"Leaving the Klipot through Trickery" - Sha'ar HaGilgulim(Reincarnation) (Rav Chaim Vital's soul)

  • Опубликовано: 31 май 2024
  • Leaving The Klipot Through Trickery - The Gates of Reincarnation - Rabbi Chaim Vital - Chapter 38
    Know that whenever a soul is very great, it is not possible to remove it from the Klipot except through trickery and scheming, like what happened to me(Rabbi haim vital). The hitzonim had thought that I was already lost among them, God for bid, and they did not become suspicious when The Holy One, Blessed is He, took me from amongst them to be a Tzelem, Encompassing [Light] over HaRav Maggid Mishneh namely Vidal of Tolosa.
    They thought just the opposite, they thought that it would be to their benefit, but I ended up becoming their enemy [by strengthening HaRav Maggid Mishneh instead].
    You will see that many great souls are born to simpletons, and sometimes even to evil people, like [in the case of] Avraham [who was bom] to Terach.
    It wasn't sufficient [that he made and worshipped idols], but as Chazal say, and it is mentioned in the Zohar, that Terach angered His Master by being intimate with his wife during menstruation, from which [union] Avraham Avinu, was born.
    In this way God, may He be blessed, tricked the hitzonim, drawing into that drop of semen the soul of Avraham Avinu, without the
    hitzonim being aware that this was [part of] his rectification.
    This is the reason why Terach reincarnated into Job and was punished with boils, because he was intimate during menstruation and was inflicted with leprosy.
    It was also for this reason that Avraham was thrown [into the fiery fumace], in order to become "cleansed" [from the sin of his father] in the fiery fumace.
    Understand this Likewise David HaMelech, did not leave the hitzonim until the incident mentioned by our rabbis, on the verse, "With iniquity was formed" (Tehillim 51:7).
    Jesse the father of David, thought that he had been intimate with his concubine when it had actually been his wife.
    Like- wise, his wife had emitted a drop of blood at the end of the relations,
    and as the verse says, "in sin my mother conceived me"' (Tehillim 51:7).
    Had it not been this way the hitzonim would never have allowed him to leave.
    This is also the reason for Tamar [fooling Yehudah into intimacy], and Ruth and Boaz,
    And Rachav the prostitute [who later converted and married Yehoshua],
    and all the souls of converts. [This is why] all the kings from the House of David and Moshiach have come from Ruth the Moabite, and from Boaz who was a descendant of Peretz from] the relations of Yehudah with Tamar.
    Likewise Rebi Akiva was the son of converts, a descendant of Sisera.
    This is the trickery and scheming that The Holy One, Blessed is He, does with the Klipot to bring out a soul that is oppressed amongst them. Understand this well.

Комментарии • 5

  • @GilaDMD
    @GilaDMD 2 дня назад +1

    Your videos are PURE 🔥

  • @sholompraver4348
    @sholompraver4348 Месяц назад +1

    "Enough has been revealed for the wise to see." I wonder if your average person might be confused by relative terminology uswd here. For instance, tradition (TBShabboth; TBBaba Bathra 17a) states Yishai was one of four who did not die due to sin (but by atzath haNachash).

    • @GarmentofEsau
      @GarmentofEsau  Месяц назад +2

      That is because David HaMelech was conceived in his mother's sin. Not his Father's. All in the secret of "the Sin of Ima"
      "His mother said to him, “Let your curse be on me, my son; only obey my voice, and go"