Walter Veith & Martin Smith- Israel Of God, Lord's Day, Sabbath In The End Times -What's Up Prof? 31

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2020
  • In Episode 31 we discuss if there is a dispensational difference between the children of Israel and the children of God. We also discuss the various denominational views about the Lord's day and the Sabbath. Is it relevant on which day of the week you worship God, and will this issue become prominent in the time ahead?
    Saddleback Church RUclips Channel - Rick Warren Learn To Rest In God’s Goodness
    • Learn How to Rest in G...
    Creation Believer RUclips Channel - Kent Hovind on The Sabbath
    • The sabbath - Kent Hovind
    Grace to You RUclips Channel - Understanding The Sabbath - John MacArthur
    • Understanding the Sabb...
    Roman Hintz RUclips Channel - Pope and the Sabbath
    • Pope and the Sabbath
    The Sabbath - by Walter Veith
    • Walter Veith - The Sab...
    A Day to Remember - by Walter Veith
    • 107 - A Day to be Reme...
    The Meaning of Rest - by Walter Veith
    • 975 - The Meaning of R...
    Verily My Sabbaths - by Walter Veith
    • 261 - Verily My Sabbat...
    Pricks Of God - By Martin Smith
    • Pricks Of God
    Heritage Of Israel - by Walter Veith
    • 937 - Heritage Of Isra...
    Except Your Righteousness Exceed - Walter Veith
    • 929 - Except Your Righ...
    Kenneth Copeland Ministries - Why Do Christians Worship On Sunday Instead Of Sabbath
    Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 48.1
    God’s Remnant Church (The Remnant Church), p. 50.1
    Maranatha, p. 215
    The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 3, p. 392
    Maranatha, p. 216.6
    Maranatha, p. 205.3
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Комментарии • 475

  • @olcraigsen
    @olcraigsen 3 года назад +97

    Today is going to be a great day , for if God is with us , who can be against us. Stay strong brothers and sisters.

    • @rw6858
      @rw6858 3 года назад +3


    • @stevebilliter
      @stevebilliter 3 года назад +4

      Craig--We do have a great adversary the devil, however, God would send every angel in heaven to protect us if need be as long as we call upon Him.

    • @mostgreatfull
      @mostgreatfull 3 года назад +3

      *1 Make a joyful noise unto The LORD, all ye lands.*
      *2 Serve The LORD with gladness: come before His presence with singing.*
      *3 Know ye that The LORD He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.*
      *4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His Name.*
      *5 For The LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His Truth endureth to all generations.*
      *-Psalm Chapter 100*

    • @mostgreatfull
      @mostgreatfull 3 года назад +3

      *Psalm Chapter 118*
      1 O give thanks unto The LORD; for He is good: because His mercy endureth for ever.
      2 Let Israel now say, that His mercy endureth for ever.
      3 Let the house of Aaron now say, that His mercy endureth for ever.
      4 Let them now that fear The LORD say, that His mercy endureth for ever.
      5 I called upon Zaza The LORD in distress: The LORD answered me, and set me in a large place.
      6 The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?
      7 The LORD taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me.
      8 It is better to trust in The LORD than to put confidence in man.
      9 It is better to trust in The LORD than to put confidence in princes.
      10 All nations compassed me about: but in The name of The LORD will I destroy them.
      11 They compassed me about; yea, they compassed me about: but in The name of The LORD I will destroy them.
      12 They compassed me about like bees; they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.
      13 Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall: but The LORD helped me.
      14 The LORD is my strength and song, and is become My Salvation.
      15 The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: the right hand of The LORD doeth valiantly.
      16 The right hand of The LORD is exalted: The right hand of The LORD doeth valiantly.
      17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of The LORD.
      18 The LORD hath chastened me sore: but He hath not given me over unto death.
      19 Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise The LORD:
      20 This gate of The LORD, into which The righteous shall enter.
      21 I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation.
      22 The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.
      23 This is The LORD’S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.
      *24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.*
      25 Save now, I beseech Thee, O LORD: O LORD, I beseech Thee, send now prosperity.
      26 Blessed be he that cometh in The Name of The LORD: we have blessed you out of the house of The LORD.
      27 God is The LORD, which hath shewed us light: bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar.
      28 Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: Thou art my God, I will exalt thee.
      29 O give thanks unto The LORD; for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever.
      *-Psalm 118:1-29*

    • @kdwarner5
      @kdwarner5 3 года назад +2

      Our Father in heaven loves Each and one of us very much. It is us that needs to learn how to Love him. Most don't even know his name! WOW!! How do you Love someone if you don't know their name. How do you have a relationship with someone who you don't know. Have you looked for his name. Not many names!!! He has one name. It's not God or Lord God, either! Each one refers to a unknown Diety. Now let's take the name Jesus, the letter j was invented in 1524. His name wasn't Jesus. Now if the letter j was invented in 1524 and his name could not be Jesus, and we also know it's not a English translation because, there are no English men with that name, or white men, or black men. So it's clearly not English! It's not Latin, Greek, Aramaic, and definitely not Hebrew. So back to basics, if it's not the truth, it's a lie. So if his name is not God, Lord God, Or Jesus. WHO is everyone praying to? 2nd Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause YAH (God) shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. Revelation 12:9 says the great dragon deceives the whole world, are you apart of the whole world? Isaiah 42:8 I am Yahuah; that is my name; and my glory will I not Give to another, neither my praise to graven images. His name is Yahuah look it up. If you can, it was taken out of the King James bible over 7000 times. Oh don't look outside the King James, you will not get to heaven. Wow!! What a lie. The first 4 Commandments tell us how to love the father. Are you keeping the first 4 Commandments? Do you know the first 4 off the top of your head? Do you know what day sabbath is? Do you know how to obey sabbath? Did you know that the definition of sin is, 1st John 3:4 Whosoever committed sin transgesseth also the law: for sin is transgression of the law. The 10 Commandments are the law. I mean I don't understand how the modern churches of today, because of the traditions of men, Can change sabbath's. The catholic church changed it in 326 ad. Who can change Yahuahs( Gods) laws and Commandments. Now we know from scriptures that if we are in disobedience, He doesn't hear our prayers. There is so much scripture to back that up I can't put that many down here. Just look up inequity in your King James. Psalms 66:18 if I regard iniquity in my heart, Yahuah will not hear me: That's pretty clear if I even have the desire to disobey the Commandments, he does hear my prayers. The Commandments are the only part of the bible that wasn't written by man. I mean everyone knows the bible was written by men and it was, Divinely inspired men, all but one part, the 10 Commandments. They were written by the very finger of YAH, in stone, Forever!!!! His name and his Commandments will be restored. Just a note of love, for anyone with a desire for the TRUTH. If you think that you know everything, and your in perfect condition for the coming Tribulation, I'm happy for you. But I will let you understand there is no Rapture, you will be going through tribulation. The Rapture doctrine was invented in 1831 by a man named John Nelson Darby, please take time to look into this information as it is very important for you and your family. Time to put down your arrogance and humble your heart. Take a long look inside. Repent, obey, then pray, he will hear you then. If you're reading this someone loves you enough to make sure you get the message. The message is 1st John 2:3-4 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his Commandments. He that saith I know him, and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
      Isaiah 30:9 This is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of Yahuah. That would say to the seers, see not, into the prophets, prophesy not unto us right things, but speak unto us smooth things, prophesie deceit.
      Romans 1:30 Backbiters, haters of YAH, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient.
      1st Samuel 15:23 for Rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry because thou Hast rejected the word of Yahuah, why he has also rejected the. 2nd John 1 vs 9 + 10 whosoever transgresses and abides not in the doctrine of Meshiaak has not Yahuah He that abides in the doctrine of Meshiaak, has both the father and the son. And if there come any unto you and bring not this Doctrine received him not into your house, neither bid him farewell, for he that bids him farewell is partakers of his evil Deeds.

  • @pillarofsaltsaltiness6947
    @pillarofsaltsaltiness6947 3 года назад +18

    Praise the Lord for calling you “out of darkness into His marvelous light” I also used to be a Catholic. May the Lord help us to stay faithful and withstand the coming storm👍🏼🙏🏼

  • @elikhoury9512
    @elikhoury9512 3 года назад +114

    The fact that Jesus was risen on Sunday should tell everyone that God honors the sabbath and not the first day of the week

    • @Ben-vq2fp
      @Ben-vq2fp 3 года назад +1

      Eli Khoury
      And if he rose on a Tuesday ?

    • @truebeliever3949
      @truebeliever3949 3 года назад +16

      The grand majority dont want the truth, doesn't matter how much evidence is presented. Blind leaders of the blind. The great foe has perfected his skills and he feeds the masses the smooth feel good message that they want! Its just like the bible says they have eyes but can not see!

    • @bobbi2235
      @bobbi2235 3 года назад +6

      Eli right, because Jesus rested on the Sabbath, asleep😔

    • @wendywaddell-hardy9853
      @wendywaddell-hardy9853 3 года назад +9

      Amen! He rested in the grave. They would not even enbalm Jesus on the sabbath!

    • @-kepha8828
      @-kepha8828 3 года назад +2

      Neither sunday nor the 7 day planetary week even exsisted yet in world history. Fact
      The Hebrew Sabbath was originally a Sabbathon . . . it was celebrated at intervals of seven days, corresponding with the changes in the moon’s phases . . . Encyclopaedia Biblica, 1899, p. 4180.
      Shabbat originally arose from the lunar cycle, containing four weeks ending in Sabbath, plus one or two additional unreckoned days per [lunar] month. The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia: Volume 10 Cohen, Simon (1943 p 482-483.)
      the week of seven days was connected with the lunar month, of which it is, approximately, a fourth . . .“ The Jewish Encyclopedia
      The Hebrew month is a lunar month and the quarter of this period - one phase of the moon - appears to have determined the week of seven days. Encyclopaedia Biblica, 1899, p. 4780.
      At first the New Moon festival was not counted among the seven days of the week; after 28 days had elapsed [7 days x 4 weeks], one or two days were intercalated as New Moon days, whereupon a new cycle of four weeks began, so that the Sabbath was a movable festival…. Later the week and the Sabbath became fixed [to the Roman cycling planetary week]; and this gradually resulted in taking away from the New Moon festival its popular importance. . . The Jewish Encyclopedia, Pastoral Feast.
      The [early] Hebrews employed lunar seven-day weeks, which ended with special observances on the seventh day, but none the less were tied to the moon’s course. Rest Days, Hutton Webster, p. 254-255
      The weeks do not continue in a regular cycle regardless of the moon. Each month has four weeks, the beginning with the New Moon. I have no doubt that this was the old Hebrew system. Babylonian Menologies and the Semitic Calendars, p. 89.
      The connection of the Sabbath with lunar phases, however, was (later) discarded by the Israelites . . . The New Schaff-Herzog Religious Encyclopedia, p. 135-136.
      It is certain that the Jews celebrated . . . Pentecost . . . without regard in either case to the day of the [modern Roman] week. Oxford English Dictionary, 1971 Edition, Vol. 2, Pentecost.
      The Sabbath depending, in Israel’s nomadic period, upon the observation of the phases of the moon, it could not, accordingly be a fixed day [meaning a fixed planetary day of the modern Roman cycling week]. The Jewish Encyclopedia: Volume 10, p. 590.
      Most theologians and some scholars assume that mainstream Jewish society, at the time of Jesus was practicing a fixed seven-day week which was the same as the modern fixed [cycling planetary designations] seven-day week. This is extremely doubtful. The change, from a lunar to a fixed week, was brought about by the power and influence of Rome. As long as the Nazarenes held power in Jerusalem, all Roman practices and customs, including that of the consecutive week, were held at bay. Shawui Sabbath: Ancient Sabbath Observance
      In the years following Clement of Alexandria’s time (A.D. 150-215), an ominous change started to take place that was to radically change the Christian concept of the Sabbath. This intimate connection between the week and the month was soon dissolved. It is certain that the week soon followed a development of its own, and it became the custom - without paying any regard to the days of the month (i.e. the luni-solar month) . . . so that the New Moon no longer coincided with the first day of the month. Then, on page 4179 of the same encyclopedia, we read: “The introduction of the custom of celebrating the Sabbath every 7th day, irrespective of the relationship of the day to the moon’s phases, led to a complete separation from the ancient view of the Sabbath. . . Encyclopaedia Biblica, 1903 p. 5290.
      It should be noted that the oldest dated Christian inscription to employ a planetary designation [Sunday thru Saturday, unbroken weekly cycles] belongs to the year 269 A.D.
      Inscriptiones Christianae urbis Romae, ed. De Rossi, 1861, i, No. 1.
      The present Jewish calendar was fixed [changed to the Roman planetary weekly cycle] in the fourth century. Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Letter by Louis Finkelstein to Dr. L. E. Froom, Feb. 20, 1939.
      Some Dead Sea Scrolls, such as 4Q325, 4Q326, 4Q327, and 4Q394, contain fixed week calendar systems which may represent an early attempted transition from the more ancient lunar phase week toward the modern fixed week made mandatory by Rome a few centuries later. Dead Sea Scroll fragments also preserve a luni-solar calendar, along with new and dark moons which are unnecessary if they only kept the purely solar calendar of 364 days. [Author Unknown]
      This change from the luni-solar to a fixed solar calendar occurred in Rome during the repressive measures which were enacted against ALL Jewish customs . . .during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. With the fall of the Nazarene headquarters…at Jerusalem, this new Roman calendar quickly spread throughout ‘Christendom.’ This new calendar not only replaced yearly festival dates such as Passover, but it also revamped the concept of the week and its seventh-day. Iranaeus 2nd Century A.D.
      The calendar was used by ALL the original disciples of Yeshua…This original Nazarene lunar-solar calendar was supplanted by a Roman “planetary week” and calendar in 135 C.E. - when the “Bishops of the Circumcision” were displaced from Jerusalem. This began a three hundred year controversy concerning the TRUE CALENDAR AND CORRECT SABBATH: This [calendar] controversy arose after the exodus of the bishops of the circumcision and has continued until our time.” Epiphanius, HE4, 6, 4.
      In the years following Clement of Alexandria’s time, an ominous change started to take place that was to radically change the Christian concept of the Sabbath. This intimate connection, records the Encyclopedia Biblica, between the week and the month was soon dissolved. It is certain that the week soon followed a development of its own, and it became the custom without paying any regard to the days of the month [i.e. the lunar month]. Encyclopedia Biblica p. 5290.
      “The early Christians [Messiah followers] had at first adopted the Jewish [lunar] seven-day week with its numbered weekdays, but by the close of the third century A.D. this began to give way to the planetary week; and in the fourth and fifth centuries the pagan designations became generally accepted in the western half of Christendom. The use of the planetary names by Christians attests to the growing influence of astrological speculations introduced by converts from paganism.” Rest Days: A Study in Early Law and Morality. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1916, p. 220.
      Sabbath and New Moon (Rosh Chodesh), both periodically recur in the course of the year. The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was, dependent upon the lunar cycle. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, “Holidays,” p. 410.
      The nations do their counting with the Sun, but Israel, with the Moon. The Mekilta, a work of Rabbi Yisma’el Merita (2nd century AD).
      “The first day of the lunar month was observed as a holy day. . . As on the Sabbath, trade and handicraft work were stopped (Amos 8:5; Ezekiel 46:3) and the temple was opened for public worship…. It was an occasion for state banquets (1 Samuel. 20:5-24). Smith’s Bible Dictionary (1884): New Moon.
      Under the reign of Constantius the persecutions of the Jews reached such a height that the computation of the (luni-solar) calendar (was) forbidden under pain of severe punishment. (Source: The Jewish Encyclopedia, “Calendar.”)

  • @olgizaolgiza440
    @olgizaolgiza440 3 года назад +4

    Dear Walter and Martin, I just want you to know that Kent Hovind , after being imprisoned for may years , changed his opinion about Sabat , he is now a Sabat keeping Christian! Praise the Lord!

  • @nicholaschansa6271
    @nicholaschansa6271 3 года назад +21

    Continue to enlighten the world Mr Veith & Martin, the rewards are kept for you in heaven.

    • @tiana4375
      @tiana4375 3 года назад +1

      Amen, they're brite lites n a dark-sinsick 🌎

  • @robinszumanski5898
    @robinszumanski5898 3 года назад +49

    Professor I noticed last week that your voice is under the weather and it is again this week your energy levels seem to be down we're praying for you I know that God has used you as an instrument to bring people to the truth many people thank you Lord

    • @user-hf1ys4rr5h
      @user-hf1ys4rr5h 3 года назад +1

      Anyone who dares to uphold the truth of God's word must prepare to suffer as the development of iniquity intensifies around the world. We need to pray for each other.

  • @sarapeters7976
    @sarapeters7976 3 года назад +8

    I love the sabbath. I look forward to that day all week long. It's my special day with the Lord, His word and praying. It's a wonderful day of rest, refreshing and renewing my faith, strengthening me for the week to come. I love the sabbath

  • @rolandgerard6064
    @rolandgerard6064 3 года назад +112

    I love the Sabbath, it's a blessing. Why believers refuses to keep it is mind boggling.

    • @Find-Your-Bliss-
      @Find-Your-Bliss- 3 года назад +6

      So sweet.
      Thank you

    • @michelleprice4745
      @michelleprice4745 3 года назад +5

      Agree 100

    • @mjuradonez789
      @mjuradonez789 3 года назад +7

      Totally agreed!! What a wonderful relief it is when Sabbath stars and we can REST and FORGET from al our burdens, no matter what!!

    • @locootto661
      @locootto661 3 года назад +9

      I know right? What's mind blowing to me is how i, myself kept Sunday and never questioned it until I
      began to look at it more in depth.
      Now it's amazing how isaiah 53 is known as the forbidden scripture to most Jews bc it is a prophecy that points to the life of the messiah.
      I've found that in Isaiah 56 the evidence that confirms to us today that the Sabbath is a day meant to be kept by God's people. There isn't any !mention of the jew in these verses, they only mention no Jewish people(gentile)

    • @vuyaki6366
      @vuyaki6366 3 года назад +1

      they always say that they are not under the law! And let no body judge you in regard to sabbath days and food and so...

  • @valerieschad8069
    @valerieschad8069 3 года назад +2

    This is an exceptionally clear discussion on why the Sabbath is important, thank you!

  • @cloudattack3279
    @cloudattack3279 3 года назад +28

    Please pray for my 3 sons.My wife is divorcing me, house being sold etc, custody, many obstacles before me. I pray For enlightenment to keep my focus on our Lord Jesus. It hurts a great deal..thank you. 🙏🇦🇺

    • @fitzmillington9078
      @fitzmillington9078 3 года назад +5

      I just prayed for you!

    • @southernyankee2300
      @southernyankee2300 3 года назад +5

      I prayed for you CloudAttack and will continue doing so for you, your sons and your wife. Hold on the Christ

    • @oscarbravo7801
      @oscarbravo7801 3 года назад +5

      I’ll pray

    • @diggingdeeperwithrick125
      @diggingdeeperwithrick125 3 года назад +5

      Praying for you brother...don't loose your focus on Jesus and the truth....

    • @verliesalley9580
      @verliesalley9580 3 года назад +3

      My brother keep the faith . If you use to pray twice a day double it . The more often we send those prayers up , the more we are comforted. Remember the litlle chorus .God answers prayer in the morning .God answer prayer at noon , God answers prayer in the evening , so keep your herat in tune.In my younger days. I had a great disappointment in life ,it took an unbeliever to encoyrage me to praymore often and believe it helped . Those steadfast prayers to God helped because he stepped in and boyd my spirit up . I will be praying for you too.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @thetimeisnow564
    @thetimeisnow564 3 года назад +9

    I saw this on a gorgeous sunny Sabbath in SE Alaska. God bless all of his people!

  • @hoboditch3093
    @hoboditch3093 3 года назад +27

    In the last 10 plus years of studying Walter Vieth's lectures I've never once heard him reference Hebrews chapter 4. In this chapter the apostles say that Christians were already choosing different days other than the seventh day to keep holy. And the apostles gave a promise that if we will return to the special day God set aside holy that we'd be blessed. Maybe Walter doesn't use it because they don't exactly specify what day to keep holy but in context it is definitely implied as important. It's actually a huge part of my testimony and how I was changed and pulled out of Mormons LDS deep deception. Decided to try out one Saturday and I'm forever a new creature in Christ.

    • @Qty7777
      @Qty7777 3 года назад +2

      Hebrews 4:4-9 KJV
      "For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.
      And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest.
      Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:
      Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
      For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.
      There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God."

    • @AdventTourist
      @AdventTourist 3 года назад +2

      Brother. I would like to hear more about your testimony

    • @robman6583
      @robman6583 3 года назад

      read chapters 3&4 at least it helped me to get the context

    • @linavillania5491
      @linavillania5491 3 года назад

      God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit keep the Lord's holy seventh day Sabbath. The 10 commandments' 4th says remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Because I love the Lord, I choose to follow Him. Remember, when, by God's grace and our choice, we get to heaven, we will worship God every day. Then every seventh day Sabbath, we will acknowledge and worship God as our Creator.
      Thank God for Dr. Walter Veith and Mr. Martin. May God forever bless.

    • @johngoodwill4890
      @johngoodwill4890 3 года назад +1

      I too was convinced of the faith of Christ and His remnant truth through the book of Hebrews. It is the most plain truths of the sanctary, atonement and faith of the fathers of which the Sabbath is the earliest of all truths given to man upon creation. Praise God brother for calling us out of darkness into His beautiful Light!!!

  • @christopherschmid6490
    @christopherschmid6490 3 года назад +1

    Dear Walter and Martin. It occurs to me that these televangelist calling us SAD's a cult is laying the ground work for percussion. I thank you both for your wonderful ministry. God is truly blessing you. I pray that many people will tune in and learn real Bible truths. May the Lord bless you both. I pray for both of you everyday 🙏

  • @evertbakker5307
    @evertbakker5307 3 года назад +18

    I have followed .
    Mr.veith Walter more then 4 years now and thx to him i truly became to believe again, i grow up katholik and left at the age of 23 because of the scandals and the hole cirkes, i study,d budisme, and also islam. Walter explained so wel in his series total unslaught so i became a true believer of christ.
    I dont know what catgory, i find this dificult with so many directions in one faith.
    I dont want to argue as your arguments are strong and from the bibel and there wil be no excuse but so far i never had a day of sabath (i come from the shipping industry and now tourisme)
    So far i thought as soon the sunday became a must i will rebel.
    I only found this verse at my defense
    John 5:17, NIV: "In his defense Jesus said to them, 'My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working. '" ... John 5:17,
    An other thing, i live as only christen in a muslim world, i already do my best finding answers to the arguments muslims make agains christen.
    It same very importent to hold the saterday as sabath but there are so many different point of vieuws that only a vieuw are 100% ready.
    Lets try to start this saterday to keep as sabath. I realy want to go home
    Forgive me lord for my shortcomings

    • @tiana4375
      @tiana4375 3 года назад +1

      Like how he gives accurate detail. God has been and still is working thru him

    • @darrylfisher8727
      @darrylfisher8727 3 года назад +1

      Thank you for sharing Evert! I will pray for you continually that the Lord may use you as a Beacon for the Muslims around you. Stay strong and stay safe!!

  • @fatalx916
    @fatalx916 3 года назад +11

    Watching this on the Lord's Day, the Sabbath! Thank you for giving us wisdom and insight!

    • @rlrett1
      @rlrett1 3 года назад

      The Lord's day is not the sabbath, it is a prophetic period of time!

  • @desmondjdurandt9542
    @desmondjdurandt9542 3 года назад +42

    As always waiting patiently for Walter and Martin for the next delivery of What's up Prof.

  • @TruthSeekerWarrior
    @TruthSeekerWarrior 3 года назад +7

    Happy Sabbath, Gentleman! I just found this so powerful today. I have been a SDA for 16 yrs & never heard such a powerful message re: the Sabbath. I'm definitely bookmarking this to share with others. To God be the glory for your ministry! May God continue to anoint you both to minister & preach the truth to all the nation's. I pray that I would be able to minister in such a powerful way🕊️

  • @elainefaria9550
    @elainefaria9550 3 года назад +1

    May the LORD continue to bless, inspire and guide you, brother Walter Veith, despite all the persecution of the Church against you. God has His true remnant people on earth!

  • @clinthubbardjr2213
    @clinthubbardjr2213 3 года назад +29

    How is there only 4.9k views? You two do incredible lectures! Thank you for everything you do for us and the Lord. 🙏🏻

    • @inasmit4510
      @inasmit4510 3 года назад

      I see 20k views

    • @richardhellesoe3251
      @richardhellesoe3251 3 года назад +1

      I hear you brother this is a super important message, it is sad how our sda conference don't present men of god like Walter veith, pastor bohr an many more to the world as these videos and sermons are so needed in times like these.

    • @mpratt8265
      @mpratt8265 3 года назад

      @@richardhellesoe3251 True. However, let us not leave the spreading of these videos for the conference, if we all share them continually to everyone we know, the truth will be spread. Happy Sabbath brother

  • @sanjaysathe7229
    @sanjaysathe7229 3 года назад +2

    Thank you Pr Veith and Bro Smith for this wonderful ministry. I learn a lot each time and it strengthens my faith. Praise God.

  • @mercyodongo2652
    @mercyodongo2652 3 года назад +20

    God bless everyone

  • @rhondaliles6565
    @rhondaliles6565 3 года назад +10

    Born and raised from a small Adventist church in MS. My grandmother taught and told me of what was to come from the earliest ages. We are so very blessed to have such teachers by Grace. Words can not express my gratitude for such a platform to get the Lord's message for the last calling. Jesus bless us and keep us, I pray, each and every one.

    • @InHisName999
      @InHisName999 3 года назад

      You are so blessed to have such a person in your life. I came to got God later in life and unfortunately after much pain and suffering.

  • @kobbydhoo959
    @kobbydhoo959 3 года назад +1

    What a delightful message from God to his servants, GOD bless you all pastor Walter and pastor Smith and viewers too

  • @monicarivero1069
    @monicarivero1069 3 года назад +7

    I never hesitate to answer to anyone when ask; what is your denomination? I very proudly say Seventh-day Adventist w/a BIG smile. This gives people the opportunity to ask questions & I am most eagerly excited to tell & to preach the 3 Angels Messages. I love it... Thank you Jesus for making me a part of the peculiar children of your kingdom. 👸

  • @dwblacky
    @dwblacky 3 года назад +8

    Thank you very much Brothers Walter and Martin, these videos have been a great blessing. I have revisited most if them at least 2x. The videos have helped bring about greater understanding of scripture and end time issues.
    Prayers and God Bless.

  • @davidgonzalez-herrera2980
    @davidgonzalez-herrera2980 3 года назад +16

    I love this. Thank you Martin Smith and Walter Veith

  • @violetsprings470
    @violetsprings470 3 года назад +30

    Hope Pastor Veith starts feeling better

    • @alhende7591
      @alhende7591 3 года назад +7

      I Hope So Too; And Really Soon.
      * Even When Not Feeling Physically Well, Pastor VEITH Comes Forward As A BRAVE SOLDIER
      In The ARMY OF THE LORD.

    • @katherinejustine1
      @katherinejustine1 3 года назад +1

      Is he sick?

    • @pattimears200
      @pattimears200 3 года назад +1

      Lisa Hooper prayers for Mr.Veith 🙏

    • @sandrag6575
      @sandrag6575 3 года назад

      Pastor Veith, praying for you, you sound tired. God bless you 🙏

  • @sukiwomotodaisuki8125
    @sukiwomotodaisuki8125 3 года назад +4

    I just want to thank both of you so very much for your ministry. God be praised and you Walter and Martin, remain faithful and continue teaching God's word. Hearts are being won.

  • @kathyjustus6091
    @kathyjustus6091 3 года назад +4

    Thank you both for teaching such truth! This is pastor appreciation month! But I want to say I appreciate both of you all of the months! May God bless us with his love and mercy...

  • @user-zw7mh6iv8p
    @user-zw7mh6iv8p 3 года назад +10

    Excellent and eye opening. So amazing to see the Bible come to life with my own eyes. We have waited for these times for generations. Very sobering. Thank you for the message.

  • @annaseoud5212
    @annaseoud5212 3 года назад +2

    Thank you to both of you. Walter you truely have been given much wisdom
    God bless your ministries you are reaching so many souls.
    All the way down here in Australia

  • @anitakrznaric2286
    @anitakrznaric2286 3 года назад +14

    Croatia is waiting. God bless Walter and Martin. 🙏

    • @ozeiassoliveira
      @ozeiassoliveira 3 года назад +2

      Impressive Bible study on the Sabbath!! It is profoundly incredible how Satan has managed to induce Christian leaders to hate God’s creation memorial. They became agents of the father of lie by disseminating distortion of the Bible so as to conceal their homage to the beast that has arisen out of the sea.

  • @kreativemom387
    @kreativemom387 3 года назад +1

    As I welcome the sabbath I patiently awaits the next episode of what's up prof blessings to everyone watching

  • @michellegibsonmusic
    @michellegibsonmusic 3 года назад +1

    I find how I keep the Sabbath reflects my relationship with the Lord throughout the week. I know if my relationship is good or lacking, it shows on the Sabbath really clearly like a spiritual yard stick.

  • @d-baysda9579
    @d-baysda9579 3 года назад +18

    though it's 1:02am im staying awake for this

  • @monicalongo2034
    @monicalongo2034 3 года назад +15

    This will be a very important and interesting topic, and I can not wait to see it!!!
    Glory be always to our Lord ALMIGHTY Jesus Christ❤🙏
    God bless you Martin Smith and Walter Veith for sharing and bringing to the light the true of the Holy Word of God❤🙏

  • @rotadomoni528
    @rotadomoni528 3 года назад +1

    Amazed me that some Sunday Keepers are calling Sunday Sabbath, actually Sabbath is Saturday not Sunday..It is clear that Sunday is the "First day of the week.'..The devil is trying to confused people changing Gods word..Thank you Sir Walter and Matin helping us to understand Gods word very clearly.My prayers that God will guide and protect you both so his message to go out to the whole world before Jesus returns.❤❤🙏🙏

  • @msladymack1960
    @msladymack1960 3 года назад +4

    Never ceases to bring sorrow as 22 people with downward thumbs reject ALL THE SCRIPTURE given in this video that supports the continued worship on 7th day Sabbath... choosing rather to go with the Tradition established by a manmade system...thus rejecting a LOVE of the truth found in GOD'S word.😭

  • @samuelmaina7402
    @samuelmaina7402 3 года назад +22

    Eagerly waiting ..God bless your sacrifice

  • @carolread4176
    @carolread4176 3 года назад +16

    Waiting with great anticipation.

  • @snapcracklepop3228
    @snapcracklepop3228 3 года назад +1

    You are Great in my eyes Prof and you also Martin. God Bless You Both. Maranatha

  • @estherbarnett-krause3494
    @estherbarnett-krause3494 3 года назад +3

    I kept to my promise of staying awake for the lot by God's grace good night

  • @engtootwo3405
    @engtootwo3405 3 года назад +12

    I'm also waiting. My brother and i had this discussion before, I know for sure that we will be blessed today

  • @jovaniaumutoni8836
    @jovaniaumutoni8836 3 года назад +3

    God bless you abundantly for your programs full of wisdom, and thank you for your invested time to prepare all these episodes, there is nothing else that pushes you to do it, instead is because of the love you have in you, wanting nobody to perish, and so presenting to everyone the real truth and so that they can come out of Babylon

  • @howiedeklerk2950
    @howiedeklerk2950 3 года назад +1

    Thank you very much for the presenters time with this video. God bless you. I previously was a Catholic and 3 years ago became Protestant, but we got baptized on 09.08.2020 and after that left that church, during November I started seeing videos of Hope through prophecy videos popping up, at first I ignored, but the one day I opened his anti christ video and this video brought about alot of questions as to the reason why we do not keep the Sabbath. This among other videos has taken my household in another direction...we are now attending sabbath assemblies at a local church...we must keep praying for one another.

    • @tracitalley
      @tracitalley 2 года назад

      Wow! God bless you and your family. 🙏 Prayers.

  • @bobbi2235
    @bobbi2235 3 года назад +1

    So clear to those who love and want to know the truth! 😔🙏

  • @anikac128
    @anikac128 3 года назад +5

    The excuses for willful disobedience are as numerous as the stars. Thus saith the Lord!

  • @rhondaliles6565
    @rhondaliles6565 3 года назад +9

    Waiting guys... Thanks so much in advance!

    • @stevebilliter
      @stevebilliter 3 года назад +1

      Rhonda--what's wrong with him? he seemed fine to me...

  • @dikisinger5585
    @dikisinger5585 3 года назад +1

    The many preachers that are teaching error will suffer for it IF they do not repent from teaching such errors. I find comfort knowing that if they DO NOT repent, their tongues will rot away inside of their heads whilst they are yet alive. "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord." I pray for all of these preachers of error that they in fact WAKE UP before it is too late for them. I also pray for the masses who believe every word and do not search the Scriptures for themselves. May God help us all. Time is short. Amen

  • @mariannevales448
    @mariannevales448 3 года назад +9

    I am waiting for the next topic. Thank you people of god .

  • @seraravasua4130
    @seraravasua4130 2 года назад +2

    Thank you both so much for another wonderful presentation...

  • @YvesMarioCordon
    @YvesMarioCordon 3 года назад +3

    Thanks Walter, i wish I had your gift of teaching. When I preached about the Israel of God 20 years ago, i was met with much resistance and painful stare.

  • @joedinofrio8189
    @joedinofrio8189 3 года назад +3

    Thanks guys for yet ANOTHER great episode..
    We love you, God protect, keep, and bless you!

  • @kellywigemyr1338
    @kellywigemyr1338 3 года назад +2

    God Bless you two! God is truly coming very soon!

  • @colprincess8579
    @colprincess8579 3 года назад +73

    So proud to be part of this SDA "cult."

    • @locootto661
      @locootto661 3 года назад +12

      Lol. Priceless.... God bless you my friend.... I cannot help but laugh when I hear that rebuttal every time I mention the Sabbath... It's like folks have forgotten that the jews accused Jesus Christ of the same thing and yet he still loves them, but their heart has become stone and the seed of truth cannot set foot in such a hostile environment.

    • @monicarivero1069
      @monicarivero1069 3 года назад +7

      Me too... And I never hesitate to answer to anyone when ask; what is your denomination? I very proudly say Seventh-day Adventist w/a BIG smile.

    • @Arcticswim
      @Arcticswim 3 года назад +2

      Isn't that the truth, with you on this one.

    • @janejanis9199
      @janejanis9199 3 года назад +1

      What day of the week was Yahushua (Jesus) cut off? A simple google search for "what day was Passover in 27 AD", will give you the answer. Prophecy also tells us He would be cut off in the middle of the week. Would that be the fourth day of the week AKA Wednesday?
      Yah is consistent; on the fourth day of creation He made the sun and moon. In the 4th millennium (albeit near the end ) His Son died according to Yahs' plan of redemption as Yahs' Passover Lamb at Passover which is always on the 14th day of the month of the Aviv (which is always on the forth day of the week) before sunset he was put in the tumb before the High Sabbath of Passover (which started at sundown on wednesday ) not the weekly sabbath. How is it that we cannot see that He is the Lord of the Sabbath not sunday.. How can we enter into his rest if he didn't rise from the dead on the day that He is Lord of? The sign of Jonah; three days and three nights in the heart of the earth fits perfectly with the spring feasts. I just realised that the High Sabbaths are very important... even Yahushua rested in the grave during Passover. and how about the first fruits of the first resurrections... so many shadow picture of good things to come in the Feasts of Yahovah

    • @Ben-vq2fp
      @Ben-vq2fp 3 года назад

      So glad to someone admitting that it’s a cult

  • @andydoria315
    @andydoria315 3 года назад +2

    Thank you, thank you so much for being loyal to God and persisting on telling the world the truth. I would be lost if the Holy Spirit hadn't directed me to you Ps Veith 🙏🙏🙏. Also could Martin one episode give his testimony please, I would love to hear it 🙏

  • @africanchild5719
    @africanchild5719 3 года назад +1

    "God rested and relaxed" WOW... Woe unto you that that add and subtract what's in the Bible

  • @vuyaki6366
    @vuyaki6366 3 года назад +1

    I almost cry at the end.

  • @clarizellequezon173
    @clarizellequezon173 3 года назад +1

    we Sabbath keepers doesn't have problem obeying God's Law, if we love Him, we keep His Commandments and statutes and ordinances gladly..thank you ADA prof Walter and Martin

  • @bridgettestokesconner9401
    @bridgettestokesconner9401 3 года назад +1

    Keep up the fight for Jesus and His commandments. Becareful! let man deceive you says the Lord. Read your Bible! Study it with the assembly of the saints, May the Lord richly bless Walter and Martin!

  • @CmoreTruth
    @CmoreTruth 3 года назад +1

    Phenomenal message here. I so look forward to these weekly messages. Thank you Walter and Martin. May God bless and keep you both. 🙏❤️

  • @peterdubois342
    @peterdubois342 3 года назад +2

    the devil has confused these people. this one thing I know is that God is still God and he never change

  • @sbsharon497
    @sbsharon497 3 года назад

    love from louisiana .... May our Heavenly Father bless each and all of you..Praying always in Jesus Christ name Amen Jesus our Lord is King

  • @prayerpower1585
    @prayerpower1585 3 года назад +18

    All your topics are on point, and happen to be related to current questions that I've had

    • @Danette1959
      @Danette1959 3 года назад

      Prayer power, hey how are you? Send me an email, or I'll send you one to catch up. Watch Pam Popper youtube for Oct 1, about real studies on masks. Really good info.

    • @prayerpower1585
      @prayerpower1585 3 года назад +1

      @@Danette1959 Thank you Sister Danette. Will send an email soon!

  • @desiatheron3881
    @desiatheron3881 3 года назад +1

    The Sabbath was established in the beginning. They reject the Sabbath but not the other shalt nots like murder, adultery, theft, etc. I love the 7th day Sabbath! Those 24 hours are such a blessed refreshing to me.

  • @Ben-vq2fp
    @Ben-vq2fp 3 года назад +7

    35 And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
    Matthew 22:35-40

  • @d-baysda9579
    @d-baysda9579 3 года назад +3

    Im planning to be awake for this one

  • @corinietariang3501
    @corinietariang3501 3 года назад

    God bless you as you keep sharing the truth of the hour which is what we needed most.

  • @Melmac101
    @Melmac101 3 года назад +1

    God is the same today as He was yesterday

  • @salomemarais1323
    @salomemarais1323 3 года назад

    Daar is verseker ń rede hoekom julle die waarheid nou aan die wêreld moet bring, ons leer so baie by julle met die eindtyd wat aan die kom is.
    Wonderlik Prof en Martin...... baie dankie, ek mis dit vir niks, en geniet dit ontsettend. Ek sê mos Prof : jy is die tweede Moses figuur waar ons Abba Vader nou in ons tyd....... ons het dit so nodig, blessing vir julle...... baie liefies

  • @cesarr5006
    @cesarr5006 3 года назад +1

    Very simple for those who LOVE GOD; THUS SAYS THE LORD!

  • @joaomarques5665
    @joaomarques5665 3 года назад +3

    God bless

  • @teiborp
    @teiborp 3 года назад +1

    Oh Lord, help me to stand faithful.

  • @sandramontague4053
    @sandramontague4053 3 года назад +5

    Waiting from Idyllwild California 💕
    Thank you

  • @jasonsardie8085
    @jasonsardie8085 3 года назад +1

    Absolutely brilliant as always.
    God bless Martin Smith and Walter Veith for such amazing and biblically accurate insights to such a critical end time topic.
    I love Kent Hovind and his Creation Science Evangelism ministry. He truly loves God, but I pray he sees the truth about the importance of keeping God's sABBAth day holy, and keeps HIS sanctified day more much more holy than all the others. Blessings and peace to all God's people.

  • @xamaycashearer3884
    @xamaycashearer3884 3 года назад +7

    Can’t wait!😊

  • @there4ewe
    @there4ewe 3 года назад

    Walter and Martin, Thank you both for your ministry. God has used you both as watchmen to sound the trumpet and warn His people to get ready for His soon coming. You both have been a great blessing to me and have encouraged me to dig deeper in God’s word. Thank you for the love you have for God and for loving humanity enough to sacrifice your time and effort. Walter, I have sensed the difference in your voice and I pray that God, in His tender mercies, will rejuvenate and restore health to you. There is nothing too hard for God to do; He is all-wise and omnipotent, and I pray that in His time, and according to His will and His wisdom, He will restore your strength and health. Wait on the LORD, and be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart. May Jeremiah 32:27 and Jeremiah 32:17 be a comfort and blessing to you. I am praying for you and your ministry. God bless you always.

  • @BenjaminCurry444
    @BenjaminCurry444 3 года назад +4

    looking forward to Shabbat evermore

  • @omachinancy
    @omachinancy 3 года назад +5

    You asked the question at the end, why would they not want to follow God's Word, regarding following the Sabbath. May I answer from my experience in the Protestant church? I believed everything my pastor told me from the pulpit. You heard each one of these pastors. They all had compelling arguments regarding the Sabbath keeping. Their congregations will not go home and challenge the sermon. They go home and say, that was a good message. These pastors are convinced they are right and Adventists are wrong. So that is what they preach, and everyone believes them. I know. I was one of them. Them God called me out! Yes, people ridicule me and it's not fun! But I know I'm following the holy commandments by keeping the Sabbath Holy. I hope this makes you understand them.

    • @marjoriecadanilla7546
      @marjoriecadanilla7546 3 года назад +1

      Nancy Omachi Amen,sister, you made the right choice to follow God.

  • @les1cady35
    @les1cady35 2 года назад +2

    the sabbath is the rest in which our spiritual father refreshes our spirit from the destroying works we did in the first six days...and i say destroying works because every "job" (just over budget) man has created destroys something of his creation...sabbath is our seal we are his and he heals and refreshes more that day than any other day of the week

  • @francisjanssen8013
    @francisjanssen8013 3 года назад +1

    Do you Walter just want to tell you I am busy with one of the studies on the sabbath and you brought it out so well and the study I’m doing is from the Seventh-day Adventists and by calling you people are on on target I love the Seventh-day Adventist contemplated to become one to at my old age but thank you so much for your inspiration your loving words one can see you really do you love God thank you for bringing that up an opening our eyes to the truth Francis New Zealand

  • @brotherjohn9110
    @brotherjohn9110 3 года назад +9

    We are now in year 5780 on the jewish calendar.It is now only 220 years until the 6000 years is upon us. Matthew 24-22 If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. Time is running out........praise be to God and keep your faith in Jesus.

    • @mamalovedlavender
      @mamalovedlavender 3 года назад +4

      Watch What's Up Prof #8. He talks about the 6000 years

    • @brotherjohn9110
      @brotherjohn9110 3 года назад

      @@mamalovedlavender thanks for the heads up.

  • @martinlohne5128
    @martinlohne5128 3 года назад +1

    My wife and I enjoyed watching this. I have some comments.
    Around 19:52 Walter asks the question referring to the Bible, “Does it say Sunday is the Lord’s day in Revelation?” The answer given is no. I will demonstrate that it depends on what “the Bible” you use and will demonstrate this from bibles that have been used in the Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (SSBSG).
    “It was Sunday and I was in the Spirit, praying. I heard a loud voice behind me, trumpet-clear and piercing:” Revelation 1:10 from The Message.
    “On the Lord’s day [probably a reference to the first day of the week, Sunday, when Christians met for worship] I was in the Spirit [or spirit; a state of deep spiritual communion with God], and I heard a loud voice behind me that sounded like a trumpet [trumpet blasts often precede a divine appearance or speech; Ex. 19:16, 19].” Revelation 1:10 from The [expanded] Bible (EXP).
    TM is used in the SSBSG for the fourth quarter of 2020. The EXP was used in the SSBSG for the third quarter of 2019. So, in answer to the question about whether “the Bible” says Sunday is the Lord’s day, I would say it depends on what “the Bible” you’re using.
    Around 28:15 a comment is made about Rick Warren of the Saddleback megachurch saying “a Sabbath” rather than “the Sabbath.” Walter says “The Bible says, “the Sabbath.” Walter is right, the real Protestant Bible, the King James Version (KJV) does say “the sabbath” but Rick Warren used at least three different “Bibles” in the clip that was shown; the Contemporary English Version (CEV), the Today’s English Version (TEV) and The Living Bible (TLB). Guess what, the CEV has been used in a SSBSG, the TEV is used for some of the readings in the Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal and TLB was used in Knowing Him Better and Steps to Jesus which were dumbed down versions of Steps to Christ. TLB says, “a day of Sabbath rest,” the TEV says, “a day of rest” and the CEV says “No one is to work on that day” in Exodus 20:10 where the real Bible says, “the sabbath.”
    But wait, how about Deuteronomy 5:14? TLB does say “the Sabbath” but the TEV says “a day of rest” and the CEV says “the seventh day of the week belongs to me.” Only TLB says “the Sabbath” in that verse but don’t let that fool you; it has plenty of other errors.
    Around 44:42 Colossians 2:16-17 is discussed. The KJV in that verse says “sabbath days” in reference to the various ceremonial sabbaths of the children of Israel whose descendants became known as the Jews. This passage shows, in the real Protestant Bible, that it was the ceremonial sabbaths that were abolished at the cross and not the seventh-day Sabbath. This verse from a fake bible like the CEV or the TEV can be used to show that the seventh day Sabbath has been abolished since the CEV and TEV say, “the Sabbath” which can only refer to the seventh-day Sabbath. You see, the translators of those version DID know the difference between “a Sabbath” and “the Sabbath.”
    Around 1:01:15 it is alleged that prominent ministers advocating Sunday worship are making up their own Scripture. I agree that they make up Scripture but they also use what isn’t really Scripture.

  • @marthaceciliahaque-garnica3864
    @marthaceciliahaque-garnica3864 3 года назад

    Incredible discussion regarding The biblical Sabbath...I pray to God to help us stay faithful to Him no mater what...there is no reason to be afraid as long as we are following our Creator and Redeemer Jesus Christ.

  • @debbielwilliamson8546
    @debbielwilliamson8546 3 года назад +1

    It troubles my mind and my heart that so many are being deceived by these teachers of false doctrine.
    In my own circle of family and friends these very falsehoods run deep in their belief of God.
    I have shared the books of Ellen G White and your lectures with them, nothing has changed their minds.
    The argument is always the same, how can all these Pastors be wrong.
    If it is possible, would you please share some advice that may help those of us that are sharing the truth.
    I appreciate you both so very much! This series has been a true blessing,
    My life has completely changed since I found the lecture series Total Onslaught. I watch a lecture each day from your various series.
    Thank you both, God Bless you and keep you always in His loving care.

  • @christinenelson911
    @christinenelson911 3 года назад +1

    thank u for telling the truth on the true sabbath, Saturday

  • @CharlesNwahiwe
    @CharlesNwahiwe 3 года назад

    Praise God for Bible truth.

  • @herminefostet-smith7571
    @herminefostet-smith7571 2 года назад +3

    God instituted the Sabbath from creation week, so it has to be spoken of because it comes every week. It is the last day of the week so it must not be forgotten!

  • @jacquesuwanyagasani346
    @jacquesuwanyagasani346 3 года назад +2

    Amen Amen !!!

  • @gloriaamaral339
    @gloriaamaral339 3 года назад +1

    Thank you , for preaching the truth to the world , about the sabbath [saturday].SO sad the devil blind the people.

  • @kimgurley6469
    @kimgurley6469 3 года назад +1

    I love and so look forward to these conversations/teachings

  • @HTLTDI74
    @HTLTDI74 3 года назад +32

    Always such timely subjects, this has been such a great series!
    John MacArthur : Jesus never broke the Ten Commandments.
    Also John MacArthur : Jesus broke the sabbath.
    Also apparently Jesus wanted to « bring down » the sabbath just to reinstate it (Isaiah 66:23). Whatever happened to Jesus Christ the SAME yesterday, and today, and forever?
    Where were the Christians meeting for worship?
    (Acts 9:1-2) « And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, And desired of him letters to Damascus to the SYNAGOGUES, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem. »

  • @debbycrowell303
    @debbycrowell303 3 года назад +1

    thank you! listening again gives me confidence
    in my understanding!
    even tho I see nothing wrong w/ Ellen's teachings!
    just like me I hold up my Strongs & Ungers books understanding given by God!
    I believe she did hear! I hear agree w/ her!
    but not put her up above Christ -the anointed Word
    but for helps like His spirit is Here! working preparing His Bride!
    -makes her self ready for Day star to appear in heart -bursts if not made like His!
    we know Him by knowing Word of God & keeping walking in
    showing His way as faithful servants doing as their master does!
    believing in Him as Son gets us to door of kingdom! as children, adopted!
    we still have to learn His Way & leave behind all false doctrine & put Word on throne!
    building His kingdom! proving all things! coming together in one mind -His -Word!
    One Spirit w/Ellen, & Apostles & prophets! believe the latter rain is coming
    -rain from clouds of Heaven! -saints given white robes are w/Him as seen on Mt.
    from Moses -water bearer to John the Baptist -Elias -hidden one!
    He rides them like a cloud- Truth flows thru air like water {of Word
    flows through our minds! understanding place -come up under His mind do His Will!
    in our earth as it is in Heaven -mind of God Word! He comes in our flesh made ready for Him!
    I am in agreement w/you!

  • @leraymond777
    @leraymond777 3 года назад +2

    Thank you so much for this video and all the work you put into it! Great message!

  • @pooky1474
    @pooky1474 3 года назад +2

    Funny when preachers that proclaim Sunday sabbath instead of Seventh day Sabbath in their sermons on youtube, they tend to turn off the comment section. Thank you for your teachings. God bless.

    • @josephstocks7495
      @josephstocks7495 3 года назад

      I've noticed that too. It's sad that they won't let those who would speak truth and rebuke there claims in the comments. They fear that their congregation may read it and be forever changed.

  • @michelleprice4745
    @michelleprice4745 3 года назад +5

    People try to argue the sabbath was changed but can provide NO scripture to support there claims! Jesus showed how the sabbath should be such as doing good but NEVER changed it and even he rested on the sabbath!

    • @Qty7777
      @Qty7777 3 года назад

      There's a warning of an attempted change in Daniel 7:25 "..would THINK to change times and laws...."
      Daniel warned of the little horn power that would grow out of Rome/fourth Beast/iron kingdom and on March 7th 321 AD Emperor Constantine attempted that change its were we get the saying: "when in Rome do as the Romans do", which later becomes "all the world wondered after the Beast"

  • @epilailai2835
    @epilailai2835 3 года назад +3

    So looking forward to this....

  • @Bunfire123
    @Bunfire123 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for this.

  • @retanorris3049
    @retanorris3049 3 года назад +33

    Saddleback... I feel nauseated. Literally, that s is why I got out of apostate church.

  • @benkaniaru239
    @benkaniaru239 3 года назад +1

    keep up the job. We are not far from home