This validates something for me, I am INFP and grew up having to suppress Fi, in a way I think we all end up doing it because society demands we are like more normal or something? In my case emotional abuse, so I grew up using Ti as a way to get through life, well survive it. anyway lol But Ti is its special kind of exhausting and I will throw my hands up and Fi because Ti makes me feel edgy like Im defending myself, it makes me feel far away, and excessive facts and details about stuff I dont care about just saps energy that I cant sustain. Iv become a creature that uses Ti heavily to make Fi something digestible to Ti people. If you are INFP you need to get strong Ti kung-fu it can be tedious and exhausting but if you make brevity your friend you can make the bull headed understand just aim to do it in a sprint and not a 5k marathon. I accidentally joined a INTP group and its been very enlightening even though sometimes I feel clumsy and pressured to be very EXACT about often ambiguous elements. But they dont mind getting wordy and that is liberating, most people dont have the attention span for you to elaborate and ramble like INFP tends to do and I am doing this moment trying to frame a concept :) Sorry.. ugh
It's so funny.. I am an INFP, and my best friend is an INTP. When we get in to a somewhat deeper conversation, and I try to explain my reasoning on a situation, or even just when I try to explain something I'm interested in, I can feel myself go in to that Ti mask mode. My friend always thinks that I'm getting aggravated with him, but really I'm just trying to stay ahead of my thoughts to be able to word it how I want to, and it drains me to no end xD.
I don't think you have to "try" to use Ti, think in the background it is systematically making sense of your value system. Why you value what you value, why you believe what you believe, and how it all makes sens. Ti, organizes your Fi. And I think for Ti doms, they spend so much time building up a system that they understand and trust that it becomes a strongly valued by them. Their Ti becomes of Fi importance to them.
I looove you! lol!!! Fellow INFP here and I see myself in you when talking/explaining things. I don't talk a lot mostly but sometimes people randomly brought up a subject that I'm into, I try to get them to understand it but I often get so carried away people think I've gone's happening all the time lol
As an INFP, I totally relate to what you've explained here. In cognitive functions the Ti is our demon, which means it's not that strong comparing to what you said in socionics. But for now it's much more clearer to me of how I use it and should use it. Thanks a lot for the precious explanation!
Leon, this vid has been so helpful as to understanding myself (INFP) I have a best friend who's an INTP and we've described each other as magnets that attract. I've always thought my Ti was stronger, or made more sense, felt more natural to use but I was confused as to why it was my 8th function in the stack. I thought it could have been because I spend so much time with a dominant Ti and I started to doubt MBTI as a system so this video restored my faith in it. Alternatively with INTPs as Ti is their dominant function, I think they use their Fi in ways, oblivious to them. I'll share a story... my INTP friend was having some issues in his relationship and felt emotionally blackmailed, because he kept saying he "needed" her when they had arguments. As soon as he told her the cold deductive truth (Ti coming), that he would be fine in a few months time if they broke up and he would move on and find somebody new... he went on to say "I'm only with you because I want to, not need to" it solved everything. I thought this was romantic stuff coming from an INTP and it was his weak Fe or "neediness" that was originally letting him down. I understand this is a very specific case and I could be wrong with so many of my cognitive assumptions... but i'm a budding MBTI enthusiast! Like you said at the end of the video; IxFPs use Ti to showcase their thoughts then fallback on Fi and in reverse INTPs seem to exude an Fi genuineness and fallback on their well developed systems of thought. Both are like puppies when using Te or Fe (look kind of dumb and cute when trying though)
+James Fish Oh I wanted to say it seems like a great idea to grow your Ti and give it time to develop, to mute the Fi for a while. I'm trying to do the same myself! things like dieting to preparing meals ahead of time and buying things in bulk and setting up systems to save me money. I find I can live in the moment too much and consciously planning and understanding how systems work can drag me out of my ever perceiving, gazing bubble to get stuff done and improve my quality of life.
+James Fish That is a great illustration of a use of Ti. I'm glad the video brought clarity, and thanks for the story I do notice the Fi in INTPs. It makes some of them look like teddy bears :)
A bit of a late reply, but I forgot to mention that I've been somewhat red-pilled since I took my MBTI test, so I might actually be INTP now, lol. Might be time for another test. Is it common for Fi's to change to Ti's?
Very interesting! Your method for strengthening your Role function is intriguing. I can see myself needing to apply something similar with Si, as an INFJ... for instance, when dealing with some kind of health issue, such as a mystery allergy, I tend to jump to conclusions about what the problem is, going on hunches and often throwing myself into some sort of half-baked plan to fix it (Ni), when I probably should just be spending much more time merely monitoring the sensations and taking notes before trying to discern what they mean.
I can see this working for me (INTP) quite well as well in that I'd present with Fi initially. Meeting new people is usually coupled with anxiety for me and an overwhelming urge to be friendly and considerate. Really though I'm waiting for them to say something of interest to me so I can go all "oh you into that too? here's everything I know about that. Kthxbai".
thank you for this video that makes a lot of sense because I have been told that I'm very logical but I know my logic isn't Te based it's more like having an inner logic that makes sense out of the world around me my extraverted thinking just comes out as me yelling at bad drivers haha
I'm glad to hear someone else say that INFP uses Ti. I feel it in myself way too much for it to be absent, or for it to be the eigth "demon" function. But I still feel like INFP describes me ever so slightly better than INTP or any other type.
I have witnessed myself do this a lot in school when I'm about to say something out loud in class, and it's like one moment I got my Ti mask on and after I've said what I've said, I'm like, "Wait...this isn't me, I'm Fi not Ti...." And I switch back. But it 99% of the time will appear in the middle of class when I want to say something.
Very interesting stuff. I was wondering when an INFP gets into Ti mode and tries to learn a Ti system (let's say studying for physics as an example), do all the other functions (Ni, Ne, Si) work for Ti or for Fi? I'm very curious to know if Ni and Ne still keep working for Fi although Fi it's shut off while using Ti. Because otherwise if they are working for Ti, Ne and Ni can be used to first gather a bunch of logical concepts and then the best one is picked by Ni all without having your own personal feelings attached to that. Maybe I still don't fully understand what is meant by shutting off Fi, but I would be quite curious to know.
As an infp I hate people who stereotype (which is what Te dominant people), so even though te is my fourth function I prefer ti. For example when people ask for my opinion my si and ne tells me there are many possibilities and I have to orgsnize my thoughts with ti and then after sharpening my thinking sword with to I will finally use te. Hence my philosophy is don't express your thoughts or opinions untill they are perfect and can not be destroyed. This philosophy is also rooted in my dominat FI becsue I get highly offended if people attack my ideas which is why I won't express my inner ideas to people who I don't trust.
+Type Tips There was once this tumblr post that went like, "PolR functions as ancient philosophers" or something, which examples of how the philosophers mucked up somewhere, but, for me the take-away message was more that there are philosophers (or artists, or other jobs etc.) of all 16 types and they all have something unique to tell us...
Interesting. I live in a very ST family that has no patience for Fi things and at some point I learned how to blend in to a point that I stopped getting criticized, yet respected for my ideas--Ti-like theorizing and intellectual discussion. And it's fun. Alone or with a fellow FP friend though and the story is very different.
Insightful. I'll try that "postpone the analysis for a sec" thing later, I think I might have previously caught myself stopping sort of conclusion forming processes by immediately clamping down on it with the Ti and Fe concerns. I don't think I'd want to be "ruled" by it (as annoying as Fe can be, at least in an inferior position), but, it would be super useful if I could just flip it on once in a while when I need to make an important decision, so I don't regret it later, like, even if ended up going against it, I'd at least like to be making that as a conscious choice rather than realize I've trapped myself in unhappyness afterwards... For me part of the barrier was, probably a sense of, what if it's a wrong conclusion? If you make a wrong logical conclusion, you need better info/methods, but a wrong ethical judgement? That could make you a bad person depending on how severe it is. Though one thing that I think helps is... approaching Fi output from a Te-ish mindset of, "this is a result; Now, accept it and keep working with it." Like I had this situation where I kinda thought/felt doind that thing would be the reasonable thing and also the fair thing/way-to-show-my-apreciation-thing, There was a point - but then, I looked into "why" and the reasons and some I hadn't been fully aware of (In additions to the reasons I'd considered before, I'd been reluctant because doing the thing could be relinquishing control), and after I thought that over I knew that I must do the thing (and also knew what measures to take as to how to make it more comfortable for me) and I did do it, even though there was that "unacceptable" in-betwen result. I think that "role function is actually more useful than inferior" thing surely applies to me - I can somewhat express myself in writing & gasp nuances of feelings there to an extent, but my face-to-face communication has been a source of embarassment... Also that "contrast with your extroverted counterparts" part. Like, I'd be a bit more hesitant with the trolling, or feel more dissonance hanging out with someone I dislike than your average ENTP. Though I'm also at position where I can admire that total openness of theirs, I certainly do recognize that... "tool-like" mentality ppl supposedly typically have toward their role functions, like "Evil must be opposed but this should be in accorance to what makes sense." I actually tend to score relatively high (well, high by INTP standards.) on Fi in cognitive functions tests, maybe I "practiced" it due to... dunno? Writing? Sad music? Working through sad experiences? Living with a mostly Fi-valuing family? Or perhaps those scores are artificially distorted upwards because I'm a 5w4 with a further 4 fi in my tritype, ennearam wise. ..So... interesting food for thought on the whole role function thing. It's also important to keep in mind when typing ppl or looking at the dynamics of how ppl present themselves, hat you see depending on how well you know them etc.
Hello! Thank you for your explanation and definitely gave a better perspective on Fi Ti I have a question, I have been tracking my personality traits and I've noticed that My IN is pretty solid and FP are in the 50s range and seem to jump around in the INxx. More so in the infp, intp, infj respectively. And when you were talking about the Ti Fi synchronicity, I felt that I was using both simultaneously during my times drawing, writing, and whilst playing music. I do feel that it does turn on and off at certain times. But could a possible explanation of this be something like me jumping from Ti/Fi in a continuous manner? Would love to hear your thoughts on it. Best
Good one. But you can not really Ti Fi people. It will meet shutdown sooner or later. Role function as I see it comes in when it is safe to use (or to repharse it: when you have control over it). And the unvalued role implies that the particular skills come with bit (reluctant) practice. As for me I don't see myself very capable of Se-ing on the spot by meeting others' demand of that function. Maybe it is getting bit better. I see my Se as the voice which tells me to hold on something... which is very sporadic in practice but the discipline over time can work within ON/OFF intervals.
hi leon. i have a question about feelers. i have tertiary fi and i find that sometimes i find that i really want to help others because it is the right thing to do. however, i noticed that my colleague who is infp would actually look away when someone asks for help, especially asking for money and such. i have a hunch that maybe he uses it a lot more and understands how it can make him vulnerable or how others can use it to deceive others. i however, cannot seem to spot this and i usually always give in and help. i also notice this in my mom, esfj and even my friend infj. they seem to be able to shut off others when someone is appealing to them emotionally. it is a bit ironic, but it's almost like the feeler has the capacity to distance themselves whereas i cannot tell the difference. i'm not sure if this makes any sense, but if it does, i think it is worth talking about.
+Long Ho Fi and Fe (secondary to INFJ dominant to ESFJ) are two very different functions. As for your colleague who looks away; I could assume that they've been a leaning post for a lot of people in the past and has discovered through experience that giving isn't always "good" and has become tired of it. I don't know the exact situation for whom was asking for money, but an INFP might have judged them based on the authenticity of their plight. If the INFP deduced that it wasn't going to do much "good" then that could be why they would look away. INFPs are very naturally apt at filtering the needs and desires of people but sometimes will not act on it. Doing is more of an Fe distinction. INFJs and ESFJs that use Fe on the other hand, want to create an equal system for everybody(thing?) in the world. They highly value equality, an example of this is my girlfriend whom's an INFJ and she can't help but feed stray cats when she see's them in need. As for me, an INFP (dominant Fi) I don't really feel the need to do such things, I think it's a lovely thing to do but I wouldn't think to do that myself, or get as much fulfilment as she does feeding them. Although, interestingly enough if the same stray cats came back for more food and tried to bond with me the next few days... I would get a deep sense of fulfilment as it would satisfy my Fi in the sense that I felt a special connection to these particular cats. My girlfriend would rather go to another ally and feed different cats, but I would rather stick to the cats that I've created a bond with. To answer your question...It could be to do with the fact that your Fi is tertiary and therefore underdeveloped a little, which could lend itself to having a blind spot with spotting the authenticity in peoples plights and hardships. It would help to know what type you are, if you're willing to share. :)
+Long Ho I just realised I misunderstood your question regarding your mom and friend, but on the flip-side to what I said... I've noticed my INFJ girlfriend can be very dismissive of others appealing to them emotionally too. It could be to do with the fact that Fi functions in a way that can place themselves in the individual persons shoes easier than a dominant Fe user can. By this i mean the Fe user might deduce that they shouldn't help this person due to the fact that they might think they would waste the money on something unknown to them, they are cautious of that, they would gladly feed someone if they had food however... Whereas Fi can operate in the sense that it concerns the individuals feelings and hardships first and therefore sympathise with the said persons hardships. Maybe I was wrong in asserting that your Fi is weak, it could be strong in the sense of perceiving the "feeling" of what others feel, therefore making you want to help people. Your INFP friend on the other hand just might not get any satisfaction from giving people money, he might not empathise due to various factors that don't fit in his system of authenticity.
+Long Ho It could be a mature response in feeling. Usually feeling types have kind of thought a lot about ethical dilemmas and responses to people's emotions or their own emotions, it is something they took the time to process. Therefore they figured out a way to act, and whether to act based on whatever ethics/emotions are happening. Tert and inferior feeling may have a fresher response to emotional/ethical dilemmas.
Type Tips that's interesting. i remember ejrandee say that entj's would selflessly do things for you. i saw this in my old boss, he was very tough, but he would just do things for us to set things up and always made sure things were clear. it's hard for him to decide whose right in a fight because he has to be very thoughtful and it's hard for him to pick one side from the next. he said his grand mother recognized this in him since he was a child. it's like he doesn't want to adversely affect an innocent person. i think it's a little interesting how te users utilize their weaker fi to operate in the world. some how i feel this is some what symmetric to some of the points in your video about the utilization of ti.
+Long Ho This is true! And Fi doms can act uncharacteristically harsh. ENTJs and ESTJs have this sort of soft spot somewhere. I definitely see in ENTJs this propensity to be really kind and nice, and kind of let you off the hook when you mess up. Then in a similar situation with an INFP, the INFP will suddenly come down hard on you.
Hello +Type Tips, Do you think you could make a video on how ESFP's can further deal with their low Ti and how they can perhaps increase its use? Also, maybe in the same video, can you propose a way for ESFP's to help INTJ's see the value of Fe? Get them to lighten up a bit? Especially in public.... They always try to make fun of people having a good time. ESFP here :P Thank you!
+Tristen Heatherly These are interesting topics. I need to figure out a way to present it. May I speak with you over video chat so we can have an exchange on it?
+Type Tips Sure thing. I'm on both Skype and Google hangouts, although I haven't used the latter all too much. Respond with a time that is good for you and I'll make it work.
Socionics is so Ti that even the people who create it can't get their Ti's too agree, how many different models (Ti definitions) are their now of the system? At least MBTI is smooth in a Te, universal agreement way. But I still like socionics all 8 function model better.
+Josh the Jaguar Hi Josh, Fi-doms don't have strong Ti, but they express it as a role function. Ti-doms would express Fi too, especially when you first meet them. They can seem considerate at first but a bit distant.
I use Ti alot and I'm INFP but I do like inner logical consistency
This validates something for me, I am INFP and grew up having to suppress Fi, in a way I think we all end up doing it because society demands we are like more normal or something? In my case emotional abuse, so I grew up using Ti as a way to get through life, well survive it. anyway lol But Ti is its special kind of exhausting and I will throw my hands up and Fi because Ti makes me feel edgy like Im defending myself, it makes me feel far away, and excessive facts and details about stuff I dont care about just saps energy that I cant sustain. Iv become a creature that uses Ti heavily to make Fi something digestible to Ti people. If you are INFP you need to get strong Ti kung-fu it can be tedious and exhausting but if you make brevity your friend you can make the bull headed understand just aim to do it in a sprint and not a 5k marathon. I accidentally joined a INTP group and its been very enlightening even though sometimes I feel clumsy and pressured to be very EXACT about often ambiguous elements. But they dont mind getting wordy and that is liberating, most people dont have the attention span for you to elaborate and ramble like INFP tends to do and I am doing this moment trying to frame a concept :) Sorry.. ugh
Thank you for this comment. I can relate to it on multiple levels and, even better, I learned from it!
It's so funny.. I am an INFP, and my best friend is an INTP. When we get in to a somewhat deeper conversation, and I try to explain my reasoning on a situation, or even just when I try to explain something I'm interested in, I can feel myself go in to that Ti mask mode. My friend always thinks that I'm getting aggravated with him, but really I'm just trying to stay ahead of my thoughts to be able to word it how I want to, and it drains me to no end xD.
+ViperousYoda yes, I relate!
I don't think you have to "try" to use Ti, think in the background it is systematically making sense of your value system. Why you value what you value, why you believe what you believe, and how it all makes sens. Ti, organizes your Fi. And I think for Ti doms, they spend so much time building up a system that they understand and trust that it becomes a strongly valued by them. Their Ti becomes of Fi importance to them.
Good explanation.
I looove you! lol!!! Fellow INFP here and I see myself in you when talking/explaining things. I don't talk a lot mostly but sometimes people randomly brought up a subject that I'm into, I try to get them to understand it but I often get so carried away people think I've gone's happening all the time lol
As an INFP, I totally relate to what you've explained here. In cognitive functions the Ti is our demon, which means it's not that strong comparing to what you said in socionics. But for now it's much more clearer to me of how I use it and should use it. Thanks a lot for the precious explanation!
+Fajer aljarallah thanks!
Leon, this vid has been so helpful as to understanding myself (INFP) I have a best friend who's an INTP and we've described each other as magnets that attract. I've always thought my Ti was stronger, or made more sense, felt more natural to use but I was confused as to why it was my 8th function in the stack. I thought it could have been because I spend so much time with a dominant Ti and I started to doubt MBTI as a system so this video restored my faith in it.
Alternatively with INTPs as Ti is their dominant function, I think they use their Fi in ways, oblivious to them. I'll share a story... my INTP friend was having some issues in his relationship and felt emotionally blackmailed, because he kept saying he "needed" her when they had arguments. As soon as he told her the cold deductive truth (Ti coming), that he would be fine in a few months time if they broke up and he would move on and find somebody new... he went on to say "I'm only with you because I want to, not need to" it solved everything. I thought this was romantic stuff coming from an INTP and it was his weak Fe or "neediness" that was originally letting him down. I understand this is a very specific case and I could be wrong with so many of my cognitive assumptions... but i'm a budding MBTI enthusiast!
Like you said at the end of the video; IxFPs use Ti to showcase their thoughts then fallback on Fi and in reverse INTPs seem to exude an Fi genuineness and fallback on their well developed systems of thought. Both are like puppies when using Te or Fe (look kind of dumb and cute when trying though)
+James Fish Oh I wanted to say it seems like a great idea to grow your Ti and give it time to develop, to mute the Fi for a while. I'm trying to do the same myself! things like dieting to preparing meals ahead of time and buying things in bulk and setting up systems to save me money. I find I can live in the moment too much and consciously planning and understanding how systems work can drag me out of my ever perceiving, gazing bubble to get stuff done and improve my quality of life.
+James Fish That is a great illustration of a use of Ti. I'm glad the video brought clarity, and thanks for the story I do notice the Fi in INTPs. It makes some of them look like teddy bears :)
I'm an INFP who's taking a University course that requires extensive use of my Ti function. This video gave me a bit of hope, thanks!
+Linus Fedora Tips I took a course in which everyone in it was an INTP except me haha
A bit of a late reply, but I forgot to mention that I've been somewhat red-pilled since I took my MBTI test, so I might actually be INTP now, lol. Might be time for another test. Is it common for Fi's to change to Ti's?
Very interesting! Your method for strengthening your Role function is intriguing. I can see myself needing to apply something similar with Si, as an INFJ... for instance, when dealing with some kind of health issue, such as a mystery allergy, I tend to jump to conclusions about what the problem is, going on hunches and often throwing myself into some sort of half-baked plan to fix it (Ni), when I probably should just be spending much more time merely monitoring the sensations and taking notes before trying to discern what they mean.
+Rose T. Dryad That's very interesting for you to share. I'd like to hear more about role Si!
I can see this working for me (INTP) quite well as well in that I'd present with Fi initially. Meeting new people is usually coupled with anxiety for me and an overwhelming urge to be friendly and considerate. Really though I'm waiting for them to say something of interest to me so I can go all "oh you into that too? here's everything I know about that. Kthxbai".
Makes sense, we try to hide ourselves in what is not us because we think that's what the world expects of us, until the real us comes out
You are seriously one of the best MBTI channels on youtube.
thank you for this video that makes a lot of sense because I have been told that I'm very logical but I know my logic isn't Te based it's more like having an inner logic that makes sense out of the world around me my extraverted thinking just comes out as me yelling at bad drivers haha
As always very interesting insights! 😄
+Sarah D Thanks Sarah!
I hope you're still doing cognitive function videos. I'm a relative newbie, and I learn well from you, fellow INFP. Thanks.
Thank you, Julie!
I'm glad to hear someone else say that INFP uses Ti. I feel it in myself way too much for it to be absent, or for it to be the eigth "demon" function. But I still feel like INFP describes me ever so slightly better than INTP or any other type.
I have witnessed myself do this a lot in school when I'm about to say something out loud in class, and it's like one moment I got my Ti mask on and after I've said what I've said, I'm like, "Wait...this isn't me, I'm Fi not Ti...." And I switch back. But it 99% of the time will appear in the middle of class when I want to say something.
+Golden heehee
Very interesting stuff. I was wondering when an INFP gets into Ti mode and tries to learn a Ti system (let's say studying for physics as an example), do all the other functions (Ni, Ne, Si) work for Ti or for Fi? I'm very curious to know if Ni and Ne still keep working for Fi although Fi it's shut off while using Ti. Because otherwise if they are working for Ti, Ne and Ni can be used to first gather a bunch of logical concepts and then the best one is picked by Ni all without having your own personal feelings attached to that. Maybe I still don't fully understand what is meant by shutting off Fi, but I would be quite curious to know.
As an infp I hate people who stereotype (which is what Te dominant people), so even though te is my fourth function I prefer ti. For example when people ask for my opinion my si and ne tells me there are many possibilities and I have to orgsnize my thoughts with ti and then after sharpening my thinking sword with to I will finally use te. Hence my philosophy is don't express your thoughts or opinions untill they are perfect and can not be destroyed. This philosophy is also rooted in my dominat FI becsue I get highly offended if people attack my ideas which is why I won't express my inner ideas to people who I don't trust.
All of this is interesting in light of the fact that Isabel Myers herself was an INFP.
+zmac There ya go, and there are a great many INFPs who create systems. Physicists too as argued by Cognitive Types.
+Type Tips There was once this tumblr post that went like, "PolR functions as ancient philosophers" or something, which examples of how the philosophers mucked up somewhere, but, for me the take-away message was more that there are philosophers (or artists, or other jobs etc.) of all 16 types and they all have something unique to tell us...
So true. I feel like when I first meet people I end up trying to use these big words to appear smart, so they don't think I'm a dumb person.
Simultaneously is the word you were looking for I think.
+Alexander Bassett Ah...thanks!
Interesting. I live in a very ST family that has no patience for Fi things and at some point I learned how to blend in to a point that I stopped getting criticized, yet respected for my ideas--Ti-like theorizing and intellectual discussion. And it's fun. Alone or with a fellow FP friend though and the story is very different.
Insightful. I'll try that "postpone the analysis for a sec" thing later, I think I might have previously caught myself stopping sort of conclusion forming processes by immediately clamping down on it with the Ti and Fe concerns.
I don't think I'd want to be "ruled" by it (as annoying as Fe can be, at least in an inferior position), but, it would be super useful if I could just flip it on once in a while when I need to make an important decision, so I don't regret it later, like, even if ended up going against it, I'd at least like to be making that as a conscious choice rather than realize I've trapped myself in unhappyness afterwards...
For me part of the barrier was, probably a sense of, what if it's a wrong conclusion? If you make a wrong logical conclusion, you need better info/methods, but a wrong ethical judgement? That could make you a bad person depending on how severe it is.
Though one thing that I think helps is... approaching Fi output from a Te-ish mindset of, "this is a result; Now, accept it and keep working with it."
Like I had this situation where I kinda thought/felt doind that thing would be the reasonable thing and also the fair thing/way-to-show-my-apreciation-thing,
There was a point - but then, I looked into "why" and the reasons and some I hadn't been fully aware of (In additions to the reasons I'd considered before, I'd been reluctant because doing the thing could be relinquishing control), and after I thought that over I knew that I must do the thing (and also knew what measures to take as to how to make it more comfortable for me) and I did do it, even though there was that "unacceptable" in-betwen result.
I think that "role function is actually more useful than inferior" thing surely applies to me - I can somewhat express myself in writing & gasp nuances of feelings there to an extent, but my face-to-face communication has been a source of embarassment...
Also that "contrast with your extroverted counterparts" part. Like, I'd be a bit more hesitant with the trolling, or feel more dissonance hanging out with someone I dislike than your average ENTP. Though I'm also at position where I can admire that total openness of theirs, I certainly do recognize that... "tool-like" mentality ppl supposedly typically have toward their role functions, like "Evil must be opposed but this should be in accorance to what makes sense."
I actually tend to score relatively high (well, high by INTP standards.) on Fi in cognitive functions tests, maybe I "practiced" it due to... dunno? Writing? Sad music? Working through sad experiences? Living with a mostly Fi-valuing family? Or perhaps those scores are artificially distorted upwards because I'm a 5w4 with a further 4 fi in my tritype, ennearam wise.
..So... interesting food for thought on the whole role function thing. It's also important to keep in mind when typing ppl or looking at the dynamics of how ppl present themselves, hat you see depending on how well you know them etc.
thank you, this is another excellent video. i do this!
+hypatia9 thanks!
Thank you for your explanation and definitely gave a better perspective on Fi Ti
I have a question,
I have been tracking my personality traits and I've noticed that My IN is pretty solid and FP are in the 50s range and seem to jump around in the INxx. More so in the infp, intp, infj respectively.
And when you were talking about the Ti Fi synchronicity, I felt that I was using both simultaneously during my times drawing, writing, and whilst playing music.
I do feel that it does turn on and off at certain times. But could a possible explanation of this be something like me jumping from Ti/Fi in a continuous manner?
Would love to hear your thoughts on it.
Well said man
AWESOME! Could you do one for the Se role, at some point?? ENxPs?? :D
+Beautiful Confusion You have a VERY nice avatar :D
+TeeTaan360 Well, thank-yuh! ^_^
+Beautiful Confusion I will, plan to be more active making videos, try to do something on each type!
You truly rock! :))
Good one. But you can not really Ti Fi people. It will meet shutdown sooner or later. Role function as I see it comes in when it is safe to use (or to repharse it: when you have control over it). And the unvalued role implies that the particular skills come with bit (reluctant) practice.
As for me I don't see myself very capable of Se-ing on the spot by meeting others' demand of that function. Maybe it is getting bit better. I see my Se as the voice which tells me to hold on something... which is very sporadic in practice but the discipline over time can work within ON/OFF intervals.
+Ano Nymos Thanks for sharing your experience. The role function is something I heard you can train like an athlete.
hi leon. i have a question about feelers. i have tertiary fi and i find that sometimes i find that i really want to help others because it is the right thing to do. however, i noticed that my colleague who is infp would actually look away when someone asks for help, especially asking for money and such. i have a hunch that maybe he uses it a lot more and understands how it can make him vulnerable or how others can use it to deceive others. i however, cannot seem to spot this and i usually always give in and help. i also notice this in my mom, esfj and even my friend infj. they seem to be able to shut off others when someone is appealing to them emotionally. it is a bit ironic, but it's almost like the feeler has the capacity to distance themselves whereas i cannot tell the difference. i'm not sure if this makes any sense, but if it does, i think it is worth talking about.
+Long Ho Fi and Fe (secondary to INFJ dominant to ESFJ) are two very different functions. As for your colleague who looks away; I could assume that they've been a leaning post for a lot of people in the past and has discovered through experience that giving isn't always "good" and has become tired of it. I don't know the exact situation for whom was asking for money, but an INFP might have judged them based on the authenticity of their plight. If the INFP deduced that it wasn't going to do much "good" then that could be why they would look away. INFPs are very naturally apt at filtering the needs and desires of people but sometimes will not act on it. Doing is more of an Fe distinction.
INFJs and ESFJs that use Fe on the other hand, want to create an equal system for everybody(thing?) in the world. They highly value equality, an example of this is my girlfriend whom's an INFJ and she can't help but feed stray cats when she see's them in need. As for me, an INFP (dominant Fi) I don't really feel the need to do such things, I think it's a lovely thing to do but I wouldn't think to do that myself, or get as much fulfilment as she does feeding them. Although, interestingly enough if the same stray cats came back for more food and tried to bond with me the next few days... I would get a deep sense of fulfilment as it would satisfy my Fi in the sense that I felt a special connection to these particular cats. My girlfriend would rather go to another ally and feed different cats, but I would rather stick to the cats that I've created a bond with.
To answer your question...It could be to do with the fact that your Fi is tertiary and therefore underdeveloped a little, which could lend itself to having a blind spot with spotting the authenticity in peoples plights and hardships. It would help to know what type you are, if you're willing to share. :)
+Long Ho I just realised I misunderstood your question regarding your mom and friend, but on the flip-side to what I said... I've noticed my INFJ girlfriend can be very dismissive of others appealing to them emotionally too. It could be to do with the fact that Fi functions in a way that can place themselves in the individual persons shoes easier than a dominant Fe user can. By this i mean the Fe user might deduce that they shouldn't help this person due to the fact that they might think they would waste the money on something unknown to them, they are cautious of that, they would gladly feed someone if they had food however...
Whereas Fi can operate in the sense that it concerns the individuals feelings and hardships first and therefore sympathise with the said persons hardships. Maybe I was wrong in asserting that your Fi is weak, it could be strong in the sense of perceiving the "feeling" of what others feel, therefore making you want to help people. Your INFP friend on the other hand just might not get any satisfaction from giving people money, he might not empathise due to various factors that don't fit in his system of authenticity.
+Long Ho It could be a mature response in feeling. Usually feeling types have kind of thought a lot about ethical dilemmas and responses to people's emotions or their own emotions, it is something they took the time to process. Therefore they figured out a way to act, and whether to act based on whatever ethics/emotions are happening. Tert and inferior feeling may have a fresher response to emotional/ethical dilemmas.
Type Tips that's interesting. i remember ejrandee say that entj's would selflessly do things for you. i saw this in my old boss, he was very tough, but he would just do things for us to set things up and always made sure things were clear. it's hard for him to decide whose right in a fight because he has to be very thoughtful and it's hard for him to pick one side from the next. he said his grand mother recognized this in him since he was a child. it's like he doesn't want to adversely affect an innocent person. i think it's a little interesting how te users utilize their weaker fi to operate in the world. some how i feel this is some what symmetric to some of the points in your video about the utilization of ti.
+Long Ho This is true! And Fi doms can act uncharacteristically harsh. ENTJs and ESTJs have this sort of soft spot somewhere. I definitely see in ENTJs this propensity to be really kind and nice, and kind of let you off the hook when you mess up. Then in a similar situation with an INFP, the INFP will suddenly come down hard on you.
I find myself going for Fi first but not being able to. Ti is the only other option I have for role. But it feels weird putting that mask on.
Dude, I are so good at this
One time i got ISTP one time i got INTJ but most times i get INTP what does this mean?
Hello +Type Tips,
Do you think you could make a video on how ESFP's can further deal with their low Ti and how they can perhaps increase its use? Also, maybe in the same video, can you propose a way for ESFP's to help INTJ's see the value of Fe? Get them to lighten up a bit? Especially in public.... They always try to make fun of people having a good time.
ESFP here :P Thank you!
+Tristen Heatherly These are interesting topics. I need to figure out a way to present it. May I speak with you over video chat so we can have an exchange on it?
+Type Tips Sure thing. I'm on both Skype and Google hangouts, although I haven't used the latter all too much. Respond with a time that is good for you and I'll make it work.
+Tristen Heatherly ok reach out to me at and we will discuss further!
Socionics is so Ti that even the people who create it can't get their Ti's too agree, how many different models (Ti definitions) are their now of the system? At least MBTI is smooth in a Te, universal agreement way. But I still like socionics all 8 function model better.
Hey leon!
Can you please tell me the difference between an INFP 4w5 and 5w4? I seem to score equal on both enneagrams! Im just not sure :)
+muslimahin wonderland I cannot really say! I am having difficulty deciding that for myself haha.
+Type Tips haha :)
If Fi-doms have strong Ti, then do Ti-doms have strong Fi?
+Josh the Jaguar Hi Josh, Fi-doms don't have strong Ti, but they express it as a role function. Ti-doms would express Fi too, especially when you first meet them. They can seem considerate at first but a bit distant.
Type Tips
Oh, I see. Makes sense how I can relate to both functions. Thank you for the response. :)
My archetype is ISFP and I like socionics!!! Loved your video :D