Pure South African style Land based fishing! Crazy day Fishing from the beach! Best Surf Fishing!

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 68

  • @CoachCricXI
    @CoachCricXI Год назад +3

    Coffee ready, here we go💪💪

  • @joshuapercy2055
    @joshuapercy2055 Год назад +1

    Back at it again. Z.L.F. Woohoo yes please yeehooo

  • @daraleas-mm2ne
    @daraleas-mm2ne Год назад +4

    hi mate from Australian i love watching your show. its 4am now and I'm still watching.

  • @franksaunders6534
    @franksaunders6534 Год назад +3

    That was awesome, Xander! All about pushing the limits and showing what good gear, careful preparation, proper technique and local knowledge can produce.

  • @kresanreddy6809
    @kresanreddy6809 Год назад +1

    Please could u show us, how u set up a live bait bucket, the pumps and what what there please, would assist us.

  • @mump71
    @mump71 Год назад +1

    I just got my championship 8 I can't wait to see how it feels.

  • @erickdeklerk44
    @erickdeklerk44 Год назад +2

    Zander thank you for definately one of the best days of fishing I ever had. These Brozi’s is realy something special to fish for .

    • @zoolookfishing
      @zoolookfishing  Год назад +1

      Lekka man! Dit was n epic dag saam jou!🤙🏻

  • @kumarannaidoo2786
    @kumarannaidoo2786 Год назад +2

    Ahhh once again the MASTER does it again🏆

  • @vandir8106
    @vandir8106 Год назад +1

    Awesome merchandise! Good fishing

  • @khulaniellen3034
    @khulaniellen3034 Год назад +1

    Excellent fishing guy and helping information
    Please show me how you packed your trolly😢

  • @paulstemmet2626
    @paulstemmet2626 10 месяцев назад +1

    I’ve watched so many angling shows from overseas and seen them battling big fish and wondered how much bruising they received when they can use a simple bucket as we here and as most use in South Africa, maybe it’s because of the size of some of the fish caught here but we use it for all types of angling, it assists in handling the catch and protects the stomach and most importantly the other manly parts from bruising.

  • @BasicFishingNZ
    @BasicFishingNZ Год назад +1

    those bronzies r fun to target but sometimes very difficult haha finally landed a few b4 2022 ended and man they r strong especially the males

  • @derrickboscombe2385
    @derrickboscombe2385 Год назад +1

    Another great video Xander. Nice looking"Hoodie" and so will your other ZLF merchandise be bud. 👏🎣

  • @imtiyaazabrahams3461
    @imtiyaazabrahams3461 Год назад +1

    On what beach is this

  • @NattyKoolj
    @NattyKoolj Год назад

    On my way to South Africa in 27 days. I want some of this fishing

  • @brodymcaleese8585
    @brodymcaleese8585 Год назад +1

    Stunning fish

  • @federiconicolosi
    @federiconicolosi Год назад +4

    Hi mate, that’s a beautiful video as always and this is by far my favourite fishing technique. I practice it regularly in Italy, where I live, catching big duckbills, short-tail stingrays, big conger eels, groupers and other species, but… here they simply do not appreciate. I’m about to buy an Assassin rod, being the first one to carry this rods in Italy. South Africa is my dream, hoping to realize it sooner or later…. Keep it up!!😉😉

    • @zoolookfishing
      @zoolookfishing  Год назад +3

      Awesome! Mail me when you want to come and fish here. I do guided trips with anglers visiting S.A. 👌🏻

  • @sebaregueira2876
    @sebaregueira2876 10 месяцев назад

    In Argentina we fish the same specimens, it is a pleasure to learn from you

  • @ebenbotha8022
    @ebenbotha8022 Год назад +3

    Nice video bly darem ń lekker fight 💪🎣🎣

  • @portahouse7822
    @portahouse7822 Год назад +1

    You should come visit Aus mate, your surf fishing techniques would dominate at Yalata South Aus

  • @francoferreira918
    @francoferreira918 Год назад +1

    Is that Boggoms?

  • @devashennaidoo330
    @devashennaidoo330 Год назад +1

    When you came back from west Africa?

  • @lyleyoung6308
    @lyleyoung6308 Год назад +1

    Good fish.

  • @YashpalSingh-bo5fb
    @YashpalSingh-bo5fb Год назад +1

    Well done Xander, what an epic video once again, please come do a video in KZN soon brother :) Maybe during the Sardine Run this winter :)

  • @michaelellis7211
    @michaelellis7211 Год назад +2

    Oooh Yes op vanaand se to watch list👌

  • @donczns
    @donczns Год назад +2

    I have caught a few big bronzes over 100kg on mono over the years, don't you think the wire traces either just snap or have a kink that weakens them rather than the shark actually biting off the trace. Wire snaps pretty easy

    • @zoolookfishing
      @zoolookfishing  Год назад +2

      Yeah I tend to agree with you on that🤙🏻

  • @BeachBuoy
    @BeachBuoy Год назад +1

    Hey Zander.
    Truly amazing content.
    Please share your Rod reel Braid type?
    What style and size hooks were used what style and pound of wire was used.
    This looked so much fun.

  • @thegamingtigerftw9483
    @thegamingtigerftw9483 Год назад +2

  • @Clashofc1ans2024-l
    @Clashofc1ans2024-l Год назад +1

    Epic🎣as always

  • @nicpw_fishing
    @nicpw_fishing Год назад +1

    Love the Bronzie vids bra 🤟

  • @og_onetap
    @og_onetap Год назад

    Doesn't your gear get rust of the sea water getting into it or is it special gear

  • @kf8575
    @kf8575 Год назад

    About the biggest fish we catch from the shore here are Tope up to around 50lb, or stingrays up to around the same about 50lb.
    Would love to fish for sharks like these off of a beach like that. The beach looks great too

  • @bernieblignaut7517
    @bernieblignaut7517 Год назад +1

    Baie nice 👌

  • @annundavishyam8483
    @annundavishyam8483 Год назад

    🙏🏽💪🏻Catch and release sustainable fishing stay bless

  • @tiaanvisser8543
    @tiaanvisser8543 Год назад +1

    Mooi video Zander! WAARS DIE LENS LAPPIE?

    • @zoolookfishing
      @zoolookfishing  Год назад +1

      Thanks! Ja dit was so crazy, dan word daar vergeet om die lens skoon te maak😒

  • @TheSAOutdoorman
    @TheSAOutdoorman Год назад

    What is the gear u guys are using?

  • @bevanrosswillemse9654
    @bevanrosswillemse9654 Год назад +3

    What a day it was. Probably best day of my life 😂

    • @zoolookfishing
      @zoolookfishing  Год назад +1

      Shot bru, your fish and the rest of the chaos will be in next weeks vid…. Shot for all the help👌🏻🤙🏻

    • @zoolookfishing
      @zoolookfishing  Год назад +1

      And the brannas🍻

    • @bevanrosswillemse9654
      @bevanrosswillemse9654 Год назад +2

      Such a pleasure. You must not underestimate what you mean to the people that watch you. Crazy thing is, your the same awesome person even when the camera is off. While it was just another day of fishing for you, it is a memory that will go with me to the grave. Once again, thank you. If ever you would like a weekend with your family in Springer, the place is yours✌️

    • @pitch2209
      @pitch2209 Год назад +1

      @@bevanrosswillemse9654 not sure, but it looks like a Makaira paired with Saragosa 20k reel you are using? Are you enjoying that setup?

    • @zoolookfishing
      @zoolookfishing  Год назад +1

      Thanks bru! I appreciate the kind words! It means a lot to me. 🙌🏻🤘🏻

  • @eugenevanderwesthuizen3063
    @eugenevanderwesthuizen3063 Год назад +1

    Lekker Vid....awesome

  • @pitch2209
    @pitch2209 Год назад +1

    Awesome video, as always Zander!
    Would you say a 10k Saragosa will be sufficient to catch a fish like this, with maybe a 14k spool, or will you need a 20k? Will the 20k then be too big for edibles from the beach? What is the braid strength you used for this fish?

    • @zoolookfishing
      @zoolookfishing  Год назад +2

      It is possible to land a fish like this on a 10k with a 14k spool, but it is not ideal for the fish or the reel. It would take really long to land and be prepared to lose a lot of big sharks or to be stripped. A 20k is ideal and I would advise to rather use a 20k when targeting bronze whalers. In this video I used 100lb braid as mainline and 180lb braided leader.

    • @pitch2209
      @pitch2209 Год назад +1

      @@zoolookfishing thanks for the reply. So do you use the 20k size mainly for sharks? Or for edibles as well?

    • @zoolookfishing
      @zoolookfishing  Год назад +1

      Yes for big sharks and rays. The 20kg feels over powering for edibles.

    • @pitch2209
      @pitch2209 Год назад +1

      @@zoolookfishing Lekker!

  • @deanbotha9776
    @deanbotha9776 Год назад +1

    When is the best time to target raggies

    • @zoolookfishing
      @zoolookfishing  Год назад +1

      Depending on the area, from Struisbaai to north of P. E now is the best time. March and april

  • @ronniemulligan6127
    @ronniemulligan6127 Год назад +1

    What is a swim through

    • @zoolookfishing
      @zoolookfishing  Год назад +3

      It is when the shark swims into your line before he gets to the bait. He usually bites you off behind the leader

    • @ronniemulligan6127
      @ronniemulligan6127 Год назад +1

      Tks Xander

  • @FishinhSA
    @FishinhSA Год назад +2

    Watse katrolle dink jy moet ek kry

    • @zoolookfishing
      @zoolookfishing  Год назад +1

      Jy sal bietjie meer spesifiek moet wees oor wat jy wil teiken ens…

  • @jamilsima7516
    @jamilsima7516 6 месяцев назад


  • @stoepie1015
    @stoepie1015 Год назад

    Die lyk soos die strand net anderkant Danabaai.

  • @aidenwitbooi9080
    @aidenwitbooi9080 Год назад +1
