The first one was more challenging for me. Naked singles aren't that easy for me to spot. My times: A Private Understanding - 5:39, solver number 1378 Clandestine Time - 2:15, solver number 1265 Total time: 7:54, two hats.
1:10 on the first, 3:04 on the second. I use what I'm positive is a cheating technique that makes naked singles super easy to spot - I select every square in the grid and do the corner pencilmarks of every number from 1-9, which lets the validation system that displays invalid pencilmarks show me exactly what digits are valid in each square. Then I just pass through and mark all the naked singles, and it makes it easier to notice pairs and the like as well. I also do this on the more complicated puzzles, but only after I look at the other logic first to minimize the noise.
I call it a cheating technique because it's something that only works digitally, but I'll absolutely keep doing it because my ADHD brain torments itself when I try to look for them legitimately.
Private Understanding: 6:54 Clandestine Time: 3:52 Total: 10:46 Barely two hats, but I'll take it. I could have definitely been way more efficient with Private Understanding especially but as usual I focused on hidden logic before I started working on naked logic, which is my usual slowdown on classic sudoku.
The first one was more challenging for me. Naked singles aren't that easy for me to spot. My times:
A Private Understanding - 5:39, solver number 1378
Clandestine Time - 2:15, solver number 1265
Total time: 7:54, two hats.
My times:
A Private Understanding - 4:22
Clandestine Time - 2:06
Total - 6:28 (two hats, dinosaur)
A private Understanding 4:35 + Clandestine Time 7:07 = 11:42
my times: A Private Understanding - 4:35
Clandestine Time - 5:47
total time: 10:22 2 hats
8:35 (#2117) + 7:18 (#1936) = 15:53 and 1 hat.
3:50 / 4:38 (total 8:28)
Took me 12.12 just for the first one, but I managed to speed up on the second, and with a total of 19.53, just scraped through for a hat.
1:10 on the first, 3:04 on the second. I use what I'm positive is a cheating technique that makes naked singles super easy to spot - I select every square in the grid and do the corner pencilmarks of every number from 1-9, which lets the validation system that displays invalid pencilmarks show me exactly what digits are valid in each square. Then I just pass through and mark all the naked singles, and it makes it easier to notice pairs and the like as well. I also do this on the more complicated puzzles, but only after I look at the other logic first to minimize the noise.
I call it a cheating technique because it's something that only works digitally, but I'll absolutely keep doing it because my ADHD brain torments itself when I try to look for them legitimately.
is there a mistake with the 2 hat time? i did it in 6:03 and 7:20 for the second.. and I am not usually that quick!
6:12 + 3:16 = 9:28 two hats. i love classics
Private Understanding: 6:54
Clandestine Time: 3:52
Total: 10:46
Barely two hats, but I'll take it. I could have definitely been way more efficient with Private Understanding especially but as usual I focused on hidden logic before I started working on naked logic, which is my usual slowdown on classic sudoku.
7:34 #1745
8:29 #1591
Soooo.... 16:03 and #3336? 😆