How to find a good somatic practitioner

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 51

  • @yittyklein6261
    @yittyklein6261 3 года назад +32

    And I think an impt point you missed, is a practitioner who has done his OWN work can give best to others whst you've healed in yourself

    • @teamlyon3109
      @teamlyon3109 3 года назад +4

      Yup - a very important point!!!

  • @Tigergrrll
    @Tigergrrll 2 года назад +2

    Just looking up Kathy Kain - I see she is an Orthobionomy person. I studied that quite a bit in the 90s as a bodyworker, and the feel of that work has never left me. It definitely helps me a long in my trauma healing journey ❤️

  • @panditakasper4631
    @panditakasper4631 Год назад +1

    Thank you Irene so much for this. This is also so helpful to show realatives and my doc. that say just go to a general therapist. What realy doesn' t help enough with complex PTSD since uturo.

  • @shehaniwijayatunga2667
    @shehaniwijayatunga2667 6 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you so much Irene for this video❤

  • @dreckneck
    @dreckneck 4 года назад +2

    Amazing video! A lot of these tips also apply when searching for a good therapist in general

  • @bebaaskaful
    @bebaaskaful 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for this. I live in Serbia, a country in Europe. Our paychek is around 300euro per month. Options for taking some serious course abroad is not possible. So Ive had a rough expirience with my meditation and yoga practice. Also with bioenergetics, reiki.. Maybe reiki setllle my system down a bit. I was doing also, and still sometimes dping Realization process with a guy from USA, who gave me discount for session wich is, by the way in Serbia imposible. And he helps me, but sometimes while going threw process of deconstrist my body, I feel owerwhelmed. Because my flight mode is deep. No ground. It started when I was a child, because I was hipersensitive child. And I thought after my emotional breakup that Im crazy. Literally. I just found one therapist who does somatic work, and EMDR. And Im at the start of this process now. With trauma is a slippy road, because youve lost a conection to youre true self. And it feels like you dont know who you are, what you like, what you can do for youreself. Also about self yournaling. You try it, and ypu dont get answers. Belive me, I was on the road to go to shaman and take ayahuaska to help. But I also scence fear because I know people who were retraumatized. Some people from spiritual world say that it can not be happen because youre soul is protecting you, and will not give you something that you cant bear. As much as I want to belive in that, I was sucidal most of days. And Im a si gle parent of young boy.

    • @teamlyon3109
      @teamlyon3109 3 года назад

      Hi bebaaskaful, Jen here from Team Lyon. It sounds like you're finding some resources that are are supportive and accessible, which is great. Re Ayuasca, I encourage you to trust your instincts. When we have trauma and dysregulation in the nervous system, sometimes these medicines (and drugs) can be destabilizing. I'll link to some of Irene's free resources that might be of interest to you.
      Her free Healing Trauma training:
      4 Steps to Calm Overwhelm and Out of Control Emotions:
      Other free resources:

  • @BlinkPopShift
    @BlinkPopShift 4 года назад +1

    This is the first video of yours I've seen. Excellent work here. Will dive in to the channel.

  • @jaykayel_silva
    @jaykayel_silva Год назад +2

    What I’d like to know is why there are soooooo many different opinions on healing trauma somatically !?! I’ve been through hell trying to sift through all the info . Many say for preverbal /developmental touch is most effective . Then others say se and attachment wound healing most imp and above all else trusting the therapist . Why can’t any one in this field get on the same page !!!!!!

    • @IreneLyon
      @IreneLyon  Год назад +1

      Hi Jaykay, Seth here with Team Lyon. It's probably because there is NO 'one-size-fits-all' approach. Yes, touch work is great for early/developmental trauma, unless one hates and fears being touched! Healing attachment wounds is important for sure, but problematic if the client doesn't trust anyone enough to build any kind of relationship. Some people benefit greatly from in-person sessions. Other people are too scared to even try that, which is one reason why Irene's online programs are a very good entry into the work for many.
      One thing that IS true for everyone is that if they are working with a practitioner, they need to feel like they are seen. Feeling safe is vitally important for doing the work for sure, but some people will not feel safe at first with anyone no matter how great they are, and so that safety will have to be built. So, if we feel safe with our practitioner off the bat, great! But if not, because we don't feel safe with anyone ever, then we need to at least feel like they 'get us', that we feel seen and understood. I'd say that's a baseline that is reliable.
      Another universal element is that education is very important in all cases. We need to understand what is happening inside us physiologically, as just knowing that there is a reason for why we feel the way we do can help a lot all on its own, and start building those foundations of safety.
      This is another reason we recommend that people who want to get into this work start with Irene's 21 day program, as it gives you a comprehensive education on the physiology of trauma, as well as a foundational set of practical tools, and also support is there in the private forum if one wants it, but also engagement with others is totally optional. Also, doing the 21 Days makes one far more informed about what to look for in a practitioner.
      Here's a link to that if you want to learn more -

  • @JessentialLife
    @JessentialLife 4 года назад

    I love how you gave all these tips and questions to ask. :)

  • @ModernJewelryMakers
    @ModernJewelryMakers 3 года назад

    Thank you for this video!! I am currently looking for someone in the Seattle Tacoma area & really struggling finding just the right fit, who is also taking new patients etc..this was really helpful!

    • @teamlyon3109
      @teamlyon3109 3 года назад

      Great to hear this was helpful Modern Jewelry Creators! You may want to work with someone in person, and many practitioners are now working remotely so that's an option too if it speaks to you. - Jen from Team Lyon

  • @Lilredjeanie
    @Lilredjeanie 4 года назад +2

    But what if it's always the practitioner that finds it too uncomfortable to work with you? When your boundaries, your feelings and thoughts are too much for them to handle. I was taking these sport psychology courses some time ago to see if that would be a new field for me to study but when I wrote my first essays and shared the observations and perspectives I've learned through my own healing process and experiences the teachers said that they have never heard anyone talk like this and thought of things this way and it's like I'm teaching them. At the same time it's a huge compliment but also shows how alone I am with my work and no one seems to be able to actually help me. But I guess that's why I have worked even more myself and I know that all that I have achieved is completely because of my own work and it gives me condifence. But too often I feel like I'm seeing and understanding all the toxic behaviours and dynamics so very clearly when others seem to be completely blind to them. And when I try to share my observations people start to reject and neglect me and my experiences. I can completely agree with Carl Jung with his quote “Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible.” So many times I have felt such deep shame and guilt (and anger) about why I see these things no one else does and is there something wrong with me because clearly people are trying to tell me that all the time but I'm glad I've found these studies and education on my own for example through this channel but as you, Irene, said too that you are pioneers in this field. You have found people who see things the way you see them and support and work with you. I don't. I think I've always had the wisdom in my gut and the intuition has lead me to right direction but almost all the practioners (and other people) I have ever encountered were not ready to do the work themselves and take the new information in because it have questioned their own behaviour and beliefs. All this really does not help me with the huge pile of anger and resentment I already have inside me.

    • @teamlyon3109
      @teamlyon3109 4 года назад +2

      Hey Annastiina, Seth here. I hear what your saying and your feelings of frustration and loneliness are totally understandable. There are relatively very few people trained in what we call 'the new traumatology', and of those few, very few really get it, or are trained at the level that Irene and her team are. I HIGHLY recommend joining us for SmartBody SmartMind if you can, as it sounds like that will be a LOT more helpful for you than the practitioners available to you, plus there's a big community of like-minded members travelling along with you, which may help ease the loneliness.

    • @Lilredjeanie
      @Lilredjeanie 4 года назад +2

      @@teamlyon3109 Thank you for your answer, Seth. I have already found some answers with a little guidance of Nicole's answer in my anger question in other video. The neurosensory grounding work has already been very useful tool with my everyday life. I will check your link and the group out when I'm ready to receive new information again. Now I think I need a little time to process all I have now heard and seen here. I'm deeply grateful for you guys sharing the knowledge and support.

  • @mezzofeldenkrais1647
    @mezzofeldenkrais1647 3 года назад

    Very well said. Gold as usual.

  • @JessentialLife
    @JessentialLife 4 года назад +1

    Somatic Experiencing is something that I have been considering studying after my aromatherapy studies. :)
    Has anyone studied SE? If so, what do you like about it and think about it?

  • @theophila214
    @theophila214 3 года назад

    Thank you for being honest of how new this all is, even to practitioners.
    And thanks for the video. Subscribed. You feel safe in how you discuss these things.
    (I didn't sense blame, shame or condemnation.)

  • @mayamachine
    @mayamachine 3 года назад +1

    Pioneers of this medicine is apt. This medicine is taken from native indigenous medicine. Cultural appropriation, and as such pioneers who steel and appropriate native land would be a perfect word.
    Much of the dominant culture's medicine is stolen, from scalpels to stints to aspirin. The dominant culture's base line is suffering, for sins in the bible, translated into monarchies, then state governments in the Westphalia agreements, moving now into a neo-feudalism.
    You use medicine to allow your culture to further exploit humanity, not to change your toxic culture.

    • @jaykayel_silva
      @jaykayel_silva 2 года назад

      Hi Mikowacomet...I’m trying to understand your comment ..respectfully because this interests me . I’ve hear other trauma informed teachers say Somatic Experiencing is similar to shamanism.

  • @donwalker117
    @donwalker117 8 месяцев назад

    What about Chinese healing practices

  • @yittyklein6261
    @yittyklein6261 3 года назад +1

    What wd your typical treatment plan look like

    • @teamlyon3109
      @teamlyon3109 3 года назад

      Hi Yitty Klein, Jen here from Team Lyon. Irene teaches people how to heal trauma through her online course, the 21 Day Nervous System Tune Up, and comprehensive program, SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM). As they are an online course and program with many participants, each of whom has their own unique nervous system, they don't have treatment plans per se.
      They do have common elements that include educating people about the nervous system and helping them get to know their own system, neurosensory practices aimed at growing awareness and nervous system capacity, and approaches for working with stress and incomplete survival responses held in the body (there is more of an emphasis on the latter two areas in SBSM)Hopehere

  • @joywilliams4014
    @joywilliams4014 4 года назад +16

    At age 59, I have sought treatment after treatment (Talk Therapy, CBT, DBT, medication) sooo exhausting, but still feel like i have not truly got to the root of my issues and think that somatic therapy may be the answer for me. I have a lot of shame that needs to be addressed and possibly anger/resentment from now what I believe stems from past traumas which were never worked through. I at this point just feel like its all stuck inside of me and is and has held me back from living an authentic life. I feel i have never truly been at peace with myself and that is a empty, terrible way to live life. I feel loss at an incredible level. I am hoping finally I can find some relief and find peace in my golden years. I feel I deserve that much. Thank you for the videos. Love, Joy

    • @teamlyon3109
      @teamlyon3109 4 года назад +1

      Hi Joy, Jen here from Team Lyon. You're definitely not alone in having tried treatment after treatment without feeling like you've gotten to the root of your issues. That's actually the case for many of us who find this work. If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend checking out Irene's Healing Trauma video series. In it she talks more about why this is. I'll link to it here.

    • @Elizabeth-bz2mi
      @Elizabeth-bz2mi 4 года назад +1

      Hi Joy! Somatic therapy may well be the way to go. Your experiences (and age) are much like my own. I now have a good therapist, specialized in AEDP, and he's the one who suggested I might be helped by "Somatic Experiencing" (which is not in his own field.) It was while looking for more information on "SE" that I came across the "NeuroAffective Relational Model" which also has a strong somatic element -- and watching this video (link follows) was the first time I have ever felt like someone really knows a heck of a lot about what it feels like to be me.видео.html
      Dr Laurence Heller Introduces the NARM Approach to Healing Developmental Trauma
      You could skip straight to the 12-minute mark to start... I was hooked within the first 5 minutes of watching (I mean, by minute 17), and up to about minute 35 was the most interesting for me. I think the whole two hours is more for those who are, or want to be, therapists. Hope you find it interesting too!

    • @dudesolitude4390
      @dudesolitude4390 2 года назад

      Wow I relate to this a lot.

  • @susjv7032
    @susjv7032 4 года назад +6

    This video was just coming onthe perfect time as I was just about looking for a SE practitioner in my country. Thank you so much Irene, this is great

  • @scabiesandrabies
    @scabiesandrabies 8 месяцев назад +1

    Anyone that has experience - is working one on one with someone more helpful than the smart body smart mind program? Are they equally effective? When would you choose one over the other?

  • @karallynstreit
    @karallynstreit 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for this. I am considering doing the SE training, and it does seem like a good foundation. Blessings to you.

  • @luciaalbini3586
    @luciaalbini3586 2 года назад +2

    Do you offer SE online courses or certifications ? If not, could you refer me to someone , or in Europe / Berlin .? Thank you so much for all you do Irene ! 🙏

    • @teamlyon3109
      @teamlyon3109 2 года назад

      Hi there Lucia Albini, Jen here from Team Lyon. Irene does not offer a professional training at this time, she may offer one at some point in the future. If you'd like to on the notification list, you can email and let them know of your interest. If you're interested in finding a Somatic Experiencing training, the best way to find out about those is usually for the Somatic Experiencing Institute website:

  • @otmama2
    @otmama2 Год назад +1

    How do you find a good somatic practitioner when you don't have unlimited funds? I am finding that all of the practitioners that I would love to work with, I can not afford. I can respect how much practitioners have invested in their training, but it should not require one to be wealthy in order to find help and healing.

    • @IreneLyon
      @IreneLyon  Год назад +1

      Hi Nancy Jackson, have you checked our Irene's 21 Day Nervous System Tune Up course? It can be a great option when funds are limited because you learn the basics of nervous system education and practice and you have the opportunity to ask trained nervous system practitioners questions about your experience on the course site and receive education and guidance. Many find that they learn a lot from other people's questions and experiences too. It's about the cost of 2 sessions with a practitioner, and it's someone you can do over and over.
      Otherwise, it can be tough. As you mentions, it takes a major resource investment to become a practitioner and stay current in this quickly evolving field. Some practitioners do have a sliding scale, so you might consider contacting some practitioners and asking them if they work in this way. I'll share a few links.
      21 Day Nervous System Tune Up -
      Somatic Experiencing Practitioner Directory -
      Co-Regulating Touch -

    • @otmama2
      @otmama2 Год назад +1

      @@IreneLyon thank you - I will check into these links.

  • @ndenver1100
    @ndenver1100 3 года назад

    Good advices. A question I have: in the situation that the traumas involved bullying and unjust treatment, can the traumas be resolved by just Somatic experiencing , or need to be a combination with counseling ?while SE helps with the physical aspect of the PTSD, the stuffed emotions and impact at the psychological level still are stuffed inside and these root causes need to be addressed

  • @jyothijohn1825
    @jyothijohn1825 Год назад

    Is there any affordable online somtic therapy sessions I can get?

  • @jennylynnArtist
    @jennylynnArtist 4 года назад

    Thank you very much, this was so informative and helpful!!!

  • @kalilavalezina
    @kalilavalezina 3 года назад

    Thanks for this! I've been looking for an SE practitioner for a couple of weeks now. I found someone who trains people on the SE courses and so thought he'd know his stuff. He mentioned in our initial contact that he only has room for long-term clients and that for me was a bit of a red flag. Any thoughts about this?
    He also has no other credentials other than SE and "30 years working somatically". Should I avoid this guy?

    • @teamlyon3109
      @teamlyon3109 3 года назад +1

      HI Kalila Valezina, Jen here from Team Lyon. Great to hear you're taking steps to see an SEP. The reasons you mentioned aren't necessarily reasons not to see him, and if you have concerns I encourage you to talk to him about them and then to check in with your instincts.

  • @kristin1533
    @kristin1533 3 года назад

    Excellent video, Irene.

  • @marcelabishop1442
    @marcelabishop1442 4 года назад

    Great advice. Thank you

  • @brancusidragonfly
    @brancusidragonfly 2 года назад

    Thank you for this detailed video. I live in New York and am looking for an SP therapist. Do you have any one you can recommend here?

    • @IreneLyon
      @IreneLyon  2 года назад

      Hi Shaun M, Jen here from Team Lyon. I'll share some links to where you can search for trained practitioners. Many practitioners work remotely these days in case you want to broaden your search outside of the NY area.
      Somatic Experiencing Practitioner Directory -
      Co-Regulating Touch -
      Feldenkrais practitioner directory -
      Team Lyon -

  • @erichbrough6097
    @erichbrough6097 3 года назад

    Does it make sense for a therapist to ask me to write an email "about some of the traumatic moments you can remember speaking up for yourself to your dad, maybe disagreeing and what happened next" (while avoiding going into "too much detail" about the traumatic event)? Is this the proper first step? Just wondering.

    • @teamlyon3109
      @teamlyon3109 3 года назад

      Hi Erich, Seth here with Team Lyon. It doesn't sound like your therapist is a Somatic Practitioner or somatically focuses, so this is likely part of a protocol that I'm not familiar with, but it doesn't sound like a terrible idea. The only caveat would be - if you find that as you are writing you start to feel overwhelmed, I would pause and leave it and do something else for awhile. Also, from a somatic lens, we would encourage you to write a bit, and then pause and notice what you are feeling in your body, and if there is something happening that you be with that experience and feel it and express it as needed.