VERY nice video explanation that I used yesterday to replace a failed battery on my VTX. After watching this it took only a few minutes to extract and drop the new battery in using the needle nose carefully to not damage the screw threads. It was a piece of cake thanks to your demonstration so I can't thank you enough!
He Dan, I figured out easiest way to remove the battery. I find a boxed end wrench smaller than bolt head but larger enough for bolt to go thru. Since on most combo wrenches the boxed end is offset, you simply turn so the open end is pointing up & towards center of the battery and bolt it to negative battery terminal. Thus giving you a handle to pull it out of that tight close tolerance box.
After cussing about my fat fingers on my initial pull years ago I put a strap around my battery, then re-installed. I used the type of strap some people clip keys on and wear around their neck. Your method will work but I'd rather use the strap to lift my battery out than 2 pliers on the threaded posts.
I have a vtx 1800 06. no start I replaced the solenoid which was the problem. now it won't start the state is new. any suggestions would be great. thanks.
I have problem with start and o don't know what's going on I check whole bike but I found problem in start button I open it and found inside a lot of grease and this grease connect +/- so I clean everything and than bike start like new 👌
I think I bee getting wrong battery I been going to auto zone and I don't think they know about bike batteries left and right with autozone with this battery issue I'm going to get a battery from honda I'm hoping that's the problem
VERY nice video explanation that I used yesterday to replace a failed battery on my VTX.
After watching this it took only a few minutes to extract and drop the new battery in using the needle nose carefully to not damage the screw threads. It was a piece of cake thanks to your demonstration so I can't thank you enough!
He Dan, I figured out easiest way to remove the battery. I find a boxed end wrench smaller than bolt head but larger enough for bolt to go thru. Since on most combo wrenches the boxed end is offset, you simply turn so the open end is pointing up & towards center of the battery and bolt it to negative battery terminal. Thus giving you a handle to pull it out of that tight close tolerance box.
Thank you! Just learned how to access, and charge my battery. Also going to purchase the tester.
After cussing about my fat fingers on my initial pull years ago I put a strap around my battery, then re-installed. I used the type of strap some people clip keys on and wear around their neck. Your method will work but I'd rather use the strap to lift my battery out than 2 pliers on the threaded posts.
I have a vtx 1800 06. no start I replaced the solenoid which was the problem. now it won't start the state is new. any suggestions would be great. thanks.
I have problem with start and o don't know what's going on I check whole bike but I found problem in start button I open it and found inside a lot of grease and this grease connect +/- so I clean everything and than bike start like new 👌
Why didn't you show the charge rate after installing the new battery? Before reassembly?
What if the motorcycle doesn't turn off, starter motor keeps spinning. Open circuit on the solenoid.06 vtx 1800
check d start button!
What happens if i seal the battery before charging ?
Grear video
I think I bee getting wrong battery I been going to auto zone and I don't think they know about bike batteries left and right with autozone with this battery issue I'm going to get a battery from honda I'm hoping that's the problem
In my experience AutoZone doesn't know much about cars either.