Yutaka Nagai San. That is a spectacular view of the valley with the snow covered alps in the background. Very beautiful scenery there. Does the snow ever completely melt in the alps or will there always be some cover? I imagine that there would be a lot of autumn color to see there after summer. Thank you for showing us this area.
amazing landscape and music
Thank you for your comment.
Yutaka Nagai San. That is a spectacular view of the valley with the snow covered alps in the background. Very beautiful scenery there. Does the snow ever completely melt in the alps or will there always be some cover? I imagine that there would be a lot of autumn color to see there after summer. Thank you for showing us this area.
毎日が日曜日ですが、今日は友達とヘボテニス練習を行った後の大型連休前半の休養日。早めに風呂に入って、ジックリと視聴させて頂きました。。。。笑い。。。本編は白馬連峰の冠雪。 展望台からの大展望。そして、ゴンドラからの動画。そして、最後は ドライブしながらの北アルプス連峰の絶景。本当に、最高でしたよ。 私は、一杯やりながら、感動して、もう一回、視聴してしまいましたよ。。。。。。笑い。。。