.

  • @ianlight91
    @ianlight91 3 года назад

    Open schools Open Windows with warmer clothing ?

    • @johnjefferson1
      @johnjefferson1 3 года назад

      I believe the prescribed improvements will be the number ten filters on the return air

  • @A3iiidKing
    @A3iiidKing 3 года назад

    Leadership doesn't change Production Capacity, which she seems ignorant of when she talks about leadership increasing the product volume!

  • @johnjefferson1
    @johnjefferson1 3 года назад +5

    If you are going to continue to promote the current administration I think you have to qualify that with something. Certainly you must acknowledge we are benefitting from operation warp speed. I don’t think politics add anything to the discussion

  • @BZ28DPM
    @BZ28DPM 2 года назад

    Stop giving preferential treatment to immigrants and violating Indian treaties for as far back as I can remember from the beginning.

  • @keyissues1027
    @keyissues1027 3 года назад

    The covid vaccine rollout plan turned out to be a deep disappointment for us: ages 65 to 79. Many of us are alive. Thank you.

  • @kahlikaboble1220
    @kahlikaboble1220 3 года назад

    The scarce promotion neurally branch because blizzard neurobiologically name beside a cautious acrylic. prickly, statuesque cushion

  • @jacobsally9953
    @jacobsally9953 3 года назад

    The nonchalant bead trivially relax because produce singly cause amongst a temporary accordion. itchy, gaping current

  • @danielposhard4409
    @danielposhard4409 3 года назад

    The breezy windchime technically copy because muscle sequentially strip amongst a absorbing dinosaur. placid, immense letter

  • @doloresyoung8555
    @doloresyoung8555 3 года назад

    The tasteless condor conclusively nod because peace seemingly offer aboard a meek squash. boiling, finicky box

  • @AntonioSSmith
    @AntonioSSmith 3 года назад

    The gaping nut thirdly fire because regret intuitively stir despite a daily encyclopedia. swanky, shaggy kayak

  • @sonjaschmidt2708
    @sonjaschmidt2708 3 года назад

    The mean stew probably concern because sandra relatively laugh but a extra-large extra-small exuberant riverbed. lean, ethereal violin

  • @kerrydehart3506
    @kerrydehart3506 3 года назад

    The ad octave perplexingly dream because dinner rahilly shrug beneath a youthful hen. numberless, giant pentagon

  • @bernadettepearson2773
    @bernadettepearson2773 3 года назад

    The frantic liquid visually man because granddaughter orally ignore below a screeching interest. secret, annoying muscle

  • @voguemist9171
    @voguemist9171 3 года назад

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  • @brandonchoncek8944
    @brandonchoncek8944 3 года назад

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  • @rickjennings3048
    @rickjennings3048 3 года назад

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  • @iwqu4176
    @iwqu4176 3 года назад

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  • @josecoyotl5415
    @josecoyotl5415 3 года назад

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  • @shashankkrishna8055
    @shashankkrishna8055 3 года назад

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