Cleaning Robot

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Cleaning robot
    Robot čistač
    Robot za čiščenje
    Four children are lying in the room, listening to music, and tapping on their cell phones. Their mother enters the room and scolds them for not tidying up their room…
    RobotTheater: how can robots become an integral part of theater plays
    Erasmus+ project: 2021-2-HR01-KA210-000050920
    Partners: Croatian robotic association (Croatia), Delavski dom Trbovlje (Slovenia)
    Partneri: Hrvatski robotički savez (Hrvatska), Delavski dom Trbovlje (Slovenija)
    Sveobuhvatan priručnik kako pripremiti kazališnu predstavu s robotima možete naći ovdje.
    Comprehensive guide for professionals on how to prepare theater play with robots can be found here.
    Izčrpen vodnik za strokovnjake o pripravi gledališke predstave z roboti najdete tukaj.
    This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2021-2-HR01-KA210-000050920]
    Ova je publikacija ostvarena uz financijsku potporu Europske komisije. Ona izražava isključivo stajalište njenih autora i Komisija se ne može smatrati odgovornom pri uporabi informacija koje se u njoj nalaze. [Broj projekta: 2021-2-HR01-KA210-000050920]

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