a great technique!!! i use it also when i treat a herniated disk and when the injury is in a flexion posotion .in this kind of injury i often find that the lumbar region is in flextion and as a result the sacrum is in counterntation.so it works also the oposite way... i laso experienced the symptoms wiil be:peoplewho would not be able to make an extantion of .the lower back.so using this techniqoue helpe them slowly to alighn. thank you fot sharring.
+abdullah ates She had no symptoms as she was my model for the video but in reality her lumbar spine is flexed and the pelvis would be relatively unstable due to the posterior sacrum and pain can be perceived in many areas, not just the lower back. Hope that helps!
a great technique!!! i use it also when i treat a herniated disk and when the injury is in a flexion posotion .in this kind of injury i often find that the lumbar region is in flextion and as a result the sacrum is in counterntation.so it works also the oposite way... i laso experienced the symptoms wiil be:peoplewho would not be able to make an extantion of .the lower back.so using this techniqoue helpe them slowly to alighn.
thank you fot sharring.
Why does she bend her trunk forward?
Thanks for providing this technique!!
Hello, appreciate your skills.
Why did you use isometric forward bending instead of isometric extension?
Doesn't really matter as one way is PIR and the other is RI of METS, regards JG
what was patient's symptom john?
+abdullah ates She had no symptoms as she was my model for the video but in reality her lumbar spine is flexed and the pelvis would be relatively unstable due to the posterior sacrum and pain can be perceived in many areas, not just the lower back. Hope that helps!
اي لحمد مرحبا انسة ياسمين
Thanks for the message, regards JG
@@JohnGibbons I will satar my message today
What's crazy...
This is eastern Asian science.