This moulvi promoting some dominant in the nafs of man Which is not acceptable at all Please don't try to explain im also aware of Islam it never says to control women
Don't judge him by seeing a 12 min clip of him talking about a single topic. Watch his other lectures where he advises how men should treat their wife. I have never seen him speak or advise something that is not in the Quran or Sunnah. Now-a-days, there are a lot of feminist scholars are out there who speak to please a certain group of audience. He is not like that. He will give you honest advise because he wants all of his brothers and sisters in faith to go to Jannah. Muslims now-a-days have normalized free-mixing, women going outside of home without any reason when just 50-60 years ago, it was something unthinkable for most people. If you really care about your hereafter, if you really want to acquire true Islamic knowledge, watch or listen to scholars who speak from Quran and Sunnah. They speak only to please Allah and no one else.
@@fihamakash502 He might be right in some aspects but what he was saying in this video where thousands of men were gathered . He clearly mentioned don't let your wife go outside or not let her stay even in mother's house . Where Qur'an and sunnah allow women to go anywhere with proper hijab and covering herself and the women also should know their limitations . Moulvi could say in this way . No offense but I really don't appreciate that statement.
Nice wazz Allah hojorki nekhayat dankoron
Amin... Jazakallahu Khairan
আল্লাহর জন্যই আপনাকে ভালবাসি
জাজাকাল্লাহ খাইরান
Jazakallahu Khairan
শায়খের প্রতিষ্ঠান আল্লাহ কবুল কুরুন!!! আমিন
আমিন। জাযাকাল্লাহু খাইরান
জাযাকাল্লাহু খাইরান
amr sami amk a sudhi lon tular jnne badho korche amr koroniyo ki bolben plz
আল্লাহ শায়েককে দুনিয়ায় ও আখেরাতে সম্মানিত করবেন ইনশাআল্লাহ।
জাযাকাল্লাহু খাইরান
জাযাকাল্লাহু খাইরান
চাকরি করলে রাজনীতি করলে, রাস্তায় মিটিং মিছিল সভা করলে কি স্বামীর সংখ্যা বৃদ্ধি পাবে না!
জি ভাই একই হল।।
সুন্দরবন গিয়ে থাকা ছাড়া আর উপায় দেখছি না
আল্লাহ আপনাকে সঠিক বুঝ দান করুন... আমিন
সুন্দরবন কেন অ্যামাজনে গিয়ে বসবাস করগা কার কি যায় আসে না বুঝে শুযে কমেন্ট করে মাথামোটা কোথাকার
বাপের বেটা......
জাযাকাল্লাহু খাইরান
This moulvi promoting some dominant in the nafs of man Which is not acceptable at all
Please don't try to explain im also aware of Islam it never says to control women
Don't judge him by seeing a 12 min clip of him talking about a single topic. Watch his other lectures where he advises how men should treat their wife. I have never seen him speak or advise something that is not in the Quran or Sunnah. Now-a-days, there are a lot of feminist scholars are out there who speak to please a certain group of audience. He is not like that. He will give you honest advise because he wants all of his brothers and sisters in faith to go to Jannah. Muslims now-a-days have normalized free-mixing, women going outside of home without any reason when just 50-60 years ago, it was something unthinkable for most people. If you really care about your hereafter, if you really want to acquire true Islamic knowledge, watch or listen to scholars who speak from Quran and Sunnah. They speak only to please Allah and no one else.
@@fihamakash502 He might be right in some aspects but what he was saying in this video where thousands of men were gathered . He clearly mentioned don't let your wife go outside or not let her stay even in mother's house . Where Qur'an and sunnah allow women to go anywhere with proper hijab and covering herself and the women also should know their limitations . Moulvi could say in this way .
No offense but I really don't appreciate that statement.
@@bellaswam311 But why you come on you tube without hijab?
@@md.abulkalam5742 mind your own business
আল্লাহ আমাদের সবাইকে সঠিক বুঝ দান করুন... আমিন
ভুলভাল বলছে একদম গোড়া মাল
আল্লাহ আপনাকে সঠিক বুঝ দান করুন... আমিন
কি ভুলভাল বলছে বে আগা মাল এত সুন্দর শিক্ষামূলক আলোচনা তোর কাছে ভুলভাল মনে হচ্ছে নাস্তিক কোথাকার
অরে বাটপার
আল্লাহ আপনাকে ক্ষমা করুন... আমিন
দুনিয়ার লোভ ছাড়া উচিত।
না হলে পরকালের শাস্তির বড়ই কঠিন।
বাটপারি করা তোর পেশা ওই জন্য তোর চোখে একজন আলেমকে বাটপার লাগে নাস্তিক কোথাকার