The Emerson String Quartet, also known as the Emerson Quartet, is an American string quartet that was initially formed as a student group at the Juilliard School in the 1970s. It was named for American poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson and began touring professionally in 1976. Wikipedia
The Emerson String Quartet, also known as the Emerson Quartet, is an American string quartet that was initially formed as a student group at the Juilliard School in the 1970s. It was named for American poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson and began touring professionally in 1976. Wikipedia
Magnifici . Uno dei grandi quartetti d' oggi .
Dulzura y levedad en Mozart. Excelente la ejecución Emerson.
No doubt, man has been a testimony of destruction, as well as perfection.
Mozart: sinónimo de perfección y belleza. Cuarteto Emerson: mundialmente reconocido pir su perfección
Good 👍👍👍😅
Where is the final? ☹️
Yea! Where are the last few measures?
See the description. He had to cut the last few measures. I'm grateful for the rest of it.
I need to 💤💤💤💤💤💤