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If you need help with any questions on LoadRunner / Jmeter, Pls post them in comments. I will try to create videos for these questions at my convenience.
Hello - Could you please go through using SAP GUI for 1000+ users. Is there a way to do it on the backend so it does not open just hundreds of sap logins on my screen?
Well, I am running a 90% off on the recorded videos for the entire course. Pls use this link to avail this offer www.udemy.com/scripting-for-sap-gui-protocol-using-hp-loadrunner-1250/?couponCode=SAPGUIYUTBE
If you would like to get updates from "Isha Training Solutions" regarding upcoming courses, learning material etc...pls register using below link
Was this video useful to you? If so, pls let me know thru comments.
If you need help with any questions on LoadRunner / Jmeter, Pls post them in comments. I will try to create videos for these questions at my convenience.
we are getting error "sap gui" protocols cannot record on 64 bit application in LoadRunner" how exactly we can record 64 bit SAP GUI application
How to give text checks?
Hello - Could you please go through using SAP GUI for 1000+ users. Is there a way to do it on the backend so it does not open just hundreds of sap logins on my screen?
you can disable this from run time settings...soi that 1000 windows wouldnt open...i have covered this in my course
Hi Sir,
Do you have the complete course for SAPGUI protocol. How much do you charge
I am running a 90% off on the recorded videos for the entire course. Pls use this link to avail this offer www.udemy.com/scripting-for-sap-gui-protocol-using-hp-loadrunner-1250/?couponCode=SAPGUIYUTBE
sir provide information about proxy server