Rubicon Models

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • The Soviet T-34/85 tank hardly needs an introduction. However, few are aware that the famed work horse of the Red Army, continued to have a long service after the end of World War Two. One place where the legendary T-34 would see the most combat use post- World War Two, was in various conflicts in post-colonial Africa.
    In 1975 following the end of the Angolan War of Independence (1961-1974), when the former Portuguese colony of Angola became an independent nation. The three main rebel groups (MPLA, UNITA, and FNLA) which had all been fighting the Portuguese, but also on occasion one another. Failed to form a functional independent government. Marking the start of another bloody conflict, the Angolan Civil War (1975-2002).
    The left wing MPLA (Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola) based around the Angolan Capital of Luanda. Was officially recognized as the legitimate government of Angola by many Communist and African States. Began to receive military aid from Communist Cuba in its fight against the rival FNLA (Frente Nacional de Libertação de Angola) in the north of Angola. And UNITA (União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola) in the southern part of Angola.
    To complicate matters further, Apartheid South Africa in late 1975 sent forces across the border into Angola. With the goals of fighting the SWAPO (South-West Africa People’s Organization) rebel group in South West Africa (under South African rule). Along with supporting UNITA against the Cuban backed MPLA forces. Resulting in Cuban and MPLA forces fighting against Apartheid South African and UNITA forces, across southern Angola.
    To aid the MPLA, the Soviet Union and Cuba sent 125 to 200 T-34s to Angola. Resulting in the World War two vintage T-34 tank being used in combat between 1975 to early 1988, in Angola. However, the T-34/85 of the Cuban/ MPLA forces were no match for facing down modern armour like SADF Ratel-90 armoured car. Or from aerial attacks from the SAAF Mirage III fighter jets.
    By 1984 the obsolescence of the T-34 became apparent to the Cuban and MPLA forces. Resulting in the vast majority of Angolan T-34’s began to be replaced by T-54/T-55 tanks. However, the T-34 would still be used by the Cuban and Angolan forces in a limited amount until 1987/1988. With the signing of the 1988 New York Accords, which ended foreign involvement in Angola. Few T-34 tanks remained in Angolan Service by the start of the 1990s.
    As for the model it was an easy kit to make from Rubicon models. With the kit being painted in Vallejo Model Colours. I also made a railway crossing diorama for the completed model. With the 1/56 scale railway track being scratch built. Due to the fact no 1/56 scale track being available on the market when this model was made.

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