Editing with Daniel Radcliffe (from HBP DVD)

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 66

  • @ayllasousa
    @ayllasousa 13 лет назад +12

    How can Dan be soooo freaking adorable? He is so cute and kind to people and it just makes me more upsest to him and the others from the HP cast *-* they are like my platonic(because i love them so much, even though they dont know of my existence, butc i care about them a lot!) family. Love when Emma hugs Dan, so cute *-* shes my diva

  • @ChristiannaMoestue
    @ChristiannaMoestue 13 лет назад +8

    Daniel's unintentional Gryffindor tie is just amazing.

  • @TheNextIdinaMenzel
    @TheNextIdinaMenzel 13 лет назад +8

    daniel is just the cutest thing in the world.

  • @ginnyharryfan22
    @ginnyharryfan22 13 лет назад +6

    Emma doesn't know her own strength
    Well Dan does now ...

  • @ParanoidPopsticle
    @ParanoidPopsticle 14 лет назад +5

    Editor: 'You probably haven't seen that.'
    Dan: 'No. I was concussed, of course.'
    That just cracked me up....looool

  • @musicalsara
    @musicalsara 14 лет назад +6

    Emma hugs Dan. So adorable ;) And he laughs like crazy when she does. Omg! It's not like the first time they touch xD ! Love them

  • @cardsgal89
    @cardsgal89 15 лет назад +1

    lmao!! Dan almost forgot his lines with how hard she hit him! so adorable!

  • @MissPrynn
    @MissPrynn 13 лет назад +5

    Dan and Emma! awwwww.

  • @lovelycaitie89
    @lovelycaitie89 13 лет назад +6

    "You're laughing because you hit me so hard.." Hahahahahahahaha! I laugh every time I see this!

  • @Biebsrunawaylove
    @Biebsrunawaylove 13 лет назад +3

    Ohhh I love Dan:)

  • @eSKape1994
    @eSKape1994 13 лет назад +3

    they should realease EVERYTHING that is filmed with those cameras !

  • @RosellerDelaCruz
    @RosellerDelaCruz 14 лет назад +4

    that part where emma hits dan, ...Dan got lost, hahaha had a good laugh at that one LoL.....

  • @cancel21
    @cancel21 13 лет назад +2

    I really need this DVD because the hug was so cute. :))

  • @Clairski3
    @Clairski3 15 лет назад

    I love the chilled out conversation with Matt and Alfie. You rarely get to see them like this (outside formal interviews). Nice!

  • @TheRomione
    @TheRomione 14 лет назад +3

    They always hug each other!! How cute!!
    Why not hugging Rupert, Emma?
    Whatever, I think the relationship between the real Emma and Dan are more cutier then Rupert with Emma. Why............

  • @Grissha
    @Grissha 13 лет назад

    I'm pretty jealous of Mark Day for being able to work with this footage and retell this story. I hope he enjoys it as much as we fans to watch the final product~

  • @solitaryseeker
    @solitaryseeker 15 лет назад +1

    I love Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny in the HP world, but Emma and Dan would look really cute together in the real world. :D

  • @TheRomione
    @TheRomione 14 лет назад +2

    @7snowdog LOL, I know that she hit Daniel. I'm not stupid! xD
    But my question is just why she don't often hugs Rupert.
    I mean she only hugs him once time at NMA 2009. Once time.... xD lol

  • @DidiLennonJK
    @DidiLennonJK 13 лет назад +3

    "More material for you"....XD

  • @satinemalfoy
    @satinemalfoy 15 лет назад

    It was very fascinating to watch how an editior works.

  • @RosellerDelaCruz
    @RosellerDelaCruz 14 лет назад +1

    that part where emma hits dan, ...Dan got lost, hahaha had a good laugh at that one LoL..... dan flinched when she hit him....

  • @MDhanraj
    @MDhanraj 15 лет назад

    I pre-order my DVD a couple weeks ago and I am looking forward to seeing some more extra footage!

  • @TheRomione
    @TheRomione 14 лет назад

    @musicalsara Yep, she's in America. Way too far away from London. Okay, we'll wait. No probs! x

  • @ggirl20121
    @ggirl20121 14 лет назад

    That is so cool!

  • @theREALGinnyWeasley
    @theREALGinnyWeasley 15 лет назад +1

    Haha I love Dan..he makes me laugh so hard

  • @RadcliffeWatson
    @RadcliffeWatson 15 лет назад +3

    I adore the part when Emma hugs Dan sooo cute :D

  • @quibblcr
    @quibblcr 3 года назад +1


  • @TheRomione
    @TheRomione 14 лет назад

    @musicalsara Well, yeah. It happens. Okay, so I hope for you guys there are some love moments of D/E. But Emma is always busy!! And I think she didn't saw Daniel and Rupert for weeks or months. So yeah. Too bad. We'll see! x

  • @blahness013
    @blahness013 13 лет назад

    "Yeah that's right, we've been hanging about in this room for about ten years, and in that time..." HA haha, so nonchalant.

  • @musicalsara
    @musicalsara 14 лет назад +2

    @TheRomione Not trying to start with you, and i'm super late but of course she would say that. I mean saying hes ugly is gonna bring her bad publicity! She is told what to say in those types of interviews. So of course she isn't going to say 'He was ugly and a bad kisser,' Be real! Dan/Emma have much more chemistry, and thats why I think Harry/Hermione should be together. D/E have more moments than any cast member. I'm sorry but I think there is NO sexual tension between Rupert/Emma, nothing.

  • @3greenmonkey
    @3greenmonkey 13 лет назад +1

    lolXD Dan: I will go and produce more films for you!!!! XD

  • @7snowdog
    @7snowdog 14 лет назад

    @TheRomione I know, i was just kidding ;)
    Maybe to Emma Daniel is the friend for hugging and Rupert is the friend for joking with or something like that. Or maybe Rupert doesn't much like hugging. No idea.

  • @nightlyspell
    @nightlyspell 15 лет назад +1

    OMG that was so funny!! lol Poor Daniel... ^^

  • @TheRomione
    @TheRomione 14 лет назад

    @juve9188 Well, like I said, I was a true D/E shipper, through the PoA movie
    and the premiere when they were holding hands. My hope goes to D/E, but
    I realized after I read the 6th book, Rupert and Emma belongs together...
    NMA 2010? I think Emma missed Rupes a lot when he was not attending... lol

  • @iwantorlando05
    @iwantorlando05 15 лет назад

    I love these, but I kind of wanted to wait for the dvd to actually see them. But oh well.
    Alfie and Matt are so cute!! I love the part when Emma hits him. That sounded like it hurt! Dan was all discombobulated afterwards.

  • @musicalsara
    @musicalsara 14 лет назад

    @TheRomione Yea, I noticed over your comment that you were orginnaly a D/E shipper, would've stuck with that, but I am a true shipper, and will never change. We all have opinions right, but R/E is already happening in the movies/books, that doesn't mean its real life love.Something we didn't get to see is H/Hr actually happen, so it would be nice to have D/E. And I totally understand.

  • @NeedNotToKnow54
    @NeedNotToKnow54 14 лет назад +2

    aaaaaahhhh why do emma and dan have to be so cute together?!

  • @TheRomione
    @TheRomione 14 лет назад

    @7snowdog LOL, alright!! xD I knew it!
    Well, maybe you're right about this.
    Emma also told exactly how the friendship are between her and Daniel or Rupert.
    And it's more Daniel. With Rupert only for cheering her up for jokes. Absolutely right!
    Too bad...x

  • @musicalsara
    @musicalsara 14 лет назад

    @TheRomione Yea, she's in school so of course she's busy. We'll just have to wait till she's out. And yea, thanks.

  • @TheRomione
    @TheRomione 14 лет назад

    @juve9188 You're not giving it up! So do I, LOL
    Remember when Emma said this: "I think Rupert's gorgeuos, he is, he's very handsome, very handsome indeed." And she also said: "He's a great kisser."
    You really have to see her face, when she was talking about him.
    And some interviews of only them two. So cute.....

    • @simplystrawb
      @simplystrawb 7 лет назад

      But Emma said in an interview that she "genuinely likes Dan", and that she's gonna miss his hugs. And she also saw this magazine cover with Daniel on the front and she said she actually fancied him cause of that

  • @TheRomione
    @TheRomione 14 лет назад

    @musicalsara Yeah, like me. I'd love to see R/E as a couple. But I might think my hopes for them are gone now!! Like what happened with D/E. Yeah, you're true there are some H/Hr moments too. I still support that couple. But not that much I do with R/Hr. You understand? I won't have to fight with some D/E shippers, because I was one of them. But now not anymore. x

  • @musicalsara
    @musicalsara 14 лет назад

    @TheRomione Yes, we can wait. xD

  • @7snowdog
    @7snowdog 14 лет назад

    @TheRomione, I think it's because she hit Daniel, not Rupert.

  • @maarten765
    @maarten765 13 лет назад

    @doycohamco okay, which one do you recommend me? Avid Xpress DV or Avid Xpress Pro?

  • @maarten765
    @maarten765 13 лет назад

    What kind of program uses Mark Day for this film?

  • @musicalsara
    @musicalsara 14 лет назад

    @TheRomione Of course its their privacy, but I am just saying, that I would love for them to be a couple. It's important to me!My life is perfectly fine, thanks.
    Who knows if shes happy. We don't know their 'life' do we? I hope she is happy though. Anyways, you can't say D-E or R-E can't happen because Emma and George may break up..and she may get together with someone else.
    It's not only D/E I love, its H/Hr too. They aren't gonna be together, but they're gonna have a lot of special moments.

  • @tpong777
    @tpong777 13 лет назад

    gah! what happened to neville?! he looks so different!
    on a seperate note, awws at dan and emma hug :-D

  • @doycohamco
    @doycohamco 13 лет назад

    @maarten765 'cause I use the same thing. :) I was surprised when I found out that they use Avid as well!

  • @maarten765
    @maarten765 13 лет назад

    @doycohamco haha okay, I use Adobe Premiere Pro 5 now, an excellent program with lots of possibilities. But thanks for your anwer ;-)

  • @MokinaDC
    @MokinaDC 14 лет назад

    what he said 1:41?? i don't understand...:(

  • @maarten765
    @maarten765 13 лет назад

    @doycohamco How do you know? But thanks dude!

  • @taghreedamer2195
    @taghreedamer2195 7 лет назад

    she said daneil is a good kisser not Rupert!??

  • @Toini01
    @Toini01 12 лет назад +1

    Which program is mark day using ?

    • @philosyche
      @philosyche 5 лет назад +4

      It is Avid Media Composer. i'm only years late kin answering, by now you've probably edited in avid yourself.

  • @feelbad
    @feelbad 4 года назад

    all the comments from 8,9,10 years ago

  • @doycohamco
    @doycohamco 13 лет назад

    @maarten765 Give Avid a go as well. I think it's much user-friendly than Premiere and has lots possibilities too! :D

  • @danradrox19
    @danradrox19 14 лет назад

    @hogwartprefect I'm going to college for editing and film. I love it as of yet, don't bring me down!:(

  • @doycohamco
    @doycohamco 13 лет назад

    @maarten765 Start with Avid Media Composer first. :)

  • @TheRomione
    @TheRomione 14 лет назад

    @musicalsara Alright. And I won´t be rude to you, guys.
    But just stop it!!! It´s not so important. Just look at yourself and your life.
    Don´t look at their lives. They´re just human and famous too!
    They just deserve some privacy! And at least Emma is happy now with George Craig. So no D-E and R-E anymore.....

  • @doycohamco
    @doycohamco 13 лет назад

    @maarten765 Avid :)

  • @musicalsara
    @musicalsara 14 лет назад

    @betterthanbooks Please ! Dan/Emma are better, and so are Harry/Hermione!

  • @TheRomione
    @TheRomione 14 лет назад

    @juve9188 Yeah, true! And it's not so great to me. I mean I was
    a true D/E shipper, but now not anymore.
    And I don't think Daniel and Emma would end up together.
    Impossible! I'd like to see Rupert and Emma end up together....

  • @JM4EDR
    @JM4EDR 14 лет назад

    Daniel is sooo uncool, he's such a complete geek !!!