Ken was an interesting character....... right up until they explained that literally everything interesting and defining about him came from a spore in his brain.
It's such an incredibly stupid cop out that no fan wants to nor should acknowledge. It would be one thing if the spores amplified his emotions/impulses but to flat out be the cause for his evil turn is just a middle finger.
@@SonicLegends not just the cause of him being 'evil', it's also the reason he was incredibly intelligent and great at sports. Literally everything that made him stand out as a person is down to that stupid plot point.
@@AJSmashing it's been a long time,.I'm not even 100% sure what you are referring to.. I remember the spires were secretly someone else's plot and ken was allegedly being manipulated or something.
If you're wondering why 02 is so bad is because by then all of the original writers for Adventure and Hosoda who actually set the tone for Adventure had already left, leaving only the director who wasn't the one who created the characterization for the Adventure cast but who also tends to be very simplistic in his directing style and is also creatively bankrupt. Another fun fact, he was the only staff from Adventure that was brought in to supervise the Adventure remake.
I would like to clarify that the directors of Adventure 02 never intended to use the Oikawa Arc to compete with Pokémon. I completely understand why a lot of people might think that, but that was never the idea. What happened was that the directors of the series didn't understand each other and started to throw random ideas, with each one trying to tell their own story without measuring the consequences. The guys just didn't know what they were doing and were still bickering with each other about what the story should be, other than Bandai execs interfering with production. Ps: Just to be clear, this was not intentional to compete with Pokémon!
At least it’s nice to know that the season was not intentionally imitating Pokémon’s plot progression but it further proves my theory that the writes had no idea what to do with 02. Cramming in as much ideas and storylines in 50 episodes and not being able to explore everything. Yet still having plot lines that serve as filler.
At least it’s nice to know that the season was not intentionally imitating Pokémon’s plot progression but it further proves my theory that the writes had no idea what to do with 02. Cramming in as much ideas and storylines in 50 episodes and not being able to explore everything. Yet still having plot lines that serve as filler.
@@AJSmashing More than theory, a few years ago Fandom in Spanish translated some interviews that showed that the guys literally didn't know what they wanted for the story. 1-Toei made the stupid decision to pull out the sequel to the original Adventuri as quickly as possible, without thinking about planning the entire plot first. 2- On the other hand, Bandai didn't make any point of having Toei adapt the plot of Ryo's games, with the exception of forcing Toei to include a flashback of Ryo Akiyama in Ken's nightmares, which makes no sense since no one cared to maintain the continuity of the games. Not even V-mon remembers being Ryo's partner or ever meeting Ken. 3- It gets even worse when you find out that Konaka was INVITED to write A SINGLE EPISODE, that is, the Dark Ocean Arc was created by Konaka for the story of that single episode. And the other directors didn't use his idea to create an arc because "We didn't know how to develop Konaka's idea." Yes, literally the reason the dark ocean story wasn't developed is because the directors didn't know what to do with Chiaki's idea.
2:13 lmao 13 year old you was epic. I really hated this season as a kid too. My boy Tai got done so dirty. Seeing what Ken did to Agumon also made me furious. It did have some good stuff like BlackWarGreymon, and the episode where he fought the OG had me really excited not gonna lie. That's the stuff that made me stay. But the bad stuff upset me so much. I got incredibly salty about Sora dumping Tai for Matt, at least that's how I saw it. Like I said, my boys Tai and Agumon got done so dirty for no reason. It's a good thing Tamers came in with a fresh start, I don't think I would have stuck with Digimon as a kid otherwise.
I remember loving this season growing up... I liked seeing them grow up especially TK and Kari because that never happened in Pokemon, even though I hated their armour evolutions.. I can't remember a lot of specific episodes but I remember liking Ken... and that not-ladydevimon that followed them around..
This explains so much. As not only were TK and Kari side lined this season started a mini trend of Angemon or angel digimon getting the crap beat out of them. Also I could see Daemon using the cloak form to get around easier before hunting down his foes, sorta like a stealth mode. Also the anime were probably too lazy to draw all of Daemons details
Also agree. Matt and Sora ending up together made no freaking sense. Sure Sora was understanding of Matt in Adventure 01 when he was having his identity ssues but it was treated more as a friendship, not romance. They could've at least showed Matt and Sora having more moments together in 02 that shows how they fell for each other but nope, just throw together at the last minute with no mention of how she felt about Tai who actually did show to have feelings for her. It was so sloppy, I agree 100% here lol
Best thing about Digimon 02: Terra Destroyer Also, they need to give Davis , Yolei and Cody's digimon proper Ultimate and Mega digivolve forms; and Ken should legitimately just have been emo
I used to hate the epilogue but after watching this video I hate 02 so much, there were perfect opportunities but the writers and producers wasted them
I think Sora, Matt and Tai doing jobs they never dreamed of doing is kinda realistic. I mean most people don't work their dream job and just work to put food on the table or churn a lot of money, since it's better than doing nothing.
I get your point, but seriously they give up their dreams of being rockstars or professional athletes, and become diplomats, fashion designers or astronauts instead just to put bread on the table. :D That's some upper middle-class realism for you.
@@ChainNonSmoker Yeah, it's a bit unrealistic in that sense, I agree. Then again it would've been entertainingly dark if we saw Matt dying from a heroine overdose from his rockstar escapades.
Yeah its just a shame that often a realistic ending doesn't equal a very conclusive or interesting one. Especially when its hyped up as an ending for two entire generations of characters, alas
Thanks for the video,really enjoyable. I'd like to add a cultural tidbit: About 27:04: Shakkoumon's design is actually really cleaver. it's based on a shakōkidogū, a type of japanese figurine from the Jōmon perdiod (prehistoric japan), that no one really knows much about, but it is theorized they were used to praise elden japanese gods. Notable deity Arahabaki, workshiped as a protector for travellers, hunter-gatherers and some even say as a god of ironworks is depictedin the same way (Both Shin Megami Tensei and Fate depict him the same way). So Shakkoumon takes the (pop) cultural conceptualization from both Ankiromon's Ancient/earthen design and Angemon's divine aesthetic and merges them on a divine/ancient being.
Yeah its just a shame that it seems completely random from an english perspective. I feel later seasons like Tamers did a better job of actually explaining cultural context to the asian story elements, like how they had Henry tell us all what devas mean in chinese myth. Its a good oppotunity to enlighten kids on cool facts!
In terms of nostalgia, 02 is hands down my favorite series, despite having also seen Adventure and Tamera young enough to be nostalgic for them. Having rewatched all three series as an adult, I'm amazed kid me got through this series. It had some amazing concepts and some really strong high points but it was a giant mess of almost non stop filler. Blackwargreymon, the initial DNA forms, Imperialdramon as an evolution of a DNA form and the resolution of Ken's arc before they retconned him to have been brainwashed. These were all done incredibly well. But it had so much wasted potential. The Dragomon cliff hanger that was never addressed, the new cast only getting natural Champion forms, only Davis and Ken getting a DNA Mega. The fact said Mega was such a jobber it never got to shine on its own merits despite the incredible design and 3 forms. You can absolutely tell there was trouble in the writing room. The show bounces all over the place with no clear goal, themes or overall arcs beyond the Emperor plot line. Everything else was just left hanging or made for a couple cool scenes that should've had more going for them than that. You can see the darkness and serious writing that was all over Tamers starting to emerge, but it's hamstrung by an incredibly goofy tone. The show was caught between too many directions. The one thing I've gotta give it credit for though is Agumon. They did a great job with the old guard angle using him. First presenting him as am Ultimate level threat beyond anything the new cast had seem before, using the original blue Virus Metalgreymon as a nice bonus. Then he's a counterpart to Blackwargreymon, stepping up to fight him toe to toe after trying to reason with him earlier. Wargreymon's performance in that fight makes Imperialdramon look pathetic, which actually works there to show that even by this point the original cast were still better, which the dub makes explicitly clear just using their old Ultimates, let alone a Mega. But for all its flaws, 02 knew how to do a hype moment at least. They made the big moments as awesome as they should be, despite the middling quality otherwise. Really curious to see how the 02 cast will be handled with their return to the spotlight. I don't know if I'd rather see a direct sequel to 02 like Adventure got with Tri, or for 02 to get a full reboot like Adventure 2020. The concepts are there to do something great with 02, would probably make for a stronger reboot than a sequel. Either way I just want their natural digivolution lines, Stingmon technically has one with Jewelbeetlemon as his Ultimate and Grankuwagamon as his Mega but that Mega was never designed as that, just fits Stingmon, Paildramon and Imperialdramon's designs enough to work in that role retroactively. Silphymon even has a Mega, though it's never been considered a DNA Mega like Imperialdramon, it fits both lines that make Silphymon and looks like a proper evolution for the fused form. Give Armadillomon some love damn it. Give Veemon a proper line that diverges from Veedramon, or ends with a badass new form of Ulforce Veedramon since his Ultra form "Future Mode" is not legally usable anymore due to rights issues. Or dare I say, give Imperialdramon a new form where it isn't a total jobber, without needing to mooch off Omnimon. Not that Paladin mode isn't badass, but let it shine on its own for once.
Wow... Episode 13 of 02 was FAR more fucked up than I remember. I am amazed they got away with airing something like that even in Japan. It's even more fucked up especially if you remember that in the original Japanese version, she's two years younger than in the Dub (11 to be exact, JESUS H. CHRIST). This plotline with the Dark Ocean wouldn't be out of place in an ACTUAL Rated-R horror movie (Not surprising for an actual Lovecraft horror story, but once again, this was a kids show). In that case, I can kinda understand why the whole Dark Ocean plotline was dropped. But it was still pretty crappy that this whole plot point that got dropped kept being teased and dangled in front of our faces only for it to only be brought up once again just to be used as a deus ex machina to get rid of another villain.
The old Digimon cast should've have the armor evolution instead. I remembered people in the old Digimon board in 2000 talking about 2 card of Gatomon with one having her tail ring and another not having it, making it a big deal out of it.
First love the review as I hate season 2 glad to see I was not the only that felt kicked in his hacky sack by it. To me it was the season with some nice ideas, but not done right. First of I hated how the Season 1 cast was depowered, I thought also the Season 1 cast should have been older, making TK, and Kari the ages of Matt, and Tai are in Season 2. The reason I want them older is I thought TK, and Kari should never of been on the team, and their role as mentors would have worked better. Its hard to see them as mentors becuase they are the same age as the season 2 team. And we see time and time again that Davis never listens to them. The DNA stuff was okay I love Paildramon, but the other ones sucked. I hated how we lost two strong Ultimates in MagnaAngemon, and Angewomon for them. When TK, and Kari had no need for DNA if they were never depowered. Also yeah you said it Davis is an A--hole, and how they forced him on the fans. Now hey of others like him fine, but to me I ask my self hey would I hang with Davis......NO. Plus yeah he had no chance with Kari , and calling him her his girl was cringe as first off TK would smack him around easy. Two TK, and Kari for life.
@@AJSmashing thanks for the like and reply, Yes they are for the ages they are from season 1, but I want them the ages Tai and Matt are in season 2 they should 14 not 11, with Tai and Matt being age 17 as they are three years old if I am right. This would mean they would be senpai to Davis and the rest of Team 2 as they wouldbe younger then TK and Kari.
26:55 err what are you talking about? They're literally sharing the same body. Both of their voices are coming out of Silphymon's mouth. You can't get anymore equal than that in this contex unless whatever what you said was a joke and if it was, disregard this comment.
Honestly, in retospect i like the fact that davis is an annoying, stuck up and incompetent. I like the idea of an underdog character who sucks and wins by sheer luck&determination. I know its not great but i'd argue that its better than the other Goggleheads like Takuya&Taiki who are just clones of Taichi. The problem with Davis is that whenever he does rise to the Occasion, it feels like it came out of nowhere. *For ex:* His empathy for Ken's pain is so weird and it contrasts with how many times Davis has failed to read the room in the show.
I feel like the Ken empathy stuff was honestly the best Davis ever got in the show, and it would have worked a lot better if we got a proper character development arc of him changing from being really emotionally dense to more empathetic like this. Instead of just WHAM out of nowhere he's a better character now, oops. Also completely seemed to forget his motive of crushing on Kari at this point so it really was like they just decided he's a different person now. (Makes sense why so many fans headcanoned he'd changed to crushing on Ken..)
@@Bunni89 The Series director had this silly idea that Davis should undergo no character development or growth because that way it would be easier to see how much everyone else changed. A real waste of character
I agree this season was a mess with things like the dark ocean being constantly mentioned but never expanded upon. Also this season technically was the first to introduce the 7 demon lords with Daemon but didn’t do much with it then again none of the series did much with that, other than one or two of them showing up as villains but we never got them having a dark masters type team up. Besides in a game I think. One thing though Wizardmon was warning Gatomon about Miotismon, he mentions the Golden radiance but also says that the Tri lie enemy is her greatest enemy. His showing up itself was a hint since it made us realize digimon who are killed in the real world don’t go back to the digital world to be reborn. They are trapped like ghosts.
@@MinisterRedPill Haven’t seen the new 02 movie yet but honestly them retconning it after over 20 years reminds me of the retcons in comics. Within the original two series the rule held true.
If I remember right there is a interview somewhere saying that there was internal struggles about what direction to take 02 in, which explains a lot of the loose ends.
Wow, didn't know hearing my opinion about 02 being narrated by somebody could feel so good! Honestly, you have the exact same problems with the season as I do, even the mindset that "there are other seasons so whatever". Never liked 02 even as a 7-8 years old kid, even rewatching it as an adult can't change my mind about it. On the other note, though, I wonder how 02 would be if the internal struggle didn't exist.
02 had a lot of issues but as a whole.. Not all that bad... However.... That final episode and ending was a slap to the face and was by far one of the WORST endings I've ever seen No fucking wonder toei rebooted the Adventure series It's cuz The end of 02 was terrible, Tri was a mishandled mess and whatever the fuck kizuna was
02 was disappointing, yes, but I'd be hard pressed to call it the worst anime ever when Ghost Stories exists. I actually like Davis and Ken, Yolei and Cody are...serviceable I guess. Veemon is awesome and I'd love to have him as my partner Digimon.
Am I the only one who prefers 'creepymon mantled'? Not the terrible name lol, but I felt the design was a bit scarier with how you never see what he actually looks like. When they revealed it it felt like a letdown cos he actually isn't particularly creepy to me. (Which probably wasn't a problem in japanese where he wasn't even meant to be, lol!)
I kinda think his regular form is adorable lol! Something about the goofy mouth and asymmetrical arms just makes him look like a dragon quest final boss instead of a digimon, lol
I have a love and hate relationship with this anime or Digimon, I love the anime of digimon, but I HATE HATE THE DIGIMON COUPLE OF MATT AND SORA MY FRIENDS!
The first few episodes of Digimon Adventure 02 is REALLY GOOD in Japanese, even if it can get you emotional at times, Episodes 4 & Episode 5 especially since Gabumon & Gomamon both get attacked and whipped, it's much darker than i would've thought. Sadly the English dub censored a ton of stuff and messed up a lot of stuff.
Veemon/V-mon has a better voice in the Japanese dub, same for Armadillomon/Armadimon which is a cutesy american-ish accent, Hawkmon's US & Japanese voices are hit and miss. At least Patamon has good VAs, while Gatomon/Tailmon's voice is better in the US dub of the OG Adventure (1999) & Adventure 02 than in the Japanese version, her Japanese voice just sounds too "tough".
35:00 So to sum up Okinawa's plan in broad strokes, as you seem to have some confusion on the guy. He always wanted to go to the Digital world, where he had created Arukenimon and Mummymon, and he had Cody's father to help him out. But his friend ended up dying and by the time he got confirmation that the Digital world was real, he wasn't pure of heart enough to do so (aka young enough). At the same time, much like how Wizardmon who got killed in the human world and got stuck as a ghost, Myotismon was in the same dilemma, but instead he possessed Okinawa's body. He manipulated Okinawa to do the whole thing with Ken, the dark spores, and the other children, under the pretense of letting Okinawa to go to the Digital world. He even used the same gate as we saw in Adventure, with the difference of an Agumon card instead of a Gomamon card, sending them to the world of dreams. This was necessary in order for Myotismon to finish off his final plan, as he used the data of the dark spores and the wish granting abilities of the dream world to create himself a new body and form.
Yeah that makes sense. Considering how him and Cody’s dad were good friends and wanting to go to the digital world after discovering it through a video game. But by that point in the season I was mostly checked out so it is my fault.
@Redjoekido Not sure if his Digimon partner existed yet and the means of going to the Digital world weren't available to him. Keep in mind this all happened like two decades before the first season.
So admittedly Digimon 02 is mixed bag for me. It's very nostalgic for me because I remember when it first came out (the dub) on the Fox Kids channel and I was very into the concept. I loved that it continued from Adventure 01 and aged the main cast. I also found some of the plotlines introduced like with Ken being the Digimon Emperor, the mystery of the "Dark Ocean', the concept of there being other Digidestined all over the world, and the atmosphere and tone of the final stretch of the show feeling quite darker compared to Pokemon at the time. But when I went back to re-watch it as young adult, I did start noticing the problems this show had like the lackluster new characters aside from Ken (imo), the unresolved mystery of the dark ocean, and as used as I am to the dub humor of the series, it can definitely be annoying at times in older age. I do agree that TK and Kairi should've been the main lead characters of Adventure 02 and even back when I was a kid watching I felt this way. I was confused why Davis was made the leader when TK and Kairi already had experience with Dgimon. It doesn't help that Davis was a much more annoying Tai because at least Tai matured and managed to be likable. Anyway TK and Kairi totally deserved to be the main heroes, not Davis. If it really was about the "goggle" tradition, Tai could've just gave his goggles to TK lol. I also agree with your criticisms on Yolei and Cody. Yolei was annoying and while I understood why Cody had a more introverted personalty because of what happened in his family life, it unfortunately didn't make him more interesting to care for and he clearly needed some more time to get his character fleshed out more. As for Ken, I get why some people may have been turned off by his moping but I could understand it. He really was that horrified at all the awful things he did to the Digimon and his guilt towards wishing his brother would disappear and thought so little for his parents because of his bitterness. Ken being hard on himself after he broke away from being the Digimon Emperor was a good lesson that sometimes trauma and guilt will still linger with someone and it takes a little more time for some people to overcome. But that's just my own thoughts of course. I liked Arukenimon and Mummymon and I liked the Team Rocket-esq dynamic that they had and I found them memorable. This also extends to BlackWargreymon though in fairness, it's mainly because I liked his design color palette and the voice provided by Steve Blum. Also his sacrifice wasn't in vain, his sacrifice kept Myotismon from getting back to the digital world and instead, he was redirected in another dimension that was separate from it. And finally with Oikawa, the plan with the dark spores was that Myotismon was weakened after his defeat in Adventure 01 and when he took possession of Oikawa, he had him plant dark spores in the children to manifest negative energy that would slowly regenerate his essence/power to be resurrected through the dark energy that was manifesting in the children. Also despite the kidnapping that he committed, Oikawa i felt was a compelling character. He dealt with rejection from society and never fit in until he met Cody's father who they had a strong relationship with until Cody's grandfather broke their friendship up. Oikawa was just a very depressed individual and I'm not saying that his actions were excusable but I understood it. Plus you gotta remember that at that point he was being controlled by Myotismon. Though I do agree that the final "battle" was just underwhelming. That 2 minute digi-evolution sequence was obnoxious and could've been better served for a more intense fight scene. Anyway lol. I can respect that you don't like this season. It has problems and had way too many ideas thrown in that didn't get all resolved which made it frustrating to watch at times. But I dunno, me personally I didn't mind it and I can't deny the nostalgia I have for it.
This is a masterpiece of a review, if you still out there bro big ups! 45:16 is hilarious 😂😂😂 I miss the ignorance of being young, i stanned 02 for what we got, not what we should have got. The only thing i was angry about was TK not being the main character and everything Myotismon related. Now after watching yours and a few other reviews, its so obvious how they were just making sht up with no plan. Its like a drunken car crash except theres like 3 guys holding the wheel deciding where to turn 😂😂😂
Everything that happened with TK just pissed me off with this Season. I was so hyped to see his DNA Evolution, then we got that THING!!! Also, yeah that whole Dark Ocean thing was just Blue Balls the Plot.
Man I definitely agree with most of things you said, minus the "ships of the epilogue". That scene is said to happen 25 years in the future. It is WAY enough time for Matt and Sora start do get interested in each other, same with Yolei and Ken. And I also like that TK and Kari didn't end up together, would be predictable and frankly unreal. I mean, how many people married their crushes from when they were 11? Yeah it's an anime and doesn't have to be realistic, but again, it's enough time for this relationships to change. That's just my points on your argument, not defending the series because it REALLY sucks
Do you think the rush feel is more hindsight since you know how the series goes? I felt that it was paced well early on. It just seemed that with so many people vying for creative control it just became a mess at the end
it is so painfully obvious that the original cast should have been the main characters of this one as well. alas... Also, one correction. the dream world at the end does not come up out of nowhere. it was set up back in adventure one where the idea that if Tai choose the wrong card they would end up in another dimension rahter than back on earth. and lo and behold, that is what happens here. he chooses the card Tai did not back in the original series, and so ends up in the dream world. Mind you that probably should have been explained, and would have served as a pretty cool callback, but there is actual logic behind it. the actual ending that follows, not so much.
Personally they shouldn't have brought back Myotismon, at least in that way. Honestly should have focused more on the dark towers, maybe have there end goal to revive Myotismon AND various other enemies of the past. With more digimon made from the towers, basically dark/evil varients of the rest of the digidestined digimon. Heck maybe even having them also need humans to partner with, humans who HATED the main 8 kids for being special.
02 did a bad job of introducing new forms compared to the original adventure. I really wished that each kid and digimon got their own episode at the start of the series and that unlocking the new form wasn't as easy as just saying "digiarmor energize". The forms before DNA was introduced all felt kinda unnecessary and always had to have some plot reason why their already unlocked armor form either didn't work or wasn't used. Davis always stood out to me how that Flamedramon somehow couldn't win the battle (or the other digimon fighting) but Raindramon was needed for plot reasons; or how Veemon is running away from battle until Exveemon is unlocked even though Flamedramon and Raindramon were always an option (not to mention the other kids just coldly ignoring Davis). At least they tried with the DNA forms, but the lack of chemistry hurt. I always felt like 02 was trying to make the most awkward pairs both with DNA forms and the around the world arc. For the record I think that 02 gave the wrong crests to the new kids too. (Why didn't Izzy fangirl Yolei get the armor of knowledge?)
Digimon 2020 kida fixed it where the teams would half tp face the challenge by themselves, the only issue it has was that the episodes focus a bit too much at Matt and Tai
Thank you SO much for the respect on TK and Kari! Lots of people have torn this series apart but not many people talk about how utterly they got screwed over. TK was my fave character as a kid and I got really frustrated how he gets like.. one total scene doing anything badass ever? And Kari gets more screentime but its all TERRIBLE screentime treating her like a victim or explaining why gatomon can't do anything anymore.. :( Also seriously why are TK and Patamon never even a participant in the supposed love triangle between them and Davis and Veemon. It's just hundreds of boring bland scenes of Davis hitting on Kari and her showing zero interest and it being extremely obvious TK already won before the story even started lol. I guess that's why he feels he can just ignore Davis, but man it really adds to his lack of scenes!
Also SERIOUSLYYYY biggest agree on why no clear canon confirmation that they're married in the future? The whole way they handled the Davis/TK/Kari love triangle completely seemed like TK and Kari were already dating and that's why they both ignored him, lol. If it wasn't supposed to be canon then why not write the love triangle better, then? I mean she ends up married to neither of them so what was even the point... just to make us hate Davis more lol?
@@AJSmashing Nah, the Dragon Mode is just fast enough to fly to Europe and back in the amount it takes for the evolution sequence to end. Which isn't much of a stretch when Rapidmon is canonically nearly as fast as the speed of light...
I loved 02 because it was so awesome seeing the new team with the old team and nostalgia. It was really cool to see them going to school then going back to the digital world having the Digimon with them in the real world. Looking back at it yeah it's a mess lol.
I didn't realize how much i viewed the series in my adulthood through my nostalgia goggles. You hilariously bring up some really good points. I think i owe the series a rewatch
I know what you mean. I like 02 very much, but had a couple of hits and misses. For example, what I hate the most about it are the multiple plot holes. The Dark Ocean, Daemon, Gennai and his "friends"...even the movie 'Hurricane Touchdown' made less sense. There are also a few points they should've added to 02; like the rest of the Digimon Sovereigns, Wormmon getting an armor form, and officially making the 'TK/Kari shipping' canon.
Here's some more shit to give out. - When Ken stopped being a Kaiser, why didn't Oikawa not have the kids kidnapped right away and get Ken to draw out his dark spore? Or why he did not get Ken after his brother died? Yeah the show would end fast but that is more logical and simple. But nope this season is as convolutioned as Persona 5. -Interesting note that is way overlooked that during the E-mail sequence, in the Japanese verison; the voice was supposed to be Hiroki Hita's voice. Did they intended to have him as the villain instead of Oikawa? I don't know, there is no much information about it. Sometimes I wonder what an ugly Hiroki would look like, that would be funny. -Since Cody or Iroi was Hiroki's flesh and blood, would it make sense to have Iroi near him during that creepy ceremony to enter the Digital World? Or why not kidnap old and new digidestine to put dark spores in them? -Since Joe or Jou is a doctor in training and when Iroi was dragging a wounded Oikawa to the edge of the dream world, don't you think his doctor instinct should kick in and check his pulse? -When Blackwargreymon was pointlessly leading his shadow legions, why only one shadow need to expose itself? Why not all? -Since the Dream World is supposed to make your dreams reality, don't you think the digidestine should wish Melomyotismon out of existence or Oikawa wanting to go the Digital World take him there already? -When Oikawa was gathering the kids on the bridge, why the fuck did they not call the police or why no one walking around notice a tall creepy man gathering the kids or why no parents were presented? -Why didn't Oikawa and Hiroki as kids not get taken to the Digital World? And what is even so special about the Digital World that you need to go there that badly? No plans, nothing. Just wanted to go there. Oikawa just want to see it, he wants to be a tourist, like seriously?! "Dddduuurr I wanted to go to the Digital World so badly that I gotta be so extreme about it!" It would be like wanting to go to Japan acting like a crazy nutcase. -After the battle with the Dark Masters, why didn't Oikawa track down the original Digidestine to ask for help or not get in contact with Sora's father and Jou's other brother? -When Oikawa saw the original digidestine go up to the Digital World to fight the Dark Masters, he went nuts screaming for them to take him like a psycho, here is what happens if he went to to the Digital World that day. He will not have a chance to explore it, he would be stuck dealing with the Dark Masters and the chaos they are causing and everytime one dies the land starts to shift he would be caught into it. As a result he would be forced to tag along with the digidestine dealing with every Dark Masters which would be awkward. Or he'll be floating in the void when dealing with Apocalymon. Once the battle is over he would be asked to leave the Digital World due to it closing up forever, I don't think that'll sit well with him and would be forced to board the tolley with the rest of the kids. He would contribute to nothing. -What is the point of armor digievolution and merge didivolution if you can't land a blow on Melomyotismon? Even Apocalymon gets hit, the battle with Apocalymon was a lot better. -I was never a fan of the Digital World closing up forever. It should have been left open for future generations. -It was never explained how Hiroki and Oikawa communicate with the Digital World through a video game. -Iroi's dream sequence showing his father the Digital World, something that was never hinted before. Meanwhile Hiroki looked pretty creepy with that blank expression. Plus would it make sense for Oikawa to be in that sequence? Meanwhile Yoile dealing with her siblings in her sequence? We never saw something like that during the series.
Oof. You made a good point about Oikawa being taken with the original digidestined. "It was never explained how Hiroki and Oikawa communicate with the Digital World through a video game." Video games are technology, and digimon use technology to interact with different worlds. Guess a digimon got interested in 2 children playing video games, wanted to meet them, and came into the real world.
this is my fav season and yes i know its because its my first season of digimon and also i know it have plothole and some things dont make this i love this seasn because of armor evolution and ken and wormon
I read somewhere that there was supposed to be an adventure 3 that would be about the dark ocean but after adventure 2s ratings was reformated into tamers
02 was never really a great season, but I don't think it was as bad as you make it out to be (which this whole video is kinda hyperbolic anyway so that's fine.) Funnily there actually _was_ a 'civil war' so to speak in the development of the season and it's pretty much exactly as you describe it. It had a lot of potential but none of it was realized exactly, and it doesn't help that the dub does a good job of ruining it further. As soon as I finish the sub of Adventure 1, I'll move on to 02's sub. Maybe the Japanese version will be more enjoyable, who knows.
The final dimension was alluded to in adventure. Remember, Okikawa uses the cards to open the gate. In season 1, they say the wrong combination sends you to some other dimension. Well vamdemon used the wrong card on purpose. Although the show couldve explained it.
Exactly, I could have known some mentions of foreshadowing. Probably because Apocalymon sent them there but I assumed that was his power alone or at least a fail safe after the dark masters were defeated.
@@AJSmashing the show does clearly show Oikawa placing the agumon card in the gomamon slot. All they had to do was have takeru or koshiro notice this and say he used the wrong card and that's how they ended up in that weird picasso land.
@@AJSmashing it is a nice nod to continuity from season 1. However, they also ruin it by having the characters not know what happened despite the writers showing the audience what went wrong. The surprise of myotismon may have worked better if Oikawa is surprised about being in the weird world, takeru asks him ominously whether he used the right card, and then myotismon who knows the right combination reveals himself.
@@benjaminpeters6729 if you check another comment on this video, I had a discussion with another person who said that the writers had no clear roadmap for the season. Mainly because Toei and Bandai were breathing down the writers neck rushing out a sequel with no plan.
Well it had to be said, 02 is a dud. The 02 kids don't even get a mention in Tri, until the last episode. Only good things about Season 2 was TK & Kari returning, Ken and his backstory and return of original cast (especially Mimi).
Hahahaha now why don't you like me it's a failure Tri, hunter and Frontier were and thank God they didn't come out in Tri They did bad enough to Tai and the others hahaha
As a kid I liked 02, but looking back it is SO BORING! There isn't as much tension between the plot points, because they can travel between the real and digital world freely. I think Davis, Cody and Yoeli should have maybe gotten their own crests? That way they could actually have interesting development. In Adventure all characters got a full arc, but the three new characters here don't. Davis doesn't change at all and neither does Yolei really. Cody sure, kinda. Even with him he just kinda learns about his dad's connection to Oikawa. Also the other digi destined get pushed to the side, which is dumb, since their only purpose in the story is to be fan service and keep the old fans glued to the screen. The original japanese version has better exposition a lot of the times and the newer characters are a little more likeable, but they still don't really do anything with the plot. Angemon and Angewomon are literally HOLY digimon, so there would have been a lot of interesting lore to explore
I love the season but I can agree with many criticisms, and while we’ll have to agree to disagree if you wanna reply in the comments I’d love to have a civil debate about this! I love debating for fun so I don’t mean it in a rude way btw!
I greatly appreciate you being welcome to a debate and I make it explicitly clear in the video if you like the season, I am in no way here to discriminate against you.
where can you even watch the original japanese version anyway? cause most anime sites I've been on don't have the original japanese version,plus this is all we had in the 90's dude
This was one of my first anime when i was like 10 so i love everything here, the character desings the music the digimon. But now with a critical eye and as a grown up i see why it doest hold up as well. Tamers is the best season
I really like veemon and his various forms but the reason i like them has nothing to do with the anime because in the anime they suck. it just doesn't do them justice magnamon for example is a really big deal motherfucker is so op despite being a veemon in a golden armor that he is a member of the royal knights an order of 13 digimon wich include and i shit you not omnimon and gallantmon yeah those assholes the fusion of both protag digimon in 01 and the final form of the main digimon in tamers magnamon is on par with those guys and in the anime he routinely gets the short end of the stick and it SUCKS
I cant understand why Magnamon was never even mentioned after his appearance it always felt like a fever dream. Magnamon would have kicked ass whether he fused or not tbh. Did they even suggest trying to get/use him again? Did I miss something? 😂 And remember in that myotismon episode where all the forms comes out, Magnamon isn't there either! Fuuuuc
I think the writers at least had some consideration that TK and Kari got the short end of the stick throughout the season. So, in order to compensate, Magnamon did not appear in the finale because he would just one-shot MaloMyotismon by himself.
To this day i remain convinced that a 03 (not tri) season was planned but ended up scrapped for tamers to promote the card game. That could solve many plot like the dark ocean and Daemon. Also the reason magna angemon was briefly avaiable is because the stone angemon crashed on contain part of azuloongmon who gave back the divolution permenantly later. No idea for agewomon, seraphimon or magnadramon tough
if you watched the atrocious english dub no wonder you hate 02, the dub you got over there sure is trash. Not only the voices are bad, but the people in charge did their best to ruin the characters with their original dialogue. Almost the entirety of the 02 english dub, including interactions between characters and everything is just made up nonsense, the two characters that were afected the most were Daisuke and Takeru, the first they made him so hateable with his stupid lines and unnecesary jokes, while at the same time they made takeru literally a perfect kid when sometimes he can be a real jerk in the original version, which made the contrast even worse with the english viewers
I did mention in the end of the video that people tell me to just watch the anime subbed however a lot of my complaints with the season still applies there as well.
Never liked this season because everything was screwed up, even the ending that was horrible. I hate Sorato because it makes no sense. I'm so mad at Sora because she's dumb.
I like the dark ocean episode with Kari as much as the next person but I appreciate the show for what it is not what it could have been the dark ocean gets resolved by the end of the series and gets brought up like three times they even send a digimon to the dark ocean it was used sparingly
Ambiguity is one thing. But when you’re not going to develop this plot thread any further (intentionally or not according to Tri) then you’re only going to piss people off.
I take issue with armor and especially jogress. They're both just workarounds because the characters were unnecessarily nerfed for seemingly no reason other than the fact that the original digidestined alone would kill every villain by going ultimate or mega and sneezing.
You have to admit that Digimon world tour is one of the best parts of the show going to different countries meeting new digidestined around the world and Christmas
I loved this season when I was young, but looking back, I can see why most fans hate it. If the writers just got their shit together, we could have gotten a strong sequel. Here is what should have happened: TK and Kari team up with new kids, but Davis is not the leader. TK is the leader and his arc is dealing with the pressure of leading a team but he grows as a leader, thanks to support from Kari and Pattamon. TK also struggles with his romantic feelings for Kari who also feels the same. Speaking of Kari, she become she big sister of the group and looks out for everyone. She also has to deal with visions of the dark ocean. More on that later. She is confident in herself and will stand up to bullies and evil villains to protect her friends. Davis is less annoying, Cody is still reserved but not nearly as bland and Yolei is more shy but grows more confident and outgoing thanks to her friendship with Kari. Ken is still the Digimon emperor. His arc is the same, but thankfully he gets over his lone wolf act very quickly and joins the team early. He still struggles with his guilt but slowly forms friendships with Davis and TK. His "romance" with Yolei is handled better as well. Also dude if you went through what Ken went through, you be pretty broody too so cut him some slack please. Ken has a much stronger motive for turning evil too. The main bad guy of the series (more on him later) promises to bring back his brother if he conquers the digi world on his behalf and destroy the new Digi team hence the rogue digimon invading earth. Naturally this doesn't turn out as well as he hoped. Pattamon has grown more mature and Gatomon is pretty much the same. The new digimon are better developed and they get their natural evolution forms no armour BS. The old Digi team still make a few guest appearances and offer advice. The dark ocean is actually explored more and instead of going back and forth from the digital world, the new digi kids have to battled rogue digimon who invade the human world and has to send them back. In fact the dark ocean is the reason why the team gets to the digiworld in the first place. After saving Kari, they escape the dark ocean (but it isn't forgotten don't worry) and stay to defeat Ken. They run into the old Digimon partners and together they defeat Ken. they return home. Ken begins his redemption and we are introduced to the big bad of 02. Daemon! Daemon decides to send his minions Arukenimon and Mummymon to destroy the children but they get defeated. Eventually, he decides to invade the human world himself with army. Unlike myotismon, Daemon doe snot pull his punches. He destroys cities, kills several humans and demands that the new team give themselves up. The new kids are scared but TK inspires them to stay strong and not to lose hope. Kari however is conflicted. Eventually, Tai is captured by Daemon and Kari has no choice but to give herself up. The new team attack but Daemon is too strong but soon the old guard appear with their digimon partners and together both groups kick ass. Daemon escapes but takes Kari. He goes back to the dark ocean. The new team plus Tai goes to save Kari while the old guard stays to protect the human world. Dark ocean is explore more and we learn that the digimon who took Kari actually wanted her help. They believe she has the power to free them from Daemon. Kari and Gato try to escape but to no avail. Kari stays and tells Gatomon to get help. Daemon tortures her, saying he wants to harness her power for his own ends but she definitely tells him no! The new group rescue Kari but Daemon goes insane with rage and takes on his badass monster form. Together the new Digi kids battle Daemon and Kari and TK land the final blow and kill him. They reveal their love for each other and kiss. The dark Ocean is liberated and the Digiworld and real world are safe. Ken and Yolei marry, TK and Kari marry, Cody takes over the Dojo and Davis becomes a pro football player. The end. Man, I wish we got that version instead
I do like a lot of what you said but for me personally I would have downplayed the romance. Most people don’t come to Digimon just for awkward teenager romance after all. Maybe in a future video I can share my own vision of how this season would have played out.
Good idea. I have a couple more suggestions; -Ken's redemption came with him realizing Digimon were living things. But he showed no issues about killing the human leads in prior episodes. Either we would need for him to shy away from killing humans, or have him accept how amoral taking the life another being is after losing Wormmon. -Daemon is a revived Devimon. The dark pool that Ken investigates turns out to be gate to the Dark Ocean. Eventually Devimon is pulled through it and uses the power of the Dark Ocean to regrow evolve to his final form.
@@dragonstormx I noticed a lot of people like the idea of Daemon being a revived Devimon as it further implies the bookend of starting and ending the first two seasons with the same villain. However I think it falls into the same laziness of bringing back Myotismon. Instead of coming up with a new villain you recycle one from the last season.
Just to let you know the first DigiDestined were not in High School in the Digimon Adventure 02. They were all in Middle School at the time. During the first season the group were 9-11 and 13-15 when Davis joined season two except for Joe who was actually in High School. Tai and the other reached high school in the Digimon Adventure Tri and in mid-year of college in Last Evolution Kizuna.
@@AJSmashing actually know they were just using the american grade system. In Japan, Middle school is 7th grade to 9th grade while high school is 10th to 12th grade.
Its true this season has some flaws oof. You should rly watch it in either japanese or german with sub tho, these versions are better for the chars(I am german so I am used to this version but I watched the season in english and its VERY DIFFERENT.) Davis, who is actually my favourite, got dumbed down sooooo much. Yolei was fine to me, Cody boring at first but became bettee and TK was amazing but Kari annoyed me a little this season. As for Ken, it wouldve been better to put a little more of his backstory in the anime but other than that I really liked him. Maybe I like most of em tho bc I am somewhat immune to a char beeing annoying(Teddie IS one of my fave Persona chars soooo...)
Fair. I don’t mind Teddie lol. But yeah one day I do want to upload a video regarding my rewrite for 02 while being faithful to the original source material.
What your talking about his dad was dead from the start, they had and he was the reason cody see the world as black and white. You even see him praying to him alot
@@mauricemorgan6668 I know he was dead from the beginning I just don't know why you're saying it it was forced I don't agree with that my point was that you don't find out what his father has to do with the story until the end he was dead from the beginning but it was a good twist how his dad fits into the story it didn't feel forced at all it really shows why Cody is the way he is
His Master's Voice is a reference to Victor records and you bring up Wallace and Gromit a short lived promotion had Nipper replaced in the logo with Gromit in 2007 but only in the UK stores strange connections
When I rewatched it, I honestly thought that the parents stepped in and had a conniption fit about the first season. Before I go on: I love the first season, especially its themes and hard decisions that had to be made, especially since they had to live in a world and figure it out on their own. I didn’t mind the fact that they were in the wilderness together and they were killing Digimon trying to kill them. But… I thought the parents did. Because anything that hinted (except 13), towards even just being in this strange world was taken out. Killing suddenly became a huge deal to the point where it took INNOCENT PEOPLE NEARLY DYING for them to let the whole thing go, and the whole older digidestined were punted aside for these kids who weren’t even close to having the same appeal. …. Don’t get me into T.K. and Kari… The biggest part they destroyed the crest system and whatever was left was mangled beyond description. Getting your crest to glow was a significant step for the original team. Even Tai who had the trait and was the closest to getting the crest to glow and have Agumon digivolve into Ultimate went through a character arc that taught him a lot. But nope: They had them already (at least most of them), and all they had to do was lift the sword from the stone.
I still can tolerate this season, even with tons of inconsistencies, fillers and plotholes more than I did with Appli Monsters, which is just pure and straight TikTokization of the Digital World as a whole. Maybe for nostalgia, or I'm just a hypocrite with a bad taste in anime.
you're misinforming the audience about a number of things in this show. not sure if it's the case of the anger blinding you but... like i get it, 02 had its share of problems. but at the same time, you're lying or exaggerating the issues of the anime doesn't help your point. like when they enter the emperor's base, they are trying to find a way to disable the base by getting rid of the power supply. they didn't know that it was the digimental of miracles when they went in. the scene with tk punching the emperor happened in an earlier episode when kimeramon was first revealed. also, they wanted to make the third section into its own tv specials that would of aired before the second season but fox wanted digimon the movie to compete with pokemon: the first movie. so the cuts were made. jeff neomy was quoted as saying as such. it also wasn't time travel, at least, not really. kokomon was basically reversing time to when wallace was a kid, back when they were together. hence why tai and the others were nabbed. they had the same model of digivice. besides, i wouldn't really try to put the movies into the timeline. personally, just think of them as extended episodes more than anything else. they do not make sense otherwise. why are you complaining about the opening stilll ahving the emperor show up? you gonna complain about the english opening for the first season using file island and devimon's silhouette rather than etemon during his arc? Oikawa didn't even design mummymon and arukenimon. he just combined his DNA with digmon data and they were the result of that fusion. hence the human forms and why they were able to cross to Earth and the Digital World. Pretty sure they explained the Dark Towers had various effects; preventing digvolution, sealing away the Gods, being made into artificial monsters. "that's the reason we going with?!" what, for tk not want to relive a very painful moment in his life by seeing a loved one die? and having magnaangemon was a special cirumstance. destiny stone bs. ep. 13 was written by konoka, but that was only for the scenario. most of his work came later in the third season, Tamers. You can say that the writers butted heads since there was so much ideas thrown about but you can't just pull this out of your ass; that they wanted a darker tone based off of one episode. no gonna bring up the fact that tai and co didn't even bother explaining about their pervious adventure. they didn't get that until summer, after going and risking their lives for months at this point. so the clip show was a literal god giving the group more context on the world and why they were sealed away. fixing the digital world in the first season helped a lot on that end. but the Dark Towers threw a wrench into them intervening too much. what the fuck is shareverse? adventure and 02 are in their own universe. Tamers and onwards are self contained. Heck, Tamers is confirmed to have Adventure and 02 as tv shows but that's all the references you really get. nothing important happens in the world tour arc? and the lack of willis? maybe due the fact that he just lost a partner and there's no controller spire that we see in colorado. establishing that the world has digimon partners around the world isn't pointless. cody and yolei having problems with murder? gee, it's like they never really had to kill before. it was "Breaking the towers/rings makes them not hostile/not work for the Emperor. the digimon that were made out of the Control Spires were not sentient, and outside of BlackWarGreymon, incapable of listening to reason. so ending them was okay. For the digimon that were going about on Earth, they just beat into submission and then take them back to the Digital World." kimeramon was made of parts of digimon and didn't have much of a mind besides destruction. so they were okay with ending that one. but now they are dealing with opponents that aren't being controlled and willing to hurt/kill people willingly. digimon that die on Earth are dead for real since their data doesn't have anywhere to go to. again, these are kids. of course they would be struggling to deal with being judge/jury/executioner. most people would in that situation. they reuse a lot of animation for digimon. it's a cheap show. which is why they didn't really expand on everyone armor digivolving with the other mentals in question. not in the budget. they reuse evolution sequences and attacks because again, they didn't have the budget for it. demon lead the Demon Corps. Not the Demon Lords. Totally different. BlackWarAnstymon died but before he did, he used the last of his strength to block the gate over Highten View Terrace, the area that had the battle with Greymon and Parrotmon aka the start of the show. Also, no mention for Oikawa's backstory. No mention of the large truck filled with kidnapped kids that he's using to further his plans with the copies of the Dark Spore that is in Ken's neck. he explains it on the bridge there. he's wanting to go to the digital world because he promised cody's dead dad that they would. he claims that the digital world doesn't let adults in so he's using whatever methods he has tp achieve that childhood dream. (that's what malomyotismon has being whispering in his ear this whole time. just another method to revive himself with greater strength. it's not even a dream realm more of the 'this is what powers children's wishes while in the digital world' variety.) That's, apparently, not really a big deal. So, yes, you did miss some important things. shut the hell up about the comparison to metorid: other m. save that comparison for adventure: psi. that's more of a shit on adventure's legacy. complaining about the nearly three minute evoultion from the last few episodes.... you ever think that the people that worked on the show were like, 'hey, this is the last time we'll be seeing these. let's give them that send off.' also myotismon tied his lifeforce on a bunch of depressed and lonely kids so when they stop feeling that way, it basically reverted him back to the state he was in before he joined with Oikawa. double edge sword and all that. they also kill him for good this time with everyone using their digivices to blast him to bits with imperialdramon's cannon. you are watching an anime focused on children. fucking christ. and the monster that appears before oikawa was his partner. you forget that he had a brush with the digital world with cody's father in the video game that they were playing? no sure wehre you got that tidbit about the highten view terrace greymon being the same as the agumon that he partnered with later on. kizuna's whole thing was about tai and matt losing their 'potential', what made them partners with their digimon in the first place. them trying to move forward and 'grow up' severed that connection. and you do see mei in the movie as well. she lost her partner and she wouldn't of been kidnapped with the other digidestend if her partner stayed dead. so no one likes the epilogue . JPN had the same narrator through out both seasons. so the end with him finishing the story. don't know how the hell the ENG dubbing team could of known that when they had other characters have their thoughts when they explain what happened last time. you think that tai would of been a professional soccer player? and everyone else's jobs and stuff is fine. damn man, people are allowed to do different things as they grow. matt and sora got together on the christmas episode. you think people need to be all lovey-dovey to show that they are together? the our war game was made by the same guy who made summer wars. so... love letter wasn't even a love letter. the computer autocorrected the 'from' to 'love' or something along those lines. matt becoming an astronaut is what still baffles me too. but whatever. you expected him to still be playing and producing music. that's a tough industry, even if he had an easier time getting started due to his dad helping out. yolei and ken having no character connection? no mention about her reaching out to him which helped with Hawkmon digivolving to Aquilamon for the first time? but yeah. sure, nothing there. just gonna ignore the fact that the kid kari's giving the thumb's up to is a carbon copy of tk... but they aren't, apparently, together?! fucking tk/kari shippers i swear are so bizarre. again what the fuck is shareverse?! so in conclusion, i'm not the biggest fan of 02 myself but you are pulling a lot of stuff out of thin air and claiming it as fact. please keep in mind all the stuff i typed out is half remembered on my part, so if I made mistakes, I'm sorry. but i waited until the end before i posted.
Thank you for the information and to answer your question on what Shareverse is. It is a shared universe concept I had made growing up and I discuss what it is in the channel introduction video.
Follow up reply. You do make a lot of good points that I either failed to bring up, Owikawa’s backstory, and or things that I misremembered, such as a bunch of the digital world lore. Again you can season all you want and I will never make fun of you. I never try to misinform my audiences intentionally, I just wanted to share my opinions to others and hear other peoples takes on it.
I don't remember T.K. being afraid of losing Patamon again, but I haven't watched the show for years. Also, in the finnish dub at least, Wizardmon doesn't say anything about Gatomon being useless or the new digimons being more important. The finnish dub is translated from the japanese original.
@@nousukas I do hope Wizardmon actually praised Gatomon in the sub. But yeah it’s pretty obvious that TK is afraid of losing patamon since Angemon barely shows up in this season.
@@AJSmashing Okay, I just don't remember it being stated about Angemon. In the finnish dub, Wizardmon only gives a speech about their enemy being stronger than they tought and it can't be stopped just by fighting. He gives a hint about kindness spreading a golden light. He then turns his head to the new digimon companions and says "Now you, hurry up".
"Just to see it" God, gotta be the stupidest thing I ever heard, going through all of that fucking time just to see it. He saw it in 1999. He wanted to leave Earth because he hated it and want to leave it only to want to see it? Seriously Yukio!? God that is stupid.
@@Redjoekido Well yeah. He wanted to be a tourist. I think it was like a deeper lifelong dream but that was the ultimate goal when you get to the bottom of it. I haven't saw 02 in years but he always made a huge fuss about it. I remember a scene when he was screaming at the og crew because they were going back after killing venomiotismon because they wouldn't take him with them. Dude was psycho.
@@Degdreams Had he gone up there in 1999, he would have to deal with the chaos caused by the Dark Masters, with Pinocchimon, Piedmon, Machinedramon and Metalseadramon harassing his zombie ass or wild Digimon chasing his zombie ass. He would have to tag along with the original members and it would be very awkward. Or he could wonder around like a zombie with landmass shifting around everytime a Dark Master dies. Then he'll have have to float around in the void while the original members fight Apocalymon. After all that finishes, he'll be told to leave because the Digital World is closing up forever. He may refuse or he can stay or he can be forced to board the tolley with the original members. I don't think it'll sit well with him. He should be lucky they didn't take him at that point. Plus it seems like Oikawa thinks going to the Digital World will solve all of his problems but I don't think he'll be fully happy. He'll only be happy for a short while then become depressed quickly and either he kills himself or go back to earth. Meanwhile I never understood why the writer, the director and the animators decided to make him ghastly before he gets possessed or what was the point to look like that. It was never explained. And going to the Digital World is not gonna fix that. He also has no real plan to go there nor does he understood how dangerous the Digital World is or how going there may not satisfy him nor does he realize the Digital World is not a playground. He is a psycho.
Not 100 percent sure how you missed how Sam died. Even in the dub, its heavily implied through imagery, even though its not outright said. Otherwise, decent review. Kinda hit the nail on the head for why I couldnt find myself getting into this season as a kid.
Even myself started hate this season(despite my younger self watch this season more than any other digimon seasons combined) for being closest thing other anime-ish things got similar treatment to current seasons of Pokemon anime 17:19 now these are one of handful of digimon 02 episode that I like 40:16 I can feel bad for 02 kids dies in Tri 45:12 this can reinforces Takeru and Hikari in 02 being the closest thing any other fictional characters got treated like Ash ketchum in current seasons of Pokemon anime
why yall hate it tho it was the best part of my childhood aswell as the digimon itself, they looked cool and the storyline was good aswell, then again blackwargreymon was a cool enemy (in the begin) and i think it was a nice part 2 after the first digimon series so im completly disagreeing
The biggest issue for me is the filler. In the original series all episodes mattered with being getting a new evolution, crest, villain battle, or important character story. But ever since each series has a few filler episodes even the 2020 reboot had not that important episodes but in this show it’s at its worse with some episodes that while technically do matter like Zuelongmon’s appearance it doesn’t lead to anything and especially the dark ocean which all episodes about are filler since it doesn’t matter in the end. Having episodes developing characters are important if they amount to anything but the world tour arc didn’t.
I didn't know that playing sumo was useful? And you are wrong about Quinglongmon, if it was of any use since thanks to him he gave us more general lore in the series, The world tour was more to show more chosen ones that in the end would be of great help
@@jeffersonangulo8950 Playing sumo? What episode is that? More lore doesn’t equal better especially since what he said was more recapping than giving us new info
@@KirbyStarAnimation Among the last chapters of the devimon saga and if it gave us vast information about why those from 02 were chosen, what was what the control needles really did and information about sacred stones
@@jeffersonangulo8950 The sacred stones haven’t mattered since 02 and didn’t matter throughout the rest of the season. We already were told why the cast was chosen for experiencing the events of myotismon. We didn’t need a whole episode to hear about these events it could’ve been a few minutes for the new stuff and skipped the known events.
The only digimon season I like is tamers. Dark, mature, emotional, better characters, writing and dubbing despite it being Rocky, ending, storyline etc. Plus digimon die and not come back makes it more sadder then them dieing then coming back to life which is more dumb then pokemon Imo.
so question about wizardmon, how come all the digimon in the final arc who died came back to life in adventure 02? was it because like myotismon, he died in the human world?
The reason why Wizardmon didn't come back is that he died in the human world. Because the human world isn't built of data, Digimon has nowhere to go when they die. So, they wander around trying to maintain their bodies. This is likely why he became a ghost, but I could be wrong. For Myotismon, because he went into the body of Oikawa. So, he could at least maintain his mind until he could find a way back to the digital world.
@@animedude8712 there’s also the possibility that Wizardmon had a physical ghost body because he died at Fuji TV’s station likely being able to use the data there to appear to Gatomon.
>Reviews Adventure 02, the worst series in a franchise extremely important to me, references it in comparison to Metroid Other M, the worst game in a franchise extremely important to me >Earns Subscription
i don't blame you, i also like the original telling more. the reboots have a few cooler things, considering more was added to the lore between the time of the first telling, and the reboot. but nothing beats the original, most original tellings are the best ones, reguardless of what franshice. Most, some reboots are better, but most are not. yole did one thing good, she became a housemom, for ken's kids, at least no one has to work with her.
As a guy who used to love this season as a kid i think 02 is the definition of a mix bag. It's a 5/10. I personally like things in 02 and there are some good idea and moments. But all I see is missed potential. TK and Kari are again sidelined even though they were sidelined already in 01 and the other series after, this was their time to shine without matt and tai in the way but I guess the writer really hates them. I don't hate davis or yolei or ken, but I feel like they never really get developed despite being focused on. I really wished this show grew with age like data squad and Tamers, but it overall fell worse. Hell, that ending even as a kid had me confused like why didn't kari and tk get together? Matt and Sora? Tai as a businessman? (Though im find with him not being a soccer player or matt not being a musician because it's realistic but like I don't get their decisions) I feel like davis is like if yuma(if you watched yugioh zexal all the way threw) never developed and still was able to get all those wins. TK and Ken literally could have represented light and darkness. Hope and despair but nah. Overall I like it more than tamers and fusion. It will always have a place in my heart but honestly you got it right except the pokemon comment. Great video
02 needs a serious reboot with screenwriters that are actually DIGIMON FANS. And bandai higher ups need to be thrown to the sharks 🤣
Ken was an interesting character....... right up until they explained that literally everything interesting and defining about him came from a spore in his brain.
It's such an incredibly stupid cop out that no fan wants to nor should acknowledge. It would be one thing if the spores amplified his emotions/impulses but to flat out be the cause for his evil turn is just a middle finger.
@@SonicLegends not just the cause of him being 'evil', it's also the reason he was incredibly intelligent and great at sports. Literally everything that made him stand out as a person is down to that stupid plot point.
That’s why the Arukenimom/Control Spire retcon felt so random.
@@AJSmashing it's been a long time,.I'm not even 100% sure what you are referring to.. I remember the spires were secretly someone else's plot and ken was allegedly being manipulated or something.
@@pezdispencer113 yeah kinda what happened is like what you said.
If you're wondering why 02 is so bad is because by then all of the original writers for Adventure and Hosoda who actually set the tone for Adventure had already left, leaving only the director who wasn't the one who created the characterization for the Adventure cast but who also tends to be very simplistic in his directing style and is also creatively bankrupt.
Another fun fact, he was the only staff from Adventure that was brought in to supervise the Adventure remake.
That would explain a few things if true...
Wow didn’t know that you learn new things on here!
@stephvondames6369 including "Digimons are only Superpowered Beings in Adventure sequels" thingy?
I would like to clarify that the directors of Adventure 02 never intended to use the Oikawa Arc to compete with Pokémon. I completely understand why a lot of people might think that, but that was never the idea. What happened was that the directors of the series didn't understand each other and started to throw random ideas, with each one trying to tell their own story without measuring the consequences. The guys just didn't know what they were doing and were still bickering with each other about what the story should be, other than Bandai execs interfering with production.
Ps: Just to be clear, this was not intentional to compete with Pokémon!
At least it’s nice to know that the season was not intentionally imitating Pokémon’s plot progression but it further proves my theory that the writes had no idea what to do with 02. Cramming in as much ideas and storylines in 50 episodes and not being able to explore everything. Yet still having plot lines that serve as filler.
At least it’s nice to know that the season was not intentionally imitating Pokémon’s plot progression but it further proves my theory that the writes had no idea what to do with 02. Cramming in as much ideas and storylines in 50 episodes and not being able to explore everything. Yet still having plot lines that serve as filler.
@@AJSmashing More than theory, a few years ago Fandom in Spanish translated some interviews that showed that the guys literally didn't know what they wanted for the story. 1-Toei made the stupid decision to pull out the sequel to the original Adventuri as quickly as possible, without thinking about planning the entire plot first. 2- On the other hand, Bandai didn't make any point of having Toei adapt the plot of Ryo's games, with the exception of forcing Toei to include a flashback of Ryo Akiyama in Ken's nightmares, which makes no sense since no one cared to maintain the continuity of the games. Not even V-mon remembers being Ryo's partner or ever meeting Ken. 3- It gets even worse when you find out that Konaka was INVITED to write A SINGLE EPISODE, that is, the Dark Ocean Arc was created by Konaka for the story of that single episode. And the other directors didn't use his idea to create an arc because "We didn't know how to develop Konaka's idea." Yes, literally the reason the dark ocean story wasn't developed is because the directors didn't know what to do with Chiaki's idea.
It's just outrageous when you find out that a lot of 02's problems aren't the result of absurd decisions by Toei and Bandai.
@@joaogabrielmoreirafreitas5608 a Digimon season being screwed over by outside forces? Whaaaaat I never heard that before.
2:13 lmao 13 year old you was epic. I really hated this season as a kid too. My boy Tai got done so dirty. Seeing what Ken did to Agumon also made me furious. It did have some good stuff like BlackWarGreymon, and the episode where he fought the OG had me really excited not gonna lie. That's the stuff that made me stay. But the bad stuff upset me so much. I got incredibly salty about Sora dumping Tai for Matt, at least that's how I saw it. Like I said, my boys Tai and Agumon got done so dirty for no reason.
It's a good thing Tamers came in with a fresh start, I don't think I would have stuck with Digimon as a kid otherwise.
I remember loving this season growing up... I liked seeing them grow up especially TK and Kari because that never happened in Pokemon, even though I hated their armour evolutions.. I can't remember a lot of specific episodes but I remember liking Ken... and that not-ladydevimon that followed them around..
This explains so much.
As not only were TK and Kari side lined this season started a mini trend of Angemon or angel digimon getting the crap beat out of them.
Also I could see Daemon using the cloak form to get around easier before hunting down his foes, sorta like a stealth mode.
Also the anime were probably too lazy to draw all of Daemons details
Honestly TK should've been the leader. Didn't make sense why he wasn't. First episode we follow him around.
@@jamalhartley5863Takeru being the leader can make Takeru and Hikari being only original digidestined that's become part of 02 crew works for anyone
Also agree. Matt and Sora ending up together made no freaking sense. Sure Sora was understanding of Matt in Adventure 01 when he was having his identity ssues but it was treated more as a friendship, not romance. They could've at least showed Matt and Sora having more moments together in 02 that shows how they fell for each other but nope, just throw together at the last minute with no mention of how she felt about Tai who actually did show to have feelings for her. It was so sloppy, I agree 100% here lol
Best thing about Digimon 02: Terra Destroyer
Also, they need to give Davis , Yolei and Cody's digimon proper Ultimate and Mega digivolve forms; and Ken should legitimately just have been emo
I used to hate the epilogue but after watching this video I hate 02 so much, there were perfect opportunities but the writers and producers wasted them
I think Sora, Matt and Tai doing jobs they never dreamed of doing is kinda realistic. I mean most people don't work their dream job and just work to put food on the table or churn a lot of money, since it's better than doing nothing.
I get your point, but seriously they give up their dreams of being rockstars or professional athletes, and become diplomats, fashion designers or astronauts instead just to put bread on the table. :D
That's some upper middle-class realism for you.
@@ChainNonSmoker Yeah, it's a bit unrealistic in that sense, I agree. Then again it would've been entertainingly dark if we saw Matt dying from a heroine overdose from his rockstar escapades.
@@ChainNonSmoker It's pretty funny that they got jobs that 5 year olds tend to say is their dream job and not their actual dream jobs.
I mean, digimon isn't realistic sometimes
Yeah its just a shame that often a realistic ending doesn't equal a very conclusive or interesting one. Especially when its hyped up as an ending for two entire generations of characters, alas
Thanks for the video,really enjoyable.
I'd like to add a cultural tidbit:
About 27:04: Shakkoumon's design is actually really cleaver. it's based on a shakōkidogū, a type of japanese figurine from the Jōmon perdiod (prehistoric japan), that no one really knows much about, but it is theorized they were used to praise elden japanese gods. Notable deity Arahabaki, workshiped as a protector for travellers, hunter-gatherers and some even say as a god of ironworks is depictedin the same way (Both Shin Megami Tensei and Fate depict him the same way).
So Shakkoumon takes the (pop) cultural conceptualization from both Ankiromon's Ancient/earthen design and Angemon's divine aesthetic and merges them on a divine/ancient being.
I know about Arahabaki and sharing a similar design in smt.
Yeah its just a shame that it seems completely random from an english perspective. I feel later seasons like Tamers did a better job of actually explaining cultural context to the asian story elements, like how they had Henry tell us all what devas mean in chinese myth. Its a good oppotunity to enlighten kids on cool facts!
@@Bunni89 exactly, it is tangential learning that is both cool and educational.
In terms of nostalgia, 02 is hands down my favorite series, despite having also seen Adventure and Tamera young enough to be nostalgic for them.
Having rewatched all three series as an adult, I'm amazed kid me got through this series. It had some amazing concepts and some really strong high points but it was a giant mess of almost non stop filler.
Blackwargreymon, the initial DNA forms, Imperialdramon as an evolution of a DNA form and the resolution of Ken's arc before they retconned him to have been brainwashed. These were all done incredibly well.
But it had so much wasted potential. The Dragomon cliff hanger that was never addressed, the new cast only getting natural Champion forms, only Davis and Ken getting a DNA Mega. The fact said Mega was such a jobber it never got to shine on its own merits despite the incredible design and 3 forms.
You can absolutely tell there was trouble in the writing room. The show bounces all over the place with no clear goal, themes or overall arcs beyond the Emperor plot line. Everything else was just left hanging or made for a couple cool scenes that should've had more going for them than that.
You can see the darkness and serious writing that was all over Tamers starting to emerge, but it's hamstrung by an incredibly goofy tone. The show was caught between too many directions.
The one thing I've gotta give it credit for though is Agumon. They did a great job with the old guard angle using him. First presenting him as am Ultimate level threat beyond anything the new cast had seem before, using the original blue Virus Metalgreymon as a nice bonus.
Then he's a counterpart to Blackwargreymon, stepping up to fight him toe to toe after trying to reason with him earlier. Wargreymon's performance in that fight makes Imperialdramon look pathetic, which actually works there to show that even by this point the original cast were still better, which the dub makes explicitly clear just using their old Ultimates, let alone a Mega.
But for all its flaws, 02 knew how to do a hype moment at least. They made the big moments as awesome as they should be, despite the middling quality otherwise.
Really curious to see how the 02 cast will be handled with their return to the spotlight. I don't know if I'd rather see a direct sequel to 02 like Adventure got with Tri, or for 02 to get a full reboot like Adventure 2020. The concepts are there to do something great with 02, would probably make for a stronger reboot than a sequel. Either way I just want their natural digivolution lines, Stingmon technically has one with Jewelbeetlemon as his Ultimate and Grankuwagamon as his Mega but that Mega was never designed as that, just fits Stingmon, Paildramon and Imperialdramon's designs enough to work in that role retroactively. Silphymon even has a Mega, though it's never been considered a DNA Mega like Imperialdramon, it fits both lines that make Silphymon and looks like a proper evolution for the fused form. Give Armadillomon some love damn it. Give Veemon a proper line that diverges from Veedramon, or ends with a badass new form of Ulforce Veedramon since his Ultra form "Future Mode" is not legally usable anymore due to rights issues.
Or dare I say, give Imperialdramon a new form where it isn't a total jobber, without needing to mooch off Omnimon. Not that Paladin mode isn't badass, but let it shine on its own for once.
Glad you were able to appreciate the season for what it is. It definitely has strong moments and concepts that were sadly never utilized.
Technically imperialdramon can be Pm without omegamon
Wow... Episode 13 of 02 was FAR more fucked up than I remember. I am amazed they got away with airing something like that even in Japan. It's even more fucked up especially if you remember that in the original Japanese version, she's two years younger than in the Dub (11 to be exact, JESUS H. CHRIST). This plotline with the Dark Ocean wouldn't be out of place in an ACTUAL Rated-R horror movie (Not surprising for an actual Lovecraft horror story, but once again, this was a kids show). In that case, I can kinda understand why the whole Dark Ocean plotline was dropped.
But it was still pretty crappy that this whole plot point that got dropped kept being teased and dangled in front of our faces only for it to only be brought up once again just to be used as a deus ex machina to get rid of another villain.
The old Digimon cast should've have the armor evolution instead. I remembered people in the old Digimon board in 2000 talking about 2 card of Gatomon with one having her tail ring and another not having it, making it a big deal out of it.
First love the review as I hate season 2 glad to see I was not the only that felt kicked in his hacky sack by it.
To me it was the season with some nice ideas, but not done right. First of I hated how the Season 1 cast was depowered, I thought also the Season 1 cast should have been older, making TK, and Kari the ages of Matt, and Tai are in Season 2.
The reason I want them older is I thought TK, and Kari should never of been on the team, and their role as mentors would have worked better. Its hard to see them as mentors becuase they are the same age as the season 2 team. And we see time and time again that Davis never listens to them.
The DNA stuff was okay I love Paildramon, but the other ones sucked. I hated how we lost two strong Ultimates in MagnaAngemon, and Angewomon for them. When TK, and Kari had no need for DNA if they were never depowered.
Also yeah you said it Davis is an A--hole, and how they forced him on the fans. Now hey of others like him fine, but to me I ask my self hey would I hang with Davis......NO. Plus yeah he had no chance with Kari , and calling him her his girl was cringe as first off TK would smack him around easy. Two TK, and Kari for life.
I agree with what you said mostly but I do recall that tk and Kari are the same age as their brothers in adventure.
@@AJSmashing thanks for the like and reply,
Yes they are for the ages they are from season 1, but I want them the ages Tai and Matt are in season 2 they should 14 not 11, with Tai and Matt being age 17 as they are three years old if I am right.
This would mean they would be senpai to Davis and the rest of Team 2 as they wouldbe younger then TK and Kari.
@@animegamesmoviesandotherst3037 everything you say was lost with what you said below and only remains as the dreams of a tkari fan
26:55 err what are you talking about? They're literally sharing the same body. Both of their voices are coming out of Silphymon's mouth. You can't get anymore equal than that in this contex unless whatever what you said was a joke and if it was, disregard this comment.
Honestly, in retospect i like the fact that davis is an annoying, stuck up and incompetent. I like the idea of an underdog character who sucks and wins by sheer luck&determination. I know its not great but i'd argue that its better than the other Goggleheads like Takuya&Taiki who are just clones of Taichi. The problem with Davis is that whenever he does rise to the Occasion, it feels like it came out of nowhere. *For ex:* His empathy for Ken's pain is so weird and it contrasts with how many times Davis has failed to read the room in the show.
I feel like the Ken empathy stuff was honestly the best Davis ever got in the show, and it would have worked a lot better if we got a proper character development arc of him changing from being really emotionally dense to more empathetic like this. Instead of just WHAM out of nowhere he's a better character now, oops. Also completely seemed to forget his motive of crushing on Kari at this point so it really was like they just decided he's a different person now. (Makes sense why so many fans headcanoned he'd changed to crushing on Ken..)
Original Daisuke difference.
@@Bunni89 The Series director had this silly idea that Davis should undergo no character development or growth because that way it would be easier to see how much everyone else changed. A real waste of character
Black wargreymon was the saving grace for me even though it’s just a color palette but his voice was pretty badass
Steve Blum was the only semi good thing about him.
@@AJSmashing true that
I agree this season was a mess with things like the dark ocean being constantly mentioned but never expanded upon. Also this season technically was the first to introduce the 7 demon lords with Daemon but didn’t do much with it then again none of the series did much with that, other than one or two of them showing up as villains but we never got them having a dark masters type team up. Besides in a game I think. One thing though Wizardmon was warning Gatomon about Miotismon, he mentions the Golden radiance but also says that the Tri lie enemy is her greatest enemy. His showing up itself was a hint since it made us realize digimon who are killed in the real world don’t go back to the digital world to be reborn. They are trapped like ghosts.
Retoconned with the death of BigUkkamon lol came back despite dying in the real world
@@MinisterRedPill Haven’t seen the new 02 movie yet but honestly them retconning it after over 20 years reminds me of the retcons in comics. Within the original two series the rule held true.
If I remember right there is a interview somewhere saying that there was internal struggles about what direction to take 02 in, which explains a lot of the loose ends.
Highlights of 02.
Blackwargreymon. The Dagomon episode. Daemon Corps.
The rest I can leave.
Wow, didn't know hearing my opinion about 02 being narrated by somebody could feel so good! Honestly, you have the exact same problems with the season as I do, even the mindset that "there are other seasons so whatever". Never liked 02 even as a 7-8 years old kid, even rewatching it as an adult can't change my mind about it.
On the other note, though, I wonder how 02 would be if the internal struggle didn't exist.
Well, I also made a video 2 months ago where I made my own rewrite of 02 if Toei had more time to work on it. You should give it a look.
@@AJSmashing Yep, just found out your channel and in the middle of binging the digimon content here!
@@AJSmashingI'm also currently watching it right now, enjoying it
02 had a lot of issues but as a whole..
Not all that bad...
However.... That final episode and ending was a slap to the face and was by far one of the WORST endings I've ever seen
No fucking wonder toei rebooted the Adventure series It's cuz The end of 02 was terrible, Tri was a mishandled mess and whatever the fuck kizuna was
Kizuna has an excuse to limit the Superpowered beings adventure universe of Digimon had to Digimon themselves
02 was disappointing, yes, but I'd be hard pressed to call it the worst anime ever when Ghost Stories exists. I actually like Davis and Ken, Yolei and Cody are...serviceable I guess. Veemon is awesome and I'd love to have him as my partner Digimon.
Am I the only one who prefers 'creepymon mantled'? Not the terrible name lol, but I felt the design was a bit scarier with how you never see what he actually looks like. When they revealed it it felt like a letdown cos he actually isn't particularly creepy to me. (Which probably wasn't a problem in japanese where he wasn't even meant to be, lol!)
I kinda think his regular form is adorable lol! Something about the goofy mouth and asymmetrical arms just makes him look like a dragon quest final boss instead of a digimon, lol
I have a love and hate relationship with this anime or Digimon, I love the anime of digimon, but I HATE HATE THE DIGIMON COUPLE OF MATT AND SORA MY FRIENDS!
The first few episodes of Digimon Adventure 02 is REALLY GOOD in Japanese, even if it can get you emotional at times, Episodes 4 & Episode 5 especially since Gabumon & Gomamon both get attacked and whipped, it's much darker than i would've thought.
Sadly the English dub censored a ton of stuff and messed up a lot of stuff.
Veemon/V-mon has a better voice in the Japanese dub, same for Armadillomon/Armadimon which is a cutesy american-ish accent, Hawkmon's US & Japanese voices are hit and miss. At least Patamon has good VAs, while Gatomon/Tailmon's voice is better in the US dub of the OG Adventure (1999) & Adventure 02 than in the Japanese version, her Japanese voice just sounds too "tough".
After "His Masters Voice" & Ken's two episodes, it falls off HARD, not even the World Tour arc can save it.
35:00 So to sum up Okinawa's plan in broad strokes, as you seem to have some confusion on the guy.
He always wanted to go to the Digital world, where he had created Arukenimon and Mummymon, and he had Cody's father to help him out. But his friend ended up dying and by the time he got confirmation that the Digital world was real, he wasn't pure of heart enough to do so (aka young enough).
At the same time, much like how Wizardmon who got killed in the human world and got stuck as a ghost, Myotismon was in the same dilemma, but instead he possessed Okinawa's body. He manipulated Okinawa to do the whole thing with Ken, the dark spores, and the other children, under the pretense of letting Okinawa to go to the Digital world. He even used the same gate as we saw in Adventure, with the difference of an Agumon card instead of a Gomamon card, sending them to the world of dreams.
This was necessary in order for Myotismon to finish off his final plan, as he used the data of the dark spores and the wish granting abilities of the dream world to create himself a new body and form.
Yeah that makes sense. Considering how him and Cody’s dad were good friends and wanting to go to the digital world after discovering it through a video game. But by that point in the season I was mostly checked out so it is my fault.
But Oikawa still has his Digimon. He could've gone to the Digital World as a kid.
@Redjoekido Not sure if his Digimon partner existed yet and the means of going to the Digital world weren't available to him. Keep in mind this all happened like two decades before the first season.
@HORRIOR1 Oikawa saw him as a kid, Pipmon even asked as if they had saw each other years ago.
So admittedly Digimon 02 is mixed bag for me. It's very nostalgic for me because I remember when it first came out (the dub) on the Fox Kids channel and I was very into the concept. I loved that it continued from Adventure 01 and aged the main cast. I also found some of the plotlines introduced like with Ken being the Digimon Emperor, the mystery of the "Dark Ocean', the concept of there being other Digidestined all over the world, and the atmosphere and tone of the final stretch of the show feeling quite darker compared to Pokemon at the time.
But when I went back to re-watch it as young adult, I did start noticing the problems this show had like the lackluster new characters aside from Ken (imo), the unresolved mystery of the dark ocean, and as used as I am to the dub humor of the series, it can definitely be annoying at times in older age.
I do agree that TK and Kairi should've been the main lead characters of Adventure 02 and even back when I was a kid watching I felt this way. I was confused why Davis was made the leader when TK and Kairi already had experience with Dgimon. It doesn't help that Davis was a much more annoying Tai because at least Tai matured and managed to be likable. Anyway TK and Kairi totally deserved to be the main heroes, not Davis. If it really was about the "goggle" tradition, Tai could've just gave his goggles to TK lol. I also agree with your criticisms on Yolei and Cody. Yolei was annoying and while I understood why Cody had a more introverted personalty because of what happened in his family life, it unfortunately didn't make him more interesting to care for and he clearly needed some more time to get his character fleshed out more.
As for Ken, I get why some people may have been turned off by his moping but I could understand it. He really was that horrified at all the awful things he did to the Digimon and his guilt towards wishing his brother would disappear and thought so little for his parents because of his bitterness. Ken being hard on himself after he broke away from being the Digimon Emperor was a good lesson that sometimes trauma and guilt will still linger with someone and it takes a little more time for some people to overcome. But that's just my own thoughts of course.
I liked Arukenimon and Mummymon and I liked the Team Rocket-esq dynamic that they had and I found them memorable. This also extends to BlackWargreymon though in fairness, it's mainly because I liked his design color palette and the voice provided by Steve Blum. Also his sacrifice wasn't in vain, his sacrifice kept Myotismon from getting back to the digital world and instead, he was redirected in another dimension that was separate from it.
And finally with Oikawa, the plan with the dark spores was that Myotismon was weakened after his defeat in Adventure 01 and when he took possession of Oikawa, he had him plant dark spores in the children to manifest negative energy that would slowly regenerate his essence/power to be resurrected through the dark energy that was manifesting in the children. Also despite the kidnapping that he committed, Oikawa i felt was a compelling character. He dealt with rejection from society and never fit in until he met Cody's father who they had a strong relationship with until Cody's grandfather broke their friendship up. Oikawa was just a very depressed individual and I'm not saying that his actions were excusable but I understood it. Plus you gotta remember that at that point he was being controlled by Myotismon.
Though I do agree that the final "battle" was just underwhelming. That 2 minute digi-evolution sequence was obnoxious and could've been better served for a more intense fight scene.
Anyway lol. I can respect that you don't like this season. It has problems and had way too many ideas thrown in that didn't get all resolved which made it frustrating to watch at times. But I dunno, me personally I didn't mind it and I can't deny the nostalgia I have for it.
This is a masterpiece of a review, if you still out there bro big ups! 45:16 is hilarious 😂😂😂
I miss the ignorance of being young, i stanned 02 for what we got, not what we should have got. The only thing i was angry about was TK not being the main character and everything Myotismon related.
Now after watching yours and a few other reviews, its so obvious how they were just making sht up with no plan. Its like a drunken car crash except theres like 3 guys holding the wheel deciding where to turn 😂😂😂
The only best thing for me is black wargreymon can't go wrong on my buddy
@@reddiegaming195 fair, I just didn’t care for him in general.
Everything that happened with TK just pissed me off with this Season. I was so hyped to see his DNA Evolution, then we got that THING!!!
Also, yeah that whole Dark Ocean thing was just Blue Balls the Plot.
Unironically Adventure 2020 reboot and Digimon Survive honored original Adventure far better than 02.
P.S. I also despise Davis.
Exactly, people say that 2020 and survival sucked, but they forgotten 02
@@aaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhNostalgia can truly be blinding...
Man I definitely agree with most of things you said, minus the "ships of the epilogue". That scene is said to happen 25 years in the future. It is WAY enough time for Matt and Sora start do get interested in each other, same with Yolei and Ken. And I also like that TK and Kari didn't end up together, would be predictable and frankly unreal. I mean, how many people married their crushes from when they were 11?
Yeah it's an anime and doesn't have to be realistic, but again, it's enough time for this relationships to change.
That's just my points on your argument, not defending the series because it REALLY sucks
This review had me rolling! I was never a big fan of Adventure 02 because of everything you mentioned, but you were hilarious and 100% correct.
Do you think the rush feel is more hindsight since you know how the series goes? I felt that it was paced well early on. It just seemed that with so many people vying for creative control it just became a mess at the end
I mean when you have everyone’s armor forms by episode 3 when in adventures pacing was much more controlled it definitely shows a difference.
I loved gatomon/tailmon she's so cute and adorable cuteness overload
How do you take a dinosaur and an angel and make a..... Teapot!! That cracked me up XD
it is so painfully obvious that the original cast should have been the main characters of this one as well. alas...
Also, one correction. the dream world at the end does not come up out of nowhere. it was set up back in adventure one where the idea that if Tai choose the wrong card they would end up in another dimension rahter than back on earth. and lo and behold, that is what happens here. he chooses the card Tai did not back in the original series, and so ends up in the dream world. Mind you that probably should have been explained, and would have served as a pretty cool callback, but there is actual logic behind it. the actual ending that follows, not so much.
Wish it was established a bit better.
Personally they shouldn't have brought back Myotismon, at least in that way.
Honestly should have focused more on the dark towers, maybe have there end goal to revive Myotismon AND various other enemies of the past.
With more digimon made from the towers, basically dark/evil varients of the rest of the digidestined digimon.
Heck maybe even having them also need humans to partner with, humans who HATED the main 8 kids for being special.
They should’ve had Daemon be the main villain instead of doing fuck all with him.
02 did a bad job of introducing new forms compared to the original adventure. I really wished that each kid and digimon got their own episode at the start of the series and that unlocking the new form wasn't as easy as just saying "digiarmor energize". The forms before DNA was introduced all felt kinda unnecessary and always had to have some plot reason why their already unlocked armor form either didn't work or wasn't used. Davis always stood out to me how that Flamedramon somehow couldn't win the battle (or the other digimon fighting) but Raindramon was needed for plot reasons; or how Veemon is running away from battle until Exveemon is unlocked even though Flamedramon and Raindramon were always an option (not to mention the other kids just coldly ignoring Davis).
At least they tried with the DNA forms, but the lack of chemistry hurt. I always felt like 02 was trying to make the most awkward pairs both with DNA forms and the around the world arc. For the record I think that 02 gave the wrong crests to the new kids too. (Why didn't Izzy fangirl Yolei get the armor of knowledge?)
Digimon 2020 kida fixed it where the teams would half tp face the challenge by themselves, the only issue it has was that the episodes focus a bit too much at Matt and Tai
Ken keeps bringing up the death of one of his friends who's also his partner who he betrayed and mistreated
Thank you SO much for the respect on TK and Kari! Lots of people have torn this series apart but not many people talk about how utterly they got screwed over. TK was my fave character as a kid and I got really frustrated how he gets like.. one total scene doing anything badass ever? And Kari gets more screentime but its all TERRIBLE screentime treating her like a victim or explaining why gatomon can't do anything anymore.. :(
Also seriously why are TK and Patamon never even a participant in the supposed love triangle between them and Davis and Veemon. It's just hundreds of boring bland scenes of Davis hitting on Kari and her showing zero interest and it being extremely obvious TK already won before the story even started lol. I guess that's why he feels he can just ignore Davis, but man it really adds to his lack of scenes!
Also SERIOUSLYYYY biggest agree on why no clear canon confirmation that they're married in the future? The whole way they handled the Davis/TK/Kari love triangle completely seemed like TK and Kari were already dating and that's why they both ignored him, lol. If it wasn't supposed to be canon then why not write the love triangle better, then? I mean she ends up married to neither of them so what was even the point... just to make us hate Davis more lol?
I agree 02 sucks. They should just wipe 02 from existence and redo it from the end of 01 onwards.
30:16 Yes. Also it is not abandoned.
Damn, that must mean Japan has a surplus of Victorian era castles planted all over their country.
@@AJSmashing Nah, the Dragon Mode is just fast enough to fly to Europe and back in the amount it takes for the evolution sequence to end.
Which isn't much of a stretch when Rapidmon is canonically nearly as fast as the speed of light...
I loved 02 because it was so awesome seeing the new team with the old team and nostalgia. It was really cool to see them going to school then going back to the digital world having the Digimon with them in the real world. Looking back at it yeah it's a mess lol.
Never gonna pair Matt and Sora at all. Always gonna pair up Tai and Sora. Thank God Tai still has a chance to get Sora in the Shareverse
I didn't realize how much i viewed the series in my adulthood through my nostalgia goggles. You hilariously bring up some really good points. I think i owe the series a rewatch
I know what you mean. I like 02 very much, but had a couple of hits and misses. For example, what I hate the most about it are the multiple plot holes. The Dark Ocean, Daemon, Gennai and his "friends"...even the movie 'Hurricane Touchdown' made less sense. There are also a few points they should've added to 02; like the rest of the Digimon Sovereigns, Wormmon getting an armor form, and officially making the 'TK/Kari shipping' canon.
Here's some more shit to give out.
- When Ken stopped being a Kaiser, why didn't Oikawa not have the kids kidnapped right away and get Ken to draw out his dark spore? Or why he did not get Ken after his brother died? Yeah the show would end fast but that is more logical and simple. But nope this season is as convolutioned as Persona 5.
-Interesting note that is way overlooked that during the E-mail sequence, in the Japanese verison; the voice was supposed to be Hiroki Hita's voice. Did they intended to have him as the villain instead of Oikawa? I don't know, there is no much information about it. Sometimes I wonder what an ugly Hiroki would look like, that would be funny.
-Since Cody or Iroi was Hiroki's flesh and blood, would it make sense to have Iroi near him during that creepy ceremony to enter the Digital World? Or why not kidnap old and new digidestine to put dark spores in them?
-Since Joe or Jou is a doctor in training and when Iroi was dragging a wounded Oikawa to the edge of the dream world, don't you think his doctor instinct should kick in and check his pulse?
-When Blackwargreymon was pointlessly leading his shadow legions, why only one shadow need to expose itself? Why not all?
-Since the Dream World is supposed to make your dreams reality, don't you think the digidestine should wish Melomyotismon out of existence or Oikawa wanting to go the Digital World take him there already?
-When Oikawa was gathering the kids on the bridge, why the fuck did they not call the police or why no one walking around notice a tall creepy man gathering the kids or why no parents were presented?
-Why didn't Oikawa and Hiroki as kids not get taken to the Digital World? And what is even so special about the Digital World that you need to go there that badly? No plans, nothing. Just wanted to go there. Oikawa just want to see it, he wants to be a tourist, like seriously?! "Dddduuurr I wanted to go to the Digital World so badly that I gotta be so extreme about it!" It would be like wanting to go to Japan acting like a crazy nutcase.
-After the battle with the Dark Masters, why didn't Oikawa track down the original Digidestine to ask for help or not get in contact with Sora's father and Jou's other brother?
-When Oikawa saw the original digidestine go up to the Digital World to fight the Dark Masters, he went nuts screaming for them to take him like a psycho, here is what happens if he went to to the Digital World that day. He will not have a chance to explore it, he would be stuck dealing with the Dark Masters and the chaos they are causing and everytime one dies the land starts to shift he would be caught into it. As a result he would be forced to tag along with the digidestine dealing with every Dark Masters which would be awkward. Or he'll be floating in the void when dealing with Apocalymon. Once the battle is over he would be asked to leave the Digital World due to it closing up forever, I don't think that'll sit well with him and would be forced to board the tolley with the rest of the kids. He would contribute to nothing.
-What is the point of armor digievolution and merge didivolution if you can't land a blow on Melomyotismon? Even Apocalymon gets hit, the battle with Apocalymon was a lot better.
-I was never a fan of the Digital World closing up forever. It should have been left open for future generations.
-It was never explained how Hiroki and Oikawa communicate with the Digital World through a video game.
-Iroi's dream sequence showing his father the Digital World, something that was never hinted before. Meanwhile Hiroki looked pretty creepy with that blank expression. Plus would it make sense for Oikawa to be in that sequence? Meanwhile Yoile dealing with her siblings in her sequence? We never saw something like that during the series.
You made a good point about Oikawa being taken with the original digidestined.
"It was never explained how Hiroki and Oikawa communicate with the Digital World through a video game."
Video games are technology, and digimon use technology to interact with different worlds. Guess a digimon got interested in 2 children playing video games, wanted to meet them, and came into the real world.
this is my fav season and yes i know its because its my first season of digimon and also i know it have plothole and some things dont make this i love this seasn because of armor evolution and ken and wormon
I read somewhere that there was supposed to be an adventure 3 that would be about the dark ocean but after adventure 2s ratings was reformated into tamers
02 was never really a great season, but I don't think it was as bad as you make it out to be (which this whole video is kinda hyperbolic anyway so that's fine.) Funnily there actually _was_ a 'civil war' so to speak in the development of the season and it's pretty much exactly as you describe it. It had a lot of potential but none of it was realized exactly, and it doesn't help that the dub does a good job of ruining it further. As soon as I finish the sub of Adventure 1, I'll move on to 02's sub. Maybe the Japanese version will be more enjoyable, who knows.
The final dimension was alluded to in adventure. Remember, Okikawa uses the cards to open the gate. In season 1, they say the wrong combination sends you to some other dimension. Well vamdemon used the wrong card on purpose. Although the show couldve explained it.
Exactly, I could have known some mentions of foreshadowing. Probably because Apocalymon sent them there but I assumed that was his power alone or at least a fail safe after the dark masters were defeated.
@@AJSmashing the show does clearly show Oikawa placing the agumon card in the gomamon slot. All they had to do was have takeru or koshiro notice this and say he used the wrong card and that's how they ended up in that weird picasso land.
@@benjaminpeters6729 I really did not remember that scene to be honest.
@@AJSmashing it is a nice nod to continuity from season 1. However, they also ruin it by having the characters not know what happened despite the writers showing the audience what went wrong. The surprise of myotismon may have worked better if Oikawa is surprised about being in the weird world, takeru asks him ominously whether he used the right card, and then myotismon who knows the right combination reveals himself.
@@benjaminpeters6729 if you check another comment on this video, I had a discussion with another person who said that the writers had no clear roadmap for the season. Mainly because Toei and Bandai were breathing down the writers neck rushing out a sequel with no plan.
Well it had to be said, 02 is a dud. The 02 kids don't even get a mention in Tri, until the last episode.
Only good things about Season 2 was TK & Kari returning, Ken and his backstory and return of original cast (especially Mimi).
Hahahaha now why don't you like me it's a failure Tri, hunter and Frontier were and thank God they didn't come out in Tri They did bad enough to Tai and the others hahaha
@@jeffersonangulo8950 Meiko was cute...
@@sougotokiwa8439 his design was but his personality not so much
@@jeffersonangulo8950 *her*
@@jeffersonangulo8950 yeah Tai x Matt Bash Bros.
As a kid I liked 02, but looking back it is SO BORING! There isn't as much tension between the plot points, because they can travel between the real and digital world freely. I think Davis, Cody and Yoeli should have maybe gotten their own crests? That way they could actually have interesting development. In Adventure all characters got a full arc, but the three new characters here don't. Davis doesn't change at all and neither does Yolei really. Cody sure, kinda. Even with him he just kinda learns about his dad's connection to Oikawa. Also the other digi destined get pushed to the side, which is dumb, since their only purpose in the story is to be fan service and keep the old fans glued to the screen. The original japanese version has better exposition a lot of the times and the newer characters are a little more likeable, but they still don't really do anything with the plot. Angemon and Angewomon are literally HOLY digimon, so there would have been a lot of interesting lore to explore
I’m screaming this was so funny, you tore them apart, lol, I flick through all of them
Honestly, the English dub really didn’t do this season justice, same can be said for adventure ‘99 too.
3 thing I hate
1. Undeveloped plot for dagomon and seven demon Lord.
2. No real mega
3. Sudden malomyostimon. (btw ugly design)
How underdeveloped an interesting character named Oikawa Yukio was wasted and thrown out of the window.
To this day, I still never understand why they thought it's good idea for a dinosaur and a angel becomes a giant tea pot
I love the season but I can agree with many criticisms, and while we’ll have to agree to disagree if you wanna reply in the comments I’d love to have a civil debate about this! I love debating for fun so I don’t mean it in a rude way btw!
I greatly appreciate you being welcome to a debate and I make it explicitly clear in the video if you like the season, I am in no way here to discriminate against you.
If you don't like the English dub, then go watch the original Japan version with English subtitles.
where can you even watch the original japanese version anyway? cause most anime sites I've been on don't have the original japanese version,plus this is all we had in the 90's dude
This was one of my first anime when i was like 10 so i love everything here, the character desings the music the digimon.
But now with a critical eye and as a grown up i see why it doest hold up as well. Tamers is the best season
The ironic part is Oikawa and Giovannia had the same VA’s at one point so I think your theory might be true.
I really like veemon and his various forms but the reason i like them has nothing to do with the anime because in the anime they suck. it just doesn't do them justice magnamon for example is a really big deal motherfucker is so op despite being a veemon in a golden armor that he is a member of the royal knights an order of 13 digimon wich include and i shit you not omnimon and gallantmon yeah those assholes the fusion of both protag digimon in 01 and the final form of the main digimon in tamers magnamon is on par with those guys and in the anime he routinely gets the short end of the stick and it SUCKS
I cant understand why Magnamon was never even mentioned after his appearance it always felt like a fever dream. Magnamon would have kicked ass whether he fused or not tbh.
Did they even suggest trying to get/use him again? Did I miss something? 😂
And remember in that myotismon episode where all the forms comes out, Magnamon isn't there either! Fuuuuc
I think the writers at least had some consideration that TK and Kari got the short end of the stick throughout the season. So, in order to compensate, Magnamon did not appear in the finale because he would just one-shot MaloMyotismon by himself.
To this day i remain convinced that a 03 (not tri) season was planned but ended up scrapped for tamers to promote the card game. That could solve many plot like the dark ocean and
Also the reason magna angemon was briefly avaiable is because the stone angemon crashed on contain part of azuloongmon who gave back the divolution permenantly later. No idea for agewomon, seraphimon or magnadramon tough
Best thing that could happen to digimon the taimers serie was the best
if you watched the atrocious english dub no wonder you hate 02, the dub you got over there sure is trash.
Not only the voices are bad, but the people in charge did their best to ruin the characters with their original dialogue. Almost the entirety of the 02 english dub, including interactions between characters and everything is just made up nonsense, the two characters that were afected the most were Daisuke and Takeru, the first they made him so hateable with his stupid lines and unnecesary jokes, while at the same time they made takeru literally a perfect kid when sometimes he can be a real jerk in the original version, which made the contrast even worse with the english viewers
I did mention in the end of the video that people tell me to just watch the anime subbed however a lot of my complaints with the season still applies there as well.
Never liked this season because everything was screwed up, even the ending that was horrible. I hate Sorato because it makes no sense. I'm so mad at Sora because she's dumb.
I like the dark ocean episode with Kari as much as the next person but I appreciate the show for what it is not what it could have been the dark ocean gets resolved by the end of the series and gets brought up like three times they even send a digimon to the dark ocean it was used sparingly
Ambiguity is one thing. But when you’re not going to develop this plot thread any further (intentionally or not according to Tri) then you’re only going to piss people off.
I take issue with armor and especially jogress. They're both just workarounds because the characters were unnecessarily nerfed for seemingly no reason other than the fact that the original digidestined alone would kill every villain by going ultimate or mega and sneezing.
You have to admit that Digimon world tour is one of the best parts of the show going to different countries meeting new digidestined around the world and Christmas
That is true but in the end it mostly contributes to brief second long cameos in the final episode.
I loved this season when I was young, but looking back, I can see why most fans hate it. If the writers just got their shit together, we could have gotten a strong sequel. Here is what should have happened:
TK and Kari team up with new kids, but Davis is not the leader. TK is the leader and his arc is dealing with the pressure of leading a team but he grows as a leader, thanks to support from Kari and Pattamon. TK also struggles with his romantic feelings for Kari who also feels the same.
Speaking of Kari, she become she big sister of the group and looks out for everyone. She also has to deal with visions of the dark ocean. More on that later. She is confident in herself and will stand up to bullies and evil villains to protect her friends.
Davis is less annoying, Cody is still reserved but not nearly as bland and Yolei is more shy but grows more confident and outgoing thanks to her friendship with Kari.
Ken is still the Digimon emperor. His arc is the same, but thankfully he gets over his lone wolf act very quickly and joins the team early. He still struggles with his guilt but slowly forms friendships with Davis and TK. His "romance" with Yolei is handled better as well. Also dude if you went through what Ken went through, you be pretty broody too so cut him some slack please.
Ken has a much stronger motive for turning evil too. The main bad guy of the series (more on him later) promises to bring back his brother if he conquers the digi world on his behalf and destroy the new Digi team hence the rogue digimon invading earth. Naturally this doesn't turn out as well as he hoped.
Pattamon has grown more mature and Gatomon is pretty much the same. The new digimon are better developed and they get their natural evolution forms no armour BS. The old Digi team still make a few guest appearances and offer advice.
The dark ocean is actually explored more and instead of going back and forth from the digital world, the new digi kids have to battled rogue digimon who invade the human world and has to send them back. In fact the dark ocean is the reason why the team gets to the digiworld in the first place. After saving Kari, they escape the dark ocean (but it isn't forgotten don't worry) and stay to defeat Ken. They run into the old Digimon partners and together they defeat Ken. they return home. Ken begins his redemption and we are introduced to the big bad of 02. Daemon!
Daemon decides to send his minions Arukenimon and Mummymon to destroy the children but they get defeated. Eventually, he decides to invade the human world himself with army. Unlike myotismon, Daemon doe snot pull his punches. He destroys cities, kills several humans and demands that the new team give themselves up. The new kids are scared but TK inspires them to stay strong and not to lose hope. Kari however is conflicted. Eventually, Tai is captured by Daemon and Kari has no choice but to give herself up. The new team attack but Daemon is too strong but soon the old guard appear with their digimon partners and together both groups kick ass. Daemon escapes but takes Kari. He goes back to the dark ocean. The new team plus Tai goes to save Kari while the old guard stays to protect the human world. Dark ocean is explore more and we learn that the digimon who took Kari actually wanted her help. They believe she has the power to free them from Daemon. Kari and Gato try to escape but to no avail. Kari stays and tells Gatomon to get help.
Daemon tortures her, saying he wants to harness her power for his own ends but she definitely tells him no! The new group rescue Kari but Daemon goes insane with rage and takes on his badass monster form. Together the new Digi kids battle Daemon and Kari and TK land the final blow and kill him. They reveal their love for each other and kiss. The dark Ocean is liberated and the Digiworld and real world are safe. Ken and Yolei marry, TK and Kari marry, Cody takes over the Dojo and Davis becomes a pro football player.
The end. Man, I wish we got that version instead
I do like a lot of what you said but for me personally I would have downplayed the romance. Most people don’t come to Digimon just for awkward teenager romance after all. Maybe in a future video I can share my own vision of how this season would have played out.
Good idea. I have a couple more suggestions;
-Ken's redemption came with him realizing Digimon were living things. But he showed no issues about killing the human leads in prior episodes. Either we would need for him to shy away from killing humans, or have him accept how amoral taking the life another being is after losing Wormmon.
-Daemon is a revived Devimon. The dark pool that Ken investigates turns out to be gate to the Dark Ocean. Eventually Devimon is pulled through it and uses the power of the Dark Ocean to regrow evolve to his final form.
@@dragonstormx I noticed a lot of people like the idea of Daemon being a revived Devimon as it further implies the bookend of starting and ending the first two seasons with the same villain. However I think it falls into the same laziness of bringing back Myotismon. Instead of coming up with a new villain you recycle one from the last season.
@@AJSmashing That is a fair point.
I can blame my OCD for making myself can't see Takeru and Hikari only original digidestined that teams up with new kids in 02
Just to let you know the first DigiDestined were not in High School in the Digimon Adventure 02. They were all in Middle School at the time. During the first season the group were 9-11 and 13-15 when Davis joined season two except for Joe who was actually in High School. Tai and the other reached high school in the Digimon Adventure Tri and in mid-year of college in Last Evolution Kizuna.
Blame that on the English dub aging the cast up.
@@AJSmashing actually know they were just using the american grade system. In Japan, Middle school is 7th grade to 9th grade while high school is 10th to 12th grade.
I cant hahhahaha, the takari counter made my day
Maybe Daemon and Dagomon will combine and be the big bad time warp villain of The Beginning
Considering how Tri didn’t bother exploring the Dark Ocean. I highly doubt it.
Its true this season has some flaws oof. You should rly watch it in either japanese or german with sub tho, these versions are better for the chars(I am german so I am used to this version but I watched the season in english and its VERY DIFFERENT.) Davis, who is actually my favourite, got dumbed down sooooo much. Yolei was fine to me, Cody boring at first but became bettee and TK was amazing but Kari annoyed me a little this season. As for Ken, it wouldve been better to put a little more of his backstory in the anime but other than that I really liked him. Maybe I like most of em tho bc I am somewhat immune to a char beeing annoying(Teddie IS one of my fave Persona chars soooo...)
Fair. I don’t mind Teddie lol. But yeah one day I do want to upload a video regarding my rewrite for 02 while being faithful to the original source material.
The story about his dad is forced. it's just what happens in the show how's it forced they hardly even mentioned until the end?
I also see Iori's Dad alive in his flashback
What your talking about his dad was dead from the start, they had and he was the reason cody see the world as black and white. You even see him praying to him alot
@@mauricemorgan6668 I know he was dead from the beginning I just don't know why you're saying it it was forced I don't agree with that my point was that you don't find out what his father has to do with the story until the end he was dead from the beginning but it was a good twist how his dad fits into the story it didn't feel forced at all it really shows why Cody is the way he is
@@royrogers4732 oh i got what you're saying it pretty ok foreshadowing
His Master's Voice is a reference to Victor records and you bring up Wallace and Gromit a short lived promotion had Nipper replaced in the logo with Gromit in 2007 but only in the UK stores strange connections
When I rewatched it, I honestly thought that the parents stepped in and had a conniption fit about the first season.
Before I go on: I love the first season, especially its themes and hard decisions that had to be made, especially since they had to live in a world and figure it out on their own. I didn’t mind the fact that they were in the wilderness together and they were killing Digimon trying to kill them.
But… I thought the parents did.
Because anything that hinted (except 13), towards even just being in this strange world was taken out. Killing suddenly became a huge deal to the point where it took INNOCENT PEOPLE NEARLY DYING for them to let the whole thing go, and the whole older digidestined were punted aside for these kids who weren’t even close to having the same appeal.
…. Don’t get me into T.K. and Kari…
The biggest part they destroyed the crest system and whatever was left was mangled beyond description. Getting your crest to glow was a significant step for the original team. Even Tai who had the trait and was the closest to getting the crest to glow and have Agumon digivolve into Ultimate went through a character arc that taught him a lot.
But nope: They had them already (at least most of them), and all they had to do was lift the sword from the stone.
I still can tolerate this season, even with tons of inconsistencies, fillers and plotholes more than I did with Appli Monsters, which is just pure and straight TikTokization of the Digital World as a whole.
Maybe for nostalgia, or I'm just a hypocrite with a bad taste in anime.
you're misinforming the audience about a number of things in this show. not sure if it's the case of the anger blinding you but...
like i get it, 02 had its share of problems. but at the same time, you're lying or exaggerating the issues of the anime doesn't help your point.
like when they enter the emperor's base, they are trying to find a way to disable the base by getting rid of the power supply. they didn't know that it was the digimental of miracles when they went in.
the scene with tk punching the emperor happened in an earlier episode when kimeramon was first revealed.
also, they wanted to make the third section into its own tv specials that would of aired before the second season but fox wanted digimon the movie to compete with pokemon: the first movie. so the cuts were made. jeff neomy was quoted as saying as such.
it also wasn't time travel, at least, not really. kokomon was basically reversing time to when wallace was a kid, back when they were together. hence why tai and the others were nabbed. they had the same model of digivice. besides, i wouldn't really try to put the movies into the timeline. personally, just think of them as extended episodes more than anything else. they do not make sense otherwise.
why are you complaining about the opening stilll ahving the emperor show up? you gonna complain about the english opening for the first season using file island and devimon's silhouette rather than etemon during his arc?
Oikawa didn't even design mummymon and arukenimon. he just combined his DNA with digmon data and they were the result of that fusion. hence the human forms and why they were able to cross to Earth and the Digital World. Pretty sure they explained the Dark Towers had various effects; preventing digvolution, sealing away the Gods, being made into artificial monsters.
"that's the reason we going with?!" what, for tk not want to relive a very painful moment in his life by seeing a loved one die? and having magnaangemon was a special cirumstance. destiny stone bs.
ep. 13 was written by konoka, but that was only for the scenario. most of his work came later in the third season, Tamers. You can say that the writers butted heads since there was so much ideas thrown about but you can't just pull this out of your ass; that they wanted a darker tone based off of one episode.
no gonna bring up the fact that tai and co didn't even bother explaining about their pervious adventure. they didn't get that until summer, after going and risking their lives for months at this point. so the clip show was a literal god giving the group more context on the world and why they were sealed away. fixing the digital world in the first season helped a lot on that end. but the Dark Towers threw a wrench into them intervening too much.
what the fuck is shareverse? adventure and 02 are in their own universe. Tamers and onwards are self contained. Heck, Tamers is confirmed to have Adventure and 02 as tv shows but that's all the references you really get.
nothing important happens in the world tour arc? and the lack of willis? maybe due the fact that he just lost a partner and there's no controller spire that we see in colorado. establishing that the world has digimon partners around the world isn't pointless.
cody and yolei having problems with murder? gee, it's like they never really had to kill before. it was "Breaking the towers/rings makes them not hostile/not work for the Emperor. the digimon that were made out of the Control Spires were not sentient, and outside of BlackWarGreymon, incapable of listening to reason. so ending them was okay. For the digimon that were going about on Earth, they just beat into submission and then take them back to the Digital World." kimeramon was made of parts of digimon and didn't have much of a mind besides destruction. so they were okay with ending that one.
but now they are dealing with opponents that aren't being controlled and willing to hurt/kill people willingly. digimon that die on Earth are dead for real since their data doesn't have anywhere to go to. again, these are kids. of course they would be struggling to deal with being judge/jury/executioner. most people would in that situation.
they reuse a lot of animation for digimon. it's a cheap show. which is why they didn't really expand on everyone armor digivolving with the other mentals in question. not in the budget. they reuse evolution sequences and attacks because again, they didn't have the budget for it.
demon lead the Demon Corps. Not the Demon Lords. Totally different.
BlackWarAnstymon died but before he did, he used the last of his strength to block the gate over Highten View Terrace, the area that had the battle with Greymon and Parrotmon aka the start of the show. Also, no mention for Oikawa's backstory. No mention of the large truck filled with kidnapped kids that he's using to further his plans with the copies of the Dark Spore that is in Ken's neck. he explains it on the bridge there. he's wanting to go to the digital world because he promised cody's dead dad that they would. he claims that the digital world doesn't let adults in so he's using whatever methods he has tp achieve that childhood dream. (that's what malomyotismon has being whispering in his ear this whole time. just another method to revive himself with greater strength. it's not even a dream realm more of the 'this is what powers children's wishes while in the digital world' variety.) That's, apparently, not really a big deal. So, yes, you did miss some important things.
shut the hell up about the comparison to metorid: other m. save that comparison for adventure: psi. that's more of a shit on adventure's legacy.
complaining about the nearly three minute evoultion from the last few episodes.... you ever think that the people that worked on the show were like, 'hey, this is the last time we'll be seeing these. let's give them that send off.'
also myotismon tied his lifeforce on a bunch of depressed and lonely kids so when they stop feeling that way, it basically reverted him back to the state he was in before he joined with Oikawa. double edge sword and all that. they also kill him for good this time with everyone using their digivices to blast him to bits with imperialdramon's cannon.
you are watching an anime focused on children. fucking christ. and the monster that appears before oikawa was his partner. you forget that he had a brush with the digital world with cody's father in the video game that they were playing?
no sure wehre you got that tidbit about the highten view terrace greymon being the same as the agumon that he partnered with later on.
kizuna's whole thing was about tai and matt losing their 'potential', what made them partners with their digimon in the first place. them trying to move forward and 'grow up' severed that connection. and you do see mei in the movie as well. she lost her partner and she wouldn't of been kidnapped with the other digidestend if her partner stayed dead.
so no one likes the epilogue . JPN had the same narrator through out both seasons. so the end with him finishing the story. don't know how the hell the ENG dubbing team could of known that when they had other characters have their thoughts when they explain what happened last time. you think that tai would of been a professional soccer player? and everyone else's jobs and stuff is fine. damn man, people are allowed to do different things as they grow.
matt and sora got together on the christmas episode. you think people need to be all lovey-dovey to show that they are together? the our war game was made by the same guy who made summer wars. so... love letter wasn't even a love letter. the computer autocorrected the 'from' to 'love' or something along those lines.
matt becoming an astronaut is what still baffles me too. but whatever. you expected him to still be playing and producing music. that's a tough industry, even if he had an easier time getting started due to his dad helping out.
yolei and ken having no character connection? no mention about her reaching out to him which helped with Hawkmon digivolving to Aquilamon for the first time? but yeah. sure, nothing there.
just gonna ignore the fact that the kid kari's giving the thumb's up to is a carbon copy of tk... but they aren't, apparently, together?! fucking tk/kari shippers i swear are so bizarre.
again what the fuck is shareverse?!
so in conclusion, i'm not the biggest fan of 02 myself but you are pulling a lot of stuff out of thin air and claiming it as fact. please keep in mind all the stuff i typed out is half remembered on my part, so if I made mistakes, I'm sorry. but i waited until the end before i posted.
Thank you for the information and to answer your question on what Shareverse is. It is a shared universe concept I had made growing up and I discuss what it is in the channel introduction video.
Follow up reply. You do make a lot of good points that I either failed to bring up, Owikawa’s backstory, and or things that I misremembered, such as a bunch of the digital world lore. Again you can season all you want and I will never make fun of you. I never try to misinform my audiences intentionally, I just wanted to share my opinions to others and hear other peoples takes on it.
I don't remember T.K. being afraid of losing Patamon again, but I haven't watched the show for years. Also, in the finnish dub at least, Wizardmon doesn't say anything about Gatomon being useless or the new digimons being more important. The finnish dub is translated from the japanese original.
@@nousukas I do hope Wizardmon actually praised Gatomon in the sub. But yeah it’s pretty obvious that TK is afraid of losing patamon since Angemon barely shows up in this season.
@@AJSmashing Okay, I just don't remember it being stated about Angemon. In the finnish dub, Wizardmon only gives a speech about their enemy being stronger than they tought and it can't be stopped just by fighting. He gives a hint about kindness spreading a golden light. He then turns his head to the new digimon companions and says "Now you, hurry up".
I absolutely agree with you so much! I’m so glad I wasn’t alone in this!
Wasn't Owikawa's primary goal simply to get into the Digital World just to see it?
I think? It’s been a while since I actually tried to care about 02.
"Just to see it" God, gotta be the stupidest thing I ever heard, going through all of that fucking time just to see it. He saw it in 1999. He wanted to leave Earth because he hated it and want to leave it only to want to see it? Seriously Yukio!? God that is stupid.
@@Redjoekido Well yeah. He wanted to be a tourist. I think it was like a deeper lifelong dream but that was the ultimate goal when you get to the bottom of it. I haven't saw 02 in years but he always made a huge fuss about it. I remember a scene when he was screaming at the og crew because they were going back after killing venomiotismon because they wouldn't take him with them. Dude was psycho.
@@Redjoekido that is one thing I admit I forgot about. I just didn’t care for the Owikawa character that I didn’t bother about his motivation.
@@Degdreams Had he gone up there in 1999, he would have to deal with the chaos caused by the Dark Masters, with Pinocchimon, Piedmon, Machinedramon and Metalseadramon harassing his zombie ass or wild Digimon chasing his zombie ass. He would have to tag along with the original members and it would be very awkward. Or he could wonder around like a zombie with landmass shifting around everytime a Dark Master dies. Then he'll have have to float around in the void while the original members fight Apocalymon.
After all that finishes, he'll be told to leave because the Digital World is closing up forever. He may refuse or he can stay or he can be forced to board the tolley with the original members. I don't think it'll sit well with him. He should be lucky they didn't take him at that point.
Plus it seems like Oikawa thinks going to the Digital World will solve all of his problems but I don't think he'll be fully happy. He'll only be happy for a short while then become depressed quickly and either he kills himself or go back to earth.
Meanwhile I never understood why the writer, the director and the animators decided to make him ghastly before he gets possessed or what was the point to look like that. It was never explained.
And going to the Digital World is not gonna fix that. He also has no real plan to go there nor does he understood how dangerous the Digital World is or how going there may not satisfy him nor does he realize the Digital World is not a playground.
He is a psycho.
Gatomon losing her tail ring was pointless.
It was purely to nerf her since as a Champion she's on par with the other Adventure Champions.
So Tail Ring Gatomon is stronger than Nerfertimon.
Not 100 percent sure how you missed how Sam died. Even in the dub, its heavily implied through imagery, even though its not outright said.
Otherwise, decent review. Kinda hit the nail on the head for why I couldnt find myself getting into this season as a kid.
I did say he died from a car accident though 13 year old me didn’t connect the dots that well.
Even myself started hate this season(despite my younger self watch this season more than any other digimon seasons combined) for being closest thing other anime-ish things got similar treatment to current seasons of Pokemon anime
17:19 now these are one of handful of digimon 02 episode that I like
40:16 I can feel bad for 02 kids dies in Tri
45:12 this can reinforces Takeru and Hikari in 02 being the closest thing any other fictional characters got treated like Ash ketchum in current seasons of Pokemon anime
That is reasonable. I just wish certain things in 02 were handled a lot more better.
@@AJSmashing Takeru and Hikari being part of 02 crew can handled better when both aren't sidelined and nerfed into even Anti-sues
the Dub ruined Daisuke as a character
Ikr and sure he can be annoying but he's gotta lot of potential
I forgot to mention this but DO NOT watch the dub it's not canon and it has a lot of inaccuracies and censorship
Too bad I was subjugated to the dub first so that’s what I’m more familiar towards.
why yall hate it tho it was the best part of my childhood aswell as the digimon itself, they looked cool and the storyline was good aswell, then again blackwargreymon was a cool enemy (in the begin) and i think it was a nice part 2 after the first digimon series so im completly disagreeing
I respect your opinion. I was mostly disappointed in the season.
The biggest issue for me is the filler.
In the original series all episodes mattered with being getting a new evolution, crest, villain battle, or important character story.
But ever since each series has a few filler episodes even the 2020 reboot had not that important episodes but in this show it’s at its worse with some episodes that while technically do matter like Zuelongmon’s appearance it doesn’t lead to anything and especially the dark ocean which all episodes about are filler since it doesn’t matter in the end.
Having episodes developing characters are important if they amount to anything but the world tour arc didn’t.
I didn't know that playing sumo was useful? And you are wrong about Quinglongmon, if it was of any use since thanks to him he gave us more general lore in the series, The world tour was more to show more chosen ones that in the end would be of great help
@@jeffersonangulo8950 Playing sumo?
What episode is that?
More lore doesn’t equal better especially since what he said was more recapping than giving us new info
@@KirbyStarAnimation Among the last chapters of the devimon saga and if it gave us vast information about why those from 02 were chosen, what was what the control needles really did and information about sacred stones
@@jeffersonangulo8950 The sacred stones haven’t mattered since 02 and didn’t matter throughout the rest of the season.
We already were told why the cast was chosen for experiencing the events of myotismon.
We didn’t need a whole episode to hear about these events it could’ve been a few minutes for the new stuff and skipped the known events.
@@KirbyStarAnimation They don't matter? We literally saw how it greatly affected the balance in the Digital World, even affecting the real world.
The only digimon season I like is tamers. Dark, mature, emotional, better characters, writing and dubbing despite it being Rocky, ending, storyline etc. Plus digimon die and not come back makes it more sadder then them dieing then coming back to life which is more dumb then pokemon Imo.
so question about wizardmon, how come all the digimon in the final arc who died came back to life in adventure 02? was it because like myotismon, he died in the human world?
Probably. Or because Wizardmon was a good soul that he stayed as a ghost.
@@AJSmashing but, didn't good digimon get reborn too after the defeat of the dark masters?
The reason why Wizardmon didn't come back is that he died in the human world. Because the human world isn't built of data, Digimon has nowhere to go when they die. So, they wander around trying to maintain their bodies. This is likely why he became a ghost, but I could be wrong.
For Myotismon, because he went into the body of Oikawa. So, he could at least maintain his mind until he could find a way back to the digital world.
@@animedude8712 there’s also the possibility that Wizardmon had a physical ghost body because he died at Fuji TV’s station likely being able to use the data there to appear to Gatomon.
Nah 02 is the GX of Digimon and ngl I loved me some GX
I haven’t seen GX since it first came out and I can say it’s somewhat true.
>Reviews Adventure 02, the worst series in a franchise extremely important to me, references it in comparison to Metroid Other M, the worst game in a franchise extremely important to me
>Earns Subscription
And Tri where he is, hunter, universe and 2020 are worse
i don't blame you, i also like the original telling more.
the reboots have a few cooler things, considering more was added to the lore between the time of the first telling, and the reboot.
but nothing beats the original, most original tellings are the best ones, reguardless of what franshice. Most, some reboots are better, but most are not.
yole did one thing good, she became a housemom, for ken's kids, at least no one has to work with her.
Every "season" in english dub is a trash
Give the old team there powers back then take it away again. The new team had plenty of focus.
Yeah forgot that their usage of ultimate forms in the world tour arc was only temporary.
You're off your rocker if you think that code lyoko is better than 02 there's no way
I’m not saying Lyoko is good either but at least it handles it’s repetitive episodic formula much better than 02.
As a guy who used to love this season as a kid i think 02 is the definition of a mix bag. It's a 5/10. I personally like things in 02 and there are some good idea and moments. But all I see is missed potential. TK and Kari are again sidelined even though they were sidelined already in 01 and the other series after, this was their time to shine without matt and tai in the way but I guess the writer really hates them. I don't hate davis or yolei or ken, but I feel like they never really get developed despite being focused on. I really wished this show grew with age like data squad and Tamers, but it overall fell worse. Hell, that ending even as a kid had me confused like why didn't kari and tk get together? Matt and Sora? Tai as a businessman? (Though im find with him not being a soccer player or matt not being a musician because it's realistic but like I don't get their decisions) I feel like davis is like if yuma(if you watched yugioh zexal all the way threw) never developed and still was able to get all those wins. TK and Ken literally could have represented light and darkness. Hope and despair but nah. Overall I like it more than tamers and fusion. It will always have a place in my heart but honestly you got it right except the pokemon comment. Great video
by the end of this i feel nothing but confused and mad at the writer