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woda i smieciowe tresci z TV zapelnia caly muzg i juz glowa prawdy nie wpusci ? To nie Napoleon cwaniak Polske wam dal tylko udawal dobrego dla naiwniakow polakow tak jak dzis ussaki = Namowil 110 tys polakow jako frajerow na mieso armatnie napasc na Rosje wykorzystal naiwnymi bajeczkami ? Kto polske urodzil = odrodzil jak kura piskle do zycia postawil ? ze zmazanej z mapy na ktorej Polski nie bylo nawet granic. 27 listopada 1815 = Nikolaj Silcow = i Car Aleksander 1 To z ich rak byla zrobiona zatwierdzona = Konstytucja Polski jedyna najbardziej liberalna w calej Europie..Nareszczie sczesliwi polacy mieli swoja ziemie co bylo najwazniejsze kto nie ma rozumu i nie doznal bezdomnosci i biedy = ten tego nie doceni Bo jesli swej matki co Dala ci zycie nie sznujesz a takze wyzwolicieli kraju ? To na urodzenie i zycie w spokoju nie zaslugujesz . Najgorsze jest gdy dzieci pluja na swoja Matke Rosja= pomijajac jakies niesnacki po obu stronach= Polski I Rosji To Fakt ze zaden inny kraj nie dal dla Polakow slupkow Granicznych Tylko Rosja. Wiadomo ze Rosja jak kazdy inny kraj nie zawsze nie jest idealem ale 30 lipca 1941 Rosja postapila Bardzo dobrze dla Nas uratowala nam zycie jak topielca ratownik = Wszyscy przez pewien okres zycia jestesmy glupcami.ale wazne ze bledy naprawiamy.
The saddest thing is that you watch it and don't even know it's a true story. We complain in Poland about education and how much we have to learn, but we know the history of the USA, UK, France, and Italy; we learn everything. You have the nickname teacher," yet you lack information about the darkest moments in world history. These videos were made to quickly show those who don't believe in what happened in Poland and don't believe that the countries our soldiers helped turned their backs on us because they were afraid of Stalin, so they sold out Poland after it helped them win the war. For us, victory did not come; we fought on without looking at anyone's mercy. Today, 2024, we are in the EU and NATO, and that's a very good thing because a lot has changed, but every Pole knows that in case (let's hope not) of war, we will again really be on our own, because I doubt the allies will send their troops and armies and stand beside us in battle.
Poland acually colaborated with nazist in 1938 when they threatened an attack Czechoslovakia's Zaolzie and started with nazist partition of Czechoslovakia.
I have seen this probably 500 times already and each time when I hear: "because we do not beg for freedom we fight for it" I have tears in my eyes :) Yes, I'm Polish...
Most Americans have no idea about how much Poland contributed to the war. Me having Polish grandparents, I learned this at a very young age. Despite American/Western ignorance, RUclips has done a lot to increase the respect of Poland.
Americans don't know a lot of facts thats from europe. They don't even know what is going at other side of their country border. I don't want to offend all Americans, Because i exactly know that a lot of them know this things, but I saw a lot of videos where they are "dumb". Sorry I need to say that. And yes, I am also from Poland.
No, it wasn't related to Czesław Niemen. If you rewind a bit you can see names written in Yddish changing into Polish. That's how they were saving Jewish children - by smuggling them out of ghetto, giving them Polish names, baptism acts, teaching them catholic prayers in polish orphanages or polish families. They were making lists of saved children - their real names and new names, their new adresses - to make possible family reunions after war. They hid the lists in the jars and buried to keep it save. The nurse was Irena Sendler, working for organisation that was saving Jews from Jewish ghetto in Warsaw.
@Marcin Smith Yes. Not 100% certain but heard that more Polish people were given that title than people from every other nation involved in ww2 combined.
Najsmutniejsze jest to, z jakim zaskoczeniem on to ogląda... Jestem ciekaw czego się oni uczą na historii. Pewnie tylko tego jak Francja i Wielka Brytania były zajebiste
Chłop jakby tego nie obejrzał to pewnie dalej by żył w niewiedzy że coś takiego się wydarzyło....a z resztą jak większość i pomyśleć że to było tylko 76 lat temu masakra
co najlepsze że najbardziej do zmiany historii naciskają NIEMCY więc no. Przykładem są np gry historyczne w których nie może być swastyka bo Niemcy odrazu będą płakać o to co sami stworzyli pozdrawiam X D
At 3:40 minutes, a woman is shown taking pictures. She's not just any woman. This is the James Bond of the Polish resistance movement - the Home Army. Teodora Żukowska ps. "Milena". The most valuable agent of the Home Army in Warsaw. The daughter of an Austrian archaeologist and a mother of German-Czech origin, who had multinational roots, knew German from an early age. When her parents divorced, she lived with her father in Vienna for a few years, and then, from the age of twelve, in Poland, where her mother married a distinguished soldier of the Legions, Captain Jerzy Rolecki. In 1936, Teodora accepted Polish citizenship, and a year later she graduated from the University of Warsaw and started working in law. The beautiful Teodora, who knew the language of the occupiers very well, clearly caught the eye of the head of the German counterintelligence in Warsaw. In any case, it was he, SS-Sturmbannführer Ernst Kah, who offered her an office job. On the advice of Stanisław Molenda, a pre-war superior from work in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, acting in the underground, she took a job in the office of the governor of the Warsaw district in the internal affairs department, and from 1940 - in the justice department. The saying that the darkest place is under the lantern has proved true. When, with the consent of the leadership of the Home Army underground, "Milena" signed the volkslist, she gained access to even more valuable information - initially as a secretary, and then as a clerk. She submitted reports to the ZWZ / AK - first to Molenda from BIP, and then directly to the counterintelligence of the Warsaw District. Among many important documents, she provided the monthly reports of Governor Fischer and even stole his confidential speech from his subordinates on August 10, 1943. As soon as it reached the Home Army Headquarters, it was disseminated in the underground Information Bulletin. It was thanks to its detailed materials (description, address, brand and registration number of the Opel admiral car on SS 20795 plates) that it was possible to carry out a successful attack on the executioner of Warsaw, Franz Kutschera, the SS and Police commander on the Warsaw District of the General Government. "Milena" also provided information, included in the report of the Home Army General Assembly of July 18, 1944, addressed to the commander of the Warsaw-City district, on the reduction and changes in the capital's uniformed forces, partially replaced by national defense units. When five days later Governor Fischer ordered the evacuation of women from the German offices of the capital, she faced a serious dilemma: stay or leave? The command of the Home Army decided to leave the city. (...) [Teodora] left for Austria, where she worked in the Lufthansa repair plant until the end of the war. In 1946, she left for Great Britain, and a year later she returned to Poland. She lived in Radość near Warsaw and worked in foreign trade centers. On July 20, 1949, she was arrested by the Security Office. Imprisoned without a sentence for nearly four years, she was interrogated by the executioners of the secret police, including Józef Light and Jacek Różański. The perpetrators tried to extract from it testimony pointing to the alleged cooperation of the Home Army counterintelligence with the Gestapo. She was released from prison shortly after Stalin's death on April 25, 1953, and five years later the proceedings against her were discontinued for "no evidence of guilt." In the years 1969-1971, she published a series of memoirs on the occupation work in the governor's office of the Warsaw district. According to Professor Tomasz Szarota, she was one of the greatest figures of the Polish Underground State. The Home Army Headquarters awarded her with the Gold Cross of Merit with a Sword, and in 1976 she received the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.
Good work, Dobra robota. There is an opinion, that we, the Poles, always achieve ours goals. Even it takes centuries ... I agree with that. In 1772, from Russia intiative, Poland (we, the Poles, say: Rzeczpospolita Polska(, in english: Polish Republic ), was attacked by 3 powers. BUT LOOK,! Aftter 200 (in words: two hundreds) years, Prussia does not exist any more, Germany are strickly controlled by United States of America. Austria is stilll a big european country but without any influence on important things And we, the Poles, had our Pope. Jan Paweł II Wielki. A d he had destroyed comminzm . But Russia ..... Russia is III World country. Poor, agressive, under oppression ... Like Libia used to be ... And, and, and, ... our beloved Polska is becoming menthal, moral, , and generalny speaking : "common sense" leader. We will survive and even more. We save our and your culture . What it is? It is: ancient Greeks Romans, and Christianity. We would save the Europe . . . .
Szkoda ze to juz głeboka przeszłość i wszyscy bohaterowie wygineli, zostały kurwy i sprzedawczyki a niedługo nasz kraj wejdzie do wojny. Dla mnie to jest zadziwiajace, najbardziej doswiadczony przez wojne kraj nie protestuje w obliczu wejscia do wojny z atomowym gigantem gdzie obietnice sojusznikow mozna sobie w buty wsadzic, biada nam!!
Poland is a country that truly stood the meaning of " Never Give up ", even without the allies help. They still fight for independency of their country. But at the end, they were betrayed by the allies. They never give recognition to Poland who helped them fought the Nazis and also left them to the Soviets to controlling their land. But Poland still resist to achieve independency and they've done it. Poland in WW2 are not to be fuck with.
Everything in this video is true at a glance. My great-grandmother was sent to a concentration camp together with my grandmother because she helped Jews. The big players want no one to hear about Poland, and ideally it should not exist at all, it has been like that for hundreds of years. Bravery for our homeland is in our blood. Thank you for the film.
"Black Devils - is one of the most famous Polish troops taking part in the Second World War. The 1st Armored Division, commanded by General Stanisław Maczek, consisted of volunteers, soldiers in exile.
This video presents the truth, I am glad that this video has reached other people, I am glad that you know our history, honor and glory to the heroes free Poland
It stunning how so many people don't know about the general history of Poland from school. Cause Poland as it is know was a big part of the WW2. As a Pole im really proud of the history of my country :]
Polish mathematicians Marian Rejewski, Henryk Zygalski and Jerzy Różycki broke the cipher of the German cipher machine "Enigma", and then developed methods allowing for regular reading of German ciphertexts.
I'll tell you a fun fact: type the word "weapon" into the translator and most languages will pop up or you'll hear: armes, armas, armi, etc. Which comes from the word "arm" and as my teacher explained to me years ago it meant to extend the hand or the arm. In our case, it's "broń" which comes from the word defend, defend youself.
@@TheMatias417 tu nie chodzi o bycie najważniejszym krajem na świecie a bycie krajem który był w najgorszej sytuacji podczas II WŚ a zrobił w zasadzie najwięcej. No ale niestety, nasi "sojusznicy" spili całą śmietankę, przyznali sobie nasze zasługi po czym sprzedali nas ich "sojusznikom" czyli kurwie rassiji. W niemcy po 2 wojnie światowej wpakowano tyle pieniędzy a nam ruskie podjebały po w cholerę surowców i żerowały jak na już obgryzionej padlinie. Chyba przyznasz że jest tu jakaś niesprawiedliwość i chyba jednak powinna być nagłośniona? A co do tych dat z USA, tam w zasadzie niewiele się wydarzyło, co mogło wpłynąć na losy świata więc IKS DE
Goal was also to occupy the Baltic States (Lituania, Latvia, Estonia - now members of EU). Molotov (Russia) - Ribentrop (Germany) pact was signed. We commemorate this sad day in Lithuania.
I get goosebumps thinking about our history and the courage of these people. I am proud of my country and I hope that people can learn from these events and prevent them in the future. Politicians fight wars and ordinary people suffer.
@@grash4435 yes, but if you sum up all what ison the the bad side and all on good, heroic side, we look way better than many other countries. And in my opinion there's nothing wrong that we are proud of Poland
My grandma was taken to slave work for the germans at the beginning of the war. She was only 10. She was taken away from her family. Her father and mother killed. All the brothers and sisters taken to slave work. This kind of stuff scars you for life. She's 93 now. She was robbed of her childhood, education, family. When she returned home she worked full time job and after that she was helping cleaning up Warsaw, rebuilding the city, just like many other people did. I think today we just don't get the horror of those times. And to see Russia invade Ukraine is just heartbreaking. Because it's obvious that we as people never learn. We still put money and power above human lives. It's just terrible to see. I'm glad that people in my country are helping the Ukrainians as much as they can. Because we remember, we know what it's like.
The same with both of my grandfathers, they were working as slaves in Germany. One of my grandmothers was sent by Russians to Syberia together wth her parents. Every Polish family has such history
It seems like its a great business idea to react for Polish things on RUclips in recent years and to be honest as a Pole I feel proud of my country and polish people, especially people who ask english-speaking youtubers to react for our videos because its one of the best ways I thing to show our country in the best light. Nothing will make better advertisement for our country than social media nowadays.
The lady is Irena Sendlerowa she saved over a 1000 kids by transporting them in her little nurse car and she had a special trained dog that was barking when kids were loud and when dog detected german "soldiers". And also we created organization ZEGOTA that was for save Jewish people
@@jarekw1224 Nie wiem co nazywasz komunizmem. Naziole ciągle mordują więcej ludzi, to że są skrytobójcami od 1947 tylko świadczy o ich tchórzostwie. Boją się otwartej konfrontacji, to żyją w hańbie i w hańbie zdechną. Ich wybór.
from 3:00 -1st Armourded Division, No. 303 Squadron RAF , Cichociemni, Irena Sendlerowa, Witold Pilecki and his Report 'W' (greatest hero in my opinion), Warsaw Ghetto uprising, Warsaw Uprising, Marian Rejewski enigma code breaker
The voicing of narration comes from no other but Sean Bean - famously known from dying, at least in the script of many movies . Perfectly coincidental to the gloom of the video content!
Oglądam i łzy cisną się do oczu, tak jestem Polką i jestem dumna z naszego walecznego narodu KOCHAM POLSKĘ MÓJ KRAJ i jak przyjdzie znowu o nią walczyć Będę walczyć☝️👊 choć jestem kobietą🇵🇱
Minor misstep. They should mention that Polish destroyer has 1on1 duel with Bismark and not only survived. It humiliated that battleship, though unfortunately unit was too light to cause larger damage.
My dalej o wolność musimy walczyc,jesteśmy nękani przez Niemców w Unii ,traktowani jesteśmy jak ludzie drugiej kategorii,mamy taki sam sposób wybierania sędziów jak Niemcy ale oni zarzucają nam brak praworządności,mówią że mamy gorsza kulturę.Mowi to naród który do tej pory nie zapłacił reparacji za zniszczenia w czasie wojny.Innym krajom w tym ostatnio Italy,która z Niemcami współpracowała w czasie wojny.Niemcy chcą przejac kontrolę nad Polską i innymi krajami Europy i pozbawić nas w bezkrwawy sposób suwerenności,w Polsce przejęli już wiele firm,fabryk,bankow .Niemcom ich fanatyczne samouwielbienie każe dalej zniewalac narody udając ,że są pokojowo nastawieni. Swiat nic nie wie o podłości Niemiec!!!Z drugiej strony Polski jest Rosja,pięćdziesiąt lat w niewoli komunizmu,a kim jest Rosja już Świat wie,to zagrożenie dla Europy .Jestem dumna ,że jestem Polką.♥️🇵🇱♥️
About the names in the Jewish part of the video Polish people took in Jews, especially the children, gave them new names, birth certificates, and family histories, and helped them escape to the family in the West or to other Polish families who would adopt the children. And don't forget that Poland was the only country where hiding/helping Jews was punishable by death, or rather execution, because you were shot on the spot along the Jews you hid.
There was only a lack of Polish soldiers at the victory parade, so as not to irritate Russia, and were present on all fronts of World War II; on the eastern front, in Africa-Tobruk in Europe, 60 percent of intelligence messages came from Polish intelligence, they broke the Enigma code, which the English somehow remain silent about, the pilots defended England, were at sea, provided weapons for the Jewish uprising in the Warsaw ghetto, helped to hide Jews for which only in Poland the death penalty was threatened and Jews slander Poles anyway. The West sold Poland to Stalin and in this way they thanked the Poles for their bloodshed.
4:05 Jewish names were changed to Polish names, new Birth Certificates were created with Polish nakes so Germans couldn't find out that children was a Jew. This way Poles were protecting them from being killed.
From IPNTV there are 2 more in this style. Unconquered: trying times is about 1918-1939 and is prequel to this one. Game of independence is About forming independent state after WW1
The nurse saving Jewish kids is most likely Irena Sendler. Rescued Jewish kids were given christian cover names. Irena recorded the kids real names and their cover identities and then buried the records in jars so that the kids could be reunited with their identities and families after the war. "Life in a Jar" tells this story.
Poland is the mother of all Europe, Poland takes all the blows, and although Poland gives its heart for everyone, it is always insulted and betrayed. It's sad but true. Poland is Honor and Courage! Poland is everything that other nations lack!!!!!!
this scene from 3:56 with names a Polish underground humanitarian organization operating in the years 1942-1945, as an organ of the Polish government in exile, whose task was to organize help for Jews in and outside ghettos. The council operated under the underground code name "Konrad Żegota" often abbreviated to "Żegota" these names alluded to saving Jewish children by creating Polish roots in false documents and taking them out of the ghetto this woman was Irena Sendlerowa saved 2.5 thousand Jewish children from the Warsaw ghetto, deporting them and hiding them in Polish families, orphanages and monasteries Poles constitute the largest number among those awarded the highest Israeli civilian decoration awarded to non-Jews, the Righteous Among the Nations medal, awarded by the Yad Vashem Institute for the Remembrance of Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes.
My grandfather was born somewhere in germany while his mother was taken pregnant to work for nazis in slavery. To his very last days in May 2023 he was getting veteran's pension from the Polish government as a victim of world war II. Rest in peace grandpa, you were the best!
You might wanna check out something about Squadron 303. Also lets keep in mind that the leaders in Yalta, mentioned here, you know, the ones setting us behind the Iron Curtain, were Winston Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt, ok? Thanks :)
Czesław Niemen was a singer and composer. In this spot of the film you can see simplification (as the whole clip is just history in a pill) of Irena Sendler, who was risking her life to save jewish children during the war. Yed Washem (Israel) after the war named her as Righteous Among the Nations.
So the IPN means Institute of National Remembrance but the shortcut is in Polish which’s mean Instytut Panięci Narodowej. And yes our history is very rich and I dont know why the people now young people dont want to learn something about their history. Im 23 yrs old and i believe that now whats going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦 will gone faster as it possible Now im living in US and i miss my motherland 🇵🇱 best greetings 😁
It's narrated by Sean Bean. IPN is Institute of National Remembrence. It's a government financed institution with departments/devisions: 1. Main Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation, 2. Vetting Office, 3. IPN Archive, 4. Office for Commemorating Struggles and Martyrdom, 5. Bureau of Search and Identification, 6. National Education Office, 7. Historical Research Office.
No it’s not czeslaw niemen, it was irena sendler she saved a lot of Jewish kids from Warsaw ghetto , and kept their real names in a jar, beautiful story
Poland was the strongest country in the world between 15 to half of 17 centaury. Poland is only one country which take Mascow russian capitol. No one Napolein bonabarte or Hitler only polish knights. Poland also save Europe from muslim invasion in 1683 beat turkey in battle of Vienna, then save Europe from comunism in 1920 beat red Russia. Never forget that!!!
I'm Polish, and if i can give advice - if You want visit Poland go to Kraków. You have there Aushwiz - concentration camp,Nowa huta which is city build in Soviet occupation, a lot museum with polish history and art from that time etc. (Warsaw was almost destroy in XX2 so you don't have to much old buildings) . in Cracow there is Kazimierz ,that's before XX2 war was part of city belong to Jude's. Kraków is full of history (not only from XX2 war for example there is Wawel castle with dragon that spitfire ;) ...... .
A Pole is the kindest and best friend of every human being, but until someone deceives us and betrays us. Then we turn into bloodthirsty and fighting to the death warriors. This is our nature.
My brother-in-laws great grandpa was murdered during the Katyń Massacre. My dad’s moms neighbors family were all killed by the Nazis for hiding Jews, including an infant. Also my dad’s uncle was put into a Labor camp during the war. He was forced to move to Germany from Poland, but luckily at that camp he met his eventual future wife. They both moved to the U.S. in the 1950’s. It’s different hearing about atrocities like this happening and actually having family members that have stories where they actually witnessed or lived it.
Hey Mate. It is not Czeslaw Niemen. These are just the names. There were many poles saving Jews, yet the most famous one is Irena Sendlerowa. Check her out. I think the part of the moie is a tribute to her as she saved hundreds of children while working for child department during WWII.
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woda i smieciowe tresci z TV zapelnia caly muzg i juz glowa prawdy nie wpusci ? To nie Napoleon cwaniak Polske wam dal tylko udawal dobrego dla naiwniakow polakow tak jak dzis ussaki = Namowil 110 tys polakow jako frajerow na mieso armatnie napasc na Rosje wykorzystal naiwnymi bajeczkami ? Kto polske urodzil = odrodzil jak kura piskle do zycia postawil ? ze zmazanej z mapy na ktorej Polski nie bylo nawet granic. 27 listopada 1815 = Nikolaj Silcow = i Car Aleksander 1 To z ich rak byla zrobiona zatwierdzona = Konstytucja Polski jedyna najbardziej liberalna w calej Europie..Nareszczie sczesliwi polacy mieli swoja ziemie co bylo najwazniejsze kto nie ma rozumu i nie doznal bezdomnosci i biedy = ten tego nie doceni Bo jesli swej matki co Dala ci zycie nie sznujesz a takze wyzwolicieli kraju ? To na urodzenie i zycie w spokoju nie zaslugujesz . Najgorsze jest gdy dzieci pluja na swoja Matke Rosja= pomijajac jakies niesnacki po obu stronach= Polski I Rosji To Fakt ze zaden inny kraj nie dal dla Polakow slupkow Granicznych Tylko Rosja. Wiadomo ze Rosja jak kazdy inny kraj nie zawsze nie jest idealem ale 30 lipca 1941 Rosja postapila Bardzo dobrze dla Nas uratowala nam zycie jak topielca ratownik = Wszyscy przez pewien okres zycia jestesmy glupcami.ale wazne ze bledy naprawiamy.
The saddest thing is that you watch it and don't even know it's a true story. We complain in Poland about education and how much we have to learn, but we know the history of the USA, UK, France, and Italy; we learn everything. You have the nickname teacher," yet you lack information about the darkest moments in world history. These videos were made to quickly show those who don't believe in what happened in Poland and don't believe that the countries our soldiers helped turned their backs on us because they were afraid of Stalin, so they sold out Poland after it helped them win the war. For us, victory did not come; we fought on without looking at anyone's mercy. Today, 2024, we are in the EU and NATO, and that's a very good thing because a lot has changed, but every Pole knows that in case (let's hope not) of war, we will again really be on our own, because I doubt the allies will send their troops and armies and stand beside us in battle.
Poland was the only european country that never gave up during WW2. All the years the germans were there, the underground army kept fighting.
And Poland never colaborate with Nazist.
Poland acually colaborated with nazist in 1938 when they threatened an attack Czechoslovakia's Zaolzie and started with nazist partition of Czechoslovakia.
@@qubor785 no they didn't?
@@ryjolad we are not that innocent
@@ppzav I want only admit Slovakia attacked Poland with nazist. Poland never colaborated with nazist!
I have seen this probably 500 times already and each time when I hear: "because we do not beg for freedom we fight for it" I have tears in my eyes :) Yes, I'm Polish...
Same ;)
yeah we can be proud:)
Ja też 🇵🇱🇵🇱 mój kraj 🇵🇱🍀✌️❤️
11 przykazanie - because we dont beg for freedom, we fight for it
Most Americans have no idea about how much Poland contributed to the war. Me having Polish grandparents, I learned this at a very young age. Despite American/Western ignorance, RUclips has done a lot to increase the respect of Poland.
Kosciuszko , Puławski ...west point helped found Kosciuszko
Yes, they mostly teach in the USA about Holocaust. What a disgrace!
Americans don't know a lot of facts thats from europe. They don't even know what is going at other side of their country border. I don't want to offend all Americans, Because i exactly know that a lot of them know this things, but I saw a lot of videos where they are "dumb". Sorry I need to say that. And yes, I am also from Poland.
No, it wasn't related to Czesław Niemen. If you rewind a bit you can see names written in Yddish changing into Polish. That's how they were saving Jewish children - by smuggling them out of ghetto, giving them Polish names, baptism acts, teaching them catholic prayers in polish orphanages or polish families. They were making lists of saved children - their real names and new names, their new adresses - to make possible family reunions after war. They hid the lists in the jars and buried to keep it save. The nurse was Irena Sendler, working for organisation that was saving Jews from Jewish ghetto in Warsaw.
@Marcin Smith Jesteśmy bohaterami nimi pozostaniemy
Yep, Jewish children had to change names so they would not get killed.
Joanna . pieknie to opisalas !! Pozdrwawiam z Kanady
@Marcin Smith Yes. Not 100% certain but heard that more Polish people were given that title than people from every other nation involved in ww2 combined.
Najsmutniejsze jest to, z jakim zaskoczeniem on to ogląda... Jestem ciekaw czego się oni uczą na historii. Pewnie tylko tego jak Francja i Wielka Brytania były zajebiste
Chłop jakby tego nie obejrzał to pewnie dalej by żył w niewiedzy że coś takiego się wydarzyło....a z resztą jak większość i pomyśleć że to było tylko 76 lat temu masakra
@@MyBartO11 Mój ukraiński kolega, mieszkając od 10 lat w Polsce, nadal twierdzi, że IIWW zaczęła się w1941. Więc czego wymagamy od faceta z "zachodu"?
Wątpię że Amerykanie uczą się o tym że uk i Francja (poniekąd ich wrogoprzyjaciele) było zajebisci
co najlepsze że najbardziej do zmiany historii naciskają NIEMCY więc no. Przykładem są np gry historyczne w których nie może być swastyka bo Niemcy odrazu będą płakać o to co sami stworzyli pozdrawiam X D
At 3:40 minutes, a woman is shown taking pictures. She's not just any woman. This is the James Bond of the Polish resistance movement - the Home Army. Teodora Żukowska ps. "Milena". The most valuable agent of the Home Army in Warsaw. The daughter of an Austrian archaeologist and a mother of German-Czech origin, who had multinational roots, knew German from an early age. When her parents divorced, she lived with her father in Vienna for a few years, and then, from the age of twelve, in Poland, where her mother married a distinguished soldier of the Legions, Captain Jerzy Rolecki.
In 1936, Teodora accepted Polish citizenship, and a year later she graduated from the University of Warsaw and started working in law. The beautiful Teodora, who knew the language of the occupiers very well, clearly caught the eye of the head of the German counterintelligence in Warsaw. In any case, it was he, SS-Sturmbannführer Ernst Kah, who offered her an office job. On the advice of Stanisław Molenda, a pre-war superior from work in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, acting in the underground, she took a job in the office of the governor of the Warsaw district in the internal affairs department, and from 1940 - in the justice department.
The saying that the darkest place is under the lantern has proved true. When, with the consent of the leadership of the Home Army underground, "Milena" signed the volkslist, she gained access to even more valuable information - initially as a secretary, and then as a clerk. She submitted reports to the ZWZ / AK - first to Molenda from BIP, and then directly to the counterintelligence of the Warsaw District. Among many important documents, she provided the monthly reports of Governor Fischer and even stole his confidential speech from his subordinates on August 10, 1943. As soon as it reached the Home Army Headquarters, it was disseminated in the underground Information Bulletin.
It was thanks to its detailed materials (description, address, brand and registration number of the Opel admiral car on SS 20795 plates) that it was possible to carry out a successful attack on the executioner of Warsaw, Franz Kutschera, the SS and Police commander on the Warsaw District of the General Government. "Milena" also provided information, included in the report of the Home Army General Assembly of July 18, 1944, addressed to the commander of the Warsaw-City district, on the reduction and changes in the capital's uniformed forces, partially replaced by national defense units.
When five days later Governor Fischer ordered the evacuation of women from the German offices of the capital, she faced a serious dilemma: stay or leave? The command of the Home Army decided to leave the city. (...)
[Teodora] left for Austria, where she worked in the Lufthansa repair plant until the end of the war. In 1946, she left for Great Britain, and a year later she returned to Poland.
She lived in Radość near Warsaw and worked in foreign trade centers. On July 20, 1949, she was arrested by the Security Office. Imprisoned without a sentence for nearly four years, she was interrogated by the executioners of the secret police, including Józef Light and Jacek Różański. The perpetrators tried to extract from it testimony pointing to the alleged cooperation of the Home Army counterintelligence with the Gestapo. She was released from prison shortly after Stalin's death on April 25, 1953, and five years later the proceedings against her were discontinued for "no evidence of guilt." In the years 1969-1971, she published a series of memoirs on the occupation work in the governor's office of the Warsaw district.
According to Professor Tomasz Szarota, she was one of the greatest figures of the Polish Underground State. The Home Army Headquarters awarded her with the Gold Cross of Merit with a Sword, and in 1976 she received the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.
To chyba raczej była Krystyna Skarbek (pierwowzór dziewczyny bonda)
Przecież to jest Irena Sendler, co wy ćpacie?
@@jedenzet Czyta się opis filmiku . A nie tworzy własne teorie . Poza tym od kiedy Sendlerowa zdobywała Niemieckie dokumenty wojskowe ?
@@Pookiesk Skarbek nie działała w Okupowanej Polsce
Good work, Dobra robota. There is an opinion, that we, the Poles, always achieve ours goals.
Even it takes centuries ...
I agree with that.
In 1772, from Russia intiative, Poland (we, the Poles, say: Rzeczpospolita Polska(, in english: Polish Republic ), was attacked by 3 powers. BUT LOOK,!
Aftter 200 (in words: two hundreds) years, Prussia does not exist any more, Germany are strickly controlled by United States of America. Austria is stilll a big european country but without any influence on important things
And we, the Poles, had our Pope. Jan Paweł II Wielki. A d he had destroyed comminzm .
But Russia .....
Russia is III World country. Poor, agressive, under oppression ... Like Libia used to be ...
And, and, and, ... our beloved Polska is becoming menthal, moral, , and generalny speaking : "common sense" leader.
We will survive and even more. We save our and your culture
. What it is? It is: ancient Greeks Romans, and Christianity. We would save the Europe . . . .
,, Bo my nie błagamy o wolność my o nią walczymy " 🇵🇱
dowódca dywizjonu 303 Witold Urbanowicz
Racja, Polska to Kraj Feniksa
Szkoda ze to juz głeboka przeszłość i wszyscy bohaterowie wygineli, zostały kurwy i sprzedawczyki a niedługo nasz kraj wejdzie do wojny. Dla mnie to jest zadziwiajace, najbardziej doswiadczony przez wojne kraj nie protestuje w obliczu wejscia do wojny z atomowym gigantem gdzie obietnice sojusznikow mozna sobie w buty wsadzic, biada nam!!
Poland is a country that truly stood the meaning of " Never Give up ", even without the allies help. They still fight for independency of their country. But at the end, they were betrayed by the allies. They never give recognition to Poland who helped them fought the Nazis and also left them to the Soviets to controlling their land. But Poland still resist to achieve independency and they've done it.
Poland in WW2 are not to be fuck with.
Not to be fucked with ever.
@@thomaslazarski3596 Kiedys Ktos będzie Próbował, Ale my walke o SWOJE mamy we krwi i się zdziwi ( UE)
I'm Polish and I always have tears in my eyes when I watch this movie.
The geographic location of Poland between Russia and Germany forced us to have the last quote engraved in our hearts
Everything in this video is true at a glance. My great-grandmother was sent to a concentration camp together with my grandmother because she helped Jews. The big players want no one to hear about Poland, and ideally it should not exist at all, it has been like that for hundreds of years. Bravery for our homeland is in our blood. Thank you for the film.
"Black Devils - is one of the most famous Polish troops taking part in the Second World War. The 1st Armored Division, commanded by General Stanisław Maczek, consisted of volunteers, soldiers in exile.
My greatgrandfather and his brother was in Maczek's division. They all had great bond and were brave as hell 💪🏻
This video presents the truth, I am glad that this video has reached other people, I am glad that you know our history, honor and glory to the heroes free Poland
It stunning how so many people don't know about the general history of Poland from school. Cause Poland as it is know was a big part of the WW2. As a Pole im really proud of the history of my country :]
Polish mathematicians Marian Rejewski, Henryk Zygalski and Jerzy Różycki broke the cipher of the German cipher machine "Enigma", and then developed methods allowing for regular reading of German ciphertexts.
First IA mashine 😁 Sława Bracie 🙏🏻
I'll tell you a fun fact: type the word "weapon" into the translator and most languages will pop up or you'll hear: armes, armas, armi, etc. Which comes from the word "arm" and as my teacher explained to me years ago it meant to extend the hand or the arm. In our case, it's "broń" which comes from the word defend, defend youself.
Poland Born to fight !
Bóg Honor Ojczyzna !
Honor ojczyzna
Ten film powinien oglądnąć cały świat!!
Każdy Polak to wie
No właśnie!
bo przecież Polska to najważniejszy kraj na całym świecie xD wymienicie chociaż połowę ważnych dat z historii USA? :D
@@TheMatias417 tu nie chodzi o bycie najważniejszym krajem na świecie a bycie krajem który był w najgorszej sytuacji podczas II WŚ a zrobił w zasadzie najwięcej. No ale niestety, nasi "sojusznicy" spili całą śmietankę, przyznali sobie nasze zasługi po czym sprzedali nas ich "sojusznikom" czyli kurwie rassiji. W niemcy po 2 wojnie światowej wpakowano tyle pieniędzy a nam ruskie podjebały po w cholerę surowców i żerowały jak na już obgryzionej padlinie. Chyba przyznasz że jest tu jakaś niesprawiedliwość i chyba jednak powinna być nagłośniona? A co do tych dat z USA, tam w zasadzie niewiele się wydarzyło, co mogło wpłynąć na losy świata więc IKS DE
Geography Now is a cool channecl in general, and the Polish "episode" is pretty accurate as well, I recommend.
Goal was also to occupy the Baltic States (Lituania, Latvia, Estonia - now members of EU). Molotov (Russia) - Ribentrop (Germany) pact was signed. We commemorate this sad day in Lithuania.
I could watch that video millions of times, it never gets boring or loses intensity. A great production indeed!
I get goosebumps thinking about our history and the courage of these people. I am proud of my country and I hope that people can learn from these events and prevent them in the future. Politicians fight wars and ordinary people suffer.
Im from Poland and im cry when i watching this video. Greetings from Poland.
Jestem dumna z mojego kraju.
Bóg honor ojczyzna ✝️💪🇵🇱
Yes if you look at one side , what about the bad Poles who work with Germans.
Yes we are strong but we have bad side as well nobody is perfect.
Zgadzam się i też jestem dumny! Honor i Ojczyzna! Bogów w to nie mieszajmy...
@@grash4435 yes, but if you sum up all what ison the the bad side and all on good, heroic side, we look way better than many other countries. And in my opinion there's nothing wrong that we are proud of Poland
@@grash4435 What about them? They were executed.
Brawo za odwagę Aniu z gór ❤
Nasz naród idzie do nieba przechodząc przez piekło
My grandma was taken to slave work for the germans at the beginning of the war. She was only 10. She was taken away from her family. Her father and mother killed. All the brothers and sisters taken to slave work. This kind of stuff scars you for life. She's 93 now. She was robbed of her childhood, education, family. When she returned home she worked full time job and after that she was helping cleaning up Warsaw, rebuilding the city, just like many other people did. I think today we just don't get the horror of those times. And to see Russia invade Ukraine is just heartbreaking. Because it's obvious that we as people never learn. We still put money and power above human lives. It's just terrible to see. I'm glad that people in my country are helping the Ukrainians as much as they can. Because we remember, we know what it's like.
The same with both of my grandfathers, they were working as slaves in Germany. One of my grandmothers was sent by Russians to Syberia together wth her parents. Every Polish family has such history
IPN- Instytut Pamieci Narodowej.
Institute of National Remembrance
It seems like its a great business idea to react for Polish things on RUclips in recent years and to be honest as a Pole I feel proud of my country and polish people, especially people who ask english-speaking youtubers to react for our videos because its one of the best ways I thing to show our country in the best light. Nothing will make better advertisement for our country than social media nowadays.
The lady is Irena Sendlerowa she saved over a 1000 kids by transporting them in her little nurse car and she had a special trained dog that was barking when kids were loud and when dog detected german "soldiers". And also we created organization ZEGOTA that was for save Jewish people
Czeslaw is a regular Polish name.
Thos were only a examples of names.
My family participated in saving Jewish children. They where given conspiracy Polish names. It is what I understand those names above them are about.
Whenever I watch a film about the history of Poland, I cry😢
For Polish, the war lasted from 39 to 89.
Not 6 as for the rest of the world
dla ciebie i różnych idiotów
@@magdaty1815 Dla Polakow, nie dla komuchow
@@jarekw1224 dla nazioli
@@magdaty1815 dla komuchow. Pamietaj ze komunizm zabil (i nadal zabija) wiecej ludzi niz naziole.
To rak 20 i 21 wieku.
@@jarekw1224 Nie wiem co nazywasz komunizmem. Naziole ciągle mordują więcej ludzi, to że są skrytobójcami od 1947 tylko świadczy o ich tchórzostwie. Boją się otwartej konfrontacji, to żyją w hańbie i w hańbie zdechną. Ich wybór.
That will be very interesting! I have a lot roots in Poland ❤🤗
Great Angela💛
Greetings from Poland .
Fajnie że ktoś pamięta o Polsce / It's nice that someone remembers about Poland
Present from England! 🇬🇧
Check "Poland first to fight!" for more about WWII and Polish soldiers. In this video, the facts are presented in a fun way :D
My greatgrandfather was murdered in Katyn and his wife and daughters deported to Kazakhstan.
@Keys for Wealth they returned in 1946
Za każdym razem, jak to oglądam, się wzruszam. Jestem taka dumna z Polski 🇵🇱
from 3:00 -1st Armourded Division, No. 303 Squadron RAF , Cichociemni, Irena Sendlerowa, Witold Pilecki and his Report 'W' (greatest hero in my opinion), Warsaw Ghetto uprising, Warsaw Uprising, Marian Rejewski enigma code breaker
Szkoda ze nie zobaczył też wcześniejszej historii od zawsze byliśmy wojownikami :D
Sprawdź historie Misia Wojtka który nie doczekał się wolnej Polski pozoro✌️
The voicing of narration comes from no other but Sean Bean - famously known from dying, at least in the script of many movies . Perfectly coincidental to the gloom of the video content!
I did not know that, thanks for the info. Now I'll rewatch it on the whole new level :D
Oglądam i łzy cisną się do oczu, tak jestem Polką i jestem dumna z naszego walecznego narodu KOCHAM POLSKĘ MÓJ KRAJ i jak przyjdzie znowu o nią walczyć Będę walczyć☝️👊 choć jestem kobietą🇵🇱
Jestem z tobą siostro!!!
Poland im so proud of you I'm Polish to
Nigdy USA Angli Francji nie zapomnimy
a teacher surprised by the existence of the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact... well done.
Im living in Nederland for last 14 years i watching Your channel and yes im Polish... thanks for reaction.
and General Urbanowicz at the end. Now you know everything
Minor misstep. They should mention that Polish destroyer has 1on1 duel with Bismark and not only survived. It humiliated that battleship, though unfortunately unit was too light to cause larger damage.
That nurse was Irena Sendlerowa she saved over 20000 jewish kids
My dalej o wolność musimy walczyc,jesteśmy nękani przez Niemców w Unii ,traktowani jesteśmy jak ludzie drugiej kategorii,mamy taki sam sposób wybierania sędziów jak Niemcy ale oni zarzucają nam brak praworządności,mówią że mamy gorsza kulturę.Mowi to naród który do tej pory nie zapłacił reparacji za zniszczenia w czasie wojny.Innym krajom w tym ostatnio Italy,która z Niemcami współpracowała w czasie wojny.Niemcy chcą przejac kontrolę nad Polską i innymi krajami Europy i pozbawić nas w bezkrwawy sposób suwerenności,w Polsce przejęli już wiele firm,fabryk,bankow .Niemcom ich fanatyczne samouwielbienie każe dalej zniewalac
narody udając ,że są pokojowo nastawieni. Swiat nic nie wie o podłości Niemiec!!!Z drugiej strony Polski jest Rosja,pięćdziesiąt lat w niewoli komunizmu,a kim jest Rosja już Świat wie,to zagrożenie dla Europy .Jestem dumna ,że jestem Polką.♥️🇵🇱♥️
Polska moim domem, moją miłością, moją twierdzą...
God, Honour, Fatherland. We never give up
About the names in the Jewish part of the video
Polish people took in Jews, especially the children, gave them new names, birth certificates, and family histories, and helped them escape to the family in the West or to other Polish families who would adopt the children.
And don't forget that Poland was the only country where hiding/helping Jews was punishable by death, or rather execution, because you were shot on the spot along the Jews you hid.
There was only a lack of Polish soldiers at the victory parade, so as not to irritate Russia, and were present on all fronts of World War II; on the eastern front, in Africa-Tobruk in Europe, 60 percent of intelligence messages came from Polish intelligence, they broke the Enigma code, which the English somehow remain silent about, the pilots defended England, were at sea, provided weapons for the Jewish uprising in the Warsaw ghetto, helped to hide Jews for which only in Poland the death penalty was threatened and Jews slander Poles anyway. The West sold Poland to Stalin and in this way they thanked the Poles for their bloodshed.
"Szło się w step wypłakać...", zesłanie w Kazachstanie - Janusz Osiński. Świadkowie Epoki
Zawsze mam sreszcze jak ogladam ten filmik o naszej histori
We don't beg for freedom we fight for IT!
Polecam dywizjon 303, w końcu walczyli w Waszym kraju ... choć jest tam wzmianka o lotnictwie ...
We are still strong. Yeah... On paper everything look perfect. In reality? Oh boy.
Our history is hard… but When somone in another country ask me where I’m from I sooo pround I can say „I’m from poland”
4:05 Jewish names were changed to Polish names, new Birth Certificates were created with Polish nakes so Germans couldn't find out that children was a Jew. This way Poles were protecting them from being killed.
Never try to take our freedom...
Actually the voice of the actor, Sean Bean, telling the story, gives additional effect 🤩
Thank you for watching. Very well.
From IPNTV there are 2 more in this style. Unconquered: trying times is about 1918-1939 and is prequel to this one. Game of independence is About forming independent state after WW1
The nurse saving Jewish kids is most likely Irena Sendler. Rescued Jewish kids were given christian cover names. Irena recorded the kids real names and their cover identities and then buried the records in jars so that the kids could be reunited with their identities and families after the war. "Life in a Jar" tells this story.
Poland is the mother of all Europe, Poland takes all the blows, and although Poland gives its heart for everyone, it is always insulted and betrayed. It's sad but true. Poland is Honor and Courage! Poland is everything that other nations lack!!!!!!
Мать Европы это Рим.
this scene from 3:56 with names a Polish underground humanitarian organization operating in the years 1942-1945, as an organ of the Polish government in exile, whose task was to organize help for Jews in and outside ghettos. The council operated under the underground code name "Konrad Żegota" often abbreviated to "Żegota" these names alluded to saving Jewish children by creating Polish roots in false documents and taking them out of the ghetto this woman was Irena Sendlerowa saved 2.5 thousand Jewish children from the Warsaw ghetto, deporting them and hiding them in Polish families, orphanages and monasteries Poles constitute the largest number among those awarded the highest Israeli civilian decoration awarded to non-Jews, the Righteous Among the Nations medal, awarded by the Yad Vashem Institute for the Remembrance of Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes.
My grandfather was born somewhere in germany while his mother was taken pregnant to work for nazis in slavery. To his very last days in May 2023 he was getting veteran's pension from the Polish government as a victim of world war II. Rest in peace grandpa, you were the best!
You might wanna check out something about Squadron 303.
Also lets keep in mind that the leaders in Yalta, mentioned here, you know, the ones setting us behind the Iron Curtain, were Winston Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt, ok? Thanks :)
You are a teacher, Bro. Teach them please.
Czesław Niemen was a singer and composer. In this spot of the film you can see simplification (as the whole clip is just history in a pill) of Irena Sendler, who was risking her life to save jewish children during the war. Yed Washem (Israel) after the war named her as Righteous Among the Nations.
Thank you!
Polskie Legendy
Czesław niemen was a singer, but it was popular name back then.
So the IPN means Institute of National Remembrance but the shortcut is in Polish which’s mean Instytut Panięci Narodowej. And yes our history is very rich and I dont know why the people now young people dont want to learn something about their history. Im 23 yrs old and i believe that now whats going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦 will gone faster as it possible Now im living in US and i miss my motherland 🇵🇱 best greetings 😁
It's narrated by Sean Bean.
IPN is Institute of National Remembrence. It's a government financed institution with departments/devisions:
1. Main Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation,
2. Vetting Office,
3. IPN Archive,
4. Office for Commemorating Struggles and Martyrdom,
5. Bureau of Search and Identification,
6. National Education Office,
7. Historical Research Office.
No it’s not czeslaw niemen, it was irena sendler she saved a lot of Jewish kids from Warsaw ghetto , and kept their real names in a jar, beautiful story
5:48 - "That's ungrateful" Yes it is - to sold your allied that fight from very begin to bitter end.
Thank You ♥️ Im Polish
To byly Zajebiste Granice
They were from Wroclaw Uniwerity... if I'm not mistaken...
Poland was the strongest country in the world between 15 to half of 17 centaury. Poland is only one country which take Mascow russian capitol. No one Napolein bonabarte or Hitler only polish knights. Poland also save Europe from muslim invasion in 1683 beat turkey in battle of Vienna, then save Europe from comunism in 1920 beat red Russia. Never forget that!!!
Never 👋
Over 1000 Years of Polish history very big amount of wars and even once we didint beg for freedom ,we only fought for it...
The part that always gets me, "The Iron Curtin falls.".
it will stay that way, we are not begging for freedom, we will fight for it
No no if you look at it earlier 3.52 about we save Jewish ( first Jewish names after that change to Polish names like Jan, Czeslaw to make them Polish
Im from poland and i think polish soldier is real heros
We don't Beg of freedom , we fight we know what mean honour
I'm Polish, and if i can give advice - if You want visit Poland go to Kraków. You have there Aushwiz - concentration camp,Nowa huta which is city build in Soviet occupation, a lot museum with polish history and art from that time etc. (Warsaw was almost destroy in XX2 so you don't have to much old buildings) . in Cracow there is Kazimierz ,that's before XX2 war was part of city belong to Jude's. Kraków is full of history (not only from XX2 war for example there is Wawel castle with dragon that spitfire ;) ...... .
Make "trying times"
Poland is like a fenix. We will always come back from the ashes. Like in the wars
We are Sparta when some one want take my/your vodka
A Pole is the kindest and best friend of every human being, but until someone deceives us and betrays us. Then we turn into bloodthirsty and fighting to the death warriors. This is our nature.
We do not beg for freedom. We fight for it.
My brother-in-laws great grandpa was murdered during the Katyń Massacre. My dad’s moms neighbors family were all killed by the Nazis for hiding Jews, including an infant. Also my dad’s uncle was put into a Labor camp during the war. He was forced to move to Germany from Poland, but luckily at that camp he met his eventual future wife. They both moved to the U.S. in the 1950’s. It’s different hearing about atrocities like this happening and actually having family members that have stories where they actually witnessed or lived it.
Hey Mate. It is not Czeslaw Niemen. These are just the names. There were many poles saving Jews, yet the most famous one is Irena Sendlerowa. Check her out. I think the part of the moie is a tribute to her as she saved hundreds of children while working for child department during WWII.