Elastic Cambodia is the international arts preservation program of the Elastic Arts Foundation of Chicago www.elasticcambodia.org www.elasticarts.org All rights reserved 2013.
So romantic. You can hear the frog, criket, កូនក្អាត់ នឺងស្វតល្អិតៗដ៌តីទៀត។ មាននៃល្អណាស់! Very meaningful. គាត់ពូកែ សុំសរសើរ! មានគ្រាសារពូកែរដូចគាត់ មិនអពសុខទេ ហាស់ហា!
I may not be smart but can someone please explain why this video receives 6 dislikes (as at 28-Mar-2017)? don't they realise how long it takes to master this beautiful instrument, not to mention the talents and skills required to sing and play - at the same time! Also, singing without the lyrics sheet ... much, much harder than clicking the "stupid thumb down" icon.
Great video. I really enjoy Ouch Savy's Chapey. Thank you for sharing.
សូមកោតសរសើរក្មួយស្រី។ ដែលថែរក្សាវប្បធម៌ខ្មែរយើង។ ពិរោះណាស់ មានន័យអប់រំវិសេសណាស់។
I just recently discovered this music and I love it now.
Thank you for sharing, amazing talent and beautiful voice, Ouch Savy!
This is beautiful!!! I wish I could learn this!!!
So romantic. You can hear the frog, criket, កូនក្អាត់ នឺងស្វតល្អិតៗដ៌តីទៀត។ មាននៃល្អណាស់! Very meaningful. គាត់ពូកែ សុំសរសើរ! មានគ្រាសារពូកែរដូចគាត់ មិនអពសុខទេ ហាស់ហា!
I miss home 😢
Really I admire you You are great Chapey player new generation
She's very good and so beautiful. I love you!
Good voice, very good meaning
I may not be smart but can someone please explain why this video receives 6 dislikes (as at 28-Mar-2017)? don't they realise how long it takes to master this beautiful instrument, not to mention the talents and skills required to sing and play - at the same time! Also, singing without the lyrics sheet ... much, much harder than clicking the "stupid thumb down" icon.
Do you like she play chapey
she play very good I like her
LosoIAm - because there will always be stupid people with no taste in music.
thank you
This is beyond all description.
I love it
សូមសសើរដោយចិត្តស្មោៈនិងគាំទ្រ១៥០% ជូនពរកញ្ញាសាវីឲ្យជួបតែសំណាងល្អគ្រប់ពេលវេលាកុំបីអាក់ឡើយ។👍👍👍💐💐♥️🇰🇭♥️
ពិតជាពីរោះមែន ❤️🌹
Nice traditional music
I admire you sister, I really want to learn it from you.
Great aptitude
សូមសរសើដោយស្មោះ។ សូមអរគុណ
Very Nice..!
very nice
Loy Nas O 👏👏👏👏👍👍👍
Beautiful! What is the name of the instrument you are playing?
It 's chapey
ពីរោះមែនទែន មិនគួអោយជឿថា ស្រីក៏អាចច្រៀង និងដេញចាប៉ីបានដែរ
can we get a translation pls? Would love to know what Ouch Savy in saying!
She talked about the differences of human personality
And different type of human being
Its the biography of Krom Ngoy
nice char pey khmer
Krom Ngoy
very far out