Lil' doom has a death animation where he slams his banhammer down,lord skelly has a unique death animation where he falls apart like tumored trowel,same as retro and its alt
Lord skelly does not have a death animation,he dies like any other battler,retro on the other hand just falls apart(also includes lil Xtreme and glass battler)which is not an animation.Although I will agree that lil doom and lil exec do have death animations
Do more of dis bc it cool 😎
Lil' doom has a death animation where he slams his banhammer down,lord skelly has a unique death animation where he falls apart like tumored trowel,same as retro and its alt
Lord skelly does not have a death animation,he dies like any other battler,retro on the other hand just falls apart(also includes lil Xtreme and glass battler)which is not an animation.Although I will agree that lil doom and lil exec do have death animations
how much damage does tarnished trowel do